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The Importance of Patriotism

Commented [A1]: BE SPECIFIC

to the Behavior of Millennials

Adan, Simon John Peter N.

Avillanoza, Felitra G.

Zuñiga, Ashley Joyce C.

SY: JULY 2019


Patriotism emphasize on our values, beliefs and how we express our emotions or love we
have for our country (Prabhat, 2018). In 1956, Rizal became one of the minor subjects in college
which became a law because of his love for his country, he fight with knowledge using a pen and
paper. Also, the flag is the country’s most cherished symbol which signifies our country’s freedom.
Philippine flag symbolizes patriotism, love for our country, and nationhood. It stands as instrument
of unity that binds Millennials together and sense of nationhood (Arevalo, 2012). This research
project will help Millennials revive their love and unity for their motherland. In addition, it
emphasizes our values and beliefs to grow as also our culture.

Problem Statement

Young people were taught to be self-independent and to only ponder on their well-being.
Movies and songs also stopped showing patriotism and partisanship and started making them
believe in fantasies, driving them apart from veracity. Youth tends to be blind about the process
of globalization in our country. Idolizing Korean-pop, adulting imported products and simulating
foreign fashions are the norms. The youth of today owe a debt to those of the past who sacrificed,
worked hard, and even died to build us a free nation. To keep faith with those who have gone
before and upon whose toil and sacrifice the nation was built, youth needs to show patriotism.
Through education reformation, globalization awareness and westernization regulation,
nationalism and patriotism will not be lost among Filipino youth.

1. Why is it important for millennials to be united by patriotism?

2. How patriotism effects the growth development of our nation?
3. What keeps Filipinos united?

The goal of this study is to help millennials strengthen their sense of patriotism to their
country. Millennials nowadays are apathetic to their own country instead they idolize other
countries. They show interest in learning other countries’ culture, tradition, language, etc. This
study will provide meaningful and deep understanding to our own country’s history. Also
enlighten Millennials to value and habits of integrity and accountability for their own nation.

Preliminary Literature Review

Licuana (2016) states that “Filipinos have a colonial mentality which is made up of two
dimensions: the first is lack of patriotism or an active awareness, appreciation, and love of the
Philippines; the second is an actual preference for foreign things. Filipino culture is characterized
by an openness to the out-put side --- adapting and incorporating the foreign elements into our
image of ourselves. And yet this image is not built around a deep core of the Philippines history
and language. The result is cultural vagueness or weakness that makes Filipinos extraordinary
susceptible to the wholesale acceptance of modern mass culture which often western. Thus, there
is preference for foreign fashion, entertainment, lifestyle, technology, and consumer items”.

Mulder (2012) states that “Under the rule of Marcos, school education apparently did not
succeed in instilling a sense of nationhood.” That is why in 1987, Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani
proposed to conduct her research into “The Weaknesses of the Character of the Filipino with a
view to strengthen the nation’s moral fibre.” which resulted on Building a People and Building a
Nation. Also concluded that Filipinos show a deficiency of patriotism and appreciation of their
own country and not in sympathy with their government. As a result, they proposed that schools
be tasked to spread such values”.

According to Grimwald (2015) He summed up questions which we need to ask ourselves

if we really want to find a way to save our country. He also states that, being a patriot is never easy
since then. Other people will not understand and will probably hate you for all your worth and
obviously, the most greatest fears of Filipinos are the Fear of Truth, in which of having fear on
accepting harsh realities, that is why he divided “Three major fears that patriots of today need to
overcome if they want to unify and strengthen this country into a strong and healthy community”.
The first one is the Fear of Responsibilty which Filipino’s irresponsibility that cause most of their
own problems is by their own carelessness. Second, the Fear of Reality is when they build
themselves into a comforting lies and unpleasant truths. And lastly, the Fear of Criticism. The
problem is that Filipinos wants to criticize others but doesn’t want to be judged.


This research employs a descriptive method since the researchers aim to describe and to
discuss patriotism which is a topic of modern concern of millennials. Informative relevant to the
study was gathered from various reference materials such as online sources and journal articles. In
addition, the researchers will conduct an interview to strengthen the finding of this study.

Licuanan, P. (August 2, 2016). A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, Building a Nation.
Retrieved June 24, 2019, from

Mulder, N. (2012). The Insufficiency of Filipino Nationhood. Retrieved June 24, 2019, from

Grimwald, (2015, Febuary 25). Patriotism in the Philippines and What it Faces. Retrieved July,
10, 2019, from

Prabhat, S. (2018). Difference Between Nationalism and Patriotism. Retrieved from

Arevalo, C. (2012). The Philippine: Symbol of our Sovereignty and Solidarity. Retrieved from Commented [A2]: indention

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