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High efficiency zero export

steam reforming
Development of a new hydrogen production technology based on steam
methane reforming

Air Liquide

ir Liquide operates a pressure steam as a byproduct. hydrogen. Figure 1 shows a
large fleet of hydrogen This article describes the drivers typical configuration for a
production plants world- for the development of a new hydrogen plant. The feedstock
wide providing hydrogen, CO hydrogen production technol- is converted catalytically in the
and syngas to customers in the ogy based on SMR. SMR-X presence of steam in tubular
refining and chemicals industry. technology is dedicated to loca- reactors at high temperature.
The Global Engineering and tions where steam is of low The energy for the endothermic
Construction branch offers economic value. The technology reforming reactions is provided
proprietary hydrogen produc- as well as the development by heat transfer from the fire-
tion technologies to the market. effort are described, the main box in which fuel is burned.
Steam methane reforming results are shared, and the new The hot reformed gas and the
(SMR) is the technology most technology is explained. flue gas released from the fire-
widely applied to produce Steam reforming is exten- box are used for pre-heating
hydrogen from natural gas and sively applied in industry to various streams such as the
light hydrocarbons. The tech- convert natural gas and hydro- feed, the combustion air and
nology typically produces high carbon streams into pure the fuel, and also to produce



Pre-treatment Pre-reformer SMR WHRS APH Flue




CO-shift PSA Hydrogen

Figure 1 Typical H2 SMR configuration: WHRS – waste heat recovery section, APH – air preheat, PGB – process gas boiler,
PSA – pressure swing adsorption, BFW – boiler feed water PTQ Q3 2016 1

composite curve displays the
utilities amount of heat that is trans-
Heat recovery
1.0 ferred at each temperature
Hot composite curve
Normalised temperature, from the hot streams to the
Cold composite curve
0.8 cold streams. Figure 2 shows a
0.7 typical composite curve for the
0.6 SMR process, which exhibits a

0.5 pinch point typically below

0.4 200°C.
Pinch point
∆T at 25K
Figure 3 depicts the theoreti-
cal efficiency of a standard
SMR configuration, assuming
an ideal heat exchange with 0K
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 pinch temperature and a
Normalised heat flux, Q/Qmax commercial case with 25K
pinch temperature, respec-
Figure 2 Typical composite curve of SMR heat exchanger network tively. The amount of export
steam per volume of hydrogen
product has two practical
∆T = 0K limits. Reducing steam export
98 ∆T = 25K below 5 kg/kgH2 results in a
surplus of tail gas from the
Efficiency limit, %

96 hydrogen purification unit,

which is used as fuel gas in the
TFLUE GAS = ambient

Fuel gas surplus

firebox. Export of excess fuel

92 gas is normally neither an effi-
cient nor an economic option.
90 Maximum steam export is
reached when the flue gas is
0 5 10 15 20 25 released with ambient temper-
Export steam/H , kg/kg
ature. Higher steam export can
only be reached by additional
Figure 3 Theoretical efficiency limit of the steam reforming process firing, for instance by duct
high pressure steam. This Improvement of physical effi-
steam is utilised for the reform- ciency often has no economic
ing process itself while the [1] advantage. Energy integration
surplus is exported to other, and optimisation of heat
nearby users. The amount of where the nominator repre- exchanger networks reduce the
export steam can be adapted sents the energy flows of the steam demand on process
by process optimisation to the product hydrogen and the plants, often leading to low
user’s needs over a wide range. export steam respectively and economic value of export steam
The SMR process can be the denominator is the sum of coming from the hydrogen
considered as a heat exchanger the energy of natural gas feed plant. Therefore plant layouts
network. The design of the and fuel streams. It can be become more attractive when
heat exchanger network for shown that the overall theoreti- they provide highest efficiency
optimised energy recovery of cal efficiency of the SMR for hydrogen production while
the hot streams is pivotal for process increases with increas- minimising export steam. This
an efficient plant layout. The ing steam export.1 can even mean reducing export
energetic efficiency of the over- A pinch study enables analy- steam to zero or making the
all SMR process can be defined sis of the energy efficiency of a hydrogen plant a net importer
by the following equation: heat exchanger network. The of steam.

2 PTQ Q3 2016

Various options exist to
reduce the export steam of a Feed inlet Feed inlet
standard SMR plant. For Fuel + air 550-650ºC Fuel + air 550-600ºC
Reformed gas
instance, a pre-reformer with out to PGB
reheat can be introduced, oper- 600-700ºC

ating conditions can be fine

tuned, or the high temperature
reformed gas can be used to
preheat the reformer feed and Heat Heat
transfer transfer
to produce steam. It is more from from
efficient to utilise the high firebox firebox

temperature heat of the Flue gas Flue gas

reformed gas for endothermic to heat to heat
recovery recovery
natural gas reforming reac- Catalyst bed
Reformed gas
tions. This leads to the concept out to PGB Flow direction
of a heat exchange reformer, 850-950ºC

which is the basis of SMR-X

technology. Figure 4 Classical SMR reformer tube arrangement (left) compared to SMR-X
In this technology, the hot technology based on internal heat exchanger reformer tube arrangement
reformed gas flows in an inner (right)
tube arrangement counter-cur-
rent to the feed flow through
the catalyst bed, thereby
providing a portion of reaction 90
Metal dusting ratio, MPY

Regime I Regime II
heat (see Figure 4). 80
Inconel 600
Approximately 20% of the 70
Inconel 601
energy required for the SMR 60 Inconel 693
reactions can be provided by 50
this internal heat exchange. 40
The lower temperature of the 30
reformed gas leaving the reac- 20
tor leads to significantly lower 10
steam production in the 0
process gas boiler. In addition, 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Temperature, ºC
less energy has to be trans-
ferred from the firebox to the
reformer tubes, resulting in Figure 5 Corrosion rate vs temperature for three Ni based alloys4
significantly lower flue gas
flow and consequently lower corrosion phenomenon affect- monoxide reduction reaction
steam production in the flue ing alloys exposed to reducing (see Equation 3), respectively:
gas boiler. Zero export steam and highly carburising gases in
SMR plants can be easily the temperature range 2  CO
(!)   ↔   C(!)   +   CO!(!) [2]
designed with reduced steam 400-800°C. This results in alloy
production in both boilers. disintegration to a fine dust of CO
! +   H! !   ↔   C ! +   H! O ![3]
The challenge of such tech- metal and carbon particles.2
nology is to specify the MD corrosion is thermodynam- Since both of these reactions
material grade of the inner heat ically possible below the are exothermic, MD corrosion
exchanger tubes since they are carbon formation temperature; potential increases during gas
operating in process conditions this can be expressed by the cooling while material degrada-
prone to metal dusting (MD) chemical equilibrium tempera- tion occurs in a narrow
corrosion risk. MD is a ture of the Boudouard reaction temperature range with a maxi-
complex and catastrophic (see Equation 2) and the carbon mum rate between 600°C and PTQ Q3 2016 3

ard SMR and is connected to a
commercial plant (see Figure 6).
The pilot plant consists of a
radiant firebox featured with a
Fuel gas variable number of commercial
size reformer tubes (see Figure
NG feed
7). The reformed gas is cooled
in a process gas boiler before it
H2 plant
SMR WHRS is routed to the commercial
plant. The flue gas released
from the firebox is cooled in a
BFW waste heat recovery section
PGB and pre-heats the desulphur-
ised feed gas. The pilot plant is
Raw H2
connected to the steam system
and the utility network of the
Figure 6 Block flow diagram of the multipurpose SMR demonstration plant; commercial plant and is oper-
PGB – process gas boiler, WHRS – waste heat recovery section ated by the commercial plant’s
operators. Numerous sensors
700°C, depending on gas To address the technical chal- and sampling points enable
composition, process parame- lenges involved, Air Liquide calculation of the heat and
ters and the alloy (see Figure 5). decided to execute long term mass balances and determina-
The lower temperature limit is demonstration tests in its tion of heat transfer for all
kinetically controlled mainly by multipurpose, commercial scale sections of the plant.
the activation energies of the SMR pilot plant. The results
reactions. The higher tempera- validate SMR-X technology’s Test programme
ture limit is controlled either by performance in the long term The reformer tubes are
the thermodynamic potential or, and provide reliable data sets equipped with helical heat
as proposed in [3] and [4], by used for model validation. exchanger coils made of differ-
the formation of a protective ent nickel base alloys. One of
chromium oxide layer, which is Demonstration plant the base materials was selected
favoured at high temperature. The multipurpose SMR demon- from the group of lower MD
Therefore the design of a reli- stration plant comprises the corrosion resistant alloys, while
able heat exchange reformer main process steps of a stand- the second belongs to the group
requires the selection of an of superior corrosion resistant
appropriate material for the alloys. In addition, some of the
inner tubes. In addition, an inner tube arrangements were
accurate model is required to equipped with a protective
predict the gas and metal diffusion coating.
temperatures in order to assess The test programme
MD corrosion potential for the comprised 8000 hours of opera-
whole range of the plant’s tion at commercial reforming
operating conditions. A typical conditions. At regular time
engineering approach of intervals, the inner tubes were
adding design margins bears inspected in order to identify
the risk that the equipment has the various MD corrosion
to be operated in the range of steps, from incubation to
the highest level of MD corro- generalised corrosion. After the
sion attack, leading to 8000-hour operation test, the
potentially short equipment inner tubes were removed from
lifetime and premature Figure 7 Air Liquide’s commercial the firebox and fully character-
failures. scale demonstration plant ised by metallographic

4 PTQ Q3 2016

techniques. The status of the
Test matrix with range of operating conditions
various materials and protec-
tive coatings were determined
Process parameter Normal Range
along the entire tube length.
Feed temperature T-Feed, design +/- 30 K
A test matrix was executed Reformed gas temperature T-Reformed, design +/- 50 K
covering a wide range of oper- Load 100% 50 – 110%
ating conditions (see Table 1). Steam/carbon S/C – design +/- 1
The instrumentation of the
plant enables recording of the Table 1
temperature profiles of the
reformer tubes. In addition to
1.1 10
the data from the installed
instrumentation, pyrometer as

Relative temperature vs
reforming temperature
1.0 8
well as IR camera measure-

Carbon activity
ments were performed for each
0.9 6
operating point. The results
were treated with in-house
0.8 Estimated helix inner wall temperature 4
correction tools to convert the Carbon activity (Boudouard)
raw temperature measurements Carbon activity (CO reduction)
into accurate tube wall temper- 0.7 2
ature profiles, considering
reflections and emissivity of 0.6 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
various materials in the firebox.
Relative distance from tube vs total tube length
The plant data were processed
with statistical data reconcilia-
tion, taking into account the Figure 8 Estimated inner wall temperature and carbon activity as a function of
uncertainty of sensors and anal- elevation
ysis. Very accurate data sets
were generated for each operat- plant’s instrumentation delivers represent the reactive flow in
ing point. They served as the redundant information, which the packed catalyst bed as well
basis for improvement and vali- was used to feed the data as the firebox including the
dation of the process and reconciliation model. This burners. The parameters of the
equipment design tools as well model considers the uncertainty heat exchanger models were
as sophisticated CFD of the measured data and anal- calibrated to the measured
simulation. ysis, including all redundant packed bed heat transfer
data, to estimate the most prob- prevailing in the reformer tube
Results able combination of true plant with the data from the pilot
Pilot plant operation was stable data. Data reconciliation is a plant.
for the SMR-X configuration powerful tool to identify The simulation model repre-
and similar to the operation of sensors with false readings and sents the plant data with high
the normal reformer tube drift, as well as deterioration of accuracy. Figure 8 shows the
arrangement. The process the plant’s performance. calculated temperature profile
parameter test matrix was The reformer tube simulation in the reformer tube for a typi-
easily executed over the comprises models for external cal case. The model was used to
described broad range of heat transfer from the firebox predict the potential for MD
process parameters, demon- via the reformer tube to the corrosion along the inner tube
strating the flexibility of SMR-X catalyst bed and the internal arrangement. Carbon activity
technology and the demonstra- heat exchanger tubes, respec- could be calculated with the
tion plant. Full data sets were tively, combined with detailed known gas composition and the
collected at stable operation reaction kinetics and flow temperature profile and is also
together with the analysis of the calculation. Detailed CFD shown in Figure 8. Only those
relevant streams. The pilot simulation was applied to tube sections exposed to carbon PTQ Q3 2016 5

alloy from various heights of
the tube length affected by MD
The alloy more resistant to
MD corrosion showed some
MD attack – carbide formation
200µm 200µm 200µm
and some small corrosion pits
– but to a lesser extent
compared to the lower grade
alloy. The much higher resist-
ance of this material to MD
corrosion attack was proven;
however, the material would
also suffer from MD corrosion
over a longer exposure period.
100µm 100µm 100µm
Two sets of heat exchanger
ac > 5 5 > ac > 2.5 ac ≈ 1 tubes with different base mate-
rials were coated with a
Figure 9 Overview of internal surface morphology (top pictures) and cross- protective diffusion bond layer.
sections after etching (bottom pictures) of the helical tube made in less The coating procedure resulted
resisting alloy after 8000 hours of operation as a function of carbon activity in a homogeneous, defect free
layer with a constant thickness.
activity greater than one are tions after 3000 hours and 5000 This protective layer was stable
thermodynamically prone to hours confirmed ongoing corro- over 8000 hours’ operation and
MD corrosion. Comparison of sion attack, resulting in fast no carbon diffusion was found
the predicted region potentially germination and growth of in the base material. The protec-
affected by MD corrosion with corrosion pits, which led to tive coating provides stable
the findings of the heat uniform corrosion and loss of protection against MD corrosion
exchanger material characterisa- wall thickness. attack and is the best choice for
tion after 8000 hours of Full physico-chemical analysis long life of the internal heat
operation confirms the thermo- of the helical tubes after 8000 exchanger tubes operating in
dynamic calculations. hours of operation, in combina- conditions promoting MD
The heat exchanger tubes tion with intermediate analyses corrosion.
were optically inspected by of sampled sections, led to some The catalyst particles are too
boroscopy on a regular basis. In conclusions on the integrity of big to fill the gap between the
addition, a sample of the inter- both the base material and the helical heat exchanger coils and
nal tubes was taken each time diffusion coating under condi- the reformer tube completely.
and characterised by optical tions promoting metal dusting. This void on the inner side of
microscopy. The most informa- For the less resistant alloy, the the reformer tube wall reduces
tion about the process of number of pits and their depth heat transfer locally since no
corrision can be identified from become smaller with increasing endothermic reactions absorb
the material with the known temperature, in line with the the energy provided from the
lowest resistance to MD corro- theoretical prediction shown in firebox at these points. The
sion attack. After 1500 hours of Figure 8. No indication of corro- resulting temperature variance
operation, the MD corrosion sion such as carbide formation of the reformer tube skin was
incubation period had already or pits could be detected close simulated with an established
passed and the first corrosion to and above the elevation reformer tube model integrated
pits were identified. Tube where the model predicted a into the existing full scale 3D
sample characterisation carbon activity equal to 1 and SMR CFD simulation. The
revealed carbide formation and below. Figure 9 shows surface simulation predicted a maxi-
confirmed MD attack on this morphology and cross-sections mum tube skin temperature
material. Subsequent inspec- after etching of the low resistant difference of 10K at high heat

6 PTQ Q3 2016

flux. This small temperature
fluctuation has no impact on Profile 1
the tube’s life and cannot be
seen with the naked eye. Tube Tmax = 864
skin temperatures were meas- Tcar = 863
ured with an IR camera (see Tmin = 853
Figure 10). The measured

temperature fluctuation 870
matched very well the predicted

fluctuation, which is another
indication of the accuracy of the 850
established simulation model. Tube depth

Process advantages of SMR-X Figure 10 Comparison of predicted and measured variation in tube skin
technology temperature
The internal heat exchange
reformer tubes are beneficial for
a zero export steam plant 120
Relative capital
expenditure, %
layout. The high temperature 100
100 97
heat from the reformed gas is 80 92

utilised directly for endothermic 60

reactions. Consequently, less 20
heat is available for steam 0
Standard SMR with Standard SMR SMR-X
production. In addition, a lower steam turbine designed for zero-export steam
amount of fuel gas is required, generator zero-export steam
resulting in lower flue gas flow B
Relative H2 price,

and smaller convection section 100

102 100 96
equipment such as heat 80
exchangers and fans. These 60

savings over-compensate the
slightly more complex design of 0
the reformer tubes. Standard SMR with Standard SMR SMR-X
steam turbine designed for zero-export steam
The investment costs are generator zero-export steam
compared for various zero
export steam concepts in Figure Figure 11 Comparison of investment and H2 production costs of various SMR
11 for large H2 plants. A steam concepts for zero export steam (top) and related hydrogen production costs
turbine driven electrical genera- (bottom)
tor can be added to a standard
SMR to consume the surplus results in very similar invest- reformer tubes with internal
steam and convert it to power. ment costs but suffers from low heat exchange. Internal heat
The steam turbine generator efficiency reflected in higher exchange contributes up to 20%
producing power adds 21% to hydrogen production costs. The to the energy required for the
the investment of the SMR unit SMR-X concept has a clear endothermic steam methane
and its economics depend advantage for a zero export reforming reactions. This
strongly on the spread between steam plant in terms of invest- advantage is used to propose a
power and natural gas prices. ment and operating costs, SMR technology with zero
The SMR process parameters, resulting in lower H2 production export steam. Long term
reformed gas temperature, and costs. demonstration tests at full
steam to carbon ratio can be commercial scale demonstrate
tuned to consume all of the Conclusion the lifetime of the material
steam produced in the reformed A new SMR technology is concept for the internal heat
gas and flue gas boilers. This presented, which applies exchanger tubes, which are PTQ Q3 2016 7

operated in a MD corrosion environments, ECS Transactions, 41, 47, Polytechnic Institute, France.
prone atmosphere. The plant 2012. Sébastien Doublet is a Research Engineer
was operated over a wide range in Materials Selection with Air Liquide
of process conditions, showing Research & Development. He has more
Holger Schlichting is Program Director than 10 years’ experience in materials
the flexibility of the technology.
Syngas Production ​with Air Liquide engineering and corrosion management,
Accurate data sets were estab-
Research & Development. He has more and holds a PhD in materials science
lished, providing the basis for from the University of Technology RWTH
than 20 years’ experience in process
improvement and validation of engineering and holds a PhD degree in Aachen, Germany.
the simulation model. chemical engineering from Technical Laurent Prost is Senior Project
University Berlin, Germany. Manager and Manager of the Metallic
Dieter Ulber is Director Product Materials Pole at Air Liquide Research
References Development in the HyCO Product Line & Development. He has 20 years’
1 Lutz A E, et al, Thermodynamic analysis with Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions. experience in engineering and research,
of hydrogen production by steam He has more than 15 years’ experience and holds a Master’s degree in applied
reforming, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, 28, in syngas production and holds a PhD mathematics and a Master of Science in
2003. in mechanical engineering from the computer engineering from the National
2 Grabke H J, Metal dusting, Materials University of Technology RWTH Aachen, Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France.
and Corrosion, 54, 736, 2003. Germany and graduated from RWTH
3 Chun C M, Mumford J D, Aachen and Thayer School at Dartmouth LINKS
Ramanarayanan T A, Mechanisms of College, USA.
metal dusting corrosion of iron, Journal Sébastien Cadalen is a Research Engineer​ More articles from the following
of the Electrochemical Society, 149 (7) with Air Liquide Research & Development. categories:
B348, 2002. He has over 10 years’ experience in fluid Heat Transfer
4 Ramanarayanan T A, Chun C M, mechanics modelling and simulation, Hydrogen Technologies
Metal dusting corrosion: mechanisms and holds a PhD in hydrology and Reforming
and control, corrosion in mixed gas hydrochemistry from Toulouse National

8 PTQ Q3 2016

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