Print Server (Print SCP) DICOM 3.0 Conformance Statement. Providing DICOM Connectivity For The Medical Community. Part Number - , Rev PDF

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that canbe created trom the imager's contol panel hat allow selection of any parameter, or combination of parameters, found in Tabie 5.4.1 Wihin Job Settings, a particular parameter can be assigned eliher a specific value, o: the special value known 25 Default If he Job Settings parameter is set io Default then the value for that parameter is faken from the respective DICOM ait ibute: otherwise, the DICOM attioute’s vale is overridden by the value in the Job Settings. The following table shows the mapping of Joa Settings paremeters to DICOM atroutes: Table 6.4.1 ~ Job Settings Paraneterto DICOM Attibute Mappit 1s Paramore ICOM Attribute (Tea) Meda Tipe MEDIUM TYPE (2000,0050), Wedasae FILM SIZE (2070.0050) Feceie Troy FILM DESTINATION (7000 0040) Fririty PRINT PRIORITY (20000020) Gamma ‘CONFIG. INFORMATION (2010,0150) -GAMNA ‘contest ‘CONFIG. NFORMATION (2010.0150) CONTRAST max ‘MAX DENSITY (20100130) wT (CONFIG. NFORMATION (2010.0150) -LUT Poleity POLARITY (080,0220) Eeuraen ‘CONFIG. NFORMATION (2010,0150) TOR 1) Nou (CONFIG. NFORMATION (2010.0150) - Gu! eeckgroung BORDER DENSITY (2010,0700) Eealing MAGN FIGATON TYPE (2016-0060) Fotate NONE artalae NONE Besimation Warning NONE Captions NONE Border Fil NONE Coversoe NONE 5.5 Media Selection Algorithm “The Codonies imager supports several mechanisms far selecting the media combination (media type ‘and media size) ‘or a given print job. These mechanisms include the Default Media selections for the imager (here Is ¢ Detault Media for grayscale prints, and one for color prinis, which can be set through ‘he imager's contol panel menus); he relevant DICOM attroutes (Medium Type ard Film Size ID) ang, the relevant Job Settings carameters (MediaType and WediSize). For DICOM print jobs, these mechanisms are all combined using an algoritym that provides maximum flexibility and contol over which mediun is used for agiven job ‘The algerithne works as follows: 1. The media type and size are initalized to those of the Default Media, based on whether the current DICOM job is grayecale or color. This guarantees ‘hat hey start out with valid values, since only valid media combinations are allowed for Default Media settings. Pap eos Tay, ae ‘Goines Harn PrRSGP Conlomance Stanent 200 2. If the Medium Type (2000,0030) is set in the Basic Film Session for he current job, hen itoveriays the current media type, possibly altering its value. This is an attempt tohonor the type specified by the SCU. if provided. ('notpravded, tren media type retains its default value from step 1.) S. If the Film Size 1D (2010,0050) is setin the Basic Film Eox for the current [pb, then it overlays the curent media size. Ths is an attempt to honor the size specified by the SCU. i provieles (If nat provided. then media size retains its cefaut value from step 1) 4. Ifthe Called AE Title for the current Association indicates Job Settings (eiter System or Custer), then they are processed as follows + It tre Job Settings MediaType is soecited, fen it overlays the current media type. + Ifthe Job Settings Medi ize is specified, then itoverlays the current media size This allons Job Seitings to override beth the imager defaults, and the values sentoy the SCU, when both MediaType and Size are specified in the Jon Settings (uhich they typially are, especialy for the System Job Settings used expressly for Media Combnation Selection ~see colunin 1 of Table 66.) 5. This yields @ media size and type selection for the current sheet, which must then be compared to the imagers valid media Ist, which tekes nto account the model designation and enabled Feature Keys of the current imager. If bie selected mecia combinalion is valid (eupported), when tre selection is used, and the curent sheet is queued for hat media, 6. Ifthe mesia combination is found to be invalid (not supported) on the current mager, then the values revert back to the Default Media settings, tom siep 1, since these are guaranteed ta be vald. (This also ensures that a print is always queued, regardless of the media indicated ay the job and its associated parameters.) Folowing are some typical use-cases, providing examples of how this algacitim works in practce. For allof he examples. assume that the imager's Default Media settings are as follows: Grayscale Default Media Type / Size - OV Film Blue / 1417 Color Default Media Type / Size NV Paver 8 + Example 1: SGU specttes noting media-elates (use Defaults) (Called AE Title = PRINT_SCP (no matching JobSettings for this ttle) jot Sent BasicFimSession. Medium Type (2900,0080) BasicFilmBox FilmSizeID (2010,0050) = NotSent Since no JobSettings are indicate by the Called AE Title, and nether media type nor size are speciied in he relevant DICOM aitibutes, the Default Media selections are used. This yields the ‘ollowing results, based on he type of mages sent (olor vs. grayscale) Grayscale Media Type | Size = DV Film Blue / 14x17 Color Media Type | Size = CV Paper /A + Example 2: Size and Type specitied by SCU. (Called AE Title = PRINT_SCP (no matching JobSettings for this ttle) BasicFiimSession Medium Type (2000,0090)= BLUE FILM ‘Gecris Horas PrnwiG® Confernance Statonent 200 aay 28 Payee BasicFimBox.FlmSize1D (2010, 0060) = 8INX10IN Since no JobSettings we indicated by the Called AE Title, and bath size and type are sent by the SCU these values are eligible for use. And, since 8x10 blue film is supported on the current imager, the selection is valid. ‘Thus, the media selecton would be the same for color or grayscale images sent with ‘hese settings. and would be Grayscale and ColorMedia Type / Size = DV Film Blue (8x10 + Example 3: Only size specified by SCU resulting in vali and invalid combination. (Called AE Tite = PRINT_SGP (no matching JobSetings fortis ttle) BasicFiimSession Mesium Type (2000,0020) BasieFiimBox.FlmSize1D (2010,0060) = 8INX10IN lot Sent Since no JobSettings are indicated by the Called AE Title, and only the size is sent by the SCU. it must be combined with the Default Media 'ype 10 lock for a valid media combinaton. For grayscale bs, this results. a valid combination, wnich Grayscale Media Type / Size ~ DV Film Slue / 8x10, However, for cor jobs, it resute in an valid combination (CV Paper / 9x10), and ae the selection reveris © the Default Media selection for color, which is Color Media Type | Size = CV Paper /A + Example 4: Only type specified by SCU resulting in valid and nvalid combination (Called AE Title = PRINT_SCP (no matching JobSettings for this ttle) BasicFiimSession Medium Type (2000,0090)= BLUE FILM BasieFumBox.rimsize10 (2010,0060) = NotSent Since no JobSettings are indicated by the Called AE Title, and only the type is sent by the SCU, it must be combined with the Default Media size lock for a valid media combinaton. For grayscale bs, his results. na valid combination, which Grayscale Media Type / Size = DV Film Blue / 14417 Honever, for color jobs, it results in an invalid combination (DY Film Blue / A), and so again the selection reverie © the Default Nadia selection for colar. which ie Color Media Type / Size = CV Paper /A + Example 5: Everything specified including Jab Settings Uob Settiras win) Called AE Title ~ 1417-avte (System Job Settings do exist for this tile) BasicFiimSession Medium Type (2900,0080)= BLUE FILM BasieFiimBox.FlmSizeID (2010,0060) = 8INX10IN Since the Called AE Title specifes a partoular mecia combination via one of the System Job Settings, {anc this comainaton is supported on the current printer, this selection wns out regardless of the type of Jobsent. Thus, the selection would be Pap soos Tay, ae ‘Goines Harn PrRSGP Conlomance Stanent 200 Grayscale or ColorMedia Type /Size = DY Film Clear | 14x17 45.6 Feature Selection U 1g System Job Settings ‘There ae currently twee types of pre-configured System Job Settings designed for selecting the following features: 1) media combination (size and type: 2) orint prioity: and 8) ourbut tray selecton Using one of these Job Settings names as the Called AE Title for an Association forces those settings for all print obs within at Asseciation. “The User'e Manual contains the definitive list, but the current eet i given here a2 reference. (ote that Jot Setiings names are not case sensitive ) Table 6.6.1 ~System Job Settings Names (for Called AE Titles) Wedia Combination Selection | Print Proviiy Section (Output Tray Selection Lengi-avée. priority-high zece Linge-avee: eeld-avp gefeulzecte: defeulzgrayscale” "NOTE. These ‘defaul’ settings ae special System Job Setings names that poh to the Default Media selections for color and grayscale print jobs, respectively, as set tough the conti panel menus. Using bone of Nese forces the De‘aull Media Selection indicated, regardless of ine DICOM atlributes specited by the SCU_ Ths is equivalent to stopoing at Step 1 of the Media Selection Algorithm described in Section & 6. Shorter versions of these ‘default settings are also available. DMC mans 10 defaultalor and DMG maps to defauligrayscale ‘Gecris Horas PrnwiG® Confernance Statonent 200 aay 28 Pues 8.7 Printable Area Configuration ‘The Codonics imagers have configurable paramete's for printable ares (or maximum pixel marx size) for each media type and size combination. They are configured ‘or a given sotware release, and are currently set tothe following valves: Table §7.1~Printable Area per Media Type and Size Printable Area (cols x rows) mecia type | media size | Pinals Minin ere DY Film Bue ane | 6X10 zaosx27e0_| 191.28% 221.81 Gear) 1x1 sa7exao72 | 258.58X 303.72 axa aazexswes | 360x049 sexsi | aszexieses | sizeox 1280.88 Di Paper x 2seoxsi64 | 205.11X 251.54 ax sa76x a072 | 260.50X 50372 axa aszexs02s | 31360x 990.49 Gi Paper z 2sadx 300 | 205.11x 27030 Ae 2srax3620_| 190.86x 267 78 ciFin a 2500x 3400_| 205.11X 270.30 oy 2stax 9620_| 190.66X 267.78 While not actually configurable, the “sot size” (or size of a single pixel) of the Horizon imager is related to te prntabe area, and is often required for PrintSCU confguraton. For reference. the Horizon pixel + 78.51nicrons (metric), or + 00518 inches 8.18 mils USA) This views an approximate dot pitch ef 919.5 071 In order to cetermine ihe pixel mavix swe for each mage box in a standard multrformat grit, ne following formulae are used: image format_cols eee box pine! matin jows-« 2Ntable_ wea rows image format rows ~1)-8) opnclanating mage fornatows ‘These formulae represent the fact that 2 9 pixel gan is placed between image cells on a standard multi- format print. (Note that integer aiihmetic $ used, shce pixels must be represented as whole numbers.) Papas Tay, ae ‘Goines Harn PrRSGP Conlomance Stanent 200 Forexample, assume fat an SCU reques's aprint withthe following parameters: MEDIUM TYPE (2000,0080) = BLUE FLM FILM SIZE ID (2010,0080) = 14INX17IN IMAGE DSPLAY FORMAT (20100010) = STANDARDS, 4 ‘The Image Box pixel matrix ize for each image on he fim can be calculated as follows: 4222-(8-1)-8)) vase box sel natin so S221E 1-8) ao ‘nace box sel natix rove = 225-(6-0- 8) ‘Thus, each image cell on ths 14«17, 12.up print has a pixel matrixsize of: 1254 x 1458 pixels. 6. SUPPORT OF EXTENDED CHARACTER SETS ‘The DGF does noi curently provide support for mult-byte characters, “The default repertire ‘or character stings is the Basic GO Set of he International Reference Version of ISO 646-1990 ((S0-R 6). See DICOM PS $.5-1999, Annex E for a table of fe DICOM default repertoire sane is encosing Note: The Basie GO Set ie identical withthe common character aet of ISO 2859. 7. CODES AND CONTROLLED TERMINOLOGY ‘The DOF uses the Baseline Context Groups defined in DICOM FS 8-6-1999, No alternative o* private Context Groups 01 Casing Schemes are used 8. REFERENCES Quoted below are references to and portions of the sections of DICOM PS 8.0-1999 that relaie to the preparation cf a conform ance statement. n addition, a list of DICOM Change Proposals at have been incorporated within tis release cf the DCF Print Server is provided 8.1 DICOM PS 32-1999, Annex A (Normative) DICOM Coniormance Statement Template This Annex is 2 template which shall be used to generate a DICOM Coniormance Statement. A DICOM Conformance Statement shall begin with an introduction which sets the Framework. The introduction shall eseribe the implemeniation and how, in general terms, ituses DICOM to achieve its purposes. ‘Gecris Horas PrnwiG® Confernance Statonent 200 aay 28 Pues 8.2 DICOM PS 32-1999, Annex (Informative) DICOM Conformance Statement Sample This Annex is a sample DICOM Confarmance Statement for 2 fictitious DICOM Implementation. Bis resented as an example only. The vabilty of such an imolementaton snould not be assumed as the purpose of this Annex is only fo guide the writer of DICOM Conformance Statements by providing 2 Conformance Statement example 8.3 DICOM PS 3.41989, Annex H.3.4 Print Management Service Class Conformance Statement The implementation Conformance Statement of nese SOP Classes shal follow PS 3.2 The SCP Conformance Statement shall specify the folowing tems: ~ maximum number f supported Associations at the same time lst of supported SOP Classes and Meta SO? Classes = minimum and maximum number of printable pixel matrix per suroorted fm size for each of the supported SOP Classes: = Ist of supportes optional SOP Cass Attributes and DINSE Service Elements ~ for each supported Attribute (mandatory and optional Atribute) = valid range of vaues = aifault value if no value is supplied by the SOU status code (Failure or Warning) if SCU supplies 2 value which is out of range = for each supported DIMSE Service, the SOP behavior for al specific status codes — description of each supported custom Image Display Format (2010,0010) 2.g., positon and dimensions of each composing image box. rumbering scheme of the image positions = description of each supported Annotation Display Format ID (2010,0030) e.g., position and imensions of annoiation box, font, number of characters — description of each supported configuration table (e.g. identiicaton, content) = the SOP suporis N-ACTION forthe Film Session SOP Class then the SCP shall spect the ‘maximum number ef colated films — nine case of grayscale imagers that prnt color images, tne Denavior of printing color images = for Pull Prot Request Meta SOP Class SCPs, benavier when Image Overay, Annotation, ~ and Presentation LUT options are contained in the Stored Print Storage SOP Class = cropping of images is supported, the algorthm for removing rows and columrs from the image Pap ass Tay, ae ‘Goines Harn PrRSGP Conlomance Stanent 200 £00229.007, v.01 cosonies ne. 8.4 DICOM Correct Proposals Incorporated Beow is a list of DICOM Correction Proposals that have been incorpcrated in the DOF. The complete fexi of each correction proposal document is__ available for download at hiteimedical nema.orgDICOM/CP/ or hip:/imedicalnema.crgiDcom final. The text below is taken from the correction proposal lng cated atthe same sites CP Number Desoription fom GP Overview Log Document 196 Correction of Retire leterence Print (Image Bor Relationship Module) 178 ‘Add standard paper size defned terms for Fim Size D ve (Omission n supplement 28 Basic nage Overly SOP Ciass 181 Benavior clarifeation for Presantaton LUT ang asi Print Image Overlay Sox SOP Clase End of Docurent — ‘Coca Havas PrnSGP Conlornance Stent ZOD aay 28 Pueere

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