Energy Audit As A Tool For Improving Overal Energy Efficiency in Serbian Industrial Sector

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Energy Audit as a Tool for Improving Overal Energy Efficiency in

Serbian Industrial Sector

Mirjana Stamenić, Goran Jankes, Nikola Tanasić, Marta Trninić, Tomislav Simonović
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Belgrade, Serbia

Abstract—The paper presents caracteristics of energy measures and financial sources for the investments in EE
consumption in industrial sector of Serbia, the methodology projects and c) the lack of properly prepared EE project
and results of energy audits (EA) performed in industrial sites proposals [1].
and potentials for energy efficiency (EE) improvements. The Recent introducing of the legal framework has created
present state of industrial energy in Serbia could be new and more stimulant economic and financial
characterized by significant technological out-of–date, low EE environment in Serbian energy sector. Serbian Parliament
and low level of environmental protection. Presented analysis adopted The Energy Law in 2004 and the Strategy of
of the results of conducted EAs in selected industrial
Development of Energy Sector in Republic Serbia up to
companies in previous period has shown the significant
2015 was adopted in May 2005. Further activities have
potentials for EE improvements in Serbian industrial sector
(upgrading or replacement of equipment in the industrial
covered the acceptance of the Program for Implementation
energy sources and processes, introduction of energy of Energy Sector Development Strategy for the period from
management, improvement of steam supply and condensate 2007-2012 in Serbia, National Strategy of Introduction of
return systems, the waste heat utilization, introduction of EE Cleaner Production in Serbia, National Strategy for the
technology, improvement of EE in electrical equipment, usage implementation of a Clean Development Mechanism of the
of waste materials etc). Kyoto Protocol in Serbian Energy Sector, Strategy and
priorities for the future activities of the National Energy
Keywords-Energy Audit; Industrial sector; Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP) of the Ministry of Science and
Efficiency. Technology of Serbia (2005). The final draft of the Law on
Rational Use of Energy (Law on RUE) is prepared and
Energy Efficiency Fund should be established soon after the
Law on RUE is accepted. In the mean time, South-East
European countries have signed the Energy Community
Treaty with the aim to create energy market for electricity
Serbia is a country highly dependent on energy import, and gas and to accept all documents and directives related to
with limited domestic energy sources. The most significant energy and energy efficiency of the European Community
characteristics of Serbian energy system are out-of-date, low and Kyoto Protocol. Responsibilities included in those
level of efficiency and high negative impact on documents, especially in the Energy Community Treaty, and
environment. Inadequate operation of the energy system in responsibilities that Serbia will take over in the process of
Serbia and losses due to poor efficiency of transformation in association and joining to the European Community make
energy production, transmission and end-use, are so large objectives in the field of energy efficiency and use of
that improvement of energy efficiency (EE) is the best, renewable energy sources clearer and more obligated with
fastest and most powerful method to decrease primary and precisely defined time table [1]. The prolongation of the
final energy consumption, as well as to increase of acceptance of the Law on RUE and establishment of Energy
efficiency of industrial production. Significant energy Efficiency Fund for several years (First Draft of Law on
savings that can lead to the better competitiveness of RUE had been written in 2005) have made the serious
industry on a world market can be achieved by low level of negative effects and the delay in the realization of the
investments in upgrading of efficiency of existing energy efficiency improvements in all sectors of final
technology, better choice of energy sources, implementation energy use, especially in industrial sector.
of energy management system, and introduction of energy Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) and Energy
efficient and environmental friendly equipment. Intensity (EI) in Serbian industry are very high. Comparing
All activities in the field of energy efficiency have been to the countries in Western Europe, EI in Serbian industry in
deeply influenced by the following: a) the lack of 1990, was four times higher. In Serbia, in 2002 EI has been
understanding of the importance of EE by the management increased for 25% comparing to 1990. SEC has been
in the companies, b) the lack of stimulant economic increased in industrial sector in 90s, but share of energy
consumption in industry in final energy consumption improve productivity through interventions in areas not
decreased due to usage of low capacity of industrial plants, directly linked to energy consumption, i.e. better manpower
old equipment and inadequate equipment maintenance [1]. utilization, reduction of the usage of raw material in
The share of final energy consumption per sectors in production, improved product quality.
2009 in Serbia is shown in Fig.1. Industry sector consumes There are several "levels" of energy audits, which can
26.64% (85,668 TJ) of total final energy consumption include simple or detailed data surveys, often followed by
(321,582 TJ). The share of different fuels/energy sources in detailed examinations of existing data and/or special plant
industry sector is presented in Fig.2. test runs. The time taken to conduct any audit depends on
the size and type of facilities, but priority should be given to
the departments or sections of the plant of highest energy
A. The type of audits
Short audits: This type of audits aims to assess present
energy consumption levels and relative costs based on
existing documentation and a short visit at the site.
Eventually good housekeeping measures and low cost/short
payback measures for energy efficiency are proposed. A list
of medium to high cost measures is also indicated without
major justifications as well as the specific points, which
must be tackled within a detailed energy audit. Short energy
audits belong to the scanning audit models, and according to
the Energy Efficiency BREF (published in March 2008),
Figure 1. Share of final energy consumption per sector in Serbia in 2009
there are two main examples of short energy audits: walk-
through energy audits and preliminary energy audits. A
walk-through energy audit is suitable for small and medium
sized industrial sites and preliminary energy audit is suitable
for larger sites.
Detailed energy audit: This type of audits requires a
comprehensive recording and analysis of energy
consumption data, split into various sectors within the site
(steam/hot water production, compressed air, electricity,
HVAC etc.). In this frame, different parameters that
determine each type of energy use are presented and
analyzed (e.g. production capacity, climate conditions, raw
materials etc.). Eventually, a list with potential energy
saving measures requiring investment capital is presented
together with a cost-benefit analysis for each proposed
Figure 2. Share of energy fuels in Serbian industry sector in 2009 [4]
B. The methodology
The methodology is based on the standard methodology
II. ENERGY AUDIT for short energy audits and it includes the following: (1)
The essential step to the energy efficiency improvements Preparation of questionnaires on energy consumption,
is the performance of an energy audit. Energy audit is a company production rate, the list of energy systems and
procedure that helps to analyze the use of energy in an energy consumers, etc.; (2) Determination of energy
enterprise/building. The energy audit serves to identify how indicators for the company; (3) Visit of the selected sites (an
a plant facility uses energy and to determine the energy initial audit normally requires a few days for a small to
conservation opportunities. The energy audit can assist in: medium-sized location; for large industrial facilities, such as
evaluating energy efficiency, identifying energy saving refineries or steel plants, it may take more than one week
opportunities and establishing a plan to implement energy and up to two weeks to complete); (4) Determination of
saving projects. energy losses and calculation of energy balance and energy
An energy audit consists of comprehensive collection of flows; (5) Evaluation of energy efficiency and conservation
data on energy use. It is a procedure that requires the use of potentials; (6) Identification of energy efficiency measures
auditing equipment and experienced personnel (energy and applicable Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C)
auditors). Through the energy audit the administration of the technology and evaluation of EE&C potentials in the sector;
site can: assess the energy cost and its effect to the total (7) Evaluation of implementing capacities of the sites for
production cost; identify financially and technically viable EMS introduction; (8) Reporting on results of energy audits.
options for reducing energy usage; identify possible ways to
In the period between November 2009 and September
Possibility of
2010 several domestic and international institutions Total energy introduction
implemented the Project “Fact Finding Survey on a Local Industry
Company consumption of EE
Level of Sites and Initial Energy Assessment for Northern subsector
of FE, GWh technologies
Serbia within the Study for Introduction of Energy and EMS
Management System in Energy Consumption Sectors in the “Soko-Nada
Confectionary 31.224 High
Republic of Serbia”. In order to accomplish the objectives Štark”
“Galeb Metal Metal
of the Project, two kinds of activities were performed: Pack” processing
6.905 High
− A fact-finding survey by questionnaires and “Zvezda Paintings and
interviews to assess local level of the sites considering 4.014 Medium-High
Helios” varnishes
introduction of Energy Management System (EMS). “Sojaprotein”
106.057 High
− The initial energy assessment via Energy Audits on processing
the selected sites to identify EE&C potential and applicable “Umka”
168.488 High
EE&C technology in industrial sectors. “Veterinarski Animal food
For the purpose of collection of data on energy zavod” and pharm. 12.275 Medium
consumption, specific questionnaires were developed and Subotica products
distributed in 9 industrial sites and 6 sites of public/state and “Hipol” Chemicals 88.387 High
commercial buildings. The aim was to collect the following PVC and
data: ”Tarkett” wooden floor 72.147 High
− Basic characteristics of the sites, Eatable oil
− Data availability (energy consumption) for EMS, “Victoria oil” 64.204 High
− Capacity/possibility to deal with EMS (energy
audit experience, candidates for future Energy Managers TABLE II. SHARE OF HEAT AND ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION PER
− Technological level of sites and Company
Heat consumption, Electricity
− Detailed data on energy consumption and % consumption, %
“Soko-Nada Štark” 60.27 39.73
equipment of utility systems. “Galeb Metal Pack” 49.02 50.98
The list of surveyed industrial sites and summarized data “Zvezda Helios” 49.29 50.71
on energy consumption and estimations of introduction of “Sojaprotein” 73.71 26.29
EE technologies and EMS based on short energy audits are “Umka” 75.60 24.40
presented in Table I. “Veterinarski zavod”
77.8 22.20
The potentials for energy savings and introduction of EE Subotica
technologies in all audited sites are recognized as “high”. “Hipol” 72.65 27.35
”Tarkett” 59.84 40.16
Considering proposed threshold level of 2,500 toe of total
“Victoria oil” 74.23 25.77
yearly energy consumption for the site that will be
designated for introduction of EMS, seven of nine industrial
sites accomplished above-mentioned criteria. The share of There are several obstacles for implementation and
heat/electricity consumption per each site is shown in table incentives for EE measures: low knowledge of top
II. management of the benefits of EE improvements, low
Potentials for energy savings in industrial sites can be financing possibilities, the lack of states mechanisms for the
estimated in range of 20 to 35% with low and medium support of the implementation of EE measures (e.g. legal
amount of investments and with simple pay back periods of framework and EE fund).
less than 4 years [3]. Possibility of introduction of EMS in the selected
The industrial sites (where audits were performed) are industrial sites is generally high, mostly because of the
knowledge of technical staff of the benefits of introduction
owned by successful companies with strong teams of
of EMS. Some of them have already participated in the
engineers who are competent in their fields. The knowledge
courses for capacity building in the field of EE&EC or
of these engineers, in general, is on the average level that is
Cleaner Production projects. The action plans for
required for introduction of EMS.
introduction of EE measures already exist in most of the
The potentials for introduction of EE technologies are
companies. The benefits of introduction of EMS are still not
high. Process and energy technologies of all sites are old
clear to the top management of the companies. In general,
and there is need of introduction of energy efficient and
there is no commitment of the top management to the
environmental friendly technologies. Most of the companies
introduction of EMS. There are no energy managers or
are already in the process of EE improvements of their
persons in charge for EE in the companies. The obligation
production and/or energy technologies. There is a strong
given by Law on RUE, which is in preparatory phase, as
will of technical staff to reduce energy consumption and to
well as the support of the state, can change the situation.
introduce energy efficiency measures.
This has to be accompanied by the huge information
campaign, education and capacity building with the aim to has shown that it is over 15% in Serbian process industry
raise the understanding of importance of EE and EMS. The [3].
serious problem is technical support of EMS in the Significant potentials are in upgrading of steam and
companies, as the proper energy monitoring systems do not condense return systems (the rate of condensate return in
exist, even in the large size companies. Serbian industrial plants is in average 25-50%). It is
estimated that the potential of this measure is 6% reduction
IV. RESULTS OF ENERGY AUDITS IN SERBIAN INDUSTRY of energy used for heat production in industry of Serbia [1].
Energy consumption in industry is deeply dependant on The big share of electricity consumption in industry
the change of the structure of industrial production. The rise takes electro drives and lightening system, which in
of the share of industrial subsectors with low energy Serbia, are on the technical level of eighties. Electricity
intensity is very important, but that depends on the strategic consumption at the company level highly depends on the
decissions of the Government based on the overall strategy efficiency of compressed air and cooling systems. The
of the economic development of the country. Existing biggest part of used electricity in these systems is
information are not enough for the conclusions on the transformed to the waste heat and this waste heat is not used
possible trends. However, the low energy efficiency of in Serbian industrial sites. In general, the share of waste heat
Serbian industry reflects in big difference of specific energy to the total heat consumption in industrial processes is 10 -
consumption values of Serbian industry compared to those 60% [1]. There are no detailed studies on the sectorial level,
in developed countries. Based on some previous researches, but it can be estimated that total EE potentials of the use of
these differences varie according to the specific industry waste heat in industry are 10-20% of total energy consumed
sector and there are from 30 % to more than 200 % [1]. For in industry [1]. The improvements of production processes
more reliable potential estimates, it is essential to introduce by the use of waste heat and introduction of new energy
proper energy statistics of industrial sector which is still of efficient equipment and technologies, use of recycled waste
the low level in Serbia. materials and renewables are the big potentials, but also the
Generally, EE improvement measures for industry can challenges for the management of Serbian industrial
be divided in two main groups: (1) Energy efficiency companies.
improvements of energy sources in industry (heat The estimations based on the experience in energy
production and electricity in heat and power plants in efficiency improvements in EU countries and knowledge of
industry) and (2) Energy efficiency improvements of Serbian industry show that it is possible to reach over 25%
industrial production processes. of reduction in total energy consumption in industry by the
In EE improvements of energy sources in industry, consequent application of mentioned EE measures [1]. By
two groups of measures are recognized: (a) Programs and the year 2020, the consumption of energy in Serbian
measures of modernization, revitalization and reconstruction industrial sectors need to show a stronger declining
of existing objects, equipment or energy technologies of tendency in order to overcome the huge differences in
energy sources in industry and (b) Programs and projects of specific energy consumption between Serbia and EU
building of new plants or units, or replacement of old units countries.
with new energy efficient units (boiler units or CHP units) The Serbian Law on RUE and all by-law regulations,
in industrial heat and power plants. The effects of measures which are in preparatory phase, should be the legal
and programs of EE improvements of energy sources in framework for the introduction of EMS in all energy
industry are estimated approximately to 20% of consumption sectors. The establishment of Energy
reduction of total energy consumption in industry. Programs Efficiency Fund should be the support for implementation
and projects of building of new plants or units, or of recognized EE measures, including financing regular
replacement of old units can be applied to almost 2/3 of all energy audits in industrial companies. The important issue
installed industrial boilers in Serbia. It is essential to use the is to establish system for implementation of EE measures in
highest standards of EE in design and construction of the industry, as well as the system for monitoring, verification
new boiler houses, or new CHP plants in case of the and evaluation through regular energy audit schemes.
replacement of existing boilers.
Programs and measures of EE improvements of V. CONCLUSIONS
industrial production processes are in the second of The present state of energy systems in Serbian industry
mentioned group of measures. The process equipment in could be characterized by significant technological out-of-
Serbian industry is out of date and of a high (SEC) rate. For date, low EE and low level of environmental protection.
example, in paper industry, installation of a new state of the Energy audit is a procedure that helps to analyze the use of
art paper machine could reduce SEC up to 50% [1]. energy in an enterprise or building. The energy audit serves
Referent BREFF documents for each industrial sector the purpose of identifying how a plant facility uses energy
recommend application of specific process equipment and of analyzing the energy conservation opportunities.
referring the potential for EE improvements. Within the Project “Fact finding survey on a local level
Introduction of EMS in industrial companies can of sites and initial energy assessment for Northern Serbia”
contribute to the reduction of energy consumption 10-15% nine short energy audits in selected industrial companies
at company level in general, but the results of energy audit were performed.
The results of EA show: Serbia” was realized by consortium of three organization –
- The potentials for introduction of EE technologies Serbian Industrial Energy Efficiency Network (SIEEN) of
is high, most of the companies are already in the process of the Innovative Center of Faculty of Mechanical
identification and implementation of EE improvements of Engineering, Belgrade, Regional Energy Efficiency Center
their production and/or energy technologies. of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of
- The potential of EE measures implemented within Belgrade and Provincial Energy Efficiency Center of
energy sources in industry are estimated to be 20% of total Faculty of Technical Science, University of Novi Sad. The
energy consumption in industry. project was supported and financed by JICA (Japan
- The potential of upgrading of steam and condense International Cooperation Agency).
return systems is estimated to contribute with 6% reduction
of energy used in boilers in industry of Serbia. REFERENCES
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