12.1. Листи Від Виробників

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MAN Truck & Bus AG IZA La MAN Truck $2usAG Poston 840250 90207 Numbare LPCSA Mrs. Yiota Tsirigoti 124, Megaridos Avenue 19300 Aspropyrgos, Attica Griecheniand Uns Howe Une Teton Aovkral Ea! Nove oir 4202719 0911.420-1928EFTAO, Dawidezsk Andrea.Davidezak@maneu 20.012017 Approval of: super high performance diesel engine oil to MAN standard M 3275-1 (Multigrades) Start of approv: 20.01.2017 End of approval 19.01.2020 Validity: worldwide Dear Sir/Madam, We are pleased to inform you that the product with the designation Cycion Granit Maximum 15W-40 ‘SAE 15W.40 has been approved under MAN approval number TUC 0460/16 This approval expires automatically ~ ifthe formulation is changed ~ if there are negative results from the field Changes of any kind in the formulation must be reported to MAN Truck & Bus AG immediately in writing and may require a new approval process, for which the manufacturer must make an application, Vorsizender des Ausichstates: Andreas Renscher MAN Truck & Bus AG Versa: esc Grae Yrenir Cartan a, Postech 44025 90207 Nambera Josef Schelenshom - a Vegotweinerstatle 33 20441 Namberg Telefon 49 91 4200 oder Durer ‘Seder Gesschat: Monchen Garona Atenas Dichasg12 70040041 Koro 450800 Teton 9 911420 sasz2 IAN: OES2 7008 0041 0145 0500 00" BiG CoaaeteK Nipioasiicigd Sactparaosen Manche 312 701 £00.00. Konto a2104400 ccs (BAN: Dede 70's ocoO vey aa on Bie CON EO.OO ve Sendungen: NEB VOo Fogltergoner: Amtaperict Minchen HRs 96 | USN. DEB T2508" wararema som Ein Unternehmen der MAN Grunpe MAN Truck & Bus AG WZ LRT The manufacturer oF supplier must apply for an extension of the approval in writing. The application must cantain confirmation that the formulation is unchanged. In the case of rebrands a written declaration of consent from the previous supplier must be submitted as well If the extension is not applied for in good time within the approval period (at the latest two months prior to expiry of the approval), the supplier approval and all rebrands will be deleted from the publicly accessible service product database on the day of expiry of the approval. After expiry of the approvai period the product approval can be continued only by way of a new approval procedure, for which-a charge will be made. Yours faithfully, MAN Truck & Bus AG \Vorstzencer des Autsicrisrates: Andreas Reneches Vorstana: Joscrim Orees (Vorstzender, Dr Carsten ins, Jan HHoenk Lafrenz, Ui Berkennagen, Heine Jurgen Low, dose Sehelchshars Siz der Geselschat. Munchen Commerzbank aktiongeselschat Oschay B17 700 <0041_Konte 1450500 BAN. DE%S 7004 0041 0145080000 BIG COBADETEXEX Siaetspartassen Munenen BLZ 70% 500 00 Konto 85104900 BAN DESE 7O%S O000 U0E 1944.00 BIG. SSKMDENM Regislergercht Amtagericht Munchen HRB 86 962 | State DE817 126281 MAN Truck 8 Bus AG Postfach £4.02 5 90207 Nurnberg Vogelwehersiake 33 80441 Nurnberg ‘Telefon +49 911 420-0 ager -Durenwani ‘Telefax r49 911 420 406522 \Wageniadungen: Nog Ret {Use Sengunger, Nog. Vogelweiberst. 33 Els Untemenmen der MAN Gruppe MAN Truck & Bus AG MAN Truck & Bus AG Postfach 44.02 58 90207 Hiopabepr Aupeca: 124, Megaridos Avenue 19300 Acnponiproe, Atria Ipeuis Unser Havsrut Ham ave Biaaiviw's opt 202713 ost] e20-1928 Jlouyer upoaysery: Crawsapr MAN Tlowaror aonyexy: Kinuena sara sonyeny: Alen: lsHoBHi rawose, Mu pai noviaomurit pay, wo npozyer Cyclon Granit Maximum 15W-40 SAE 15W-40 Gye exuasieusit MAN a iomepow TUC 0460/16 Heit aonyck exaconyenica aaromarian: ako svinioetbes Popaysia npoayKry’ EPTAO, Dawidecth EMail ‘Andres Dawidczsk@men.eu opnepr 20.01.2017 (Cynepancoxonpoaysctine macru.to 119 aes apniryni 1M .3275-1 (6ararodpawuitinntl npoaysr) 20.01.2017 19.01.2020 y sesomy cist = Akio € inopwiauin npo HeraTusKi HacalukU BuKOPHETaHEH MpoyKTy Tpo Gyat-nei sain y dopaysi exit Herafino nowizowure MAN Truck & Bus AG 8 nuckMosif opyi, aacke "apoayk Mae npoftrt SHoBy npoueaypy xonycKy, Wa NpoxowenHa ako! Ciciai naranaouot pai: Andreas Renschler Vorstand: Joachim Drees (Vorsitzender), Dr. Carsten Intra, Jan= Henrik Latientz, Ulf Berkenhagen, Heinz-Jurgen Low, Josef Scheichshom Pexsisieru kostnauif: TOB «Munchen Commerzbank», Dachau IBAN: DE33 7004 0041 0145 0600 00 Stadtsparkassen Munchen IBAN: DE36 7015 0000 0089 1944 00 BLZ 700 400 41 Konto 1480600 BIC: COBADEFFXXX BLZ 701 500 00 Konto 89104400 BIC: SSKMDEMM IPOSUNTK TOBIBHeEH HOALTH 3aKBKy’ MAN Truck & Bus AG Posttaeh 44 02 5 90207 Nuraberg Vogelweilierstratle 3390441 Namberg Terespou “49 911 420-0 oder -Durchwahl Dake +49 911 420 446522 Woagenladungen: Nog.-Rbf. Lkw-Sendungen: Nbg.~ Vogelweiherstr. 33, \www.man-mn.com Ein Unternehmen der MAN Gruppe AMepiikakicbsuit incraryT Katonpoaystis, Jliuenia Homep: 1084 INTERLINGVO TRANSLATION AGENCY Kyiv, Shata Rustavell Street, 24, Orfice Tel: +38 004-229-27-72 Tel.+38 065-791-3838, Teli+38 096-791-26-35 Teli+38 053-791-3322 E-mail: office@interinga.net worwinterlingva.net BupoSaux a60 Mocravanbaitx HosiiveH noaaTit sasBy Ha nporoBKeHHA JOMYCKY B MIcRAMOBi hopwi. Bonen HomnHKa —MiCTHTH ninTHepmxeHHE, wo ‘PopMya npoayKTy JanMuuiacs MesNiNHOI. VY nunaaKy peOpenainry cain nazar niceMoBy sanBy Tipo HoromReHHA 3 nomepeaitiM HOCTAMALIbHLKOM. AAKWO 2asRd HA NPOTOBAEHAA He Gysa HogaHa y BCTANOMNeNHT TepNis (HE nisHiwse BOX MicauiB 10 SaKiHEHR repminy aif opiuitivoro AonyckY), aki 2onyeKy nocTaNauisHuKs Ta imopstauia po upoayxT GyayTs siayuen is satansHoNOcTYRHiTX G23 AHI y eHL axinuetnis TepMisly aonycKy. [licas sakinveHa Tepwiiay aonyexy foro MorkHa NpOLORAITHA AMIE 4A OMOMOrOH HOOT MpOUeAyple AOM/CKY. 3a ARY CTAEYETHER HATE. 3 nowarov, MAN Truck & Bus AG ‘nine! (Cyeraa varaaaonot paan: Andreas Renschler Vorstand: Joachim Drees (Vorsitzender), Dr. Carsten Intra, Jan= Henrik Laftentz, Ulf Berkenhagen, Heinz-JOrgen LOw, Josef Scheichshom Pexsisura somnaxii: TOB «Munchen Commerzbank, Dachau IBAN: DE33 7004 0041 0145 0600 00 Stadtsparkassen Minchen IBAN: DE36 7015 0000 0089 104400 BLZ 700 400 41 Konto 1450600 BIC: COBADEFFXXX BLZ 701 500 00 Konto 89104400 BIC: SSKMDEMM ‘nianme! MAN Truck & Bus AG Postfach 44 02 $ 90207 Nurnberg VogelweiherstraBe 33. 90441 Numbers ‘Tenesbou +49 9111 420-0 oder -Durchwahl Dake +49 911 420 446522 Wagenladungen: Nog.-Rbf. Lkw-Sendungen: Nog. ‘Vogelweiherst. 33, Ein Untemehmen der MAN Gruppe “Awepusancesnit (nerityr aipronpoaysris, Jiuersin Mowep: 1054 Tlepexsiaz rexery Usoro aoKyMeHTs 3 anraiticLKoT sosit Ha yEpalHcLKy MOBY BiKOHAHO MHONO, repexcTaaAest Kpanonoto Jlapucow Cepritsnoi. oo Bewoeo npouumo { (abo npounypoBano), - {— nponyuepobano © Texpinaenonewamiow — > ‘ Wpeijpie NG Waris TRANSLATIGN"AGENGY~ Kyu Shote Rustavel Street, 26, cTave 18 +38 046-229.27-72 Tel:#38 056-781-3838 Tel.+38 036-721-38-28, Tel +38 063-791-33-22 Ema: office@interlingvo net wwwinterlingve.net VOLVO Voto Group Tacks Teenrsogy STD 417-0002 approval request Data supplied by requesting company GRANT SY SHED PLUS Viscosry grade Manerrg area Cheragerevsis ACEAJE7-09 issue 2 rows0 lEwrare Me East. Chana, Met Atnen sles 226 3. ws278 "As thay shal sppearin apovoued eres sts Date of submission Feereary 19.2018 Submitted by Name Vista Tepe Comeany- Ges Return approval to Name ota Tenge Appro Tas OST ve TeEOT appro es anu 7 ALS? SSE Te Aoproval eate ach 21.20'8 —Reprovalas 417.9002 Vatity -App'ois ecpres wo years ater he approval cate Fer aporoval evtenson. a complete ana updated azorol fam must be Suzie atthe expr dite x two morths Signet ‘Yolve Grou Techs Technelogy Binge One Lbseaess Cooranater lbrsstamet. Ths 20 sn nfermstion sb vies ty te appleant and ro tu fs cortnvausiy mantanes. Thee the row eAfaneDity oF he Comeary (588 22248) VOLVO Volvo Group Trucks Technology sarutr wa aonyes STD 417-0002 Alani sanouinca Hasna womnauils [LPCSA Hasna penay: CYCLON GRANIT SYN SHPD PLUS Ko. wow-40 Periow s6yty: €spona, Bausexwit Cxia, Kura, Tisniana Appice Iuuui zonyenu: ACEA 7-08 Penanuin 2 APL ci orm | MB 228.3. M3275 *) As wown sinodpaxcii & sarseparcenmx enuiexax npoaygris Alara noaasi 16 aYot0r0 2016 Bix In'a: Yiota Tsingoti Kosmani LPCS.A, Honepuyrn aonyex wa aapecy: Im'a: Yiota Tsingott ‘e-mail GTSIRIGOTI@LPC.OR Alouyes (Glonyex Volve VDs-3 Tak jonyex Mack EO-N Tax. Aonyes Renault VIRLD-2__ Tax Hara aonyery: 31 Gepesin 2016 poxy Hovep aonyeny: 417-0002-16-1317 ‘Tepui ail: Aivtemnit nporarom nox pois nieas aru sareep.rxenne. Ilo apoaoeaiten tepain ait AOHYEKY, SAHBHINK NODINNEH METH NOBHY OWOBACHY saNBKY y nary saKiNMENNA Tepwiigy aii aba vies Hliante: Volvo Group Trucks Technology signature Beurr Ortepxonn Koopankarop 3 nurai sacrua [ Bliniwwa nin nianosiiannuocris ce Teepaxcni Saayerien mnciowNo ha Inopwall noRaNIT dammmamou,T ) xonnauia Volvo He mposoaitia xoaarKos| nepesipxn skocti. Taxi 4nyoM, Volvo He rapasitye, Wo akiers 1woro poaykry € sapk:u1 crato1o, 3a ue Bianopigae cama Kownanin (ais, we). L | i INTERLINGVO | TRANSLATION AGENCY Ulepesaa zekety usar doKymetr 3 auraiebsot Moan a yxpalncony Sly DiQhhARNel SMeneaRA eR A Kpanuonov Slapneoe Cepritsnovo. si? Lipa Tel438 096-791-28-38 -C_Tehie38 063-701-33-22 ~—ertrattiee @interlingvo.net ww interlingvo.net Tel +38 066-751, Tele36 096.781-38-38, Tel+38 063-791-33-22 Email: offceinteringvonet veoritertingvo.net ‘INNA so/Po\* e282 iis Fate Nseany MB-Approval Certificate WM Approval 228.3 for: “CYCLON GRANIT SYN SHPO PLUS ~ Oi Code: TOS0KX, SAE-Grade; 10W-80 rls wh the reguiesrert ot oticators wraing Fw, sheet 278 3 andi terete approved forthe aspects WercederBun. ens 1 sxerrbiee Ihe wppiealun range i shown ou tha MB sheet trie! dened onthe shee ota? 2 SAE gras, cana, change tervals ote. must ab: be abserved owns eRe apy fr the MARE a: + [be R88 Azproval cori ine fore oth at show an this cotiate ‘+ The tS Apprava we expires § yee atthe latest ‘+ Thohs-Appiove automatically texmintes on expt of he ality seo whe atest + ne i ApBIovat ely valid as ong a he rodet nar ie ete!" MB Hee ONL BE tn. /oava andes bene eam + Aupicatons fa renewals or new approvals ee. must tt mide a poo te + rang, re tuations i dow in he “OBigations Parc Aap Wo or Open lad ft back-up sarple of 3th Yonmulation. wich an be call upon by Samy WarkudPaule DAIMLER Mirprs-Koa Dasnler AG + 70546 teyrape Lesa 1 yur ava pier Apes 12, Mopados ‘Avenue 19300 ‘Aenponipros, Arvixa penis Terepon axe Bayrpiunnt 0a HOTT. A971 1789786 cost 24801 Hau ausian Ha onsiaunt Inve aw auerynsuin Aaa 25032016 RDPDLF-63285 Fla yi 212016 Ceprugixar aonyexy MB Honuti aonyers- Moropie saeriaio Ceprudixar aonyery MB 228.3 wa npoayscr : "CYCLON GRANIT SYN SHPD PLUS Koa oan: STO30XX, copr oan: 1OW-40 Ulaxosxi nanose, Buuearasana poGova pianna vinnosiaae suworam Texniuuix Xapacrepucrux Mercedes-Benz 20 poSouix piaue, aver 228.3 i aonyexaerses 20 musopucranHs aBTOMOGLIAMM i arperarann Mercedes-Benz. j[ianason sactocysaniyi ekaaHnit 8 apxywi MB i posumposanii 8 apxywi 223.2, Taxow nosimni aoTpHvyBaTHCS AORATKOBI BUMOTiE, HANPHKKAAAL, CTOCORHO COpTY OANBH, H AACN, NapaKrepHeTHs, 4acrOTH SaMiNH iT. 2 Ao Cepruspixary aonyexy MB sacroconyiornea uacrynmi papi. : Ceprudixar aonyexy MB acTYNAe B cIY 3 ATH, sasHaNenol B nanoMy ceprucixari : Ceprupixar zonycKy MB salfcwnt maxcinty 5 pox : Ceprapixar aonyexy MB aprowariso mpiummaaerbex nicas sainesna repstiny aif, ne nisaime : Cepriixar nonyexy MB aie Tinekit npoTaroM TepMiny, KonM sasBa Upoayicry € 8 nepeatixy MB BeVo-ONLINE 38 nociuranwant hitp:/bevo.mercedes-benz.com : anny Ha npodosxeHHs a6o npo BHaayy HoBoro cepmudixary cia poourH sYacHo, y seTaNoBZIeHi sepa, : Kpim Toro, sacrocosyloties HOPI, uponucasi 8 "ZoGow'saKNX po gonyeK poGouN pinwA" wi 30.06.2016. 2-inpopntl pexepawu spasoK KoxkHo pian, same Ha sit More HanpasiTTH KoNMaHin Daimler AG 6 6yabe skit MoMenT, NOBIIeH AGepirarHes pOTATOM He MeHule 3 poxia. Mu noBizowAO BAM aapecy AoETaBKL Jnovarovo, Daimler AG ‘aianic! ‘shane Bompran Caanex Maprye Mayae Kk: 63284 INTERLINGVO TRANSLATION AGENCY tyiv, Shota Rustaveli Street, 24, Office 18 Tel: +38 044-229-27-72 Tepekitaa TeKety Uboro HOKyMeHTa 3 aNcaificexo! mosa Ha yKpaiHebK) Hie indie? HepaRaAfen lepekitaa TEKCTY UbOrO 1a ykpaiHebky MOBY BHKOWaE neh leprae Kpeauonoro Sapmcoro CepriibHovo To Welt re preree (2) Tel e38 063-794-33-22 I E-mail: office@intertingvo.net 7A wlnteringva.net he ae f oan { npontyauepoban? i eineno neva” TNTERLU TRANSLATION keviv, Shota Rustavel Street, 2, Tel: +38 044-229-27-72 el.38 056-791-28-38 Tel.+38 096-791-38-38, Tel.+38 063-791-2322 E-mail: office@interlingvo.net ‘www interingvo.net DAIMLER AHL LPC S.A Attn, Mr. Yiota Tsirigoti 124, Megaridos Avenue 19300 ASPROPYRGOS, Attica GREECE 24807 59786 ces 25.05.7016 Mire, Fuchs 21.09.2018 Additional MB-Approval Certificate Engine Ci Additional MB-Approval 229.1 for SAE-Grade: 10W-40 ‘CYCLON GRANIT SYN SHPD PLUS " Dear Sir nr Madam, ihe aforementioned operating fluid complies with the requirements of the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Operating Fluids, sheat 229.1 and is therefore approved for the respective Mercedes-Benz vehicles pplication range is shown on the MB sheet and further defined on the sheet 223.2. Further requirements, €.g SAE grades, capacities, change intervals etc, must also be observes. This ig an Additional MB.Certificate. It does not affect the period of validity of other certificates. The petiod of validity of the relevant MB-Approval Certificates) and the date(s) for yearly verification(s) shall apply for chis Additional MB-Anproval Certificate, Applications for renewals or new approvals must be made on tHe This certificate is part of the relavant MB-Approval Certificate and shall be aitached Sincerely Daimier AG i \W. Mayle 1. Frite Ket DAIMLER LUrpux-koa, Daimler AG «70546 lnyirapr Leesa Mo yaar nana Lpirori ‘Aapecs: 124, Megaridos ‘Avenue 19300 ‘Aanponiproc, Aria Tews Texedon axe Buy pin aoa OTT #9711 cast 24801 Ba wasn Haus usin Iw’ a amcry mann 25032016 RDPDL-F-SI28E Mrs Fuchs Aoaarsownit Ceprupixar aonyexy MB Moropwe sacrino Aoxarwopuii cepruixar MB-Approval 229.1 ua npoaysr: "CYCLON GRANIT SYN SHPD PLUS " Kaac no SAE: 10W-40 Ianiosni nawose, Buuteskasawa poGova piauna sianosiaae mnvoram Texnisn Xapaxtepucrix Mercedes-Benz 20 poGosx iawn, anet 229.1 i aonyeKaersex 20 susopncTaxHx aBrowoGinamu i arperaran Mercedes-Benz. JUianason Seerocynailia Bkasamil 8 apyuii MB i posmmpposann y apxyuti 223.2. Takox mOBIIMi aorpuyBaTncy aozaTkoBi Binworit, KalIpHKAaa, CrocoBKO copry oaMH, T KaaciR, XapaicrepueruK, YacrOTH saNtii fT, Ue aozarxosuit MB-cepripixat. Bin we enausae wa repwiin ail inuux cepricbixarie, Tepwine aif vianosinuoro MB-ceprupisary ra aaTa wopitioi nepesipsn sacrocosyiories 20 xoasrkosora MB-cepriiixary anus a npososxeHia a6o npo suaasy HoBoro cepruginary cain poGirt wMaeKo, y scTaHoaxeni repatim Ut ceprixpixar ¢ wactutiw aianosiakoro MB-cepiiixary, lo 20xaeTeeR, 3 nosaroi Daimler AG ‘nian! (oianne! piu Kpaiirman Mapxye Mayne K: 63283, we indrarepr seers aetna [ePeksaa TexeTy usoro AoKyMenTa 3 aHr:eeKO! Mou Ha YkpaTMCSKY MOBY BiIKOHAO MHOIO, nepeiagadeM Kpazuovow Jlapucae Ceprifanoi, 3 24, office 18 Tel: 438 064-229.27-72 Tel-+38 066.791-38-38 Tel+38 096-791-38-38 Tel +38 053-791-33-22 E-mail: office@interlingvo.net wurwinteringvo.net Beroeo npousumo (ato npounyposan -aepobano ruieno nesasnor? woh ae | INTER] TRANSLATI Tel.+38 096.791-38. Tel+38 063-791-33-22 mall: ofice@interlingve.net swwwinterlingvo.net DAIMLER sug to. Re Wits tag MB-Approval Certificate ew pve Eapne Of MB-Approval 228.3 for: “CYCLON GRANIT MAXIMUM * OiL-Code: /TO45XX, SAE. Grade: 15W-40 vo comple sth the eaurorar ofthe Wace Bene Soncihca 8.9 and is terelare appraved forthe rospesinve Mercedes Bore neneaee ppc ranges show Or the AME anes! an furtnr desnee ce te a ‘24. SAE grades, opacives, range intarvala ute must sss be couurves wg forthe a pus oneM ito force an Le date shows an ths settee + the ie test + he: Approval automaticaly cerminates am expty af the ality pou a the atest i WHO ove sony vai as ong asthe product fame iste > ME Baron ni ac bet gem ot Fenewale oF new appre et, must Le made oe tone the region ot down Hon 20.06 2916 apy, “Obiatons Regain Ayprval tor Opera Pade nach ub Samp a each formulaon when ean be called upon by emer AG st any gver ust be etme tor atleast &years We wl item yuo ne spith sooo 1 Wolgorg Slade 1. ares Bove DAIMLER, Urpax-Koa Daimler AG 70846 hrytrape Leesa Fo year nave pron Apes: 124, Mogandes ‘Avenve 19300 Aenponipros, Arvia Fpewie Terepow axe Buysplannin oa HOTT $497 11 179786 cst 24801 aw ouviannts Haw wnslann I's aan auerynanne Aer rns 2016 RDIPDEF-63030 ii yne 21.00.2016 Ceprupinar sonyexy MB Hosnit aonyex - Motopxe sacra10 Ceprugixar zonyexy MB 228.3 wa npoayst: "CYCLON GRANIT MAXIMUM" Koa ouput: STO4SXX, copr oan: 1SW-40 Ulavonxi nanose, Biuieoxaiana poGowa piauta sianoniaae ausoram Texaiuaux Xapakrepucritk Mercedes-Benz 20 poGown piame, saiet 228.3 i aonyewacréex 20 sukopiteTanie aprowoGinasts i arperaramn Mercedes-Benz. Jlianmox Jucrocysanin akepaHni 8 apkyiai MB i posuurpovaniit 8 apxywii 223.2. Taxow nomi aoTpintyBatucs sroaarxoni BuMori, HANpHKAaA, CTOCOBHO COprY OMAK, W Kiacie, XapakrepricTH, saeTOTH saMiii iT 2 Alo Ceprudixary aonyexy MB sacroconyiorsen nactynii nasi: + Ceprupinar zomyeny MB SBcTYMA€ B CRAY 3 HATH, sasKaNeHOT 8 daHoMy ceprnpiKari + Cepnupixar nonyexy MB aiviewinii waxcnyw 5 poxis + Ceprubixar aoyexy MB aproNaritaao cpmmnserses micas saxinvenna TepMiny ail, ane we + Cepmibixar aonycky MB nie ringxt nporsrost tepminy, wow Hawa mpoaykty € 8 Mepesixy MB BeVo-ONLINE sa rocinauase pd/bevo,mereedes-benz.com : Sanit Ha npoxowxenist aGo npo anaayy Hoporo ceprudpixary cala poSHTHE BNACHO, y seTaHOKTEHE repsin. : Kise toro, sacrocosyiorber Hopsil, npontucasi 8 "JoGos!xsaKisx po aonyeK poSowux pina” via 30.06.2016. 2-nirposnti pesepsHal 3pasox KoaHO! piu, samiT Ha AKI MOK wanpapiTH KOMMaHiN, Daimler AG o Gyab gull Moment, noBuKEN sGepirwrites npoTaroN He Mesue 3 poxiB, Mu MoBizoMmMO BAM aapecy AocTABKE, Bnosarowo, Daimler AG sianne! ‘nian! Boswdpran Curaaen Mapxye Mayste tienes reer toro aoe rata ow va ypainoonl oH BAAHRRR go, ner Kpasuono1o Jlapucoio Ceprifsrow. pe Om ken ns pr Xie INTERLINGVO TRANSLATION AGENCY | ej shota Rustavel Street, 24, Office 18 anaes { Jeo 095-781-38-38 Toft 36 053-791-33-22 Irterlingve net wewcintedhogvo.net e — Bewoe0 reaunypo6a> (aso np Kyiv, Shota Rustaveli Street, 24, Tel: +38 046-229-27-72 “Tel.+38 056-791-3838 Tel.+38 096-791. Tel +38 053-791-33-22 E-mail: office@interlingvo.net ‘www interlingvo.net nei AMERICAN PETROLEUM INST|TUTE License Nor 1054 SCHEDULE A - LICENSE AGREEMENT ‘The marks referred to and icensad under the Agreement between API and LPCs.A, ‘may be used through 34-Mar-2078 are a8 follows: ‘APL SERVICE SYMBOL Licensee is authorized to display the API Cerlication Mark onthe following products ascosiry ; sean NE : BEES server carecony Petrone revon exes few & ercton FseeR ‘oat « ereionr sen doves s ereionr supe tows « crevonet ‘onan s crevon nace m0 ou CrELON Okan Sv SHPO Ps soma clas. veLON MAGA SN OXS nao se puma sae cas nan mau tava cist haw syn uo FLEET twas ais rawr svn sino teas chat tain 6 Tr sia os tia sire ad ou tacit sv uae es tein ceo toa = en towan a Tig Fre EOLCS Manager of Operations Date: 31-Mar-2017 Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Kpyria newarxa: Awepukancokumt incraryr naipronpogyicris* EKOHOMLA PECYPCIB / AOAATOK A- MMEH3IIHA yroaA Mondauxn, sarwepsrxeni Awepitkancesany inctitrytoM waronpoayetie i LPCS.A, Moxkyt» BikopuerosyBarites 20 31 Gepesna -2018 i © raKna: CEPBICHI NO3HAUKH ey KOO IMETHTYIY HagTonpoavcrin Tiueiniary aossoreno siao6paxatu cepsicki nosvauxn AMepuxaHobKoro iHcrHTTyTy Heipronpoaystie ua actynaux npoayeran: spre IAC B3KoCTI SAF. CEPBICHA KATEFOPLA PIBEH NPOAWICTHNBHOCTL CYCLOND PRIME 30 SI EYCLON D PRIME 40 SI CYCLON EXTRA 15W-40 si CYCLON F SUPER 13W-40 SL CYCLON FSUPER 20W-S0, SL CYLON SUPER Isw-so. 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