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Scale Control in Saline and Wastewater Desalination

David Hasson* and Raphael Semiat

GWRI Rabin Desalination Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa 32000, Israel

(Received 28 November 2004 and in revised form 12 October 2005)

Abstract. This paper briefly reviews current understanding of basic phenomena

involved in scale formation, outlines current scale control techniques, and indicates
some promising research directions.

Introduction Scale Formation Mechanisms

Scale deposition is a difficulty encountered with water Scale deposition is a crystallization process involvi-
containing ions of sparingly soluble salts and is one of ing four stages:1–5
the obstacles hampering the further progress of desalinat-
• Attainment of supersaturation
tion. Scale precipitation occurs whenever process condit-
• Nucleation
tions lead to the creation of supersaturation with respect
• Crystal growth around the nucleus
to one or more of the sparingly soluble salts. This diffic-
• Growth of small crystals into larger ones; scale
culty is encountered in both evaporation and membrane
layer thickening
desalination processes. Unless preventive measures are
undertaken, the concentration effect involved in every Creation of a Supersaturation Potential
desalination process induces precipitation of sparingly The most important single factor determining the
soluble salts such as CaCO3 and CaSO4. intensity of scaling is the supersaturation level of the
Scale deposition cannot be tolerated because of its deposit-forming species. Supersaturation conditions are
highly deleterious effects on production capacity and achieved when a solution is concentrated beyond the
specific energy consumption. It is therefore essential to solubility limits of one or more of its constituents by
incorporate in every desalination process scale control evaporation (as in thermal desalination processes) or by
measures that can be rationally designed and are cost separation of pure water (as in membrane processes).
effective. The difficulties lie not in the lack of adequate Supersaturation conditions can also be achieved by
scale control techniques but in the constraint of a narr- a change in temperature. Most of the frequently enc-
row cost margin and in the frequently encountered situa- countered scaling salts—CaCO3, Mg(OH)2, CaSO4, and
ation of insufficient know-how. The aim of this paper Ca3(PO4)2—exhibit inverse solubility characteristics,
is to review current understanding of basic phenomena i.e., solubility decreases with increasing temperature.
involved in scale formation, to outline current scale cont- A solution of an inverted solubility salt in contact with
trol techniques, and to indicate some promising research *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Israel Journal of Chemistry Vol. 46 2006 pp. 97–104


a hot surface can attain supersaturation by the inverted

solubility effect and deposit scale on the hot surface,
even when undersaturation conditions prevail in the
bulk of the solution.
Induction Period
A supersaturated solution is at an unstable equilibr-
rium and relieves its supersaturation by precipitating
a solid phase. Attainment of supersaturation alone is
not sufficient for a system to begin precipitation. At
relatively moderate supersaturations, the solution can
remain stable without precipitation for a certain time,
which is termed the delay or induction period. Only at
a sufficiently high supersaturation level is the induction
period virtually absent and precipitation instantaneous.
The induction period phenomenon is of utmost practic-
cal importance in scale control efforts. The widely used
technique discussed below, of scale control by dosage of
an anti-scalant, is based on the increase of the induction
period induced by the presence of the anti-scalant. Fig. 1. Linear correlation of induction time data for CaSO4
The physical mechanisms governing the induction deposition in the presence of anti-scalants.7 SRw denotes satur-
period are nucleation processes. To create a solid phase, ration ratio at the membrane wall.
an energy barrier has to be overcome. An embryo cons-
sisting of a cluster of molecular aggregates can survive at two levels.7 The inhibitory effect exerted by anti-scala-
as a stable solid nucleus only if it reaches a certain ants is also reflected in the increase in surface energy
critical size. Nuclei are of visually unobservable micros- for deposit formation in the presence of anti-scalants.
scopic dimensions. Their formation is facilitated by the Surface energy values extracted from data similar to
presence of a deposition surface so that in all practical those of Fig. 1 were around 15 mJ/m2 in the absence of
systems nucleation can be assumed to be of a heterogen- an anti-scalant, increasing to the range of 20–30 mJ/m2
neous nature. in the presence of anti-scalants dosed at concentrations
Induction time data may be correlated with the supers- of 6 to 12 ppm.
saturation level S by assuming that τ, the extent of the
Scale Layer Growth
induction period, is inversely proportional to the heterog-
Once an initial scale layer is formed, subsequent
geneous nucleation rate:6
deposition is facilitated. Growth of a crystal layer on a
(1) flow surface involves several consecutive processes:3
1. Diffusional transport of the crystal-forming ions
where T is the absolute temperature prevailing on the
towards the crystallizing layer;
deposition surface, σ is the scale crystal surface energy,
2. Incorporation of the ions on growth sites of the
θ is the contact angle of the crystallite on the surface,
crystal lattice;
and C1 and C2 are constants of the system. Induction
3. Adhesion and removal processes.
times are seen to be highly dependent on the supersatur-
ration level. A long induction period is induced by a low The interfacial process of crystallization (step 2) is
supersaturation level, a low surface temperature, and a viewed as a “surface reaction process”. In the absence
non-wettable surface (low contact angle θ). Induction of removal effects (to be discussed later), the deposition
periods can, therefore, be characterized by measuring flux r kg/s m2 (corresponding to a scale growth velocity
the slope of the straight line correlating lnτ with 1/(ln S)2 of dx/dt m/s) is obtained by equating the transport rate of
and extracting from the slope the value of the surface the scale constituents to the crystallization surface with
energy parameter σ. the rate of the crystallization reaction:1,6
Equation 1 can be used to evaluate the effectiveness
of anti-scalants in delaying scale precipitation. Figure 1
shows induction times for CaSO4 scale deposition meas- where x is the layer thickness, ρs is the scale bulk dens-
sured in a recycling membrane system at various supers- sity, kD is the mass transfer coefficient, kR is the surface
saturation levels in the presence of an anti-scalant dosed reaction kinetic coefficient, CB is the solution concent-

Israel Journal of Chemistry 46 2006


tration of the scaling salt, Ci is its concentration at the lowered due to partial removal of the deposit by the
solution–scale crystal interface, and CS is the solubility shear force acting on the flow surface.
of the scaling salt. For most crystallizing salts, the value The deposition rate of a scale layer composed of
of the power coefficient is p = 2. a pure crystalline substance such as pure calcite will
When the scaling rate is relatively high, the deposit- usually be governed by the rate of diffusional transport
tion process is governed by the diffusional transport discussed above. The layer thickness will grow linearly
process. In this case the increase in scaling rate with with time and an increase in flow velocity will augment
temperature is moderate and the main effect is exerted the rate of scaling. On the other hand, a weakly adhere-
by the flow velocity. Since the mass transfer coefficient ent scale deposit formed in the presence of impurities
kD increases with the velocity V (kD ~ V 0.33 in laminar usually experiences a decrease in the scaling rate with
flow and kD ~ V 0.8–0.9 in turbulent flow), an increased time due to effects such as removal of weakly adherent
velocity facilitates transport of the scaling species to the crystals, accumulation of adsorbed impurities on act-
flow surface, thus acting to augment the scaling rate. tive crystal sites, or buildup of a repelling electrostatic
In most industrial systems (notably in anti-scalant charge.
treated feeds), the scaling rate is relatively low and scali- The above phenomena are illustrated in Fig. 2, which
ing is governed by the rate of the crystallization surface shows the effect of an anti-scalant on the growth of a
reaction. In this case the velocity effect is secondary. calcite scale layer depositing from a falling film of a
An increase in temperature sharply increases the scali- supersaturated hot Ca(HCO3)2 solution flowing down
ing rate, since the crystallization rate coefficient kR foll- the outer surface of a vertical tube.8 As discussed below,
lows an exponential dependence given by the Arrehnius anti-scalants are in effect impurities that adsorb on act-
relationship: tive crystal sites and hinder the crystallization process.
Figure 2 shows that a dosage of 0.5 ppm of a polyp-
phosphate anti-scalant (SHMP) results in an increase
where E is the crystallization reaction activation energy in the induction period and suppression of further layer
and R is the universal gas constant. growth after an asymptotic thickness is reached.
Data on the kinetic coefficient are scant, but since
Metal Impurities
values of kD can be readily estimated, it is possible to
A literature review focusing on the effect of Zn+2
evaluate an upper limit of the scaling rate from the exp-
ions on CaCO3 precipitation provides credible evidence
that Zn+2 and other ions can generate a useful scale supp-
(4) pression effect. The experimental findings of various
researchers (e.g., refs 9–11) indicate that various metal
The mass transfer coefficient kD for typical flow cond-
ions can exert retarding effects on nucleation and crystal
ditions in spiral-wound modules is of the order of 10–5
growth and can also affect the crystal habit. It is evident
to 10–6 m/s. With this mass transport coefficient and a
that both Zn+2 and Cu+2 ions can exert an inhibitory act-
scale density of about 2000 kg/m3, the maximum posss
tion on scale formation and that their full potential for
sible scaling rate that can occur with a supersaturation
scale suppression has been very scantily explored. The
driving force of ∆C ppm is:


with M having a value in the range of 0.04 to 0.4.

Impurity Effects
A tenacious well-bonded scale deposit can form only
when the water precipitates a pure crystalline deposit.
Fortunately, most practical systems contain impurities
to some extent. Impurities tend to adsorb on active sites
of a crystallizing deposit and interfere with the format-
tion of a well-ordered solid structure. Such processes
can induce a significant decrease in both the nucleation
rate and the crystal growth rate, often accompanied by
a change in precipitate morphology. Deposits formed
from mixed salts and in the presence of impurities have Fig. 2. Asymptotic fouling induced by the presence of an anti-
a weakened adherence and the net scaling rate will be scalant.8

Hasson and Semiat / Scale Control


Ion exchange columns can readily remove scale-

forming ions. However, attempts to develop an ion
exchange process based on cheap regenerating chemic-
cals have so far been unsuccessful.13 Lime softening
processes, which are widely used for hardness removal
in water supply systems, are too expensive for desalin-
nation processes. Water hardness can also be reduced
by nanofiltration (NF) membranes. Because of their
negative charge, NF membranes preferentially retain
divalent ions and thus reduce the concentration of the
ions involved in the precipitation of CaCO3 and CaSO4.
Nanofiltration softening is constrained by economic
considerations, but has potential in integrated memb-
brane systems.
Electrolytic scale removal is a relatively new
technique4,14,15 that is mainly used for Ca hardness rem-
Fig. 3. Scale inhibition in a membrane system by low zinc ion moval from cooling tower waters. An electrolytic scale
dosage. Lp = membrane permeability; Lpo = initial membrane removal device consists of a stainless steel vessel acting
permeability; Tb = bulk temperature; TA = total alkalinity; as a cathode and a central rod acting as an anode. The
Qconc = concentrate flow rate. scale removal principle of the electrolytic technique is
the generation of a high pH environment around the
utilization of Zn+2 ions appears to be preferable to that of
cathode. Scale deposition is due to the alkaline environm-
Cu+2 ions, as the permissible Zn+2 level in drinking water
ment created by the cathodic reactions:
is 5 mg/L compared to 1 mg/L for Cu+2.12
Figure 3 shows results of exploratory experiments 2 H2O + 2e– ⇑ + 2OH– (6)
undertaken with scaling waters at two supersaturation
levels (LSI = 1.1 and 1.5) in a recycling membrane syst- O2 + 2H2O + 4e– ⇒ 4OH– (7)
tem. It is seen that the permeate flow decline of 25 to
The hydroxyl ions promote removal of the calcium
30% observed in 16 h in the untreated water could be
hardness by the precipitation of CaCO3 according to the
arrested by a dosage of 2 ppm Zn+2. We are studying the
possibility of replacing all or part of the currently used
organic anti-scalants by trace Zn ion dosage. Ca2+ + HCO3– + OH– ⇒ CaCO3 ⇓ + H2O (8)
The scale precipitating on the cathodic walls of the
Scale Control Techniques electrolytic system is removed either by periodic piston
The severity of a potential scaling difficulty in a des- scraping or by periodic charge reversal, which loosens
salination process depends of course on the nature and the adhering scale deposit.
concentration of the scaling species present in the raw Electrolytic scale removal has been scantily treated
feed water. The main scale control strategies are:3,4 in the literature. Very little quantitative information is
available on mechanisms of the electrode reactions and
• Removal or reduction of scale-forming species;
on the influence of geometrical and hydrodynamic par-
• Inhibition of scale deposition by dosage of anti-
Figure 4 shows the effect of flow rate on scale rem-
• Controlled scale deposition with periodic cleaning
moval by deposition on the cathodic surface under lamin-
nar flow conditions. The data show that the scaling rate
Prevention of Supersaturation Conditions increases roughly with Re1/3. As previously noted, the
The most effective way for eliminating a scaling mass transfer coefficient in laminar flow also increases
problem is by water treatment measures designed to with Re1/3, indicating that scale removal in an electrol-
eliminate the scaling constituents present in the feed lytic cell is mass transfer controlled.
water. For instance, acidifying the raw water and degass- The specific energy data displayed in Fig. 5 show that
sing the CO2 released by carbonate decomposition will the electrical energy consumption (kWh per kg CaCO3)
prevent alkaline scale formation. This technique is often in electrolytic scale removal can be significantly red-
adopted but usually in combination with anti-scalant duced by operating at high Reynolds numbers. Another
dosage at an economically optimized pH level. important parameter is the solution conductivity. Energy

Israel Journal of Chemistry 46 2006


Fig. 4. Effect of the Reynolds number on the scale removal Fig. 5. Effect of the flow rate on the specific energy consumpt-
rate in an electrolytic cell. tion in electrolytic scale removal

consumption is reduced at high salinities. The energy tal growth stage, the inhibitor molecules can retard the
consumption in experiments carried out with solutions growth process in several ways. If the ions of the inhibi-
simulating desalination plant concentrates was as low as iting molecule are small and are preferentially adsorbed
2.2 kWh/kg CaCO3. on active sites, a relatively small crystal surface covera-
The exploratory data so far obtained indicate that age is sufficient for effective retardation of the growth
the electrolytic method holds considerable promise for process. Most inhibitor compounds possess large ions,
beneficial integration in reverse osmosis desalination and effective crystal growth retardation probably occurs
processes. through relatively large crystal surface coverage.

Suppression of Scale Precipitation by Anti-scalants Anti-scalant compounds

The most widely used technique for scale control is Commonly used anti-scalants are derived from three
by dosage of an anti-scalant. This technique is cost eff- chemical families: condensed polyphosphates, organop-
fective because in many cases scaling can be suppressed phosphonates, and polyelectrolytes. Polyphosphates,
with only a few ppm of the anti-scalant, typically less the cheapest anti-scalants, can display effective thresho-
than 10 ppm. Since such low dosages are only a small old effects as well as dispersive and corrosion protection
fraction of the stoichiometric concentration of the aff- properties. Organophosphonates are superior to the ino-
fected species, the inhibition phenomena do not involve organic polyphosphates in their marked thermal and hyd-
chemical reactions. The inhibition is by physical rather drolytic stabilities over a wide range of pH and temperat-
than chemical mechanisms and involves adsorption ture conditions. Effective polyelectrolyte inhibitors are
processes.2, 16 mostly polycarboxylic acids. Some of the more familiar
polycarboxylates are polyacrylic acid, polymethacrylic
Inhibition mechanisms acid, and polymaleic acid. A noteworthy development
Adsorption of the inhibitor on the crystallization is the trend for designing copolymers having different
surface acts to delay nucleation, reduce the precipitat- functionalities to achieve specific goals and for blendi-
tion rate, and distort the crystal structure such that the ing different polymers so as to extend their anti-scaling
deposit tenacity to the flow surface is weakened, as was capabilities.2
illustrated in Fig. 2. By adsorbing on embryos, inhibitor Numerous studies have shown that all inhibitor polym-
molecules prohibit their growth beyond the critical size mers are effective only within a relatively narrow range
and thereby retard the rate of nucleation. Since low-mol- of molecular weights, typically around 1000 to 5000 Da.
lecular-weight inhibitor molecules are more mobile, the Howie-Meyers et al.17 investigated the role of calcium
extension of the induction period is more pronounced and polymer MW on the crystal growth inhibition of
with the lower molecular weight molecules. In the cryst- hydroxyapatite by polycarboxylates. Maximum inhibit-

Hasson and Semiat / Scale Control


tion activity occurred in a narrow MW range—around excellent service for most but not all scaling species.
1000–2000 Da for acrylate–maleate copolymers and The striking inhibitory effectiveness that an anti-scalant
around 5000–6000 Da for polyacrylates. can provide is illustrated in Fig. 6. The figure shows
It is presumed that the size of the inhibiting molecule the change with time of the ion concentration product
should be sufficiently large so that when adsorbed on the .
[Ca2+] [CO32–] of a highly supersaturated CaCO3 solut-
scaling species, it occupies a sufficient area for exerting tion, simulating the concentrate composition of the Gat
its effects, but it should not be so large that it lacks suff- desalination pilot plant (near Kiryat Gat, Israel) at 88%
ficient mobility and that its adsorption rate is too slow. recovery. In this beaker experiment, the solution had an
A low-molecular-weight fraction of a given inhibitor initial LSI of 2.5 and was dosed with the anti-scalant
is adsorbed on the scaling species more rapidly than a Permatreat 191 at three concentration levels: 5, 10, and
high-molecular-weight fraction, but the adsorbed quant- 25 ppm. The high stability imparted to this highly sup-
tity is larger with the high-molecular-weight fraction. persaturated solution is reflected by the extremely long
Adsorption increases with the degree of dissociation induction times, exceeding two months, required for
of phosphonic and polycarboxylic acids. The enhanced reaching the equilibrium value of the calcite solubility
scale suppression activity encountered at high pH is att- product.
tributed to the increase in the degree of deprotonation
Anti-scalant problems
with increasing pH.
Some of the problems associated with the use of anti-
Anti-scalant performance scalants are that they can induce fouling under certain
Since the fundamentals of inhibition mechanisms, conditions. For instance, in the presence of calcium,
particularly from their quantitative aspects, are poorly calcium phosphonates can precipitate.23 Virtually all
understood, the effects of operating parameters on inh- anti-scalants tend to promote biofouling in the presence
hibition effectiveness are largely unpredictable. The of assimilable organic carbon.24
useful guidance available from anti-scalant companies, Currently, the major uncertainties are in the control
based on service experience of their products, must of silica scales and calcium phosphates by available
often be complemented by extensive field tests. Labor- anti-scalants. The difficulty in inhibiting silica scales
ratory procedures we have developed can serve to red- stems from its protean nature. We have applied a fundam-
duce the laborious and costly efforts involved in field mentally based procedure for assessing the relative eff-
tests.7,18–22 fectiveness of various silica anti-scalants at comparable
When properly applied, anti-scalants can provide supersaturation conditions prevailing on the membrane
Comparative tests of four commercial anti-scalants
tested, dosed at recommended dosage levels, revealed
that there was no significant difference in their inhibit-
tory effectiveness. Data similar to those illustrated in
Figs. 7 and 8 indicated that the mitigating effect prov-
vided by all anti-scalants tested was to increase the
threshold limit for the onset of scaling from a membrane
surface supersaturation level of 1.7–1.9 in the absence
of an anti-scalant, to the level of 2.1–2.3 in the presence
of the anti-scalant. In all cases, the degree of inhibition
achieved was below that indicated in the commercial
literature. Scale precipitation occurred below the limiti-
ing solution bulk concentration of 250–300 ppm silica
suggested in the product manuals.
The calcium phosphate scaling difficulty imposes a
severe limitation on water recovery from wastewaters.
The increasing water scarcity can be alleviated by usi-
ing treated sewage effluents for irrigation purposes.
Secondary treated wastewater purified by an MF/UF
(microfiltration/ultrafiltration) process has restricted irr-
Fig. 6. Illustration of the stability imparted by an anti-scalant rigation usages. Unrestricted irrigation usage requires
to a highly supersaturated CaCO3 solution. further purification by an RO process.

Israel Journal of Chemistry 46 2006

Au: Need permission for figs 7 and 8. 103

EXP. No. Ca+2 ppm PO4–3 ppm Cl– ppm log(s/s)bulk

60 321 26.2 587 1.48

61 324 26.6 587 1.46
Fig. 7. Permeability decline as a function of water recovery.22 62 318 27.2 587 1.49

Fig. 9. Flux decline as function of time in the presence of a

calcium-phosphate anti-scalant. Ex60 = experiment 60; log(s/s
wall) = log of the supersaturation ratio at the wall.

difficulty. Figure 9 shows the flux decline occurring in

the presence of an anti-scalant recommended by a well-
known company. Scale prevention under such situat-
tions calls for a lowered pH and a reduction in permeate

Concluding remarks
The scaling problem poses a unique challenge in desalin-
nation, due to the severe economic constraints imposed
by the very low cost of the water-product. Scale control
has been and continues to be one of the overriding cons-
siderations in the development of improved desalination
processes. Further reductions in the cost of desalinated
Fig. 8. Silica supersaturation level on the membrane.22 water can be expected from R & D efforts oriented tow-
wards better understanding of currently practiced scale
control techniques (notably the anti-scalant dosage
method) and by the development of novel techniques
Since wastewaters usually contain phosphate and (such as the electrolytic scale removal method).
calcium ions, they are prone to precipitate sparingly-
soluble calcium phosphate salts. At the present time
there are no known reliable anti-scalants that can inhibit References and notes
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Israel Journal of Chemistry 46 2006

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