Genma Onimusha - 2002 - Capcom Co., Ltd.

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een) es ASE cere SAFETY INFORMATION ‘ABOUT PHOTOSENSITIVE SEIZURES Lun sal parcninge of peace enporerce a sr wha exposed inca visual iages, ‘olan ashing hts or patorns ties may appear in vdeo games. Even people info have no ristoy of ‘skies 0 oplepoy may ave an unelaanosed consiion tt cen cause these photosensitive epileptic soiuios! whle watching video gemes. “These seinures may have 8 varity of aympoms inolaing alte, adress, alioredsisn, eye ortsce ‘wishing, jerking or siakirg of ams or ngs disorientation, conlusionr momentary oss of awareness. Se rues may zl cau oss of consciousness o vi vlions thst cen las injuyfan fling down ot skin nearoy objects. Immediately stop plying and consi: dovtrafyau expprncs any ofthese symptoms. Parents should ‘nsthforor aster hilton atautth above symptoms —ch la and teenage moe they han frit to experince thoso sulzucs 1 Ti "sk of photosensitive enleticsinures may be reduced by: » sing ferther fom he evisionstroon, * pig @ smal tolovistensoreen, * layne in a wel-ltroom, anc + not plying when you ate dcwy or fatigues [tor orany ot your relabves have history of solures or epilepsy, eoneult a docio:bofors paying. ‘AVOID.DAMAGET0 YOUR TELEVISION ‘Do notuse wits contain televsions, Some televisions, especily ron or rear-ncjecton types, can be sdainagod i any video games, luding Xbox cares, ae pleyed on them State inyss presents suring ‘the normal course of geme gley may "surn in tothe sereen, caus'ng 6 permansitstladaw af the state sg 1b appear stallimes, even when video games ale nat being payed. Sinilar camage may occur fom siete images erected when placing a video gama on held or use. Consult your television overs manu sa determine # uid gamos con by col played on your st I you a Urabe to ind this information nthe owner's mania contact your telovsin Gealer or ne manufacturer ta derermine ‘idan games can bo played'on your set. (OTHER IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. ‘The Xbox vdeo gema ion documentation contsins important safety and peetn information hatyou should teed and undurstand bore using ths suitware Unauthorzed copying reverse engineering ransmission, public performance, rental, pay fo play oF ‘ekeunvention of eapy protsetion{s strilyproibited A Special Messege from CAPCOM ENTERTAINMENT Thenkou fer abecng SENN ONISHI or your tar" oa seme jam fom Morano es EAM ENTERTAINMENT proto rg yo hs aw aden tu te ge Wry Ccapcns rea INC 7nd Peay, Sanyal, CAst08 ie carcou cb, tn. a2 ‘DCAPCOU Usa, Inc mez ALL RIGHTS RESERUED EAPC arte CAPCOM op a egared franks o CA PCUNLCD. CTD GENT OR AUS She UAFOMT EDGE se tademee af CAPCOM CO, 110, Exmseeady co Manor mre Chars Samaras lech bY Fulong "roduc Guest Cros Takeo nett Mesa oe ane X90: loge are zineregstereederarks oraerarks ct Marsa Corsrevon nt Usaha es Favanog: ean gta sodera of 8 eekeal) ‘CAPCOM EDGE HINT LINE Hise rain ‘J-900 LBCYESS (1-200-976-2249) 9 et 2 poco format, SSepormntetorive Game Cainer scence. From Cane: 01722215 ree, st be Byte rhe anal prison (si Catan ute Mody nj 6208.50 pm, oe Tne. Ths it ne apc pms pose: by (CAPCOM ENTEATAINMENT IN ony Natal be ven ‘yeu Conse See Yu mst hae ch ane ‘CAPCOM ON LINE st auwebste sel ae etre CAPCOM pots fe cveeout ste meson ne! You sen os ent aat ‘aganatGespconcar facts fl fd au whet rea CARCI REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.CAPCOMLCOM Setting Up Destiny ‘The Players Starting the Game Basic Controls Actions Status Screen Souls Inventory . Items Enhancing Items 6 Orbs Game Over. Saving a Gane Option Mode Sounds of Onimusha All Things Capcom Capcom Edge CONTENTS | USING THE XBOX CONTROLLER “will light up. 3.Press the eject button and the dise tray will open. 4, Place the GENMA ONIMUSHA™ disc on the dise tray. ; with. the label facing up and close the disc tray. 5. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual _ Jor_more information about playing GENMA ONIMUSHA. - AVOIDING DAMAGE TO: DISCS - OR THE DISC DRIVE “To avoid damage to discs or the disc drive: ‘+ Insert only Xbox-compatible discs into the disc drive. © Never use oddly shaped discs, such as star-shaped or heart-shaped discs. 5 * De not leave a disc in the Xbox console “id extended periods “when not in use. ‘ *.Do not moveithe Xbox. console while the power is on aud edie is tnserted. — not apply labels, 1. Insert the Xbox Controller into any controller port of the Xbox console. 2. Insert any peripherals (for example, Xbox Memory Units) _»into controller expansion Slots as appropriate. 3. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for more information about using the Xbox Controller to play GENMA ONIMUSHA. 4, See page 10 for game controls, DESTINY EIROKU 3 (AD 1560) SUMMER ... Yoshimoto Imagawa, a powerful warlord of Suruga, leads an immense army from Suruga toward Kyoto (in those days the capital of Japan). Yoshimoto's ambition is to unify Japan and crown himself its sole king. On the march, the army halis on the plain of Okehazama in Owatri to rest for the night This changes Yoshimoto's — and Japan’s — destiny forever. A troop of only 2,000 soldiers, led by Nobunaga Oda, a warlord of Owari, makes a surprise attack on Yoshimoto's é camp. In a desperate battle, Nobunaga's legions defeat @ the invaders and slay Yoshimoto. (This historical event is a known as the Battle of Okehazama.) Just as Nobunaga is eaulting in his victory, an arrow from one of Yoshimoto's soldiers pierces his throat. He falls to the ground in a death struggle. A young man watches this from a remote hill. His name is Samanosuke Akechi. He is marked by destiny ONE YEAR LATER ... Strange incidents are occurring in Inabayama Castle tn the Mino prefecture. Soldiers and workers are disappearing without a trace. Worrted by these inexplicable events, Princess Yuki sends a plea for help to Samanosuke. At once, he races to the castle, But he arrives too late. Yuki has been kidnapped! At the same time, enemy troops are attacking the castle. Leading the army — risen from certain death and astride a fierce warhorse — ts Nobunaga! It’s time for action! Samanosuke vows to rescue Yuki with the help of his partner kunoichi* Kaede and defeat Nobunaga and his army of demon warriors. *Female ninja SAMANOSUKE AKECH! (19. years ct A master swordsman who travels across Japan seeking his rival. Often percetved as a passionless soldier because of his quiet ways, Samanosuke is actually a hot-blooded warrior with a noble sense. of justice. Yuli is the sister of Yoshitatsu, the master of Inabayama Castle and Samanosuke’s cousin. She becomes aware of strange events in the castle and sends an SOS to Samanosuke. But before he arrives, she is mysteriously kidnapped. YUMEMARU , (12 years old) An enigmatic orphan discovered by Samanosuke while looking for Yuki in the castle. An expert kunoichi (female ninja), Kaede was originally sent by the Iga ninjas to assassinate Samanosuke. Instead, she develops absolute trust in him and joins him as iifs confidant. NOBUNAGA ODA An exceptional warlord who aspires to unify Japan. With the victory against Imagawa in Okehazama, he rides a tidal wave of success. Though he was once thought dead, Nobunaga's acts have now become extremely heartless and cruel. TOUKICHIRO KINOSHITA Included among Nobunaga's highest ranking generals, Kinoshita has the warlord's complete trust. Though he has sworn absolute loyalty to Nobunaga, the only thing Kinoshita truly cares about is his own advancement in the ranks of power. STARTING THE GAME MAIN MENU Press % at the Title screen. The Main Menu will appear. Use the directional pad to select an option and press @. + NEW GAME - Start a new game. + LOAD GAME ~ Resume a previously saved game (see “Saving a Game” on page 20). + OPTION - Adjust various game settings (see page 21). You can dlso access Option Mode from the Pause Menu by pressing CHARACTER CHANGE As the adventure proceeds, you will play as Kaede on certain occasions. The controls for playing as Kaede are the same as for Samanosuke, except that Kaede does not have the Ogre’s Gauntlet. Kaede shares items with Samanosuke; the items she carmot use are dimmed. Se _ 4 ve ree gasie CONTRO) Directional pad Right thumbstick Left thumbstick = The button setup above is A-TYPE. You can choose from A-TYPE, Start game Pause/Resume Highlight memu selections Move character Rum forward /hack Rotate/Step right/left (hold R trigger) Block Switch Inventory screen display Ready sword Switch Inventory Release Ogre Power (see page 15) Turn 180° _ Special Attack E Cancel menu selection/Exit menu Attack Confira menu selection Check/Absorb souls (hold) Display Inventory screen (press in) Display map during play (press in) B-TYPE and C-TYPE in Option Mode (see page 21.) = To return to the Titl le screen during play, press ‘“@p to pause, highlight QUIT in the Pause Memu, press @ and select YES. Your game won't be eee saved when you do this. 10 BASIC ATTACK Attack with a weapon or kick the closest enemy. Depending on how long you hold down @, the attack will vary up io level 3 (the sword shows the level inereasing). If you’re using a sub weapon, the attack doesn’t change when you hold @. SPECIAL ATTACK When an Orb is equipped on the Ogre’s Gauntlet and you have the required Magic Power, you can press @ to use a Special Attack. A Special Attack requires a certain amouni of Magic — Power, Power-up a Special Attack to level 3 by enhancing an Orb (see page 19). When an Orb is enhanced, you can use a more powerful Special Attack by holding @ longer. SUB WEAPONS ‘You can acquire a bow as an item and equip it for use. You need to equip arrows to use a bow. When a howtis equipped, hold dovin the R trigger and press € to shoot, You can adjust the direction and angle with the right thumbstick. BLOCK When an enemy grabs your character, immediately press the L. trigger plus the directional pad @/™ (away from the enemy) to dodge quickly. Your character cannot block certain enemy attacks. Vitality Gauge Equipped ‘Magic Power ‘Orb Gauge Soul | Counter Green Soul Gauge <1ATUS SCREEY | EQUIPPED ORB The Orb currently equipped ts displayed. When your character's Magic Power is low, the Orb blinks quickly. VITALITY GAUGE The color bar decreases when your character is attacked. When this gauge drains, your game is over. MAGIC POWER GAUGE The color bar decreases when you use Special Attacks (see page 11). SOUL COUNTER A number ts displayed when your character absorbs a soul (see page 14). Numbers in red are points of the soul; numbers in yellow are successive bonus points. Negative numbers in green show that your power is low. In tis case, find and absorb more souls as soon as possible. GREEN SOUL GAUGE (Around Soul Counter) If you absorb five green souls, you can release Ogre Power, which makes your character invincible for awhile and restores some vitality. When your character defeats an enemy, a soul may appear. There are four colors of souls, each with a different effect: + RED SOUL - Enhances the Ogre’s Gauntlet or an Orb. + BLUF SOUL ~ Increases your character’s Magic Power. * YELLOW SOUL - Increases your character's vitality. + GREEN SOUL - When your character absorbs five of these, you can release Ogre Power. If an enemy absorbs a green soul, the enemy becomes more powerfull and aggressive. However, the enemy will also drop more souls when it is defeated. One strategy is to defeat an enemy after purposely letting tt absorb a green soul. When your character absorbs a green soul, your Green Soul Gauge increases by 1 When your character absorbs five green souls, you can release Ogre Power. Note: The amount of souls will vary depending ‘on how your character defeats enemies. Figure out how to get as many souls as possible. = When you compete with an enemy for a green soul, you can absorb it more quickly by rapidly pressing @. HOW TO ABSORB SOULS Hold down @ to absorb the souls. Do so quickly, since souls disappear after a while. You can see the result of absorbing souls in the Soul Counter (see page 12) + An enemy can absorb only one green soul. + Ifyou hit a powered-up enemy with a level 3 basic attack, it will release a green soul and return to its original condition. COMPETING FOR GREEN SOULS A green soul sometimes appears when your character attacks or is attacked. Green souls are special and enemies can also absorb them. RELEASING GREEN SOULS When your character absorbs five green souls, press © + @ simultaneously to release Ogre Power. Your character will become invincible for awhile and regain some vitality. If you dbsorb a green soul while releasing Ogre Power, the Ogre Power will be extended. Press in the right thumbstick to display your character's Inventory. Press the L and R triggers to toggle between different sections of the Inventory. Note: When your character cannot use an item, the item is dimmed. EQUIP This screen appears first when you display the Taventory. It shows the weapons and armor you have acquired. Use the directional pad to highlight an item and press @ to use/equip it. cil al alee cs a) ITEM Press the L or R trigger in the Inventory to display the Item screen. Use the directional pad to highlight an item and press @ to use/equip it. FILE Press the L and R triggers in the Inventory to display the File screen to view the files you have acquired. Highlight a file and press @ to read it. While reading a file, scroll the text with the directional pad. MAP Press the L and R triggers in the Inventory to display the Map screen to view the maps you have acquired. Highlight a map and press @ to see its details. eee Camron EEO Note: You can also check your current location by pressing in the left thumbstick during gameplay. RETURN TO GAMEPLAY To return to the gameplay screen, press @ or highlight EXIT in the Inventory and press @. ITEMS HERB Restores your character's vitality by a small amount. MEDICINE Restores your character’s vitality by a large umount. OGRE’S GAUNTLET Entrusted to Samanosuke by the Ogre tribe, this glove contains the power to defeat demons and seal their souls. ORBS Each Orb has a different attribute. When an Orb is equipped on the Ogre's Gauntlet, your character can use Special Attacks, + THUNDER ORB - With this Orb equipped, Samanosuke can perform Special Attacks using the power of thunder. + POWER JEWEL - Samanosuke’s vitality increases. + MAGIC JEWEL ~ Samanosuke's Magte Power increases. / Many other orbs and items appear as you advance in the adventure, it’s to your advantage to find them and figure out how to use them eNHANCING \TEMS 5 ORFS ais —_ Check one of the Magic Mirrors located in various places throughout the gare. Select ENHANCE to display the Enhance screen. Here you can enhance such items as Orbs (for weapons and Special Attacks) and herbs by distributing the power of red souls stored in the Ogre’s Gauntlet. 1. Choose an item to enhance, 2. Press @ to distribute souls. The longer you hold down @, the mere souls you can distribute. 3. Release @ to end. GANE Your game is over when your character's vitality drains to zero by enemy attacks, or your character is caught in a critical trap. After your character is defeated and your game is over, the Title screen will appear. If you want to continue the game, choose CONTINUE and play on from the point where you last saved your game (see below). SAVING 4 Cade To save your game, find Magic Mirrors loctited in various places in the game. Walk up to a Magic Mirror and check it (press @). You will be given the opportunity to save. + Do not turn off your Xbox or press the eject button or remove the Xbox Memory Unit or Xbox Controller while saving or loading. Doing so may destroy saved files. + This game requires 8 blocks of free space in order to save a game, Note: On the save screen, a broken Xbox Memory Unit ts shown in red and a full Xbox Memory Unit is shown in yellow. If you try to choose either image, a warning message appears. OPTION Mone To display the Option screen, select OPTION from the Main Menu or the Pause Menu. Press the directional pad /# to select an option; press @/® to change the setting or press @ io see a submenu, + LANGUAGE - Choose ENGLISH or JAPANESE. (Available only from the Main Menu Option Mode.) + SUBTITLE - Choose ENGLISH or JAPANESE, (Available only from the Main Meru Option Mode.) + SUBTITEE DISPLAY - Turn subtitles ON/OEE, (Available only from the Main Menu Option Mode.) + VOICE VOLUME - Adjust volume for character voices. + BGM VOLUME - Adjust volume for background music. + SE VOLUME - Adjust volume for sound effects. + VIBRATION ~ Turn the Xbox Controller vibration ON/OFF. + BRIGHTNESS - Adjust the brightness of your monitor. The ideal brightness for this game is set when the color bars beneath the red line are invisible. Your monitor must have a brightness adjustment feature to use this option. + SCREEN ADJUST - Adjust the monitor position. + CONTROLS - See the coniroller’s button assignments. You can choose from A-TYPE, B-TYPE and C-TYPE. + BACK - Return to the Title screen (or gameplay). DEFAULT - Restore the default settings. Sounps or OnimusHa fer OR Tao a Sw Piel aye cll ONT AB aU B olf Seacrest ere ke a es ere oer reheat enema by cele) lene TEER SEO BRTH ig z TAKE IT TO THE EDGE. CAPCOM EDGE. COLLECT CAPCOM EDGE PROOF-OF PURCHASE FONTS: EVERY TINE YOU BLY'ANY SPECIALLY MARKED CAFCOM| GANE TO EARN AWAZING GEAR USE SHIRTS GAMES O° EVEN A PORTABLE CO PLAYER! PLUS YOULL O© ABLE TO WIN GUARTERLY SWEEPSTAKES WITH KILLER PRIZES = LISENOUR OWN ARCADE MACHINE DONT FIGHT IT! SIGN UP TODAY! UST COMPLETE THs ENTE FoRM OR SEND A SHB CARD RTH AN maners SONaTURE IF UNCER TD TO AR oAMEND mene sumac ca 9e6 ‘Stuck lon cl eon bn eae aero ee en eigen ttc eaten un torent Ctra aches nceaes Tr op Eh gut leon cae peer Peteoans xoaSiesmmaen ported ytycoutianee oe se Fader it ed sacs cniry Obes caert ke Issa anatase tote efor ottarew ts tym tn fe Stupelistiaiib trite meyers Ce Stecanrrsnteas ne atrinets nh revi Piha Usarnanat cya oes sna 28 CAPCOM ‘ww cons . 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