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Adjective clause

1. The book that he just read is interesting.

2. The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.

3. The man, whose car had a fat tire, works as an English Teacher.

4. He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.

5. Tom, which is very cute, is my cat.

6. It is the car that I really like.

7. Pakpak Bharat is a city where I was born.

8. I still remember the day when we frst met.

9. This service chart shows the main reasons why customers leave your company.

10. I lost the book whom I borrowed from her.

11. Martua who loves to eat has put on weight.

12. Acan who received scholarship has moved to German.

13. Iin who got injured cannot join in the football competition.

14. He who have studied hard is confdent with his exam’s result.

15. Lisa whom I live with broke up with her boyfriend last night.

16. The teacher whom I love gives us a lot of homework everyday.

17. Hengky whom I lied to has found out about the truth.

18. Siska who lives next door has married to a rich man.

19. The book that you read is thick.

20. The shoes that you use is big.

21. The handphone that you buy is expensive.

22. This is the house which he sold.

23. This is the book which I buy.

24. serta whose mother has died is alone now.

25. Aldi whose house is close to the cinema always watch the newest movie.

26. Bady whose dog has lost is crying right now.

27. I have met Anna whose father is a teacher.

28. That man whose car is Ferrari likes to play casino.

29. Lissy who likes sport joins the tennis club in her school.

30. Monika who loves animal has adopted a kitten.

31. Lukas who hates bugs got allergic yesterday.

32. feny who is pregnant likes to eat durian.

33. Luna who have a lot of money bought a big house yesterday.

34. The dog whom you abondoned has found a new owner.

35. The baby whom I fed just now is Ratna’s kid.

36.Kiki whom I dated with has graduated from university.

37. I like the T-Shirt that you sell.

38. ina will fx the problem that you make.

39.Rudy will eat the food that I cook.

40. Lilis will buy the doll that her daughter likes.

41. Lucy scolded the kid that broke her vase.

42. The man that confessed his love has received a positive response.

43. The furniture that you buy will be sent to your home.

44. Jeju Island is the place where we will visit next month.

45. This park is the location where father proposed mother.

46. London is the country where I want to visit the most.

47. I will take you to the cinema where is located near to city square.

48. Kitchen is his workplace where he spends the day.

50. Library is the place she likes to visit.

51. A girl who love you so much is me.

52. Cinta is a woman who loves me so much.

53. Tika is a friend who always laugh.

54. Jihan is a friend who always sleep here.

55. I see a man who hide his pistol.

56. Sinta is a woman who loves me so much.

57. dika is a friend who always sleep here.

58. I see a man who hide his pistol.

59. Dika is a friend who always laugh.

60. Grace is teacher who always patient.

61.Dewi is a singer who sing a beautiful song.

62. I dunno who is a man who drives a car.

63. Hanif is a student who always gets good score.

64. Diana is a student who always does her homework.

65. A man who always there for me is my daddy.

66. A person who always teach me something is my teacher.

67. we are looking for a man who called me yesterday.

68. People who chew well may have healthy digestion.

69. The shoes that i bought yesterday was expensive.

70. The girl whose jacket is brown is my aunt.

71. Grace will donate her books to whom ask for it.

72. We have arrived to the village where i was born.

74. The farmer who needs a sickle wants to cultivate the land.

75. The man whom you met yesterday taught in my school.

76. I know a story which you write.

77. I will cook a food which you eat.

78. She cooks a food which I will buy.

79. What kind of picture which you will draw? Diana will drink a drinking which I make
I like a fowerr which very beautiful.

80. A car which you buy is very expensive.

81. A guitar which you buy is very cheap.

82. A car which you drive is very fast .

83. A bike which you rid is very expensiveI will buy a house which very big.

84. The shoes which i buy is empty.

85. The boy who have the guitar is my brother.

86. Sendy when you know is my uncle.

87. The guitar which he use is mine.

88. The nurse who use the jacket is my sister.

89. The boy who sit the next canteen is my classmate.

90. The girl who sing on the stage is my bestfriend.

91. The book which you borrowed from me last week is my sister's book.

92. The cleaner who throw the rubbish from the class is my sister.

93. The boy who play game in the class is a professional gamer.

94. The handsome boy whose shoes is white is my friend's idol.

95. The flm which you watch is nood good enough.

96. The doctor who gave me the receipt is really handsome.

97. The water which you drink is not good for health.

98. The dancers who come to our campu are from Bali.

99. The lady whom you called last night is my niece.

100. The glass that you crack on bathroom is a gift from my sister.

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