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Running Head: TASK 3a

Deflection of Frame

Student Name

Institutional Affiliation

TASK 3a 2

Question 1

a. Strain energy U?

d=25mm, A= , L=1.8m, σ =390MN/ ,E=200GN/

U= = = 335.9786Joules

b. Strain energy U ?

d=0.15m, L= 0.8m, F= 4kN, G= 90GN/

A= = 0.017671

τ= = = 226359.57N/

U= = = 0.004024Joules

c. d= 30mm, L=1.2m, T=45N, G= 90GN/

(i) Maximum shear stress

J= = = 7.9522x

τ= = =

τ = 8.488x N/

(ii) Strain energy U?

U= = = 0.169757 Joules
TASK 3a 3

d. Strain Energy U? EI = 200KN/ , F= 650n , L =3m

650N x
U= ∫ dx

M= 650x

U= ∫ dx = [ ] = 9.5063 Joules

e. Stored energy U? EI= 25.2N/

 Fix point A

(0.7+0.3) = 15(0.7) = = 10.5N

 Fix point B

= 0.3(15) = 4.5N

Part AB

x M

M= x = 4.5x

U= ∫ dx = [ ] = 0.04594 Joules

Part BC

TASK 3a 4

M= x = 10.5x

U= = ∫ dx = = [ ] = 0.01969 Joules

Total strain energy, = 0.04594+ 0.01969 = 0.0656275 joules

f. Deflection?

Work done = = = = 0.0656275

y= 0.00875m= 8.75mm

g. Applications of Strain energy.

If outside force act on an elastic structural member, it will deform. The energy that the

force releases is stored inform a strained energy in the members. Following are areas

where strain energy is applicable in engineering:

 Application in axial forces acting on structural members-If a member like the one

shown below is subjected to an axial force P then the work done by the load uis

kept inform of strain energy

L ∆L

U= = xPx =
TASK 3a 5

 Application in bending moments acting on structural members-

Uniform loads, w

X dx

Figure shows a member under bending

The beam shown in the above figure preserves energy in a small differential part of distance dx

du = Mdө = .M. dx= dx

Total strain energy found in the whole member: U = U = ∫ dx

 Application in Shear forces

If a shear force acts on a structural member the work done will be preserved inform of

strain energy.

U= ∫ dx where V- shear force and G = shearing rigidity.

TASK 3a 6

Question 2

At maximum stretch σ = , d = distance covered by the falling mass, x = extension , F= force in

the bar

Strain ε = but from stress-strain relationship E = Hence x =

Strain energy U = and potential energy of the falling mass P.E= mg (d + x)

(i) Extension of the bar x?

= static deflection:

σ= = , and ε = and σ = εE = but = , Hence =

= = 7.3115x

Since strain energy = potential energy= = mg (d + x) But σ = Hence

TASK 3a 7

=mg (d+) = = mg(d + x), making x subject of the formulae

= , But = Hence =2 (d + x)

Opening brackets

= 2d +2 X, Forming a quadratic equation

-2 X-2d = 0, Applying the quadratic equation

X= + Hence X= +

X = 7.3115x + 7.3115x = 0.000765533m

X = 0.765533mm

(ii) Maximum stress induced in the bar

From ( ) = mg (d + x) But x = hence ( ) = mg (d + )

( ) = mgd + , forming a quadratic equation

( )–( )σ – mgd = 0, solutions for the quadratic equation

( )
σ= = + ( ) But =

σ= + But X = + Therefore

σ = X Hence = = 87185603.3647Pa

= 87.1556MP
TASK 3a 8

Question 3(a)


0.4m 0.2m


 Part AB will bend due to bending moment caused by force because frames are rigidly

connected at the joint hence the moment of force at point B will be zero.

 Part BC will bend due to the bending moments caused by force and force over

distance 0.2m

= force acting point A = 180N and = force acting point B = 220N

= moment over distance x from force end and U = strain energy stored in the frames
TASK 3a 9

x = Distance the force will use to generate moments



Figure 1: Part AB Figure 2: Free body diagram


Distance x begins from end:

= x

From U = ∫ = ∫ dx

Since is a constant

= ∫ =

Since EI = 2MN/

= [ - 0] = ] = 6.667x Joules
TASK 3a 10

= = 0.667x Joules


0.4m x

Figure: Part BC Figure: Free body diagram


= 0.2 + x

From = ∫ = ∫ dx

Opening the bracket

= ∫ + + 0.4 x] dx

= ∫ + + 0.4 x] dx

Since EI = 2MN/

= [0.016 + 0.02133 + 0.032 ]

TASK 3a 11

= 4x + 5.3325 + 8x

The total strain energy

= +

= 0.6667 + 4x + 5.3325 + 8x

= [4.6667 + 5.3325 +8 ]

To get the deflection at point A = , Do partial differentiation of the above equation with

respect to

= = [9.3334 +8 ]

Replace and with their respective values in the above equation

= [(9.3334x 180) + (8x220)] = 0.00000344m

Converting meters into millimeters

= 0.00000344x = 0.00344mm

Deflection at point A: = 0.00344mm

To get deflection at point B. Do partial differentiation of equation with respect to :

= = [10.665 +8 ]

Replace and with their respective values in the above equation

= [(10.665x 220) + (8x180)] = 0.0000037863m

TASK 3a 12

Converting meters into millimeters

= 0.0000037863 x = 0.0037863mm


The calculated values of deflections at both points were almost the same as the practical

values with small negligible margins.

Differences in = 0.00357 - 0.00344 = 0.00013mm

Differences in = 0.00392 – 0.0037863 = 0.0001337mm
The above deviations were as a result of some unavoidable errors during the laboratory

experiment like use defective equipments, parallax errors and many more.

From the above negligible deviations, one can confirm that the deflections of the frame

subjected to the loads were within the safe limits. The material stiffness of the frames can handle

the loads without breaking.

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