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technical program


WEFTEC offers un-rivaled depth to the program from fundamentals

to advanced, full-audience participation, traditional lecture or bite-sized,
informal networking-based education. Session descriptions indicate what
to expect – for example, if you see the words “discussion” or “forum,” come
prepared to share and participate. Always check the WEF Events Connect mobile
app for the most current and comprehensive details.


WEF Chats are informal opportunities for you to meet up with people who are interested in the same
topics. Led by a facilitator who will help you exchange ideas, solutions etc., with peers on a specific
topic. WEF Chats are intended for those who are curious and want to meet others who are working in
the same topic. WEF Chats schedule and locations are listed in the WEF Events Connect mobile app and
chats are held throughout McComick Place, Monday through Wednesday.


KDFs offer a unique learning opportunity designed to draw lively discussion and debate around an
emerging topic. The goal is to move a specific topic forward in the sector. Look for the Knowledge
Development Forum indicator within the Technical Program.

Mobile Sessions are focused around specific topics, to bring participants to selected booths to hear
and see technical, educational presentations by exhibitor experts. The mobile sessions take place on
the exhibit floor. To allow all participants to hear and fully participate, we provide headsets; therefore
mobile sessions have a limited number of participants. The headsets are distributed on a first-come,
first-served basis.


The Interactive Knowledge Exchange is a unique learning experience taking place on Tuesday,
September 24, that includes videos and solutions. Come and relax while watching a wide-
range of videos and then take part in a lively discussion to help you, the participant, come up
with solutions.

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 57

Workshops require a separate registration fee. Space is still available for some – check at the registration desk for availability.

S A T U R D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 S U N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 2
8:30 A M – 5:0 0 PM 8:30 A M – 5:0 0 PM
Industrial Issues and W01 Refinery Wastewater Treatment 201: W15 Industrial Wastewater Reuse in
Treatment Technologies Advanced Curriculum (Room S501d) Manufacturing Facilities: One Water
Goes Private (Room S401d)
Municipal Wastewater W02 Nutrient Removal Fundamentals: W16 Design and Modeling of Advanced
Treatment Process and Design Relating the Science of Nutrient Biofilm Reactor Technologies for Nutrient
Removal to the Design and Operation Removal and Recovery (Room S404a)
of WWTP (Room S503a) W17 Solids Stabilization Fundamentals:
W03 Game-Based Modeling (Room S404a) Seeking the Skinny on
Sludge (Room S405a)
Facility Operations W04 Wastewater Microbiology (Room S402a) W18 Wastewater Microbiology (Room S402a)
and Maintenance W05 Using Online Analyzers to Meet W19 Advanced Workshop in Design, Startup,
Stringent Nutrient Limits (Room S505a) and Optimization of Liquid Phase Odor
W06 Assessment and Regulation of Control Technologies (Room S502a)
Microbial Pathogen Indicators in W20 Activated Sludge and BNR Process
Water and Biosolids (Held Offsite) Control: Hands-On in the Real
Train the Trainer: Wastewater Treatment World (Held Offsite)
Fundamentals I—Liquid Treatment
Publication and Resources* (Room S104a)
Residuals and Biosolids W07 Greenhouse Gas Accounting for W21 Be a Hero, Get to Zero: The Journey
Management/Energy Wastewater Utilities (Room S502a) to Energy Neutrality (Room S503a)
W08 WEF/WRF Co-Digestion: What Can W22 Turning RINS Into Money: Capitalizing on
We Handle? (Room S504d) Biogas Recovery Projects and Generating
Revenue at WTTP (Room S504d)
Collection Systems W09 Sewer Rehabilitation Practices for
and Distribution Mitigating I/I: Integrated Approaches,
Innovative Technologies, and
Interactive Solutions (Room S405a)
Disinfection and W23 Pathogens and Constituents of Emerging
Public Health Concern in Wastewater Effluent and
Water Reuse (Room S404c)
Water Reclamation and Reuse W10 Membranes for Water Reuse: Past, W24 Your Water Reuse: Potable or
Present, Future (Room S501a) Non-Potable? (Room S505a)
Stormwater Management W11 Public-Private Partnerships: What They Special Seminar: Stormwater Infrastructure
Are and What They Aren't (Room S404c) Lifecycle Costs and Planning
Using CLASIC* (Room S106b)
Utility Management W13 Upping Your Utility's Game in Achieving W25 Communications Camp: Tools to
and Leadership Continuous Improvement (Room S401d) Engage, Motivate, and Reassure
Your Community (Room S501c)
W26 What If Clean Water Is Just the
Byproduct? Rethinking Resource
Recovery at WRRFs (Room S501a)
Watershed Resources W27 Resilient Groundwater: Managing
Management and Aquifers for One Water (Room S504a)

Note: Workshops 06 and 20 take place off-site. Transportation will be provided from the convention center to the host facilities. Buses
board at McCormick Place – Gate 3, South Building as follows: W06 at 8:15am on Saturday; and W20 at 8:15am on Sunday.
* indicates ½ day workshop

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 59

M O N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 | 1 0 : 3 0 A M   – 12 : 0 0 P M

Featured Plenary Sessions 100 WEF/AEESP Master Lecturer: Bruce Logan

101 Exploring Solutions Within the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
102 Intelligent Water Systems Challenge: The Finals
103 From Research to Full-Scale Systems in a Decade: The Rapid
Rise of Peracetic Acid for Wastewater Disinfection
104 Peak Flow Management: Where Do We Stand?
105 State and Future of Stormwater
106 Reuse on the Storm: Opening the Doors for Stormwater Reclamation Across America
107 The Value of Water: Water’s Priceless!

M O N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 3 | 1: 3 0 P M   – 5 : 0 0 P M

Featured Sessions 200 Water Policy Update

201 Novel Intelligent Equipment in Wastewater: Manufacturers’ Innovative Technology Forum

Research and Innovation 202 Mainstream Deammonification*

Industrial Issues and 203 Innovative Wastewater Treatment Process Control Methods and Approaches*
Treatment Technologies 223 Solutions and Ideas From Award Winning Industrial Experts*
Municipal Wastewater 204 Join the Control Nerds Club: Process Control Fundamentals
Treatment Process and Design 205 Strategies to Prevent Bulking in Activated Sludge Systems
206 True Grit: Stories of Testing, Design, and Implementation in the Wild West*
224 From Microbial Community to Full Scale Optimization of BioP*
225 Advances in Primary and Primary Effluent Filtration*
226 It's (Not) Settled! Updates in Secondary Clarification Understanding*
Facility Operations 207 Planning, Evaluation, Design, and Sustainability: Odor Control Has It All!
and Maintenance 208 Emerging Trends in Phosphorus Removal and Recovery: Outcomes
From the James Barnard Phosphorus Forum*
227 Maximizing Energy Savings Through Advanced Aeration Control Strategies*
Residuals and Biosolids 209 Department of Energy (DOE) Solutions for Water Sector Energy Recovery
Management/Energy 210 More Applications and Studies in THP Yield New Insights
211 Competitive Design of Dewatering Facilities*
Disinfection and Public Health 212 Knowledge Development Forum: What are PFAS and What Do We Need to Know?
Collection Systems 213 Inflow and Infiltration Assessment: Finding and Removing Sources of Leakage
and Distribution 214 Pump Stations and Force Mains
Stormwater Management 215 Working Out: Building Frameworks for Successful Stormwater O&M*
216 Make No Little Plans: CSO Planning with Stormwater Management Focus*
228 Stormwater Alternative Project Delivery*
229 Case in Point: Current CSO Case Studies*
Watershed Resources 217 Making Models Matter: Understanding and Resolving Complex Water Quality Problems
Management and Sustainability
Utility Management 218 Data and Information Management: The Nucleus of Asset Management
and Leadership 219 Small Communities: Processes for Nutrient Removal*
230 Workforce Issues: Have You Prepared for the Silver Tsunami?*
Water Reclamation and Reuse 220 IPR/DPR: Resistance is Futile!
221 Future of Reuse: Economics, Decentralized Systems, and IPR*
231 Evaluating Microbes: Working Out the Bugs in a Reuse System*
Future Insights and Global Issues 222 Food Water Nexus: What's on the Menu?*
232 ReNEW: Measuring Our Impact on Nutrient, Energy, and Water Recovery*
Mobile Sessions 233 Primary and Primary Effluent Filtration
234 UV Disinfection – Can You See the Light?
235 Spotlight on Treatment Equipment for Water Reuse
* indicates ½ session

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 61

T U E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 4 | 8 : 3 0 A M   – 12 : 0 0 P M

Featured Sessions 300 Interactive Knowledge Exchange

334 Utility Leaders Plenary Session: A Path Forward on Affordability

Research and Innovation 301 Late Breaking Research: Advances in Resource Recovery

Industrial Issues and 302 Solving Food and Beverage Wastewater Challenges Using Innovative Process Technologies
Treatment Technologies 303 Optimization of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment

Municipal Wastewater Treatment 304 Knowledge Development Forum: Application of Selectors for Continuous Flow Granulation
Process and Design 305 A Flexible Solution: Membranes for a Variety of Advanced
Wastewater Treatment Applications
306 More Than Hot Air: Optimizing Aeration Systems

Facility Operations and Maintenance 307 Mainstream P Removal: Modeling to Operation

308 Comparing Sensors and Analyzers: In-Situ vs. Soft Sensors*
309 Get Down: Process Control Strategies to Meet Low Effluent TN Limits

Residuals and Biosolids 310 Advancements in Staged, Thermophilic, and Aerobic Digestion Processes
Management/Energy 311 Setting the Stage for Dewatering Success

Disinfection and Public Health 312 Disinfection Flyover: Fundamentals*

323 Worker Safety and Public Health*

Collection Systems and Distribution 313 Basics Collections Systems 101

314 Flow Analysis Methods to Solve Collection System Flow Problems:
Rainfall, RDII, Climate Change, and Hydraulics

Stormwater Management 315 MS4, 3, 2, 1…Go! Regulations, Coalitions, and Strategies for Success
316 What's New in Stormwater: Emerging Trends and Applications*
324 Get Smart: Data and Technology Applications in Stormwater*

Watershed Resources Management 317 What Is Beyond Integrated Planning?*

and Sustainability 325 Solving Re(Dis)solved Problems*

Utility Management and Leadership 318 Have You Checked Your Planning Compass?
319 Utility Management: Seeing (and Using) the Right Information
Through the Forest of Systems and Data
320 Small Communities: Compliance and Innovative Treatment*
326 Small Communities: Planning for Upgrades and Replacements Ensures Compliance*
327 Utility Leadership Forum: Capturing the Value of Diversity in Your Workforce*

Water Reclamation and Reuse 321 Treatment for Groundwater Recharge: So the Well Won't Run Dry

Future Insights and Global Issues 322 Shared Experiences: 7 Years Post Super Storm Sandy*
328 Stakeholder Inclusive Planning for Sustainable Water Solutions*

Mobile Sessions 329 Wastewater 101

330 Nutrient Analyzers and Sensors
331 Dewatering Technologies
332 Tertiary Membranes for Advanced Treatment
333 Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment Equipment
* indicates ½ session



T U E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 4 | 1: 3 0 P M   – 5 : 0 0 P M

Featured Sessions 400 Interactive Knowledge Exchange

Research and Innovation 401 Knowledge Development Forum: Interaction of the Carbon, Nitrogen, and
Phosphorus Cycles for Intensified Treatment and Resource Recovery
402 Alternate Nitrogen Removal and Pathways
423 Modeling of Aerobic Granular Sludge*
424 Novel Approaches for Mainstream Phosphorus: Removal and Recovery*

Industrial Issues and 403 Industrial Wastewater Reuse? Really, Really, Really!
Treatment Technologies 404 Produced Water Treatment in the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry*
425 Novel Investigations in Treatment of Chemical/Pharmaceutical Wastewater*

Municipal Wastewater Treatment 405 Aerobic Granular Sludge: From Pilot to Full Scale*
Process and Design 406 The Old Dog and Its New Tricks: Approaches to Carbon
Redirection and Primary Treatment Improvements
407 Knowledge Development Forum: From Research to Practice – Energy Sustainability

Facility Operations and Maintenance 408 Big Data, Machine Learning, and Predictive Control
409 Exciting Asset Management Case Studies! Installation and
Maintenance Practices for Ensuring Equipment Reliability
410 Sidestream Success! N and P Removal Case Studies

Residuals and Biosolids 411 Co-Digestion: Impacts of Adding Food Waste and FOG
Management/Energy 412 Resource Recovery From Biosolids: Phosphorus/Energy

Disinfection and Public Health

Collection Systems and Distribution 413 Wet Weather Management and Flow Equalization: Addressing
Wet Weather Flow Issues Around the World
414 Sewer Rehabilitation and Construction

Stormwater Management 415 Cases in Point: Current MS4 Case Studies*

416 We Know What's Bugging You: Stormwater Bacteria Research*
426 Industrial Dis-Ease: The Multi-Sector General Permit and Industrial Stormwater*
427 Everyone Needs a Filter: Stormwater Filtration and Media Research*

Watershed Resources Management 417 TMDL Whack-A-Mole: Hitting a Moving Target

and Sustainability

Utility Management and Leadership 418 Linear Asset Management: What Your Collection System is Trying to Tell You
419 Integrated Planning Round Table*
420 People as an Asset: Where is YOUR Workforce?*
428 DATA: Key to Optimizing Planning and Decision Making*

Water Reclamation and Reuse 421 To Infinity and Beyond: Technologies for Combating the
Water Reuse Challenges of Tomorrow

Future Insights and Global Issues 422 Solutions for Coastal City Resiliency

Mobile Sessions 429 Aeration Blowers

430 Produced Water Treatment Technologies

* indicates ½ session

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 63

W E D N E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 5 | 8 : 3 0 A M   – 12 : 0 0 P M

Featured Sessions

Research and Innovation 500 Shortcut Nitrogen With BioP*

501 The 3 Ps: Plastic, Pharmaceuticals, and Pesticides

Industrial Issues and 502 Metals Removal From Leachate: Uranium Contaminated
Treatment Technologies Water and Gold Mine Wastewater*
503 Fundamentals of Chemical Coagulation and Flocculation
522 Water Scarcity and Treatment Challenges in the Automotive Industry*

Municipal Wastewater Treatment 504 Knowledge Development Forum: Operational Considerations for Low
Process and Design Dissolved Oxygen Operation in Water Resource Recovery Facilities
505 We Don't Need No Stinking Bubbles! Advancements in MABR Technologies
506 Fundamentals: ABC's of BNR – From Conventional to the Next Frontier*
507 Blame it on the Rain: Treatment of Wet Weather Flows
523 Mainstream Nitrite-Shunt Processes*
524 Nutrient Removal and Recovery: Municipal Planning and Implementation*

Facility Operations and Maintenance 508 Fundamentals of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery and Tools for Assessment*
509 What's in Your Wastewater? Wastewater Characterization: Learning to
Measure Metals, Microplastics and Antibiotic Resistant Genes
510 Not Treatment Technology: The Other Critical Components of an Odor Control System
525 Keeping it In-house: Utility SCADA Development Advantages*

Residuals and Biosolids 511 Biogas Quality and Finance*

Management/Energy 526 Biosolids Drying the Right Way*

Disinfection and Public Health 512 Next Generation Disinfection: What's on the Horizon*
527 Disinfection Disentangled*

Collection Systems and Distribution 513 Advanced Hydraulics: How To Solve the Really Tough Problems in Your Collection System

Stormwater Management 514 Staying High and Dry: Approaches for Flood Resiliency*
515 Function Follows Form: Excellence in Stormwater Design
528 Keeping Our Heads Above the Water: Dealing With Urban Storm Events*

Watershed Resources Management 516 We're Lookin' at YOU, Watershed: Technology Enhancements
and Sustainability for Monitoring and Stakeholder Engagement

Utility Management and Leadership 517 The End of the Rainbow: Where To Look for Your Pot of Gold*
518 Outside the Box Rate Making: When Traditional Rates Don't Fit*
519 Not Pipe Dreams: Reality of Long Linear Projects*
520 Engineered Equipment Procurement Process: Buying the
Right Equipment to Meet Your Facility's Needs
529 Why Become a Utility of the Future?*
530 How To Slice Your CIP Pie: 3 Ways to Develop a Prioritized CIP*
531 Project Delivery: Bigger Really is Better*

Water Reclamation and Reuse 521 Ozone/BAF: Proving the Technology for Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse Systems

Future Insights and Global Issues

Mobile Sessions 532 Food and Beverage

533 Manhole Rehabilitation Technologies
534 Aeration Diffusers
535 FUNdamentals – ABCs of BNR – From Conventional to the Next Frontier

* indicates ½ session



W E D N E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 5 | 1: 3 0 P M   – 3 : 3 0 P M

Featured Sessions 618 Closing Session (2:30 pm – 3:30 pm)

Research and Innovation 600 Knowledge Development Forum: Dewatering Principles

601 Late Breaking Research: Advances in Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Systems

Industrial Issues and 602 Application of MBRs for Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
Treatment Technologies 603 Water Challenges in the Electric Power Industry

Municipal Wastewater Treatment 604 We Don't Need No Stinking Bubbles, Too! Modeling MABR Technologies
Process and Design 605 Overcoming Challenges To Meet Effluent Phosphorus Targets
606 Nutrient Removal and Recovery in Practice: Full Scale Case Studies

Facility Operations and Maintenance 607 Innovating in Intelligent Water

Residuals and Biosolids 609 Data Driven Solutions for Biosolids Processing

Disinfection and Public Health

Collection Systems and Distribution 610 Tunnels: What Lies Deep Beneath Your Feet
611 CYA: Change Your Attitude, Inspect Your Collection System Assets

Stormwater Management 612 WEFTEC's Next Hot Model in Stormwater

613 Becoming an Asset (Management) to the Organization:
Tools and Applications for Stormwater

Watershed Resources Management

and Sustainability

Utility Management and Leadership 614 From Source to Plant: Progressing Through Improvements Using Progressive Design Build
615 Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Why Public
Outreach and Communications Matter!

Water Reclamation and Reuse 616 Research, Reuse, Repeat: Pushing the Envelope in Water Reuse Technology

Future Insights and Global Issues 617 A Tale of One Water

Mobile Sessions

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 65
M onday M orning S essions

Look for SDG icons throughout the Technical Program. See page 33 for complete details.

S E S S I O N 102 ROOM S403A

Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 10 0 ROOM S504D Intelligent Water Systems Challenge: The Finals
Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Moderator: E. Hernandez
Attend this session to hear exciting pitches from the Intelligent
WEF/AEESP Master Lecturer: Bruce Logan Water Systems finalists and to witness the judging and awarding
Moderator: W. Khunjar of the $10,000 prize, presented by Dean Amhaus, President
Assistant Moderators: E. Khan, J. Brown and CEO, The Water Council (2019 Challenge prize sponsor).
The Master Lecturer is the premier speaker in the Research and The purpose of the Challenge is to demonstrate the value of
Innovation track at WEFTEC and serves as an opening keynote intelligent water systems to utilities and foster adoption of smart
for anyone interested in research and how it is applied in the water technologies, as well as give students, professionals, and
water sector. This speaker is selected for their ideas, innovations, technology experts the opportunity to showcase their talents
and lifetime service to the industry by WEF and the Association and innovation with a focus on leveraging data using the tools
of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP). to help utilities make better decisions. The Challenge hosted
Come hear from this year’s lecturer, Bruce Logan, Penn State by LIFT, a joint effort by the Water Environment Federation
University, on the broad lessons he has learned from decades and the Water Research Foundation, is also supported by
of research on renewable energy technologies and achieving an American Water Works Association, Cleveland Water Alliance,
energy sustainable water infrastructure. International Society on Automation, Smart Water Networks
Forum, The Water Council, and WaterTAP.


S E S S I O N 103 R O O M S 4 0 5A

S E S S I O N 101 R O O M S 4 01 Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm From Research to Full-Scale Systems
Exploring Solutions Within the in a Decade: The Rapid Rise of Peracetic
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Acid for Wastewater Disinfection
Moderators: A.T. Sandy, M. Knight Moderator: S. Shmia
Assistant Moderator: L. Tootchi Assistant Moderator: V. Chou
Speakers: D. Wilson, M. Haghighipodeh, M. Livingstone Peracetic Acid (PAA) which consists of a mixture of acetic acid
Water is the foundational resource for both energy and food and hydrogen peroxide has been used for many years as a
production within the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus. disinfectant and sterilizing agent in hospitals and in the food
Tensions between managing these resources will continue to industry. In this session a brief history and background of PAA
grow due to increasing world population and impacts from will be provided. In addition a description of the emergence
climate change. This popular WEFTEC session will focus this of PAA in municipal wastewater treatment will discussed.
year on the tensions within the Nexus and potential solutions, Several case studies, including the world’s largest municipal
through discussions with world-leading experts as they outline PAA system, will be provided. By participating in this session
how they manage impacts and aspects of WEF, and the specific
you will learn about the rapid rise and current state of PAA for
areas where the tensions have resulted in driving key business
decisions. In the end, attendees will be educated about the wastewater disinfection.
risks associated with this nexus, learn about opportunities for 10:30 What Is PAA and How Is It Used?
society and industry to work together managing these risks, J. Goldman-Torres
and be inspired to take action with best practices for creating 10:45 Evaluation of Peracetic Acid for Disinfection of
sustainable, long-term solutions. Filtered Secondary Effluent at Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission
M. Taylor, J. Jacangelo, C. Moody, C. Nguyen,
Y. Saavedra, R. Krallinger, E. Maloney
11:10 Implementing the World’s Largest Peracetic Acid
Delivery System in Memphis: Performance Testing,
Ongoing Operations, and Lessons Learned
S. Stewart, P. Block, S. Morgan, B. Hilts,
J. Goldman-Torres
11:35 Dual Disinfection of Wastewater Effluent With
Peracetic Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite in a
Sequential Treatment
A. Garg, P. Block

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 67
M onday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 10 4 R O O M S 5 01C
Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Peak Flow Management: S E S S I O N 10 6 ROOM S404A

Where Do We Stand? Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Moderator: S. Moisio
Reuse on the Storm: Opening the Doors for
Assistant Moderator: W.E. McMillin
This interactive session will present the drivers, regulations,
Stormwater Reclamation Across America
policies, technologies, and realities of approaches to cost Moderator: V.S. Frenkel
effectively managing extreme wet weather peak flows from As water scarcity increases and the cost of existing sources
collection systems through WRRF in ways that meet both NPDES continues to rise different communities are looking for ways to
permit limits and receiving stream water quality standards. The harvest, treat, and reuse storm water. This session looks at some
session will begin with a discussion on the policy from the legal of these locations, their drivers and the ultimate outcome of
perspective and from the public health perspective and then their approach in using storm water as a supply. The One Water
engage in an interactive exchange of ideas. Presentations and theme is carried throughout the session.
discussions on the impacts on the collection system, water 10:30 Take My Stormwater… Please! San Diego Region
reclamations facility, and receiving water will follow. Stormwater Capture and Use Feasibility Study
10:30 New Opportunities For Peak Flow Management D. Pohl
at Publicly-Owned Treatment Works 11:00 City of Malibu: Coming Full Circle to Improve Water
P. Calamita, C. Pomeroy, C. Pomeroy Quality and Enhance Water Supply
10:50 NEORSD: Let’s Talk About What Peak Flow Management P. St.Charles, R.R. DuBoux
Means to a Major Wet Weather Community 11:30 Offsetting the Demand for Potable Water in Minnesota:
R. Halperin Stormwater Reuse at Chanhassen High School
11:05 How is Peak Flow Being Managed Around the Nation? J. Koehler, S. Sobiech, K. Wolohan
J. Siczka
11:30 Let’s Talk About the Latest Wet Weather Equipment and S E S S I O N 107 ROOM S405B
Processes to Manage Peak Flow
Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
P. Bugg
11:45 The Need for Wet Weather Water Quality Standards The Value of Water: Water’s Priceless!
to Deal With Peak Flow Treatment and Discharges: Moderators: G.J. Macdonald, D. Burden
Michigan Case Study
Assistant Moderator: D. Christenson
F. Andes, S.J. Kang, J. Goergen, J.F. O’Brien,
A. Rivard, E. Powers Speakers: C.M. Pang, K. Schubert
No one knows the true value of water until they cannot access
it. This can happen during temporary water system shutdowns
S E S S I O N 10 5 ROOM S402B
or during droughts but you always know that your water supply
Monday, September 23 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm will be restored. But what if you face the prospect of no water
on a permanent basis – that becomes a crisis and a real threat
State and Future of Stormwater to your survival and that of many other people. It’s in these
Moderator: J. Hinds situations where ‘cost’ becomes much less relevant in finding
Speakers: S. Ralston, J. Nassauer, R. Winston, E. Cisar, M. Grey a water source and the priceless value of water to humans
The stormwater field is evolving in regulation, cross-agency and their survival on earth – and in space – is front of mind.
integration, implementation in the development sector and Hear how NASA and people of Singapore have faced such
as a component of making cities more livable. The stormwater challenges and found innovative solutions that we may all have
plenary session features thought and implementation leaders to use in the future.
who will look to the future, challenging us all to think of how
stormwater projects can be easier to implement, be embraced
by various market sectors and can be a celebrated benefit to
the communities in which they are placed. These leaders will
provide priorities to include in projects today.


M onday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 20 0 ROOM S504D S E S S I O N 201 ROOM S402A

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Water Policy Update Novel Intelligent Equipment in Wastewater:
Moderator: R. Chow Manufacturers’ Innovative Technology Forum
U.S. EPA Office of Water Headquarters and the U.S. EPA Moderator: T. DeLaura
Region 5 Directors/Representatives will discuss current This technical session will feature only Equipment Manufacturers
national water program policies and initiatives in the current as speakers, introducing the newest technology they have
Administration. Topics include the Clean Water and Drinking to offer. Typically, there is a significant time period from
Water State Revolving Funds (SRFs), WIFIA, WOTUS, Great Lakes technology inception through validation and promotion
issues, PFAS, reused water, stormwater, green infrastructure, at WEFTEC. The purpose of this forum is to introduce the
regulatory reform initiatives and other topics and EPA activities. market to recently developed technologies that are in the
1:30 David Ross, Assistant Administrator, Office of Water early adoption phase and that may not yet be known to the
2:00 Cathy Stepp, Administrator, Region 5 wastewater community as new, high-value — NOW ‘Ready for
2:30 Jennifer McLain, PhD, Office of Groundwater Prime Time’. This year’s session is focused on the wide array
and Drinking Water of Intelligent Equipment in the Wastewater Industry, such as
3:00 Networking Break process equipment, pumps, instrumentation and controls.
The products included are used for anything that pushes the
3:30 Deborah Nagle, Office of Science and Technology
boundaries of intelligence and artificial intelligence that furthers
4:00 John Goodin, Office of Wetlands,
the ability to convey, identify and treat storm and wastewaters.
Oceans, and Watersheds
4:30 Andrew Sawyers, PhD, Office of 1:30 ZeeLung: An Innovative and Sustainable Solution To
Wastewater Management Augment Wastewater Plant Performance
J. Peeters, N. Astrand
2:00 The Selection of Advanced Biological Nutrient Recovery
for Phosphorus Compliance at Two Wisconsin Facilities
A. Fisher, J. Lind
2:30 Lagoon Polishing Using Recirculating
PolyGeyser® Technology
R. Perrin, R. Malone
3:00 Networking Break
3:30 Township of Wayne, NJ Installs Online Colorimetric
Analyzer To Meet Permit Discharge Limits
S. Smith, M. Morton
4:00 Reduction of Ozone Operation Costs With
Oxygen Recycling
P. Studer
4:30 Digital Services Addressing Pumping Station in
Water and Wastewater
R. Manus

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M onday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 202 R O O M S 5 0 5A S E S S I O N 20 4 ROOM S403A

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Mainstream Deammonification Join the Control Nerds Club:
Moderator: C.B. Bott Process Control Fundamentals
Assistant Moderator: P. Ackman Moderator: L. Rieger
1:30 Comparison of External Carbon Sources for a Polishing Assistant Moderators: D. Chamberlain, S.E. Lothman
Partial Denitrification/Anammox MBBR 1:30 PID and Beyond: An Introduction to Control Theory
B. Wett, C.B. Bott, G. Wells, A. Rosenthal, C. Wilson, J. Alex
H. De Clippeleir, S. Klaus, L.E. Ferguson, C. Campolong,
2:00 Aeration Control Structures: From Single Control Loops
K. Printz, F. Sabba, K. McCullough
to Cascaded or Interacting Control Loops
2:00 Media Selection for Enrichment of Anammox in O. Schraa
Polishing Filters
2:30 Sensors Versus Analyzers: The Case for Ammonia-Based
A. Al-Omari, S. Murthy, B. Wett, C.B. Bott,
Aeration Control
C. Debarbadillo, H. De Clippeleir, K. Jones, R. Fofana,
B. Peng, H. Huynh, J. Delgado Vela J.A. Jimenez, P. Regmi, M.W. Miller
2:30 Exploring the Conversion of Tertiary Denitrification 3:00 Networking Break
to Mainstream Deammonification: Pilot Scale Filter 3:30 Where It Typically Fails: Implementing and Tuning
Results and Challenges Control Solutions
W. Khunjar, E. Bailey, K. Bilyk, F. De Los Reyes, J. Sparks
E.W. Polli, T.N. Aziz 4:00 How To Evaluate Controller Performance
2:45 Pushing Process Intensification Limits for Biological J.A. Jimenez
Nitrogen Removal Using Gel Entrapment Technology 4:30 Controller Performance Monitoring: When To Retune
M. Andalib, A. Umble, C. Cherchi, K. Schwab, Your Controllers
J. Jacangelo, S. Tsuda, H. Yoguchi, N. Ojeda, B. Schmitz A. Gagnon

S E S S I O N 203 ROOM S404C S E S S I O N 20 5 ROOM S505B

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Innovative Wastewater Treatment Process Strategies to Prevent Bulking in
Control Methods and Approaches Activated Sludge Systems
Moderator: P. Marotta Moderator: B. Pathak
Assistant Moderators: J. Polce, E. Katsoulas 1:30 Full Circle
1:30 Non-Targeted Characterization of the Metabolic D. Jenkins
Profile of Wastewater Bioreactors Using Nuclear 2:00 Aeration Improvements Yield Improved Settleability and
Magnetic Resonance Nutrient Optimization at the East End WWTF
R.J. Freemantle, J. Longstaffe, J. Konzuk, B. Levin, P. Pitt, J. Rohrbacher, D.S. Mahoney,
J. Goodfellow, N. Butson S. Firmin, P. Rodriguez
2:00 Optimization of Activated Sludge Based on Feed- 2:30 Can a Good Vacuum Clean Up Your Settleability?
Forward and Feed-Back Control of Oxygen Uptake K. Fries, W. Wilson, M. Hunter, Z. Knezevic
Rate and Ammonia
3:00 Networking Break
M.A. Dooley
3:30 Can Phosphate Accumulating Organisms Control Non-
2:30 Predicting and Optimizing Wastewater Dissolved
Bulking High Effluent TSS Upsets in Activated Sludge
Air Flotation Operating Costs by Leveraging Digital
Wastewater Treatment Plants? An East Bay Municipal
Technologies From Laboratory to Site
Utility District Case Study
A. Bhartia, K. Seneviratne, A. Lockey
D. Gray, N. Arsem
4:00 Simple Operational Changes for Better Performance:
Full-Scale Demonstration of Bioaugmentation and
On-Off Aeration To Improve Sludge Settling at Highland
Creek Treatment Plant
E. Shen, D. Ross, T. Davis, A. Albornoz, E. Eini,
K. Ching, T.C. Huang
4:30 Reducing the Cost and Footprint of Ballasted Activated
Sludge Treatment
R.D. Reardon, T. Shimada, J. Fraser,
J. DeArmond, A.A. DeVries


M onday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 20 6 R O O M S 5 01A
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
True Grit: Stories of Testing, Design, and S E S S I O N 20 8 R O O M N 426 A

Implementation in the Wild West Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Moderator: T. Constantine Emerging Trends in Phosphorus Removal
Assistant Moderator: Y.M. Lefler
and Recovery: Outcomes From the
1:30 Gritting It Out: Successful Application of Multiple Stage
Grit Treatment – Proven by Using Novel Settling Column
James Barnard Phosphorus Forum
J. Zahller, H. Gerges, U. Martinez, X. Du, J. Kercher Moderators: C. Debarbadillo, P. Schauer
2:00 In-House Grit Removal System Design-Build 1:30 Emerging Trends and Unexpected Outcomes in
Approach Demonstrates a Resilient Sewer District’s Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems
Commitment to Fiscally-Smart Operational Success and J.L. Barnard
Employee Empowerment 1:45 Interactions Between Nitrogen and Phosphorus
M. Bachman, R. Asbury Removal in EBPR Systems
2:30 Primary Sludge Screening and Grit Removal at a Large P. Regmi
Primary Treatment Plant 2:00 Rethinking EBPR System Design Practices
L. Cotter, U. Alfaruq, R. Moosoohur, JB Neethling
B.J. McGowan, N. Bonham 2:15 Interactions of Phosphorus Recycle on Whole
Plant Operations
S E S S I O N 207 ROOM S402B J.P. McQuarrie
2:30 Interactive Panel Discussion
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Planning, Evaluation, Design, and
Sustainability: Odor Control Has It All!
Moderator: D. Apgar S E S S I O N 209 R O O M S 4 0 5A
Assistant Moderator: M. Perkins
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
1:30 Successful Odor Control in the Heart of Orange
County, California Department of Energy (DOE) Solutions
B. Reed, J. Brown for Water Sector Energy Recovery
2:00 Odor and Corrosion Mitigation Strategies for a Complex
Moderators: M. Philbrick, M. Knight
Large Diameter Interceptor System
N. Shah, R.J. Pope, J. Covington, S. Hoelzle, 1:30 Leveraging U.S. Wastewater Infrastructure for
P. Spitzer, C. Dassanayake Energy Recovery
2:30 Sulfide Control for a Critical Florida Force Main: T. Seiple, R. Skaggs, A. Coleman
How a Traditional Technology Could Provide 2:00 Development of an Integrated Process for the
Additional Benefits Hydrothermal Conversion of Wastewater Sludge
R. Gaylord, J.P. Parrillo, D. McEwen to Recover Energy, Recycle Nutrients, and
Destroy Contaminants
3:00 Networking Break
J.M. Billing, D.B. Anderson, R.T. Hallen, T.R. Hart,
3:30 City of Los Angeles Pilot Test on Bio-Trickling Filters A.J. Schmidt, L. Snowden-Swan
With Different pH Levels and Using Treated Water To
Improve Performance 2:30 Using System Dynamics To Model Waste-to-Energy
Technology Investment and Energy Potential
C. Gilani, C. Heinrich-Josties, C. DeMonbrun, A. Poosti
D. Inman, A.L. Eberle, L. Vimmerstedt
4:00 Odor Control Benefits of Water Treatment Plant Iron
Hydroxide Sludge at the Albuquerque Bernalillo 3:00 Networking Break
County Water Utility Authority’s Southside Water 3:30 Economic Analysis of Wet Waste-to-Energy Resources in
Reclamation Plant the United States
C. Leder, P. McLee, S. Salvas, K. Lipe, A. Badgett, A. Milbrandt, E. Newes
K. Johnson, J. Romanowski 4:00 Use of Decision Making Tools and Biochemical
4:30 Innovative Thinking Plus Powerful Tools Guide Odor Methane Potential Assays To Select Feedstocks for
Control Study Solutions Co-Digestion With Biosolids
S. Cowden, D. Gabel, J. Mallorey, M. Ward W. Barrott, S.I. Safferman, U. Adhikari, A.W. Busch
4:30 The Water Security Grand Challenge: Driving Innovation
on Critical Water Issues
A. De Fontaine

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M onday A fternoon S essions


S E S S I O N 210 R O O M S 5 01D S E S S I O N 212 R O O M S 4 01

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
More Applications and Studies Knowledge Development Forum: What Are
in THP Yield New Insights PFAS and What Do We Need to Know?
Moderator: K. Waksman Moderator: K. Jenkins
1:30 Progressing to Class A Biosolids: A Guide to Thermal Assistant Moderator: E. Rosenfeldt
Hydrolysis Process Pre-Treatment Options 1:30 PFAS Issues and Research Needs
P. Schafer, T. Stigers, J. Yamauchi, F. Burlingham P. Grevatt
2:00 A Comparison Between Temperature-Phased Anaerobic 1:45 Evolution of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Digestion and Thermal Hydrolysis as a Pretreatment Management: Holistic Approach to Understanding and
Method for Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion of Biosolids Reducing PFAS Discharge
Z. Wang, D. Zhang, M. Strawn, T. Broderick, H. Santha J. Egli, M.R. Hicks
2:30 Gelation Factor as Potential Indicator of Overcooking 2:00 Treatment of PFAS: Solutions and Challenges
Solids in Thermal Hydrolysis Process E. Dickenson
A. Al-Omari, S. Murthy, M. Higgins, C.B. Bott, R. Riffat, 2:15 PFAS Treatment in Australia: Where Are We Practically?
C. Debarbadillo, H. De Clippeleir, M. Rasel, M. Mitchell
C.K. Hertle, A. Farhat
3:00 Networking Break
2:30 Interactive Discussion
3:30 Pilot Evaluation of Thermal Hydrolysis To Intensify
3:00 Networking Break
Biosolids Treatment at Metro Wastewater
Reclamation District 3:30 PFAS Impacts on Wastewater and Advanced Water
B. Wisdom, I. Avila, C. Marks, C. Frandsen, E. Werth, Treatment for Indirect Potable Reuse: A Utility’s
D. Freedman, Q. Schermerhorn, A.K. Schroeder Perspective on the Importance of Source Control
D. Gonzalez
4:00 Observations of Digester Instability During Pilot-
Scale Performance Testing of Thermal Hydrolysis 3:45 PFAS in Composts and Biosolids
Anaerobic Digestion L.S. Lee
I. Avila, B. Wisdom, A. Franks, Q. Schermerhorn, 4:00 The EPA’s PFAS Action Plan
E. Werth, C.A. Marks J. McLain
4:30 Balancing Physics, Chemistry, and Microbiology in 4:15 Interactive Discussion
Intensified Biosolids and Nutrient Treatment Systems
A. Al-Omari, B. Wett, S. Kharkar, C. Debarbadillo,
H. De Clippeleir, R. Suzuki, S. Martinelli, N. Passarelli,
M.E. Miranda, Q. Zhang

S E S S I O N 211 R O O M N 426 B

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Competitive Design of Dewatering Facilities
Facilitators: S.M. Castro, J. Brown
Interactive Discussion Leaders:
Belt Filter Press | B. SoRelle, S. Hausegger
Screw Press | E. Fritz, Jr.
Centrifuge | R. T. Marshall
This session is a hands-on opportunity to learn how to
design belt filter presses, centrifuges, and screw presses.
Representatives of each technology will describe how to
produce a conceptual design. Attendees will then use
this information to design a specific dewatering process
and then compare designs based on performance, energy
consumption, footprint, etc.


M onday A fternoon S essions


Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
S E S S I O N 213 ROOM S403B Pump Stations and Force Mains
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Moderator: M. Courtney
Assistant Moderator: G. Yager
Inflow and Infiltration Assessment: Finding
1:30 Running Downhill: Charlotte Water’s Steele Creek Pump
and Removing Sources of Leakage Station and Force Main Provides Innovative Solution to
Moderator: R. Thomasson Complex Sewer System Capacity Challenges
1:30 Utilizing Flow Monitoring Data in Wet Weather Planning J. Fulmer, A.R. Vershel, A. Mitchell
and Response Efforts 2:00 Preparing for the Unexpected: Lessons Learned
L. Marrero, A. Poosti, C. Heinrich-Josties, R. Voong During the Design, Construction, and Commissioning
2:00 Death by 1,000 Cuts: Identification of Collection System of a Challenging Collection System and Pump
Rehabilitation Priorities Through Modeling, Mass Station Project
Balance, and Field Investigation S. McCreary, T.L. Weaver
E. Garvey, T. Loper 2:30 Louisville MSD Rowan CSO Tunnel Dewatering Pump
2:30 Programmatic Approach to Cost-Effective I&I Reduction Station Case Study: Design Challenges of Deep
P. Simms, D. Dykes, K. Sealey, B.A. Cunningham, Submersible Pump Station
J. Baldwin, D. Daugherty M.T. Rudisell, J.L. Mathis
3:00 Networking Break 3:00 Networking Break
3:30 Commitment Meets Flexibility: How MCES Is 3:30 Holistic Design Approach for Seattle Public Utilities’
Successfully Achieving I/I Reduction Through Clear Tunnel Effluent Pump Station
Goals and Regional Partnerships E. Bergstrom, C. Petilla, K.R. Whittaker, K. Christison
A. Lukas, M. Bush, D. Perry 4:00 My Pumps Vibrate: It’s the Pump – No It’s the Motor –
4:00 So, You Want To Predict Sewer Infiltration When It’s Not Either
Groundwater Depth Changes? J.E. Koch, C. Allaben, J. Kerns, M. Butterfield
R. Babcock, A. Fung, D. Spirandelli, S. Shen 4:30 Minimizing Facility Size While Improving Screening and
4:30 Private I/I Reduction: Chapel Drive Pump Station No. 2 Self Cleaning Pump Stations With CFD Modeling
Service Area Rehabilitation E. Wicklein, J. Wickstrom
T. Powell, B. Rohling
S E S S I O N 215 ROOM S502A

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Working Out: Building Frameworks
for Successful Stormwater O&M
Moderator: M. Doneux
Assistant Moderator: E. Krousel
1:30 NGICP Overview and Case Study
R. Bartlett, A. Caldarelli
2:00 Developing Kansas City’s Green Workforce
A. Sauer, L. Treese, K. Riott, R. Brotherton
2:30 Streamlined Green Infrastructure Asset Management:
A Showcase of DC Water’s Mobile-Based Asset
Management System
M. Outland, P. Manthena, M. Wone, G. Evans

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M onday A fternoon S essions


Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
S E S S I O N 216 ROOM S502B Data and Information Management:
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm The Nucleus of Asset Management
Moderator: A. Ramamurthy
Make No Little Plans: CSO Planning
Assistant Moderator: J. Yu
With Stormwater Management Focus
1:30 Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure O&M and Renewal
Moderator: C. Hufnagel Prioritization Using Next-Gen Data Analytics
Assistant Moderator: H. Gheith J. Suttles, D. Vitorino, H. El-Sayegh, M. Azeitona
1:30 South Bend, Indiana’s Approach for Wet Weather Sequeira Vilela
Planning and CSO Control: Reevaluating an Expensive 2:00 Harnessing Underground Locating and Augmented
Long Term Control Plan Reality Capabilities To Deliver Efficient Pipeline Design
K. Saavedra, J. McCormack, J. Johnson, K. Fahey and Construction
2:00 NYC Green Infrastructure Program: Opportunities and J.Y. Kim
Lessons Learned 2:30 Transform Information Technology to Digital Solutions
P. Balci, M. Enoch, M. Walker by Putting People First
2:30 Raincheck 2.0: Buffalo Sewer Authority — City-Wide T. Lu, J. Van Note
Green Infrastructure 3:00 Networking Break
D. Barnes, O. McFoy 3:30 Toronto’s New Data Management Platform and How We
Plan To Manage the Quality of Data That Feeds It
S E S S I O N 217 ROOM S503B E. Zegers, S. Atlin, K. Nyman, A. Berenyi
4:00 Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District’s Pragmatic Asset
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Management Journey
Making Models Matter: Understanding and C. Card, J. Ho, G. Muckleroy
Resolving Complex Water Quality Problems 4:30 City of Houston: Understanding the Full Impact of
Hurricane Harvey on Houston’s Wastewater Systems
Moderator: J. Heath Through Damage Assessment
Assistant Moderator: R. Martz M. Victor, P.W. Bullock
1:30 Setting Water Quality Goals To Protect Reservoirs From
Harmful Algal Blooms: A New Flexible Framework
2:00 Assessing an Empirical Approach to Estimate Nutrient
Loads to Impaired Waterbodies Attributable to Water S E S S I O N 219 ROOM S504A
Reuse Irrigation Practices
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
J. Jacangelo, J. Oppenheimer
2:30 A Collaborative Integrated Water Resources Approach Small Communities: Processes
for Watershed and Water Supply Improvements in for Nutrient Removal
North Orange County, California
Moderator: A.R. Rubin
G. Woodside, J. Fortuna, D. Apt, T. Howze, A. Zimmer
Assistant Moderator: E. Earn
3:00 Networking Break
1:30 Nitrogen Removal Process Selection and Innovative
3:30 Supporting Regulatory Compliance Strategies Through
Design Approaches for a Small Community in California
Water Quality Modeling
K. Nelson, J. Wang, J. Min, L. Cardenas,
C. Ranck, D. Sutton, O. Hawbaker
J. Eum, P. Gerdes
4:00 Modeling Nutrient Pollution in the Great Miami River
2:00 Tidal Flow Constructed Wetland for Water Reuse:
C. Turner, T. Redder Performance Evaluation and Microbial Population
4:30 Spatial Trends in Logistic Models and Correlation A. Onnis-Hayden, K. Johnston, A.J. Pinto, K. Vilardi
Coefficients of Pathogen Indicators and Total
2:30 Evaluation of Nutrient Recovery From
Suspended Solids in a CSO-Impacted Urban River
Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Using Pilot-Scale
S.K. Jagupilla, D.A. Vaccari, V. Shah Revolving Algal Biofilm
X. Zhao, M. Gangestad, Z. Wen, M. Gross


M onday A fternoon S essions


S E S S I O N 220 ROOM S404D S E S S I O N 222 ROOM S503A

Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
IPR/DPR: Resistance is Futile! Food Water Nexus: What’s on the Menu?
Moderator: F. Johns Moderator: H. Falconer
Assistant Moderator: N. Munakata Assistant Moderator: L. Croucher
1:30 A Headworks Divided: Fighting Extreme Flows To 1:30 The HydroBID Initiative: Improving Water Resources
Maximize Water Reuse in Southern California Management, Planning and Investments in the Latin
C. Murra, S. Namini, A. Acevedo, C. Ott, H. Thornburrow, America and Caribbean Region
D. Werth, M. Allen M. Nalesso
2:00 A Process Model-Based Assessment of Water 2:00 Frontier Innovation: One Timber Town’s Quest To
Reuse Technology Selection Incorporating Create a Sustainable Food-Water-Energy Hub and
Regional Cost Factors Save Its Economy
A.R. Shaw, S. Basu, D. Christenson, P. Gallego N. Green
2:30 Furthering Integrated Water Management: Navigating 2:30 Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place: New
the Interconnectivity Between Mainstream and Zealand’s Food (Production) – Water (Quality) Nexus
Advanced Wastewater Treatment J. Crawford, G. MacDonald
W. Khunjar, K. Landry
3:00 Networking Break S E S S I O N 223 ROOM S404C
3:30 Arsenic Fate and Transport: Implications on Managed
Aquifer Recharge Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
C.B. Bott, G. Salazar-Benites, M. Widdowson, M. Bullard Solutions and Ideas From Award
4:00 A Modeling Approach for Assessing the Opportunities
and Challenges of Regional Potable Reuse Winning Industrial Experts
L. Holmes, A. Salveson, E. Garvey Moderator: I.A. Fife
4:30 PureWaterSF: Purification and Water Quality Risk Assistant Moderators: J. Johnson, P.E. Norman
Analysis for Decentralized DPR in San Francisco Speakers: Industrial Water Quality Achievement
A. Salveson, N. Fontaine, A.F. Corral, P. Kehoe, M. Kothari Award Recipient
B. Mehr, R. Olmscheid, Pilgrim’s Pride
W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Water Quality
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
A. Edwards
S E S S I O N 221 R O O M N 426 C
Please join us to hear the musings of this year’s industrial awards
Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm recipients. The topics and featured projects are certain to be of
interest to those in the industrial wastewater community. At the
Future of Reuse: Economics, conclusion of this session, we will retire to the annual Industrial
Decentralized Systems, and IPR Reception (purchase required) for recognition of each of our
Moderator: G.J. Juby industrial award recipients, and to enjoy some refreshments
Assistant Moderators: C.S. Yi, M. Seng with our colleagues and friends.
1:30 Economics and Water Reuse: A Match Made in Heaven
G.L. Hunter, C.G. Stevens, A. Clements
2:00 Unique Partnership Opportunities To Increase Recycled
Water Demand in Coastal Los Angeles County
P. Sheilds
2:30 Strategies To Increase Water Reuse in Hawai’i
by 30 MGD by 2030
B. Sheikh, D. Okano, C.T. Reynolds

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M onday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 224 R O O M N 426 A
Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
From Microbial Community to Full S E S S I O N 227 ROOM S503A

Scale Optimization of BioP Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Moderator: M.W. Miller
Maximizing Energy Savings Through
3:30 Denitrifying PAOs for Low-Carbon and Low-Energy
Nutrient Removal in Cold Weather Conditions: The Ejby
Advanced Aeration Control Strategies
Mølle Case Study Moderator: R. Sobhani
C. Hoar, K. Chandran, N. Uri Carreño, P.H. Nielsen, Assistant Moderator: K. Roosa
G. Wells, C. Debarbadillo, T. Constantine, F. Szép 3:30 Model Predictive Control Saves 47% of Energy,
4:00 DNA Technology To Optimize Biological Improves Nutrient Removal, and Reduces Effluent TSS
Phosphorus Removal A. Ekster, I. Meleshin, V. Alchakov, J. Hagstrom,
T. Ghylin, K. Kenney, K. Jankowski, M. Magruder J.W. Carr, T. Elliott
4:30 Sludge-Fermentation Based Sidestream EBPR 4:00 Beyond Ammonia-Based Aeration Control:
Enables Sustainable Nutrient Removal With Carbon/ Energy Saving, Performance Improvement, and
Energy Recovery Infrastructure Evaluation
C.B. Bott, J.L. Barnard, C. Debarbadillo, B.M. Stinson, J. Kozak, H. Zhang, F. Yang, S. Owen, J. Ford
N. Tooker, P. Dombrowski, J.P. McQuarrie, A. Gu, 4:30 New Aeration Controls for Improved BNR Performance
A. Onnis-Hayden, V. Srinivasan, D. Wang and Cost Savings
A. Doody, M. Neville, K.H. Sangrey, S. Hussain,
S E S S I O N 225 R O O M S 5 01A J. Brown, T. Hilgart

Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

S E S S I O N 228 ROOM S502A
Advances in Primary and
Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Primary Effluent Filtration
Moderator: D. Santoro Stormwater Alternative Project Delivery
3:30 Evaluating Innovative Technologies To Replace Moderator: W. Sydnor
Conventional Primary Clarifiers Assistant Moderator: M. Van Auken
O. Caliskaner, A.J. Pena-Tijerina 3:30 Delivering Resilient Stormwater Programs: National
4:00 Innovative Use of Cloth Media Filters for Primary Trends in Project/Program Alternative Delivery
Treatment and Peak Wet Weather Applications R. Geiger, S. Gorugantula
J.D. Dyson, M. Erat, D. Jackson 4:00 Stormwater Currency: Market-Based Incentives for
4:30 Evaluation of Biofiltration as an Advanced Primary Green Infrastructure Implementation in the Great Lakes
Treatment Method Region and Beyond
O. Caliskaner, G. Tchobanoglous, B. Davis, J. Rios, J. Clements, J. Henderson, J. Odefey
J. Hazard, E. Lawrence, M. Boner, D. St. Germain 4:15 Economic Framework and Tool for Quantifying and
Monetizing the Triple Bottom Line Benefits and Costs of
S E S S I O N 226 ROOM S504A Green Infrastructure
J. Clements
Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm 4:30 An Innovative Approach to Implement Stormwater
Utilities and Incorporate a Credit System that Enhances
It’s (Not) Settled! Updates in Secondary Stakeholder Buy-In
Clarification Understanding F. Pasquel, S. Smedley
Moderator: J. Rohrbacher
3:30 Applying CFD Modeling to Establish Existing Secondary
Clarifier Capacity to Handle Wet Weather Flows
Without New Facilities
D. Esping, L. Winchell, J.A. McCorquodale
4:00 DSS/FSS Testing for High-Rate Activated Sludge: Critical
Protocol Considerations and Flocculation Differences in
Two Full-Scale Systems
U. Rehman, I. Nopens, S.E. Vlaeminck, S. Balemans,
H. Mollen, L. Zaharova
4:30 Extracellular Polymeric Substance Composition as
Bridge Between Process and Clarifier Models
I. Takacs, A. Al-Omari, B. Wett, T. Van Winckel,
A. Massoudieh, K. Ngo, H. De Clippeleir


M onday A fternoon S essions


S E S S I O N 229 ROOM S502B S E S S I O N 231 R O O M N 426 C

Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Case in Point: Current CSO Case Studies Evaluating Microbes: Working Out
Moderator: S. Rybarczyk the Bugs in a Reuse System
Assistant Moderator: A. Sauer Moderator: D. Burden
3:30 Gray to Green: The Toledo Swan Creek Project Assistant Moderators: E. Katsoulas, M. Seng
J.M. Brescol, C. Hufnagel, J. Cousino 3:30 Influence of Sediment on Disinfectant Decay and
4:00 Challenges and Opportunities With Integrating Large- Microbial Regrowth in Simulated Reclaimed Water
Scale Green Infrastructure for CSO Reduction Distribution Systems
J. Danyluk, K. Colich A. Pruden, N. Zhu, M. Edwards
4:30 A Tale of Two Green Giants: Factors for Achieving 4:00 Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Defines
Cost-Effective CSO Control Through Green Current and Potential Level of Safety for Potable
Stormwater Infrastructure Reuse in Los Angeles
J.A. Aldrich, N. Watkins A. Salveson, G.A. Zacheis, E. Steinle-Darling,
Y. Tsunehara, P. Liu
S E S S I O N 230 R O O M S 5 0 5A 4:30 Metagenomic Profiling of the Effect of Ozone/
Biologically-Active Carbon Filtration on Antibiotic
Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Resistance Genes and Microbial Communities
C.B. Bott, A. Pruden, M.F. Blair
Workforce Issues: Have You Prepared
Assistant Moderator: L. Deju
S E S S I O N 232 R O O M N 426 B
3:30 Improving Workforce Knowledge and Efficiency With an
Electronic O&M System and Operator Logs Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
L. Sekuler, T. Tyler, J. Bowers, R.J. Lugli
4:00 Better Managing Human Assets for Improved
ReNEW: Measuring Our Impact on
Plant Performance Nutrient, Energy, and Water Recovery
L. Hudson, R. Donaldson Moderator: S. Reeves
4:30 Another Day in Paradise: Overcoming Operational Assistant Moderators: C. Wilson, T. Ware
Challenges While Constructing Simultaneous Projects WEF, NACWA, and WRF have teamed together to sponsor
at Miami Dade WASD WWTPs ReNEW — an effort to establish baselines and start the discussion
D. Lizarazo, L.A. Pou, F. Saint Phard, W. Myers, about industry-wide goals for Recovery of Nutrients, Energy,
M. Moncholi, D. Campbell, A. Pisani and Water. This session will provide the results of the baseline
development effort and then focus the audience on a long
term vision from some of our industry leaders in these areas.
Attendees will develop initial, stepwise goals for nutrients,
energy, and water.
3:30 Set the Why and Benefits of This Work
T. Kunetz
3:40 Resource Recovery Performance Benchmarks for WRRFs
in North America
T. Rauch-Williams, M. Marshall, M. Brown
4:00 50+/- Year Vision: Nutrients
4:05 50+/- Year Vision: Energy
4:10 50+/- Year Vision: Water
4:15 Brainstorm by Topic
4:50 Results Report Out

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M onday A fternoon S essions

M O B I L E S E S S I O N 235 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY
Monday, September 23 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
M O B I L E S E S S I O N 233 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A Spotlight on Treatment
Monday, September 23 | 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Equipment for Water Reuse
Moderator: T. Ware
Primary and Primary Effluent Filtration
Hands-on. Informative. Innovative. Following an earlier
Moderators: J. Rohrbacher, O. Caliskaner
technical session, participants will have a hands-on experience
This mobile session will include visits to manufacturers of hearing from industry experts about how their direct and
alternatives to primary treatment as well as primary effluent indirect potable reuse treatment technologies featured on
filtration. Equipment that will be showcased includes rotating the exhibit hall floor have been applied to meet water reuse
belt filters, cloth disk filters, and compressible media filters. challenges. This mobile session is for professionals interested
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors: in obtaining a practical understanding of cutting-edge water
■■ Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc reuse technologies.
■■ Schreiber LLC
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ Trojan Technologies ■■ Baswood
■■ WesTech Engineering Inc ■■ Kubota Membrane USA Corporation

■■ SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions

M O B I L E S E S S I O N 23 4 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY

Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm M O B I L E S E S S I O N 236 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A

UV Disinfection – Can You See the Light? Monday, September 23 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Moderator: K. Bourgeous IoT (Internet of Things) – Here and Now
The purpose of this UV mobile disinfection session is to give Moderator: D. Chamberlain
participants the opportunity to gain a better understanding of This mobile session will highlight IoT/IIoT devices, sensors, and
the type of UV disinfection technologies that are commercially communications that are available here and now! The end users
available and can be used to disinfect effluents from wastewater can leverage these to increase operation awareness and data
treatment plants. The session will begin with a brief introductory collection. Find out how on this mobile session. Focus will also
presentation by the session Moderator. During this presentation, be on ready-to-display and collect autonomous devices and
session participants will be provided with a baseline of sensors that can be used for immediate impact.
information to make the mobile session as effective as possible.
Please check the WEF Events Connect Mobile App
Afterwards, the mobile session will depart to visit numerous
for exhibitors presenting in this session.
exhibitor booths for fast-paced technical presentations on
UV disinfection.
S E S S I O N 237 R O O M S10 4 A
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ Aquionics Inc ■■ Evoqua Water Monday, September 23 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
■■ Calgon Carbon Techologies LLC
How to Publish Your Research
UV Technologies ■■ Trojan Technologies

■■ Enaqua ■■ Xylem Inc.

in a Peer Reviewed Journal
a Grundfos Company Facilitators: J. He; J. Satten
This session is designed for students, young professionals,
and anyone interested in learning how to submit papers for
publication in peer-reviewed journals and trends related to
submittal. You will learn useful information such as graphical
and video abstracts and the importance of social media for
sharing and discovery.


T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 30 0 ROOM S402A
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Interactive Knowledge Exchange S E S S I O N 302 ROOM S505B

8:30 Utility Management and Thought Leadership Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Videos cover topics ranging from introduction to public
private partnerships, discussion on utility careers and Solving Food and Beverage
becoming a digital utility. (8:30 am – 10:00 am) Wastewater Challenges Using
10:30 Technical; Research and Development Innovative Process Technologies
Topics in the second session dive in to the technical
Moderator: C. Alloway
aspects of the water field and broach topics such
as reducing industrial wastewater impacts on Assistant Moderators: B. Arntsen, A. Antolovich
wastewater, trickling filter technology and measuring 8:30 Wastewater Treatment and Cogeneration Project
the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation. at Knouse Foods
(10:30 am – 12:00 pm) P.J. McCarthy, S.R. Grant, D.C. Bertoldo, R. Woerner,
M. Applewhite, J. Marrs, M. Dreiling
S E S S I O N 301 ROOM S503B 9:00 An Overview of Three Years Research on Anaerobic
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Treating Synthetic and
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Brewery Wastewater
J. Oleszkiewicz, A. di Biase, T.R. Devlin, M. Kowalski
Late Breaking Research: Advances
9:30 Introduction of an Integrated Methanogenic Aerobic
in Resource Recovery Single Sludge System
Moderator: E. Khan E. Gill, T.H. Flippin, A. Benedict, J. Mullen, S. Givens
Assistant Moderator: M. Kasi 10:00 Networking Break
8:30 Working With NSF 10:30 New Belgium Brewing Company Breaks Convention by
K. Rockne Selecting Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Technology
8:40 Challenges of Emerging Pollutants in Water Management S.R. Grant, D.R. Wilson, D.C. Bertoldo, M. Allison,
S. Snyder A. Bilisoly, M. Fischer, G. Quesinberry
9:20 Adsorptive Removal of Organic Micro-Pollutants 11:00 The Impact of Nanobubles on Floatation and Algae
From Real Waters Mitigation Applications
F. Zietzschmann B. Hice, A.T. White
10:00 Networking Break 11:30 Solving Unique Problems in Industrial Alternative
Project Delivery
10:30 Enabling Resource Recovery by In-Sewer Treatment and
Microbial Ecology-Based Engineering: Water Reuse M. Dreiling, J.C. Stanfill
Starts Now in the Sewer
D. Santoro, L. Guo, N. Klai
10:45 UV/H2O2 Advanced Oxidation To Enhance
Nutrient Removal and Recovery From Wastewater
Through Conversion to Less Recalcitrant Inorganic
Nutrient Fractions
B. Mayer, P. McNamara, E.M. Kennedy, S. Parveen Mallick,
K. Venkiteshwaran
11:00 Microbial Photoelectrochemical Reactors for High Rate
Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery
Z.J. Ren, L. Lu, J. Gu
11:15 Maximizing Energy Recovery in Anaerobic Membrane
Bioreactors by Minimizing Permeate Dissolved Methane
and Eliminating Biogas Sparging
C.A. Van Steendam, L. Raskin, S. Skerlos, T. Fairley,
X. Fonoll Almansa, N. Jalgaonkar
11:30 A Novel Anaerobic Bioprocess To Transform Urban
Organic Waste Streams Into Sustainable Resources
L. Raskin, S. Shrestha, X. Fonoll Almansa
11:45 Towards a More Sustainable Circular Economy
Management of N: Ammonia Recovery from
Source-Separated Urine with Novel Isothermal
Membrane Distillation
N. Yip

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 79
T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 303 ROOM S404C S E S S I O N 30 4 R O O M N 426 B

Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Optimization of Petroleum Refinery Knowledge Development Forum: Application
Wastewater Treatment of Selectors for Continuous Flow Granulation
Moderator: D.R. Marrs Moderators: B. Sturm, P. Regmi
Assistant Moderators: J. Polce, C. Martinson 8:30 Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation in Real Municipal
8:30 High Strength Refinery Wastewater Treatment Pilot Wastewater: A Pilot-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of
Study for Development of Design Criteria for Full-Scale Feast/Famine and Sludge Settling Velocity Selection
Treatment Plant Design R. Angelotti, M. Brooks, Y. Sun, Z. Wang
K. Munirathinam, F. Thery 9:00 Impact of Hydrocyclone Based Wasting on Settling
9:00 Converting Activated Sludge Process to Two-stage Characteristics and Nutrient Removal: Design
PACT® Allows CNPC Produced Water Treatment Plant Considerations, Startup, and Performance
To Achieve Compliance With China’s Tough New S. Murthy, B. Wett, J.A. Jimenez, P. Regmi
Discharge Standards 9:30 Innovative Process for Granulation of Conventional
A. Larson, W.J. Cunningham, E. Martin Continuous Flow Activated Sludge: A Novel Cost
9:30 How Hot is Too Hot? Reviewing the Treatment Effective Infra-Stretching Concept To Treat More
Performance of Refinery WWTP Biological Treatment Flow and Remove/Recover More Nutrients Without
Systems Operating at High Temperatures Expanding Your Plant
J. Schmidt, S. Lund, B. McIlwain, S. Watkins, N. Hameon- B.M. Stinson
Denis, M. Knight 10:00 Networking Break
10:00 Networking Break 10:30 Utilizing Metabolic Selectors To Facilitate the Path to
10:30 Tiny Bubbles Float Floc: Optimizing Dissolved Air Densification of Activated Sludge
Flotation Operations W. Khunjar, P. Pitt, A. Griborio, B. Miller
M.E. Goldblatt 11:00 What’s in Your Sludge? Hunting for Baby Granules in
11:00 Economic Advantages of Regionalized Full-Scale Activated Sludge Treatment Plants
Industrial Treatment H. Stensel, S. Wei, M. Winkler, B.Q. Nguyen, P. Lee
L. Levine, T.H. Flippin, J. Sandhu, T. Steinwinder 11:30 Interactive Discussion
11:30 Case Study: Through Retrofit in a Refinery, an Advanced
Bubble Making Technology Improves Performance of
Flotation System
C. Felch


T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 30 5 ROOM S402B S E S S I O N 30 6 R O O M S 5 01A

Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
A Flexible Solution: Membranes for More Than Hot Air: Optimizing
a Variety of Advanced Wastewater Aeration Systems
Treatment Applications Moderators: C.F. Pretorius, A. Kaldate
Moderator: T. Young Assistant Moderator: C. Gish
Assistant Moderator: J. Liao 8:30 Application of High Purity Oxygen System Model at a
At 11:00 am, A. Carlson will be given the Martha Hahn Memorial Full-Scale Treatment Plant
Recognition as the Highest Rated Abstract in the Municipal S. Snowling, R. Goel, D. Reynolds
Track for WEFTEC 2019. 9:00 Building a Diffuser Monitoring Program
P. Schauer, A. Menniti, O. Sosa Hernandez
8:30 Implementing MBRs for Potable Reuse: Case Studies in
Southern California 9:30 Evaluation of the Efficacy of Chemical Cleaning
Z. Hirani Approaches To Mitigate Fouling of Fine Bubble
Membrane Diffusers
9:00 Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Footprint Emission
D. Rosso, A. Al-Omari, A. Massoudieh, C. Debarbadillo,
Estimate of a Membrane Bioreactor Compared to a
H. De Clippeleir, E. Alikhani, V. Trinh
Traditional Activated Sludge Process
P. McGovern, A. Petsche, H. McDonald 10:00 Networking Break
9:30 Membrane Design and Initial Operation and 10:30 Long Term Aeration Power and Energy Monitoring Via
Performance Testing of North America’s Fully Automated Telemetric Off-Gas Analysis
Largest MBR Plant D. Rosso, M. Garrido Baserba, F. Pasini, T. Sprague,
T.M. Gellner, D.J. Houdeshell P. Cambiaso, L.E. Larson, G. McCarthy, I. Bindi
10:00 Networking Break 11:00 Our Blowers are Too Large! We’re Wasting Too Much
Energy! Hmmm... Maybe Not!
10:30 Comparison of Membrane Performance of Pilot-
D. Rosso, K. Brischke, B. Hodgson,
Scale Gas-Sparged and GAC-Fluidized Anaerobic
R. Subramanian, B. Cavanaugh
Membrane Bioreactors (AnMBRs) for Domestic
Wastewater Treatment 11:30 Witnessing Factory Acceptance Tests in Accordance
P.J. Evans, J. Bae, P. McCarty, P. Parameswaran, J. Ho With the New ASME Wire-to-Air Performance Test Code
for Blower Systems
11:00 Diagnosis of Long-Term Fouling Mechanisms in Full-
A. Balberg, L.A. Slezak, M.K. Addison, J. Shultz
Scale Membrane Bioreactor
G.T. Daigger, N.G. Love, A. Carlson, E. Hart
11:30 Examination of 5 MF/UF Membranes for Potable
Reuse at Two Wastewater Plants Using an Open
Platform Design
A. Salveson, C. Casler, E. Steinle-Darling, J. Assouline

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T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 309 R O O M N 426 C
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 307 ROOM S504D Get Down: Process Control Strategies
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm To Meet Low Effluent TN Limits
Moderator: A. Mayer
Mainstream P Removal:
Assistant Moderator: D. Chamberlain
Modeling to Operation
8:30 Generous Orthodoxy: Understanding the
Moderator: M.W. Miller Future of Dissolved Oxygen Setpoints While
Assistant Moderator: K. McCullough Acknowledging the Past
8:30 Achieving Enhanced Biological P Removal: Have We L. Downing, C. Fitzgerald, E. Redmond
Forgotten How To Design a BioP Plant? 9:00 Lessons Learned From Piloting Multiple Novel Low DO
P. Dold, D. Conidi Control Strategies
9:00 Better Operation, Design, and Modelling of EBPR by M. Seib, R. Stewart, R. Bashar, D. Noguera,
Understanding Mixing Dynamics Using Advanced A. Groom, S. Reusser
CFD With Integrated BioP Kinetics and Simultaneous 9:30 A Novel Online Dynamic Control Coupling AvN and
Sludge Settling PdN-AnAOB To Achieve Stringent Effluent Limits in
L. Downing, J.L. Barnard, P.J. Dunlap, U. Rehman, Mainstream During Wet Weather
W.T. Audenaert, I. Nopens K. Chandran, A. Al-Omari, S. Murthy, B. Wett,
9:30 Modeling A. Massoudieh, C.B. Bott, C. Debarbadillo, H. De
P.J. Dunlap Clippeleir, T. Le, R. Fofana
10:00 Networking Break 10:00 Networking Break
10:30 Onsite VFA Production To Support Simultaneous EBPR 10:30 On a Roll With Controls: Maximizing TN Removal and
and Denitrification: Role of Novel PAOs Reliability for SWIFT Reuse
R.K. Goel, P. Heck, B. Mackey, S. Dasgupta T. Nading, C.B. Bott, B.R. Johnson, H. Stewart, M. Parsons
11:00 Start-Up of a 3-Stage Bardenpho WWTP With a MLSS 11:00 Real-Time Process Controls To Meet Increasingly
Sidestream Fermenter Stringent Effluent Limits and Improve Operational
B. Sturm, J.L. Barnard, E.A. Kobylinski, J. Keller, Sustainability: A Case Study of Three North
M. Harger, L. Morris Carolina Facilities
11:30 An Assessment of Operational Tools for Characterizing E. Bailey, K. Bilyk, V. Lopez Boschmans, C. Cocker,
BPR Activity and Evaluating Process Health J. Dodson, N. Howell
P. Schauer, A. Menniti, G. Bushee 11:30 The Low Methanol Diet: A Utility’s Recipe for Process
Optimization Through Advanced Controls and
Operational Excellence
S E S S I O N 30 8 R O O M N 426 A P. Sanjines, A.D. Willoughby, T. Constantine, K. King-
Mcrae, H. Santha
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Comparing Sensors and Analyzers:
In-Situ vs. Soft Sensors
Moderator: T. DeLaura
Assistant Moderator: B. Pathak
8:30 Wireless Solid-State Ion-Selective Membrane (S-ISM)
Sensing Technology for Real-Time in Situ Monitoring
and Energy Saving of Wastewater Treatment Processes
Z. Xu, B. Li, Y. Huang, T. Wang
9:00 Evaluation of Ammonia and Phosphate Analyzers
for Use in Low Nutrient, High Mixed Liquor
Applications at BRWRF
W. Khunjar, E. Manning, P. Yi, J.R. Carroll, S.E. Lothman,
M.R. Rumke, K. Sveum, J. Angiel, R. Zaepfel
9:30 Measure What You Cannot Measure: Robust Multivariate
Soft-Sensors for Influent PO4-P Prediction
L. Rieger, I. Miletic, O. Schraa, M. Wade
9:45 Enhancing Accuracy of Real-time in Situ Ammonium
Monitoring Through Machine Learning Algorithm and
Auto-Correction Solid-State Ion Selective Membrane
(S-ISM) Sensing Technology
Z. Xu, B. Li, Y. Huang, Z. Dai, T. Wang


T uesday M orning S essions


Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
S E S S I O N 310 ROOM S403A Disinfection Flyover: Fundamentals
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Moderator: K. Bourgeous
Assistant Moderator: A. Miskel
Advancements in Staged, Thermophilic,
8:30 Introduction to Disinfection Fundamentals
and Aerobic Digestion Processes L.W. Casson
Moderator: J. Kabouris 8:40 UV Disinfection Fundamentals
8:30 Thermophilic Digestion: Theory and Practice G.L. Hunter
R. Sharp 9:00 Chlorine: Gas, Hypochlorite, and Onsite Generated
9:00 Low Cost Plug-Flow Thermophilic Batch Digestion S. Shmia
Process That Achieves Class A EQ Biosolids Standards 9:20 Ozone 101
Without Mixing and Grit Accumulation
J. Swift
K. Pagilla, A. Miot, M. Mendoza, R. Krishnaiah, M. Lauer
9:40 Peracetic Acid: Establishing a Wastewater
9:30 Insights From Operating a Three-Staged Thermophilic Disinfection Technology
Anaerobic Digestion Facility
P. Block
D.L. Parry, B. Rabinowitz
10:00 Networking Break
S E S S I O N 313 ROOM S403B
10:30 Investigating Fecal Coliform Regrowth in a Full-Scale
TPAD Process Followed by Screw Press Dewatering Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
A. Miot, M. Mendoza, R. Krishnaiah, M. Lauer, W. Fong
11:00 More Than Hot Air: Full-Scale Efficiency Comparison Basics Collections Systems 101
of Jet Aeration and Coarse Bubble Aeration in Moderator: B.E. Fix
Aerobic Digestion Assistant Moderators: J. Davidson, G. Yager
D. Rosso, R. Warner, P. Steele 8:30 Manifold Low Pressure Grinder Pump Sewer
11:30 Optimizing Aerobic Digester Operation To Minimize System Modeling
Energy Consumption and Nutrient Recycle S. Liu
R. Smith, K. Krejny, A. Krapas 9:00 Putting The Internet of Things to Work To Optimize
Maintenance, Lower Operating Expense, and
S E S S I O N 311 R O O M S 5 01D Extend Asset Life
A. Duron, G. Quist
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 9:30 Looking Back to Look Forward: Getting to the Root
Setting the Stage for Dewatering Success Causes of BBKs and SSOs
C. Nguyen, J. Shiao, R. Alajangi
Moderator: S. Spalding
10:00 Networking Break
8:30 Achieving Excellence in Biosolids Product Quality at
Sydney’s Largest WWTP 10:30 Is Your Collection System Stressed... In a Good Way?
T. Young, L. Roff, D. Taylor L.L. Pica, K. Bollmer
9:00 The Only Thing Permanent is Change: Managing Risk in 11:00 Evaluation of City of Elyria Neighborhood’s I/I Issues
Procuring Dewatering Equipment R. Budzilek, K. McKillips, K. Alspach
K.H. Packard, G. Duranceau, M. Benisch 11:30 Utilizing Aging Infrastructure for Redundant Systems
9:30 Balancing Operator Input and Cost: A Case Study for W.W. Wood, A.D. Russo
Dewatering Technology Selection
C.T. Goss, A. Alsanea, J. West
10:00 Networking Break
10:30 State-of-the-Practice in Biosolids/Polymer Blending for
Biosolids Dewatering
D. Oerke, R.L. Harris, K. Kilby, J. Horton,
N. Freeman, K. Snyder
11:00 Development of the Polymer Coagulant Injection
Control System in the Wastewater Sludge
Dewatering Process
K. Iwao, R. Koizumi, H. Shiomi, T. Kokubun,
S. Kitamura, M. Kitagawa
11:30 Orthophosphate Control and Sludge Dewaterability
Improvement by Using Cerium Chloride
R. Angelotti, Z. Wang, D. Zhang, E. Schlosser

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T uesday M orning S essions


Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 314 ROOM S404A MS4, 3, 2, 1… Go! Regulations,
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Coalitions, and Strategies for Success
Moderator: V. Roach
Flow Analysis Methods to Solve Collection
Assistant Moderator: L. Reid
System Flow Problems: Rainfall, RDII,
8:30 Getting Our MS4 House in Order: Addressing Key
Climate Change, and Hydraulics Provisions of Lexington, Kentucky’s Consent Decree
Moderator: C. Chan B.W. Tonning, J. Carey, R. Walker
Assistant Moderator: A. Mahan 9:00 Instituting a Structural Stormwater Control Permit
8:30 Improving Alternatives Analysis for CSO Control Using a Requirement in NPDES Phase I Stormwater Permits in
Proxy Rainfall Analysis Washington State
A. Cheema, M. Throneburg, A. Wilmes, P. Niemann D. Howie
9:00 Houston Prepares for Next Generation Wastewater 9:30 Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources
Hydraulic Modeling by Adopting State-of-the-Art Stewardship: The Value of Regulatory Advocacy for
Modeling Techniques, Methodology, and Approaches Stormwater, Wastewater, and Water Utilities
Appropriate for Houston K.M. Nichols, P.D. Guerin
P. Pradhan, F.M. Rabbi, S. Rhodes, T. May 10:00 Networking Break
9:30 Attenuation of Rain Dependent Infiltration and Inflow 10:30 Lessons Learned From 20 Years of Illicit Discharge
Through Sanitary Sewer Collection System Surcharging Detection and Elimination in Massachusetts
Via Real Time Control Z. Henderson, G. Bergey
S.A. Baltodano, R.J. Rivera, S.S. Eagle 11:00 MWRD’s Experience Implementing a Green
10:00 Networking Break Infrastructure Water Quality Requirement
10:30 Approach for Climate Change Adaptation Planning to D.M. Feltes
Address Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall and 11:30 Outreach Goals and Facebook Trolls: PEP Evaluation
Stormwater/Sewerage Collection Infrastructure in and Social Media Strategy for Phase II Compliance
Metro Vancouver C. Walls, R. Kline-Robach
J. Cunderlik, A. Bingeman, L. Zaremba
11:00 Mobile Area Water and Sewer System Critical Pipeline:
S E S S I O N 316 ROOM S502B
Assessment, Alternative Review, and use of Dynamic
Hydraulic Modeling in Development of the Best Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Long-Term Solution
M. Mayes, M. Stickley, D. Cote, D. Stejskal What’s New in Stormwater: Emerging
11:30 Challenges of Integrating Remote Monitors With a Real- Trends and Applications
Time Wet-Weather Optimization Program Moderator: M. Quigley
J. Barton Assistant Moderator: H. Gheith
8:30 Applications of Smart Data Infrastructure for Wet-
Weather Control and Decision Support
M. Billah, D. Tao, J.M. Brescol
9:00 When Water Becomes a Hazard: A Common Operating
Picture Helps Keep Everyone on the Same Page
B.E. Vieux, R. Smith, J.E. Vieux
9:30 Municipal PAH Bans in Wisconsin: A Water
Quality Success Story
E. Meyer


T uesday M orning S essions


S E S S I O N 317 R O O M S 4 01 S E S S I O N 319 ROOM S405B

Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
What Is Beyond Integrated Planning? Utility Management: Seeing (and
Moderators: H. Holmberg, K. Williamson Using) the Right Information Through
8:30 A Flexible Framework for Maximizing Community the Forest of Systems and Data
Benefits From Infrastructure Investments Moderator: R. Nagel
H. Bourne Assistant Moderator: J. Grant
8:50 Watershed-Based Permitting Approaches
8:30 Effective Utility Management in a Digital World
D. Stephan
K. Stively, J. Theerman
9:10 The Utility in the Watershed
9:00 A More Perfect Union: Why Data and Performance Go
M. Ries Hand-in-Hand, and How YOU Have the Power to Unite
9:30 Facilitated Discussion E. Lowell, A. Palmatier, C. Driver, D. Saunders
9:30 IIoT as Utility Management Tool
S E S S I O N 318 R O O M S 4 0 5A S. Kharkar, E. Hernandez, P. Paret, H. Krup
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm 10:00 Networking Break
10:30 Interactive Dashboard Delivery of an Integrated Water
Have You Checked Your Planning Compass? and Wastewater Utility Master Plan
Moderator: J. Ginley A.C. Eason, J. Hennessy, C. Belk
Assistant Moderator: D. Baldessari 11:00 An Effective Journey From Meter to Cash: Always Starts
8:30 A Laser-Focused Approach To Protect M1W’s With the Meter!
Land Outfall Pipe A.C. Johnson, P. Flannelly, M. Diaz
R. Philipson, R. Holden, C. Cook, D. Skipper, 11:30 Rolling Out Asset Management With the Customer
W.K. Faisst, A. Shah in Mind: Integrating Sugar Land’s Wastewater
9:00 Adaptive Planning: A Success Story From Treatment Plant Asset Management Program With a
Coeur d’Alene, ID City-Wide Focus
M. Benisch, D. Clark, M. Anderson M. Victor, F.L. James, F. de Carvalho
9:30 Using Integrated Planning To Manage Sewer and
Stormwater Investments in Columbia, MO SDG 11 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES
J.T. Stober, D. Carani, E. Keys
10:00 Networking Break S E S S I O N 320 ROOM S504A
10:30 Sustainable Return on Investment Analysis of the New
Salt Lake City WRF Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
M.C. Barry, M. Francis, A. Bohmholdt Small Communities: Compliance
11:00 Protecting Capital Assets and the Environment:
Water Resources Conveyance System Planning in
and Innovative Treatment
Monterey, California Moderator: E. Earn
M.J. Winkelman, G. Muckleroy, J. Kjellsson Assistant Moderator: A.R. Rubin
11:30 Taking a Deeper Look at Affordability 8:30 Consistent Compliance With Low Level Nutrient
C. Worth, S. Julber, J. Mason Limitations With Extreme Flow and Load Variation Using
Small System Membrane Bioreactor
L. Marcolini, B.J. Friedland
9:00 Iron Turning Waste-Based Point-of-Use Filter
for Small Communities Dealing With Pesticide
Contaminated Water
E. Khan, J. McEvoy, A.U. Khan, T. Abbas, T. Wadhawan
9:30 Multi-Objective Natural Treatment Systems: How
Clean Water Services’ Forest Grove NTS Addressed
Water Quality Challenges and Created Habitat and a
Community Amenity
J.L. Hughes, L. Barker

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T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 33 4 ROOM S406A
Tuesday, September 24 | 9:15 am – 10:15 am
S E S S I O N 321 ROOM S404D Utility Leaders Plenary Session:
Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm A Path Forward on Affordability
Moderator: R. Chow
Treatment for Groundwater Recharge:
Panelists: J. Mastracchio, E. Rothstein, A. Sawyers, R. Fox
So the Well Won’t Run Dry Utility leaders face affordability challenges impacting
Moderator: M. Seng communities at many levels – from concerns about
Assistant Moderator: B. Sheikh overburdening low-income ratepayers, to limitations on funding
8:30 Groundwater Replenishment in the Central Valley: resources to make infrastructure investments to meet regulatory
Fresno’s Advanced Water Treatment Approach obligations. WEF and NACWA are pleased to offer this plenary
S. Kamath, B.J. Leto, T. Williams, A. Brown session incorporating a panel of experts to discuss these and
9:00 Quantification and Characterization of Contaminant other issues, and explore new approaches to better assess
Removal Through Soil Aquifer Treatment During Indirect community and household affordability, including a recently
Potable Water Reuse published report by WEF, NACWA, and AWWA.
C.B. Bott, G. Salazar-Benites, C. Wilson, P. Pradhan,
M. Widdowson, T. Dziura Due to another event in this room, entry into the session will
begin at 9:10 am.
9:30 Bromate Prevention of Ozone Based Aquifer Recharge
K. Flis, R. Loeffler, S. Dominguez, J. Hill, J. Chiasson,
S.D. DuBois, W. Vote S E S S I O N 323 R O O M S 5 0 5A
10:00 Networking Break Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
10:30 Advanced Water Treatment Demonstration Facility
Implements Innovative Design Concepts Worker Safety and Public Health
S. Trussell, Z. Hirani, M.J. Adelman, J. Borchardt, Moderator: L.W. Casson
G. Lai-Bluml, E. Mills Assistant Moderator: R. Hurst
11:00 Nitrogen Management Strategies for Potable Reuse of 10:30 Public Health Implications of Disinfection Technology
Non-Nitrified Secondary Effluent
K.F. Brisolara
B. Mansell, N. Melitas, Z. Hirani, M. Liu, G. Lai-Bluml,
S. Liang, J. Lehman, K. Rademacher 11:00 Issue of Compliance With Personal Protective
Equipment Among Wastewater Workers Across the
11:30 Planning for Multiple Reuse Options for Industrial Southeast Region of the United States
Wastewater: Groundwater Recharge, Food & Beverage
T. Wright
Production Water, and Land Application
M. Silver, J. Hines 11:30 Using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment To
Evaluate Risk of Infection of Workers at Wastewater
Treatment Plants

S E S S I O N 322 ROOM S503A S E S S I O N 324 ROOM S502B

Tuesday, September 24 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Shared Experiences: 7 Years Get Smart: Data and Technology
Post Super Storm Sandy Applications in Stormwater
Moderator: C.S. Yi Moderator: C. Tabor
Assistant Moderator: K. Waksman Assistant Moderator: D. Marchese
8:30 Predicting and Visualizing Flood Risk 10:30 Building Community Resiliency: How Bordeaux
D. Obolevics, C. Tigner, D. Herkes Manages Both Flood and Pollution Control
9:00 Reduce Operational Impacts by Effectively Planning D. Tao, L. Robitaille
Resilient Design 11:00 The Path to Smarter Infrastructure
L.M. Posso, C. Johnson, S.J. Igielski, M. Katehis, S. Couper, D. Blackburn-Huettner, T. Joseph
S. Mitchell, W. Walker 11:30 Leveraging Available Data To Guide Stormwater
9:30 Resilient Bridgeport: Stormwater Strategies To Manage Management Efforts
Acute and Chronic Flood Risk M. Jones, A.C. Eason
T. Carson, J. Marrone, R. Deitz, R. French


T uesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 325 R O O M N 426 A S E S S I O N 327 R O O M S 4 01

Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Solving Re(Dis)solved Problems Utility Leadership Forum: Capturing the
Moderator: G. Edwards Value of Diversity in Your Workforce
Assistant Moderator: C. Chang Moderator: T. Swingle
10:30 Case Studies for Non-Traditional Approaches to Total Keynote Speaker: L. Bullock
Dissolved Solids Local Limits Development and NPDES Utility managers, utility staff, and workforce development
Permit Compliance professionals are invited to attend and participate in this
M. Sadler, S. Ishii, T. Devine interactive session which includes an opening presentation
11:00 Options for Developing Site-Specific NPDES from lifelong civil rights advocate Mr. Larry Bullock. With
Permit Metal Limits passion born from growing up in the south during the Civil
E. Thompson Rights Era, Mr. Bullock discusses this topic using life experiences
11:30 Compliance With NPDES TN Limit: Quantification of as a student, legislator, clergyman, and professional in the
Influent Non-Readily Biodegradable Dissolved Organic infrastructure, construction and development industry.
Nitrogen To Explore Nutrient Management Options Following the keynote address, attendees will engage in
M. Sadler, S. Ishii, R. Taylor, C. Farmer candid table discussions on advancing inclusion and diversity
as individuals, organizations, communities, and a sector. Table
INDUSTRY, INNOVATION discussions will cover four general topic areas:
■■ The role of diversity in Improving customer service and
S E S S I O N 326 ROOM S504A connection to the community
■■ Promoting a workplace culture that embraces diversity
Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm ■■ Creating (and recruiting) a diverse workforce
Small Communities: Planning for Upgrades ■■ Development and training a diverse workforce
and Replacements Ensures Compliance
10:30 Upgrading Municipality of St. Andrews Wastewater
Infrastructure From Decentralized to a Regional System S E S S I O N 328 ROOM S503A
While Addressing Odor Control Challenges
S. Basu, J. Brewster, B. Ransom Tuesday, September 24 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
11:00 Replacing Century-Old Wastewater Infrastructure
in Mining Towns
Stakeholder Inclusive Planning for
N. Schindler, M. Luecker Sustainable Water Solutions
11:30 Adaptive Facility Plan and Upgrades Provide Capital Moderator: J. Walsh
Savings, Resiliency, and Cold-Weather Ammonia Assistant Moderator: M.C. Reed
Removal in Palmer, Alaska 10:30 Involving Indigenous Peoples and Traditional
B. Figdore, J. Wodrich, J.R. Moyers Practices in Water and Wastewater Infrastructure:
The New Zealand Way
G.J. Macdonald, K. Hermens
11:00 Surpassing Regulatory Requirements to Future Proof
a Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility
J. Chang, P. Wilting, M. Adey, M.J. Ratajczak,
A. Timmis, H. Porter
11:30 Implementing Water and Sanitation Projects
on Tribal Lands
E. Rahaman

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T uesday M orning S essions

M O B I L E S E S S I O N 329 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A M O B I L E S E S S I O N 331 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY

Tuesday, September 24 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Wastewater 101 Dewatering Technologies
Moderators: M. Reed, E. Katsoulas Moderator: J. Marx
Does the exhibition floor have you feeling lost or overwhelmed? The purpose of this tour is to allow attendees to compare
Are you not sure where to start? Let us guide you through the dewatering technologies in a technical manner. The attendee
exhibition floor as we go with the flow of a wastewater treatment will learn the details of the technology and how it can be
facility! This session is designed to engage public officials, applied to their treatment process needs and be able to see
young professionals, students, and people new to the industry some of the pieces of equipment. The physical principles of how
with an introduction to wastewater treatment processes and the equipment works and the flow pattern will be discussed as
hot-topics. Participants will begin with a brief overview of a well as what the operator should do to operate it.
hypothetical wastewater treatment plant, which will include Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
a dynamic video. Attendees will then journey around the ■■ Hydro International
exhibition floor to meet with exhibitors and see equipment ■■ Smith & Loveless Inc
firsthand. The tour will cover regulations; preliminary, primary,
■■ Vulcan Industries Inc.
secondary, and effluent treatment; energy conservation and
recovery; and resource recovery.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors: M O B I L E S E S S I O N 332 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A

■■ Aqua-Aerobic ■■ SUEZ Water Technologies Tuesday, September 24 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Systems, lnc. & Solutions
■■ Duperon Corporation ■■ Trojan Technologies
Tertiary Membranes for Advanced Treatment
■■ Environmental Operating ■■ U.S. Environmental Moderators: J. Rohrbacher, T. Walker
Solutions EOS Protection Agency Assistant Moderator: S. Lothman
■■ Evoqua Water ■■ Walker Process This mobile session will visit three to four membrane vendors
Technologies LLC Equipment Div of offering a variety of products for advanced tertiary treatment.
■■ Hydro International McNish Corporation Technologies considered will include hollow-fiber and flat-
■■ Ovivo USA, LLC ■■ Xylem Inc. plate ultra-filtration as well as nano reverse osmosis (RO)
technologies. Emerging membrane technologies such as
■■ Smith & Loveless Inc ceramic membranes will also be considered.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
M O B I L E S E S S I O N 330 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY ■■ Evoqua Water ■■ SUEZ Water Technologies

Technologies LLC & Solutions

Tuesday, September 24 | 9:00 am – 10:30 am ■■ Pall Water ■■ Toray Membrane USA, Inc.

Nutrient Analyzers and Sensors

Moderator: L. Rieger M O B I L E S E S S I O N 333 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY
Assistant Moderators: J. Loudon, P. Yi
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
This mobile session seeks to help interested people find the
right instruments by discussing section criteria for nutrient Petroleum Refinery Wastewater
sensors and analyzers. Topics like application specifics, quality Treatment Equipment
control, cost of ownership, and installation requirements will Moderator: M. Goldblatt
be discussed. The session includes an introduction, and visits
This mobile session follows a Technical Session and is a great
to major instrument suppliers with short technical debriefs. The
way to hear from the technology suppliers that are often
visits are split into a vendor presentation and a Q&A session.
referenced in the session. The mobile session will focus on
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors: equipment that pertains to the refinery or petrochemical
■■ Endress+Hauser wastewater treatment. Equipment may include pre- and primary
■■ Hach wastewater treatment unit operations: API separators, CPI
■■ Horiba Instruments separators, Induced gas flotation units, dissolved gas flotation
■■ Xylem Inc. units. It may also include other unit operations used in this
industry for wastewater treatment. It may include control and
monitoring items as well, such as online analytical devices for
real-time system controls. This is a can’t-miss session in terms of
learning about the latest and greatest as well as the basics.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

■■ Ramboll

■■ Xylem, Inc.


T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 4 0 0 ROOM S402A
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Interactive Knowledge Exchange S E S S I O N 4 02 ROOM S403A

Public Outreach and Say Anything Challenge Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
The third session of IKEs this year cover the lighter topics
in our industry and share ideas for messaging to the public Alternate Nitrogen Removal and Pathways
and learning about the unsung heroes of the water resource Moderator: S. Fevig
recovery facility. Assistant Moderator: A. Miot
1:30 Mitigation of Ammonia Breakthrough in Activated
ENSURE SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION Sludge Secondary Effluent With Zeolite
SDG 12 AND PRODUCTION PATTERNS P. Ackman, N. Melitas, R. Deco, J. Kuo
2:00 Redirecting Methane for Biological Nitrogen Removal
S E S S I O N 4 01 R O O M S 4 01 the Enrichment of Mixed Methanotrophic Culture in a
Sequential Batch Reactor
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
A. Eldyasti, A. Fergala, A. AlSayed, D. Bishoff
Knowledge Development Forum: 2:30 Identifying the Process Niche of Complete Ammonia
Interaction of the Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxidizing Bacteria
W. Khunjar, C. Wilson, K. Gilmore, H. De Clippeleir,
and Phosphorus Cycles for Intensified A.J. Pinto, I. Cotto
Treatment and Resource Recovery 3:00 Networking Break
Moderators: P. Regmi, H. Stewart, S. Klaus 3:30 Using Kinetics and Modeling To Predict Denitrification
1:30 Importance of Wastewater Characteristics and Fluxes in Elemental Sulfur Based Biofilms
Understanding Treatment Goals as the Defining R. Nerenberg, C.B. Bott, F. Sabba, Y. Wang
Elements of Inputs and Outputs for Efficient C, 4:00 Impact of Kinetic-Limitation on the Partitioning Between
N, and P Cycling Glycerol-Driven Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to
I. Takacs, B.M. Stinson Ammonium and Denitrification
2:00 Carbon Cycling Approaches for Resource Recovery K. Chandran, M. Baideme, L. Plante, M. Butkus
J.A. Jimenez, S. Murthy 4:30 Abundance and Activity of Comammox and Canonical
2:30 Nitrogen Cycling for Intensified Treatment With Energy Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Under Nutrient
Efficiency and Carbon Efficient Considerations Limited Conditions
P. Regmi, B. Wett K. Chandran, C. Long, H. Kurt
3:00 Networking Break
3:30 Phosphorus Cycling for Intensified Treatment, Resource
Recovery, and Mitigation of Operational Challenges
C. Debarbadillo, P. Schauer
4:00 Water-Energy Nexus: Water Reuse and Energy
Considerations for C, N, and P Cycling
C.B. Bott, A.R. Shaw
4:30 Panel Discussion

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T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 4 0 5 ROOM S403B
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
S E S S I O N 4 03 ROOM S505B Aerobic Granular Sludge:
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm From Pilot to Full Scale
Moderators: H. Stensel, B. Pathak
Industrial Wastewater Reuse?
1:30 Seeding, Start-Up, and Biological Nutrient Removal
Really, Really, Really! Performance of North America’s First Full-Scale Aerobic
Moderator: K. Jenkins Granular Sludge System at the Rock River Water
Assistant Moderators: F. Johns, N. Zaugg Reclamation District
1:30 Design and Application of Wastewater Reverse Osmosis T.K. Reid, M. De Los Santos, L. McFall, D. Gravagno
Located Downstream of Membrane Bioreactor for 2:00 Aerobic Granular Sludge Piloting in Los Angeles County
Industrial Wastewater Reuse B. Mansell, P. Ackman, N. Melitas
J. Moskal 2:30 Applying Aerobic Granular Sludge at Cedar Rapids
2:00 Upgrading an Existing Beverage Wastewater Treatment T.K. Reid, E.A. Evans, J. Flamming
Plant Utilizing Membrane Bioreactor Technology for 2:45 Aerobic Granular Sludge and Activated Sludge:
Water Reuse Applications Aeration Efficiency Study Using Off-Gas Testing
B. Arntsen, P.T. Bowen, D. Swerdlyk, K.W. Conroy, A. Haik D. Rosso, R.J. Eschborn, F. Cecconi, J.R. Damerel
2:30 Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Treating a Diverse
Industrial Waste Stream for Water Reuse at the San
Francisco Airport S E S S I O N 4 0 6 R O O M S 5 01A

A. Salveson, D. Whynman, J. Dresang, M. Costanzo, Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

D. Tikalsky, G. Engel
3:00 Networking Break The Old Dog and Its New Tricks:
3:30 Optimizing Water Reuse Opportunities for Approaches to Carbon Redirection and
Industrial Parks Primary Treatment Improvements
S. Bauer, A. Dell, J. Behnisch, H. Linke, M. Wagner Moderator: A. Al-Omari
4:00 Fouling Behavior in High Recovery NF for Industrial
1:30 The Old vs. The New: How Much Better Can We Do
Reverse Osmosis Brine Treatment Towards Zero
With the Newer Carbon Re-Direction Approaches?
Liquid Discharge
T. Constantine, B.R. Johnson
S. Ong, H. Ng, L. Lee, W. Song
2:00 Making Primary Sedimentation Basins More Efficient
4:30 Feasibility of Water Reuse in Miami-Dade
Using Innovative Baffle System
County, Florida: The Challenges of Reuse in an
Environmentally Sensitive Area C. Shima, N.J. Meyer, N. Hodges
D.M. Santander, K. Caban, J. Cueto 2:30 Holistic Evaluation and Optimization of Primary
Clarifier Performance
W. Martin, S.L. Burke, Y. Tsao, M. Senss, P. Pitt,
S E S S I O N 4 0 4 ROOM S404C A. Griborio, M. Blate, M. Ibrahim, M. Jackson, X. Tian
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 Networking Break
3:30 A New Floc Filtration A-Stage Process for Carbon and
Produced Water Treatment in the Nitrogen Redirection and BNR Process Intensification
Upstream Oil & Gas Industry S. Murthy, B. Wett, J.A. Jimenez, P. Aichinger
Moderator: S. Gluck 4:00 Virtual 3D Design of the Novel AAA Settler Using
Assistant Moderators: A. Larson, P.J. Usinowicz Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
B. Wett, U. Rehman, W.T. Audenaert,
1:30 Enhancing Removal of Aromatic Compounds Using an
I. Nopens, P. Aichinger
Integrated Biofilm–GAC Reactor
A. Ibrahim, B. Sturm, Y.D. Hiripitiyage, 4:30 Long Term Operational and Performance Evaluation of
J. Warren, E. Peltier Primary Filtration Technology for Carbon Diversion
J.D. Dyson, T.K. Reid, O. Caliskaner, G. Tchobanoglous,
2:00 Ground Water Protection Council
B. Davis, J. Hazard, J. Lund, E. Kim
Produced Water Report
S. Chard, N. Saunders
2:30 Sulfate Removal To Prevent Scaling in a Moderate
Salinity Environment Via Expanded Granular
Sludge Bed Reactors
B. Sturm, A. Hummel


T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 4 0 8 ROOM S402B
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
S E S S I O N 4 07 R O O M N 426 B Big Data, Machine Learning,
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm and Predictive Control
Moderator: D. Chamberlain
Knowledge Development Forum: From
Assistant Moderator: O. Schraa
Research to Practice – Energy Sustainability
1:30 Get More out of Your Data: Advanced Methods
Moderators: C. Maher, O. Schraa for Automated Data Integration, Cleaning,
Assistant Moderators: K. Roosa, V. Borkowski and Augmentation
1:30 An IIoT Technology for Monitoring Pump Efficiency L. Rieger, I. Miletic, O. Schraa, A. Rosenthal
B. Garthwait, G. Koopmann 2:00 Operations, Asset Management, and Data Analytics
1:50 Future Direction of Energy Research at The Water Nexus: A Closed Loop Function Approach
Research Foundation C. Cherchi, J. Jacangelo, P. Perciavalle,
A. Dhanasekar J. Cullen, K. Johnson
2:10 Modeling Aeration Performance for Energy Reduction 2:30 Energy-Saving Aeration Control System Powered by
C. Sigmon, C. Bye, G. Burger, C. Tyler, D. Conidi, Machine Learning for Membrane Bioreactors
C.A. Marks, K. Brian L. Morris, S. Nagae, Y. Tsuzuki, O. Yamanaka, T. Obara
2:30 Small Utilities Can Achieve Big Visions, Too: Biosolids 3:00 Networking Break
and Energy Strategic Planning 3:30 Automated Detection of Anomalies in High-Frequency
D. Dursun, B. Lisk, M. Abu-Orf, H. Enriquez, S. Wagner, Water Quality Sensor Data Using Machine Learning
D. Guendert, J. Crisman X. Wang, E. Sekerinski, J. Copp
2:50 Interactive Discussion 4:00 Applying Predictive Flow Control to Wastewater
3:00 Networking Break Transport To Improve Wastewater Treatment
3:30 Tools and Planning for Sustainable Infrastructure O. Icke, C. Lubbers, M. de Koning, C. Huising
Improvement in the Wastewater Sector 4:30 High-Fidelity Profiling and Data-Driven Prediction
A. Dasek, A. De Fontaine Modeling of Heterogeneity in Wastewater Systems:
3:50 Energy Demand Response Applied to Water Resource Toward Accurate Feedback Control and Energy-
Recovery Facilities Saving Operation
R.L. Alves, P. Póvoa, R. Bessa, P.J. Inocêncio, Z. Xu, B. Li, Y. Huang, A. Bagtzoglou, Z. Dai, T. Wang,
F. Paixão, J. Filipe Y. Fan, F. Mahmood Poor Dehkord
4:10 The Liverpool WRRF: Achieving Financial Sustainability
Through Energy Independence
L. Botero, G. Knight
4:30 Battery Energy Storage for Energy Resilience and Cost-
Effective Operations: Lessons Learned From Selected
Municipal Case Studies
C. Cherchi, J. Jacangelo, M. Rostami, M. Voll
4:50 Interactive Discussion

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T uesday A fternoon S essions


S E S S I O N 4 09 ROOM S504A S E S S I O N 410 R O O M N 426 C

Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Exciting Asset Management Case Studies! Sidestream Success! N and P
Installation and Maintenance Practices Removal Case Studies
for Ensuring Equipment Reliability Moderator: L. Cavanaugh
Moderator: D. Mason Assistant Moderator: D.J. Houdeshell
Assistant Moderator: M. Kyle 1:30 Filtrate Treatment Facility Startup at Blue Plains AWTP
1:30 Better Than New: Making Changes to DC Water’s C. Debarbadillo, M.E. Miranda, S. Martinelli, C. Cusic
Scum Pumps and Grit Pumps for Improved 2:00 Implementation of IFAS ANITA Mox Deammonification
Performance, Longer Equipment Life, and Reduced Process: How Sundets WWTP Converted Its
Maintenance Costs Existing MBBR To Tackle High Strength Thermal
L.H. Knox, S. Kharkar, T. Bruton, J. Alba, M. Frazee, Hydrolysis Sidestream
J. Grimes, A. Ralston H. Zhao, R. Lemaire, M. Hollowed, S. Viswanathan,
2:00 When Things Get Slippery: Overhauling DC Water’s A. Andersson Chan, M. Christensson
Lubrication Program 2:30 Anammox Bioprocesses: How They Succeed and Why
T. Bruton, D. Gisborn, K. Bodjona They Sometimes Don’t
2:30 The Role of Commissioning in Growing Equipment Old A. Rosenthal
and in Good Shape 3:00 Networking Break
S. Kharkar, J. Alba, L.H. Knox, T. Bruton 3:30 Evaluation of Hydrated Lime With Post Aerobic
3:00 Networking Break Digestion To Control Dewatering Nitrogen and
3:30 Getting Out of the Hot Spot: Thermal Hydrolysis Phosphorus Return Loads
Pumping Improvements for Reduced Maintenance Cost K. Cowan, A. Haeger
and Improved Reliability 4:00 Cost and Benefit Analysis of Removing Orthophosphate
L.H. Knox, S. Kharkar, T. Bruton, D. Morris and Improving of Dewaterability of Digested Sludge by
4:00 Changi Water Reclamation Plant: The Plant of the Future Post-Digestion AirPrex® Technology
Constructed in the Now Z. Li, G. Forstner, M. Tabanpour,
C. McLeod, R.J. Brice H. Yoshida, M. Stenstrom
4:30 Emerging Regulations Impact Chemical Bulk Storage 4:30 Seeing Through the Pipe: Rapid Detection of
Tank Condition Assessment Struvite Accumulation
G.L. Arthur D. Gray, J. Shih


T uesday A fternoon S essions


Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Co-Digestion: Impacts of Adding S E S S I O N 412 ROOM S504D

Food Waste and FOG Tuesday, September 24 | 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Moderator: T. Stigers
Resource Recovery From Biosolids:
Assistant Moderator: H.M. Azam
1:30 Novel Food Waste Pre-Processing Method and
Systematic Co-Digestion of FOG and the Food Moderator: K.R. Tsang
Waste To Enhance Biogas Production and Improve 2:00 Mono-Incineration of Biosolids Provides a Pathway
Solids Treatment for Maximum Phosphorus Recovery From Water
G. Rajagopalan, A. Akela, B. Subramanian Reclamation Facilities: A German Approach
2:00 Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Wastewater Residuals With W. Hoener, C. Kabbe, J. Blischke
Food Waste and FOG: Effects on Digester Performance 2:30 Nutrient Recovery and Reuse Project in St. Cloud,
and Microbial Community Structure Minnesota: A Case Study for the Circular Economy
T. Datta, J. Ohemeng-Ntiamoah D. Lycke, S. Halloran, P. Shea, T. Hodel,
2:30 Impact of Food Waste Co-Digestion Operational B. Schoenecker, A. Singh
Conditions on Microbial Communities 3:00 Networking Break
G. Nakhla, M. Kim, B.M. Haroun, 3:30 ORC Energy Recovery System at the Greenway WWTP
M. Keleman, M. Abdulazeez in London, Ontario
3:00 Networking Break S. Chilson, G. Gauld, T. Gretarsson, I. Scott,
3:30 Effects of Step-Wise Acclimation Versus Shock Loading M. Elliott, K. Oudekerk
on the Performance of Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Fats, 4:00 Physiochemical Characteristics, Fermentation, and
Oils, and Greases for Increased Methane Production Mesophilic Batch Anaerobic Digestion of Source
A. Berninghaus, T.S. Radniecki Separated Organics
4:00 Biomass Encapsulation for Anaerobic Resources A. Bazyar Lakeh, A. Azizi, E. Hosseini Koupaie,
Recovery From Wastewater V. Bekmuradov, H. Hafez, E. Elbeshbishy
K. Zhu, P. Novak, W. Arnold, S. Dasgupta 4:30 Recovering Energy and Nutrients From Organic
4:30 Enhancing Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Food Waste and Solids Via Hydrogen Reduction: A Game Changer for
FOG Using Conductive Additives Wastewater Treatment
B.R. Dhar, B. Chowdhury, L. Lin, M. Islam C.K. Hertle, T. Bridle, D. Hallett, R. Pinder

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T uesday A fternoon S essions


Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Wet Weather Management and Flow S E S S I O N 414 R O O M S 4 0 5A

Equalization: Addressing Wet Weather Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Flow Issues Around the World Sewer Rehabilitation and Construction
Moderator: K. Stickel
Moderator: A. McDonald
Assistant Moderator: M. Wanna
Assistant Moderator: L. Chase
1:30 Getting the Most Out of Your Storage Basin:
1:30 Akron’s Main Interceptor Sewer: Replace or Rehabilitate?
Optimization Strategies for Planning, Design,
The Choice Leads to Major Cost Savings
and Construction
L. Burnoski, T. Capper, S. Hostetler
B. Rogne, K. Haas
2:00 Design Criteria Standards for Wastewater in the Florida
2:00 Containing the Storm: Implementation of a Wet Weather
Keys: No Salt in These Wounds!
Management Program During a Significant Rainfall
Event at an Enhanced Nutrient Removal Facility D. Burden, D. Mullen
B. Porter, T. Castillo, J. Rohrbacher, R. Taylor 2:30 Lessons Learned During Rehabilitation of the North
Mimico STS and South Mimico STS, Toronto, ON
2:30 Cooperative Federalism in Action: Unprecedented
Opportunities Arising From a Dramatically Shifting M. Jetten, B. Ahmed
Federal-State Regulatory Landscape 3:00 Networking Break
P. Calamita, C. Pomeroy 3:30 Let’s Get This Program Started: Hidden Challenges of
3:00 Networking Break Large Diameter Sewer Rehab Projects
3:30 Taming Tasmanian Spills J. Siwek, M. Choma
R.R. Roll, R. Langdon, M. Newby, K. Pugh, R. Dodson 4:00 Practical Recommendations When Installing Cured-in-
Place Pipe Liners in High Temperature Applications
4:00 Meeting the Challenges of Operating a Remote SSO
High Rate Treatment Facility D. Youngblood
J. Siczka, R. Johnson, R.W. Kneip, 4:30 System Reliability Improved Through Fast Track Force
S. Agarwal, D. Wendorff Main Replacement
4:30 Flow Equalization Optimized: How Regional San K. Prathivadi, T.J. Monahan, N. Mao
Saved Millions in Plant Upgrades Through Innovative
Implementation of Flow Equalization S E S S I O N 415 ROOM S502A
R.L. Gutierrez, S. Parker, K. Corcoran,
R.O. Guizar, C. Romano Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Cases in Point: Current MS4 Case Studies
Moderator: J. Moore
Assistant Moderator: L. Reid
1:30 The Development of Environment-Conscious Buildings
and the Creation of Green Spaces by the Public-Private
Partnerships With Utilization of the Upper Part of the
Sewer Facility in the Metropolis, Tokyo
M. Hojou, K. Obata
2:00 Green Infrastructure in an Unlikely Place: A Constructed
Wetland at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo, NY
S. Rybarczyk
2:30 The City of Los Angeles Transforms an Industrialized
Site to a Riverside Park
J. Fussel, E. Pangilinan, B.T. Powell, C. Johnson


T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 416 ROOM S502B S E S S I O N 418 ROOM S405B

Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
We Know What’s Bugging You: Linear Asset Management: What Your
Stormwater Bacteria Research Collection System is Trying to Tell You
Moderator: J. Hinds Moderator: P.T. Sexton
Assistant Moderator: C. Baumann Assistant Moderator: M.R. Dalton
1:30 Pilot Scale Evaluation of E. Coli Filtration Removal From 1:30 Programmatic Aspects of Sewer Capacity Certification:
Stormwater Using Recycled Steel Byproduct What Do You Do When You Overfill Your Pipes?
J. Neville, G. Hua, C. Schmit J. McLamarrah, L. Rousselle, B.D. Brewer, R. Bocarro
2:00 Design and Monitoring Recommendations for MMSD 2:00 Phased Approach to Force Main Failure Saves Millions
Bacteria Reduction Pilot Project C.L. Morley
T. Chapman, A. Cizek 2:30 Resilience of Sewer System: Focusing on Manholes
2:30 Assessment of Microbial Community Composition and Y. Matsumiya, Y. Iwasa, S. Inata, Y. Nakatsubo, M. Nakano
Activity in Green Infrastructure Sites 3:00 Networking Break
J. Kleyman, J.K. McLaughlin, M. Urisaka, 3:30 The Fight Against Crumbling Stormwater Infrastructure:
F. Montalto, T. Muth Strategies for a Comprehensive Condition
Assessment Program
S E S S I O N 417 R O O M N 426 A D. Suarez, T.J. Platin
4:00 Developing a Proactive Risk Analysis To Drive
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm a Stormwater Inspection Program for the
TMDL Whack-A-Mole: Hitting City of San Antonio
N. Gaspard, N. Garza
a Moving Target
4:30 Duffin Creek WPCP and Primary Trunk Asset
Moderator: G. Edwards Management Plan
Assistant Moderator: V. Chou S. Mitra
1:30 A Stakeholder Driven Approach To Improve the Water
Quality in the Fox River, Illinois
R. Mahajan, A. Nemura, C. Skrukrud, K. Clementi SDG 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION
2:00 Bacteria TMDLs: MS4 Cities’ Response in Minnesota
R. Neprash S E S S I O N 419 ROOM S503B
2:30 Implementation of a Large-Scale BMP Retrofit for Cost- Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Effective TMDL Compliance
F. Pasquel, S. Smedley, M. Wooden Integrated Planning Round Table
3:00 Networking Break Moderators: T. Lu, J. Pletl
3:30 Nutrient Loss Reduction Policy Challenges for 1:30 Introduction and Perceptions of Integrated Planning
Stakeholders: An Ohio Case Study J. Pletl, T. Lu
A. Nemura, E. Toot-Levy 1:40 Roundtable Speaker: Federal
4:00 Optimizing Local Investments for Meeting In-Stream S.C. Gutierrez
Designated Uses 1:45 Roundtable Speaker: State
S. McCracken, D.A. Doohaluk D. Brumbaugh
4:30 Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Limits for 1:50 Roundtable Speaker: City
Phosphorus May Not Restore Aquatic Life... What Will?
D. Berger
J.F. Cosgrove, T.W. Amidon
1:55 Roundtable Speaker: City
M. Labitzke
2:00 Roundtable Speaker: Utility
K. Shafer
2:05 Roundtable Speaker: Environmental NGO
C. Skrukrud
2:10 Table Discussion
2:30 Open Discussion
2:55 Re-poll: Perceptions of Integrated Planning

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T uesday A fternoon S essions


S E S S I O N 420 R O O M S 5 0 5A S E S S I O N 422 ROOM S503A

Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
People as an Asset: Where Solutions for Coastal City Resiliency
Is YOUR Workforce? Moderator: S. Courtright
Moderator: P. Van Ry Assistant Moderator: B. Drouhard
1:30 Leadership and Workforce Development are a Key to 1:30 CSO Control Planning Below Sea Level Requires an
Creating a Sustainable Organization Integrated Approach
R. Gerstberger F.J. Pocci, W.E. McMillin
2:00 Grow Your Emerging Leaders Through 2:00 Nantucket Resiliency: Unique Challenges of Wastewater
Capstone Experiences System Resiliency for an Island Community
J. Holtzapfel, C. Solberg K.M. Nichols, D.C. Gray
2:30 Managing Amid Chaos: Opportunities To 2:30 What is the Future of Our Sanitary Sewers With the
Learn From Failure Impacts of Climate Change and How Do We Develop
M. Harger, L. Morris Resilient Sewer Systems?
S. Moisio
S E S S I O N 421 ROOM S404D 3:00 Networking Break
3:30 Miami Beach Embraces Resilient Solutions for
Tuesday, September 24 | 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Infrastructure Investments
H. Kremers, T. Brzezinski, R. Coley
To Infinity and Beyond: Technologies
4:00 Resiliency in Miami-Dade: Design, Field Test,
for Combating the Water Reuse and Implementation
Challenges of Tomorrow J.B. Ferguson, G. Canino, I.D. Holowell, M. Burbano
Moderator: O. Duarte 4:30 Rally for the Navesink: A Collaborative Microbial Source
1:30 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Advanced Track Down With a ‘Find-it, Fix-It, No-Blame’ Strategy
Treatment for Potable Reuse Towards Restoration
P. Kumar, E. Steinle-Darling, C. He, A. Salveson S. Muthukrishnan, B. Heddendorf
2:00 Engaging the Medical Community in Recycled
Water Education S E S S I O N 423 ROOM S403B
C. Capuco
Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
2:30 Cause of Clogging and the Effective Method of
Chemical Cleaning in the UF Membrane Filtration at a Modeling of Aerobic Granular Sludge
Wastewater Reclamation Plant Moderator: C. DeGroot
Y. Todo, M. Goto
Assistant Moderator: L. Downing
3:00 Networking Break
3:30 Full-Scale Continuous Flow Selective Pressures for
3:30 Evaluation of a New Compressible Media Filter To Meet Sludge Granulation
the Title 22 Unrestricted Reuse Criteria
M. Young, B. Sturm, L. Downing, P. Klopping,
O. Caliskaner, B. Davis, J. Hazard, E. Lawrence, S. Willett M.S. Jalbert, R. Faraj, E. Redmond
4:00 Utilizing Your Full (Zeta) Potential: A Case Study 4:00 Modeling Aerobic Granular Sludge Performance in
Applying Zeta Potential To Optimize Recycled Sequencing Batch Reactor
Water Filtration
T. Wadhawan, J.A. Jimenez, B. Sturm, R. Faraj
K. Yung, D. Pernitsky, C. Abeyrathna,
C. Butler, C. Mizutani 4:30 Modeling Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactor Considering
Granule Formation
4:30 Interactive Discussion
S. Snowling, R. Goel
4:45 Quantifying the Benefits of Densified Activated Sludge
on Secondary Clarifier Capacity Through CFD Modeling
and Solid Flux Analyses
W. Khunjar, B. Sturm, P. Pitt, A. Griborio, R. Faraj


T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 426 ROOM S502A

Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
S E S S I O N 424 R O O M S 5 0 5A Industrial Dis-Ease: The Multi-Sector
Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm General Permit and Industrial Stormwater
Moderator: J. Bachhuber
Novel Approaches for Mainstream
Assistant Moderator: M. Doneux
Phosphorus: Removal and Recovery
3:30 Findings and Recommendations for Improving the
Moderator: K. Gilmore Next-Generation EPA MSGP for Industrial Stormwater
Assistant Moderator: I. Avila Discharge: Report of the National Académie of Science,
3:30 High-Rate Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal at Engineering, and Medicine
Low Solids Retention Time A.P. Davis
P. Roots, J. Kozak, H. Zhang, G. Wells, A. Rosenthal, 4:00 State Agency Perspective on Industrial SW Permits
F. Yang, Y. Wang 4:30 Emerging Trends in Industrial Stormwater Compliance
4:00 Nutrient Removal and Recovery From Municipal R. Parkman, E. Rester
Wastewater by Purple Phototrophic Bacteria (PPB) at
Different Temperatures
D. Ho, P. Dalaei, G. Nakhla, D. Santoro, S E S S I O N 427 ROOM S502B
D. Batstone, T. Hülsen Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
4:30 Potential of Nutrient Recovery From Wastewater Using
the Revolving Algae Biofilm System and Beneficial Everyone Needs a Filter: Stormwater
Utilization of Algae Biomass Filtration and Media Research
K. Kumar, T. Kunetz, X. Zhao, M. Gross, Z. Wen Moderator: J. Hinds
4:45 Characterizing the Mechanism and Rate of Calcium Assistant Moderator: G. Williams
Phosphate Precipitation in Aerobic Granular Sludge
S. Wei, M. Winkler, R. Cusick, D. Kitt 3:30 Iron-Enhanced Sand Filtration and Water Reuse:
Enhancing Stormwater Management at Lake Susan Park
S. Sobiech, K. Wolohan
S E S S I O N 425 ROOM S404C
4:00 Orleans’ MA Permeable Reactive Barriers
Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Demonstration Project: A Non-Traditional Technology
To Meet Estuary Nitrogen TMDLs
Novel Investigations in Treatment of T.E. Parece, B. Shreve-Gibb, J. Marrion, M.R. Owen,
Chemical/Pharmaceutical Wastewater J. Begley, P.M. Dombrowski
Moderator: L. Pugh 4:30 Stormwater Management Capacity of Artificial
Turf Grass Fields
Assistant Moderator: H. Giacomin
J. Kleyman, J.K. McLaughlin, M. Urisaka,
3:30 Sludge Reduction Through Uncoupling: Treatability F. Montalto, K. DiGiovanni
Surprise and Full-Scale Benefits
T.H. Flippin, J. Sandhu, K. Moraveck
4:00 Membrane-Based Industrial Water Reuse of
Biopharmaceutical Wastewater
C. Casler, G.J. Juby
4:30 Removing Recalcitrant Organics Using
Electrochemical Technologies
N. Chowdhury, B. Lefevre, Y. Aguilera, D. Horner,
C. Robertson, A. Vieira

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T uesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 428 ROOM S503B M O B I L E S E S S I O N 4 30 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY

Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
DATA: Key to Optimizing Planning Produced Water Treatment Technologies
and Decision Making Moderator: H. Azam
Moderator: S. Kharkar Assistant Moderator: M. Hasan
Assistant Moderator: T. Bruton The session will address different aspects of produced water
3:30 City of Westminster, Colorado Implementation of Data treatment. Different traditional and innovative technologies
Governance Within Asset Management and chemicals for produced water treatment will be discussed
L. Walcott and presented. The technologies and chemical use discussed
4:00 Houston Prepares for Next Generation Dynamic in the session will be applicable to a wide range of upstream oil
Predictive Analytics by Integrating Wastewater and gas issues such as US fracking, heavy oil, and conventional
Hydraulic Modeling With Rapidly Emerging Business oil markets. Some of the technologies will be applicable to
Analytics Techniques for Intelligent Operations and different stages of produced water treatment such as primary,
Effective Solutions secondary and tertiary treatment. The specific but innovative
P. Pradhan, F.M. Rabbi technologies presented in this session will include (but will not
4:30 The Future Is Live: Bringing Forecast Modelling to the be limited to) i) primary produced water treatment equipment
London Tideway Tunnels System such as hydrocyclone, API separator, corrugated plate separator
D. Crawford, A. Hon, E. Smith, G. Brown (CPS), skimmer, etc.; ii) secondary produced water treatment
equipment such as dissolved gas flotation (DGF), induced gas
M O B I L E S E S S I O N 429 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A flotation (IGF), compact flotation unit (CFU), etc. as well as iii)
tertiary produced water equipment such as walnut shell filter
Tuesday, September 24 | 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm (WSF), coalescing filter, cartridge filter, microfiltration (MF),
Aeration Blowers ultrafiltration (UF), etc.
Moderators: K. Brischke, J. Rohrbacher Please check the WEF Events Connect Mobile App
for exhibitors presenting in this session.
This mobile session will consist of visits to several blower
manufacturers with a range of technologies including positive
displacement, multi-stage centrifugal, and geared and gearless
single-stage centrifugal blowers. Each manufacturer will be
expected to provide a short presentation of their various
products followed by a short question and answer period.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ APG-Nueros

■■ Gardner Denver, Inc.

■■ Next Turbo Americas, LLC

■■ Sulzer Pumps Solutions Inc.


W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 50 0 ROOM S403A
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Shortcut Nitrogen With BioP S E S S I O N 501 ROOM S502B

Moderator: W. Khunjar Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Assistant Moderator: M. Winkler
The 3 Ps: Plastic, Pharmaceuticals,
8:30 Concurrent Mainstream Deammonification and
Phosphorus Removal Using the ANITA Mox and Pesticides
Process: A Pilot-Scale Evaluation at the Joint Water Moderator: R.K. Goel
Pollution Control Plant 8:30 Performance of Conventional Activated Sludge and
H. Zhao, N. Melitas, M. Liu, T. Knapp, E. Krikorian, Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactors for Microplastics
M. Johnson, H. Long Removal During Municipal Wastewater Treatment
9:00 Occurrence of Partial Denitrification Using Internally B. Sturm, S. Bagchi, O.R. Odunola
Stored Carbon in an Intermittently Aerated Process 9:00 Removal of 1,4-Dioxane and Other Emerging
Configured for Shortcut Nitrogen and Biological Contaminants in a Non RO-Based Indirect Potable
Phosphorus Removal Reuse System Used for Managed Aquifer Recharge
B. Wett, C.B. Bott, A. Gu, H. De Clippeleir, S. Klaus, T. Nading, J. Novak, C.B. Bott, G. Salazar-Benites,
L.E. Ferguson, V. Srinivasan, K. Printz, D. Wang, C. Wilson, R. Vaidya
K. McCullough, P. He
9:30 Bench Testing of 1,4-Dioxane Treatment in Industrial
9:30 Single-Sludge Shortcut N and Biological P Removal Wastewater by Biofiltration, an Innovative and
for Sustainable Mainstream Wastewater Treatment in Inexpensive Alternative to Advanced Oxidation
Temperate Climates B. Petty, C. Zhou, Y. Tang, Y. Xiong
P. Roots, J. Kozak, H. Zhang, G. Wells, A. Rosenthal,
9:45 Extraction and Leaching of Plastic Additives
F. Yang, Q. Yuan, F. Sabba, Y. Wang
L.Y. Tseng, J. Bonte, J.H. Levy, A.R. Tiroumalechetty,
9:45 Integration of Municipal Mainstream Nitritation M.K. Chistolini
With Post-Anoxic EBPR Through Ammonia Based
Aeration Control 10:00 Networking Break
E.R. Coats, J. Mellin 10:30 Evaluation of Beta Blocker Biotransformation by Mixed
Culture Communities Under Nitrifying Conditions
S. Sathyamoorthy, A. Ramsburg, A.E. Hunter
11:00 Temporal Variation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes at a
Small Conventional Wastewater Treatment Plant With
Repeated Sampling
H. Majeed, B. Davis, S. Gupta, M.V. Riquelme, E. Garner,
P. Vikesland, A. Pruden
11:30 A Biologically Stimulated Iron Turning Waste for Treating
Organochlorine Pesticides in Water
E. Khan, J. McEvoy, A.U. Khan, T. Abbas, T. Wadhawan

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W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 50 4 R O O M S 4 01
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 502 ROOM S505B Knowledge Development Forum:
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am Operational Considerations for Low
Metals Removal From Leachate, Dissolved Oxygen Operation in Water
Uranium Contaminated Water, Resource Recovery Facilities
Moderators: J.A. Jimenez, L. Downing
and Gold Mine Wastewater
8:30 Fundamental Changes in Microbial
Moderator: H.M. Azam
Communities at Low DO
Assistant Moderator: R. Kirkland G. Wells
8:30 Leachate Management of Port Hope Long-Term Waste 8:45 Role of DO in Floc/Granule Formation
Management Facility B. Sturm
H. Seyedy, A. McMurray, A. Ghuman, S. Whillier
9:00 Simulating the Impacts of Control on Microbial
9:00 Synthesis of Surfactant Stabilized Nanoscale Zero-Valent Growth Pressures
Iron Particles and Their Potential Application for the O. Schraa
Remediation of Uranium(VI) From Contaminated Water
9:30 Interactive Discussion: Does Low DO Negatively
E.M. Chirwa, F.A. Bezza
Impact Settleability?
9:30 Treatment of Gold Mine Wastewater With Aerobic
10:00 Networking Break
Up-Flow Submerged Attached Growth Reactor
P. Jabari, J. Oleszkiewicz, A. di Biase, T.R. Devlin, 10:30 Low DO and Nitrification
M. Kowalski, V. Wei, M. Bratty, M. Hildebrand M.S. Jalbert
10:45 Low DO BNR
M. Seib
S E S S I O N 503 ROOM S404C
11:00 Kinetic Considerations and Performance of Low DO
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Operation for Shortcut Nitrogen Removal
J. Jimenez
Fundamentals of Chemical 11:30 Interactive Discussion: How Does Low DO Impact
Coagulation and Flocculation Nitrogen and Phosphorous Removal?
Moderators: M.E. Goldblatt, M. Morgan
Assistant Moderator: A. Ling
8:30 Principles of Suspended Solids Separation From Water
A.T. Sandy
9:00 Coagulant and Flocculant Chemistries
K. Martins
9:30 Applications: Municipal
G.L. Hunter
9:45 Applications: Industrial
P.E. Norman
10:00 Networking Break
10:30 Product Selection
C. Leitz
10:45 Jar Testing
M. Morgan
11:00 Industry Examples
P. Shack
11:25 Panel Discussion


W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 50 5 ROOM S403B S E S S I O N 507 ROOM S504D

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
We Don’t Need No Stinking Bubbles! Blame it on the Rain: Treatment
Advancements in MABR Technologies of Wet Weather Flows
Moderator: J. Rohrbacher Moderator: Y.M. Lefler
8:30 Optimized Substrate Removal and Energy Consumption 8:30 Using Machine Learning Techniques for Influent Flow
in Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor With Intelligent Forecasting at Water Resource Reclamation Facilities
Biofilm Thickness Measurement and Control S. Snowling, R. Goel, P. Zhou, Z. Li
B. Heffernan, M. Gehring, J.E. Koch, A. Nemeth, C. Wang, 9:00 How Much Flow Can the Plant Handle? An Approach To
G. Gilabert-Oriol, G. Massons Evaluating Maximum Wet-Weather Capacities
9:00 Predation Promotes Biofilm Detachment in Membrane- W. Martin, R. Latimer, S.L. Burke, Y. Tsao, M. Senss,
Aerated Biofilm Reactors P. Pitt, A. Griborio, M. Blate, M. Bottin, M. Ibrahim,
R. Nerenberg, B. Kim M. Jackson, X. Tian
9:30 Comparative Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Different 9:30 Developing Effective Residual Solids Management for
Degrees of Distribution for Wastewater Treatment Using the CSO Facility Serving the Gowanus Canal
Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactors K. Clarke, L. Degueldre, N. Perez, T. Romero,
R. Shechter, L. Friedman G. Dereamer, J. Hartwig
10:00 Networking Break 10:00 Networking Break
10:30 Evaluating the Impact of Biofilm Scouring Intensity and 10:30 Record Rainfall and Sewer Flows Not Enough to
Organic Carbon on Mainstream Nitrite Shunt Process: Dampen New Denitrification Filter Startup
MABR Pilot Study T. Young, S. Crosswell, S.E. Cosner, P. Chen
D. Houweling, M. Dagnew, S. Mehrabi 11:00 Akron WRF Step Feed Phase 2: Design, Operation,
11:00 Going Bubbleless: Design and Start-Up of the Full-Scale Performance, and Optimization of Secondary Treatment
MABR Demonstration at the Ejby Mølle WRRF Wet Weather Expansion and BNR Upgrades
J. Sandino, N. Uri Carreño, P.H. Nielsen, E. Becker, T. Sanderson
A.D. Willoughby, T. Constantine 11:30 Stuffing Ten Pounds of Biosolids in a Five Pound Bag:
11:30 Do You Really Need Five Days for Nutrient Removal? Wet Weather Treatment Improvements at the Westside
Intensifying BNR Using a MABR Wastewater Treatment Plant
D. Houweling, S. Bagchi, S. Sathyamoorthy, K. Gordon, B.W. Anderson
D. Coutts, Y. Tse


S E S S I O N 50 8 ROOM S402B
S E S S I O N 50 6 R O O M S 5 01A
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Fundamentals of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
Fundamentals: ABCs of BNR – From Recovery and Tools for Assessment
Conventional to the Next Frontier Moderator: A. Babatola
Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in Mobile Assistant Moderator: S. Innerebner
Session 535 immediately following this session to visit different
8:30 A Review for Practitioners of 10 Years Industry
BNR technologies highlighted.
Experience With Phosphorus Recovery Technologies
Moderator: E. Bailey
T. Rauch-Williams, B. Coday
Assistant Moderators: N. Cook, D. Christenson
8:45 Doubling Down on Phosphorus
8:30 Where We Have Been: Introduction to Biological M. Seib, D. Lycke, M. Verigin, R.M. Lee, K. lai
Nutrient Removal and Conventional Processes
9:15 Energetics of Nutrient Recovery From Urine by
E. Bailey Distillation and Precipitation
9:00 Where We Are: Options and Steps To Optimize H. Leverenz, G. Tchobanoglous, R. Adams, J. Hazard,
Conventional BNR Systems H.N. Bischel, K. Stuart
W. Khunjar 9:45 Tool for Estimation of Capital and Operating Costs of
9:30 Where We Are Headed: An Introduction to Next Frontier Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery From Wastewater
BNR Technologies and Processes and Agricultural Wastes
A.R. Shaw W. Khunjar, C. Radke, A. Pathak, K. Landry

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 101
W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 509 ROOM S404A S E S S I O N 510 ROOM S503A

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
What’s in Your Wastewater? Wastewater Not Treatment Technology: The Other Critical
Characterization: Learning to Measure Metals, Components of an Odor Control System
Microplastics, and Antibiotic Resistant Genes Moderator: R.J. Pope
Moderator: B. Pathak Assistant Moderator: C. Moody
Assistant Moderator: M. Davis 8:30 The Corrosion Damage Mechanisms, Contributing
8:30 How Much Data is Needed for a Robust and Reliable Factors, and Prevention Options in Odor
Wastewater Characterization? Control Systems
G.T. Daigger, W. Barrott, A. Mehrotra, R.A. Nixon
C. Yang, J. Madden 9:00 Optimizing Your Fiberglass Process Equipment
9:00 Understanding and Prevention of Quaternary Mechanical Reliability
Ammonium Cation-Based Toxicity and Toxic Recovery G.L. Arthur
D. Smeaton 9:30 Flat Aluminum Covers for Odor Control
9:30 Going From Chloramines to Free Chlorine? Do You G.R. Powell
Know What Will Happen to Your Metals? Corrosion 10:00 Networking Break
Testing in Highly Chlorinated Water 10:30 Key Factors Often Overlooked When Specifying Fans
D.C. Crowe, G. Calciano, F. Sherman, C. Cleveland, R.J. Pope, R. Cassel
P. Carlson, J. Huang, M. Gibbons, W. Yu, B. Krantz 11:00 Corrosive Odors and Their Successful Conveyance:
10:00 Networking Break If It Looks Bad, Sounds Bad, and Smells Bad, It
10:30 Reliably Quantifying Microplastics Within a Probably Is Bad
Wastewater Matrix R.J. Pope, S.E. Boswell
B. Sturm, T. Mayo 11:30 NOT Technology, but the Other Critical Components of
11:00 Identifying Barriers to Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens in an Odor Control System: Exhaust Stacks and Vents
Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Systems P.G. Diosey
C.B. Bott, A. Pruden, I. Keenum,H. Majeed, E. Garner,
V. Harwood, J. Calarco, J. Peraud, K. XIa
11:30 Mining Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Potential SDG 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY
Human Pathogens in Biological Nitrogen
Removal Processes Nationwide Using Shot-Gun S E S S I O N 511 R O O M S 5 01D
Metagenomic Analysis
K. Chandran, M. Annavajhala, J. Santo Domingo, Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
V. Kapoor, K. Yoo Biogas Quality and Finance
Moderator: J. Marx
Assistant Moderator: M.C. Reed
8:30 Determining the Best Approach for Financing and
Delivery of Your Biogas to RNG Project
T. Dougherty, B. Luna, D. Pier, T. Mossinger
9:00 Making Co-Generation Economics Work in the Today’s
U.S. Electric Market
E. Auerbach
9:30 Full-Scale Digester Micro-Aeration Pilot Study To
Improve Biogas Quality for Energy Recovery
B. Kraakman, I. Diaz, R. Muñoz, M. Hierholzer, J. Friel


W ednesday M orning S essions


S E S S I O N 512 R O O M S 5 0 5A S E S S I O N 514 ROOM S502A

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Next Generation Disinfection: Staying High and Dry: Approaches
What’s on the Horizon for Flood Resiliency
Moderator: M. Mann Moderator: H. Harris
Assistant Moderator: P. Ackman Assistant Moderator: H. Gheith
8:30 A New International Disinfectant: Using Granulated 8:30 Increasing Resiliency to Urban Flooding
TAED (Tetraacetylethylenediamine) Derived Peracetic C. Berginnis
Acid for Wastewater Disinfection 9:00 Partnering With Hazard Mitigation Planners to
G.L. Hunter, L.W. Casson, J. Mathews, P. Osta Ustarroz, Improve Community Resilience and Advance
J.A. Hugill, P. Burks, A. Theobald, B. Drouhard, S.W. Haig Water Quality Goals
9:00 Wastewater Disinfection: The Smart Way L.S. Hair, B.W. Tonning, L. Reyes, S. Greene
M. Stammegna, I. Porat, C. Brosseau, C.M. Snyder, 9:30 A Decision Support Tool to Increase Resilience for the
C. Hill, S. Beaudry Mouse River Enhanced Flood Protection Project
9:30 Linking Upstream Processes to UV Disinfection M.F. Schmidt, R.A. Wagner, L. Kellndorfer
Efficiency Using Copula-Based Soft Sensors, CFD, and
Plant-Wide Simulation Models
D. Santoro, R. Boiocchi, F. Crapulli, G. Raspa
S E S S I O N 515 R O O M N 426 B

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

S E S S I O N 513 R O O M S 4 0 5A
Function Follows Form: Excellence
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am in Stormwater Design
Advanced Hydraulics: How To Moderator: D. Christian
Assistant Moderator: N. Shapiro
Solve the Really Tough Problems
8:30 Stormwater Conveyance to Green Infrastructure
in Your Collection System Installations by Curb Cut Inlets
Moderator: N. Anderson J.K. McLaughlin, M. Urisaka, F. Montalto,
Assistant Moderator: N. Moody K. DiGiovanni, H.D. Smith
8:30 Going With the Flow: Streamlined Modelling Integration 9:00 An Introduction to a New National ASCE Standard
and International Collaboration for Copenhagen on Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Stormwater Conveyance Tunnel Design D.R. Smith
J. Plant, H. Jensen, J.B. Larsen, J.H. Thyme 9:30 Vital Streets = Complete Streets + Green Infrastructure
9:00 Preliminary Engineering, Design, and Testing of C. Rivette
Improvements to Head Tanks System 10:00 Networking Break
J.P. Cooper, T. Lachcik, L. Cipparone 10:30 The second half of this session is an interactive
9:30 SWMM Modeling Parameters Using a CFD Model: discussion on Green Infrastructure featuring speakers:
Worth the Cost? D. Christian, R. Winston
J. Barton, D. Moughton, R.J. Riess, R. Edison
9:45 Using Hydraulic Modeling To Define a System Head
Scatter for a Triplex Pump Station Upgrade
H. El-Sayegh, T. Peters

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 103
W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 518 ROOM S503B

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
S E S S I O N 516 R O O M N 426 A Outside the Box Rate Making: When
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Traditional Rates Don’t Fit
Moderator: J. Ivey
We’re Lookin’ at YOU, Watershed:
Assistant Moderator: J. Steffen
Technology Enhancements for Monitoring
8:30 History of Strength Based Volumetric Wastewater Rates
and Stakeholder Engagement and Potential Benefits of Customer Class Consolidation
Moderator: D. Lauritsen E. Jorgensen
Assistant Moderator: J.L. Hughes 9:00 From Beer to Bills: Understanding the Impact of Brewery
8:30 Enhancing Engagement With Augmented Reality for Discharges and Effective Approaches for Consideration
Stream Restoration and Green Infrastructure BMPs M. Borchers, B. Pearson
R. Jones 9:30 Everyone is a Winner: Creative Customer Financing for
9:00 Satellite Remote Sensing: A Geospatial Technology for Recycled Water Capital Projects
Effective Watershed Management D. Higham
M. Turner, S.O. Darkwah
9:30 Discover Your Watershed Today! Community S E S S I O N 519 ROOM S504A
Engagement and Education via Historic
Watershed Mapping Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am
P. Crocker, M. Daniels
Not Pipe Dreams: Reality of
10:00 Networking Break
Long Linear Projects
10:30 Next Generation Water Quality Monitoring: Can Sensor
Technology Replace Conventional Sampling and Moderator: C. Shelley
Analysis in a Stream Environment? Assistant Moderator: K. Keefer
C. Turner, J. Barton, C. Hall, G. Cutrell 8:30 Eating an Elephant: SSO Elimination Project
11:00 Effective Use of Innovative Water Quality Monitoring: Takes Many Bites
A Case Study for Identification of Pollution Events B. Boddy, K.P. Fisher, B. Briston
and Dynamics in the Atoyac River for Improvement of 9:00 Lessons Learned Through Rehabilitation of the
Sanitation Policy Chapman, Humber, and Highland Sanitary Trunk Sewers
J. Alferes, E. Hernandez, A. Weingartner, P. Worschischek, Within the City of Toronto
L. Kornfeind, E. Martínez-Tavera J. Harris, L. Murphy, P. Dave
11:30 Standardizing MS4 Monitoring Program for Increased 9:30 Take It Out Back: Designing 23 Miles of Treated Effluent
Program Effectiveness: Feasibility, Challenges, and How Force/Gravity Main to a Remote Outfall
To Address Them C. Richardson, C. Walter, T. Bluver
K. Schiff

S E S S I O N 517 ROOM S405B

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 10:00 am

The End of the Rainbow: Where
To Look for Your Pot of Gold
Moderator: T. Wibright
Assistant Moderator: V. Chau
8:30 American Iron and Steel and Other Federal Funding
Requirements for SRF, WIFIA, and USDA RUS’s Water
Infrastructure Financing Programs
D. Nguyen, L. Corcelli
9:00 Fiscal Sustainability Plans: Are You Achieving the
Benefits You Should?
H. Himmelberger
9:30 Two Rounds of WIFIA! Lessons Learned From the
Application Process
J. Jernberg


W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 520 R O O M N 426 C
Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Engineered Equipment Procurement S E S S I O N 521 ROOM S404D

Process: Buying the Right Equipment Wednesday, September 25 | 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
To Meet Your Facility’s Needs Ozone/BAF: Proving the Technology for
Moderator: C.E. Janson
Direct and Indirect Potable Reuse Systems
Supported by the Manufacturer’s and Representatives Committee
Moderator: T. Ware
8:30 Session Introduction by MARC E2P2
Sub-committee Chair of the Manufacturers Assistant Moderator: S. Waller
and Representatives Committee 8:30 Potable Reuse Testing Results: O3/BAF vs. UF/RO on
C.E. Janson Two Different Source Waters
8:45 Consulting Engineer’s Perspective R. Popko, G. Wetterau, P. Steinbrecher, B. Chalmers,
P. Moulton T. Bartol, T. Mackey
9:10 City Perspective 9:00 Start Up and Optimization of HRSD’s 1-MGD SWIFT
Research Center for Advanced Water Treatment and
D. Hughes
Aquifer Recharge
9:35 Manufacturer Perspective T. Nading, C.B. Bott, G. Salazar-Benites, C. Wilson,
B. Domkowski L. Zuravnsky, S. Hogard, S. Hurtado
10:00 Networking Break 9:30 Viruses, Color, and AOC: Oh My! Designing Ozone/
10:30 Manufacturer’s Representative Perspective Biofiltration for Water Reuse
E. Pelton A. Salveson, H. Ford, E. Steinle-Darling,
10:50 Contractor Perspective N. Fontaine, V. Roquebert
D. Wachsnicht 10:00 Networking Break
11:10 Lawyer Perspective 10:30 Wastewater to Wine: DPR, Wine, and
M.S. Denniston Centennial Celebrations
11:35 Open Forum and Round Table Discussion D. Higham
11:00 Pure Water Monterey: Successful Fast-Track Design of
Northern California’s First IPR Project
A. Page, T.K. Reynolds
11:30 Model-Guided Strategies for Headloss Control
in the Biological Activated Carbon Filters for
Potable Water Reuse
W. Khunjar, Y. Sun, C.B. Bott, Z. Wang, R. Vaidya,
C. Wilson, E. Rosenfeldt


S E S S I O N 522 ROOM S505B

Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Water Scarcity and Treatment Challenges
in the Automotive Industry
Moderator: M. Griffin
Assistant Moderator: R. Kirkland
10:30 Advanced Wastewater Recycle at GM Silao, Mexico
D. Rondon, L. Santiago, F. Sola, C.E. Camp
Castillo, B.C. Moore
11:00 Evaluation of PFAS Treatment in Industrial Water
K. Jenkins, G. Trigger, B. Landale, R. Thomas, S. Dore
11:30 Holistic Water Use Assessment for Automotive
Manufacturing in a Water-Stressed Region
B.C. Moore, L. Santiago, H. Matis

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 105
W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 523 ROOM S403A S E S S I O N 525 ROOM S402B

Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Mainstream Nitrite-Shunt Processes Keeping It In-House: Utility SCADA
Moderator: P. Regmi Development Advantages
10:30 Effectiveness of Primary Sludge Fermentate as Moderator: R. Sobhani
a Sustainable Source of Carbon for Shortcut Assistant Moderator: W. Peng
Nitrogen Removal
10:30 HRSD’s Experience With In-House DCS Integration:
A. Al-Omari, S. Murthy, B. Wett, S. Kharkar, C.B. Bott, Industrial Automation Without Contracts
R. Riffat, C. Debarbadillo, H. De Clippeleir, R. Suzuki,
P. Kneisley
N. Passarelli, P. Ali, T. Le, A. Tesfaye
11:00 Streamlined Utility SCADA Integration Program: A 220-
11:00 Resistance of NOB to Free Ammonia Inhibition
MGD Success Story
Developed Over Long-Term Acclimation in Continuous
Flow Aerobic Granulation Reactor Performing J. Tran
Partial Nitritation 11:30 Setting the Foundational Blocks for Smart Water
C.B. Bott, Z. Wang, T. Kent, Z. An Infrastructure at DC Water
11:30 Shortcut Nitrogen Demonstration Trial M. Mulcare, E.T. Woldemariam
Plant Performance 11:45 Increase the Value of SCADA and DCS Data by
A. Vellacott, N. Christy, J. Gladman, J.D. McLeod, Securely Integrating With Enterprise Business
A. Tipping, J. Segal, J. Moss, D.W. Lynch, Applications: The City of Los Angeles Sanitation and
P. Regmi, J.A. Jimenez Environment Experience
11:45 The Impact of Free Ammonia Inhibition and Granule T. Hill, A. Fernandez, L. Charles
Size on the Suppression of Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria in
Continuous Flow Bioreactors S E S S I O N 526 R O O M S 5 01D
Y. Sun, C.B. Bott, Z. Wang, T. Kent, Z. An
Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

SDG 14 LIFE BELOW WATER Biosolids Drying the Right Way

Moderator: J. Marx
S E S S I O N 524 R O O M S 5 01A Assistant Moderator: M.C. Reed
10:30 Worthless Dust or Valuable Resource? Drying Thermally
Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Hydrolyzed Solids the Right Way
Nutrient Removal and Recovery: Municipal S. Smoot, S. Spalding
Planning and Implementation 11:00 Innovative Use of Existing Assets to Demonstrate EPA
Part 503 Biosolids Regulation Compliance
Moderator: A. Kaldate
S. Arora, M. Martin, B. Farmer
10:30 Nutrient Management Framework for San 11:30 Sustainable Biosolids Management With the Largest
Francisco Bay Area Biosolids Dryer in North America
JB Neethling D. Prevo, D. Alford
11:00 Planning for Explosive Growth: Leveraging Existing
Infrastructure to Optimize Biological Nutrient Removal
W. Martin, A. Mayer, S. Phipps, M. Yarnell
11:30 Regulatory Strategies for the Metropolitan St. Louis
Sewer District Comprehensive Ammonia and
Nutrient Master Plan
J.T. Stober, J. Hoskins, J. Christiansen,
D. Carani, D. Hickey


W ednesday M orning S essions

S E S S I O N 529 ROOM S405B

Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 527 R O O M S 5 0 5A Why Become a Utility of the Future?
Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Moderator: E. McCormick
Assistant Moderator: T. Lu
Disinfection Disentangled
10:30 Introduction to the Utility of the Future
Moderator: S. Schaefer Recognition Program
Assistant Moderator: C.S. Yi E. McCormick
10:30 Current and Historical Wastewater Disinfection 10:40 Optimizing Environmental Performance and
Practices: A WEF Survey Community Service: Essential Best Practices for the
G.L. Hunter, M. Whalley, S. Shmia, T. Worley- Utility of the Future
Morse, S. Schaefer, J. Goldman-Torres, A. Kricun
A. Ghorpade, P. Friedlander 10:55 Building Utility and Community Cohesion Through
11:00 Economic, Environmental, and Social Costs Drive the Utility of the Future Principles: A VVWRA Success Story
Selection of the Disinfection Technology for the Salt L. Olds
Lake City Water Reclamation Facility
11:10 How EUM Can Help Utilities on a Path to Becoming a
S. Baker, I. Griffin, J. West Utility of the Future
11:30 Multiple Utility Evaluation of Peracetic Acid for Municipal J. Horne
Wastewater Disinfection
11:25 Interactive Panel Discussion
P. Block, J. Jacangelo, J. Oppenheimer

S E S S I O N 530 ROOM S503B

Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
S E S S I O N 528 ROOM S502A How To Slice Your CIP Pie: 3 Ways
Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm To Develop a Prioritized CIP
Moderator: S. Heselton
Keeping Our Heads Above the Water: Assistant Moderator: M. Gregg
Dealing With Urban Storm Events 10:30 Annual Capital Improvement Program Planning: Tools
Moderator: A. Tangirala and Collaboration for Success
Assistant Moderator: M. Sokolowski L. Laven
10:30 Honey, I Shrunk the Pump Stations: The Value of Using 11:00 Doing More With Less: Deploying an Optimized CIP
Physical Modeling and Natural Features in Design Planning and Prioritization Framework
T. Hare, J. Millspaugh, S.A. Smith A. Ramamurthy, M.R. Dalton, A. Dimperio
11:00 Coping With Future Rain Events: City of Madison, 11:30 Findings From a Capital Expenditure Analysis Timing
Wisconsin’s Multi-Faceted Approach Evaluation Performed for the Fairfax County NCPCP
J. Bachhuber, J.E. O’Brien J.R. Carroll, R. Taylor, T. Devine, S. Motsch,
11:30 Recovery After Houston’s Hurricane Harvey and K. Landry, M. Ali
the Future of Resiliency in Houston: How a CIP
Planning Prioritization Tool Determines Stormwater
Needs-Based Areas
P.W. Bullock, P. Lad

For full program and latest updates, download the WEF Events Connect Mobile App at 107
W ednesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 531 ROOM S504A M O B I L E S E S S I O N 533 G R A N D C O N C O U R S E LO B BY

Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Project Delivery: Bigger Really Is Better Manhole Rehabilitation Technologies
Moderator: K. Keefer Moderator: J. Shelton
Assistant Moderator: C. Shelley Cement vs Geopolymer vs Polyurethane vs Polyurea vs Epoxy.
10:30 Integrating End User Experience To Ensure Pathways to Coating versus Lining. Leakage elimination vs Corrosion
Resilient, Compliant, and Sustainable Outcomes During resistance. We are faced with a seemingly infinite number
a Mega Plant Expansion of design bases, all using completely different material
J. Argyros, K. Kennedy, D. Jackson, S. Marcinik, B. Olson characteristics. The material characteristics, design calculations,
11:00 Let the Water Flow: Starting Up a New 720 MGD Project bonding requirements/expectations, ability to resist H2S-based
at MWRDGC’s Stickney Water Reclamation Plant corrosion, installation constraints, cost, longevity, and surface
R. Christopher, P. O’Brien preparation requirements vary widely and are key issues when
11:30 Practice Makes Perfect: Best Practices Learned and determining which technologies to apply to manholes. Five top
Implemented Successfully Over 10 Years of Design manhole rehabilitation technologies are presented together
Projects at DC Water’s AWTP to allow engineers, contractors, and owners to understand the
R. Pape, S. Palley, R. Der Minassian, K.C. Kharkar application of each approach.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
M O B I L E S E S S I O N 532 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A ■■ AP/M Permaform/ConShield Technologies

Wednesday, September 25 | 8:45 am – 10:15 am
■■ Raven Lining Systems
Food and Beverage ■■ Sprayroqu, Inc
Moderator: I. Fife ■■ Warren Environmental Inc
Assistant Moderator: E. Katsoulas
This mobile session will be dedicated to technologies used in M O B I L E S E S S I O N 53 4 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A
the food & beverage industry for treatment of either wastewater
from the production of various food and beverage products or Wednesday, September 25 | 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
for treatment of process water used in the production of such
products. In particular, we will highlight technologies that are
Aeration Diffusers
innovative or that are focused on energy or resource recovery, Moderators: D. Rosso, M. Stenstrom, D. Redmon
including reuse applications in the food & beverage industry Take a walk of the exhibit floor and visit different diffuser
due to a growing emphasis on One Water and the Water- booths with a team of experts to learn about a variety of
technological options available on the market and have your
Energy-Food Nexus as global water issues.
questions answered.
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors: Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ Baswood
■■ Evoqua Water Technologies LLC
■■ Digested Organics LLC
■■ Sanitaire, A Xylem Brand
■■ SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions
■■ SSI Aeration, Inc. (Stamford Scientific Int.)


W ednesday A fternoon S essions

M O B I L E S E S S I O N 535 B O OT H 4 8 07, S O U T H H A L L A S E S S I O N 601 R O O M S 5 01A

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
FUNdamentals – ABCs of BNR – From Late Breaking Research: Advances
Conventional to the Next Frontier in Monitoring and Modeling of
Moderators: E. Bailey, K. Waksman Environmental Systems
This mobile session is a companion session to the technical Moderator: W. Parker
session, ‘FUNdamentals: ABCs of BNC- from Conventional to 1:30 Hydrazine and Hydroxylamine Data as a Tool To
the Next Frontier’ It will allow participants to visit different BNR Monitor Deammonification Systems: Towards Possible
technologies on the exhibit floor after they have learned about Real-Time Monitoring
them in the technical session. Anyone is welcome, even if you B. Alpaslan Kocamemi, S. Celik
didn’t attend the technical session. The goal of the mobile 1:45 Elucidating the Microbial Community and Process
session is to provide an overview and introduction to biological Stability of Oxidation Ditches Optimized for Biological
nutrient removal technologies. You will journey around the Nutrient Removal
exhibition floor to meet with exhibitors and see BNR equipment G. McClellan, T. Datta
firsthand. Technologies covered will be: conventional BNR, 2:00 Molecular Tools for Optimization of Mainstream
MABR, aerobic granular activated sludge, short-cut nitrogen Nitrogen Removal With Anammox-Selecting
removal, and automated control strategies. Membrane Bioreactors
P. Novak, A. Huff
Technical Presentations by the following exhibitors:
■■ Aqua-Aerobic ■■ Hach
2:15 Evaluating the Fate of Antibiotic Resistance in an
AnMBR Co-Treating Domestic Wastewater and
Systems, lnc. ■■ SUEZ Water Technologies
Livestock Manure
■■ Environmental Operating & Solutions L. Stadler, E.G. Lou
Solutions (EOSi) ■■ Veolia Water
■■ Evoqua Water
2:30 Towards Onsite Genomic Monitoring of Wastewater:
Technologies A Highly Accurate Protocol for Profiling Microbial
Technologies LLC ■■ WesTech Engineering Inc.
Communities on the Handheld Nanopore Sequencer
R.M. Ziels
S E S S I O N 60 0 R O O M N 426 B 2:45 Taxon-Driven Functional Shifts Associated With Storm
Flow in an Urban Stream Microbial Community
Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm A. Chaudhary, I. Kauser, A. Ray, R. Poretsky
Knowledge Development Forum: 3:00 A Sequencing Toolkit for Wastewater Process
Design and Optimization: Amplicon Sequencing
Dewatering Principles and Metagenomics
Moderator: J. Brown N. Tooker, A. Gu, A. Onnis-Hayden, A.J. Pinto,
Assistant Moderator: H. De Clippeleir V. Srinivasan, G. Li, D. Wang
1:30 Fundamentals of Dewatering 3:15 BESM1: A Comprehensive Modeling Framework for
C. Wilson Bioelectrochemical Systems
1:35 Dewaterability Assessments: Method Differences and C.M. Dykstra
Interpreting Results From a WAS Only THP-AD Pilot at
the Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility
M. Higgins, I. Avila, B. Wisdom, E. Werth, C. Frandsen,
A.K. Schroeder, J. Kopp
1:40 Operational Challenges
L. Cavanaugh
1:45 Dewatering Modeling
G. Sprouse
1:50 Interactive Discussion

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W ednesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 602 ROOM S505B S E S S I O N 60 4 ROOM S403B

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Application of MBRs for Industrial We Don’t Need No Stinking Bubbles,
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Too! Modeling MABR Technologies
Moderator: S. Gluck Moderator: D. Christenson
Assistant Moderators: A. Ghorpade, L. Tootchi Assistant Moderator: Y.M. Lefler
1:30 Getting More With Less: Supplemental Aeration Using 1:30 Coupled Anoxic Suspended Growth and Membrane
Oxygen Nanobubbles to Improve MBR Performance Aerated Biofilm Reactor Process Options
A.T. White, C. Ference, A. Higgins G.T. Daigger, B.R. Johnson, X. Chen, A. Carlson
2:00 Maximizing the Air Scouring Performance of 2:00 Enhancing Nitrification Fluxes in MABRS: Modeling and
Novel Flat Sheet MBR Modules Using Advanced Experimental Approaches
Computational Fluid Dynamics R. Nerenberg, P. Perez
U. Rehman, W.T. Audenaert, I. Nopens, P. Aerts 2:30 MABR: A New Choice for Resilient
2:30 Wastewater Treatment Technology Evaluation Wastewater Treatment
and Alternatives Analysis: Carbon and Biological J. Peeters, D. Houweling, A.R. Shaw,
Treatability Studies D. Christenson, L. Stadler
J.G. Cleary, D. Graves, E. Horai, M. Hayes, J. Smith
3:00 Treatment Performance and Process
Simulation of Membrane Bioreactor Treating SDG 14 LIFE BELOW WATER
Petrochemical Wastewater
H. Ng, S. Huang, X. Shi S E S S I O N 60 5 ROOM S404C

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

S E S S I O N 603 R O O M N 426 C
Overcoming Challenges To Meet
Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Effluent Phosphorus Targets
Water Challenges in the Moderator: T. Young
Electric Power Industry Assistant Moderator: R. Joshi
Moderator: L. Pugh 1:30 Insights on Bio-P Optimization Using MLSS
Assistant Moderator: E. Rester Fermentation at the Western Wake Regional WRF
K. Bilyk, D. Wankmuller, R. Latimer,
Water Reuse Within the Power Industry J. Rohrbacher, D. Forney
M. Pudvay
2:00 Meeting Stringent Phosphorus and Copper Limits
Case Study: Ultrasound use for Algae Control in BNR Processes: Challenges, Successes, and
Without Chemicals at Entergy Lessons Learned
D. Assael M. Andalib, A. Umble, C. Andres, K. Rolison
TBD 2:30 Operational and Process Changes for Improved
I. Fife Performance of an Enhanced Biological Phosphorus
Application of Ultra Filtration for Fine Solids Removal To Treat Removal Process
Power Plant Wastewater M. Kasi, M. Benisch, R. Gearhart, T.E. Schlect
C. McCloskey


W ednesday A fternoon S essions

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Nutrient Removal and Recovery in S E S S I O N 610 ROOM S404A

Practice: Full Scale Case Studies Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Moderator: A. Kaldate
Tunnels: What Lies Deep Beneath Your Feet
1:30 Designing a State of the Art BNR Facility
Moderator: M. Durkin
for Salt Lake City
B.M. Stinson, K. Sears, G. Stevens, M.C. Barry, D. Kruk Assistant Moderator: A. McDonald
2:00 High Efficiency Calcium Phosphate Recovery 1:30 Ventilation Modeling for Dubai’s Deep Sewer Tunnels
Technology at The Madison Metropolitan Sewerage E. Kasirga, A.A. Ifthikar
District: Stability Metrics, Design Optimization, 2:00 Challenging Tunnel Inspections at an International
and Performance Border Crossing
W. Khunjar, Z. Li, L. Downing, M. Tabanpour, H. Yoshida, R.R. Roll, D. Williamson, C. Hotchkiss
G. Forstner, P.W. Barak, M. Avila 2:30 Commissioning and Operation of DC Water’s New
2:30 Realizing the Promise of Nutrient Recovery CSO Tunnel System During One of the Wettest
W. Khunjar, R. Latimer, B. Atieh Years on Record
R. Jeedigunta, M. Outland, C. Ray, M. Wone,
B. Flora, J. Cassidy
S E S S I O N 607 ROOM S405B
3:00 Flood Control Trunk Sewer Line Project Featuring the
Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm World’s First Double Shield 90 Degree Rotation
T. Yoshiike
Innovating in Intelligent Water
Moderators: G. Harrison, S. Ben-Dak
S E S S I O N 611 R O O M S 4 0 5A
Panelists: T. Martin, N. Pasch, J. Vincent
SWAN, the Smart Water Networks Forum, is a leading global Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
hub for the smart water sector. In partnership with WEF, SWAN
is bringing together key industry players in this session to
CYA: Change Your Attitude, Inspect
accelerate the awareness and adoption of data driven solutions Your Collection System Assets
in water and wastewater networks worldwide. Moderator: A. Lee
1:30 Use of LIDAR Scanning and Other Innovative Condition
Assessment Strategies to Guide Targeted Rehabilitation
S E S S I O N 609 R O O M S 5 01D
North Metropolitan Sewer, Boston, Massachusetts
Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm C. Wilson
2:00 Inspecting 100 Year Old Sewers: Which One Should We
Data Driven Solutions for Inspect First To Understand Condition Assessment?
Biosolids Processing S. Belz, C. Kontos, C. Mazzei
Moderator: T.O. Williams 2:30 Non-Destructive Investigation and Proactive Hydrogen
1:30 An Evaluation of Alternative Biosolids Technologies and Sulfide Corrosion Rehabilitation of Severely Corroded
Operational Methodologies at Miami-Dade Water and Wastewater Collection System Infrastructure: Uxbridge,
Sewer Department Using a Holistic Process Model Massachusetts Case Study
M. Moncholi M. Drainville, B. Sherman, A. Rudenko, J. Legg
2:00 Biosolids Compost Feasibility Study: Halton 3:00 What, the Sewer is in the Lake? Condition Assessment
Region’s Long-Term Biosolids Management Strategy and Risk Mitigation for the Renton’s Sewer Lakeline
Development to Improve Diversity and Sustainability D. Scott, D. Reisinger, L. Kammereck
T.O. Williams, E. Shen, D. Ross, D. Iamarino, P. Morden
2:30 New GHG Methodology for Estimation of
Methane Emissions From Digested-Biosolids
Storage and Dewatering
P. Regmi, J. Willis, W. Brower, J. Fotouhi, C. Peot

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W ednesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 612 ROOM S502A S E S S I O N 614 ROOM S503B

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
WEFTEC’s Next Hot Model in Stormwater From Source to Plant: Progressing
Moderator: N. Katiyar Through Improvements Using
Assistant Moderator: M. Sokolowski Progressive Design Build
1:30 Flood Risk Assessment Based on Regional Moderator: M. Martin
Characteristics In Case of Intense Rainfall Exceeding Assistant Moderator: R. Harris
Design Standards
1:30 City of Vista Uses Progressive Design-Build To Optimize
Y. Ito
Delivery of Needed Sewer Flow Capacity Project
2:00 Interconnecting Stormwater Models to C. Mendoza, E. Alex
Analyze a Complex Drainage System for Large
Infrastructure Projects 2:00 Progressive Design-Build With a Twist: An Examination
in Managing and Delivering Complex Projects at the
E. Schrandt, D. Obolevics
San Jose/Santa Clara RWF Using a Collaborative Project
2:30 Use of the Optimizer™ Software to Develop a Program Delivery and Governance Framework
of Flood Mitigation Projects D. Gargeya, R. Wikramanayake, D. Peters, S. Alder
L.A. Goddard, J.C. Delgado, B. Osborn
2:30 RESCUing Silicon Valley Clean Water’s Wastewater
Conveyance System Using Progressive Design-Build
S E S S I O N 613 ROOM S502B A. Hansen, B.J. Visitacion-Sumida, K. Hackett
Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
S E S S I O N 615 ROOM S504A
Becoming an Asset (Management)
to the Organization: Tools and Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Applications for Stormwater Communicate, Communicate,
Moderator: E. Krousel Communicate: Why Public Outreach
Assistant Moderator: C. Baumann and Communications Matter!
1:30 Developing Stormwater Strategic Asset Management Moderator: J.T. LaRock
Tools and Guidance on a National Scale: A Assistant Moderators: J. Karleskint, B. Shell
Status Update on WRF’s Targeted Collaborative
Research Project 1:30 30 Ideas in 30 Minutes: Insights on Optimizing
Communication in the Water Industry
M.R. Van Auken, F. Pasquel, W.L. Graf
S. Zavala, A. Shipley
2:00 Planning and Prioritization for Effective Flood Control
Channel Management in Urban Los Angeles County 2:00 Fake News, Data Breaches, and Community
Connections: Why Reputation Management
V. Kolli, R. Newman, J. Abelson, J. Svensson,
Matters More Than Ever
M. Steele, M. Frary
M. Davis
2:30 Stormwater Master Planning for Large Scale
Urban Watersheds 2:30 Lessons Learned in Developing Bend’s Citywide Septic
to Sewer Program
D. Anderson, R. Webb
E. Barg, S. Julber, J. Mason, T. Hickmann


W ednesday A fternoon S essions

S E S S I O N 616 ROOM S404D

Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Research, Reuse, Repeat: Pushing the S E S S I O N 617 ROOM S503A

Envelope in Water Reuse Technology Wednesday, September 25 | 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Moderator: O. Duarte
A Tale of One Water
Assistant Moderators: C. Stacklin, G. Wells
Moderator: J. Walsh
1:30 Kinetics of Organic Micropollutant Removal
Assistant Moderator: K. Lim
and Its Biodegradation Influenced by Biofilm
Thickness in Water Reuse 1:30 Enhancing One Water and IWM Programs and
S. Murthy, M. Hasan, R. Riffat, C. Debarbadillo, K. Alfredo Strategies Through Use of Spatial Analysis
2:00 Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Mixed R. Brotchie, K. Williams, M. Jahanshahi
Wastewater and Graywater Distributed Treatment for 2:00 LA River Flow Study:Changing Water Landscape
Non-Potable Reuse in San Francisco Triggers a One Water Paradigm Shift
C. Ma, B. Morelli, S. Cashman, J. Garland, A. Poosti, A. Jackson, L. Marrero
D. Bless, M. Jahne 2:30 One Water, Many Outcomes
2:30 Tracking Contaminants of Emerging Concern Though a A. Antolovich, B. Good, R. Slade, D. Higham
Novel MF/RO Water Reclamation Process
G.J. Juby, M. Farrokh Shad, S. Delagah,
A. Sharbat, B. Noh

2 0 19

S E S S I O N 618 R O O M S 4 01

Wednesday, September 25 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm


Closing Session
Moderators: T. Kunetz, D. Rosso
End WEFTEC with a bang and not a whimper at the new closing
session. The wiseacres from the Program Committee will share the
highlights so you see what you missed and become a smarty-pants
too. Don’t expect your money back if you learn that you missed a
lot: WEFTEC 2020 will be your chance to make up for it!
The fomenters of this session will be happy to share their
thoughts in a mix of English, Spanish, Italian, geek-speak,
academic pontification, and all the buzz words of a consultant.
We will end the session on a high note. 92 Years of WEFTECs is
a big milestone that must be celebrated in a big way! Or at least
within budget. WEF President Tom Kunetz and friends from
the Second City in Chicago will present and reenact highlights
of WEFTECs throughout its 92 years of florid history that will
enlighten and amuse you, and may even leave you thinking,
“Where is the exit?”

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