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3° Which of these linking expressions can be used at the beginning of a sentence, followed by a comma? Which cannot? also aswell as.wellas that besides furthermore in addition too a. Look at this Writing Part 4 exam task and answer the questions. 1. What isthe topic of the essay?-2._ Which two points must you discuss? In your English class you have been talking about the problems of 21st-century urban living Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of Cars should be banned from city centres. Notes Write about 1 noise and potion 2 transport 3 (your own idee) 1b Now read the model essay below, ignoring the gaps for now, and answer the questions. 1. Does the writer argue for or against the statement, or give arguments on both sides? 2 Inwhich paragraph does the writer discuss each of notes 1 and 27 3. Which other main point does the writer discuss, and where? 4 What is the writer's opinion and where is it stated? Fill in gaps 4-8 with suitable linking expressions. In most cases more than one answer is possible. In cities everywhere, there is growing concern about the effect of motor vehicles on the inhabitants’ quality of life. Some people want to prohibit cars from urban areas, and to a ‘great extent | agree. (9) svosann-, thse vohiclos poison tho air wth their exhaust fumes, contributing to the clouds of smog that hang over many cities, especially in sunny weather. (2)... the sounds of engines and car hams destroys the peace of our neighbourhoods, even at right. (oo , the huge amount of trafic nowadays makes cites less pleasant places to live. For instance, crossing busy roads often takes ages. (4)... +, they can be dangerous, especialy for children, and for old or disabled people, (5) On there are often alternatives to travelling by car, such as the tube, buses or trams. 7) . if there were no cars, far more people would cycle to work, or they ‘could walk there in the fresh air @ . urban arses without cars would be much better places to lve, As long as other means of transport are available, therefore, | believe our cities should become totally car free. Useful language: ordering points or reasons; adding information 41 Where would you use thes inking expressions? Put them under the corect headings Fai Fistofal, onal, Inconcuslon, Nest, Last, Lost outnet least, To sum up, Fai, hen Tobogi win, To conte, for the first point | for further points | for the last point sty 22 Some tinking expressions are used at the boginnng of sentence but some ar net. Cee the correct words in tals, 1 inthe ay there are more places o 90. lio / Too, the stay open late. \Wrking in 2 coal mines 2 har job. Furthermore As well ican be dangerous Taveling by train is more ralaxing than crving, Iti better forthe environment, besides to. ‘You have to find somewhere to pay. Ar well/ As wells that, you need o buy all the sports equipment. In winter, the rights are much longer. Too /n ation tsa lt colder then, [Making your own furniture an enjoyable habby. saves money. a8 wel/In addition, In these sentences waitten by First candidates, circle the correct alternative in italics. The boat trip along the river was cancelled because / because of the bad weather. We will have to consider joining another club unless / besides you make the improvements. | am enclosing a telephone card in case / if your mobile phone doesn't work in Italy. The visit should be longer 0/50 as to give people the chance to see the whole city. The dates of the exam need to change in order /in order that all students can take it. We had to move out of the city centre owing to / because the rise in prices. Even though / Even so we are irritated by commercials, they can give us useful information, We must replace the loudspeakers as long as// since the current ones aren't satisfactory. You can ask the teacher for help if/ in case you need further guidance. Although / In spite of the fact the accommodation is cheap, it is very comfortable.

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