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The Rankine Lecture

The 37th Rankine Lecture of the British Geotech-

nical Society was given by Professor G. E. Blight
MScEng, DScEng(Witwatersrand), PhD, DScEng
(Lond), DScEng(Cape Town) at Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine on 19th
March, 1997. The following introduction was given
by J. B. Burland.

I have known Professor Blight since 1961 and it

is for me a special pleasure to introduce him on
the occasion of his Rankine Lecture. Geoffry Eu-
stace Blight was born at Pietersberg, Transvaal,
South Africa, on 30 July 1934 and he was educated
at Benoni High School. He read Civil Engineering
at the University of the Witwatersrand and was
awarded the BSc(Eng) degree in 1955. On graduat-
ing from `Wits' he joined the well-known ®rm of
consulting engineers, Kanthack and Partners, but
soon returned to the University to study for a
Master's degree under Professor Jennings. He was
awarded the MSc(Eng) degree in 1958 and ob-
tained a Witwatersrand University Council Scholar-
ship to study overseas. Professor Jennings urged
Geoff to go to MIT, but the fees alone were more
than the value of the scholarship. In contrast, the Professor G. E. Blight
fees for overseas research students at Imperial
College were, at that time, nominal. Geoff opted to
come here to work under Professor Bishop. We
like to think that there were sound academic rea- Research Institute (NBRI) in Pretoria, where he
sons for this decision, as well as economic ones. became a Senior Chief Research Of®cer. Though
For his PhD, Geoff chose to work on partly well equipped and having good facilities, the NBRI
saturated soils at a most exciting time when the was in the doldrums at that time. Geoff's arrival
experimental foundations of the subject were being gave rise to a most productive, some might say a
laid and to which he has made very signi®cant halcyon, period when he tackled a wide range of
contributions. His thesis is still used as a model for fundamental and practical soil-mechanics problems
experimental work and his reputation for thorough relevant to South Africa.
and meticulous testing is remembered through a In 1969, Geoff was appointed to the Kanthack
story involving Alan Bishop ± one of many! In Chair of Civil Engineering Construction Materials
1960, during the period leading up to the Shear at `Wits'. There was one condition to his appoint-
Strength Conference at Boulder, Colorado, Profes- ment ± he was not permitted to work on soil
sor Bishop spent some time in the USA. He mechanics! This, fortunately temporary, infringe-
frequently sent instructions back to Imperial Col- ment of academic liberty proved to be a blessing
lege for key tests to be carried out. Geoff may not as it compelled him to apply his outstanding prac-
know this, but his reputation for meticulous work tical and scienti®c talents to other construction
was such that, on one occasion when the need for materials. As a consequence, among his 200 or so
data was particularly urgent, Bishop requested that publications are important contributions to, for ex-
someone else should carry out the tests. This may ample, pavement engineering, the properties of
seem a somewhat backhanded compliment, but I epoxy resin mortars, the repair of reinforced-con-
suspect that ultimately it was Geoff who did the crete structures affected by alkali-aggregate attack,
work, as Bishop never cut corners. pollution from sanitary land®lls (a topic of particu-
On returning to South Africa, Geoff joined the lar importance in developing countries) and some
staff of the University of the Witwatersrand, but truly seminal papers on pressures in silos. Later,
after two years he moved to the National Building Geoff was appointed to the Andrew Roberts Chair

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of Civil Engineering at `Wits' when he was per- Telford Premium from the Institution of Civil Engi-
mitted to work in soil mechanics. Since then his neers and the James J. Croes Gold Medal of the
proli®c output of research work has retained its American Society of Civil Engineers. He is a
diversity. Fellow of the South African Institution of Civil
For many years Professor Blight has used the Engineers, a Fellow of the Royal Society of South
®eld as his laboratory. Three areas where this is Africa and a Fellow of the Academy of Engineers
particularly evident are the loading exerted by the of South Africa.
contents of silos and bins, the deterioration of Geoff has a delightfully direct approach by
concrete structures as a result of environmental which, in the nicest possible way, one is left in no
in¯uences, and the performance and stability of doubt about his views. Not long ago I shared a
land®lls and tailings dams. Anyone who has ex- platform with him for the ®nal session of an inter-
perienced the dif®culties and time-consuming na- national conference where a number of us were
ture of ®eld research will appreciate what a asked to re¯ect on the proceedings. Whereas most
formidable achievement it is to have carried out so of us made polite remarks about this and that,
many successful ®eld projects ± particularly in a Geoff had no hesitation in remarking that there
setting where research funds are limited and lecture were papers in that conference which had attemp-
loads are high. ted to rediscover the wheel but had failed ± he
Throughout his career Geoff has maintained a was absolutely right. His remarks were reminiscent
high international pro®le. He has participated in of, but less forthright than, another South African,
the work of the UK Institution of Structural Engi- the well-known poet Roy Campbell, who wrote the
neers, the International Federation of Chemical following verse about some fellow South African
Engineers, the International Commission on Large novelists:
Dams, the International Solid Waste Association
and, last but not least, the International Society of You praise the ®rm restraint with which they write ±
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. He I'm with you there, of course:
has delivered numerous state of the art papers and They use the snaf¯e and the curb all right,
keynote lectures at international conferences all But where's the bloody horse?
over the world.
Geoff has been awarded the DSc(Eng) degree, In South Africa the word would be pronounced
not once, not twice, but three times ± from the `bledy'!
University of London in 1975 for his work on soil While not anticipating such strong language, I
mechanics, the University of the Witwatersrand in know that Professor Blight's lecture will be direct,
1985 for his work on construction materials and to the point and of great practical relevance. It is
the University of Cape Town in 1993 for his work with the utmost pleasure and anticipation that I
on environmental geotechnics. He has received invite him, on behalf of the British Geotechnical
many awards for his publications, including the Society, to deliver the 37th Rankine Lecture.

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Blight, G. E. (1997). GeÂotechnique 47, No. 4, 715±767

Interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth


Interactions between the atmosphere and the Les interactions entre l'atmospheÁre et la terre ont
Earth have always been important to civil engi- toujours eÂte importantes pour les ingeÂnieurs du
neers, and particularly to geotechnical engineers. geÂnie civil et en particulier pour les geÂotechni-
Certain of these interactions can be rapid and ciens. Certaines de ces interactions peuvent eÃtre
catastrophic, resulting in the failure of structures rapides et catastrophiques, amenant la deÂfaillance
such as dams and bridges, in loss of life and de structures comme les barrages et les ponts,
in widespread environmental devastation. Other causant des accident mortels et des deÂsastres
interactions can be slow and insidious, but still eÂcologiques de grande envergure. D'autres inter-
destructive and costly in the long term, e.g. the actions peuvent eÃtre lentes et insidieuses mais, aÁ
effects that swelling or shrinking clays have on long terme, tout aussi destructives et couÃteuses,
buildings on shallow foundations. comme les effets que des argiles qui gon¯ent ou
After giving two examples of catastrophic qui se reÂtractent peuvent avoir sur des baÃtiments
interactions between the atmosphere and Earth aux fondations peu profondes.
structures, the paper will concentrate on examin- ApreÁs avoir donne deux exemples d'inter-
ing the interaction between the atmosphere and actions catastrophiques entre l'atmospheÁre et les
the unsaturated soil zone above the water table. structures terrestres, cet expose examinera l'in-
The behaviour and properties of the soils that teraction entre l'atmospheÁre et la zone de sol non
comprise the unsaturated zone between the soil sature au-dessus de la nappe phreÂatique.
surface and the water table are greatly dependent Le comportement et les proprieÂteÂs des sols qui
on the transfer of water and energy between the constituent la zone non satureÂe entre la surface
atmosphere and the soil, through the soil surface. du sol et la nappe phreÂatique deÂpendent dans une
While agronomists, soil scientists and hydrologists large mesure du transfert de l'eau et de l'eÂnergie
have paid a great deal of attention to this inter- entre l'atmospheÁre et le sol, aÁ travers la surface
action between the atmosphere and the Earth, du sol. Alors que les agronomes, les speÂcialistes
geotechnical engineers have tended to ignore it. du sol et les hydrologues accordent beaucoup
The geotechnical engineer has tended to accept d'attention aÁ cette interaction entre l'atmospheÁre
the water table depth, water content pro®le, et la terre, les geÂotechniciens ont plutoÃt tendance
strength pro®le, etc., as he has found them, and aÁ la neÂgliger. Le geÂotechnicien tend aÁ accepter la
has not concerned himself with how these profondeur de la nappe phreÂatique, le pro®l de la
conditions arose, or how they could advanta- teneur en eu, le pro®l de reÂsistance etc., tels qu'ils
geously be modi®ed, except by short-term con- les trouve et ne s'occupe pas de savoir comment
struction measures, e.g. dewatering or preloading. ces conditions se sont produites ou comment elles
Many aspects of the behaviour of soils in the pourraient eÃtre modi®eÂes avantageusement; il se
unsaturated zone are closely linked to the water borne aÁ prendre des mesures de construction aÁ
balance between the atmosphere and the Earth, court terme, comme l'asseÁchement, la preÂcharge
which determines such things as the water table etc.
depth, the average and seasonal water content De nombreux aspects du comportement des
pro®le, and seasonal swelling or shrinking. sols dans la zone non satureÂe sont eÂtroitement lieÂs
This paper will examine the water balance in aÁ l'eÂquilibre aqueux entre l'atmospheÁre et la
detail and show how its various components can terre, eÂquilibre qui deÂtermine la profondeur de la
be measured. The water balance depends on the nappe phreÂatique, le pro®l de la teneur en eau
energy balance at the soil surface, and this will moyenne et saisonnieÁre, le gon¯ement ou le retrait
also be examined, its components analysed and saisonnier etc.
information given on how to measure them. Cet expose examine en deÂtail l'eÂquilibre aqueux
Examples will then be given of how the water et montre comment ses divers composants peu-
balance principle and deliberate adjustments to vent eÃtre mesureÂs. L'eÁquilibre aqueux deÂpend de
the water balance can be used to solve practical l'eÂquilibre eÂnergeÂtique aÁ la surface du sol,
problems in the geotechnical engineering of the eÂquilibre qui fera eÂgalement l'object d'un exa-
unsaturated soil zone between the ground surface men; nous en analyserons les composants et nous
and the water table. indiquerons comment les mesurer.

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Nous donnerons des exemples de la facËon dont

on peut utiliser le principle de l'eÂquilibre aqueux
et nous indiquerons les ajustements aÁ faire
deÂlibeÂreÂment aÁ cet eÂquilibre pour reÂsoudre les
probleÁmes pratiques dans les calculs geÂotechni-
KEYWORDS: evapotranspiration; in®ltration; water ques de la zone de sol non sature entre la surface
balance; partial saturation; suction. du sol et la nappe phreÂatique.

PREFACE yield criterion ± the maximum principal stress

William John Macquorn Rankine (Fig. 1) lived criterion (Jaeger, 1956) ± an arch design theory,
from 1820 to 1872 and was a Professor of Engi- contributions to the design of gravity dams and an
neering at the University of Glasgow for 17 years early strut formula (Pippard & Baker, 1948). In
from 1855 until his untimely death at the young geotechnical engineering, his major contribution
age of 52 years. A true Victorian engineer, Ran- was, of course, to Earth pressure theory, with his
kine is remembered for his many and varied con- formulation of the Rankine active and passive
tributions to engineering science, which are all the states of plastic equilibrium. It is interesting to
more remarkable considering the brief span of his note, in relation to gravity dams, that Rankine was
creative life. In a list of famous scientists in mech- the ®rst to realize that tensile stresses must be
anics (Applied Mechanics Reviews, 1973), Rankine eliminated from any horizontal cross-section, while
is cited for his contributions to thermodynamics, in Terzaghi was one of the ®rst to realize and analyse
the company of Carnot, Gibbs and Clausius. He the effects of seepage uplift pressures in gravity
originated the Rankine steam engine cycle, the dam sections (Terzaghi, 1934). This paper records
Rankine temperature scale and a set of gas shock the 37th Rankine Memorial Lecture and marks the
equations, the Rankine±Hugoniot equations (Cot- 125th anniversary of Rankine's death.
trel, 1963). He is also remembered for a plastic

The atmosphere is the engine that drives most
of the processes affecting the surface of the Earth.
Drawing its fuel from the Sun, the atmosphere
produces the winds, rain, hail and dust-storms that
have shaped the surface of the Earth and trans-
ported soils over it throughout its geological his-
tory. It is the Sun's radiant energy, converted to
mechanical energy by the atmospheric engine, that
produces `the great forces of nature' referred to by
Telford (Rolt, 1958) in his well-known de®nition
of civil engineering.
Many of the interactions between the atmo-
sphere and the Earth are cataclysmic and can, and
do have, devastating consequences in terms of loss
of life, damage to property and environmental
damage or change. The following are two exam-
ples of cataclysmic interactions, one from the life-
time of Rankine, the other from more recent times.
In both cases the failures occurred either from lack
of technical knowledge, or from lack of due engi-
neering diligence, or both. In both cases, the real
reasons for the cataclysm will never be known with
certainty. In both cases, tragic loss of life, damage
to property and environmental damage ensued.
Both cases demonstrate the continuing need for
Fig. 1. W. J. M. Rankine engineers to exercise un¯agging diligence, both in
their day-to-day duties and in a continual search
for improved engineering knowledge, and better

Professor of Civil Engineering, Witwatersrand Univer- engineering solutions.
sity, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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The Dale Dyke dam failure. The Dale Dyke dam of the core wall as a consequence of the clay in
failed on 11 March 1864, when it had reached its the cut-off trench having been ruptured'. In other
full height and was almost complete. According to words, the failure and crest subsidence were ini-
eye witnesses (Amey, 1974), during a day of heavy tiated by the formation of an erosion pipe through
rain and gale-force winds sweeping down the the ruptured puddle clay core. Failures of this kind
reservoir valley, the reservoir was ®lling rapidly, are often accompanied by the formation of a whirl-
but was still about 380 mm (15 in.) below the pool in the water upstream of the pipe, but in the
spillway crest. The crest of the embankment was darkness, and with all attention focused on the
1´5 m (5 ft) above the spillway crest. Late in the day crack in the downstream slope, no whirlpool was
a workman noticed a crack running horizontally seen to form. Very recently, Dounias et al. (1996)
along the downstream slope of the embankment and have re-examined the possible causes of the Dale
about 3 m (10 ft) from the top. The distance was Dyke failure. They concluded that, if the reservoir
probably estimated along the surface of the level had risen rapidly towards spillway level, hy-
embankment and corresponds to a vertical distance draulic fracture of the puddle clay core would have
of 1´2 m (4 ft) below the crest. The crack must thus occurred in the cut-off trench, thus con®rming
have been almost at, or slightly above the reservoir Binnie's conclusion.
water level. Gunson, the resident engineer for the The atmosphere±Earth interaction, in this case
owner of the dam, was summoned, and while the storm that caused the reservoir level to rise
examining the crack `was appalled to see at the top rapidly, was thus not the prime cause of the disas-
of the dam ``water running like a white sheet in the ter, but only the last link in the chain of circum-
darkness'' and it went ``right under my feet and stances and events that led to the failure.
dropped down the crack'''. As he watched, a breach
appeared in the crest of the dam and rapidly The tailings dam failure at Bafokeng Platinum
enlarged. At this stage, the spillway crest level had Mine. On the morning of 11 November 1974, 110
not been reached by the water in the reservoir. Fig. years after the Dale Dyke dam disaster, the south
2 is an 1864 photograph of the breached embank- western wall of the No. 1 tailings dam at Bafokeng
ment, while Fig. 3, taken at the same time, shows Platinum Mine, near the town of Rustenburg, South
some of the devastation left by the ¯ood. Africa, failed. Before the failure, the dam (85 ha in
The ¯ood swept through the City of Shef®eld, area and 20 m high) contained about 17 3 106 m3 of
killing 250 people and causing extensive damage tailings. About 3 3 106 m3 of lique®eld tailings
to property. It sounds from Gunson's account that slurry ¯owed through the breach in the wall, engulfed
the crest of the embankment must have subsided a vertical shaft of the mine, and ¯owed into and on
to cause overtopping and then breaching. Binnie down the valley of the Kwa-Leragane River, and
(1981) concludes that `The evidence points to the thence into the Elands River (Blight et al., 1981).
water having escaped though a breach at the base The slurry demolished or damaged many surface

Fig. 2. The rupture of the embankment in the Dale Dyke dam failure, 1864

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Fig. 3. Devastation caused by the ¯ood from the failed Dale Dyke dam

structures at the shaft, and carried away with it 0´8 km and was 10 m deep. The ¯ood continued
vehicles and items of equipment waiting to be taken down the Kwa-Leragane River into the Elands
underground. A large quantity of slurry ¯owed River, and an estimated 2 3 106 m3 of tailings even-
down the shaft, trapping some workers underground tually ¯owed into the reservoir of the Vaalkop water
and tearing loose certain of the shaft equipment. storage dam, 45 km downstream of Bafokeng.
Twelve died underground in the disaster. Figure 5 shows a plan of the Bafokeng dams 1
At a distance of 4 km from the breach in the and 2, the position of the breach and the course
dam, the ¯ood of slurry had spread to a width of taken by the escaped tailings, and Fig. 4 is an

Fig. 4. Aerial view of breached Bafokeng tailings dam

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Adjacent to dam 1 was dam 2, its top at a
substantially lower elevation. Workmen had cut a
Water course
leading to
track (at B in Fig. 5) through the rim between dams
Kwa-Leragane 1 and 2, near the eastern corner, to bring in a front-
river end loader for the purpose of pushing up barriers of
dry tailings to drive the water back from the rim of
Tailings dam
No. 2 the dam. There was another low place in the rim
slightly to the north-west (C in Fig. 5).
At about 08.45 h workmen noticed water over-
85 m
15 . 38
topping the diagonal wall which soon breached,
11 16 .
RL 11

releasing water from the upper pool to the smaller

B: : RL

lower one in which the water was judged to have


Tailings dam
RL 1117.62 m
been standing about 2 m lower. There was a sudden
No. 1
RL 1117.60 m rise of level in the lower pool, and water started to
¯ow through the cutting B from dam 1 into dam 2.
Pools as on Shaft
Flow was not so strong, however, as to cause
10 Nov. 1974 (12 miners killed)
substantial down-cutting. There was no evidence of
over¯ow at the other low place (C). Elevations of
the crests of the over¯ow (B) and non-over¯ow
(C) sections were subsequently measured at re-
Area covered duced level (RL) 1115´85 m for B and RL
by tailings flood 1116´38 m for C compared with RL 1117´60 m at
point A (the estimated elevation of the lowest part
Fig. 5. Plan of Bafokeng tailings dams 1 and 2 of the outer rim of the tailings dam. From these
showing the position of the breach and the course of
the escaped tailings elevations it can be concluded that at no stage
could the water have risen in the lower pool to
within less than about 1´2 m of the crest of the
aerial view of the breached tailings dam. The dam, namely the difference between the levels of
events leading to the failure have been very well the rim of the dam and the non-over¯ow section C.
described by Midgley (1979). His description is The start of the failure was witnessed by a
paraphrased below. number of persons, including those working on the
During the early morning of Monday, 11 Nov- top of the dam in the vicinity of the breach.
ember 1974, heavy rain fell in the Rustenburg area. Versions depended largely upon the position from
Readings from rain gauges in the vicinity differed which the dam was in view and upon the moment
widely, but it was estimated that at the Bafokeng at which the observer happened to grasp that some-
mine 75 mm of rain fell between 02.00 and thing serious was amiss. Piecing together of the
04.00 h on that day. At the time of the accident evidence revealed the following:
(as may be seen from Fig. 5), tailings dam 1 was
divided into two portions by a diagonal wall ex- (a) At about 10.15 h a leak appeared in the south-
tending from the south-eastern to the north-eastern eastern slope of the dam, appearing as a jet of
side. The area of the top of the dam behind the water emerging about two-thirds of the way up
dividing wall was about 73 ha and that of the the slope and falling on the downstream slope.
triangular downstream portion about 11 ha. An (b) The hole from which water was emerging
amateur photographer happened to ¯y over Bafo- quickly grew and the jet became a large stream
keng on the afternoon of 10 November and took pouring down the slope.
three oblique photographs showing tailings dam 1 (c) Above the stream of water two or more cracks
from three different angles. From these photo- developed in the slope, extending upwards at
graphs the peripheries of the ponds on top of the fairly steep angles towards the crest, to form a
tailings dam, as on that Sunday afternoon, were wedge with its apex down.
transposed to the survey plan of the dam, and are (d) Blocks of material collapsed out of this wedge
indicated in Fig. 5. The approximate water surface and fell as solid masses into the now rapidly
areas in the upper and lower compartments were increasing ¯ood of water and tailings.
20 and 45 ha, respectively. (e) The resulting gulley widened rapidly to about
The tailings-dam contractor's workmen came on 130 m as several million cubic metres of lique-
duty at about 07.00 h on Monday. Finding consid- ®ed tailings poured out. After spreading over the
erable excess water quantities on the top of dam 1, fairly level ground surface adjacent to the breach
they immediately set about lowering the water level (and destroying the shaft) the escaping slurry
as quickly as possible by lowering the crests of the found its way into a normally dry water course
outlet penstock towers. and thence into the Kwa-Leragane River.

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There appears to be suf®cient evidence to conclude the foreman's desperate attempt to save the
that the dam did not fail by conventional over- dam may have triggered its destruction.
topping. The eye-witness accounts of the failure all
It is interesting that only one of the papers that
point to a failure by erosion. However, no satisfac-
describes the failure even mentions the outlet pen-
tory and credible explanation of how the initial
stocks. Midgley (1979) refers to attempts to lower
hole formed was ever reached.
the water level on the dam by lowering the crests of
Platinum tailings have a wide range of particle
the penstocks, but gives no further details, and
sizes, from medium sand to clay. The tailings sep-
Jennings does not refer to the penstocks at all. Only
arate readily into their component size ranges as
one of the available aerial photos of the failure scar
they gravitate from the spigots through which they
shows any signs of penstock shafts or towers. This
are deposited at the wall, down the hydraulic beach
prompted the author to discuss the matter with the
to the pool (see e.g. Blight, 1994). Examination of
late Professor D. C. Midgley (personal communica-
the wall material after the failure by Jennings
tion, 1997). The result of the discussion was Fig. 6
(1979) showed it to consist of layers of sandy
(taken from one of the original reports on the
tailings 200±500 mm thick separated by discontin-
failure). The ®gure shows that the dam was
uous layers of clayey tailings 1±20 mm thick. This
equipped with four penstock towers and two outfall
could have resulted in an effective permeability for
pipes, all of which disappeared during the course of
horizontal ¯ow of water of many times (possibly
the failure. The two penstocks in the triangular
500±1000) that for vertical ¯ow. Hence the phrea-
portion of the dam are particularly interesting,
tic surface in the dam could have been raised,
especially the temporary penstock which was less
either locally or generally, and parts of the outer
than 40 m from the crest of the wall at the breach.
wall could have been saturated. Jennings (1979)
It is not known if this penstock was operational at
denies this in the discussion in his paper, but of
the time of the failure. However, if it was, and if, in
course he did not see the area of the breach prior
their zeal to lower the water level, too high a water
to the failure, and this could well have been a wet
head was allowed over the penstock crest, the pen-
stock shaft could have started to ¯ow full. This is a
The following quotes from Jennings' paper are
very dangerous operating condition for the type of
believed to be very signi®cant:
penstock shaft used at Bafokeng. The shaft or tower
1. The slimes dam foreman reported that he was is built of stacked, precast concrete rings. It has
on the dam when the dividing wall between long been known (e.g. US Bureau of Reclamation,
the upper and lower ponds failed but that 1960) that if the head of water over the crest of a
nevertheless he continued for some time shaft spillway exceeds 0´25 times the shaft diameter,
thereafter to work with his front end loader
in the area of the crest of the dam where the
breach subsequently occurred . . ..
3. The foreman on the dam was not in a
position to see water jetting from the wall. To
him the failure would have appeared to be
due to a deepening of a gulley which ap- Temporary Permanent
Outfall pipe
peared in a place where he had been try- penstock penstock
ing to push the water back with his front end Dam No. 1
loader. (upper)

The signi®cance of these statements is as follows: Dam No. 1

(a) If the foreman was `trying to push the water
back', it would appear that the wall of the dam 35–40 m Permanent
penstock N
must have been in imminent danger of over- Outfall pipe
120–140 m

topping, even though the quoted crest levels


indicate a freeboard of 1´75 m or so. penstock Approximate
(b) A vibrating machine, even a light, wheeled lines of breach
front-end loader, working on a hydraulically
deposited loose saturated sand could cause the A C
sand to liquefy, at least locally. The hole that 1117.62 m B 1116.38 m
appeared in the wall could very well have 1115.85 m

resulted from this liquefaction. Loss of mater-

ial through the hole could then have resulted in Fig. 6. Plan of the breach area in the Bafokeng
a depression forming in the crest, followed by tailings dam, showing the positions of the outlet
overtopping and breaching of the wall. Hence penstocks (or decant towers)

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the ¯ow may surge, and the resulting pressure (c) Both failures resulted from a concatenation of
¯uctuations have been known to dislodge rings and events of which the atmosphere±Earth inter-
even to destroy the penstock shaft. As the usual action, a rainstorm in each case, played a
diameter of penstock rings used in South Africa is triggering, rather than a prime role.
600 mm, this limits the safe head over the penstock
In the case of Dale Dyke dam there was a lack
crest to less than 150 mm, or the height of one and
of knowledge, on the part of the designer, of the
a half penstock rings.
complex interactions between the plastic and com-
If the temporary penstock was operational, and
pressible puddle clay core and relatively rigid sup-
was subjected to full ¯ow, the vibrations from the
porting shells, or cut-off trench walls. In the case
surging could have been the primary cause of
of the Bafokeng dam there was ignorance of the
liquidation of the saturated sand that resulted in
dangers of storing large quantities of water on a
the breach. Alternatively, if the penstock rings were
tailings dam and of surcharging a shaft spillway.
dislodged, a cavity would have been eroded around
It is possible to continue listing examples of
the penstock shaft, which could have rapidly en-
such devastating (though fortunately relatively in-
larged until it emerged through the downstream
frequent) interactions between the atmosphere and
the Earth ± some natural, some at least partly
In summary, the dam failed by overtopping that
induced by man. However, the main purpose of
resulted from a form of erosion failure. The origin
this paper is to examine the consequences of a
of the erosion will never be known, but could have
less traumatic interaction; an interaction that
been caused or exacerbated by
everywhere occurs seasonally within the layer of
(a) localized liquefaction caused by the front-end soil between the Earth's surface and the water
loader working on the wall at the breach, or table; an interaction that directly or indirectly
(b) dislodgement of rings from the temporary affects the everyday lives of all of us, in a less
penstock shaft as a result of surging ¯ow and dramatic, but nevertheless important way. These
pressure ¯uctuations in the shaft. continuing, everyday interactions can affect our
food supply, our health, our ability to traval
Unfortunately, both of these possible causes may
safely and comfortably, the value of our invest-
have resulted from overzealous and ignorant action
ment in our homes and the cost of maintaining
by the contractor's staff in their attempts to save
our country's infrastructure. This everyday inter-
the dam.
action is called the `soil water balance' and
affects the growth of crops, the stability of
Even though the Dale Dyke and Bafokeng dis-
slopes, the leaching of noxious constituents from
asters occurred 110 years apart in time, it is in-
waste dumps, the deterioration of road, runway
teresting that the causes of the failures had certain
and railway riding surfaces and the stability of
things in common, including similar human fail-
building foundations. The various components of
the soil water balance are illustrated in Fig. 7. A
(a) There appears to have been a complacency study of the soil water balance necessitates bor-
about the state of safety of both structures. rowing skills from a number of ®elds closely or
(b) There was no well-considered contingency plan more distantly related to geotechnical engineering,
or plan of action in the event of an accident. namely meteorology, surface and groundwater

(P )
tion Snow
Prec t
Incoming solar m
radiation less Sn)
Snow strorage
reflected radiation
e r ( R off )
equals net t off I
wa n ( Phreatic
radiation (Rn) nd tion un tio
Gr xtrac c er l tra surface
rf a f i
e In
) Su )h
o n ∆ S
rati il e(
R ec
spi So
p o tran i n h arg
e c
Eva rag Re
Sto Well
Evaporation t e r
Gro flow

Fig. 7. Components of the soil water balance

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hydrology, agricultural and forest hydrology, soil used. These pans differ in shape, size and condi-
physics and geo-morphology. tion of exposure. Evaporation measured by the A-
In this paper an attempt will be made to draw pan is about 20% in excess of that measured by
together information from a number of the above the S-pan, and neither ®gure is directly related to
®elds and to show how it relates to the geotechni- evaporation from an extensive water surface, or a
cal behaviour of the unsaturated zone, that zone in land surface.
which the interchange of water between the atmos- The atmospheric water balance is a means of
phere and the Earth occurs, which constitutes the characterizing a local climate. In periods of water
soil water balance. Much of the information pre- surplus (B positive), soil moisture will be replen-
sented here is not new. Some of it goes back to ished and, as a result, recharge of groundwater
the early years of this century. In many cases, may occur. In periods of water de®cit (B negative),
however, it may be unfamiliar in the ®eld of geo- the soil will lose moisture to the atmosphere. An
technical engineering. Also, many of the concepts atmospheric water balance may be classi®ed as:
and techniques of measurement were originally
(a) a perennial water surplus, or
derived for application in ®elds such as surface
(b) a perennial water de®cit, or
water hydrology, agronomy and ground water hy-
(c) a seasonal water surplus=de®cit.
drology. Their application to geotechnical engineer-
ing differs from those for which they were Examples of atmospheric water balances for
originally developed. It is therefore necessary to four localities, Kuala Tahan (Malaysia), Melbourne
demonstrate their applicability to the circumstances (Australia) and Johannesburg and Cape Town
and problems of geotechnical engineering. (South Africa) are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8(a) shows
A start will be made by giving examples of the atmospheric water balance for a wet year at
atmospheric water balances between precipitation Kuala Tahan in the tropical rain forest area of the
and evaporation from a free water surface. These Malaysian peninsula. Annual rainfall here averages
are some of the basic input data that in¯uence the 2370 mm, and average annual A-pan evaporation is
soil water balance. It will continue by considering 1160 mm. Hence the average annual water surplus
the processes of in®ltration and run-off, evapo- is 1210 mm. Fig. 8(a) shows a detailed water bal-
transpiration and groundwater recharge and storage, ance for a wet year (1984, rainfall 3475 mm). In
that constitute the components of the soil water this year the water surplus was almost perennial,
balance for the zone of unsaturated soil between except for a brief period in August. In drier years
the ground surface and the water table. The con- the water de®cit can last for 2±3 months of the
sideration of evapotranspiration, or evaporation year.
from a soil surface requires an evaluation of the Figure 8(b) shows the atmospheric water balance
radiation balance at the ground surface. The eva- (based on 30-year average ®gures) for Melbourne,
luation of the components of this balance will Australia. Here, there is a perennial water de®cit
likewise be described. Finally, illustrations and ex- (on average), even though rain occurs throughout
amples will be given of how the soil water balance the year. Annual rainfall averages 644 mm and an-
affects, or can be applied to analysing the geotech- nual A-pan evaporation 1265 mm. Hence the aver-
nical problems of the unsaturated zone. age annual water de®cit is 621 mm. Obviously, as
the average water de®cit is so small during May to
August, wet years will have a seasonal water
The atmospheric water balance is the algebraic Johannesburg has most of its rain in summer
sum, at a particular locality, of precipitation (rain or (October to April). Annual rainfall averages 745
snow), which is regarded as an input, and positive, mm and annual A-pan evaporation is 1550 mm;
and potential evaporation (i.e. evaporation from a hence the average annual water de®cit is 805 mm.
free water, ice or snow surface), which is regarded Fig. 8(c) shows the water balance for a wet year
as a loss, and negative. It can be written as (1987, rainfall 800 mm). There was a water de®cit
Bˆ Pÿ E (1) throughout the year. However, in the third wettest
period on record (the 1966±1967 wet season), in
in which B is the balance between precipitation P which unusually low evaporation was also recor-
and evaporation E. In climates where freezing does ded, there was a wet-season surplus of 130 mm.
not occur, P will consist solely of rainfall, R. In contrast to Johannesburg, Cape Town has a
Neither of the components, P or E, is simple to winter wet season. Its average annual rainfall is
measure, but there are accepted standard methods 510 mm and the annual A-pan evaporation is
of measurement for rainfall R using a standard rain 1110 mm. It thus has an average annual water
gauge and for potential evaporation using a stan- de®cit of 600 mm. A detailed atmospheric water
dard evaporation pan. This is usually an A-pan, balance is shown in Fig. 8(d), for a dry year
although the Symons pan, or S-pan, is also widely (1992, rainfall 420 mm). There was a water surplus

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P and EA: mm
Water surplus

Water deficit EA


P and EA: mm

Water deficit
300 Water deficit

200 EA EA

100 P P


P and EA: mm

EA Water deficit EA



400 Water deficit

P and EA: mm

Water surplus

100 P P

Fig. 8. Illustrations of different types of atmospheric water balance: (a)

Kuala Tahan, Malaysia, 1984; (b) Melbourne, Australia, 30-year
average; (c) Johannesburg, South Africa, 1987; (d) Cape Town, South
Africa, 1992. EA , A-pan evaporation; P, precipitation

in June and July. Perennial water de®cit years do as one of the two basic inputs to the soil water
occur in Cape Town. For instance, in the ®fth balance. (The other being the surface radiation
wettest year on record (1959) the wet-season de®cit balance.) Detailed water balances can obviously
was 135 mm. take a number of other forms, but Fig. 8 illustrates
The atmospheric water balance can be regarded what are probably the main types.

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THE SOIL WATER BALANCE scribe, with examples, how the various components
The soil water balance (see Fig. 7) controls the of the soil water balance can be measured, so that
state of moisture in the unsaturated zone of soil the soil water balance can be used to make geo-
between the ground surface and the water table. It technical predictions.
can described by:
water input to soil ˆ water output
‡ water stored in soil The mechanics of in®ltration and run-off were
(2a) investigated comprehensively 30±40 years ago in
the ®eld of soil physics. The results of this re-
The terms in equation (2a) can be described in search are well summarized by Hillel (1980). The
more detail as follows: work that will now be described was undertaken to
water input ˆ infiltration ˆ precipitation con®rm the transferability of the concepts to the
speci®c circumstances being considered here,
ÿ (interception ‡ runoff ) which differ somewhat from those for the earlier
ˆ P ÿ (I ‡ Roff ) applications.
Precipitation can be partitioned into in®ltration,
water output ˆ water lost by evapotranspiration that portion of precipitation that enters through the
‡ water recharged to the water surface of the soil, and runoff, the remainder of
table the precipitation. In more detail:
ˆ ET ‡ Rech infiltration ˆ precipitation ÿ (interception
water stored ˆ change in total water stored in soil ‡ surface evaporation ‡ runoff)
ˆ ÄS I ˆ P ÿ (I nt ‡ E ‡ Roff ) (3)
Thus equation (2a) can be symbolized as: For a vegetated surface, interception is that part of
P ÿ (I ‡ Roff ) ˆ ET ‡ Rech ‡ ÄS (2b) the rainfall that is intercepted by the plant cover
and evaporates without reaching the surface. If a
In certain circumstances, extraction of groundwater surface has a higher temperature than the rain,
by isolated wells or by well-®elds may be impor- some of the precipitation will evaporate either as it
tant, in which case a water extraction term would reaches the surface, or just above it. Depending on
be added to equation (2b). the amount of precipitation, the nature of the sur-
In the ®eld of waste management, where lea- face and the type of vegetative cover, interception
chate management is important, the water balance and surface evaporation can vary from a small to a
for the waste deposit may be of interest, rather major proportion of precipitation. For example, if a
than that for the complete soil pro®le, plus the small amount of rain falls on a hot paved surface,
overlying waste. In this case, equation (2b) would or a densely forested area, the entire precipitation
be further modi®ed to can be either evaporated or intercepted, with no
P ÿ (I ‡ Roff ) ‡ ÄW ˆ ET ‡ L ‡ ÄS (2c) in®ltration or runoff. On the other hand, a similar
amount of rain falling on a ploughed ®eld may all
The recharge Rech has now been replaced by a in®ltrate.
term L representing the leachate generated by and It could be argued that to ®nd a limiting in®ltra-
recharged from the waste, and there is an addi- tion rate it is only necessary to carry out a double-
tional input ÄW , the water content of the incoming ring in®ltrometer test or some other saturated in
waste. (In the case of a land®ll that penetrates the situ permeability test on the soil surface and
groundwater, lateral seepage may also be a net measure the limiting rate of in®ltration. Any rain
input term.) falling at an intensity less than this rate will in®l-
If the annual water balance for the soil is trate, and if the rainfall intensity exceeds the limit-
perennially positive, as it is likely to be in a ing in®ltration rate, the excess over this rate will
climate like that of Kuala Tahan, the recharge will run off. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as this,
be positive, the water table will usually be shallow even though the principle is correct. Not only does
and the unsaturated zone will be of limited impor- the limiting in®ltration rate depend on the slope
tance. If the water balance is usually perennially and state of compaction of the surface, but also on
negative, as in Melbourne or Johannesburg, re- the moisture content of the material underlying the
charge of the water table will take place infre- surface, i.e. on the degree to which suction in the
quently, and hence the water table will usually be underlying unsaturated material draws water in.
deep and the zone of unsaturated soil will assume This is illustrated in Fig. 9, which compares the
a much greater signi®cance. results of double-ring in®ltrometer tests on a soil
The following sections of this paper will de- surface (a sandy silt) starting with a nominally dry

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Sloped (43% slope) bunds and gutters to prevent run-on from adjacent
areas and to collect runoff from the test plot. Rain

80 Near-horizontal (4% slope)

was then simulated using a sprinkler system having
a series of sprinklers with an overlapping deposi-
tion pattern. The precipitation on, and runoff from
Rate of Infiltration, i : mm/h

20 the test plot were measured for various rates and

0 100 200 300 400 500
sequences of precipitation.
Time: h Figure 10 shows the results of two tests starting
(a) with dry soil surfaces. The test was designed to
30 apply precipitation at a rate just large enough to

25 Near-horizontal produce runoff, and began with high rates of
20 precipitation (80 mm=h for the 4% slope and 55
15 mm=h for the 43% slope). The corresponding rates
10 of runoff were measured and the rates of precipita-
5 tion were adjusted progressively so that, while run-
0 off still occurred, its rate was minimized and thus
0 100 200 300 400 500
Time: h approximated a limiting in®ltration rate. As Fig. 10
(b) shows, a ®nal limiting rate of in®ltration of about
15 mm=h was measured for the 4% slope and that
Fig. 9. Double-ring in®ltrometer tests before and after for the 43% slope was about 20 mm=h. These rates
sprinkler irrigation of a soil surface: (a) dry soil; (b) were slightly less than the limiting double-ring
wet soil in®ltration rates for the dry sites shown in Fig. 9,
but the limiting rate was reached in much less time
surface, and after the soil had been thoroughly (2´5 h for the sprinkler tests, as compared with
wetted by sprinkler irrigation. It can be seen that 250 h for the double-ring in®ltrometer). The smal-
the limiting in®ltration rate into a near-horizontal ler time to equilibrium probably arises because, in
surface (4%, 2´38) was in this case less than that contrast with the double-ring in®ltrometer, the
into a sloped surface (43%, 238). The reason for sprinkler in®ltration tests affected a relatively large
this is that the surface of the soil on the slope was volume of soil and therefore reduced the suction in
less compact and therefore accepted water more the soil more rapidly.
readily than that on the near-horizontal surface.
Also, the limiting in®ltration rate into the initially 100
dry surface averaged about 30 mm=h for the two i
sites after 300 h, whereas that into the pre-wetted 80

surface at exactly the same spots averaged about
Rates of precipitation, r, and infiltration, i : mm/h

10 mm=h. Fig. 9 also shows the saturated per-
meability for the soil as measured in the labora- 40

tory. This corresponds to the limiting in®ltration 20

rate for the wet, near-horizontal site.
The reason for the discrepancy between the ini- 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
tially dry and wet sites is that, because the double- Time: min
ring in®ltration test affects a relatively small vol- (a)
ume of soil, even after 300 h (nearly 2 weeks) of
in®ltration into the dry soil, there were still signi®- 70
cant suction gradients augmenting the in®ltration 60 i

rate. It is also possible that the soil had not yet 50

fully swelled, closing up cracks and ®ssures, and 40 iL
that additional swelling would further reduce the 30
rate of in®ltration. In any case, a steady state had 20
not yet been reached, and nor had a truly limiting 10
in®ltration rate. 0
To explain some of the characteristics of in®ltra- 0 50 100 150 300
Time: min
tion and runoff, a programme of sprinkler in®ltro-
meter tests, simulating rain, has been carried out.
Earlier results from this programme have been
Fig. 10. Sprinkler in®ltration tests to determine limit-
reported by Blight & Blight (1993) and Blight & ing in®ltration rates for soil surfaces. Precipitation
Roussev (1995). The reader is referred to these and in®ltration versus time: (a) near-horizontal (4%
papers for details of the test procedures. Brie¯y, a slope), dry soil; (b) sloped (43%), dry soil. iL ,
test plot measuring 9 m 3 9 m was surrounded by Limiting rate of in®ltration

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

Figure 11 shows the limiting rates of in®ltration t ˆ 0, i ˆ i0 , and at t ˆ 1, i ˆ iL , and the value
from Fig. 10 together with the results of four of k decides on how rapidly i approaches iL . For
similar tests, plotted against cumulative in®ltration example, for the lower curve in Fig. 10(a), i0 ˆ 80
into the soil. Each of the three sets of measure- mm=h, iL ˆ 10 mm=h and k ˆ 1:76=h.
ments corresponds to a different initial water con- Equation (4) is an empirical expression that ®ts
tent w0 , and the results illustrate the effect of the shape of the in®ltration curve. Alternative ex-
higher soil suctions at the lower water contents on pressions have been proposed by Philip (1957) and
increasing the initial in®ltration rate. The results Holtan (1961). Similarly, the in®ltration rate i can
for w0 ˆ 10% at the sloped site are anomalous, but be related to the cumulative in®ltration I (see Fig.
no explanation has been found. From Fig. 11 it 11) by the expression
appears that for the soil surface considered, a fairly i ˆ iL ‡ (i0 ÿ iL ) eÿ KI (5)
steady rate of in®ltration was reached after a cum-
ulative in®ltration into a `dry' surface of 20±30 For the w0 ˆ 5% curve in Fig. 11(a), K ˆ
mm had occurred. Thus the rate of in®ltration is 0:078=mm.
affected by the permeability of the soil, its surface The dif®culty with applying equations (4) and
gradient and its water content or suction. (5) is that the four characteristic parameters i0 , iL ,
If i is the rate of in®ltration (mm=h) and t hours k and K have to be determined experimentally.
of precipitation at rate r (mm=h), i0 is the in®ltra- Philip's expression,
tion rate at t ˆ 0 and iL is the limiting rate of
i ˆ iL ‡ 12 St ÿ1=2 (6)
in®ltration after a long time, then the in®ltration
curves in Fig. 10 can be described by an expres- has the advantage over Horton's expression that it
sion due to Horton (1940): requires the evaluation of only two characteristic
i ˆ iL ‡ (i0 ÿ iL ) eÿ kt (4) parameters, iL and S.
How do the in®ltration rates shown in Figs 10 and
where k is a characterizing constant. Thus, at 11 relate to actual rainfall intensities? Fig. 12(a)

80 15%



Rate of infiltration, i : mm/h

0 20 40 60 80
Cumulative infiltration, I : mm




40 iL


0 20 40 60 80
Cumulative infiltration, I : mm

Fig. 11. Sprinkler in®ltration tests to determine limiting in®ltration

rates for a soil surface. In®ltration rate versus cumulative
in®ltration: (a) near-horizontal (4% slope); (b) sloped (43%). iL ,
Limiting rate of in®ltration

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
50 50

40 40

% of 24 h rainfall events

% of annual rainfall
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0













. 80
Rainfall in 24 h: mm Rainfall in 24 h: mm
(a) (b)

Fig. 12. Distribution of rainfall events by rainfall in 24 h and percentage

of annual rainfall, for locality of sprinkler in®ltrometer tests (near

shows the distribution of rainfall events at the 100

meteorological station nearest to the site used for
Rate of precipitation: mm/h

the sprinkler in®ltrometer tests, ranked by the 80 100 mm/h for

amount of precipitation in 24 h. It will be noted 5 min 5 8 mm
that 67% of rainfall events were of less than 60

10 mm in 24 h and 83% were of less than 20 mm 40

in 24 h. Fig. 12(b) shows the contribution to the Potential
annual rainfall as a percentage of each class of 20
rainfall event. The greatest contribution to annual
rainfall (48%) came from events in the 10±30 mm 0 1 2 3
class. The 0±10 mm class contributed 23% of Time: h
annual rainfall, while events of more than 30 mm (a)
in 24 h contributed 29%. Thus the relatively small
events of 0±30 mm contributed 71% of the annual
rainfall. 20
The actual intensity of rainfall in a natural storm
is very variable. Fig. 13(a) shows an intensity±time
Rate of precipitation: mm/h

relationship for a natural storm that was recorded 15

at the site for the sprinkler tests. In this storm of
26´5 mm total rainfall, the highest intensity reached
nearly 100 mm=h for 5 min (8 mm of precipita- 10

tion). A curve of potential in®ltration rate versus

time has been superimposed on Fig. 13(a). Any 5
(rainfall intensity 3 time) exceeding this curve
would have resulted in runoff, and any intensity
less than the curve would have in®ltrated. It is 0
obvious that, in this case, only the excess peak 0 2 4
Time: h
6 8 10

intensity (60 mm=h for 5 min, or 5 mm) resulted in (b)

runoff. The measured runoff for the whole storm
was 5´3 mm, or 20% of the total precipitation. Fig. 13. Rate of precipitation versus time for two
Figure 13(b) shows a second intensity±time storms observed at the site of the sprinkler in®ltro-
relationship for natural rainfall. In this case the meter tests: (a) total rainfall 26´5 mm, run-off 5´3 mm
rainfall intensity was lower, but the duration great- (20%); (b) total rainfall 19 mm, runoff 0 mm

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

er. The entire storm fell below the potential in®l- of pressure (Pa or N=m2 ). These are equivalent to
tration curve, with the exception of the two short- units of energy per unit volume of soil (Nm=m3 or
duration peaks. Hence this event resulted in zero J=m3 ). Thus soil suction represents the energy
runoff. For this soil, and the distribution of rainfall necessary to extract a unit volume of water from
events shown in Fig. 12, it appears that runoff the soil. The energy demand is, however, not as
from the class of rainfall events that contributes important as is often supposed. A simple calcula-
most to annual rainfall (0±30 mm) must be very tion will show that, even at the wilting point,
low. Appreciable runoff would only occur from where the suction is of the order of 1500 kPa, the
rainfall events exceeding 30 mm in 24 h. The re- energy needed to extract unit mass of water from
sults of earlier sprinkler in®ltration tests at a separ- soil is about 1700 times smaller than that required
ate site (Blight & Blight, 1993) led to a similar to evaporate the same mass of water (1´5 kJ=kg as
conclusion. However, for both these sites, limiting compared with 2500 kJ=kg). Hence, if there is
in®ltration rates were moderate at 10±20 mm=h, enough energy to evaporate water from the soil
and a different conclusion might apply in a case surface, there will be enough energy to draw it up
where the limiting in®ltration rate is much lower. through the soil. However, as suction increases, soil
permeability declines and this may have a major
effect on inhibiting water loss from the soil.
ESTIMATING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ET ) The phenomena of evaporation, potential evapo-
The determination of evapotranspiration has transpiration and actual evapotranspiration is illus-
been of concern to agriculturalists and hydrologists trated by Fig. 14 (Blight, 1963). The diagram
for over a century (e.g. Penman, 1963). Many shows moisture losses with time from the surfaces
methods for assessing potential evapotranspiration of four identical plastic containers, three ®lled with
(the evapotranspiration when the availability of soil and one with water. Of the soil-®lled contain-
water is not a limiting factor) have been developed. ers, one was planted with grass that had been
Among these are methods by Blaney & Criddle, grown in the container from seed, one had a bare
(1950), Thornthwaite (1948, 1954), and Penman soil surface, and the soil surface in the third
(1948, 1952, 1956, 1963). container was covered by a 10-mm thick layer of
All these methods were evolved for irrigated clean, coarse sand to represent a mulch. At the
®elds, and for climates with a positive annual start of the experiment, all three soil-®lled contain-
water balance, where the actual evapotranspiration ers were saturated by standing them in a bath of
will usually be close to the potential evapotrans- water for 24 hours, after which time they were
piration. However, for arid, and semi-arid, non- removed and allowed to drain. Once drainage had
irigated areas, which are often those of interest to ceased and the soil was at ®eld capacity (see later),
the geotechnical engineer, the availability of water the drainage holes were sealed and the containers
may limit evapotranspiration, and actual evapo- were allowed by dry out, with the results shown in
transpiration may drop well below the potential Fig. 14.
®gure. As soil suction increases, increasing quanti- Cumulative losses from the free water surface
ties of energy are required to draw soil water into represent pan evaporation and were linear with
the atmosphere. Soil suction is expressed in units time. Initially, cumulative evaporation from the

Time: h
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Water loss: %/cm2 surface area

w 5 42.6%


Grass starts
0.20 to wilt,
w 5 22.5%
0.25 wilting point,
w 5 14.0%

Fig. 14. Moisture losses with time from soil in containers with various
surface conditions: (u) sand-covered soil surface; (d) free water surface;
(j) bare soil surface; (s) grassed surface

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bare soil surface and the evapotranspiration from where a has a limiting value of 0´5 for all practical
the grassed surface were also linear, and occurred temperatures.
at a greater rate than losses from the water surface. Turc (1954, 1955) produced one of the earliest
The enhanced loss rate occurred because the dark- attempts to take a limiting water supply into
coloured soil surface re¯ected less radiation than account. He did this by introducing a term for
the water surface, and the grassed surface was precipitation into his empirical equation for evapo-
evapotranspiring from a much larger surface area transpiration. The equation was, however, devel-
(the entire leaf area) than the nominal area of the oped for wet climate conditions, and has the
container. The initial linear portions of curves for limitation that evaporation is expressed as a frac-
the bare soil and grassed surfaces, represent `non- tion of precipitation. Hence the equation predicts
water-limiting' conditions. Once the grass started zero evapotranspiration in periods of drought,
to wilt, the rates of moisture loss from both the which is not correct. Turc's empirical equation is
grassed and bare soil surfaces declined and started as follows:
to equalize at a value less than the rate of loss Pm
from the water surface. During this stage water Em ˆ : (8)
0 9 ‡ (Pm =L)2
availability had declined and `water-limiting' con-
ditions prevailed. Once the grass started to die in which Em is the monthly evaporation (mm), Pm
there was a further decline in the rate of loss of is the monthly precipitation (mm), and
moisture, and rates of loss from the bare soil and L ˆ 300 ‡ 25Tm ‡ 0:05T m 3
grassed surfaces became equal at about half the
rate from the water surface. The sand-mulched where Tm is the mean monthly temperature (8C).
surface lost moisture at a lower rate throughout, The most rational approach to calculating poten-
this also being about half the rate of loss from the tial evaporation is due to Penman (1948). He used
water surface. Had the experiment been continued many of the concepts that follow, and produced a
for long enough, the evaporation rates from all four semi-rational equation, based on the energy bal-
containers would have declined to zero when all ance at the soil surface:
the contained water had evaporated. The `water- ÄRn =ë ‡ ãEa
limiting' condition can thus have two stages. In the Ep ˆ (9)
®rst, the declining permeability (and increasing ćã
suction) of the soil limits the rate of loss. In the in which Ep is the potential evaporation, Ä is the
second, depletion of the water in the soil results in slope of the temperature versus saturated water
water loss ceasing. vapour pressure curve at the prevailing air temp-
A number of attempts have been made to pre- erature, Rn is the net incoming solar radiation, ë is
dict actual evaporation from climatological data. the latent heat for vaporization of water, ã is
Most researchers in this area have derived empiri- the psychrometric constant (66 Pa=8C), Ea ˆ 0:165
cal or semi-empirical equations. For example, (esat ÿ ea ) (0:8 ‡ u2 =100) mm=day, esat is the satu-
Thornthwaite (1954) produced an empirical equa- rated vapour pressure in air (mbar), ea is the actual
tion and tables relating actual evapotranspiration to vapour pressure of air (mbar) and u2 is the wind
potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture de®- speed at a height of 2 m (km=day).
cit. Much of Thornthwaite's work was carried out As Ä and ë both have units of Pa=8C, if Rn has
in the humid north-east of North America and thus units of J=m2 per day and ë has units of J=kg, the
may not be suitable for extrapolation to more arid units of Ep are kg=m2 or, taking the density of
conditions. Thornthwaite's empirical equation is: water as 1000 kg=m3 , the equivalent of mm=day of
water. A recent comparison of the Penman and
!a Thornthwaite equations (Hulme et al., 1996) has
Em ˆ 16:2 X (7) shown that the Penman equation gives realistic
i results for arid and semi-arid areas, whereas
Thornthwaite's equation is completely unrealistic
in which Em is the monthly evaporation (mm), tm for these conditions.
: Many attempts have also been made to ®nd
is the mean monthly temperature (8C), i is (T=5)1 5 ,
where T is the mean daily temperature, and modi®cation factors that will convert A- or S-pan
evaporation to actual evaporation from cropped
!3 !2 ®elds. For instance, Penman (1956) found ratios of
a ˆ 6:75 3 10ÿ9 i ÿ7:7 3 10ÿ7 i Ep =EA varying from 0´8 for summer to 0´6 for
winter to 0´7 for equinoctial months for Western
! Europe. Others (quoted by Fenn et al. (1975))
X found values for Ep =EA varying in the range 0´5±
‡ 0:08 i ‡ 0:49 0´9.
The best comparison of the results of various

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evaporation equations appears to be one by Schulz surface energy balance (Bowen, 1926). Fig. 16
(1974), who compared the results of the equations (Tanner, 1960) shows the components of the en-
due to Blaney & Criddle (1950), Penman (1956), ergy balance which is expressed as
Thornthwaite (1954) and Turc (1955) with meas- Rn ˆ G ‡ H ‡ Le (10)
ured A-pan evaporation and evaporation measured
by means of a large lysimeter. The results of his where Rn is the net radiation ¯ux for the surface
comparison are shown in Fig. 15. This shows that (incoming solar and diffuse sky radiation, less
the Thornthwaite and Turc equations consistently re¯ected radiation and outgoing long-wave terres-
underpredict. The Penman equation underpredicts trial radiation, see Fig. 16(a), G is the soil heat
in the warm months and overpredicts for cold parts ¯ux (the heat causing changes in temperature of
of the year, while Blaney & Criddle's equation the soil), H is the sensible heat ¯ux for the air (the
overpredicts in warm weather and underpredicts for heat causing changes in temperature of the air) and
the cold months. Fig. 15 shows that the evapotrans- Le is the latent heat ¯ux of evaporation (heat
piration from the lysimeter was predicted more causing evaporation or condensation at the soil
closely by 0:7EA than by any of the more formal surface).
evaporation equations. Fig. 15 also shows the Figure 16(b) shows these energy components
variation through the year of the actual ratio of EL during the day, while there is a net in¯ow of
(the lysimeter evaporation) to EA and the overall energy, and Fig. 16(c) shows the balance at night,
value for the year of 0´66. when the net energy ¯ow is outwards. Although
the ®gure does not show this, the amounts of
energy involved during the day are much larger
Using the surface energy balance to estimate than during the night. Rn can be measured directly
evapotranspiration by the difference between incoming and outgoing
The evaporative process is primarily one of radiation. G can be estimated from temperature
energy consumption. Energy must be supplied to gradients in the soil, together with the speci®c heat
provide the latent heat of vaporization necessary capacity for the soil at its current water content.
for water to evaporate at the soil surface, and the All ¯uxes are measured in W=m2 (or J=m2 s), and
resultant water vapour must be swept away by air the sign convention is that incoming radiation and
movement or disperse by diffusion to maintain the absorbed heat ¯uxes are positive.
evaporation gradient and keep the evaporative pro- The sensible heat ¯ux can be written as
cess going. If the amount of energy consumed by @T
evaporation can be computed, the corresponding H ˆ rCp k H (11)
mass of water evaporated can be deduced. The @z
evaporative energy is calculated by considering the where r is the air density, Cp is the speci®c heat

0.7 EA 0.7 A-pan (EA)

6 T TURC 0.7 EA
Potential evapotranspiration: mm/day

4 1.0

3 0.8

5 0.66
2 0.6

1 0.4

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Fig. 15. Comparison of measured average daily evapotranspiration with values using various equations

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Solar radiation Net

Long-wave Net radiation, Rn
radiation, Rn Sensible
terrestrial heat (air), H
radiation Latent heat of Evaporation,
Reflected evaporation, Le Le
Sky (diffuse)
radiation radiation
heat (air), H

SURFACE Soil heat,
G Soil heat, G

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 16. Components of the radiation balance at a soil surface: (a) incoming and outgoing radiation; (b) radiation
interchange during the day; (c) radiation interchange at night

of air, k H is the eddy diffusivity for heat through In practice, it is usually necessary to estimate
air, and @T=@z is the vertical temperature gradient the evaporation from the soil surface in mm=day
in the air. (kg=m2 per day) and it is preferable to integrate
The latent heat ¯ux can be written as the areas under the curves of Rn , G and Le versus
ërEk v @e time for the required period. This gives an inte-
Le ˆ (12) grated value of Le in J=m2 per day. Dividing this
P @z by the latent heat of vaporization of water in J=kg
where ë is the latent heat of vaporization for water, gives the potential evaporation loss Ep in kg=m2 of
E is the ratio of the molecular mass of water to the water per day, i.e. the equivalent of mm=day.
molecular mass of dry air, P is the atmospheric
pressure, k v is the diffusivity for water vapour
through air, and @e=@z is the vertical vapour pres- Near-surface temperature and humidity gradients
sure gradient in the air. It is tacitly assumed in the above analysis that
If the vertical temperature gradient is written as the gradients of temperature and vapour pressure
just above the soil surface are constant (equations
@T (T1 ÿ T2 )
ˆ (11) and (12)) or, alternatively, that the ratio of the
@z (z1 ÿ z2 ) gradients is constant with height above the surface
and the vertical vapour pressure gradient as (equation (13)). Fig. 17 shows pro®les of tempera-
ture and relative humidity measured above a gras-
@e (esat1 RH1 ÿ esat2 RH2 )
ˆ sed soil surface on a dry sunny day and on a partly
@z (z1 ÿ z2 ) cloudy day after a wet period. Above a height of
where z1 and z2 are the same in both cases, esat is 0´5 m, both the temperature and the relative humid-
the saturated vapour pressure at temperature T, and ity gradients are almost linear, but the gradients
RH is the relative humidity of the air at tempera- generally increase between the surface and a height
ture T, then by dividing equations (11) and (12) we of 0´5 m. Except for periods near dawn, the air
get close to the soil surface is usually both warmer
and more humid than it is higher up. However, all
H PCp k H (T1 ÿ T2 )
ˆ the pro®les shown in Fig. 17 were measured in
Le ëEk v (esat1 RH1 ÿ esat2 RH2 ) windless conditions. Gradients can be reversed and
Bowen (1926) suggested that the H=Le ratio can can ¯uctuate quite considerably if the air is stir-
be approximated by equating k H and k v, giving ring. Gradients are also reasonably stable in steady
what has become known as Bowen's ratio: winds.
It is obvious from Fig. 17 that temperature and
H PCp (T1 ÿ T2 ) relative humidity gradients are generally not con-
ˆâˆ (13)
Le ëE(esat1 RH1 ÿ esat2 RH2 ) stant with height above the soil surface. However,
Hence from the energy balance equation (10), they are approximately constant at heights of 0´5±
2 m above the surface. The relative humidity and
Rn ÿ G temperature gradients above 0´5 m are usually in
Le ˆ (14a)
1‡â the same direction as those between 0´5 m and the
and surface, but not always. (See the temperature data
for 17.00 h in Fig. 17(a) and for humidity at
H ˆ âLe (14b) 14.00 h in Fig. 17(b).) Hence the assumptions on

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

06.00 h
11.00 h
15.00 h
17.00 h
Height: m

Rn (J/m2 s) 430 450
10 40
0 0

Depth: mm
40 60 80 100
RH: %

10 15 20 25 30
(a) Temperature: 8C


Height: m

1.0 08.00 h
11.00 h
14.00 h
0.5 17.00 h
65 400 170–500
Rn (J/m2 s)
0 0
Depth: mm

40 60 80 100
RH: %

10 15 20 25 30
(b) Temperature: 8C

Fig. 17. Near-surface pro®les of relative humidity and temperature

(grassed surface, water non-limiting): (a) dry sunny day; (b) cloud=sun
after a wet period

which the theory is based are not always satis®ed tion of water from a land®ll in Sweden. However,
in practice. the writer has compared temperatures and tempera-
Figure 17 also shows soil temperature pro®les ture gradients in the cover layers of a land®ll in
down to 60 mm below surface. It is obvious that South Africa and found no difference in diurnal
diurnal temperature changes extend deeper than temperatures, or in the depth affected by diurnal
this. Fig. 18 shows soil temperature pro®les down temperature changes, between cover layers to 10-
to 300 mm. This diagram shows that the soil tem- year-old waste and 2-month-old waste. It is likely
perature changes diurnally down to about 300 mm, that only in cold climates will internal heat genera-
but not much deeper than this. Hence the term G tion make a signi®cant contribution to evapotrans-
in equation (10) arises essentially from the diurnal piration.
interchange of heat between the soil surface and a
depth of 300 mm.
When considering evapotranspiration from the Instruments for evaluating radiation balances
surface of certain waste deposits (e.g. sanitary For long-term measurements at a ®xed location,
land®lls and coal waste dumps) where the waste weather stations are available that automatically
generates heat as a result of decomposition pro- measure and record all the parameters necessary to
cesses, it may be necessary to take account of this evaluate an energy balance. Fig. 19, for example,
extraneous heat input as part of G. Bendz & shows the layout of a Campbell Scienti®c weather-
Bengtsson (1996) found that heat of decomposition station. The instrumentation consists of a net radio-
is a factor to be considered in the evapotranspira- meter and buried soil-temperature sensors that

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
Time: Time:
10.00 h 14.00 h 17.00 h
06.00 & 07.00 h 11.00 h 15.00 h 18.00 h
08.00 h 12.00 h 16.00 h
09.00 h 13.00 h
0 0
Depth below surface: mm

100 100

200 200

300 300
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Soil temperature: 8C

Fig. 18. Examples of soil temperature pro®les

Wind speed and


1. 5 m Arm heights adjustable

from 1 to 3 m
Housing for psychrometer
Net radiometer Temp./air intake and data logger
mounting arms Solar panel to charge battery

Deep cycle 12-V car battery

sensors buried in soil Grounding rod

Fig. 19. Apparatus for automatic measurement and logging of energy-

balance components

measure the soil temperature at two depths in two by a data logger and the system is powered by a
locations. The ®xed tripod supports a pair of arms 12-V car battery charged by a solar panel.
equipped with: Figure 20 shows a typical set of data recorded
on two successive days by means of a Campbell
· a pair of thermocouples to measure the air
Scienti®c apparatus. (The irregular variation in Rn
during the day was caused by clouds drifting
· a pair of air intakes.
across the sun.) The zero starting time in the
Air is drawn through each intake in turn and the diagram is midnight on the ®rst day, and hence
relative humidity is measured by means of a 30 h on the time-scale corresponds to 06.00 h on
cooled mirror dew-point psychrometer. Wind speed the following day. The diagram shows the compo-
can also be measured and recorded. (Wind speed nents of the radiation balance Rn , G, H and Le .
does not enter directly into the calculation of a For the 2-day period shown, the measured A-pan
radiation balance apportionment, but often enables evaporation (EA ) was 6 mm, while the potential
anomalous readings, e.g. reversals of temperature evapotranspiration calculated from the radiation
gradients, to be explained.) The data are recorded balance (Ep ) was 6´4 mm. As stated earlier, in

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Bowen ratio, β
1000 2
800 0

Energy flux: W/m2

600 Rn 22
400 Le Le

200 H H

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Time: h

Calculated evaporation, Ep: 6.4 mm
800 Measured, EA: 6 mm
Energy flux: W/m2

600 30

Temperature: 8C
Rn Rn
400 Temp. 20
200 10
G G 5
0 0

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Time: h

Fig. 20. Typical measurements of the components of the energy balance (auto-
matic measurement)

reference to Fig. 16, there is relatively little inter- Calculated evaporation: 4.75 mm
change of energy during the night. Thus almost all Measured EA: 5 mm
evapotranspiration takes place during the day. 600 R

The ®xed apparatus has the advantage of being R R Rn


able to make long-term measurements with a great 500 L

deal of detail. However, what is often needed is a L RL Le

series of monthly or quarterly evaluations of the
Radiation: W/m2 (J/m2 s)

400 L
rates of evaporation or evapotranspiration from R
various surfaces. To ful®l this requirement a series 300
of hand-held instruments (radiometer, thermometer, R

wet and dry junction psychrometer, soil thermistors

and anemometer) have been assembled. This bat- 200 R
tery of instruments gives less detail than the auto- L
matically logged instruments, but very similar 100
results. H R
Figure 21 shows a radiation balance measured
0 H G R
and apportioned by the hand-held instruments.
5 H H7
G 9 11 13 15 H17 G 19
(Fig. 18 shows the corresponding soil temperature H
Time: h H H

measurements.) In this example, the calculated 2100

potential evapotranspiration Ep from the soil sur-
face (grass over clayey loam) was 4´75 mm, where- Fig. 21. Typical hand measurements of the compo-
as the A-pan evaporation EA for the day was nents of the energy balance (each letter, G, H, L, R
5 mm. represents a data point)
Figure 22 gives the results of a direct compari-
son between the measurements made using the 2´3 mm for the day. The manual system gave an
automatic weather station and the set of hand-held estimate of 2´4 mm and the A-pan evaporation was
instruments. In this case, the potential evapotrans- 2 mm. Hence the two systems give very similar
piration calculated from the automatic system was results.

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

Bowen ratio, β
β (A)

800 0

Energy flux: W/m2

600 Rn (A) 22
β (M)

Rn (M)
Le (M) Le (A)

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Time: h

Calculated evaporation
800 (A): 2.3 mm
(M): 2.1 mm
Energy flux: W/m2

EA: 2 mm Temp. (A)

Temperature: 8C
600 30

400 Rn (A) 20

200 G (M) 10

0 0
G (A)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Time: h

Fig. 22. Comparison of the calculation of the energy components using

two different methods: A, automatic; M, manual

Note from Figs 20±22 that, for South African Table 1. Comparison of pan evaporation by calcula-
conditions, the major proportion of the net radia- tion (energy-balance method) and measurement
tion Rn is transformed into latent heat of evapora- Days Evaporation: mm
tion Le , with the components G and H being
relatively minor. Calculated Ep Measured EA
3 7´7 6
5 11´7 11
Comparison of the energy balance method and 7 15´6 14
measured A-pan evaporation
In order to check the accuracy of the energy
balance methods of calculating evaporation, the Energy balance measurements when the water
automatic apparatus was set up directly over an A- supply is limiting
pan, and observations were made for 1 week. The value of the potential evaporation Ep is
Additional readings to determine the heat ¯ux to calculated primarily from the temperature and re-
the water in the pan were taken, but this compo- lative humidity gradients above the surface. If
nent was found to be negligible. The results were these gradients, especially the relative humidity
as summarized in Table 1. gradient, are in¯uenced by outside conditions,
The estimated error in the energy balance meth- which are not representative of the surface, the
od was 0´9 mm over the whole week. The pan value of Ep will not be representative either. This
evaporation measurement can be made, at best, to is illustrated by the following set of measurements.
the nearest 1 mm. The discrepancy between calcu- Figure 23 shows a series of observations made
lated and measured evaporation could thus have near the centre of the area of a large waterproofed
ranged between 3´8 mm and zero. Overall, the cal- concrete roof. There had been no rain for 3
culated evaporation was 1´6 mm greater than the months, and there was obviously no water available
pan evaporation. Hence calculated and measured to evaporate. It can be seen from Fig. 23 that,
evaporations agree satisfactorily. shortly after sunrise, while the air was still and in

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Bowen ratio, β
700 2
500 Rn β

Energy flux: W/m2

400 Le
300 G
2100 H
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Time: h

Fig. 23. Energy-balance measurements for the `water-limiting' situation

equilibrium with the surface of the roof, almost the small positive values. The data for Lund are not
entire net incoming radiation Rn was consumed in typical, as they were recorded for a land®ll that is
heating the roof G. The sensible heat H and the generating heat of decomposition. However, Le is
evaporative energy Le were close to zero. Later in again close to (a much smaller) Rn and G is
the day a breeze came up, sweeping the stagnant negative, consisting of an out¯ow contributed by
dry air from the roof and replacing it with air from the heat of decomposition of the land®lled refuse.
the more humid surroundings of the building. At It thus appears that evaporation and evapotrans-
about the same time, the front of rising tempera- piration always take priority in the energy balance.
ture being conducted through the roof slab reached Once the demand for Le has been satis®ed, the
the underside of the slab. Thus the consumption of balance of the available energy contributes to G
energy in heating of the slab stopped and G re- and H.
duced drastically. Simultaneously, Le apparently
rose. However, Le now represented the potential
for evaporation from the surroundings of the build- A comparison of A-pan evaporation and potential
ing and not from the roof itself. evapotranspiration from a soil surface, as
calculated using the radiation balance over 1 year
Figure 26(a) shows the variation in the potential
Global energy balances and energy components evapotranspiration rates Ep calculated using the
Figure 24(a) shows the contours of the average energy balance method, and the evaporation rates
annual net radiation Rn for the Earth's continents EA measured by means of an A-pan for the year
(after Budyko (1956)), while Fig. 24(b) shows 1996 in Johannesburg. This was an exceptionally
corresponding data for Le, the latent heat con- wet year, and for the ®rst few (summer) months
sumed by evaporation and evapotranspiration. The of the year the energy balance indicated that the
net radiation Rn reaches maximum values in the potential evapotranspiration rates exceeded the
tropics and declines considerably towards the poles, A-pan evaporation by as much as 50% (Ep =EA ˆ
as would be expected. The corresponding latent 1:5). This is in line with the observations shown in
heat ¯ux Le follows a similar pattern, but it is Fig. 14. The grass was growing vigorously and
worth noting the following points: transpiring at a high rate, and near-surface relative-
humidity gradients were large. Later in the year, as
· Values of Le are relatively small in desert zones
the rainfall diminished and the weather cooled,
(e.g. the Sahara) where (like the concrete roof
both Ep and EA had decreased and the Ep =EA
referred to in Fig. 23), there is little water
ratio decreased to about 0´5. During the cool, dry
available to evaporate. Thus Rn is converted
months of May and June, Ep and EA both de-
mainly to G and H.
creased to a minimum and Ep =EA also decreased
· Conversely, in moist equatorial zones (e.g. the
as the evaporation gradients reduced. The ratio
equatorial west coast of Africa and the Amazon
increased again as temperatures increased and the
basin), where water is available, Rn is almost
wet season began. These values are very similar to
entirely converted to Le .
those reported earlier by other workers (e.g. see
Figure 25 compares the monthly average values Fig. 15).
of Rn , Le and G for Johannesburg (latitude 268S) Figure 26(b) shows the corresponding curves of
and Lund, Sweden (latitude 578N) (data extracted cumulative Ep and EA, as well as cumulative rain-
from Bendz & Bengtsson (1996)). For Johannes- fall. It can be seen that the atmospheric water
burg, Le is always close to Rn , with G having balance for the year was in surplus from January

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20 20
20 20
30 20
30 30
40 30 30
50 50 40 40
50 50
50 30
60 30
80 60 60
50 90
90 60

50 80
50 50

50 50 50 50



20 30 20

20 10

30 20
50 20
10 20
10 30
80 30
60 60
50 40
20 20
10 40
20 60



Fig. 24. Annual averages (W=m2 ) of (a) global net radiation Rn at the ground surface and (b) global latent heat
of evapotranspiration Le

to September (255 days), while over the whole how the calculated evapotranspiration slowed as
year the rainfall was just balanced by pan evapora- the soil surface dried out, and hence the near-
tion. The Ep and EA curves follow each other surface relative humidity decreased. It should also
fairly closely, so that over the year the surplus of be noted that suctions in the soil at 20 mm depth
EA over Ep was only 75 mm. Ep =EA had an over- were not particularly high, the highest recorded
all annual value of 0´92. value being 280 kPa.
Figure 26(b) also shows changes in the suction Measurements of soil resistance were started on
and water content of the soil at a depth of 20 mm. 24 May 1996. From this day until 22 September,
These were measured via nylon mesh electrical the soil pro®le lost an average of 3% of moisture
resistance gauges buried in the soil, which had over a depth of 1500 mm. This represents a water
been calibrated in the laboratory. A comparison of loss of 80 mm, which is almost exactly the cumu-
the water content curve with the Ep curve shows lative value of Ep for this period. Hence water

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(a) (b)

200 Rn


Energy flux: W/m2

80 Summer Rn



Fig. 25. Monthly variation in Rn , Le and G in (a) Johannesburg, South

Africa (latitude 268S), and (b) Lund, Sweden (latitude 578N)

losses calculated from the energy balance for this and to illustrate further the difference between
period were realistic, and the potential evapotrans- potential and actual evapotranspiration.
piration Ep was equal to the actual evapotranspira- A series of lysimeters was set up at a land®ll in
tion E. Hence, even though the Ep =EA ratio had Johannesburg. The arrangement and dimensions of
fallen to a relatively low value, evapotranspiration the lysimeters are shown diagrammatically in Fig.
was still taking place in the `water non-limiting' 27. The lysimeters were built below natural ground
mode. Thus the product of increased ¯ow gradient level and their sides and bases were sealed with
resulting from increased surface suction and re- impervious geomembranes. There was a drainage
duced permeability, also as a result of increasing layer at the base of each lysimeter, draining to a
suction, remained suf®cient to maintain a `water sump from which leachate could be removed by
non-limiting' state for evapotranspiration. However, means of a small electric borehole pump that was
1996 was on unusually wet year and the above lowered down a 100-mm diameter standpipe. The
®gures are probably not typical of conditions in lysimeters were ®lled with compacted domestic
Johannesburg. refuse, with soil cover layers to simulate sections
of a land®ll. The lysimeters were ®rst brought to
their full moisture storage capacity (i.e. ÄS in
ESTIMATES OF EVAPOTRANSPIRATION BY MEANS equation (2b) was brought to zero) by ponding
OF LYSIMETER EXPERIMENTS water on the soil-covered surfaces and allowing
A lysimeter consists of a body of soil (or waste) in®ltration to occur until leachate appeared in the
that is representative of the main body of soil, but drainage sumps. The ponded water was then re-
for which arrangements have been made to mea- moved, the refuse was allowed to drain and the
sure the input, output and storage terms of the leachate removed until no further leachate collected
water balance. Lysimeters have been used in many in the sumps. As indicated in Fig. 27, the surfaces
studies of the soil water balance. The advantages of two of the lysimeters were then covered by
of lysimeters are that they can be made to repre- sheets of geomembrane to seal them against water
sent real ®eld conditions reasonably closely. The losses by evaporation, while the soil covers of two
disadvantages are that they are costly to construct duplicate lysimeters were left exposed to evapora-
and observe, and take a long time to yield results. tion.
Also, it is often dif®cult to make accurate meas- After a period during which evaporation was
urements and keep accurate records for an experi- allowed to occur, water was added to the surfaces
ment that may be located in an out-of-the-way of the lysimeters until leachate again began to
place. Great care must be taken to ensure that the appear. The difference between the water added to
boundary conditions of the lysimeter are realistic, the sealed and unsealed lysimeters required to
otherwise completely misleading results may be cause leachate to appear, plus the recorded precipi-
obtained. The results of two lysimeter experiments tation minus the pan evaporation was taken to be
conducted on land®lls will now be described to equal to the evaporative loss E over the period of
indicate the type of results that can be achieved, the experiment. The experiment was then repeated.

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

7 1.0
6 Ep/EA

Evaporation rate: mm/day

5 EA Ep
4 EA

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390
Days from 1 January 1996


Cumulative precipitation and evaporation: mm


Soil suction: kPa
400 EA 200
below surface: %
content 20 mm

200 20
Soil water

11 mm of rain
0 15
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390
Days from 1 January 1996

Fig. 26. Johannesburg, 1996: (a) rates of evaporation calculated using the
energy balance and measured using the A-pan; (b) comparison of cum-
ulative A-pan evaporation with cumulative precipitation and soil evapo-
transpiration calculated using the energy balance

The results of the experiments are summarized in sampling from boreholes drilled at two locations at
Table 2. It is interesting to note that the evapora- the end of the wet season (May) and the end of the
tive loss from the 5´5-m deep lysimeter, for each dry season (September) (see the atmospheric water
period of drying, was more than twice the loss balance for Johannesburg in Fig. 8(c)). These pro-
from the 3-m deep lysimeter. This shows that the ®les show that the entire 16-m thickness of refuse
in¯uence of drying can extend from the surface, to dries out in the dry season and wets up again in
depths probably exceeding 5 m. This conclusion the wet season. Hence the absolute amount of
has been con®rmed by the moisture content pro- evaporation depends on the depth of waste, and
®les shown in Fig. 28. These were measured thus on the amount of water available to be
(Blight et al., 1992) on the same land®ll by evaporated. If the depth of material in the lysi-

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Water content: %
0 50 100 150

Soil top cover

Geomembrane seal
Intermediate soil cover Refuse

Cell 2B Cell 2A Cell 1B Cell 1A
4.5 m 6
3 5.5 m
4.5 m 4.5 m m

Depth: m
4.5 m 4.5 m 8

Fig. 27. Layout of lysimeters containing domestic re-


End dry
12 season

meters available for drying is taken into account

(see Table 2) it appears possible to assign a value End wet
for the evapotranspiration per unit depth of materi- season

al available for drying. In Table 2, E=EA per unit

depth varies from 0´03=m to 0:06=m. Taking a
similar approach, the evaporative loss per metre
depth of refuse per day for the lysimeters varied
only from 0´16 to 0´25 mm=m per day. End of dry season

The water lost from the pro®le shown in Fig. 28 End of wet season
can be calculated to be equivalent to 720 mm, as
compared with the rainfall for that year of 730 Storage capacity

mm. Hence if the entire annual rainfall in®ltrates South hole

into the land®ll it can be completely lost again by
North hole
evapotranspiration. The average annual A-pan eva-
poration for the area is 1860 mm. Hence for this Fig. 28. Water content pro®les for a land®ll in
land®ll the equivalent to the ratio E=EA from Fig. Johannesburg measured at the ends of the wet and
28 is 730=1860 ˆ 0:39. This is larger than the dry seasons, 1988. Refuse was placed in 1980

Table 2. Results of evaporation estimates from land®ll lysimeters (see Fig. 27)
Drying period: days Cell depth: m Evaporation loss from Evaporation from free water E=EA
cell, E surface (A-pan), EA : mm
124 3 59 mm 630
0´47 mm=day 0´09
0´16 mm=m per day (0´03=m)
5´5 173 mm
1´39 mm=day 0´27
0´25 mm=m per day (0´05=m)
171 3 89 mm 580
0´52 mm=day 0´15
0´17 mm=m per day (0´05=m)
5´5 178 mm
1´05 mm=day 0´31
0´19 mm=m per day (0´06=m)

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
values for E=EA found for the shallower ®eld out on a land®ll near Cape Town. Here the depth
lysimeters (see Table 2). Thus E=EA is not intrin- of refuse is 6 m (two lifts of 3 m) and the land®ll
sically constant, but depends on how much water is separated from the water table by a depth of
is available to be evaporated. In the case of Fig. 2 m. The land®ll incorporates ®ve large lysimeters,
28, only the annual rainfall was available to be each measuring 18 m 3 18 m in plan, which enable
evaporated, and this was the limit to the evapora- the output of leachate L to be collected and meas-
tion that could take place. In the case of the 3- ured. Fig. 29 shows the cumulative A-pan evapora-
and 5´5-m deep lysimeters, even less water was tion EA , precipitation P and leachate L recorded
available to evaporate, and hence E=EA for the 3- for the land®ll over a period of 9´5 years. For the
m deep lysimeter was less than that for the 5´5-m 8 years from 1988 to 1995, the rainfall amounted
deep one. For the land®ll, the evaporative loss per to 5370 mm, the A-pan evaporation to 12 580 mm
metre depth of waste was 0´13 mm=m per day and the leachate to 126 mm. Fig. 29 shows that the
averaged over the whole year. This is not very rate of production of leachate has been essentially
different to the range of values of 0´16±0´25 constant since mid-1987, and hence during the 8
mm=m per day observed for the lysimeters (see years from 1988 to 1995 the land®ll was as close
Table 2). to being in a steady-state water balance with its
These lysimeter tests illustrate the difference environment as seasonal weather ¯uctuations will
between actual evaporation E and potential eva- allow. The evaporation losses can be calculated as
poration Ep . As stated earlier, Ep is the evapora- E ˆ P ÿ L ˆ 5370 ÿ 126 ˆ 5244 mm
tion or evapotranspiration that could potentially
take place from a soil surface, given the available or 0´30 mm=m per day for the period of 8 years.
net radiation and near-surface water vapour pres- The equivalent to the ratio E=EA ˆ 5244=
sure and temperature gradients. E is the actual 12 580 ˆ 0:42 or 0:07=m over the 6-m depth of
evaporation that takes place, given the near-surface refuse. This is slightly more than was measured for
conditions as well as the availability of water. It is the 160 m deep land®ll at Johannesburg. The cu-
possible to measure a value of Ep above a dry mulative evaporation losses of 5244 mm were
impervious surface such as a water-proofed con- again very close to the rainfall of 5370 mm.
crete roof (see Fig. 23), but E for such a surface Although leachate is continually produced from the
must be zero. Thus Ep represents the upper limit land®ll, it amounts to only 126=5244 ˆ 2:4% of
to the evaporation, or the potential evaporation rainfall. In other words, in this winter rainfall,
from a soil surface, but not necessarily the actual seasonal water surplus climate (Fig. 8(d)), almost
evaporation E. all the in®ltration into the land®ll is evaporated.
A second lysimeter experiment has been carried Much the same happens in the summer rainfall,

6 m waste

16 16
Geomembrane SECTION 15380 m

14 18 m 14
Rainfall and evaporation: 3 1000 mm

12 12
Leachate, L: 3 100 mm

t ion
10 LYSIMETER ora 10
v ap
18 m

8 lativ 8
Cu 6470 m
6 6
on (P)
Average c ipitati
e pre
4 ulativ 4
L) 236 m
Measured Cumulative leachate (
2 May lysim eter s) 2
(Me an of 5

0 0
1986 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

Fig. 29. Components of the water balance for a land®ll near Cape Town, measured over 9´5 years

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perennial water de®cit climate of Johannesburg. It however, signi®cant evaporation is not expected
appears that in these conditions, where the water from depths greater than 2 m (e.g. Hillel, 1980).
available for evapotranspiration is limited by the The reason for the difference in expectations is
availability of precipitation, E=EA per unit depth that geotechnical engineers are usually concerned
has a value of about 0:05=m for land®lled refuse. with small annual moisture changes that accumu-
Alternatively, the average evapotranspiration loss is late to give long-term soil movements and changes
0´2±0´3 mm=m per day, with the total evapotran- in shear strength, whereas agricultural hydrologists
spiration being limited by the quantity of water are concerned with the much larger quantities of
stored in the waste. water necessary to sustain seasonal crop growth at
the surface. Some other examples of active zone
depths are described below.
DEPTH OF SOIL ZONE INTERACTING WITH THE Figure 31 shows seasonal changes in water con-
ATMOSPHERE tent observed for a clay pro®le in Israel (Kassiff et
When discussing the soil water balance, the al., 1969). The measurements were made beneath
depth of soil over which it applied was stated to be the shoulders of an airport pavement and indicate a
`the unsaturated zone of soil between the ground depth of active zone of at least 5 m. It would be
surface and the water table'. This has also been reasonable to expect even larger seasonal changes
referred to as the `range of seasonal moisture under a natural soil surface, as the pavement would
changes' (e.g. Kassiff et al., 1969), `the active have shielded the soil from some of the effects of
zone' (e.g. Nelson & Miller, 1991) or the `zone of seasonal moisture change. Fig. 32(a) shows water
seasonal in¯uence'. In geotechnical practice, the content pro®les observed in South Africa (de
active zone is expected to be at least 3 m deep Bruijn, 1965) towards the end of the wet season in
(Nelson & Miller, 1991), but depths well in excess a clay soil pro®le under various surfaces. The
of this have also been reported. For example, the water table was at a depth of 9´1 m. The water
lysimeter experiments described above show an content in the soil under a gravel-covered surface
active zone that is at least 6 m deep. At a site in was appreciably higher than that where the surface
South Africa described by Williams (1991), swell supported grass or trees. This would be expected
movements of over 200 mm were recorded at a on the basis of the data shown in Fig. 14, with the
depth of 10 m (Fig. 30) and an extrapolation of gravel acting as a mulch that maximizes in®ltration
movement trends indicates that the active zone and reduces evaporation. Note that the water con-
may be as deep as 30 m. In agricultural hydrology, tent pro®les tend to be displaced parallel to each

Heave: mm Water content: %

0 100 200 300 400 500 15 30 45
0 0

5 1

(end wet
10 season)

Depth: m

Depth: m

(end dry


25 Site I: heave after 9.8 years

Site II: heave after 3.6 years 5


Fig. 30. Measurements of heave with depth, indicating Fig. 31. Seasonal changes in water content observed
a depth of active zone of about 30 m under the shoulders of an airport pavement in Israel

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
Water content: % Suction: pF units
0 5 10 15 20 25 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6
0 0
(a) (b)

1 1

2 2
Depth: m

3 3

Depth: m
4 4

5 5


Fig. 32. (a) Water content pro®les beneath various surfaces (South Africa). (b)
Corresponding suction pro®les

other, in a similar way to the water content pro®les depression of at least 10-m. Fig. 33(c) shows
shown in Fig. 28, and to a lesser extent those groundwater conditions under a power station site
shown in Fig. 31. on land which, prior to terracing, had been partly
Obviously, evapotranspiration from grass and covered by a eucalyptus plantation. Under the tree
trees increases water losses from a soil pro®le. covered area the water table had been depressed by
Trees, with their larger leaf area, may, depending upwards of 20 m. In another, less well-documented
on the species, evapotranspire more extensively case, the water table rose, after felling a eucalyptus
than grass or annual agricultural crops. According plantation, by at least 13 m over a period of 15
to Henrici (1947), trees may have the capacity to years (Wolpert, 1952).
evapotranspire at rates of 2 to 4 times that of It is a common belief that trees extend the depth
grassland, i.e. at 10±20 mm=day as compared with of their root systems in search of water. To quote
up to 5 mm=day for grassland. The suction pro®les Penman (1963):
corresponding to Fig. 32(a) are shown in Fig. 32(b)
If root development is such that the roots can continue
(pF equals the logarithm to base 10 of the suction,
to grow downwards in pursuit of a retreating water
expressed in centimetres of water head). This dia-
table, it will be possible to lower the water table
gram clearly shows the differences in suction under
permanently, provided that the mean annual transpira-
vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces. It is surpris-
tion is a little greater from the deep-rooted vegetation
ing to ®nd that the suction under grass was appar-
than that of any shallow-rooted vegetation it has
ently greater than that under trees.
replaced: and in silty soils of high speci®c yield `little'
The difference in water extraction by trees and
need be only a few millimetres per year.
annual crops or grassland is illustrated by Fig. 33,
which shows three examples of water tables ob- Based on this statement, it has been argued that
served under tree covered areas and adjoining drying of a soil pro®le to depths exceeding, per-
cultivated (but not irrigated) land in South Africa haps, 5 m (see e.g. Fig. 32) cannot occur unless
(Blight & Lyell, 1984, Blight, 1984a,b, 1987). In trees are present. However, in a recent paper,
all cases the trees were Australian eucalypt species Dobson & Moffat (1995) showed that the popular
and the adjoining ®elds were used to grow maize view of tree-root architecture is not correct. Trees
in summer and lay fallow in winter (the dry sea- generally do not have tap roots extending to great
son). Fig. 33(a) shows a water table depression depths, and the rooting depth of mature trees is
under the trees of 19-m, while Fig. 33(b) shows a usually restricted to 1±2 m, although the lateral

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.


Elevation above datum: m

1440 Piezometers
Dry Dry
1435 Dry Bedrock
19 m Water table
1430 Dry
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Horizontal distance: m

Elevation above datum: m

1440 4m
10 m Dry
1435 Dry
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Horizontal distance: m

Approximate limit
Positions of Original of treed area
piezometers ground Power
level station
1470 terrace
Elevation above datum: m


1450 Base of
1440 Piezometric Piezometric Weathered
level in level in siltstone
sandstone residual
1430 siltstone
and shale
1420 Top of
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Horizontal distance: m

Fig. 33. Water table depression beneath eucalyptus plantations: (a, b) near
Johannesburg; (c) at the site of a power station near Johannesburg

spread may exceed 20 m. Fig. 34 (after Dobson & at ground level. The roots were nearly all con®ned
Moffat) shows a realistic portrayal of mature tree- to the ®rst metre of soil, there was no tap root, and
root architecture, as well as an analysis of the root the largest root at a depth of 1´5 m had a diameter
distribution for mature white pines. of about 30 mm. There were very few roots, with
The author has, over a period of many years, diameters of more than 10 mm at that depth. The
inspected the root systems of numbers of eucalyp- evidence of Fig. 35, together with the observations
tus and other trees uprooted in the course of site summarized by Dobson & Moffat (1995) bring into
clearing. These trees, capable of causing the water question whether Penman's view, quoted above,
table depressions shown in Fig. 33, do not have tap was correct. It appears more likely that the water
roots and are unlikely to have extensive deep root table depressions shown in Fig. 33 were the result
systems, even though occasional ®ne roots are of a sustained suction at the surface drawing the
found at depths of many metres in test pits or pile water upwards at a rate greater than it could be
holes. Fig. 35 shows the uprooted stump of a replenished by lateral ¯ow from the adjacent sur-
eucalyptus tree with a bole diameter of over 1´5 m face under the crops. However, as Fig. 32(b)

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
20 shows, annual crops or vegetation such as grasses
can produce soil suctions that are just as high as
those under trees. This seems unusual, for not only

Height: m
are annual crops reported to evapotranspire at a
lesser rate than trees (e.g. Henrici, 1947), but they
are only active for part of the year, whereas the
evergreen eucalypts evapotranspire continuously.
This explains the lesser depression of the water
table under annual crops (see Fig. 33). However, it
is also known (de Wit, 1958, Stewart, 1977) that
the production of biomass by plants is proportional
0 to their rate of transpiration. Hence a vigorously
0.2 growing summer crop should be capable of gener-
ating and maintaining high suctions at the soil
0.4 surface during the growth period.
The rates of upward ¯ow of water necessary to
Root depth: m

sustain a drawn-down position of the water table
0.8 Root size:
. 1 mm
are not unreasonably large. For example, Fig. 36(a)
1.0 , 1 mm
shows suction pro®les calculated for a hypothetical
soil pro®le in which the water table is maintained
1.2 at a depth of 12 m and the soil suction at the
1.4 surface is maintained at 1500 kPa (which roughly
corresponds to the wilting point). For the calcula-
1.6 tions, the equation for steady-state one-dimensional
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Number of roots: per m2 upward ¯ow of water was taken as
(b) @ @uw
k ˆ0 (15a)
@z @z
Fig. 34. (a) Root architecture of a mature tree (note
the absence of a tap root). (b) Distribution of roots in which z is the depth above the water table, ÿuw
with depth for mature white pines growing in sandy is the soil suction and k is the coef®cient of
soil permeability at suction ÿuw .

Fig. 35. Root system of eucalyptus tree, showing the absence of a tap root

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Suction, 2uw: kPa Effective stress

component, 2Xuw: kPa
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
12 0 150 300
Surface 12
Height above water table, z: m
permeability, ks

Height above water table, z: m

10 1
2 10
8 3
6 4 (1) Hydrostatic line
(2) ks 5 0.001 k0 6
5 (3) ks 5 0.01 k0
(4) ks 5 0.1 k0 4
2 (5) ks 5 k0 4
2 5
Water table, permeability, k0
(a) 0

Fig. 36. The effect of evapotranspiration at the surface on suctions in a soil pro®le
for a variable soil permeability

The coef®cient of permeability k was assumed the soil surface, depending on climate and vegeta-
to be linked to the soil suction by the equation tion.
(due to Gardner (1961))
b ‡ (ÿuw )1:5
in which a and b are appropriate constants. Fig. DEPOSITS
36(a) shows suction pro®les corresponding to There are relatively few measurements on record
of the recharge ¯ow to natural ground water tables
(1) no upward ¯ow,
or the leachate ¯ow of waste deposits. While it
(2) k s ˆ 0:001k 0 ,
could be expected that natural recharge and lea-
(3) k s ˆ 0:01k 0 ,
chate ¯ow would have some similarity, there are
(4) k s ˆ 0:1k 0 ,
big differences in the characteristics of a natural
(5) ks ˆ k0.
soil±groundwater system and those of waste depo-
where k s is the coef®cient of permeability of the sits. In a natural system, much of the recharge
soil at the surface (i.e. at a suction of 1500 kPa) takes place from concentrations of surface water
and k 0 is the coef®cient of permeability at zero such as ponds, streams and marshes, where water
suction. is retained on the surface permanently or season-
If k 0 is taken as 100 mm=year (3 3 10ÿ7 cm=s) ally. In contrast, waste deposits are designed to
then the upward ¯ows necessary to sustain the shed as much precipitation as possible, and hence
suction pro®les vary from 125 mm=year for k s ˆ to minimize in®ltration and recharge of the lea-
k 0 , down to 13 mm=year for k s ˆ 0:001k 0. These chate ¯ow.
out¯ows are well within the evapotranspiration In a recent publication, Vegter (1995) has re-
capabilities of both grasses and trees. ported a survey of the natural recharge of water
Figure 36b shows the effective stress component tables in South Africa. The recharge data, consist-
of the suction according to the equation (e.g. ing of both measurements and estimates of re-
Bishop & Blight, 1963) charge (in millimetres per year) are plotted in Fig.
ó 9 ˆ ó ‡ ÷uw (16) 37 against the `net rainfall', de®ned as the mean
annual rainfall minus 0´5 EA . Each data point is
where ó9 is the effective stress, ó the total stress represented by a capital letter, this being the initial
and ÷ a factor that modi®es the suction ÿuw to letter of the town nearest to the point of measure-
make it a component of effective stress for a ment or estimation. Measured or estimated leachate
typical relationship between ÷ and ÿuw for a clay ¯ows for a number of waste deposits have been
soil. Because ÷ reduces sharply as ÿuw increases, included on the graph. All the deposits were un-
ÿ÷uw approaches a constant value with depth that capped, but had soil cover layers in place at the
is considerably less than the larger values of time when the leachate ¯ow was measured. Two of
suction. the sites, HHH and HHVH, are co-disposal land-
It can thus be concluded that the `active zone' ®lls where hazardous liquids are co-disposed with
or the zone of soil that interacts with the atmos- municipal waste.
phere may extend to depths of 20 m or more below It is interesting to see that the leachate ¯ows

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Leachate flow: mm/year


Recharge or leachate flow: mm/year

A, B, C, N, M, Locations where
400 recharge was determined
HHH Landfill or ash dump
300 Co-disposal landfills
R Rainfall
200 EA A-pan evaporation
L Added liquids
22000 0 12000 14000 16000
Waterval V
Net rainfall 1 Liquid addition 5 R 1 L 2 0.5EA Q

ark thabo
l Le
a sta Pennsylvania, USA
Edmonton, UK
22000 21500 21000 2500 Waterval 0 1500 11000
Net rainfall 5 R 2 0.5EA

Fig. 37. Recharge of the water table and leachate ¯ows related to net rainfall for
natural sites and waste deposits

from land®lls are generally less than the natural where the components of the effective stress would
recharge ¯ows. Also, the leachate ¯ows from land- be the pore water suction and the total overburden
®lls in various parts of the world (South Africa; stresses, that is:
Edmonton, UK (Blakey, 1992); Pennsylvania, USA S ˆ f (ó 9) ˆ f (ó , ÿuw ) (17)
(Bonaparte & Othman, 1995); and an ash dump in
South Africa (see later) appear to follow similar where ó 9 in the active zone would have the com-
trends. In other words, the recharge from waste ponents ÿuw and ó. The effective stress will in-
deposits where there is no co-disposal of liquids crease with increasing overburden and moisture
seems to be similar in nature, but less than that stresses, and hence the ®eld capacity will also vary
from a natural land surface. with depth and time, and cannot be de®ned by a
Hence it appears that the processes of recharge single value.
of natural water tables and leachate ¯ow from The formal de®nition of ®eld capacity indicates
waste deposits are essentially similar. However, that it has a quasi-static value that relates to near-
because the surface of a waste deposit is designed surface soil under speci®c conditions `after a rain
to shed and not retain water, the leachate ¯ow or irrigation', but presumably without the effects of
from a waste deposit is less than the recharge of a subsequent evapotranspiration, or the in¯uence of
natural water table in similar climatic conditions, stresses in the soil water contained by the stratum
because the run-off component of the soil water below it. Hence the formal de®nition relates to the
balance is larger. speci®c condition of ó 9 ˆ 0. This may be adequate
for agriculture, where only the surface layer or root
zone of the soil is of interest, but it is inadequate
ESTIMATING AND MEASURING THE WATER for geotechnical engineering where greater depths
STORAGE CAPACITY (S) FOR THE ACTIVE ZONE and signi®cant overburden stresses are of impor-
The classical de®nition of the storage or `®eld tance.
capacity' term in the water balance equation is In reality, the storage S of a soil stratum or a
(Veihmeyer & Hendrickson, 1949): waste deposit, will never reach a constant state, but
will approach a dynamic equilibrium with the other
The ®eld capacity is the amount of water held in soil
terms in the water balance, namely I, ET, and Rech .
after excess water has drained away and the rate of
In periods when the storage exceeds the storage
downward movement has materially decreased, which
capacity or equilibrium value of the storage, there
usually takes place within 2±3 days after a rain or
will be a net downward movement of water
irrigation in pervious soils of uniform structure and
through the pro®le, and recharge of the water table
will occur. When the storage capacity has not been
In soil mechanics terms, the ®eld or storage reached, it is possible for the pro®le to accumulate
capacity would be the water content in static equi- more water without recharge occurring. However, it
librium with the effective stress ó 9 in the soil, may also happen that recharge will be occurring

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towards the base of a soil pro®le, while out¯ow of and the tests to be described below were performed
water to the atmosphere (by evapotranspiration) is in 1993 and 1994. The ash had been placed at a
simultaneously occurring at the surface. nominal water content of 15% (for dust control),
This is illustrated, for a hypothetical situation in but the actual water content at placing was not well
Fig. 38. The water stored in the active zone (S) controlled. For current ash placement it can fall
would correspond to the area under the water con- well below 15% in dry windy weather and be well
tent±depth curve, and would ¯uctuate both season- over 15% in wet weather.
ally with I and ET, and with possible changes in To obtain the water storage curves for the ash,
the characteristics of the material in the active two vertical columns consisting of 200-mm bore
zone. If the active zone consists of soil or an plastic piping were set up. One column was 6 m
inorganic waste (e.g. ash), there would be little high and the second was 12 m high. The columns
change in storage capacity with time, but if it were were ®lled with a slurry of the ash at a water
putrescible refuse stored in a land®ll its character- content of 50%. A free water surface was main-
istics would change progressively with advancing tained at the base of each column, and evaporation
decomposition. The suctions in the active zone was allowed to occur from the open upper end.
would change in sympathy with the water content, After allowing 3 months for the columns to reach
and any possible changes of total stress. moisture equilibrium, and hence their equilibrium
It follows from Fig. 38 that the areas under the storage capacities, they were dismantled and samp-
water content±depth pro®les in Figs 28, 31 and led for moisture content. While the columns were
32(a) represent water storage in the pro®les con- equilibrating, the suction±water content relation-
cerned. In Figs 28 and 31, the area between the ship for the ash was determined in the laboratory
wet and dry season water content pro®les repre- (Fourie et al., 1995).
sents the change in water storage between wet and The moisture content pro®les for the ash-®lled
dry seasons. columns are shown in Fig. 39. The laboratory
These concepts will now be illustrated with suction±water content curve for the ash, with the
reference to a power station ash dump. The ash suction expressed as metres of water head is also
dump, situated near Johannesburg, is 30 m high shown in the ®gure. The suction±water content
and has been placed on the surface of a back®lled relationship was determined for uncon®ned speci-
open-cast coal mine. The water table is at a depth mens of ash and would be expected to give a
of about 10 m below the rather irregular surface of slightly higher water content than the column tests,
the back®ll. The section of the ash dump where where the height of the ash column would have
the measurements were made was placed in 1987, introduced equivalent overburden stresses. The two
types of curve should, however, coincide at suc-
tions corresponding to the tops of the ash columns.
0 Suction, 2UW
0 14

range of Seasonal
Height above water table: m

storage range
of suction
Water content:
Active zone

8 Equilibrated ash

Area 5 Area 5 Columns

Storage, S Change in
storage 6

Line Laboratory

defining suction–water


storage content




Fluctuating Rech Water table at base

water table of columns
0 10 20 30 40 50
Water content: % Water content: %

Fig. 38. Water storage and storage capacity in the Fig. 39. Results of experiments to determine the ®eld
active zone between the surface and the water table capacity±depth relationship for power station ash

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As Fig. 39 shows, the laboratory suction±water mean water contents, plus or minus one standard
content relationship almost coincides with the equi- deviation, are as follows:
librium water contents in the columns, and can
Date sampled Mean ‡ 1 SD Mean ÿ 1 SD
thus be used to determine the storage capacity±
Oct. 1993 15´3% 11´7%
depth relationship for the ash deposit. The princi-
Apr. 1994 16´4% 11´4%
ple of this observation could be extended to any
waste deposit. However, as discussed above, to On this basis there was little change in the water
obtain a storage capacity versus depth curve, the content from the end of the dry season to the end
con®ning stress should also be varied. The ash of the wet season.
column tests used in this experiment are also not Because of the mining activities adjacent to the
ideal because of the reduction of overburden stress ash dump, the water table has been drawn down to
caused by silo action between the ash and the walls 40 m below the top of the ash dump. Hence, it
of the column. Ideally, triaxial tests, in which both may be assumed that a depth of 40 m below the
the suction and overburden stress can be controlled, ash dump surface marks a level of zero suction.
should be used to de®ne the storage capacity The laboratory suction±water content curve, on the
versus depth relationship. assumption of zero suction at a depth of 40 m, has
To investigate the actual water content pro®le in been superimposed on Fig. 40. It lies on the dry
the ash dump and to compare it with the storage side of the water content pro®les and, therefore, if
capacity as established from the column tests, it correctly represents the water storage capacity of
holes were drilled through the full height of the the ash, there is a water surplus which is slowly
dump and into the soil below. The holes were draining downwards. The amount of surplus water
drilled in October 1993, at the end of the dry stored in the ash amounts to about 1450 mm and,
season (see Fig. 8(c)) and again in April 1994, at based on permeability measurements for the ash
the end of the wet season. (Fourie et al., 1995), it can be calculated that this
The water content pro®les in Fig. 40 show a surplus moisture is recharging the water table at
very variable water content, with a slight trend to about 20 mm=year.
increase with depth. If it is assumed that the water While a representative laboratory suction±water
content was essentially constant with depth, the content curve can be obtained relatively easily for
a homogeneous material such as ash, it is very
dif®cult to measure a representative suction±water
Date Mean moisture content curve for less homogeneous materials such
sampled content SD as domestic refuse. The problem is illustrated by

13.5% 6 1.8% Fig. 41 which shows a set of measurements of


Oct. 1993
Apr. 1994 13.9% 6 2.5%
suctions made by means of tensiometers, in the
refuse contained by the lysimeters illustrated in
Fig. 27 and the corresponding water contents. The

25 Laboratory suction–
water content
curve for 1-year-old
15 refuse
Depth: m


Suction: kPa


Storage capacity
25 assuming
water table 10
at 40 m depth

30 5

35 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 20 40 60 80 100
Water content, w: % Water content: %

Fig. 40. Water content pro®les measured in an ash Fig. 41. Suction±water content measurements made in
dump in 1993 and 1994 the lysimeter illustrated in Fig. 27

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curve superimposed on the experimental points was SEASONAL AND LONGER TERM VARIATIONS IN
obtained in the laboratory, but does not represent THE SOIL WATER BALANCE
®eld conditions very well. The term `water balance' and equations (2a)±
Figure 42 shows three water content pro®les A, (2c) give the impression that the balance is a static
B and C measured in the Cape Town land®ll one, an equilibrium between the atmosphere and
referred to in Fig. 29. The measurements were the Earth. However, this is erroneous. A static
made in April, at the end of the dry season when equilibrium can be approached, but never achieved,
the leachate ¯ow had ceased, and should therefore because of the seasonal variations of precipitation
represent the water storage capacity of the waste and evapotranspiration. Hence the water balance is
quite closely. The results appear chaotic unless a condition of dynamic equilibrium that corre-
viewed in terms of the description for each sample. sponds to current weather patterns and soil surface
When this is done, it is found that the water conditions. If any of these is changed, for example
storage capacities for the various components of by new construction, a new equilibrium will be
the waste can be summarized as in Table 3. It may approached. This is illustrated by Figs 43 and 44.
appear strange that so much water is stored in the Figure 43 shows observations of the seasonal
sand and rubble cover component, with its rela- movement of a building on expansive clay in Cape
tively small proportion of the total volume and its Town (Donaldson, 1965). The structure goes
low water content. However, the dry density of through a repeated seasonal cycle of movement
sand and rubble is about 1800 kg=m3 , whereas that which is mirrored by the variation in the water
of the other components is only about 400 kg=m3 . table depth. There are slight variations in both
Hence a given percentage water content represents surface movement and water table depth that de-
more water when referred to the denser component pend on ¯uctuations in the amount and monthly
of the waste. distribution of rainfall from year to year. The un-
saturated zone at this site is effectively in water
balance with the atmosphere.
Figure 44 shows similar data for an asphalt-
Sand & Paper & Food & surfaced road in a newly urbanized area. The water
rubble garden waste garden waste balance for the area was drastically changed by
0 AB 10 20 30 40 50 60 paving the surface and also by irrigation of the
gardens established on either side of the road. As a
C B 20
2 A
Depth: m

Movement: mm

B 0
B C B 210
4 A
C 220
Water table depth: m

Fig. 42. Water content pro®les sampled in April 1995 6

at the land®ll referred to in Fig. 29

Table 3. Water storage in Cape Town land®ll
Waste component Water storage Water stored:
capacity: mm 200
Rainfall: mm

Sand and rubble 5±12 145 (19%)
Paper and garden 19±35 225 (29%)
Garden and food 41±59 410 (52%) Month
Fig. 43. Seasonal variations in surface movement and
Total 780 (100%)
water table depth for an old building in Cape Town

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Heave movement: mm


Interceptor drain
40 n
Eva 600

20 500
0 150 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5
Year Drainage blanket
Water table depth: m

Fig. 45. Suctions produced in the downstream zone of
4 a dam 30 m high with a vertical interceptor drain due
to evaporation from the downstream slope. Evapora-
5 tion was assumed to maintain a constant out¯ow from
the slope of 25 mm=year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cm=s). After multiplying the suctions by appropri-
Fig. 44. Surface heave movements and a rise of the ate values of ÷ to obtain the contribution of the
water table that occurred as a new water balance was suction to effective stress (see Fig. 36), consider-
established in a recently urbanized area
ably smaller values are obtained. In fact, if the
same relationship between ÿuw and ÷ as that for
result, water started to accumulate in the unsatu- Fig. 36 is used, it is found that all suctions in
rated zone, the water table began to rise, and the excess of 200 kPa reduce to values of ÿ÷uw of
soil swelled, heaving the road surface. This process 175 kPa. The value of ÷ for suctions of 150 kPa or
took place over a period of about 5 years, after less is close to unity, and these suctions represent
which a new water balance had been established. the effective stress component without modi®ca-
Movements of the road surface and water table tion. Thus, in Fig. 45 the effective overburden
then became seasonal, as in Fig. 43. stress for almost the entire volume of the down-
stream zone is given by:
ó v 9 ˆ (ãz ‡ 175) kPa
WATER BALANCE where ãz is the total overburden stress at depth z.
Effects of desiccation on soil strength Figure 46 (Blight, 1970) shows ®eld vane
The method used to produce Fig. 36 can also be strength measurements that illustrate some of the
used to investigate likely changes in effective points made by Fig. 45. The measurements were
stress, and hence in strength, in a soil subjected to made in the upstream zone of the Rietvlei embank-
desiccation. For example, Fig. 45 shows suctions ment dam, a homogeneous earth®ll dam with a
calculated for the downstream zone of an earth full-height central vertical reinforced concrete core
dam (protected from seepage by drains) as a result wall. The cross-section is very similar to that
of a steady net evaporative out¯ow of 25 mm=year shown in Fig. 45, with the vertical drain replaced
from the surface of the downstream zone, having by the concrete core wall. One set of measure-
a constant permeability of 3 mm=year (1 3 10ÿ8 ments was made when the phreatic surface in the

Shear strength: kPa

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Strength with high water level
Maximum change in strength Strength with low water level
2 predicted on basis of change
Depth below surface: m

in water level


change in
8 strength



Fig. 46. Effects of a changing phreatic level on vane shear strengths in an

earth dam embankment

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dam was at a depth of 5´3 m. As a result of These pro®les represent conditions under a
drought, the phreatic surface gradually dropped by treed surface and subsequently when the trees
a height of 6 m over the next 12 months, when a have been felled and the groundwater has come to
second set of vane strength measurements was a new equilibrium with a different land use. The
made. The ®gure shows that measured changes in line ad represents the suction in the zone desic-
strength considerably exceeded the change that cated by the trees, line bd represents the hydro-
would be expected on the basis of the change in static suction pro®le over the depressed water
water level alone. Also, the greatest discrepancies table, and line ce represents the hydrostatic suc-
were measured close to the surface of the embank- tion pro®le in equilibrium with the recovered
ment. Assuming the total stresses in the embank- water table. Dimension 1 represents the suction
ment did not change, the only tenable explanation that would be relieved if the trees were felled and
is that the pore pressure pro®le above the water the water table remained in the depressed position,
table, in the dam, when the lake level was low, did and dimension 2 represents the suction that would
not conform to hydrostatic conditions. Negative be relieved as the water table rose to its new
pore pressures, considerably greater than the hydro- equilibrium position.
static values, must have been produced in the slope If calculating the amount of heave for the pro®le
by evaporation from its surface. on the basis of a static water table, the calculated
The angle of shearing resistance of the soil in heave would correspond to
the Rietvlei embankment is 338, and hence the Decrease of suction ˆ suction 1
larger changes in shear strength of up to 200 kPa
correspond to a change in the effective stress whereas if the potential rise of the water table were
component due to suction (ÿ÷uw ) of over 350 kPa. recognized, one would calculate the heave corre-
These relatively large changes are compatible with sponding to
the values of ÿuw and ÿ÷uw associated with Decrease of suction ˆ (suction 1 ‡ suction 2)
Fig. 45.
What is particularly insidious about this situation is
that the rise in water table reduces the effective
Effects of a rising water table ± surface heave stress over the whole depth of the soil pro®le, both
When a water table has been depressed, for above and below the depressed position of the
example by the desiccating effect of trees (see Fig. water table. Hence not only is the depth to which
33), the soil water balance will be disturbed if the expansion occurs unexpectedly large, but the initial
trees are felled and the land put to a different use. position of the water table no longer represents a
If the desiccating effect is removed, the water table level below which expansion will not occur. Hence,
will inevitably rise with time. Not only will heave for example, tension piles anchored below the level
associated with the relief of desiccation occur, but of the depressed water table will heave as they will
the entire cleared area will heave, as the effective not be anchored in stable material.
stress will be reduced at all depths in the pro®le. The quantity of heave likely to occur as the
The situation is illustrated by the pore pressure and water table rises to its new equilibrium position
suction pro®les shown in Fig. 47. can be calculated from the compressibility charac-
teristics of the soil, the initial effective stress pro-
Pore Pore ®le and the expected change of effective stress as
suction pressure the water table recovers.
a b c Ground surface The initial effective stress pro®le may be esti-
mated from measurements of swelling pressure.
The compressibility characteristics may be repre-
Suction in Recovered position sented by, for example, the swelling index Cs , i.e.
of water table
zone of
desiccation Equilibrium suction the slope of the void ratio versus log (effective
1 2
under surface with stress) rebound line in an oedometer test on the
Suction in
equilibrium with
new land use
saturated soil.
depressed d e Depressed position It is dif®cult to estimate the ®nal equilibrium
water table of water table
position of the recovered water table, as this will
depend on the character of the new land use.
However, if evidence (such as that shown in Fig.
1 Suction caused 2 Suction caused 33) about the depth of the `undisturbed' water
by desiccation by depression table is available, this will serve as a valuable
of water table
guide to the estimation of the new equilibrium
Fig. 47. Suction and pore pressure pro®les illustrating water table position.
the effects of recovery of a depressed water table (see The quantity of heave is important, but the time
text) over which it will occur may be equally important.

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
The relationship between time and heave for a vs Äes
ˆ (19)
structure such as a road or an isolated building v 1‡e
over a stable water table can be calculated by
assuming appropriate boundary conditions and ap- in which va is the volume of air-®lled pore space,
plying the theory of water ¯ow in soils (e.g. Blight, vs is the void space resulting from swell, v is the
1965). This method breaks down when considering volume of soil, e is the void ratio, Äes is the
heave of an extensive area such as that of an increase in void ratio resulting from swell, and S is
industrial township or a power station. In cases like the degree of pore space saturation. The contribu-
this, the only feasible approach seems to be to tion of vs =v is very small and can usually be
calculate a water balance for the site, and hence to neglected.
estimate the rate at which water will accumulate in The time taken for the available recharge to ®ll
the pro®le. Thus the `rate model' usually used for the available void space is calculated by dividing
problems of this type must be replaced by a `capa- the available void space by the recharge rate, i.e.
city model'. Available space
If the water table is deep (as it will be if Time to fill pore space ˆ
Recharge rate
considering a depressed water table), the contribu-
tion to the accumulation of the water in the pro®le or
from the water table itself will be negligible. The va =v ‡ vs =v
major component of recharge must be the net in®l- tˆ (20)
tration (i.e. in®ltration minus evapotranspiration (1=v)(dRech =dt)
losses) into the soil through the ground surface. in which dRech =dt is the rate of recharge estimated
Water recharging the pro®le from the surface is from the water balance model.
assumed to do so in the form of a sharply de®ned To calculate the time±heave curve, the pro®le is
wetting front (e.g. Morgenstern & de Matos, 1975). subdivided into horizons and the time taken to
The time taken for the recharge to occur can be recharge each horizon is calculated together with
assessed by calculating the time necessary for the the contribution to heave of the horizon. Typical
available recharge to ®ll: time±heave curves calculated on this basis are
shown in Fig. 48 for the power station site shown
(a) air-®lled pore space in the pro®le above the
in Fig. 33(c). It can be seen that the major portion
water table,
of the heave occurs from the surface downwards.
(b) additional void space created by swelling.
In the case of any isolated structure on the surface,
The air-®lled void space per unit volume of soil is heave will have to occur by lateral ¯ow from
given by adjacent recharged soil. Hence the heave of such a
va e(1 ÿ S) structure will usually occur more slowly than that
ˆ (18) of the area as a whole.
v 1‡e
Once the pro®le has been recharged, the water
The additional void space resulting from swell is table will rise very quickly to its ®nal equilibrium

dRech 5 10% precip. dRech 5 15% precip.

dRech 5 15% precip.
dt dt
100 100
8–12 m
dRech 5 0.100 m/year dRech 5 0.065 m/year dRech 5 0.100 m/year
80 4–8 m dt dt 80 dt
% of final heave
% of final heave

Likely time–
60 heave 60
0–4 m relationship

40 40
Surface infiltration
20 and upward 20
flow from
water table
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8
Time: years Time: years
(a) (b)

Fig. 48. Predicted time±heave curves for the power station site shown in Fig. 33(c): (a) western half of site;
(b) eastern half of site (surface in®ltration only)

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position. Fig. 48 also indicates the uncertainty installed in it, unless the pile shaft is isolated from
attached to estimating dRech =dt from a water bal- the soil. The effect on such piles will be illustrated
ance model when the rate of recharge is unknown with reference to the power station site discussed
with any precision. in the previous section.
Figure 49 shows a number of time±heave rela- Once the danger of severe heave of the site had
tionships observed for the power station site. These been recognized, it was decided that vulnerable
all have approximately the shape of the predicted plant and building foundations for the power sta-
curves shown in Fig. 48. The curves in Fig. 48 tion would be piled, using bored cast in situ piles.
were predicted on the assumption that the ®nal Design for heavy loads was not problematic, as
equilibrium position of the water table would be piles could be socketed into the siltstone and shale
10 m below the level of the power station terrace. at the base of the pro®le (see Fig. 33(c)). However,
As a result of very poor housekeeping by the problems would arise with the design of lightly
power station operators, the water table eventually loaded piles and piles that would be installed 2±3
rose to 4 m below the surface. As a result, heave years prior to receiving their full dead load. As the
quantities were greater than predicted. The obser- desiccation in the pro®le was relieved and heave
vations shown in Fig. 49 ceased abruptly in 1989, occurred, piles would become subject to frictional
because at that time the voids left beneath certain uplift, and therefore had to be designed as tension
of the structures to accommodate the heave move- anchor piles.
ment had almost closed up. It was decided to mine Previous work (Blight, 1984a) had established
out a larger void, and this was done at great cost, design curves for pile uplift forces based on the
instead of attacking the problem at source and Collins approach (Collins, 1953) and using shear
limiting in®ltration into the soil. strengths established by means of laboratory tests
and large-scale in situ plug-pulling tests. The lit-
erature contained some experimental justi®cation
Effects of a rising water table ± resisted uplift of for the use of Collins' equation. Donaldson (1967),
piles for instance, observed the behaviour of a single
Clearly, if a soil pro®le expands, the soil will 225-mm diameter pile, 10 m long, installed in
transmit the effects of its expansion to any pile expansive clay and found that the distribution of
uplift force on the shaft was similar to that pre-
260 dicted by Collins. Similar tests did not appear to
have been done on piles of lengths and diameters
240 approaching those used at the power station site
(up to 35 m long and diameters up to 2000 mm).
220 Because of the importance of achieving satisfac-
tory pile performance with economy and the dearth
200 of information con®rming the applicability of Col-
lins' equation to the very large piles being planned,
180 it was decided to con®rm the design recommenda-
tion by installing a group of instrumented test piles
and subjecting them to accelerated heave of the
Surface heave: mm

surrounding soil. A decision was made to install a

group of seven piles, three of which would be
instrumented. The layout of the test group is shown
in Fig. 50. The instrumented piles (1±3) were
located so as to represent a corner pile, a side pile
and an interior pile of a typical pile group. The
80 group included a multi-depth extensometer so that
the distribution of heave with depth could be ob-
60 served. All piles were straight-shafted, 1050 mm in
diameter and 33 m long. All were reinforced with
40 twelve mild steel bars of 25 mm diameter and
having a yield stress of 280 MPa.
20 The instrumentation consisted of a central col-
umn composed of 89 mm o.d., 78 mm i.d. steel
0 pipe having a yield stress of 300 MPa. Spaced at
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
3-m intervals up the column were strain cells
consisting of a vibrating wire gauge mounted axi-
Fig. 49. Time±heave relationships observed at the site ally within a 200-mm long ¯anged length of pipe.
of the power station shown in Fig. 33(c) Electric resistance strain gauges cemented to the

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Heave: mm
220 0 20 40 60 80 100

4 2625 2625

6 Multi-depth
Depth below terrace: m



14 Initial depth
of water table 6 3 5


Time from start of flooding:

18 40 days
70 days 2 1 4
20 163 days


(a) (b)

Fig. 50. (a) Heave±depth pro®les shown by the multi-depth extensometer. (b) Layout
of the pile test group and the location of the multi-depth extensometer (dimensions in
mm). Piles 1±3, instrumented; piles 4±7, installed to produce group effect

inner surface of the strain cell wall provided back- and impact on the instrumented column. After the
up to the vibrating wire gauges. A load versus seven piles and the extensometer had been in-
strain calibration was established for each strain stalled, a series of 75-mm diameter watering holes
cell prior to taking it to site. To ensure water- was drilled around the group and between the rows
tightness of the instrument column, each pair of of piles. The holes penetrated to the depth of the
mating ¯anges was sealed with a rubber O-ring. deepest strain cells (i.e. 25 m). Approximately 1
The large (213-mm diameter) ¯anges were in- month after casting the piles, water was admitted
tended to act as stress raisers to ensure that the to the pro®le through hoses placed down the water-
concrete would crack on either side of each strain ing holes.
cell, so that the recorded strain would be directly Figure 50a shows a selection of readings taken
related to the shaft tension in the pile. on the multi-depth extensometer. The water table
Each of the three instrumented piles contained in the pro®le was at a depth of 14 m and the
eight strain cells. To check on possible gross defor- measurements have been plotted relative to the
mation or dislocation of the test piles, three 25- initial level of 21 m. A relative compression of up
mm diameter steel rods sleeved inside 50-mm o.d. to 7 mm was recorded at the level of the water
steel tubes were installed in each pile. Each rod table where, as a result of the arti®cial raising of
terminated with a square anchor plate, which was the phreatic surface, a slight heave would have
embedded in the concrete. One of these rods was been expected. The heave above the water table
anchored at the bottom of the pile (33 m), while increased progressively to the surface, and a maxi-
the others were anchored at depths of 9 and 18 m, mum surface heave of 88 mm had been recorded
respectively. Comparison of the levels of the tops when the experiment was abandoned. However, the
of the rods relative to each other and to the top of pro®le was still expanding at this time (121 days
the pile enabled any gross dislocation of the pile from the start of watering).
shaft to be approximately located, as well as en- Figure 51 shows pro®les of total pile tension for
abling the overall shaft extension to be measured. pile 2 at 36 and 45 days (i.e. 7 and 16 days after
The instrument columns were assembled in situ applying water). Total tensions were obtained by
down a storage hole. When complete, each was multiplying the instrument column tension by the
withdrawn by a crane and lowered into the rein- ratio of the total reinforcement area to the column
forcing cage where it was secured in an axial cross-section. This assumed that the concrete had
position. The complete instrumented cage was then cracked and the steel was carrying the entire load.
lowered down the pile hole, and the pile was con- The tension for yield of the piles was based on a
creted using a placing tube to avoid segregation yield stress of 290 MPa and decreased with depth

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Tension in pile: kN Shear stress on pile perimeter: kPa

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
0 Anchorage Uplift
Pile 2
33 m long 2200 2150 2100 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

4 Design curve based on

large-scale shear tests 2 Strength–depth
relationship based
7 on large-scale
in situ tests
10 6
Depth: m

13 8

16 Tension for
yield of pile
14 Water table
Electric resistance gauges
Vibrating wire gauges 16
36 days
25 18
45 days
Pile 1
20 Pile 2
Fig. 51. Distribution of tensions induced in a pile by Pile 3
expansion of the soil pro®le 22

Depth: m 24
as the steel tubes housing the dislocation tell-tales
were stopped off. 26

The small total tensions recorded at a depth of

4 m were almost certainly underestimates as the Fig. 52. Distribution of shear stresses on a pile shaft
strain at this depth was not suf®cient to crack the surface induced by expansion of the soil pro®le
concrete (less than 150 3 10ÿ6 ). The same may
partially apply to a depth of 7 m. Actual tensions to the soil for about 3 m above the water table.
may have been as much as twelve times those Fig. 52 provides a useful check on the validity of
deduced on the basis of the steel area alone. Sim- the force measurements. For vertical equilibrium of
ilar remarks apply in the anchorage length at the pile, the area under the uplift shear stress
depths below 19 m. diagram should equal that under the anchorage
Superimposed on Fig. 51 is the design curve shear stress diagram, and each area should equal
based on Collins' equation and shear strengths the maximum tension in the pile. In all three cases,
measured in large-scale plug-pulling tests (Blight, these conditions were reasonably well met, not-
1984b). The predicted curve shows very reasonable withstanding the reservations concerning measured
agreement with the observed tensions, especially if tensions at either end of the piles. For piles 1 and
the above reservations are borne in mind. 2 each shear area equalled just over 2000 kN,
In Fig. 52, shaft shear stresses calculated from while for pile 3 each area equalled about 1500 kN.
tension increments in the three test piles are com- Another check was provided by comparing the
pared with each other and with the strength±depth measured shaft extension to the integration of the
relationship based on the plug-pulling tests. Results measured strains. These differed by 15% with the
for the three piles agree well with each other and strain integration giving the lower ®gure.
reasonably with the results of the plug-pulling
tests, especially if it is accepted that tensions down
to 7 m have probably been underestimated. Flooding of a soil pro®le to cause an accelerated
Figure 52 also shows how the uplift shears are change in water balance
counteracted by the anchorage shears on the pile As shown in Fig. 44, the transition from one
shaft. The depth at which the direction of the shear soil water balance to another, as a result of a
stress was reversed lay between 11 and 12 m, change in surface conditions, can take a number of
which is above the original position of the water years to occur, and can have very adverse effects
table (14 m). This does not mean that the soil for structures built on the surface. If it is recog-
above the water table did not swell, but it does nized that a proposed change of land usage will
indicate that the pile was moving upwards relative result in changing the soil water balance, then the

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
change can be accelerated. If the change at the soil Surface loading, p
surface will result in an accumulation of water in Surface cover
the unsaturated zone, then, as seen above, the
z Surface perched water
change in the water balance can be accelerated by a b c d e f table due to ponding
¯ooding, i.e. by arti®cially raising the water table
h u0 u∞ uf σv
towards the surface. p
Figure 53 (Blight & de Wet, 1965) illustrates
the changes in effective stress that occur during
and after the ¯ooding of a soil pro®le: In the Permanent water
virgin unsaturated pro®le the pore water pressure
at depth z is u0 (point a in Fig. 53(a)). The
Tension Pressure
pressure u0 is in dynamic equilibrium with the (negative) (positive)
water table at depth h below the surface. The
corresponding point on an effective stress versus (a)
movement relationship (Fig. 53(b)) would be A. At
the end of ¯ooding a temporary perched water
table has been established at the ground surface
and the pore water pressure is uf (point d in Fig. B

Vertical movement
53(a)). The surface has heaved and the effective

stress has been reduced. Point B in Fig. 53(b) de D
describes the state of the soil in terms of effective A
stress and heave. If the fully heaved soil surface is 0
covered by an impervious surface, or a structure, bf
the pro®le will contain an excess of moisture Settlement ae
which will gradually drain away until static equili-
Effective stress
brium is established with the permanent water
table. The pore water pressure will then be u1 (b)
(point b in Fig. 53(a)). The effective stress will
have increased somewhat, and the surface will have Fig. 53. (a) Changes in pore pressure and total stress
settled bringing the soil to point C in Fig. 53(b). during ¯ooding of a pro®le. (b) Changes in effective
The effects of the surface loading imposed by the stress and vertical movement
structure (ef in Fig. 53(a)) would be to increase
the effective stress further and cause further settle- periment (Blight & de Wet, 1965). Flooding was
ment to take place to point D in Figure 53(b). maintained for 96 days, after which period the
Figure 54 shows the time±heave±settlement surface of the test area was covered by a concrete
curve observed in a large-scale ®eld ¯ooding ex- slab to represent a structure. Heave was observed

% of maximum observed surface heave


Natural heave
60 curve for house
in vicinity of
flooded area

Area covered by concrete slab

Area flooded

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time from commencement of flooding: years

Fig. 54. Time±heave±settlement relationship for Blight & de Wet's (1965) experiment

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to continue for a further year, after which a slow LP 7

settlement commenced. After 7´5 years the settle-
LP 6
ment had virtually ceased. In this particular case, EX 1
post-¯ooding settlement amounted to about 20% of 50
maximum heave. It is likely that post-¯ooding
settlement will be more in cases where the perma-
nent water table is deeper or the superimposed load
EX 4
is greater. To illustrate the extent to which ¯ooding 40
can accelerate the natural readjustment of the water
balance, Fig. 54 also shows the heave curve corre-

Surface heave: mm
sponding to a natural season-by-season accumula-
tion of moisture in the pro®le.
The pre-heaving technique has been successfully 30
EX 2
applied in constructing several large shopping com-
plexes on expansive clay in South Africa. The LP 3
following data refer to a complex in the town of
Vereeniging (Blight et al., 1992b). The soil pro®le 20
consists of a thin surface layer of ®ll underlain by
1´5±2 m of stiff, slickensided sandy clay alluvium.
The alluvium, in turn, rests on 9±10 m of residual
shale, weathered to a stiff, slickensided clayey silt.
This overlies less-weathered shale. The water table 10 EX 3
before ¯ooding was at a depth of 11 m.
The main structure was to be supported on piles
and the pre-heaving was intended to stabilize the
soil underlying the slab-on-grade ¯oors. Prewetting 0
Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov.
holes of 300 mm diameter and 6 m deep were
drilled on a 3-m grid with a wider spacing of
3´6 m adjacent to main column grid lines. The Fig. 55. Time±surface heave relationships observed
holes were ®lled with crushed rock to prevent them during ¯ooding of the site for a shopping complex in
from collapsing. Vereeniging, South Africa, 1983. EX, surface point of
Expansion of the soil was monitored by means multi-depth extensometer; LP, surface-level peg
of surface pegs and four multi-depth extenso-
meters. The extensometers enabled the progression
Heave at 3 August 1983: mm
of heave at various depths in the pro®le to be
0 10 20 30 40 50
monitored. Flooding was maintained for a period 0
EX 2 EX 4
of 2´5 months between early June and late August.


Fig. 55 shows available records of surface heave

versus time, while Fig. 56 shows pro®les of heave
recorded at the four extensometers shortly before
¯ooding was terminated. Start of flooding
10 June 1983
The maximum recorded surface heave varied
Depth below surface: m

from 12 to 55 mm over the 11 000-m2 area of the

site. The time±heave curves given in Fig. 55 show
very similar features to those of Blight & de Wet
(1965) time±heave curve (see Fig. 54). Unfortu-
nately, the surface pegs were destroyed once con-
struction was started and the extensometers were
destroyed shortly thereafter. By this time the ex- 10
tensometer curves were showing a steady settle- Original water table
ment as the excess water slowly drained out of the
Figure 56 shows the variation of heave with
depth recorded by the four extensometers. These
curves show that most of the heave took place
within the upper 5 m of the pro®le, where desicca-
tion should have been greatest. Unfortunately, no Fig. 56. Heave±depth relationships after ¯ooding of
post-construction monitoring has been carried out the site for a shopping complex in Vereeniging, South
on the structure. It is understood, however, that no Africa. EX, surface point of multi-depth extensometer

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problems of excessive settlement have been experi- u ˆ ÿáãw h
enced and that the owners of the complex are At depth z below the surface the horizontal total
satis®ed with the result. stress will be related to the vertical total stress at
that depth, i.e.
RESULTING FROM EVAPOTRANSPIRATION AT THE where the factor K may vary with depth, but is
SURFACE here assumed to be constant.
The interchange of moisture required for the soil Furthermore, the additional horizontal shrinkage
water balance to adjust itself both seasonally and stress ó s acts. This stress must be closely related
in the long term takes place mainly by the transfer to the pore water tension arising from surface
of energy and water through the soil surface. As evaporation, and is therefore written as
this transfer takes place, the soil is alternately ÿó s ˆ âãw h (25)
wetted and dried and swells and shrinks in sym-
pathy. The shrinkage results in surface cracking, at the surface. The value of the factor â will
and subsequent wetting and swelling causes the depend on the stress±strain characteristics of the
cracks to close again. If loose material is blown or soil in the horizontal plane; it will probably be
washed into the open cracks before swelling can equal to or greater than á.
occur, restrained swelling stresses will be generated If ó s is a total tension, the effective horizontal
parallel to the soil surface. These stresses are often stress at depth z will be
large enough to cause the soil to fail passively, ó h 9 ˆ (ó s ‡ ó h ) ÿ u
creating swelling ®ssures (Skempton et al., 1969).
Not only will open surface cracks drastically mod- or
ify the in®ltration of water into a soil pro®le and ó h 9 ˆ ãw (h ÿ z)(â ÿ á) ÿ Kãz (26)
assist to distribute it within the soil very rapidly,
but both cracks and swelling ®ssures will modify If ó s is an effective tension, the effective horizon-
the shear strength characteristics of the soil (e.g. tal stress at depth z will be
Blight, 1967). ó h 9 ˆ ó s ‡ (ó h ÿ u)
Stresses in a shrinking soil ó h 9 ˆ ãw (h ÿ z)(â ÿ á) ÿ Kãz
Assume the existence of a large expanse of deep The result is the same whether ó s is a total or an
intact clay having a water table initially coincident effective tension. Depending on the relative values
with the surface. As a result of slow evaporation of â and á, ó h 9 may be a tension or a compres-
the water table withdraws below the surface, but sion. If at the surface ó h 9 is a tension, it will
the clay remains saturated. When the water table is decrease with depth as shown in Fig. 57(b), be-
at a depth h below the surface, the vertical stresses coming a compression at some distance above the
in the soil are approximately as shown in Fig. water table.
57(a). The pore water pressure at the surface is
u ˆ ÿáãw h (21)
where ãw is the unit weight of the pore water and Cracking in a shrinking soil
á is a factor that increases above unity as the rate Cracking occurs at the surface when the rela-
of evaporation increases. If evaporation ceases, á tionship between ó v 9 and the horizontal shear
tends to unity. At any depth z below the surface, stress ôh is such that the soil fails or fractures. To
the total overburden stress is investigate the fracture conditions, two assumptions
ó v ˆ ãz (22) are made:
(a) ó v 9 and ó h 9 are principal stresses,
and the effective overburden stress is
(b) an appropriate failure criterion is identi®ed.
ó v 9 ˆ [ãz ‡ áãw (h ÿ z)] (23)
The ®rst assumption is certainly true at the surface
where ã is the bulk unit weight of the clay. and is probably true at depth, at least to a ®rst
As evaporation proceeds, óv 9 increases and the approximation. As cracking is a form of brittle
soil surface settles as the clay shrinks. As long as fracture, the Grif®th criterion is probably appropri-
the clay remains intact, no shrinkage can take ate at the surface, and is also convenient to use at
place in a horizontal direction and a horizontal depth.
shrinkage stress arises. Fig. 57(b) shows the hori- Figure 58 shows the Mohr envelope for the
zontal stresses in the soil pro®le. The pore water Grif®th criterion as well as a failure envelope for
pressure at the surface is still drained tension tests on London clay (Bishop &

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Tension Compression
(negative) (positive)

2αγwh 1αγwh

water z
stress, u

stress, σv

Water table

stress, σ v′


Tension Compression
(negative) (positive)


Pore Horizontal
water effective z
stress, u stress, σ h′

Horizontal h
shrinkage Horizontal
stress, σs total
stress, σh

Water table

K γh


Fig. 57. Changes in stresses in a soil pro®le as a result of drying: (a)

vertical stresses; (b) horizontal stresses

Garga, 1969). It appears from this comparison that As h increases (water table drops) the two stresses
either the Grif®th or the Mohr±Coulomb criterion diverge until failure occurs, and the soil cracks.
should be appropriate to the present problem. The According to the Grif®th criterion (Hoek, 1964,
Grif®th criterion gives a more de®nite indication of Jaeger & Cook, 1969), the inclination ø of the
crack orientations than does the Mohr±Coulomb cracks to the vertical is given by
criterion, and for this reason the former will be ó v9 ÿ ó h9 â
used here. cos 2ø ˆ ˆ (28)
2(ó v 9 ‡ ó h 9) 2(2á ÿ â)
Formation of shrinkage cracks of the surface. At Vertical cracks will form if cos 2ø ˆ 1, i.e. if
the soil surface, the major and minor principal â > 43á. If â , 43á, inclined surface cracks will
stresses are form. For example, if ⠈ 54á, then ø ˆ 178; and if
⠈ á, then ø ˆ 308. If the value of cos 2ø calcu-
ó 1 9 ˆ ó h 9 ˆ ÿ(â ÿ á)ãw h (27)
lated from equation (28) is greater than unity, ø is
ó 3 9 ˆ ó v 9 ˆ áãw h taken as zero. Negative values of cos 2ø are valid.

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Griffith criterion

Shear stress, τ


Depth as fraction of water table depth

Mohr–Coulomb 0.3
envelope for
London clay


0 Direct effective stress, σ ′ 0.6

tensile strength, σt 0.7 α52 α52
β53 β52
Fig. 58. Failure envelope for London clay in tension,
and the Grif®th failure envelope

Formation of shrinkage cracks at depth. At depth 0.9

z the major and minor principal stresses will be
ó 1 9 ˆ ó h 9 ˆ ãw (h ÿ z)(â ÿ á) ÿ Kãz
ó 3 9 ˆ ó v 9 ˆ ÿ[ãz ‡ áãw (h ÿ z)] (29) Fig. 59. Crack pro®les predicted by Grif®th failure
As before, the inclination of the cracks to the theory
vertical will be given by
ó v9 ÿ ó h9 (b) The greatest depth at which open vertical
cos 2ø ˆ cracks can usually be discerned is about 1´5 m.
2(ó v 9 ‡ ó h 9)
These cracks are often not continuous to the
ãz(K ÿ 1) ÿ âãw (h ÿ z) surface, but terminate in an inclined ®ssure at
ˆ one end or the other.
2[ãz(K ‡ 1) ÿ (2á ÿ â)ãw (h ÿ z)]
(c) No inclined ®ssures usually exist at depths of
(30) less than about 0´5 m.
With the approximations 㠈 2ãw and K ˆ 12 (d) The range in ®ssure inclinations measured on
(K ˆ 12 would correspond roughly to the stress 18 ®ssures at depths greater than 0´5 m was
condition in a normally consolidated clay) 398 to 788 off-vertical, the average value being
ÿ[z ‡ â(h ÿ z)] about 558.
cos ø ˆ (31)
2[3z ÿ (2á ÿ â)(h ÿ z)] The above observations are illustrated in Fig. 60,
which shows a crack exposed in a ®ssured soil
This expression clearly offers several possible
pro®le. This can be compared with the predicted
crack orientations. If, for example á ˆ ⠈ 2, the
crack in Fig. 59 for á ˆ 2 and ⠈ 3.
variation in ®ssure inclination with depth should be
as shown in Fig. 59. Fissures will vary from 308
off-vertical at the surface, to vertical, to 408 off-
The formation of swelling ®ssures
vertical near the water table. The ®ssure orientation
If shrinkage cracks become ®lled with material
if á ˆ 2 and ⠈ 3 is also shown in Fig. 59. In
washed down or blown in from the surface and the
this case ®ssures would be vertical to a depth equal
soil subsequently swells, horizontal swelling will
to half the water table depth, and would be in-
be restrained and large horizontal swelling pres-
clined below this.
sures may develop. If the horizontal stresses be-
came large enough in relation to the overburden
stresses, the clay may fail in passive compression
Characteristics of cracking observed in soil pro®les
(see e.g. Blight, 1969). Under these conditions, the
The following summarizes observations of
horizontal stress becomes the minor principal
cracking and ®ssuring observed in soil pro®les in
stress, and the vertical stress becomes the major
the unsaturated zone:
principal stress. In terms of the Grif®th failure
(a) Uninterrupted, open vertical cracks usually criterion, the orientation of swelling ®ssures to the
persist only to about 1 m deep. vertical will be given by

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®ssures may become inactive, seasonal movement

being largely con®ned to shearing movements
along the swelling ®ssures.
Figure 61 shows a histogram of crack orienta-
tions observed in the same soil pro®le that is
shown in the photograph in Fig. 60 (Williams,
1965). In this analysis a total of 192 observations
was used and the following trend emerged:
(a) there was a de®nite peak showing a high
percentage of near-vertical cracks
(b) there was a subsidiary, but signi®cant, peak
showing a concentration of angles of inclina-
tion centred at about 358
(c) there was a concentration of angles of inclina-
tion of 55±658.
The vertical cracks and ®ssures with inclinations of
about 358 probably arose from drying shrinkage of
the clay, while the ®ssures inclined at 55±658 to
the vertical were probably formed by swelling

Spacing of cracks on the surface

Horizontal shrinkage stresses near the surface
are relieved by the formation of surface cracks.
Vertical stresses, as they depend only on gravity
and the effects of desiccation, must remain essen-
tially unaltered by surface cracking. The relief of
horizontal shrinkage stresses causes a release of
strain energy, which must be utilized in producing
the crack surfaces.
Suppose that the strain energy per unit volume
in a layer of clay of thickness dz is converted into
surface energy. If L is the length of crack sur-
rounding a horizontal area A, T s is the surface
energy of the crack surface, and Es is the strain
energy per unit volume of clay immediately before
Fig. 60. Cracks observed in a desiccated soil pro®le the soil cracks, then

ó h9 ÿ ó v9
cos 2(908 ÿ ø) ˆ (32)
2(ó h 9 ‡ ó v 9) 32

In most clays containing swelling ®ssures, ó h 9=ó v 9 28

would have had a value of between 3 and 6 when
Number of measurements

the ®ssures were formed. Values of ø of between
508 and 608 would therefore be expected to pre- 20

Fissures in pro®les that seasonally shrink and
swell 8
Clays that seasonally shrink and swell can be 4
expected to contain two sets of ®ssures, one corre-
sponding to shrinkage, the other to swelling. The
80 60 40 20 0
shrinkage ®ssures must, of course, form ®rst, and Inclination of fissures to vertical: deg.
swelling ®ssures will not form unless open shrink-
age ®ssures become ®lled with extraneous material. Fig. 61. Histogram of crack inclination measured in a
Once swelling ®ssures have formed, the shrinkage desiccated soil pro®le

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2L dz Ts ˆ A dz Es If the clay is stiffer, with m ˆ 30 mm2 =N, cracks
or with a spacing of 200 mm are likely to form when
the water table is 30 mm deep.
A 2Ts A typical pattern of shrinkage cracks in a soil
ˆ (33)
L Es surface is shown in Fig. 62. This example shows
The crack pattern initiated in an intact soil will both deep primary cracks and shallower secondary
tend to form so that a minimum of crack surface cracks. Note that most of the crack intersections
will relieve a given strain energy per unit volume, are orthogonal, and the crack pattern is more
i.e. the ratio of the area to the perimeter for the square than hexagonal. Similar observations have
crack pattern will be a minimum. Patterns consist- been reported by Corte & Higashi (1964) and
ing of a series of squares or regular hexagons both Lachenbruch (1962).
have an area=perimeter ratio of
A d
L 4 It is hoped that this description of the processes
where d is the distance between parallel faces. The whereby water is transferred between the atmos-
minimum possible value of this ratio appears to be phere and the unsaturated soil zone, and the con-
d=4 and, therefore, square or hexagonal crack pat- sequences of this movement will be of bene®t to
terns appear most likely to form. Hence from geotechnical engineers working on the many pro-
equation (33) blems of unsaturated zone soils. It is gratifying to
8Ts see the growing interest in studies of this kind in
dˆ (34) many parts of the world (e.g. Kitamura et al.,
Es 1996, Kleppe & Olsen, 1985, Lim et al., 1996,
The rough surfaces of the tension cracks will be Richardson & Waugh, 1996, Fourie et al., 1997,
covered by a ®lm of capillary pore water. Also, Newson et al., 1997, Williams et al., 1997).
because all void spaces intersected by a crack will It is also interesting to see that the techniques
be occupied by menisci of approximately hemi- developed for studying the water interchange are
spherical shape, the actual surface area of the crack now ®nding direct commercial applications. The
will be at least twice the super®cial area. Hence writer is currently involved, for example, in asses-
the surface energy of the crack surfaces Ts should sing the water storage and evaporative capacity of
be rather more than twice the surface energy of the a land®ll in a water de®cient area with the object
water. of using it as an environmentally safe receptacle
The strain energy per unit volume of soil for liquid industrial wastes. A second study is in
released by the crack formation Es would be given progress to assess similar capacities for a large dry
by the area under the stress±strain curve for com- ash dump that is to be used to absorb and evapo-
pression of the clay. The change in horizontal rate brine. As the world's commercial development
effective stress when cracks form at the surface is continues and environmental controls become stric-
given by ter, these techniques will be used ever more
Äó 9 ˆ ó h 9 ÿ (ÿu) (35) widely.

This has been the ®rst Rankine Lecture to have
If m is the slope of the stress±strain curve for concentrated on the behaviour of soils in the unsat-
horizontal compression of the clay (i.e. horizontal urated zone and on the interaction of this zone
strain ˆ m Äó 9) with the atmosphere. My enduring interest in the
1 m mechanics of unsaturated soils was ®rst kindled by
Es ˆ m(Äó 9)2 ˆ (âãw h)2 (36) Professor Jere Jennings, who encouraged me to
2 2 pursue my studies of this fascinating subject. My
Hence the expression for the crack spacing be- second mentor was Professor Alan Bishop, who
comes further encouraged me. I am grateful to both for
16 Ts starting me on an intellectual journey that I have
dˆ (37) continually enjoyed. I am also grateful to my pro-
m(âãw h)2
fessional colleagues and assistants who, over the
For a typical normally consolidated clay m ˆ 3 years, have taught me far more than I would ever
mm2 =N. If Ts is taken as 200 3 10ÿ6 N=mm (Ts have been able to learn by my own efforts.
for water is 75 3 10ÿ6 N=mm) and â as 2, cracks I wish particularly to acknowledge the support
with a spacing of 200 mm are likely to form when and assistance of my wife Rhona and of my four
the water table has receded to a depth of 100 mm. children, Barbara, Catherine, Jennifer and Geoffrey,

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Fig. 62. Cracking pattern in a desiccated soil surface

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been the leader and I the assistant. indurated ®ssured clays. Proc. Geotech. Conf., Oslo 1,
Blight, G. E. (1969). Foundation failures of four rock®ll
slopes. J. Soil Mech. Foundat. Div. ASCE 95, No.
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the West. In Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Environ. Geotech-
nol. 645±658.
Rolt, L. T. C. (1958). Thomas Telford. Harmondsworth:
An invitation to deliver the annual Rankine
Penguin Press. Lecture is rightly regarded by the recipient as a
Schulz, E. F. (1974). Problems in applied hydrology. New great honour and one that is recognized interna-
York: Water Resource Publications. tionally, such is the standing of this British Geo-
Skempton, A. W., Schuster, R. L. & Petley, D. J. (1969). technical Society event. However, acceptance of
Joints and ®ssures in the London Clay at Wraysbury the invitation (I am not aware that any have been
and Edgware. GeÂotechnique 19, No. 2, 205±217. declined) presents the lecturer with an enormous
Stewart, J. I. (1977). Optimizing crop production through challenge. What will he use for his subject matter?
control of water and salinity levels in soil, Report Should it be broad or narrow? Will it hold the
PRWG 15-1. Logan, UT: Utah Water Laboratory.
Tanner, C. B. (1960). Energy balance approach to evapo- interest of a geotechnically literate but varied
transpiration from crops. Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. 24, audience for well over an hour? Has he enough
1±9. new and interesting things to say? How on Earth
Terzaghi, K. (1934). Beanspruchung von Gewichtstau- can he rearrange his life and that of his family to
mauern durch das stroÈmende Sickerwasser, Die prepare properly? If he gets it wrong, will anyone
Bautechnik, Berlin, Germany, No. 29, pp. 11±21. speak to him at dinner afterwards? These and a
Thornthwaite, C. W. (1948). An approach toward a number of other pertinent questions need to be
rational classi®cation of climate. Geograph. Rev. 38, addressed.
For the UK speaker on alternate years, there is
Thornthwaite, C. W. (1954). A re-examination of the
concept and measurement of potential transpiration. at least the background `site investigation data'
In The measurement of potential evapo-transpiration generated by years of attendance at previous Ran-
(ed. J. R. Mather), pp. 200±209. Seabrook, NJ: kine Lectures. If he gets it wrong (I choose my
Publications in Climatology. words carefully!) he has only himself to blame. For
Turc, L. (1954). Le bilan d'eau des sols. Relation entre the overseas Rankine Lecturer, the `site investiga-
les preÂcipitations, l'eÂvaporation et l'eÂcoulement. Ann. tion data' are sparse, and the challenge, therefore,
Agron. 5, 491±596. all the more daunting.
Turc, L. (1955). Le bilan d'eau des sols. Relation entre Geoff Blight has now most successfully joined
les preÂcipitations, l'eÂvaporation et l'eÂcoulement. Ann. the list of distinguished geotechnical engineers
Agron. 6, 5±131.
US Bureau of Reclamation (1960). Design of small dams. from many overseas countries who have met the
Washington, DC: US Government Printing Of®ce. various challenges associated with the preparation
Vegter, J. R. (1995). An explanation of a set of national and delivery of a Rankine Lecture with ¯ying
groundwater maps. Pretoria: South African Water colours. We should not be surprised that he has
Research Commission. done so. Geoff is an accomplished lecturer and a
Veihmeyer, F. J. & Hendrickson, A. H. (1949). Methods geotechnical engineer of wide experience who has
of measuring ®eld capacity and wilting percentages of been able to keep in close touch with international
soils. Soil Sci. 68, 75±94. developments throughout the period of South Afri-
Williams, A. A. B. (1965). The deformation of roads ca's isolation from the international community. In
resulting from moisture changes in expansive soils in
South Africa. In Moisture equilibria and moisture
a university environment where research funds are
changes in soils beneath covered areas (ed. G. D. scarce, he has produced work of international ex-
Aitchison), pp. 143±155. Sydney: Butterworth. cellence over many years. It is entirely appropriate
Williams, A. A. B. (1991). The extraordinary phenom- that he should be the ®rst Rankine Lecturer from
enon of chemical heaving and its effect on buildings the continent of Africa, though not the ®rst to be

Downloaded by [ Istanbul Technical University] on [22/03/19]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.
born there. He shares this distinction with Profes- scribed several catastrophic failures to illustrate the
sor Burland and Dr Henkel. need to know about water conditions in soils and
The topic for this year's lecture was extremely waste deposits. He went on to discuss, in detail,
appropriate, given the growing interest in partially the water balance in soils, the complications pre-
saturated soils and the excellence of much of the sented by plants and trees and how the key para-
research being undertaken in this challenging ®eld. meters can be quanti®ed. A notable feature was the
In Professor Blight's case, the involvement goes very large depth of in¯uence on water content
back to his PhD work here at Imperial College. In caused by effects near or at the surface.
this country, where the water table laps around our Professor Blight demonstrated how a proper
feet, we can easily forget that enormous areas of understanding of the water balance in soils pro-
the world have arid climates and that the well- vides a basis for solving important geotechnical
developed soil mechanics of saturated soils cannot problems associated with volume change, strength
be readily applied. Geoff reminded us that we and stability. In particular, he illustrated the appli-
often do not take proper account of where the cations in practical management of waste deposits.
water table really is. Throughout his lecture, Professor Blight con®rmed
The title of Professor Blight's lecture, `Inter- his reputation for practical work using the ®eld
actions between the Atmosphere and the Earth', is (and his back garden) as a laboratory.
one which would not disgrace a meeting of en- Over many years Geoff Blight has carried out
vironmentalists, of geodesists or of plant scientists. pioneering work at the southern tip of Africa,
However, the substance, while being of interest to essentially on his own. He has applied scienti®c
two of these groups, particularly plant scientists, principles to local soil mechanics problems to good
very much applies to geotechnical engineering. It effect. His lecture this evening has been delivered
was essentially about the important matter of with admirable clarity and attention to detail.
`water in soil'. On behalf of the British Geotechnical Society
After establishing his experimental credentials and this evening's audience, it is a great pleasure
through showing us a photograph of himself in an to thank you most sincerely for preparing and
extremely dirty `lab. coat', Professor Blight de- delivering the 37th Rankine Lecture.

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