Cod - Cliente Num - Secuenci Num - Ventacod - Modventa Tot - Pagar Fec - Emision

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Select cod_cliente, num_secuenci, num_venta, cod_modventa, tot_pagar, fec_emision from fa_histdocu where cod_cliente =2

order by fec_emision desc;


20112947 7476454 46761294 7 3294.02 4/11/2019 14:52
20112947 7476453 46761278 7 3294.02 4/11/2019 14:49
20112947 7476452 46761267 7 7195.93 4/11/2019 14:46
20112947 7476451 46761226 7 4678.84 4/11/2019 14:40
20112947 7476405 46760040 7 18549.11 4/11/2019 13:03

Select cod_cliente, num_venta, imp_venta, imp_abono_eng from ga_ventas

where cod_cliente = 20112947 and num_venta in (46761294, 46761278, 46761267, 46761226, 46760040);


20112947 46760040 18549.11 6541.14
20112947 46761226 4678.84 1384.81
20112947 46761267 7195.93 3901.92
20112947 46761278 3294.02 0
20112947 46761294 3294.02 0


20112947 0 1 170419 8 1266
20112947 1 2 170419 0 0
20112947 5 1 170419 1 3901.92
20112947 6 2 170419 0 2227.77
20112947 7 2 170419 0 7395.69
20112947 8 2 170419 0 7395.69

20112947 0 1 170519 8 1266

20112947 1 2 170519 0 7395.69
20112947 2 8 170519 4 -11828.94
20112947 6 2 170519 0 1992.77
20112947 7 2 170519 0 0
20112947 8 2 170519 0 -1174.48

20112947 0 1 170619 8 1266

20112947 1 2 170619 0 -1174.48
20112947 2 8 170619 1 -0.01
20112947 5 1 170619 1 0.01
20112947 6 2 170619 0 2441.21
20112947 7 2 170619 0 2532.73
20112947 8 2 170619 0 2532.73

20112947 0 1 170719 8 1266

20112947 1 2 170719 0 2532.73
20112947 2 8 170719 3 -4525.77
20112947 6 2 170719 0 2241.76
20112947 7 2 170719 0 1514.72
20112947 8 2 170719 0 1514.72

20112947 0 1 170819 8 1266

20112947 1 2 170819 0 1514.72
20112947 2 8 170819 2 -5668.94
20112947 6 2 170819 0 2241.76
20112947 7 2 170819 0 0
20112947 8 2 170819 0 -646.46

20112947 0 1 170919 8 1266

20112947 1 2 170919 0 -646.46
20112947 2 8 170919 1 -3508
20112947 6 2 170919 0 2241.76
20112947 7 2 170919 0 0
20112947 8 2 170919 0 -646.7

20112947 0 1 171019 8 1266

20112947 1 2 171019 0 -646.7
20112947 2 8 171019 3 -6333.07
20112947 6 2 171019 0 2241.76
20112947 7 2 171019 0 0
20112947 8 2 171019 0 -3472.01
from fa_histdocu where cod_cliente =20112947 and cod_modventa = 7

El día 11 de Abril el cliente genera 5 ventas modalidad 7

761226, 46760040);

3 de sus 5 ventas tienen un cargo inicial mayor a cero los cuales deben informarse en su primer balance

4/18/2019 12:53
4/18/2019 12:53
4/18/2019 12:53 No informo el importe completo del pago inicial correspondiente a sus 3 ventas. El importe que se debío inf
4/18/2019 12:53
4/18/2019 12:53
4/18/2019 12:53
Debido a que no informo el monto completo de su pago inicial en el balance del mes de Abril se genera un
5/17/2019 20:46 favor inexistente en cuanto el cliente paga el importe incial de sus ventas
5/17/2019 20:46
5/17/2019 20:46
5/17/2019 20:46
5/17/2019 20:46
5/17/2019 20:46

6/17/2019 20:51
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6/17/2019 20:51

7/17/2019 17:11
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7/17/2019 17:11
7/17/2019 17:11
7/17/2019 17:11

8/18/2019 1:16
8/18/2019 1:16
8/18/2019 1:16
8/18/2019 1:16
8/18/2019 1:16
8/18/2019 1:16

9/17/2019 16:18
9/17/2019 16:18
9/17/2019 16:18
9/17/2019 16:18
9/17/2019 16:18
9/17/2019 16:18

10/17/2019 16:33
10/17/2019 16:33
10/17/2019 16:33
10/17/2019 16:33
10/17/2019 16:33
10/17/2019 16:33
El importe que se debío informar es por 11827.87

mes de Abril se genera un saldo a

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