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Granath, J. W., K. A. Soofi, O. W. Baganz, and E.

Bagirov, 2007, Gravity

modeling and its implications to the tectonics of the South Caspian Basin,
in P. O. Yilmaz and G. H. Isaksen, editors, Oil and gas of the Greater

Chapter 8 Caspian area: AAPG Studies in Geology 55, p. 43 – 46.

Gravity Modeling and Its

Implications to the Tectonics
of the South Caspian Basin
James W. Granath O. W. Baganz
Forest Oil Corporation, Denver, ConocoPhillips Company, Houston, Texas,
Colorado, U.S.A. U.S.A.

K. A. Soofi E. Bagirov
ConocoPhillips Company, Houston, Texas, ConocoPhillips Company, Houston, Texas,
U.S.A. U.S.A.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT sedimentary section, and the anomalous oceanic

character of the crust. However, the negative gravity
Summary anomaly persists under the Apsheron and northward
The large isostatic anomaly dominating the north- into the southwestern part of the central Caspian Sea,
western part of the South Caspian Basin is best mod- in an area of low topography and shallow sea bot-
eled as a root of South Caspian crust that has dis- tom. It adjoins the negative Bouguer anomaly of the
placed the normal lithospheric mantle. In the eastern Greater Caucasus Mountains, but in the Caspian Ba-
South Caspian, gravity modeling suggests that con- sin, it constitutes a pronounced isostatic anomaly.
tinental crust does not extend seaward as far as pre- In contrast to the western Apsheron area, the east-
viously presumed, and that the Turkmen platform ern South Caspian Basin contains a 40-mgal gravity
is composed of a thickened sedimentary section over- high that extends 200 km (124 mi) seaward from the
lying Caspian Sea–type crust. coast of Turkmenistan. It is separated from the on-
shore by a small gravity low. Seismic data show no
Introduction significant changes in thickness of the Tertiary sec-
Satellite-derived free air gravity data (Sandwell and tion between onshore and offshore Turkmenistan.
Smith, 1997) for the South Caspian Basin, combined
with low-order onshore free air gravity, show a steep Satellite-Derived Free Air Gravity
120-mgal decrease from the Alborz Mountains along The free air gravity anomaly data used were gen-
the south coast of the Caspian Sea (Figure 1). The erated by Sandwell and Smith (1997) using altimetry
negative gravity gradient continues to 150 mgal data from Seasat, Geosat, and ERS (European Remote
at the Apsheron sill, on the northern margin of the Sensing)-1 and ERS-2. The altimeter data from these
basin. This negative anomaly is not surprising in different satellites are converted to grids of vertical
light of the 900-m (2952-ft) water depth for most of gravity gradient and gravity anomalies using the fol-
the southern Caspian Sea, the 20-km (12-mi)-thick lowing procedure.

Copyright n2007 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.


44 / Granath et al.

FIGURE 1. Regional setting of the Caspian Sea. Lines of profiles in Figures 2 and 3 are shown.

The long-wavelength orbital errors are appropri- separate grids, which are combined to form a grid set
ately filtered to reduce the noise. Ascending and de- representing east and north vertical deflection. The
scending slope profiles are then interpolated into vertical gravity is calculated directly from the vertical

FIGURE 2. North – south cross section (AA0 ) and its modeled and satellite-derived gravity profiles. Location is shown in
Figure 1.
Gravity Modeling and its Implications to the Tectonics of the South Caspian Basin / 45

FIGURE 3. East – west cross section (BB0 ) and its modeled and satellite-derived gravity profiles. Location is shown
in Figure 1. This is a preliminary model in which adjustments to the match between the observed and modeled curves
are dependent on unconstrained details in the geology.

deflection grid by taking a simple derivative. The Model Results

derivation of free air gravity anomaly, however, is Two-dimensional lithospheric-scale gravity mod-
more complicated because it needs Fourier analysis els that best match the free air gravity profile show
and subsequent merging of dense orbital grids of an 80-km (49-mi)-wide root of the South Caspian
Geosat and ERS, as well as low-density grids of their crust under the Apsheron peninsular area (Figure 2).
exact repeat missions. Alternative models, which presume a strike-slip rela-
Comparison of these data with ship-borne data tionship along the Apsheron sill, fail to produce the
shows that satellite-derived gravity is within 4–7 mgal same negative gravity anomaly.
of random ship tracks. The accuracy improves to The east– west-oriented model (Figure 3) in the
3 mgal when the ship track is right on top of the eastern South Caspian suggests that this anomaly is
exact repeat missions. caused by a thickened sedimentary section overly-
ing the anomalous South Caspian-type crust, which
continues under the Turkmen shelf. Models assum-
Modeling Methods ing continental underpinning to the Turkmen shelf
Gravity profiles derived from the Sandwell data produce a gravity low.
set were matched using the LCT two-dimensional
software. Geological sections were scanned and at-
tributed to the following density values: Cenozoic CONCLUSIONS
sediments, 2.3 g/cm3; Mesozoic sedimentary fill,
2.5 g/cm3; continental crust, 2.7 g/cm3; Caspian Sea The models suggest that the Caspian crust is sink-
crust, 2.9 g/cm3; and lithospheric mantle, 3.35 g/cm3. ing beneath and underthrusting the Eurasian conti-
Initial Moho depths were taken from Rodriguez nental crust in the northwestern part of the South
(1969). Interfaces between the various model ele- Caspian Basin, geometrically resembling subduction.
ments were interactively adjusted to obtain a satis- The deformed sedimentary wedge in the western
factory visual fit. Caspian and regional seismicity are consistent with
46 / Granath et al.

the interpretation that subduction has been initi- REFERENCES CITED

ated in the northwestern part of the South Caspian
Basin. Rodriguez, R. G., 1969, Atlas of Asia and Eastern Europe
The model in the eastern Caspian indicates that to support detection of underground nuclear testing,
the sedimentary column is thickened by reason of Crust and mantle conditions: Department of Interior,
U.S. Geological Survey for the Advanced Research
compressive deformation in the Mesozoic section
Projects Agency, v. 5, 3 p., 12 oversize figures.
(similar to that onshore in Turkmenistan) and the Sandwell, D. T., and W. H. F. Smith, 1997, Marine gravity
overlapping ancestral Amu Darya delta. Continental anomaly derived from Geosat and ERS-1 satellite altim-
crust does not seem to underlie any part of the etry: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 102, no. B5,
southern Caspian Sea. p. 10,039 – 10,054.

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