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Disinfecting Equipment

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Protecting and Promoting Your Health

Food Defense Mitigation

Strategies Database
* It is the responsibility of the owner, operator or agent in charge to choose the strategy
or combination of strategies that are most effective and appropriate for their facility. Some
strategies listed within the database are meant to be implemented in conjunction with
other strategies or in tandem with other food defense policies and procedures. Choosing and following strategies
within this database does not constitute compliance with any FDA laws, regulations, or guidance. For information
about food defense measures or policies that are recommended for an effective food defense environment please
see the category titled General Information.

Disinfecting Equipment
Accompany unauthorized persons (e.g., visitors, contractors, personnel) to restricted
Clean / sanitize equipment and components periodically (e.g., immediately prior to use,
after maintenance)
Clean / sanitize locations immediately around the step periodically (e.g., immediately prior
to use, after maintenance, when security devices are breached)
Conduct periodic checks of package integrity (e.g., upon receipt and prior to use),
including for products, ingredients, and processing aids
Maximize visibility of operations, equipment, and locations (e.g., install mirrors, light
adequately, keep area clear of visual obstructions)
Restrict access immediately around the step to authorized personnel
Restrict access to equipment and controls to authorized personnel
Restrict access to ingredients and products to authorized personnel
Restrict access to openings or access points (e.g., to bins, tanks, vats, ports/valves,
inspection points, system openings) to authorized personnel
Restrict operations to authorized personnel
Use Clean in Place (CIP) equipment and prescribed CIP procedures (e.g., pre-rinse,
wash, post-rinse, drain, and sanitize)
Use an alarm system to alert access breaches to location, equipment, controls, and
coverings for openings or access points (e.g., contact, motion, infrared)
Use an alarm system to detect suspect events (e.g., motion detection in restricted area
where personnel should not be present)
Use automated equipment (e.g., for dispensing, injection, incorporating, packing) to
restrict access to product
Use closed systems (e.g., in-line, self-contained, sealed) for operations
Use coverings to secure openings, access points and open systems/operations (e.g.,
shrouds, covers, lids, panels, seals) to restrict access to product
Use electronic access control system to restrict access to location and/or controls (e.g.,
cipher lock, swipe cards, biometric devices, RFID)
Use isolation or separation to secure items, operations, equipment (e.g., locate away from
other items and operations)
Use locks to secure location, equipment, and controls when not in use or unattended

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Disinfecting Equipment

(e.g., use tamper-proof containers, locks)

Use one-way valves, sample ports to restrict access to product
Use peer monitoring (e.g., buddy system) during operations
Use personnel (e.g., guards, supervisors, trusted employees) for visual observation
Use personnel identification (e.g., color coded uniforms, badges) to clearly identify
authorized personnel around restricted locations, equipment, controls, and operations
Use physical barriers to restrict access to location, operations, and equipment (e.g.,
locate in secure room, enclose with a fence, cage, gate, restricted-access ladders, wall,
or panel)
Use surveillance equipment (e.g., cameras) to increase observation
Use tamper-evident devices (e.g., seals, covers, locks) to secure openings, access
points, equipment and components
Use tamper-evident devices (e.g., seals, covers, locks) to secure packaging and storage
Visually inspect equipment, equipment components, and supplies prior to use

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