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Banking LAW

1. FOREIGN STOCKHOLDINGS [SEC. 11-13; GBL] operational structure, a management with sufficient expertise
and integrity to operate the bank in a sound and prudent
SECTION 11. Foreign Stockholdings manner.
Foreign individuals and non-bank corporations may own or
control up to forty percent (40%) of the voting stock of a domestic In establishing a new banking organization, the documentary
bank. This rule shall apply to Filipinos and domestic non-bank requirements to be submitted to the Bangko Sentral are listed in
corporations. (12a; 12-Aa) The percentage of foreign-owned Appendix 33.
voting stocks in a bank shall be determined by the citizenship of The revised rules and regulations governing the organization,
the individual stockholders in that bank. The citizenship of the membership, establishment, administration, activities,
corporation which is a stockholder in a bank shall follow the supervision and regulation of cooperative banks are found in
citizenship of the controlling stockholders of the corporation, Appendix 34.
irrespective of the place of incorporation. (n)
Prerequisites for the grant of a universal banking authority
SECTION 12. Stockholdings of Family Groups or Related a. Compliance with guidelines. A domestic bank seeking
Interests authority to operate as a UB shall submit an application to
Stockholdings of individuals related to each other within the the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko
fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or common- Sentral. The applicant shall comply with the guidelines for
law, shall be considered family groups or related interests and the issuance of a UB authority and shall submit all the
must be fully disclosed in all transactions by such an individual documentary requirements enumerated in Appendix 1.
with the bank. (12-Da)
b. Public offering of bank shares. A domestic bank applying
SECTION 13. Corporate Stockholdings for a UB authority shall, as a condition to the approval of its
Two or more corporations owned or controlled by the same application, make a public offering of at least ten percent
family group or same group of persons shall be considered (10%) of the required minimum capital and this condition
related interests and must be fully disclosed in all transactions must be complied with before it can be granted the license
by such corporations or related groups of persons with the bank. for authority to operate as a UB.
The term public offering shall mean the offer to sell equity shares
to the public.
2. FOREIGN BANKS [SEC. 73; GBL] Public shall refer to all prospective stockholders, excluding the
bank’s directors, shareholders owning twenty percent (20%) or
SECTION 73. Acquisition of Voting Stock in a Domestic more of the bank’s subscribed capital stock, together with those
Bank of their relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or
Within seven (7) years from the effectivity of this Act and subject affinity, and corporations controlled b y or affiliated with them.
to guidelines issued pursuant to the Foreign Banks
Liberalization Act, the Monetary Board may authorize a foreign A bank whose shares of stock are already listed in the Philippine
bank to acquire up to one hundred percent (100%) of the voting Stock Exchange (PSE) at the time of filing of its application for
stock of only one (1) bank organized under the laws of the UB authority shall be deemed to have complied with the public
Republic of the Philippines. Within the same period, the offering requirement. Likewise, an applicant bank may opt to
Monetary Board may authorize any foreign bank, which prior to have its shares listed in the PSE directly instead of passing
the effectivity of this Act availed itself of the privilege to acquire through the process of public offering. In either case, at least ten
up to sixty percent (60%) of the voting stock of a bank under the percent (10%) of the applicant bank’s capital stock should be
Foreign Banks Liberalization Act and the Thrift Banks Act, to held by public stockholders before it can be granted the license
further acquire voting shares of such bank to the extent for authority to operate as a UB.
necessary for it to own one hundred percent (100%) of the voting
stock thereof. In the exercise of this authority, the Monetary c. Listing of bank shares in the stock exchange. Domestic banks
Board shall adopt measures as may be necessary to ensure that granted a UB license, existing or new, must list their shares in
at all times the control of seventy percent (70%) of the resources the PSE within three (3) years: Provided, That in the case of new
or assets of the entire banking system is held by banks which UBs, the three (3) year period shall be reckoned from the date
are at least majority-owned by Filipinos. the license to operate as a UB was granted. In the case of
existing UBs which have not listed their shares in the exchange,
Any right, privilege or incentive granted to a foreign bank under the three (3) year period lapsed on 27 December 1998.
this Section shall be equally enjoyed by and extended under the
same conditions to banks organized under the laws of the The guidelines on public offering and listing of bank shares
Republic of the Philippines. (Secs. 2 and 3, RA 7721) are enumerated in Appendix 1.

Establishment of new domestic banks. There shall be a

3. FOREIGN BANK LIBERALIZATION ACT [RA 7721, AS moratorium on the establishment of new domestic banks, except
AMENDED BY RA 10641] as follows: (i) grant of new universal/commercial banking license
in connection with the upgrading of an existing thrift bank under
a. MORB Sections 102-103 & 108 Phase 1, and (ii) establishment of new banks in cities or
municipalities where there are no existing banking offices, both
SECTION 102. BASIC GUIDELINES IN ESTABLISHING of which shall comply with the required minimum capitalization
DOMESTIC BANKS under Sec. 121 and other qualification requirements prescribed
A new banking organization must have suitable/fit shareholders, under existing regulations.
adequate financial strength, a legal structure in line with its

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Banking LAW
The moratorium on the establishment of new domestic banks TB or RB: Provided, That the officer concerned is a college
shall be fully lifted and locational restrictions shall be fully graduate.
liberalized under Phase 2 starting 01 January 2018.
c. Subject to the standard branching requirements under Sec.
Establishment of microfinance-oriented banks. A 105 and minimum capital requirements under Sec. 121,
microfinance-oriented bank is a bank that provides financial microfinance-oriented banks may apply for establishment of a
services and caters primarily to the credit needs of the basic or branch after one (1) year of profitable operations.
disadvantaged sectors such as farmers, peasants, artisanal
fisherfolk, workers in the formal sector and migrant workers, d. Existing non-bank microfinance organizations applying for
workers in the informal sectors, indigenous peoples and cultural authority to establish, or convert into a microfinance-oriented TB
communities, women, differently-abled persons, senior citizens, or RB may also be allowed to convert their existing
victims of calamities and disasters, youth and students, children, branches/offices into branches of the bank proposed to be
urban poor and low income households for their established by simultaneously applying for authority for the
microenterprises and small businesses so as to enable them to purpose.
raise their income levels and improve their living standards.
Microfinance loans are granted on the basis of the borrower’s However, the standard requirements for the establishment of
cash flow and are typically unsecured. branches and the minimum capitalization requirement, have to
be complied with. Moreover, there must be a proof that the area
The guidelines on the establishment of a microfinance-oriented is not fully served by any existing RB.
bank are as follows:
Conditions for the grant of authority to convert into a lower
a. Microfinance-oriented banks may be established on a very category
selective basis, preferably in places not fully served by existing a. That the bank must have complied with the minimum capital
RBs or in areas not fully serviced by microfinance-oriented requirement and other laws/regulations applicable to the lower
banks, subject to the following additional criteria (in addition to bank category into which it is converting. For this purpose, the
standard licensing requirements): term “capital” shall be as defined under Sec. 121;
(1) That the microfinance-oriented bank to be established shall
either be a TB or an RB; b. That the bank immediately upon receipt of notice of approval
(2) That the capital of the microfinance-oriented banks to be of conversion shall not engage in nor renew transactions under
established should be owned by private persons, multilateral authorities not associated with those allowed for the lower bank
entities or a combination thereof; category into which it is converting and within six (6) months
(3) That the minimum paid-in capital of microfinance-oriented from date of receipt of notice of approval of its application for
banks shall be the applicable capitalization requirement under conversion, the bank shall phase-out all inherent powers and
Sec. 121; activities under special authorities not normally associated to the
(4) That the organizers must have the capacity to engage in lower bank category into which it is converting: Provided, That a
microfinancing, which may be indicated by the following: TB (previously authorized by the Monetary Board to accept
(a) At least twenty percent (20%) of the paid-in capital of the demand deposits) may be allowed to retain such authority when
proposed bank must be owned by persons or entities with track converting into an RB but may clear checks only through a
record in microfinancing. correspondent bank and shall not be allowed to participate
(b) Majority of the members of the board of directors have directly in the Philippine Clearing House Corporation (PCHC)
experience in microfinancing with at least one (1) member and the Bangko Sentral check clearing operations: Provided,
having actual banking experience. further, That for failure to comply with these requirements, the
(c) The proposed bank must have as a minimum, an following monetary and non-monetary penalties shall be
adequate loan tracking system that allows daily monitoring of imposed reckoned from the set deadline until the bank has fully
loan releases, collection and arrearages, and any restructuring complied with the said requirements.
and refinancing.
(5) In addition to the requirements for the establishment of (1) Monetary penalties
banks in Appendix 33, the application for authority to establish a From UB to KB P30,000/day
microfinance-oriented bank must be accompanied by the From KB to TB P15,000/day
following documents: From TB to RB
(a) A vision and mission statement with clear expression of Within Metro Manila P5,000/day
the commitment to reach low-income clients. Outside Metro Manila P500/day
(b) A written manual of operations, which shall include the
administrative and credit program systems and procedures. (2) Non-monetary penalties
The Manual must be consistent with the core principles, (a) Suspension of branching privileges;
characteristics and features of microfinance indicated in Sec. (b) Suspension of declaration of cash dividends;
314. (c) Restriction on lending to affiliates;
(6) At least fifty percent (50%) of the bank’s gross loan portfolio (d) Denial of access to Bangko Sentral rediscounting
shall at all times consist of microfinance loans as defined in Sec. facilities;
314. (e) Suspension of authority to accept or handle government
b. The requirement that the president, chief operating officer or (f) Suspension of authority to engage in derivatives activities
general manager of a TB or RB must have at least two (2) year (for a UB converting into a KB); and
experience in banking and/or finance may be substituted with (g) Suspension of authority to invest in allied undertakings.
microfinance experience in cases of officers of a microfinance
organization applying for authority to establish, or convert into a c. That a bank which has not corrected as of date of application
the major findings/violations noted in its latest examination shall
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Banking LAW
submit upon application a Memorandum of Understanding that Application Fee License Fee
Bank Category
it shall correct the same within a period of six (6) months from (in Million Pesos)
date of receipt of notice of approval of its application, otherwise, Universal Banks 0.500 25.000
the same monetary and non-monetary penalties mentioned in Commercial Banks 0.400 20.000
Item “b” above shall be imposed; Thrift Banks
-Head Office in National
d. That the bank shall submit the pertinent amended Articles of 0.100 5.000
Capital Region (NCR)
Incorporation and By-Laws duly registered with the SEC within -Head Office in All
six (6) months from date of receipt of notice of approval of its 0.040 2.000
Other Areas Outside NCR
application; Rural and Cooperative Banks
-Head Office in NCR 0.010 0.500
e. That the bank shall fully disclose its new status in its signage,
-Head Office in All
financial statements and stationeries; and
Other Areas Outside NCR
0.004 0.200
(All Cities up to 3rd class
f. That the bank shall start operation in the lower category into
which it is converting after approval by the SEC of the bank’s
-Head Office in All
amended Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, its compliance
Other Areas Outside NCR
with all the conditions of approval of the conversion and the 0.002 0.100
(4th class to 6th class
issuance by the Bangko Sentral of a certificate of authority to

Conversion of microfinance-oriented thrift banks/rural The application fee shall be non-refundable and shall be paid
banks upon filing of the written application to establish a bank. The
a. Microfinance-oriented TBs and RBs are allowed to convert to license fee, net of the application fee, shall be paid after the
regular TBs and RBs: Provided, That they have complied with Monetary Board has approved said application.
all the requirements for a regular TB/RB license and subject to The aforementioned fees shall also apply to existing domestic
the submission of the following: and foreign banks that are upgrading to the next higher bank
(1) Certification signed by the president or officer of category.
equivalent rank stating that the allocation of at least fifty percent
Certificate of authority to register. The SEC shall not register
(50%) of the gross loan portfolio to microfinance is no longer
feasible due to changes in market condition. The certification the articles of incorporation and by-laws of any bank, or any
shall be supported by: amendment thereto, unless accompanied by a certificate of
(a) a market study citing, among others, changes in authority issued by the Bangko Sentral, under its seal. The
demographic, social, and economic factors; and certificate shall not be issued unless the Monetary Board is
(b) strategic plan and business strategy contemplating satisfied from the evidence submitted that:
the conversion to a regular bank; and a. All requirements of existing laws and regulations to engage in
(2) Certified true copy of the resolution of the bank’s the business for which the applicant is proposed to be
stockholders and board of directors authorizing the conversion incorporated have been complied with;
of the microfinance-oriented bank into a regular bank. The bank b. The public interest and economic conditions, both general and
must also change its business name to reflect its reclassification local, justify the authorization; and
to a regular bank. c. The amount of capital, the financing, organization, direction
and administration, as well as the integrity and responsibility of
b. Microfinance-oriented branches may convert into regular the organizers and administrators reasonably assure the safety
branches subject to the submission of the following: of deposits and the public interest.
(1) Certification signed by the president or officer of
Business name
equivalent rank that:
(a) At least seventy percent (70%) of deposits a. UBs/KBs. Only a bank that is granted universal/commercial
generated by the branch shall be lent out to banking authority may represent itself to the public as such in
microfinance borrowers; and connection with its business name.
(b) The allocation of at least fifty percent (50%) of the
gross loan portfolio is no longer feasible due to b. TBs. TBs may be allowed to adopt and use any name:
changes in market condition in the locality where it is Provided, That the words A Thrift Bank, A Savings Bank, A
located. The certification shall be supported by a Private Development Bank or A Stock Savings and Loan
market study citing, among others, changes in Association, as the case may be, are affixed after its business
demographic, social, and economic factors; and name.
(2) Certified true copy of the resolution of the bank’s board
of directors authorizing the conversion of the microfinance- c. RBs/Coop Banks. RBs/Coop Banks may adopt a corporate
oriented branch into a regular branch. name or use a business name/style with the word Rural or Coop,
as the case may be. Said banks may also adopt a name without
Application and license fees for new domestic banks. such words: Provided, That the identifying phrase, A
Applications for new domestic banking licenses, except for Cooperative Bank or A Rural Bank, as the case may be, is
applications to establish a bank with head office located in cities affixed after its business name: Provided, further, That where
or municipalities where there are no existing banking offices as the name of the bank is shown on letterheads, billboards and
well as to merge and acquire a distressed bank, shall be subject other advertising materials, the size of the letters of such phrase
to both application and license fees below: shall be at least one-half (1⁄2) the size of the business name.

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Subject to prior approval of the Bangko Sentral, a TB, RB or f. Banks shall discontinue any advertisement whenever the
Coop Bank may apply to be exempted from t h e g e n e r a l same is deemed unethical/unwarranted or violative of the
requirements under Items “b” and “c” above: Provided, that the provisions of these regulations. The client banks and/or
applicant TB, RB or Coop Bank shows compliance with the their advertising agencies shall incorporate in their
following conditions: contract/agreement for time and space with media the
(1) The new business name of the bank must reasonably condition that such contract/agreement for time and space
describe the business activities that the bank is engaged in. can be cancelled/terminated immediately whenever the
(2) The business name should not mislead, misrepresent or client bank is directed by the Bangko Sentral to desist or
give a false impression to the public with respect to the discontinue a particular advertisement in question.
banking category of a bank, the location/s and clientele it g. Responsibility for compliance with the above rules and
serves, as well as the products and services that the regulations rests with the bank officers and/or directors who
applicant bank is authorized to offer to the public. caused the approval or placement of such advertisement.
(Circular Nos. 932 dated 16 December 2016, 929 dated 28 October 2016, 902 dated 15 February 2016 and 872
(3) The applicant bank shall not use a business name that dated 13 March 2015)
is identical, deceptive or confusingly similar with existing
corporate names, in accordance with existing applicable SECTION 103. LIBERALIZED ENTRY AND SCOPE OF
laws, rules and regulations governing the use of corporate OPERATIONS OF FOREIGN BANKS.
names pursuant to the provisions of the Corporation Code of
the Philippines. The following rules shall govern the liberalized entry and scope
(4) The applicant bank must meet the minimum of operation of foreign banks.
capitalization requirements applicable at the time of filing of
its application to change its business name. Modes of entry of foreign banks. With prior approval of the
(5) The applicant bank must not have any major supervisory Monetary Board, foreign banks may operate in the Philippines
concern/s that threaten its solvency or liquidity, as through anyone(1) of the following modes:
determined by the appropriate supervising department/s of
the Bangko Sentral.
a. By acquiring, purchasing or owning up to 100% of the voting
(6) Other conditions which the Bangko Sentral may deem
stock of an existing domestic bank (including banks under
necessary or as may be warranted by the attendant
receivership or liquidation, provided no final court liquidation
circumstances in order to protect the public interest.
order has been issued);
The application of a TB, RB or Coop Bank for exemption
b. By investing in up to 100% of the voting stock of a new
from the general requirements on the use of name under
banking subsidiary incorporated under the laws of the
Items “b” and “c” above shall be supported by the following:
Philippines; or
(1) Application letter signed by the president or officer of
c. By establishing a branch and sub-branches with full banking
equivalent rank indicating the justification for the request;
(2) Notarized secretary’s certificate on the resolution of the
bank’s board of directors authorizing the request for
Interested foreign banks shall file with the Bangko Sentral their
application for authority to operate in the Philippines
(3) Certification signed by the president or the officer of
through any of the modes of entry mentioned above. The
equivalent rank that the bank has complied with all the
application requirements are listed in Appendix2.
conditions for the said application; and
(4) Such other documents as may be required by the
Qualification requirements. A foreign bank seeking to operate
Bangko Sentral.
in the Philippines through any of the modes of entry provided
under Items “a” to “c” under this Section on Modes of entry of
Bank advertisements. The following rules and regulations shall
foreign banks must, in addition to satisfying the criteria
govern bank advertisements.
prescribed under this Section on Guidelines for selection, be –

a. No bank shall publish, issue or distribute in any form, any

a. Widely-owned and publicly-listed in the country of origin,
advertisement that shall degrade, deprecate or otherwise
unless the foreign bank applicant is owned and controlled
prejudice other banking and financial institutions.
by the government of its country of origin; and
b. No bank shall publish, issue or distribute in any form of
b. Established, reputable and financially sound.
advertisement (in newspapers, magazines, television,
radio, billboards, brochures, prospectuses, or any other
The determination of whether a foreign bank applicant is widely-
medium) or allow itself to be used/mentioned in any form of
owned and publicly listed, established, reputable, and financially
advertisement unless such advertisement is in pursuance
sound shall be based on the information derived from submitted
of its business or investment.
documents as required under Appendix 2. Further, if the foreign
c. No bank shall place or cause to be placed any
bank is owned/ controlled by a holding company, this
advertisement tending to mislead a depositor into believing
requirement may apply to the holding company.
that he will get more in benefits than what the bank is legally
authorized to give. No bank advertisement shall contain any
Guidelines for selection. The following factors shall be
false claim or exaggerated representation as to its liquidity,
considered in selecting the foreign banks which will be allowed
solvency, resources, deposits and banking services.
to enter the Philippine banking system through R.A. No. 7721,
d. No bank advertisement shall give the impression that the
as amended by R.A. No. 10641:
bank is engaged in a business other than banking.
e. Banks shall inform their depositors and other clients by
advertisement or publication of the termination of benefits a. Geographic representation and complementation.
previously advertised or publicized. Representation from the different parts of the world

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and/or the international financial centers shall be under Sec. 121. Existing foreign banks that do not meet the
ensured. minimum capital requirements shall submit an acceptable
b. Strategic trade and investment relationships between capital build-up program as required under Sec. 121.
the Philippines and the home country of the foreign
bank. Consideration shall be given to the countries of b. SBL
origin of applicant foreign banks – 1. Loans and credit commitments of foreign bank
(1) With substantial financial assistance to, and loans branches as of 07 August 2014 may be maintained, but
and investments, past and present, in the Philippines; once repaid or expired, shall no longer be increased in
and excess of the ceiling allowed under the succeeding
(2) With which the Philippines has significant volume paragraph.
of trade especially to those with which the country has 2. Existing foreign bank branches shall be given until 31
substantial net exports. December 2019 to use twice the level of capital as
c. Relationship between the applicant bank and the defined in this Section as net worth, as reference point
Philippines. Consideration shall be given to the for purposes of determining the appropriate SBL.
capability of the foreign bank to promote trade with, and
to bring foreign investments into, the Philippines. Long Risk-based capital for foreign bank branch
standing financial and commercial relationship with,
and assistance extended to, the Philippines, shall a. Foreign bank branches shall comply with the same
likewise be taken into account. risk-based capital adequacy ratios applicable to
d. Demonstrated capacity, global reputation for financial domestic banks of the same category.
innovations and stability in a competitive environment b. In computing the risk-based capital adequacy ratios,
of the applicant bank. Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital shall include
e. Reciprocity rights enjoyed by Philippine banks in the permanently assigned capital, undivided profits,
applicant’s country. Subject to the host country’s rules accumulated net earnings and other capital
and regulations of general application, Philippine components.
banks should have the opportunity to establish c. Any Net due from head office, branches, subsidiaries
operations in the foreign bank applicant’s home and other offices outside the Philippines, excluding
country. accumulated net earnings shall be deducted from
f. Willingness to fully share banking technology. CET1 capital.
d. The guidelines for computing the risk- based capital
Capital requirements of foreign banks. adequacy ratios are provided in Appendix 59.

a. For locally incorporated subsidiaries. A foreign bank Head Office guarantee. The head office of foreign bank
subsidiary shall comply with the minimum capital and branches shall guarantee prompt payment of all liabilities of
prudential capital ratios applicable to domestic banks of the its Philippine branches, as well as the observance of the
same category as prescribed under prevailing regulations. constitutional rights of the employees of such branches.
b. For foreign bank branches
(1) A foreign bank branch shall comply with the minimum Scope of authority for locally incorporated subsidiaries of
capital and prudential capital ratios applicable to domestic foreign banks as well as branches with full banking
banks of the same category as prescribed under prevailing authority. Subsidiaries and branches of foreign banks
regulations. established under this Section on Modes of entry of foreign
(2) For purposes of compliance with minimum capital banks shall be allowed to perform the same functions and enjoy
regulations, the term “capital of a foreign bank branch” shall the same privileges of, and be subject to the same limitations
refer to the sum of: (i) permanently assigned capital, (ii) imposed upon, a Philippine bank of the same category.
undivided profits, and (iii) accumulated net earnings, which
is composed of unremitted profits not yet cleared by the Privileges shall include the eligibility to operate under a universal
Bangko Sentral for outward remittance and losses in banking authority subject to compliance with existing rules and
operations, less capital adjustments as may be required by regulations and the guidelines enumerated in Appendix 3.
the Bangko Sentral in accordance with prevailing rules and
regulations of general application. Control of the resources of the banking system. The
(3) Permanently assigned capital shall be inwardly remitted Monetary Board shall adopt such measures as may be
and converted into Philippine currency at the exchange rate necessary to ensure that at all times the control of sixty percent
prevailing at the time of remittance. (60%) of the resources or assets of the entire banking system is
(4) Any Net due from head office, branches, subsidiaries held by domestic banks, which are majority-owned by Filipinos.
and other offices outside the Philippines, excluding Said measures may include –
accumulated net earnings, shall be a deductible adjustment a. Suspension of entry of additional foreign bank subsidiaries
to capital. and branches; and
(5) For purposes of compliance with the SBL, the capital of b. Suspension of license upgrade or conversion to subsidiary
a foreign bank branch, subject to prescribed adjustments, of existing foreign bank branches.
shall be synonymous to its “net worth”.
Other measures may also be considered, provided that such
Transitory provision. measures so adopted shall be consistent with R.A. No. 7721, as
a. Minimum capital of foreign banks. amended by R.A. No. 10641, and shall consider vested rights
Minimum capital of foreign banks established in the and the non-impairment of contracts.
Philippines prior to R.A. No. 10641 shall comply with the
applicable minimum capital level requirement as prescribed

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Change from one mode of entry to another. Foreign banks approving said closure shall be filed in the premises of the
which are operating in the Philippines may apply for conversion banking unit concerned, which resolution shall be made
of their mode of entry. available during on-site examination or when required by the
Bangko Sentral for submission for off- site verification.
The bank shall comply with all applicable requirements and
submit an acceptable transition plan which shall address how In cases of closure of the bank and/or their branches/branch-lite
the foreign bank shall implement the change in mode of entry. units due to approved local holidays covered by a Presidential
Proclamation, no notice of temporary closure to the Bangko
Equal treatment. Any right, privilege or incentive granted to Sentral shall be required.
foreign banks or their subsidiaries or affiliates under R.A.
No. 7721, as amended by R.A. No. 10641 shall be equally Banking hours beyond the minimum; banking services
enjoyed by, and extended under the same conditions, to during holidays. Banks may, at their discretion, remain open
domestic banks. beyond the minimum six (6) hours and for as long as they find it
(Circular Nos. 858 dated 21 November 2014, 822 dated 13 December 2013 and 809 dated 23 August necessary, even before 8:00 AM or after 8:00 PM, subject to the
submission of prior written notice required under this Section on
SECTION 108. BANKING DAYS AND HOURS report of, and changes in, banking days and hours, and
Banks and/or their branches or branch-lite units, doing business compliance with the provisions of this Section on posting of
in the Philippines, shall observe for the conduct of their business schedule of banking days and hours, and Sec. 147 on minimum
a regular banking week of five (5) days, except when such days security measures.
are non-working holidays, including local holidays, declared by
Presidential Proclamations. The regular banking week should Banks and/or their branch/es and/or branch-lite units may opt to
fall on Mondays to Fridays unless otherwise authorized by the remain open during any or all of their regular banking days that
Bangko Sentral in the interest of the banking public. On these were covered by holidays for the purpose of servicing deposits
days, said institution shall transact business for at least six (6) and withdrawals: Provided, That a bank opting to open its head
hours each day. office and/or branch/es and/or branch-lite units, shall submit to
the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko Sentral at
least two (2) working days before the intended date of opening
Subject to compliance with other relevant laws, banks, and/or of the bank’s head office and/or branches and/or branch-lite
their branches or branch-lite units, may opt to observe a banking units, a notice signed by its president or officer of equivalent
week in excess of the five (5) days after reporting to the Bangko rank, of its intention to open during the holidays, together with a
Sentral the additional days during which such banks or their copy of the board resolution approving the same: Provided,
branches or offices shall transact business for at least three (3) further, That the notice shall specify which office (head office
hours each day. and/or branch/es and/or branch-lite units) will open on what
dates and their schedule of banking hours.
Banks and/or their branches or branch-lite units are allowed to
close on certain days in celebration of important historical and/ Subject to submission of a notice signed by the bank president
or religious events in the locality where these banks operate, or officer of equivalent rank, authorized agent banks of the BIR
even in the absence of a Presidential Proclamation approving (BIR-AABs), and/or its branch/es and/or branch-lite units, are
the local holiday: Provided, That said closure has the prior allowed to open for two (2) Saturdays prior to April 15 of every
approval of the bankers association in the locality or region and year, and daily from April 1 to income tax payment deadline, to
in the case of bank branches, their respective head offices: extend banking hours from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM to receive
Provided, further, That said closure will only be allowed in the internal revenue tax payments. The notice, which shall specify
municipality or city where the festivities are centered: Provided, which office (head office and/or branch/es and/or branch-lite
finally, That banks and/or their branches or branch-lite units shall units) will open or extend banking hours on what dates, shall be
submit, either individually or through their head offices, to the submitted to the appropriate supervising department of the
appropriate supervising department of the Bangko Sentral, a Bangko Sentral on or before the last banking day of March of
prior notice of their intended closure on account of a specific every year.
local festivity not covered by a Presidential Proclamation at least
two (2) working days before the intended date of closure. Report of, and changes in, banking days and hours. The
banking days and hours selected for each of the offices of banks
The required notice under the previous paragraph shall be shall be reported in writing to the appropriate supervising
supported by a certification jointly signed by the president of the department of the Bangko Sentral. Banks may change the
bank or officer of equivalent position and the head of the banking days and hours previously reported to the Bangko
branches department, if any, that: Sentral by giving prior written notice: Provided, That changes in
banking days or hours shall not be made oftener than once every
a. On the date of the temporary closure, the bank and/or their thirty (30) days, except during emergencies. Emergency shall
branches or branch-lite units which are microfinance- mean (a) condition of an area or locality proclaimed by the
oriented/micro-banking office will maintain a skeletal force President of the Philippines as in a state of emergency; or (b) an
to handle “out-of-town” clearing items in line with the event or occasion or a combination of circumstances equivalent
provisions of Sec. 802; to a public calamity resulting from fire, flood, or like disaster, or
b. The notice of the bank’s closure and the reason thereof through some unusual occurrence or pressing necessity not
shall be posted conspicuously in the bank’s premises; and reasonably subject to anticipation calling for immediate action or
c. For branches of banks, the closure has the prior approval remedy.
of their respective head offices.
The prior written notice to the Bangko Sentral on changes in
The copy of the resolution of the local bankers association and banking days and hours shall be given through the fastest
in the case of bank branches, their respective head offices, means of communication, at least seven (7) banking days before
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the intended effectivity of the change in banking hours or days. as well as with best practices and standards issued by globally
In case a bank, due to an emergency, has to open outside, or recognized standard setting bodies.
close during, the banking hours or days reported to the Bangko
Sentral, a written report submitted within twenty- four (24) hours Definition of terms. For purposes of these regulations, the
from opening or closing, as the case may be, will suffice. The following definitions shall apply:
report shall state the specific nature of the emergency and the
period the bank opened or closed or shall open or close by a. Affiliate shall refer to an entity linked directly or indirectly to
reason of emergency. a BSFI by means of:
(1) Ownership, control as defined under Item “d” hereof, or
Posting of schedule of banking days and hours. The power to vote of at least twenty percent (20%) of the
schedule of banking days and hours reported to the Bangko outstanding voting stock of the entity, or vice-versa;
Sentral shall be posted conspicuously at all times in the bank’s (2) Interlocking directorship or officership, where the
premises. director or officer concerned owns, controls, as defined
under Item “d” hereof, or has the power to vote, at least
twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding voting stock of the
(3) Common ownership, whereby the common
SECTION 15. Board of Directors stockholders own at least ten percent (10%) of the
The provisions of the Corporation Code to the contrary outstanding voting stock of the BSFI and at least twenty
notwithstanding, there shall be at least five (5), and a maximum percent (20%) of the outstanding voting stock of the entity;
of fifteen (15) members of the board of directors of bank, two (2) (4) Management contract or any arrangement granting
of whom shall be independent directors. An "independent power to the BSFI to direct or cause the direction of
director" shall mean a person other than an officer or employee management and policies of the entity; or
of the bank, its subsidiaries or affiliates or related interests. (n) (5) Permanent proxy or voting trusts in favor of the BSFI
constituting at least twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding
Non-Filipino citizens may become members of the board of voting stock of the entity, or vice versa.
directors of a bank to the extent of the foreign participation in the
equity of said bank. (Sec. 7, RA 7721)
b. Close family members shall refer to persons related to the
The meetings of the board of directors may be conducted BSFI’s directors, officers and stockholders (DOS) within the
through modern technologies such as, but not limited to, second degree of consanguinity or affinity, legitimate or
teleconferencing and video-conferencing. (n) common-law. These shall include the spouse, parent, child,
brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, son-
/daughter-in-law, brother/sister-in-law, grandparent-in-law,
SECTION 16. Fit and Proper Rule and grandchild-in-law of the BSFI’s DOS.
To maintain the quality of bank management and afford better c. Complex banks shall refer to UBs/KBs. Nonetheless, a
protection to depositors and the public in general, the Monetary UB/KB may apply with the Bangko Sentral for a
Board shall prescribe, pass upon and review the qualifications reclassification as simple or non-complex bank in order to
and disqualifications of individuals elected or appointed bank avail of the reduced minimum requirement on the
directors or officers and disqualify those found unfit. constitution of board committees. The Bangko Sentral may
likewise declare TBs, RBs or Coop Banks as complex. Any
After due notice to the board of directors of the bank, the TB, RB or Coop Bank having at least three (3) of the
Monetary Board may disqualify, suspend or remove any bank following characteristics shall be deemed a complex bank:
director or officer who commits or omits an act which render him (1) Total assets of at least P6 billion;
unfit for the position. (2) Extensive branch network;
(3) Non-traditional financial products and services by virtue
In determining whether an individual is fit and proper to hold the of special authorities (e.g., trust, quasi-banking, derivatives
position of a director or officer of a bank, regard shall be given licenses), as well as distinctive products like credit cards,
to his integrity, experience, education, training, and remittance, trade-related services, contract-to-sell (CTS)
competence. (9-Aa) financing, among other financial services;
(4) Use of non-conventional business model, such as those
SECTION 17. Directors of Merged or Consolidated Banks using non-traditional delivery platform such as electronic
In the case of a bank merger or consolidation, the number of platforms; and
directors shall not exceed twenty-one (21). (13a) (5) Business strategy characterized by risk appetite that is
aggressive, and risk exposures which are increasing, such
MORB Sections 131-132; 134 as those with robust branch expansion programs or
D. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE acquisition plans as determined by the Bangko Sentral.

SECTION 131. POLICY STATEMENT AND DEFINITION OF d. Control of an enterprise exists when there is:
(1) Power over more than one-half of the voting rights by
It is the thrust of the Bangko Sentral to continuously strengthen virtue of an agreement with other stockholders; or
corporate governance in its supervised financial institutions (2) Power to govern the financial and operating policies of the
cognizant that this is central in sustaining the resiliency and enterprise under a statute or an agreement; or
stability of the financial system. In this light, the Bangko Sentral (3) Power to appoint or remove the majority of the members
is aligning its existing regulations with the Code of Corporate of the board of directors or equivalent governing body; or
Governance for Publicly-Listed Companies issued by the SEC
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(4) Power to cast the majority votes at meetings of the board through a firm of which he is a partner or a company of which
of directors or equivalent governing body; or he is a director or substantial shareholder, other than
(5) Any other arrangement similar to any of the above. transactions which are conducted at arm’s length and could
not materially interfere with or influence the exercise of his
Control is presumed to exist if there is ownership or holding, judgment;
whether direct or indirect, of twenty percent (20%) or more of a (8) was not appointed in the BSFI, its subsidiaries, affiliates
class of voting shares of a company. or related interests as Chairman “Emeritus”, “Ex- Officio”,
Directors/Officers or Members of any Advisory Board, or
Should the BSFI choose to disclaim or rebut the presumption, it otherwise appointed in a capacity to assist the board of
should provide facts sufficient to show that there is indeed no directors in the performance of its duties and responsibilities
control. Further, the BSFI shall submit a written commitment during the past three (3) years counted from the date of his
that: (a) shares owned or held are exclusively for investment appointment;
purposes; (b) the BSFI-stockholder will not serve on the board (9) is not affiliated with any non-profit organization that
of directors and will not receives significant funding from the BSFI or any of its
nominate any candidate to serve on the board of directors or related companies or substantial shareholders; and
otherwise seek board representation; (c) the BSFI- stockholder (10) is not employed as an executive officer of another
will have only limited contacts with BSFI management that are company where any of the BSFI’s executives serve as
customary for interested shareholders; (d) the BSFI-stockholder directors.
will engage only in normal and customary transactions with the
enterprise; and (e) the BSFI will not pledge the shares acquired h. Majority stockholder or majority shareholder shall refer to a
to secure a loan with any institution. person, whether natural or juridical, owning more than fifty
percent (50%) of the voting stock of a BSFI.
e. Corresponding persons in affiliated companies shall refer to i. Non-executive directors shall refer to those who are not part
the DOS of the affiliated companies and their close family of the day to day management of operations and shall
members. include the independent directors. However, not all non-
f. Directors. Directors shall include: executive directors are considered independent directors.
(1) directors who are named as such in the articles of j. Officers shall include the chief executive officer (CEO)1,
incorporation; executive vice president, senior vice-president, vice
(2) directors duly elected in subsequent meetings of the president, general manager, treasurer, secretary, trust
stockholders or those appointed by virtue of the charter of officer and others mentioned as officers of the BSFI, or
government-owned BSFIs; and those whose duties as such are defined in the by-laws, or
(3) those elected to fill vacancies in the board of directors. are generally known to be the officers of the BSFI (or any of
its branches and offices other than the head office) either
g. Independent directors. An independent director shall refer through announcement, representation, publication or any
to a person who– kind of communication made by the BSFI: Provided, That a
person holding the position of chairman or vice-chairman of
(1) is not or was not a director, officer or employee of the the board of directors or another position in the board of
BSFI, its subsidiaries, affiliates or related interests during the directors shall not be considered as an officer unless the
past three (3) years counted from the date of his duties of his position in the board of directors include
election/appointment; functions of management such as those ordinarily
(2) is not or was not a director, officer, or employee of the performed by regular officers: Provided, further, That
BSFI’s substantial stockholders and their related companies members of a group or committee, including sub-groups or
during the past three (3) years counted from the date of his sub-committees, whose duties include functions of
election/appointment; management such as those ordinarily performed by regular
(3) is not an owner of more than two percent (2%) of the officers, and are not purely recommendatory or advisory,
outstanding shares or a stockholder with shares of stock shall likewise be considered as officers.
sufficient to elect one (1) seat in the board of directors of the k. Parent shall refer to a corporation which has control over
institution, or in any of its related companies or of its majority another corporation directly or (1) or more intermediaries;
corporate shareholders; l. Related company shall refer to another company which is:
(4) is not a close family member of any director, officer or (1) Its parent or holding company;
stockholder holding shares of stock sufficient to elect one (1) (2) Its subsidiary or affiliate; or indirectly through one
seat in the board of directors of the BSFI or any of its related (3) A corporation where a BSFI or its majority stockholder
companies or of any of its substantial stockholders; own such number of shares that will allow/enable such
(5) is not acting as a nominee or representative of any person or group to elect at least one (1) member of the
director or substantial shareholder of the BSFI, any of its board of directors or a partnership where such majority
related companies or any of its substantial shareholders; stockholder is a partner.
(6) is not or was not retained as professional adviser, m. Related interest shall refer to any of the following:
consultant, agent or counsel of the BSFI, any of its related
companies or any of its substantial shareholders, either in (1) Spouse or relative within the first degree of
his personal capacity or through his firm during the past three consanguinity or affinity, or relative by legal adoption, of a
(3) years counted from the date of his election; director, officer or stockholder of the BSFI;
(7) is independent of management and free from any (2) Partnership of which a director, officer, or stockholder of
business or other relationship, has not engaged and does a BSFI or his spouse or relative within the first degree of
not engage in any transaction with the BSFI or with any of its consanguinity or affinity, or relative by legal adoption, is a
related companies or with any of its substantial general partner;
shareholders, whether by himself or with other persons or
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(3) Co-owner with the director, officer, stockholder or his charged. These shall include, but not limited to the
spouse or relative within the first degree of consanguinity or following:
affinity, or relative by legal adoption, of the property or
interest or right mortgaged, pledged or assigned to secure (1) On- and off-balance sheet credit exposures and claims
the loans or other credit accommodations, except when the and write-offs;
mortgage, pledge or assignment covers only said co-owner’s (2) Investments and/or subscriptions for debt/equity
undivided interest; issuances;
(4) Corporation, association or firm of which any or a group (3) Consulting, professional, agency and other service
of directors, officers, stockholders of the BSFI and/or their arrangements/contracts;
spouses or relatives within the first degree of consanguinity (4) Purchases and sales of assets, including transfer of
or affinity, or relative by legal adoption, hold or own at least technology and intangible items (e.g., research and
twenty percent (20%) of the subscribed capital of such development, trademarks and license agreements);
corporation, or of the equity of such association or firm; (5) Construction arrangements/contracts;
(5) Corporation, association or firm wholly or majority- (6) Lease arrangements/contracts;
owned or controlled by any related entity or a group of (7) Trading and derivative transactions;
related entities mentioned in Items “m(2)” and “m(4)” above; (8) Borrowings, commitments, fund transfers and
(6) Corporation, association or firm which owns or controls guarantees;
directly or indirectly whether singly or as part of a group of (9) Sale, purchase or supply of any goods or materials; and
related interest at least twenty percent (20%) of the (10) Establishment of joint venture entities.
subscribed capital of a substantial stockholder of the BSFI or
which controls majority interest of the BSFI pursuant to Item RPTs shall be interpreted broadly to include not only
“g” of Sec. 362 (Definition of terms); transactions that are entered into with related parties but
(7) Corporation, association or firm which has an existing also outstanding transactions that were entered into with an
management contract or any similar arrangement with the unrelated party that subsequently becomes a related party.
parent of the BSFI; and
(8) Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)/foundations p. Risk appetite statement shall refer to the articulation in
that are engaged in retail microfinance operations which are written form of the aggregate level and types of risk that a
incorporated by any of the stockholders and/or directors BSFI is willing to accept, or to avoid, in order to achieve its
and/or officers or related BSFIs. business objectives. It includes qualitative statements as
The general principles and standards that will govern the well as quantitative measures expressed relative to
business relationship between BSFIs and their related earnings, capital, risk measures, liquidity and other relevant
NGOs/foundations engaged in retail microfinance are found measures as appropriate.
in Appendix 23. q. Risk governance framework shall refer to the framework
through which the board of directors and management
n. Related parties shall cover the BSFI’s subsidiaries as well establish the BSFI’s strategy; articulate and monitor
as affiliates and any party (including their subsidiaries, adherence to risk appetite and risk limits; and identify,
affiliates and special purpose entities) that the BSFI exerts measure, and manage risks.
direct/indirect control over or that exerts direct/indirect r. Risk limits shall refer to the allocation of the BSFI’s risk
control over the BSFI; the BSFI’s DOSRl, and their close appetite statement to: specific risk categories (e.g., credit,
family members, as well as corresponding persons in market, liquidity, operational); the business unit or platform
affiliated companies. These shall also include such other level (e.g., retail, capital markets); lines of business or
person/juridical entity whose interests may pose potential product level [e.g., concentration, value-at-risk (VaR), or
conflict with the interest of the BSFI, hence, is identified as other limits]; and other levels, as appropriate.
a related party. s. Stockholder shall refer to any stockholder of record in the
books of the BSFI, acting personally, or through an
The above definition shall also include direct or indirect attorney-in-fact; or any other person duly authorized by him
linkages to a BSFI identified as follows: or through a trustee designated pursuant to a proxy or
(1) Ownership, control or power to vote, of ten percent voting trust or other similar contracts, whose stockholdings
(10%) to less than twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding in the BSFI, individual and/or collectively with the
voting stock of the borrowing entity, or vice versa; stockholdings of: (1) his spouse and/or relative within the
(2) Interlocking directorship or officership, except in cases first degree by consanguinity or affinity or legal adoption; (2)
involving independent directors as defined under existing a partnership in which the stockholder and/or the spouse
regulations or directors holding nominal share in the and/or any of the aforementioned relatives is a general
borrowing corporation; partner; and (3) corporation, association or firm of which the
(3) Common stockholders owning at least ten percent stockholder and/or his spouse and/or the aforementioned
(10%) of the outstanding voting stock of the BSFI and ten relatives own more than fifty percent (50%) of the total
percent (10%) to less than twenty percent (20%) of the subscribed capital stock of such corporation, association or
outstanding voting stock of the borrowing entity; or firm, amount to one percent (1%) or more of the total
(4) Permanent proxy or voting trusts in favor of the BSFI subscribed capital stock of the BSFI.
constituting ten percent (10%) to less than twenty percent t. Substantial stockholder shall refer to a person, or group of
(20%) of the outstanding voting stock of the borrowing persons whether natural or juridical, owning such number
entity, or vice versa. of shares that will allow such person or group to elect at
least one (1) member of the board of directors of a BSFI or
who is directly or indirectly the registered or beneficial
o. Related party transactions (RPTs) shall refer to transactions owner of more than ten percent (10%) of any class of its
or dealings with related parties of the BSFI, including its equity security.
trust department regardless of whether or not a price is
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u. Subsidiary shall refer to a corporation or firm more than fifty experience, skills, diligence and independence of mind;
percent (50%) of the outstanding voting stock of which is and sufficiency of time to fully carry out responsibilities.
directly or indirectly owned, controlled or held with power to
vote by its parent corporation. In assessing a director’s integrity/probity, consideration
shall be given to the director’s market reputation, observed
conduct and behavior, as well as his ability to continuously
SECTION 132. BOARD OF DIRECTORS comply with company policies and applicable laws and
Powers/Corporate powers of the board of directors. The regulations, including market conduct rules, and the
corporate powers of an institution shall be exercised, its relevant requirements and standards of any regulatory
business conducted, and all its resources controlled through its body, professional body, clearing house or exchange, or
board of directors. The powers of the board of directors as government and any of its instrumentalities/agencies.
conferred by law are original and cannot be revoked by the
stockholders. The directors shall hold their office charged with An elected director has the burden to prove that he
the duty to exercise sound and objective judgment for the best possesses all the foregoing minimum qualifications and
interest of the institution. none of the cases mentioned under Sec. 138(Persons
disqualified to become directors).
Composition of the board of directors.
A director shall submit to the Bangko Sentral the required
certifications and other documentary proof of such
a. Pursuant to Sections 15 and 17 of R.A. No. 8791, there shall qualifications using Appendix 101 as guide within twenty
be at least five (5), and a maximum of fifteen (15) members (20) banking days from the date of election. Non-
of the board of directors of a BSFI: Provided, That in case submission of complete documentary requirements or their
of a bank merger or consolidation, the number of directors equivalent within the prescribed period shall be construed
may be increased up to the total number of the members of as his failure to establish his qualifications for the position
board of directors of the merging or consolidating bank as and results in his removal from the board of directors.
provided for in their respective articles of incorporation, but
in no case to exceed twenty-one (21). The board of
directors shall determine the appropriate number of its The Bangko Sentral shall also consider its own records in
members to ensure that the number thereof is determining the qualifications of a director.
commensurate to the size and complexity of the BSFI’s The members of the board of directors shall possess the
operations. foregoing qualifications in addition to those required or
b. To the extent practicable, the members of the board of prescribed under R.A. No. 8791 and other applicable laws
directors shall be selected from a broad pool of qualified and regulations.
candidates. Non-executive directors, who shall include
independent directors, shall comprise at least majority of (2) He must have attended a seminar on corporate
the board of directors to promote the independent oversight governance for board of directors. A director shall submit
of management by the board of directors. to the Bangko Sentral a certification of compliance with the
c. At least one-third (1/3) but not less than two (2) members of Bangko Sentral-prescribed syllabus on corporate
the board of directors shall be independent directors: governance for first-time directors and documentary proof
Provided, That any fractional result from applying the of such compliance: Provided, That the following persons
required minimum proportion, i.e., one-third (1/3), shall be are exempted from complying with the aforementioned
rounded up to the nearest whole number: Provided, further, requirement:
That in the case of RBs, at least one (1) independent (a) Filipino citizens with recognized stature, influence and
director shall be elected to the board of directors: Provided, reputation in the banking community and whose business
furthermore, That RBs whose business model is deemed practices stand as testimonies to good corporate
complex by the Bangko Sentral, or as directed by the governance;
appropriate supervising department, shall have at least (b) Distinguished Filipino and foreign nationals who
one-third (1/3) but not less than two (2) members of the served as senior officials in central banks and/or financial
board of directors as independent directors: Provided, regulatory agencies, including former Monetary Board
finally, That any fractional result from applying the required members; or
minimum proportion, i.e., one-third (1/3) shall be rounded- (c) Former Chief Justices and Associate Justices of the
up to the nearest whole number. Philippine Supreme Court:
d. Non-Filipino citizens may become members of the board of Provided, further, That this exemption shall not apply to
directors of a BSFI to the extent of the foreign participation the annual training requirements for the members of
in the equity of said BSFI: Provided, That pursuant to the board of directors.
Section 23 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines (BP
Blg. 68), a majority of the directors must be residents of the b. Independent and non-executive directors
Philippines. In selecting independent and non-executive directors,
the number and types of entities where the candidate is likewise
Qualifications of a director. elected as such, shall be considered to ensure that he will be
a. A director shall have the following minimum qualifications: able to devote sufficient time to effectively carry out his duties
(1) He must be fit and proper for the position of a director. In and responsibilities. In this regard, the following shall apply:
determining whether a person is fit and proper for the (1) A non-executive director may concurrently serve as
position of a director, the following matters must be director in a maximum of five (5) publicly listed companies.
considered: integrity/probity, physical/mental fitness; In applying this provision to concurrent directorship in
relevant education/financial literacy/training; possession of entities within a conglomerate, each entity where the non-
competencies relevant to the job, such as knowledge and executive director is concurrently serving as director shall
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be separately considered in assessing compliance with director who is taking part in said meetings can actively
this requirement; and participate in the deliberations on matters taken up therein:
(2) An independent director of a BSFI may only serve as such Provided, That every member of the board of directors shall
for a maximum cumulative term of nine (9) years. After participate in at least fifty percent (50%) and shall physically
which, the independent director shall be perpetually barred attend at least twenty-five percent (25%) of all meetings of
from serving as independent director in the same BSFI, but the board of directors every year: Provided, further, That the
may continue to serve as regular director. The nine (9) year absence of a director in more than fifty percent (50%) of all
maximum cumulative term for independent directors shall regular and special meetings of the board of directors
be reckoned from 2012. during his/her incumbency is a ground for disqualification in
the succeeding election.
c. Members of the board of directors shall not be appointed as
Corporate Secretary or Chief Compliance Officer. b. Board-level committee meetings
Board-level committees shall meet as prescribed in their
Chairperson of the board of directors. respective charters. Participation of committee members
may likewise be in person or through modern technologies:
a. Roles of the Chairperson of the board of directors. The Provided, That the attendance and participation of
Chairperson of the board of directors shall provide members in committee meetings shall be considered in the
leadership in the board of directors. He shall ensure assessment of continuing fitness and propriety of each
effective functioning of the board of directors, including director as member of board-level committees and the
maintaining a relationship of trust with members of the board of directors.
board of directors. He shall: (1) ensure that the meeting
agenda focuses on strategic matters including discussion Specific duties and responsibilities of the board of
on risk appetites, and key governance concerns; (2) ensure directors. The board of directors is primarily responsible for
a sound decision-making process; (3) encourage and defining the BSFI’s vision and mission. The board of directors
promote critical discussion; (4) ensure that dissenting views has the fiduciary responsibility to the BSFI and all its
can be expressed and discussed within the decision- shareholders including minority shareholders. It shall approve
making process; (5) ensure that members of the board of and oversee the implementation of strategies to achieve
directors receive accurate, timely, and relevant information; corporate objectives. It shall also approve and oversee the
(6) ensure the conduct of proper orientation for first-time implementation of the risk governance framework and the
directors and provide training opportunities for all directors; systems of checks and balances. It shall establish a sound
and (7) ensure conduct of performance evaluation of the corporate governance framework. The board of directors shall
board of directors at least once a year. approve the selection of the CEO and key members of senior
b. Qualifications of the chairperson of the board of directors. management and control functions and oversee their
To promote checks and balances, the chairperson of the performance.
board of directors shall be a non-executive director or an
independent director, and must not have served as CEO of
the BSFI within the past three (3) years. The positions of a. The board of directors shall define the BSFI’s corporate
chairperson and CEO shall not be held by one (1) person. culture and values. It shall establish a code of conduct and
In exceptional cases where the position of chairperson of ethical standards in the BSFI and shall institutionalize a system
the board of directors and CEO is allowed to be held by one that will allow reporting of concerns or violations to an
(1) person as approved by the Monetary Board, a lead appropriate body. In this regard, the board of directors shall:
independent director shall be appointed.

For this purpose, the board of directors shall define the (1) Approve a code of conduct or code of ethics, which shall
responsibilities of the lead independent director, which shall articulate acceptable and unacceptable activities,
be documented in the corporate governance manual. The transactions and behaviors that could result or potentially
board of directors shall ensure that the lead independent result in conflict of interest, personal gain at the expense
director functions in an environment that allows him to of the BSFI as well as the corresponding disciplinary
effectively challenge the CEO as circumstances may actions and sanctions. The code of conduct shall explicitly
warrant. The lead independent director shall perform a provide that directors, officers, and all personnel are
more enhanced function over the other independent expected to conduct themselves ethically and perform their
directors and shall: (1) lead the independent directors at job with skill, due care, and diligence in addition to
board of directors meetings in raising queries and pursuing complying with laws, regulations, and company policies.
matters; and (2) lead meetings of independent directors, (2) Consistently conduct the affairs of the BSFI with a high
without the presence of the executive directors. degree of integrity and play a lead role in establishing the
BSFI’s corporate culture and values. The board of directors
Board of directors meetings. BSFIs shall include in their by- shall establish, actively promote, and communicate a
laws a provision that meetings of their board of directors shall be culture of strong governance in the BSFI, through adopted
held only within the Philippines, except in the case of BSFIs with policies and displayed practices. The board of directors
head office located outside the Philippines, where meetings may shall ensure that the CEO and executive team champion
be held in their respective places of business. the desired values and conduct, and that they face material
consequences if there are persistent or high profile
conduct and value breaches.
a. Full board of directors meetings (3) Oversee the integrity, independence, and effectiveness of
The meetings of the board of directors may be conducted BSFI’s policies and procedures for whistleblowing. It shall
through modern technologies such as, but not limited to allow employees to communicate, with protection from
teleconferencing and video conferencing as long as the reprisal, legitimate concerns about illegal, unethical or
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questionable practices directly to the board of directors or are not aligned with the board of directors’ performance
to any independent unit. Policies shall likewise be set on expectations. These expectations shall include
how such concerns shall be investigated and addressed, adherence to the BSFI’s values, risk appetite and risk
for example, by an internal control function, an objective culture, under all circumstances.
external party, senior management and/or the board of (c) The board of directors shall regularly meet with senior
directors itself. It shall prevent the use of the facilities of the management to engage in discussions, question, and
BSFI in the furtherance of criminal and other improper or critically review the reports and information provided by
illegal activities, such as but not limited to financial the latter.
misreporting, money laundering, fraud, bribery or (d) Non-executive board members shall meet regularly,
corruption. other than in meetings of the audit, risk oversight,
corporate governance, and related party transactions
b. The board of directors shall be responsible for approving committees, in the absence of senior management,
BSFI’s objectives and strategies and in overseeing with the external auditor and heads of the internal audit,
management’s implementation thereof. In this regard, the board compliance and risk management functions.
of directors shall: (4) Engage in succession planning for the CEO and other
(1) Ensure that the BSFI has beneficial influence on the critical positions, as appropriate. In this respect, the board
economy by continuously providing services and facilities of directors shall establish an effective succession
which will be supportive of the national economy. planning program. The program should include a system
(2) Approve the BSFI’s strategic objectives and business for identifying and developing potential successors for the
plans. These shall take into account the BSFI’s long- term CEO and other critical positions.
financial interests, its level of risk tolerance, and ability to (5) Ensure that personnel’s expertise and knowledge remain
manage risks effectively. In this respect, the board of relevant. The board of directors shall provide its personnel
directors shall establish a system for measuring with regular training opportunities as part of a professional
performance against plans. development program to enhance their competencies and
(3) Actively engage in the affairs of the BSFI and keep-up with stay abreast of developments relevant to their areas of
material changes in the BSFI’s business and regulatory responsibility.
environment as well as act in a timely manner to protect (6) Ensure that employee pension funds are fully funded or
the long-term interests of the BSFI. the corresponding liability appropriately recognized in the
(4) Approve and oversee the implementation of policies books of the BSFI at all times, and that all transactions
governing major areas of the BSFI’s operations. The board involving the pension fund are conducted at arm’s length
of directors shall regularly review these policies, as well as terms.
evaluate control functions (e.g., internal audit, risk
management and compliance) with senior management to d. The board of directors shall be responsible for approving and
determine areas for improvement as well as to promptly overseeing implementation of the BSFI’s corporate governance
identify and address significant risks and issues. framework. In this regard, the board of directors shall:
(1) Define appropriate governance structure and practices for its
c. The board of directors shall be responsible for the own work, and ensure that such practices are followed and
appointment/selection of key members of senior management periodically reviewed:
and heads of control functions and for the approval of a sound (a) The board of directors shall structure itself in a way,
remuneration and other incentives policy for personnel. In this including in terms of size and frequency of meetings, so as
regard, the board of directors shall: to promote efficiency, critical discussion of issues, and
(1) Oversee selection of the CEO and other key personnel, thorough review of matters. The board of directors shall
including members of senior management and heads of meet regularly to properly discharge its functions, and
control functions based on the application of fit and proper likewise have discussions on values, conduct, and
standards. Integrity, technical expertise, and experience in behaviors.
the BSFI’s business, either current or planned, shall be the (b) The board of directors shall create committees to increase
key considerations in the selection process. Moreover, efficiency and allow deeper focus in specific areas. The
since mutual trust and a close working relationship are number and nature of board-level committees would
important, the members of senior management shall depend on the size of the BSFI and the board of directors,
uphold the general operating philosophy, vision and core the BSFI’s complexity of operations, as well as the board
values of the BSFI. of directors’ long-term strategies and risk tolerance.
(2) Approve and oversee the implementation of performance (c) The board of directors shall regularly review the structure,
standards as well as remuneration and other incentives size and composition of the board of directors and board-
policy. The policy should be consistent with the long-term level committees with the end in view of having a balanced
strategic objectives and financial soundness of the BSFI membership. Towards this end, a system and procedure
and should promote good performance, convey acceptable for evaluation of the structure, size and composition of the
risk-taking behavior, and reinforce the BSFI’s operating board of directors and board-level committees shall be
and risk culture. adopted which shall include, but not limited to,
(3) Oversee the performance of senior management and benchmark and peer group analysis. The results of
heads of control functions: assessment shall form part of the ongoing improvement
(a) The board of directors shall regularly monitor and efforts of the board of directors.
assess the performance of the management team and (d) The board of directors shall adopt policies aimed at
heads of control functions based on approved ensuring that the members of the board of directors are
performance standards. able to commit to effectively discharge their
(b) The board of directors shall hold members of senior responsibilities, which shall include policy on the number
management accountable for their actions and of directorship positions and/or other internal/external
enumerate the possible consequences if those actions professional commitments that a director may have,
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commensurate with the responsibilities placed on the material exposures to related parties, and submit the same
director, as well as the nature, scale and complexity of the for confirmation by majority vote of the stockholders in the
BSFI’s operations. annual stockholders’ meeting. Any renewal or material
(e) The board of directors shall ensure that individual changes in the terms and conditions of RPTs shall also be
members of the board of directors and the shareholders approved by the board of directors. All final decisions of the
are accurately and timely informed of a comprehensive board of directors on material RPTs, including important
and understandable assessment of the BSFI’s facts about the nature, terms, conditions, original and
performance, financial condition, and risk exposures. All outstanding individual and aggregate balances,
members of the board of directors shall have reasonable justification and other details that would allow stockholders
access to any information about the BSFI at all times. The to make informed judgment as to the reasonableness of
board of directors shall also ensure that adequate and the transaction, must be clearly disclosed during
appropriate information flows internally and to the public. stockholders meetings and duly reflected in the minutes of
(f) The board of directors shall assess at least annually its board of directors and stockholders’ meetings.
performance and effectiveness as a body, as well as its (b) The board of directors shall delegate to appropriate
various committees, the CEO, the individual directors, and management committee the approval of RPTs that are
the BSFI itself, which may be facilitated by the corporate below the materiality threshold, subject to confirmation by
governance committee or external facilitators. This the board of directors. This shall, however, exclude DOSRI
exercise shall cover the assessment of the ongoing transactions, which are required to be approved by the
suitability of each board member taking into account his or board of directors. All decisions under the delegated
her performance in the board of directors and board-level authority must be properly recorded in the minutes of the
committees. committee meetings.
(g) The board of directors shall maintain appropriate records (c) The board of directors shall establish an effective system
(e.g., meeting minutes or summaries of matters reviewed, to:
recommendations made, decisions taken and dissenting (i) Determine, identify and monitor related parties and
opinions) of its deliberations and decisions. The board of RPTs;
directors shall also ensure that independent views in (ii) Continuously review and evaluate existing
meetings of the board of directors shall be given full relationships between and among businesses and
consideration and all such meetings shall be duly minuted. counterparties; and
(iii) Identify, measure, monitor and control risks arising
(2) Develop a remuneration and other incentives policy for from RPTs. The system should be able to define
directors that shall be submitted for approval of the stockholders. related parties’ extent of relationship with the BSFI;
The board of directors shall ensure that the policy is consistent assess situations in which a non-related party (with
with the long-term interest of the BSFI, does not encourage whom a BSFI has entered into a transaction)
excessive risk-taking, and is not in conflict with the director’s subsequently becomes a related party and vice versa;
fiduciary responsibilities. and generate information on the type and amount of
exposures to a particular related party. The said system
(3)Adopt a policy on retirement for directors and officers, as part will facilitate submission of accurate reports to the
of the succession plan, to promote dynamism and avoid regulators/supervisors. The system as well as the
perpetuation in power. overarching policies shall be subject to periodic
assessment by the internal audit and compliance
(4) Conduct and maintain the affairs of the BSFI within the scope functions and shall be updated regularly for their sound
of its authority as prescribed in its charter and in existing laws, implementation. The overarching policy and the system
rules and regulations. It shall ensure effective compliance with shall be made available to the Bangko Sentral and
the latter, which include prudential reporting obligations. Serious audit functions for review. Any changes in the policies
weaknesses in adhering to these duties and responsibilities may and procedures shall be approved by the board of
be considered as unsafe or unsound banking. directors.
(d) The related parties. In this regard, material risks arising
(5) Maintain, and periodically update, organizational rules, by- from RPTs shall be considered in the capital planning
laws, or other similar documents setting out its organization, process. The prescribed scenario/stress tests under the
rights, responsibilities and key activities. The board of directors capital planning process shall also capture RPTs in order
shall ensure that the BSFI’s organizational structure facilitates to determine whether the BSFI is well-insulated from any
effective decision-making and good governance. This includes going concern issue of related parties.
clear definition and delineation of the lines of responsibility and (e) The board of directors shall oversee the integrity,
accountability. independence, and effectiveness of the policies and
procedures for whistleblowing. The board of directors
(6) Oversee the development, approve, and monitor should ensure that senior management addresses
implementation of corporate governance policies. The board of legitimate issues on RPT that are raised. The board of
directors shall ensure that corporate governance policies are directors should take responsibility for ensuring that staff
followed and periodically reviewed for ongoing improvement. who raise concerns are protected from detrimental
treatment or reprisals.
(7)Approve an overarching policy on the handling of RPTs to (8) Define an appropriate corporate governance framework for
ensure that there is effective compliance with existing laws, rules group structures, which shall facilitate effective oversight over
and regulations at all times, that these are conducted on an entities in the group. The board of directors of the parent
arm’s length basis, and that no stakeholder is unduly company shall ensure consistent adoption of corporate
disadvantaged. In this regard: governance policies and systems across the group. In this
(a) The board of directors shall approve all material RPTs, regard:
those that cross the materiality threshold, and write-off of
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(a) The board of directors shall define and approve a. Define the BSFI’s risk appetite. In setting the risk
appropriate governance policies, practices and structure appetite, the board of directors shall take into account the
that will enable effective oversight of the entire group, business environment, regulatory landscape, and the
taking into account the nature and complexity of BSFI’s long term interests and ability to manage risk.
operations, size and the types of risks to which the BSFI b. Approve and oversee adherence to the risk appetite
and its subsidiaries are exposed. The board of directors statement (RAS), risk policy, and risk limits.
shall also establish means to ensure that such policies, c. Oversee the development of, approve, and oversee the
practices and systems remain appropriate in light of the implementation of policies and procedures relating to the
growth, increased complexity and geographical management of risks throughout the BSFI.
expansion of the group. Further, it shall ensure that the d. Define organizational responsibilities following the three
policies include the commitment from the entities in the lines of defense framework. The business line functions
group to meet all governance requirements. will represent the first line of defense, the risk
(b) The board of directors shall define the risk appetite for the management and compliance functions for the second
group, which shall be linked to the process of determining line of defense, and the internal audit function for the third
the adequacy of capital of the group. line of defense. In this regard:
(c) The board of directors shall ensure that adequate (a) The board of directors shall ensure that the risk
resources are available for all the entitles in the group to management, compliance and internal audit functions
effectively implement and meet the governance policies, have proper stature in the organization, have adequate
practices and systems. staff and resources, and carry out their responsibilities
(d) The board of directors shall define and approve policies independently, objectively and effectively.
and clear strategies for the establishment of new (b) The board of directors shall ensure that non-
structures. executive board members meet regularly, with the
(e) The board of directors shall understand the roles, the external auditor and heads of the internal audit,
relationships or interactions of each entity in the group compliance and risk management functions other than in
with one another and with the parent company. The meetings of the audit and risk oversight committees, in
board of directors shall understand the legal and the absence of senior management.
operational implications of the group structure and how
the various types of risk exposures affect the group’s Specific duties and responsibilities of a director. The
capital, risk profile and funding under normal and position of a director is a position of trust. A director assumes
contingent circumstances. The board of directors shall certain responsibilities to different constituencies or
ensure that the group’s corporate governance framework stakeholders, i.e., the BSFI itself, its stockholders, its depositors
includes appropriate processes and controls to identify and other creditors, its management and employees, the
and address potential intragroup conflicts of interest, regulators, deposit insurer and the public at large. These
such as those arising from intragroup transactions. constituencies or stakeholders have the right to expect that the
(f) The board of directors shall develop sound and effective institution is being run in a prudent and sound manner. The
systems for generation and sharing of information within members of the board of directors should exercise their “duty of
the group, management of risks and effective supervision care” and “duty of loyalty” to the institution.
of the group.
(g) The board of directors shall require the risk management, a. To remain fit and proper for the position for the duration of
compliance function and internal audit group to conduct his term. A director is expected to remain fit and proper for
a periodic formal review of the group structure, their the position for the duration of his term. He should possess
controls and activities to assess consistency with the unquestionable credibility to make decisions objectively and
board of directors approved policies, practices and resist undue influence. He shall treat board directorship as
strategies and to require said groups to report the results a profession and shall have a clear understanding of his
of their assessment directly to the board of directors. duties and responsibilities as well as his role in promoting
good governance. Hence, he shall maintain his professional
In cases where the BSFI is a subsidiary/affiliate of a non- integrity and continuously seek to enhance his skills,
Bangko Sentral regulated parent company: knowledge and understanding of the activities that the bank
(a) The board of directors shall define and approve policies is engaged in or intends to pursue as well as the
and clear strategies for the establishment of new structures developments in the banking industry including regulatory
(e.g., subsidiaries/affiliate of the BSFI). The board of changes through continuing education or training.
directors shall also report to the Bangko Sentral any plan b. To conduct fair business transactions with the BSFI and to
to create additional group structures. ensure that personal interest does not bias board decisions.
(b) The board of directors shall understand the roles, Directors should, whenever possible, avoid situations that
relationships or interactions of each entity in the group with would give rise to a conflict of interest. If transactions with
one another and with the parent company. The board of the institution cannot be avoided, it should be done in the
directors shall understand the legal and operational regular course of business and upon terms not less
implications of the group structure and how the various favorable to the institution than those offered to others. The
types of risk exposures affect the BSFI’s capital, risk profile basic principle to be observed is that a director should not
and funding under normal and contingent circumstances. use his position to make profit or to acquire benefit or
advantage for himself and/or his related interests. He
e. The board of directors shall be responsible for approving should avoid situations that would compromise his
BSFI’s risk governance framework and overseeing impartiality.
management’s implementation thereof. In this regard, the board c. To act honestly and in good faith, with loyalty and in the best
of directors shall: interest of the institution, its stockholders, regardless of the
amount of their stockholdings, and other stakeholders such

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as its depositors, investors, borrowers, other clients and the In assessing an officer’s integrity/probity, consideration shall be
general public. A director must always act in good faith, with given to the officer’s market reputation, observed conduct and
the care which an ordinarily prudent man would exercise behavior, as well as his ability to continuously comply with
under similar circumstances. While a director should always company policies and applicable laws and regulations, including
strive to promote the interest of all stockholders, he should market conduct rules, and the relevant requirements and
also give due regard to the rights and interests of other standards of any regulatory body, professional body, clearing
stakeholders. house or exchange, or government and any of its
d. To devote time and attention necessary to properly instrumentalities/agencies.
discharge their duties and responsibilities. Directors should
devote sufficient time to familiarize themselves with the An appointed officer has the burden to prove that he possesses
institution’s business. They must be constantly aware of the all the foregoing minimum qualifications and none of the cases
institution’s condition and be knowledgeable enough to mentioned under Sec. 138 (Persons disqualified to become
contribute meaningfully to the board’s work. They must officers). An officer shall submit to the Bangko Sentral the
attend and actively participate in board and committee required certifications and other documentary proof of such
meetings, request and review meeting materials, ask qualifications using Appendix 101 as guide within twenty (20)
questions, and request explanations. If a person cannot banking days from the date of meeting of the board of directors
give sufficient time and attention to the affairs of the in which the officer is appointed/promoted. Non- submission of
institution, he should neither accept his nomination nor run complete documentary requirements within the prescribed
for election as member of the board. period shall be construed as his/her failure to establish his/her
e. To act judiciously. Before deciding on any matter brought qualifications for the position and results to his/her removal
before the board of directors, every director should therefrom.
thoroughly evaluate the issues, ask questions and seek
clarifications when necessary. The Bangko Sentral shall also consider its own records in
f. To contribute significantly to the decision-making process determining the qualifications of an officer.
of the board. Directors should actively participate and
exercise objective independent judgment on corporate The foregoing qualifications for officers shall be in addition to
affairs requiring the decision or approval of such board. those required or prescribed under R.A. No. 8791 and other
g. To exercise independent judgment. A director should view applicable laws and regulations.
each problem/situation objectively. When a disagreement
with others occurs, he should carefully evaluate the Duties and responsibilities of officers.
situation and state his position. He should not be afraid to
take a position even though it might be unpopular.
Corollarily, he should support plans and ideas that he thinks a. To set the tone of good governance from the top. Bank
will be beneficial to the institution. officers shall promote the good governance practices
h. To have a working knowledge of the statutory and within the bank by ensuring that policies on governance
regulatory requirements affecting the institution, including as approved by the board of directors are consistently
the content of its articles of incorporation and by-laws, the adopted across the bank.
requirements of the Bangko Sentral and where applicable, b. To oversee the day-to-day management of the BSFI.
the requirements of other regulatory agencies. A director Bank officers shall ensure that bank’s activities and
should also keep himself informed of the industry operations are consistent with the bank’s strategic
developments and business trends in order to safeguard objectives, risk strategy, corporate values and policies
the institution’s competitiveness. as approved by the board of directors. They shall
i. To observe confidentiality. Directors must observe the establish a bank-wide management system
confidentiality of non-public information acquired by reason characterized by strategically aligned and mutually
of their position as directors. They may not disclose said reinforcing performance standards across the
information to any other person without the authority of the organization.
board. c. To ensure that duties are effectively delegated to the
staff and to establish a management structure that
promotes accountability and transparency. Bank
BSFIs shall furnish aII of their first-time directors within a BSFI officers shall establish measurable standards,
with a copy of the specific duties and responsibilities of the board initiatives and specific responsibilities and
of directors and as an individual director prescribed under Sec. accountabilities for each bank personnel. Bank officers
132, upon election. The BSFI must keep on file certification shall oversee the performance of these delegated
under oath of the directors concerned that they have received duties and responsibilities and shall ultimately be
copies of such specific duties and responsibilities and that they responsible to the board of directors for the
fully understand and accept the same. performance of the bank.
(Circular No. 969 dated 22 August 2017)
d. To promote and strengthen checks and balances
systems in the BSFI. Bank officers shall promote sound
internal controls and avoid activities that shall
SECTION 134. OFFICERS compromise the effective dispense of their functions.
Qualifications of an officer. An officer must be fit and proper Further, they shall ensure that they give due
for the position he is being appointed to. In determining whether recognition to the importance of the internal audit,
a person is fit and proper for a particular position, the following compliance and external audit functions.
matters must be considered: integrity/probity,
education/training, and possession of competencies relevant to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO shall be the overall-
the function such as knowledge and experience, skills and in-charge for the management of the business and affairs of the
diligence. BSFI governed by the strategic direction and risk appetite
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approved by the board of directors. He shall be primarily marketable bonds and other debt securities; and extending
accountable to the board of directors in championing the desired credit, subject to such rules as the Monetary Board may
conduct and behavior, implementing strategies, and in promulgate. These rules may include the
promoting the long-term interest of the BSFI.
(Circular No. 969 dated 22 August 2017) II. EQUITY INVESTMENTS- UNIVERSAL BANKS [SEC. 24-
SECTION 24. Equity Investments of a Universal Bank
5. BANK BRANCHES AND BANKING DAYS AND HOURS A universal bank may, subject to the conditions stated in the
[SEC. 20 & 21] succeeding paragraph, invest in the equities of allied and non-
allied enterprises as may be determined by the Monetary Board.
SECTION 20. Bank Branches Allied enterprises may either be financial or non-financial.
Universal or commercial banks may open branches or other
offices within or outside the Philippines upon prior approval of Except as the Monetary Board may otherwise prescribe:
the Bangko Sentral.
24.1. The total investment in equities of allied and non-allied
Branching by all other banks shall be governed by pertinent enterprises shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the net worth
laws. of the bank; and

A bank may, subject to prior approval of the Monetary Board, 24.2. The equity investment in any one enterprise, whether allied
use any or all of its branches as outlets for the presentation or non-allied, shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the
and/or sale of the financial products of its allied undertaking or net worth of the bank.
of its investment house units.
As used in this Act, "net worth" shall mean the total of the
A bank authorized to establish branches or other offices shall be unimpaired paid-in capital including paid-in surplus, retained
responsible for all business conducted in such branches and earnings and undivided profit, net of valuation reserves and
offices to the same extent and in the same manner as though other adjustments as may be required by the Bangko Sentral.
such business had all been conducted in the head office. A bank The acquisition of such equity or equities is subject to the prior
and its branches and offices shall be treated as one unit. (6-B; approval of the Monetary Board which shall promulgate
27) appropriate guidelines to govern such investments. (21-Ba)

SECTION 25. Equity Investments of a Universal Bank in

SECTION 21. Banking Days and Hours Financial Allied Enterprises
A universal bank can own up to one hundred percent (100%) of
Unless otherwise authorized by the Bangko Sentral in the the equity in a thrift bank, a rural bank or a financial allied
interest of the banking public, all banks including their branches enterprise. A publicly-listed universal or commercial bank may
and offices shall transact business on all working days for at own up to one hundred percent (100%) of the voting stock of
least six (6) hours a day. In addition, banks or any of their only one other universal or commercial bank. (21-B; 21-Ca)
branches or offices may open for business on Saturdays,
Sundays or holidays for at least three (3) hours a day: Provided, SECTION 26. Equity Investments of a Universal Bank in
That banks which opt to open on days other than working days Non-Financial Allied Enterprises
shall report to the Bangko Sentral the additional days during A universal bank may own up to one hundred percent (100%) of
which they or their branches or offices shall transact business. the equity in a non-financial allied enterprise. (21-Ba)

For purposes of this Section, working days shall mean Mondays SECTION 27. Equity Investments of a Universal Bank in
to Fridays, except if such days are holidays. (6-Ca) Non-Allied Enterprises
The equity investment of a universal bank, or of its wholly or
majority-owned subsidiaries, in a single nonallied enterprise
6. CHAPTER IV, DEPOSIT, LOANS AND OTHER shall not exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the total equity in
OPERATIONS that enterprise nor shall it exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the
voting stock in that enterprise. (21-B)
A universal bank shall have the authority to exercise, in addition SECTION 28. Equity Investments in Quasi-Banks
to the powers authorized for a commercial bank in Section 29, To promote competitive conditions in financial markets, the
the powers of an investment house as provided in existing laws Monetary Board may further limit to forty percent (40%) equity
and the power to invest in non-allied enterprises as provided in investments of universal banks in quasi-banks. This rule shall
this Act. (21-B) also apply in the case of commercial banks. (12-E)

A commercial bank shall have, in addition to the general powers SECTION 29. Powers of a Commercial Bank
incident to corporations, all such powers as may be necessary A commercial bank shall have, in addition to the general powers
to carry on the business of commercial banking, such as incident to corporations, all such powers as may be necessary
accepting drafts and issuing letters of credit; discounting and to carry on the business of commercial banking, such as
negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and accepting drafts and issuing letters of credit; discounting and
other evidences of debt; accepting or creating demand deposits; negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and
receiving other types of deposits and deposit substitutes; buying other evidences of debt; accepting or creating demand deposits;
and selling foreign exchange and gold or silver bullion; acquiring
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receiving other types of deposits and deposit substitutes; buying metric tons to another buyer at a lower price, to cut losses and
and selling foreign exchange and gold or silver bullion; acquiring expenses Daewoo had begun to incur due to its inability to ship
marketable bonds and other debt securities; and extending the 2000 metric tons to Reliance under their contract.
credit, subject to such rules as the Monetary Board may
promulgate. These rules may include the determination of bonds Reliance filed an action for damages against Daewoo with the
and other debt securities eligible for investment, the maturities trial court. Daewoo responded, inter alia, with a counterclaim for
and aggregate amount of such investment. (21a) damages, contending that Reliance was guilty of breach of
contract when it failed to open and L/C as required in the 31 July
1. Powers of the Corporation 1980 contract.

ISSUE: WON the failure of Reliance to open a letter of credit on

2. Enumerated Powers the date agreed upon makes him liable to the Daewoo

RULING: Yes, Reliance is liable.

3. Cases: A letter of credit is one of the modes of payment, set out in Sec.
a. RELIANCE COMMODITIES vs. DAEWOO INDUSTRIES 8, Central Bank Circular No. 1389, “Consolidated Foreign
Exchange Rules and Regulations”, dated 13 April 1993, by
FACTS: On 9 January 1980, petitioner Reliance and private which commercial banks sell foreign exchange to service
respondent Daewoo entered into a contract of sale under the payments for, e.g., commodity imports. The primary purpose of
terms of which the latter undertook to ship and deliver to the the letter of credit is to substitute for, and therefore support, the
former 2,000 metric tons of foundry pig iron for the price of agreement of the buyer/ importer to pay money under a contract
US$404,000.00. Pursuant to this contract, Daewoo shipped or other arrangement. It creates in the seller/exporter a secure
from Pohang, Korea, 2,000 metric tons of foundry pig iron on expectation of payment.
board for carriage to and delivery in Manila to its consignee,
Reliance. The shipment was fully paid for. Upon arrival in We believe and so hold that failure of a buyer seasonably to
Manila, the subject cargo was found to be short of 135.655 furnish an agreed letter of credit is a breach of the contract
metric tons as only 1,864.345 metric tons were discharged and between buyer and seller. Where the buyer fails to open a
delivered to Reliance. letter of credit as stipulated, the seller or exporter is entitled
to claim damages for such breach. Damages for failure to
On 2 May 1980, another contract was entered into between the open a commercial credit may, in appropriate cases, include the
same parties for the purchase of another 2,000 metric tons of loss of profit which the seller would reasonably have made had
foundry pig iron. Daewoo acknowledged the short shipment of the transaction been carried out.
135.655 metric tons under the 9 January 1980 contract and, to
compensate Reliance therefor, bound itself to reduce the price b. PRUDENTIAL BANK vs. IAC
by US$1 to US$2 per metric ton of pig iron for succeeding
orders. This undertaking was made part of the 2 May 1980 FACTS: Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. (PRMI)applied for a
contract. However, that contract was not consummated and was commercial letter of credit with Prudential bank for the
later superseded by still another contract dated 31 July 1980 importation of textile machinery with Nissho Co., Ltd. of Japan.
Prudential Bank executed a trust receipt signed by the President
On August 1, 1980, Reliance, filed with the China Banking of PRMI.
Corporation, an application for a L/C in favor of Daewoo
covering the amount of US$380,600.00. The application was PMRI received the machinery and installed the same at its
endorsed to the Iron and Steel Authority (ISA) for approval but factory. PMRI ceased business sometime in 1967 without
the application was denied. Reliance was instead asked to paying his obligation arising from the letters of credit and trust
submit purchase orders from end-users to support its application receipt. Repeated demands for the payment of the said trust
for a Letter of Credit. However, Reliance was not able to raise receipt were made and to no avail. Hence, action for collection
purchase orders for 2,000 metric tons. Reliance alleges that it of money was filed to the trial court.
was able to raise purchase orders for 1,900 metric tons.
Daewoo, upon the other hand, contends that Reliance was only ISSUE: Whether Philippine Rayon is liable on the basis of the
able to raise purchase orders for 900 metric tons. An trust receipt?
examination of the exhibits 5 presented by Reliance in the trial
court shows that only purchase orders for 900 metric tons were HELD: Paragraph 8 of the Trust Receipt which reads: "My/our
stamped “Received” by the ISA. The other purchase orders for liability for payment at maturity of any accepted draft, bill of
1,000 metric tons allegedly sent by prospective end- users to exchange or indebtedness shall not be extinguished or
Reliance were not shown to have been duly sent and exhibited modified" 17 does not, contrary to the holding of the public
to the ISA. Whatever the exact amount of the purchase orders respondent, contemplate prior acceptance by Philippine Rayon,
was, Daewoo rejected the proposed L/C for the reason that the but by the petitioner. Acceptance, however, was not even
goods covered fell short of the contracted tonnage. Thus, necessary in the first place because the drafts which were
Reliance withdrew the application for the L/C on 14 August eventually issued were sight drafts And even if these were not
1980. sight drafts, thereby necessitating acceptance, it would be the
petitioner — and not Philippine Rayon — which had to accept
Subsequently, Daewoo learned that the failure of Reliance to the same for the latter was not the drawee. Presentment for
open the L/C as stipulated in the 31 July 1980 contract was due acceptance is defined an the production of a bill of exchange to
to the fact that as early as May 1980, Reliance had already a drawee for acceptance. 18 The trial court and the public
exceeded its foreign exchange allocation for 1980. Because of respondent, therefore, erred in ruling that presentment for
the failure of Reliance to comply with its undertaking under the acceptance was an indispensable requisite for Philippine
31 July 1980 contract, Daewoo was compelled to sell the 2,000
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Rayon's liability on the drafts to attach. Contrary to both courts' First, given the factual findings of the courts below, we conclude
pronouncements, Philippine Rayon immediately became that petitioner Bank of America has acted merely as a notifying
liable thereon upon petitioner's payment thereof. Such is bank and did not assume the responsibility of a confirming bank;
the essence of the letter of credit issued by the petitioner. and
A different conclusion would violate the principle upon which
commercial letters of credit are founded because in such a case, Second, petitioner bank, as a negotiating bank, is entitled to
both the beneficiary and the issuer, Nissho Company Ltd. and recover on Inter-Resin's partial availment as beneficiary of
the petitioner, respectively, would be placed at the mercy of the letter of credit which has been disowned by the alleged
Philippine Rayon even if the latter had already received the issuer bank.
imported machinery and the petitioner had fully paid for it.
Commercial letters of credit have come into general use in A letter of credit is a financial device developed by merchants as
international sales transactions where much time necessarily a convenient and relatively safe mode of dealing with sales of
elapses between the sale and the receipt by a purchaser of the goods to satisfy the seemingly irreconcilable interests of a seller,
merchandise, during which interval great price changes may who refuses to part with his goods before he is paid, and a buyer,
occur. Their purpose is to insure to a seller payment of a who wants to have control of the goods before paying. 9 To break
definite amount upon presentation of documents. The bank the impasse, the buyer may be required to contract a bank to
deals only with documents. It has nothing to do with the quality issue a letter of credit in favor of the seller so that, by virtue of
of the merchandise. Disputes as to the merchandise shipped the latter of credit, the issuing bank can authorize the seller to
may arise and be litigated later between vendor and vendee, but draw drafts and engage to pay them upon their presentment
they may not impede acceptance of drafts and payment by the simultaneously with the tender of documents required by the
issuing bank when the proper documents are presented. letter of credit. 10 The buyer and the seller agree on what
documents are to be presented for payment, but ordinarily they
A letter of credit is defined as an engagement by a bank or other are documents of title evidencing or attesting to the shipment of
person made at the request of a customer that the issuer will the goods to the buyer.
honor drafts or other demands for payment upon compliance
with the conditions specified in the credit. Through a letter of There would at least be three (3) parties: (a) the buyer, 12 who
credit, the bank merely substitutes its own promise to pay for procures the letter of credit and obliges himself to reimburse the
one of its customers who in return promises to pay the bank the issuing bank upon receipts of the documents of title; (b) the bank
amount of funds mentioned in the letter of credit plus credit or issuing the letter of credit, 13 which undertakes to pay the seller
commitment fees mutually agreed upon. 12 In the instant case upon receipt of the draft and proper document of titles and to
then, the drawee was necessarily the herein petitioner. It was to surrender the documents to the buyer upon reimbursement;
the latter that the drafts were presented for payment. In fact, and, (c) the seller, 14 who in compliance with the contract of sale
there was no need for acceptance as the issued drafts are sight ships the goods to the buyer and delivers the documents of title
drafts. Presentment for acceptance is necessary only in the and draft to the issuing bank to recover payment.
cases expressly provided for in Section 143 of the Negotiable
Instruments Law (NIL). The number of the parties, not infrequently and almost invariably
in international trade practice, may be increased. Thus, the
c. BANK OF AMERICA, NT vs. CA services of an advising (notifying) bank 15 may be utilized to
convey to the seller the existence of the credit; or, of a confirming
bank 16 which will lend credence to the letter of credit issued by
FACTS: Bank of America received an Irrevocable Letter of a lesser known issuing bank; or, of a paying bank, 17 which
Credit issued bu Bank of Ayudhya for the Account of General undertakes to encash the drafts drawn by the exporter. Further,
Chemicals Ltd., Inc. for the sale of plastic ropes and agricultural instead of going to the place of the issuing bank to claim
files with Bank of America as advising bank and Inter-Resin payment, the buyer may approach another bank, termed the
Industrial Corp. as beneficiary. negotiating bank, 18 to have the draft discounted.
Upon receipt of the letter advice with letter of credit by Inter- It cannot seriously be disputed, looking at this case, that Bank
Resin told Bank of America to confirm said letter of credit, but of America has, in fact, only been an advising, not confirming,
the bank did not confirm such. Bank of America explained that bank, and this much is clearly evident, among other things, by
there was no need for confirmation. the provisions of the letter of credit itself, the petitioner bank's
letter of advice, its request for payment of advising fee, and the
Inter-Resin made a partial availment of the Letter of Credit after admission of Inter-Resin that it has paid the same. That Bank of
presentment of the required documents to Bank of America. America has asked Inter-Resin to submit documents required by
After confirmation of all the documents BA issued a check in the letter of credit and eventually has paid the proceeds thereof,
favor of IR. BA advice Bank of Ayudhya of IR’s availment under did not obviously make it a confirming bank. The fact, too, that
the letter of credit and asked for the corresponding the draft required by the letter of credit is to be drawn under the
reimbursement. account of General Chemicals (buyer) only means the same had
to be presented to Bank of Ayudhya (issuing bank) for payment.
IR presented documents for the second availment under the It may be significant to recall that the letter of credit is an
same LC but BA stopped the processing of such after they engagement of the issuing bank, not the advising bank, to pay
received a telex from Bank of Ayudhya delaring that the LC the draft.
fraudulent. BA sued IR for the recovery of the first LC payment.
As an advising or notifying bank, Bank of America did not incur
ISSUE: Whether or not Bank of America may recover what it has any obligation more than just notifying Inter-Resin of the letter of
paid under the letter of credit to Inter-Resin? credit issued in its favor, let alone to confirm the letter of credit.
25 The bare statement of the bank employees, aforementioned,
HELD: In fine, we hold that — in responding to the inquiry made by Atty. Tanay, Inter-Resin's
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representative, on the authenticity of the letter of credit certainly d. Total outstanding loans, other credit accommodations and
did not have the effect of novating the letter of credit and Bank guarantees granted to related parties that are not at arm’s
of America's letter of advise, 26 nor can it justify the conclusion length terms as determined by the appropriate supervising
that the bank must now assume total liability on the letter of department of the Bangko Sentral;
credit. Indeed, Inter-Resin itself cannot claim to have been all e. Deferred income tax;
that free from fault. As the seller, the issuance of the letter of f. Appraisal increment reserve (revaluation reserve) as a
credit should have obviously been a great concern to it. 27 It result of appreciation or an increase in the book value of
would have, in fact, been strange if it did not, prior to the letter bank assets;
of credit, enter into a contract, or negotiated at the every least, g. Equity investment of a bank in another bank or enterprise,
with General Chemicals. 28 In the ordinary course of business, whether foreign or domestic, if the other bank or enterprise
the perfection of contract precedes the issuance of a letter of has a reciprocal equity investment in the investing bank, in
credit. which case, the investment of the bank or the reciprocal
investment of the other bank or enterprises, whichever is
lower; and
h. In the case of RBs/Coop Banks, the government
V. SECTIONS 30-32 EQUITY INVESTMENTS OF counterpart equity, except those arising from conversion of
COMMERCIAL BANKS arrearages under the Bangko Sentral rehabilitation

SECTION 30. Equity Investments of a Commercial Bank With respect to Item “b” hereof, the provision in Sec. 341 shall
A commercial bank may, subject to the conditions stated in the apply except that in the definition of stockholders in said Section,
succeeding paragraphs, invest only in the equities of allied the qualification that his stockholdings, individually and/or
enterprises as may be determined by the Monetary Board. Allied together with his related interest in the lending bank, should at
enterprises may either be financial or non-financial. Except as least amount to two percent (2%) or more of the total subscribed
the Monetary Board may otherwise prescribe: 30.1. The total capital stock of the bank, shall not apply for the purpose of this
investment in equities of allied enterprises shall not exceed Item.
thirty-five percent (35%) of the net worth of the bank; and 30.2.
The equity investment in any one enterprise shall not exceed Minimum capitalization. The minimum capitalization of banks
twenty-five percent (25%) of the net worth of the bank. The shall be as follows: (see table on page 60-61 of MORB updated
acquisition of such equity or equities is subject to the prior pdf)
approval of the Monetary Board which shall promulgate
appropriate guidelines to govern such investments. (21A-a; 21- For purposes of compliance with this Section, the term branch
Ca) shall exclude the branch-lite units of banks.

The above shall also be the required minimum capitalization

SECTION 31. Equity Investments of a Commercial Bank in
upon (a) establishment of a new bank, (b) conversion of an
Financial Allied Enterprises
existing bank from a lower to a higher category bank and vice
A commercial bank may own up to one hundred percent (100%)
versa, and (c) relocation of the head office of a TB/RB in an area
of the equity of a thrift bank or a rural bank. Where the equity
of higher classification.
investment of a commercial bank is in other financial allied
enterprises, including another commercial bank, such
For the grant of the following special banking authorities:
investment shall remain a minority holding in that enterprise.
(21-Aa; 21-Ca)
a. Quasi-banking functions for TBs;
SECTION 32. Equity Investments of a Commercial Bank in b. Trust and other fiduciary business for U/KBs and TBs;
Non-Financial Allied Enterprises c. Limited trust for TBs and RBs/Coop Banks;
A commercial bank may own up to one hundred percent (100%) d. Foreign currency deposit unit/expanded foreign
of the equity in a nonfinancial allied enterprise. (21-Aa) currency deposit unit (FCDU/EFCDU);
e. Issuance of foreign letters of credit (LCs) for TBs;
MORB Sections 121 and 122 f. Acceptance of demand deposit and NOW accounts for
SECTION 121. MINIMUM REQUIRED CAPITAL g. Acting as third party custodian/registry;
The following provisions shall govern the capital requirements
for banks. the higher of (a) the required minimum capital under this Section
at the time of the application for the grant of special banking
The term capital shall be synonymous to unimpaired capital and authority or (b) the amount specified in the applicable Sections
surplus, combined capital accounts and net worth and shall refer for the grant of special banking authorities shall be the required
to the total of the unimpaired paid-in capital, surplus and minimum capital which shall be complied with on a continuing
undivided profits, less: basis.

Transitory provisions. Banks which are existing, or which are

a. Unbooked valuation reserves (now referred to as allowance already authorized by the Monetary Board but not yet operating,
for credit losses) and other capital adjustments as may be or persons from whom completed applications have been
required by the Bangko Sentral; received but pending action by the Bangko Sentral, shall be
b. Total outstanding unsecured credit accommodations, both allowed five (5) years from 19 November 2014 within which to
direct and indirect, to DOSRI granted by the bank proper; meet the above minimum capital requirements. Banks granted
c. Total outstanding unsecured loans, other credit with special banking authorities/licenses which require
accommodations and guarantees granted to subsidiaries;
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Banking LAW
compliance with minimum capital requirements shall be given considered sufficient action to address the bank’s capital
five (5) years from 19 November 2014 within which to comply. deficiency.
Banks which comply with the new capital levels shall submit to
the Bangko Sentral a certification to this effect within thirty (30) If the above requirements are not submitted within the given
calendar days from 19 November 2014. Banks not meeting the period, the appropriate supervising department of the Bangko
required minimum capital must submit to the Bangko Sentral an Sentral may proceed in recommending appropriate supervisory
acceptable capital build-up program for this purpose within one action/s on the bank, if applicable.
(1) year from 19 November 2014. If the prescribed minimum (Circular Nos. 987 dated 28 December 2017, 932 dated 16 December 2016, 914 dated 23 June 2016,
890 dated 02 November 2015 and 854 dated 29 October 2014, and M-2014-002 dated 27 January
capital necessitates an increase in the authorized capital stock, 2014)
affected banks shall cause the corresponding amendments to
their articles of incorporation/cooperation. SECTION 122. SHARES OF STOCK OF BANKS
(see content on page 67 of MORB updated)
The appropriate supervising department of the Bangko Sentral
will evaluate the continuing compliance of banks to the
aforementioned capital build-up program. The Bangko Sentral
may require appropriate actions and/or impose sanctions for
non-compliance with the capital build-up program as provided
under existing banking laws and/or Bangko Sentral rules and

Guidelines on proposed investment from third party

investors (TPIs) for purposes of complying with the
minimum capital requirements. The following are the
guidelines for capital deficient banks with proposed investments
from TPIs for purposes of addressing the capital deficiency:
a. A bank that has already entered into a final agreement with
a TPI to invest in the bank, which amount of investment
shall cover the full amount of the capital deficiency, shall
immediately submit the subscription contract/written
agreement with the TPI to the Bangko Sentral. It is
understood that with the submission of such contract, the
TPI has already agreed to infuse the needed funds to cover
the capital deficiency.
b. In case the transaction requires prior Bangko Sentral
approval under Sec. 122 (Transactions involving voting
shares of stocks, Item “b”), the bank shall submit the
following documentary requirements within fifteen (15)
banking days from the submission of the aforementioned
subscription contract/written agreement or within the
timeline prescribed by Sec. 122 (Transactions involving
voting shares of stocks, Item “b”)1, whichever is earlier:
(1) Bank’s request (signed by the president or officer of
equivalent rank) for Bangko Sentral approval of the
subject transactions (accompanied by a Board
Resolution of the TPI to that effect, if the TPI is a
(2) A certified copy of the Escrow Agreement between the
bank, TPI and escrow agent, and a certificate of escrow
deposit issued by the escrow agent equivalent to at
least the amount of the proposed investment;
(3) Documentary requirements under Sec. 122
(Transactions involving voting shares of stocks, Item
“b”); and
(4) Other documentary requirements as may be required
by the Bangko Sentral.

d. The bank shall also comply with the requirements under

Sec. 123 on the treatment of deposit for stock subscription
as part of the equity, if applicable.

The investment of the TPI would not be considered for purposes

of addressing the capital deficiency if the aforementioned
documentary requirements are not complied with. In this regard,
it is understood that mere submission to Bangko Sentral of a
TPI’s Letter of Intent (LOI) to invest in the bank shall not be

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