Mill Lake Welcome Letter 2018-2019

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Dear Parents & Guardians,

I am so excited to welcome both you and your child to the 2018-2019 school

year at beautiful M
Miillll LLaakkee EElleem
meennttaarryy SScchhooooll . The educational curriculum
this year promises to be challenging, interesting, and fun – and I am committed

to helping my students achieve success to their greatest potential!

As I look forward to getting to know my students, I would like to share some

brief information about my credentials. I have been teaching for thirteen years. I am

certified in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle School

Language Arts, and Special Education. I have a Master of Arts with Distinction in

Special Education / Developmental Disabilities. In addition, I am a certified Wilson

Reading instructor. I currently am earning my BCBA certification (Applied Behavior


This school year, I will again be teaching third grade – my absolute favorite!

I will have a Resource block of Wilson Reading and Language Arts. The rest of the

day, I will be coteaching with Mr. Carlin. During the first few days of school, we will

help students acclimate to the school, establish a positive classroom environment,

present an overview of the curriculum, and discuss responsibilities and expectations.

My contact information is on the next page. I believe that proactive

communication between school and home is essential. Please use the method of

communication that works best for you (phone, email, notes, etc.)!

Looking forward to a GREAT year,

Ms. Mordes
Ms. J. Mordes, M.A.
Special Education Teacher
3rd Grade Resource (Wilson Reading & Writing)
3rd Grade ICS with Mr. Carlin (Math, Science, & Social Studies)

District email:

Telephone (at Mill Lake): (732) 251-5336

Mill Lake Elementary School

115 Monmouth Road
Monroe Township, NJ 08831

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