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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)

STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung



I Made Jatmiko,1Adenan Damiri,2 Hajjah Zulianti3

123STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung,,

Abstract: This research aimed to know the influence of Guided Reading towards
students’ reading ability. This technique helped the students working individually in
finishing their tasks. The objective of the research was to know the influence of
Guided Reading towards students’ reading ability. In this research the writer used
experimental method or known as descriptive quantitative research. The
population was 48 students in 2 classes. The sample was taken by using Total
Sampling Technique.The writer took all of the classes as the sample of research
namely experimental and control class. It consisted of 45 students, the other
students were absence. The main technique in measuring students’ reading ability
was multiple choice which consisted of 40 items test. In calculating the data, the
writer used t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, the writer got the result that
𝐻𝑎 was accepted. It was obtained that 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 4.45, 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 for α= 0.05 was 1.68 and for
α=0.01 was 2.42 (4.45 > 1.68 < 2.42). So, 𝐻𝑎 was accepted. It meant that there was
significant influence of Guided Reading towards students’ reading ability of the
eleventh grade of SMK Kesehatan Bhakti Nusantara Tulang Bawang in 2018/2019.

Keywords: Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Reading Ability.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Guided Reading

terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam membaca. Teknik ini membantu siswa bekerja
secara individu dalam menyelesaikan tugas mereka. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui pengaruh Guided Reading terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam
membaca. Di penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode eksperimen atau biasa
disebut dengan penelitian deskripsi kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 48
siswa dari 2 kelas. Sample penelitian si ambil dengan menggunakan Total Sampling
Technique. Penulis mengambil semua populasi sebagai sample penelitian yang
diberi nama kelas ekperimen dan kelas kontrol. Yaitu berjumlah 45 siswa, siswa
yang lainnya tidak hadir pada saat penelitian. Teknik utama untuk mengukur
kemampuan membaca siswa adalah pilihan ganda yang berjumlah 40 soal. Dalam
menghitung data penelitian, penulis menggunakan rumus t-test. Berdasarkan
analisis data, penulis mendapatkan hasil bahwa 𝐻𝑎 di terima. Di dapatkan t-test
4.45, t=table di α= 0.05 = 1.68 dan di α=0.01 = 2.42 (4.45 > 1.68 < 2.42). Sehingga
hasilnya 𝐻𝑎 diterima dan terdapat pengaruh penggunaan Guided Reading terhadap

kemampuan siswa dalam membaca di kelas sebelas SMK Kesehatan Bhakti
Nusantara Tulang Bawang tahun ajaran 2018/2019.
Kata Kunci: Arahan Membaca, Membaca Secara Individu, Kemampuan Membaca.

INTRODUCTION this strategy, the students have self-

Reading is a fluent process of confidence in finishing their task
readers combining information from a independently.
text and background knowledge to
Based on the preliminary reaseach
build meaning. Reading is not a simply
at SMK Kesehatan Bakti Nusantara
calling out the names of words, but it is
Tulang Bawang, the writer found that
a complex intellectual process to make
the students faced difficulties in
sense of the meanings of the words and
comprehending the text. This happened
the messages of the text. Besides that,
mainly because of many unfamiliar
reading is as the meaningful
words on the text. This problem leads
interpretation of printed or verbal
them to spend too much time in
symbol. It is a result of the interaction
opening dictionary in the aim of finding
between the perception of graphic
the meaning of the difficult words.
symbols representing the language and
the readers’ language skills, cognitive Based on the background of the
skills, and the knowledge of the world. problem above, the writer applied
Guided Reading to develop the
The various problems are found in
students’ reading skill. The writer
reading. The students are difficult to
assumed that it could help them to
find the exact meaning. They are still
generalize the ideas. Therefore, the
confused to know the content of a text
writer proposed a reasearch entitled:
and they only focused on finding the
“The Influence of Guided Reading
words meaning in a dictionary to
towards Students’ Reading Ability at
understand the content of the text.
the Eleventh Grade of SMK Kesehatan
They also faced difficulties in
Bhakti Nusantara Tulang Bawang in
recognizing vocabulary. Once they read
the text, the next day they will forget
the meaning of unfamiliar words they FRAME OF THEORY
have found. 1. Reading
Reading is an exercise dominated by
Finding the fact above, the writer
the eyes and the brain, it can be
found a way on how to make students
understood that the eye receive
are enjoy their reading classes and
messages and the brain then has to
enjoy their reading assignments. It was
work out the significance of these
done by using appropriate strategy
named Guided Reading. Guided
Reading strategy was one of strategy “Reading is a fluent process of readers
that can be used in teaching reading. It combining information from a text and
was a strategy that allows students to background knowledge to build
learn how to understand unfamiliar meaning”. (Linse, 2005: 69).
words or text. Guided Reading taught
them how to work individually in It means that reading is a complex
finishing a task. The teacher monitored interaction between the text and the
the activeness of the students in the reader. It is more than merely referring
classroom, then the students were to the activity of pronouncing the
asked to read the text given. Through printed material or following each line

I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

of written page. It involves various and 4. Intensive reading. (Grellet,

mixed activities. Reading is not to be a 1986:4).
passive activity but reading is an active
process in which readers relate From the fourth of reading types
information in the text to what they above, it can be concludes that the first
already know. and second types is about reading
quickly. It focuses on how we handle
From the theory above, the writer our eyes to read a reading text or
concludes that reading is an active passage. The purpose of both reading
cognitive process of interacting with types is to find out specific information
print and monitoring comprehension to quickly.
establish meaning.
The reader has specific purpose in
2. Purpose of Reading reading, it can be for finding main idea,
Reading is the process to understand a making inference, identifying words
text or a passage. The purpose of that connects one idea to another, or
reading is to catch idea or information identifying grammar on the text.
in paragraph text. The primary target in Intensive reading cometimes called
reading is comprehension: “Narrow Reading”. When it occurs,
1. Reading for detail facts content and grammatical structures
2. Reading for main ideas repeat themselves and students get
3. Reading for sequence or many opportunities to understand the
organization meaning fo the text. The success of
4. Reading for classify intensive reading on improving
5. Reading to evaluate students’ reading comprhension is
6. Reading to compare or contrast. based on the premise that the more
(Anderson, 2007: 99-100). familiar the reader is with the text,
either due to the subject matter of
Based on the points of reading having read other works by the same
purposes above, the writer concludes author, the more comprehension is
that reading has specific purpose. It promoted. (Grabe W: 2009:15).
means that each text has it is own 4. Teaching Reading
function. In learning process teacher should
be able to create a good situation to
3. Types of Reading attract students in knowledge transfer
Type of reading is treated as a process from teacher to students in
means to an end. It may include reading order to reach the goal of learning. In
simply for pleasure or reading teaching reading there are many ways
technical, scientific or professional to reach the goal that is suitable with
material. This later type of text more condition itself, it can make the
academic, may involve two specific students active in teaching and learning
type sof reading. They are scanning for process.
key details or skimming for essential
meaning. Which can be explained as “Teaching reading must teach
follow: about as follows; Identify pronominal
references, main ideas, what kind text
1. Skimming involve, topic, supporting details,
2. Scanning recognize writer’s intention, and
3. Extensive reading

I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

making inferences”. (Hughes, 2003: no effective learning without the

139). engagement of teacher and students in
the classroom. In other words, they
It means that the learners must be
should engage each other. The teacher
able to see the context in reading
gives instructions, then the students
passage. They should know what the follow it. Furthermore, the teacher
point written in the text. They should
should know what the students’ need
be taught by using suitable strategy, in
or on what level they are. By knowing
order to make them able in
it, the teacher will be easier to apply the
comprehending any kind of reading principles in teaching reading.
6. Component of Teaching Reading
From the theory above, the writer Component in teaching reading is
concludes that teaching reading is quite
the key or the reason why people can
hard. As we know that most of people read well.
are lazy to read. Especially in reading
book, because they prefer to read the “Meaning, learning, and pleasure are
passage online or by their smartphone. the ultimate components of learning to
read. reading comprehension is a multi
5. Principle of Teaching Reading component, highly complex process
A principle is a concept or value
that involves many interactions
that is guide for behavior or evaluation.
between readers and what they bring
It is such a rule that has to be or usually to the text (previous knowledge,
is to be followed, or can be desirably strategy use) as well as variables
followed, or it is an inevitable
related to the text itself (interest in text,
consequence of something, such as the
understanding of text types)”. (Harris
laws observed in nature of the way that
and Graham, 2007: 8).
system is constucted. In reading there It means that the component in
also have principle. It allows students
teaching reading is about constructing
to evaluate something and to be
the meaning in a text. To construct that
followed, in order to make good
meaning we should have previous
comprehension in a reading passage.
knowledge. Such as vocabulary and
Below six principles of teaching fluency.
Based on the explanation above,
1. Reading is not passive skill the writer concludes that before we
2. Students need to be engaged with apply much more strategies or
what they are reading purposes in teaching reading. We
3. Students should be encouraged to should know the main component of
respond to the content of a teaching reading. They are vocabulary
reading text and fluency. Vocabulary is an important
St respond towards the text. component of a literacy program
4. Prediction is a major of reading because the more words that a learner
5. Match the task to the topic knows and understand, the more that
6. Good teacher exploits reading text learner will comprehend when reading.
well. (Brown, 2001: 70). And if they have saved much
Based on these principles, the vocabularies in their memories, they
writer concludes that the principle is will be fluently in reading. The fluency
such a rules which should be followed follows automatically.
by both teacher and student. There is 7. Problem of Teaching Reading
I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

“To comprehend, readers must with some fluency. You choose

understand information they already selections that help students expand
process to filter, interpret, organize and their strategies.
reflect upon the incoming information
“Guided reading is a small group
from the page. Efficient interpretation
activity where the teacher helps
of the text involves a combination of
students to practice strategies to read a
word recognition skill, and linking new
text independently. Texts chosen for
information to prior knowledge. The
guided reading need to be at an
problems of teaching-learning reading
appropriate level that will provide the
is that the students are hard to locating
necessary supports and challenges for
the main idea, making connections,
the students as they read the text”.
questioning, inferring and predicting”.
(Heineiman, 2004: 50).
(Westwood, 2008: 31).
It means that Guided Reading is a
It means that to comprehend a
group activity in teaching-learning
reading text, the teacher should force
reading. It such a strategy to practice or
students to learn how to overcome
to enable students mastering reading
their own problem. Because there is no
skill. The passage must be appropriate
teacher’ problem in teaching. But once
to the students’ level, so that they
it becomes students’ problem, then it is
would not hard to learn it.
teacher’ problem too.
The purpose of Guided Reading
Based on the theories above, the writer
students can understand and enjoy the
concludes that the teacher should
story because it’s accessible to them
overcome students’ problems in
through their own strategies,
reading. Because problem can cause
supported by your introduction. They
anxiety. Many people will try to avoid,
focus on meaning but use problem-
ignore or procrastinate when dealing
solving strategies to figure out words
with difficult issues in their lives, it also
they don’t know, deal with difficult
happens to students’ problem in
sentence structure, and understand
learning reading. Unfortunately if the
concepts or ideas they have never
problems are avoiding, even those
before encountered in print. The
small problem can become a big
important of Guided Reading is it gives
problem over time. All of the teachers
students the chance to apply the
should know how to maintain all of the
strategies they already know to new
situation in teaching and learning
text. Teacher provide support, but the
process, because it is their
ultimate goal is independent reading.
Helpful teaching guided reading
8. Guided Reading
strategy for introducing a new story
Guided reading is an instructional aimed at facilitating independent first
approach that involves a teacher reading of the text are identified in this
working with a small group of students study. They include minimal teacher
who demonstrate similar reading talk, very few questions, expressive use
behaviors and can all read similar of face and voice, pauses for effect,
levels of texts. The text is easy enough encouragement to children to become
for students to read with your skillful active participants, and interactions
support. The text offers challenges and underpinned by momentum and
opportunities for problem solving, but energy.
is easy enough for students to read
I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

From the theories above, it can be the passing grade of reading subject in
concluded that in teaching and learning this school was 70. Students could not
reading. The teacher should make the reach the passing grade. Therefore, he
material suitable to the students’ level. was interested in carrying out the
The teacher can help the students research about this problem.
mastering reading by chosing
His research was administered at
appropriate strategy.
SMAN 2 Singingi Kuantan Singingi. The
9. Procedure of Guided Reading subject of the research was the second
year students of SMAN 2 Singingi
The procedures of teaching reading
Kunatan Singingi, and the object of this
descriptive text by using Guided research was the effect of using GRASP
Reading as follow:
(Guided Reading and Summarizing
1. The teacher selects a text that will Procedure) toward reading
be just right to support new comprehension. The design of this
learning for the group-at the research was quasi- experimental with
instructional level. non equivalent control group design.
2. The teacher introduces the text to The population of this research was all
scalfold the reading but leaves of the second year students. The total
some problem-solving for readers number of population was 140
to do. students. Because the number of
3. Students read the entire text softly population was large, the researcher
or silently. If students are reading used cluster sampling by taking two
orally, the teacher may interact classes only as sample, XI IPA 1
briefly to teach for , prompt, or consisted of 27 students as
reinforce strategic actions. experimental group, and XI IPA 2
4. The teacher invites students to consisted of 27 students as control
discuss the text, guiding the group, so the number of sample from
discussion and lifting the students’ two classes was 54 students. To analyze
comprehension. the data, the researcher adopted
5. The teacher makes explicit Independent sample T-test formula by
teaching points, grounded in the using SPSS.
text, and directed toward
After analyzing the data, the
expanding the students’ systems of
researcher found that there is
strategic actions. significant effect of using GRASP
6. The teacher provides explicit (Guided Reading and Summarizing
teaching to help students become
Procedure) toward Reading
flexible and efficient in solving
Comprehension of the second Year
words. (Fountas & Pinnell, 2012: students at SMAN 2 Singingi Kuantang
2). Singingi, where tobserved shows 5.434 at
significant level of 5%, ttable shows 2.00,
10. Review of Previous Study
and at level of 1%, ttable shows 2.65.
The first study did by Syauqi in Thus, Null Hypothesis (Ho) is Rejected,
2014. He conducted a research entitled and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is
“The Effect of Using Grasp (Guided
Accepted, which shows
Reading And Summarizing Procedure) 2.01<5.434>2.68.
Toward Reading Comprehension of
Second Year Students at SMAN 2 The second study did by
Singingi Kuantan Singingi”. In this case, Richardson (2010). His journal is

I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

officially published on 2010 by Fisher Reading may refresh the students’

Digital Publications entitled “ Guided reading routine texts and shows any
Reading Strategy for Reading revision. It motivates students to study
Comprehension”. He was studied at St. especially reading comprehension. In
John Fisher College. In his journal, there this technique the students try to find
is simple explanation about the result. solution of their text. It may do in
He only explain the main case of result. group, so it creates cooperation and
It was written simply. competitive situation in the class.
The method used in this study Guided reading gave the students the
included pre-reading strategies, during chance to apply the strategies they
reading, and post-reading specifically already know to new text. The teacher
modified to improve comprehension. provide support, but the ultimate goal
Over the Course of eleven weeks was independent reading. Then the
multiple lessons and activities were writer concluded that teaching reading
tailored and implemented to fits the by using Guided Reading will give
needs of a struggling reader, pre- positive effect on the students’ reading
reading strategies were found to have achievement.
the greatest impact on comprehension.
Therefore, the writer proposed a study In conducting the research, the
entitled “The Influence of Guided writer used a quasi experimental
Reading towards Students’ Reading design. The classes was taken in
Ability at the Eleventh Grade of SMK experimental class by using Guided
Kesehatan Bhakti Nusantara Tulang Reading in teaching reading. In control
Bawang in 2018/2019”. class the writer applied direct
instruction to know whether there was
11. Frame of Thinking an influence of using Guided Reading
Most of students have many towards students’ reading ability.
problems in reading book or passage.
One of them is to find main idea of the There were two classes in
text they read. They can read the words population consisted of 48 students. In
well but they cannot get the main idea. this research, the writer took two
That is why sometimes they feel sleepy classes as the sample of the research.
in class because they get no any One class as the experimental class and
comprehension about the text they one as the control class. The writer
read. At the end, they cannot answer taught reading through Guided Reading
the questions based on the text. This in experimental class and applied direct
problem occurs because the teacher instruction in control class. The sample
only asks the students to read the text of this research were on XI F and XI P.
and answer all the questions without The writer took all of the population as
giving any explanation that help the the sample of research, because the
students in comprehending the text classes were homogenenous.
In collecting the data of students’
Guided Reading is effective for reading ability, the writer used reading
teaching reading, because by using test. The kind of the test was multiple
Guided Reading, the students learn to choice which consisted of 40 items. In
think actively, they not only understand counting the result of research, the
but also they are able to demonstrate writer used t-test formula.
the meaning of the readings. Guided
I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

Content Validity
In this research the writer applied  2
Oi  Ei2
the material based on the syllabus of i 1 Ei
SMK Kesehatan Bhakti Nusantara
Tulang Bawang at the eleventh grade Homogenity Test
and suitable to the guided reading It was used to know whether the data
strategy. were homogeneous or not. The formula
of homogeneity test as follow:
Construct Validity
The items test constructed based on the (𝑡ℎ𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)
material was given in classroom 𝐹=
namely reading test. The test was
multiple choice test form and there The criteria H0 is accepted if 𝐹 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 <
were 40 questions related to the 𝐹 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 ½  (1.2).
reading indicators; main idea,
supporting idea, reference, inference Hypothesis Test
and vocabulary. It was used to prove the hypothesis
proposes by the writer whether they
Reliability Test were accepted or not. By using t-test
In analyzing reliability test, the writer formula:
used Product Moment Formula: X  X2
t test  1
1 1
𝑟𝑥𝑦= 𝑁 ∑ 𝑥𝑦−(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
S 
n1 n 2
√{𝑁 ∑ 𝑥2 −(∑ 𝑥)2 }−{𝑁 ∑ 𝑦2 −(∑ 𝑦)2 }

The result by using product
moment formula above was included n1  1S12  n2  1S 22
S2 
into Spearman Brown formula. The n1  n 2  2
writer got 𝑟11 = 0.93. The instrument
was reliable if 𝑟11 > 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . Then the Equality Test of Two Average
writer got 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = 0.4438. The criteria is accepted if
at the
The writer did tryout test at the significance level 5% and 1%.(Sudjana,
eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung 2006: 328).
.Based on the result above, it was found
that reading tyout test was very high Different Test of Two Average
reliability, it was 0.93. Since 𝑟11 > 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 , The criteria is accepted if
(0.93 > 0.4438). Therefore, the test can at the
be used to measure the students’ significance level 5% and 1%. (Sudjana,
reading ability at SMKs Bhakti 2006: 328).
Nusantara Tulang Bawang XI.F and XI.P
1. Report of Experimental Class
Data Normality Test
It was used to know whether the data Descriptive analysis of the data of
has normal distribution or not. To get the students who are taught using
the data of the normality of test, the Guided Reading shows that the score is
writer used formula: 50 up to 85, the mean is 68.83, and the
standard deviation is 8.50. Then the
frequency distribution and
I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

histogram/polygon can be seen in the of expected frequency of experimental

table 8 figure 1. The following is how to class can be seen in appendix. To make
get the frequency distribution the it clearer the summary is presented on
normality data of experimental class. diagram histogram and polygon below:

The writer used test on 8

experimental class in order to see the
students’ achievement in reading
ability. After presenting whole 4
materials using Guided Reading on
experimental class and gave the test. 2
The writer got the result that the 0
highest score was 85 and the lowest 49.5 56.5 63.5 70.5 77.5
score is 55 with (n) = 23 students.
Obtained the result:
From the diagram above, it can be seen
Σ𝐹𝑖 = 23 that there were 2 students around
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 = 1583 score 49.5, there were 4 students
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 2 = 110541 around the score 56.5, there were 7
students around score 70.5, and there
The average score: were 4 students around score 77.5.
Each scores have an improvement.
Σ𝐹𝑖 . 𝑋𝑖
𝑥̅𝑖 = 2. Result of Control Class
Σ𝐹𝑖 Descriptive analysis of the data of
1583 the students who are taught using
𝑥̅𝑖 =
23 Direct Instruction shows that the score
𝑥̅𝑖 = 68.83 is 42.5 up to 70, the mean is 58.68, and
the standard deviation is 6.56. Then the
With standard deviation √72.24 = 8.50. frequency distribution and
histogram/polygon can be seen in the
Then it counted into chi-square table 12 figure 2.
The writer used test on control
(𝑂𝑖 − 𝐸𝑖 )2 class in order to see the students’
𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 =∑
𝐸𝑖 achievement in reading ability. After
presenting whole materials using direct
𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 0.24 + 0.03 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.54 instruction on control class and gave
the test. The writer got the result that
From the result of x-ratio it was the highest score was 70 and the lowest
obtained at significance level of 0.05 score was 42.5 with (n) = 22 students.
and also 0.01 that 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < 𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = Obtained the result:
0.83 < 5.99 < 9.21. Since 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < Σ𝐹𝑖 = 22
𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 therefore, the criterion was Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 = 1291
Σ𝐹𝑖 𝑋𝑖 2 = 76661.5
accepted. It means that the data have
normal distribution.
The average score:
The result of computation of
distribution and list of the distribution

I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

Σ𝐹𝑖 . 𝑋𝑖 were 5 students around the score 59.5,

𝑥̅𝑖 =
Σ𝐹𝑖 and there were 4 students around the
1291 score 65.5. Each scores have an
𝑥̅𝑖 = improvement, but not better than the
𝑥̅𝑖 = 58.68 students’ score in experimental class.

With standard deviation √43.01= 6.56. 3. The Homogenity Test

From the result of homogenity test by
Then it counted into chi-square comparing to the f-table (by looking at I
formula: table). It was obtained Fratio was 1.68.
Ftable at significant level of 0.05 was
(𝑂𝑖 − 𝐸𝑖 )2 2.07 and 0.01 was 2.83. Since Fratio <
𝜒 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜
𝐸𝑖 Ftable, therefore Ho was accepted (1.68 <
2.07 < 2.83). It means that the variance
𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 0.02 + 0.15 + 0.34 + 0.39 + 0.60 of the data in experimental class and
control class are homogeneous.
From the result of x-ratio it was
obtained at significance level of 0.05 4. The Hypothesis Test
and also 0.01 that 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < 𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 = In calculating the end of result, the
1.50 < 5.99 < 9.21. Since 𝜒 2 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 < writer used t-test formula:
𝜒 2 𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 therefore, the criterion was 𝑋̅1 −𝑋̅2
accepted. It means that the data have 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 = 1 1
𝑆√ +
normal distribution. 𝑛1 𝑛2

The result of computation of (𝑛1 − 1)𝑆12 + (𝑛2 − 1)𝑆22
distribution and list of the distribution 𝑆 =
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2
of expected frequency of control class
can be seen in appendix. To make it
clearer the summary is presented on It was obtained 𝑆 2 = √57.96 = 7.61.
the diagram of histogram and polygon And t-test = 4.45.
as follow:
5. Equality Test of Two Averages
10 To know the equality test of two averages,
the writer consulted t-test with t-table (by
looking at G table). It was got ttest 4.45 >
6 1.68 < 2.42. Criterion Ha accepted if ttest
> ttable .Therefore, Ha was accepted, it
means that there was an influence of
2 guided reading towards students’
reading ability at the eleventh grade of
41.5 47.5 53.5 59.5 65.5
SMKs Bakti Nusantara Tulang Bawang
in 2018/2019.

Based on the diagram above, we could 6. Difference Test of Two Averages

see that there was 1 students around To know the equality test of two averages,
the score 41.5, there were 3 students the writer consulted t-test with t-table (by
around the score 47.5, there were 9 looking at G table). It was obtained ttest
students around the score 53.5, there was higher than ttable 4.45 > 2.02 < 2.70.

I Made Jatmiko, Adenan Damiri, Hajjah Zulianti.

Therefore, Ha was accepted. It means necessary supports and challenges for

that the average score of students’ the students as they read the text. It is
reading ability which was taught clear that Guided Reading could help
through guided reading higher than the students to practice their reading
which was taught through direct more fluent and this strategy taught
instruction at eleventh grade of SMKs them how to work individually. Work
Bakti Nusantara Tulang Bawang in individually is important because in the
2018/2019. end we could not ask for help to
anyone. We would end up thinking by
7. Discussion ourselves in any situation includes in
Based on the data analysis by using learning. Therefore, there is a must for
t-test and testing of hypothesis. The us to learn how to work individually
writer got the result that Ha was and this strategy is recommended for
accepted. It showed by ttest was higher learners.
than ttable with significance level 5% In the end of dicussion, the writer
and 1% (4.45 > 1.68 < 2.42). It means would like to inform that this stategy is
that there was an influence of guided really function. It was easy to be taught
reading towards students’ reading and would not consumed much time in
ability. It was proved by the average teaching-learning process.
score in experimental class was higher
than in control class (68.83 > 58.68 and CONCLUSION
4.45 > 2.02 < 2.70). There was an influence of Guided
The writer did the research at 2 Reading towards students’ reading
classes namely experimental and ability at the eleventh grade of SMKs
control class. But before he conducted Bakti Nusantara Tulang Bawang in
2018/2019. It can be seen that the
the research, he did tryout test in order
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valid or not. The instrument of the test 1.68 and for α=0.01 was 2.42 (4.45 >
was multiple choice reading test with 1.68 < 2.42).
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