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Guardian angels miracles

reiki manual

Channelled in 2018

By Manuela Fasoli

Reiki is a beautiful and gentle healing energy that we can all

use in our daily lives. Not only it Helps us heal from different
ailments and causes, it can also help us to remove blockages
that prevent our progress on our life path.

I use the distance chi ball method to give an attunement. This

method can be very effective and once the chi ball is prepared
it is ready for the student to receive whenever they feel the
time is right.

A chi ball is simply a ball of energy that has been prepared by

me to be received by you. A chi ball is prepared with an
intention and a special visualization for a specific person

and contains positive energy and symbols of the attunement

you choosed.
Guardian angels miracles
many people believe in guardian angels and i’m one who had
the fortune to have some friends who knew and met the
famous saint Padre Pio from petralcina.This saint priest
believed much in guardian angels and used to say something
like.. “ if you need or want something ..send me or send God
your guardian angel!he’s here for this reason! Pray your
guardian angel : it’s the easiest way to obtain everything!”
angels has always fascinated human being,they ‘re being of
light who are with us since the origin of the world and they’re
here to help,guide and inspire us all but they’re even here to
grant our good whishes. in this special time,the time called
kaliyuga by the ancient Veda ,they are powerful messagers of
light and love and they are even more present because we
need help to change,to evolve and to help planet.With this
attunement you’ll be more helped to be fullfilled in your needs
and whishes by your guardian angels because what prevent
us from receiving is we ask in a subdued voice believing we
are not worthy of what we ask.This system help us to
eliminate the sense of unworthiness and inadequacy.

How to receive your attunement

When you are ready simply sit back and relax. Take a long
deep breath and say : “I am now ready to receive the
“Guardian angels miracles reiki” attunement being sent to me
by (name of your reiki master).thank you !

how to use this attunement

when you want to use this energy you only have to say 3
times Guardian angels miracles reiki,on!
Then let the energy flows for 10 minutes.

Now you have your energy ready! You can use it for your self
or for others.
If you want to heal someone else you can use the hands on
system or the remote healing as you most like. To use the
remote healing you can call down this attunement , say 3
times the name of the person and then say “i ask my higher
self,my guardian angels and my guides to heal …..(name)
… “

How to attune / how to pass this attunement

To pass this system you must call down this reiki system and
then say” i now attune……..(name) to Guardian angels
miracles reiki now for his/her highest good ! it’s done,thank

In love and light,Manuela

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