Verilog Lecture

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Introductory Lecture-

Verilog basics
Lab evaluation criteria
¨  Pre-lab task
¤  2 marks
¨  Lab task
¤  Simulation4 marks
¤  Lab report 1 mark
n  Should be submitted in the next week lab.
¨  Viva (individual)
¤  3 marks
¤  Actual attendance
Verilog - HDL
¨  Hardware Description Language
¨  C like in syntax but has distinct character and

¤  must set perception right before coding in Verilog
¤  must visualize hardware in mind while structuring
¨  Modules consisting of procedural blocks and
Modules – the building block
¨  Module is the basic building block in Verilog
¤  For example : module of full adder
¨  Modules are
¤  Declared

¤  Instantiated

¨  Modules declarations cannot be nested

¨  Modules instantiation can be nested
Modeling Structure: Modules
¨  Modules are interconnected to describe the structure of
digital system
¨  Modules have ports for interconnection with other modules
¤  Ports can be input, output or inout
¨  Modules start with keyword module and end with keyword

Hierarchical Design
¨  Verilog code contains a top‐level module and zero or more
instantiated modules
¨  The top‐level module is not instantiated anywhere
¨  Several copies of a lower‐level module may exist
¨  Each copy stores its own values of regs/wires
¨  Ports are used for interconnections to instantiated modules
¨  Order of ports on first line of module definition determine
order for connections of instantiated module
¨  Order of listing inputs, outputs, and inouts on the following
lines is not important
Module Example
Module Ports

¨  port-direction [port-size] port-name, port-name, ... ; where

¤  port-direction – input, output, inout

¤  port-size is a range from [ msb : lsb ]
Logic Values

¨  0: zero, logic low, false, ground

¨  1: one, logic high, power

¨  x: unknown

¨  z: high impedance, unconnected, tri‐state

¨  decimal (default)
¤  13, ‘d13
¨  binary
¤  4’b1101

¨  octal
¤  4’o15

¨  hexadecimal
¤  4’hd
Data Types
¨  Nets
¤  physicalconnections between components
¤  always show the logic value of the driving components
¤  Many types of nets, we use wire in RTL

¨  Registers
¤  Implicitstorage – unless variable of this type is
modified it retains previously assigned value
¤  Does not necessarily imply a hardware register
¤  Register type is denoted by reg
Variable Declaration
¨  Declaring a net
¤  wire [range] net_name;
¤  Range is specified as [MSb:LSb]
n  Default is one bit wide
¨  Declaring a register
¤  reg[range] reg_name;
¨  Declaring memory
¤  reg[range] memory_name [start_addr : end_addr];
¨  Examples
¤  reg r; // 1-bit reg variable
¤  wire w1, w2; // 2 1-bit wire variable
¤  reg[7:0]vreg; // 8-bit register
¤  reg[7:0] memory [0:1023]; //a 1 KB memory
Levels of Abstraction
¨  Gate level

¨  Dataflow level

¨  Behavioral or algorithmic level

Gate level (structural) modeling
¨  Describe the circuit using logic
¨  build from gate primitives

¤  Verilog has built‐in gate‐level primitives

¨  Typical gate instantiation is
¤  and instance‐name (out, in1, in2, in3, …)
Data Flow Modeling
¨  Expressions, operands and operators form the basis
of dataflow modeling
¨  assign statement

¤  Continuousassignment
¤  Used to model combinational logic
assign net_name = expression;
assign out = in1 & in2;
assign sum = a + b;
Verilog Operators
¨  Arithmetic: +, = , *, /, %
¨  Binary bitwise: ~, &, |, ^, ~^
¨  Unary reduction: &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^
¨  Logical: !, ~, &&, ||, ==, ===, !=, !==
¨  == returns x if any of the input bits is x or z
¨  === compares xs and zs
¨  Relational: <. >, <=, >=
¨  Logical shift: >>, <<
¨  Conditional: ?:
¨  Concatenation: {}
¨  Replication: {{}}
Example: Concatenation operator
Behavioral Modeling
¨  High level language constructs are used
¤  for loop
¤  if else

¤  while

¨  All statements come in a procedural block

¤  Two types of procedural blocks
n  always
n  initial

¨  A subset of constructs are synthesizable

Initial and Always

¨  Initial blocks execute once

¤  at t=0
¨  Always blocks execute
¤  att = 0 and repeatedly
thereafter at triggering
Sensitivity list

¨  Signals
¤  Posedge – rising-edge triggered
¤  Negedge – falling-edge triggered
¤  example:

always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)


Procedural Assignments
¨  Two types of assignments

¤  Blocking assignment =

n  Sequential assignment

¤  Non-Blocking assignment <=

n  Concurrent assignment
Blocking assignment
¨  Regular assignment inside procedural block
¨  Assignment takes place immediately

¨  LHS must be reg

Nonblocking assignment <=
¨  Compute RHS
¨  Assignment takes place at end of block

¨  LHS must be a register

¨  Once you have made module of your design, you have
to check and debug it before mapping to the fpga
¤  Simulation file (test bench): code file that gives inputs to a
module and takes outputs
¤  Verilog provides in-built Simulator

¤  Timing control

Ports conventions
¨  Must be followed while writing module and test-
Timing control
¨  #<number> statement
¨  statement is not executed until <number> time units
have passed
¨  control is released so that other processes can
¨  used in test-bench and to model propagation delay
in combinational logic
¨  #5 a=2’b01;

¨  xor #2 x2(c, a, b);

System tasks
Reg concept?
¨  Process of going from one abstraction level to
another in design hierarchy

¨  RTL code à fpga netlist

¨  Modelsim file (.v) à xilinx net list


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