5 Benefits of Community For Entrepreneurs

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5 Benefits of Community for

Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely pursuit. Friends and relatives might listen with interest, but
they just aren’t able to relate to the pressure running a business puts on a person. The best solution
is to join entrepreneurial organizations -- membership programs that allow people to connect to
fellow business owners.

1. Learning from each other's mistakes:

It is an important function of your community of entrepreneurs to be aware of what is going on

with each other's businesses. If you are paying attention you will be able to see some actions that
others in the group are using that may or may not work to run business. It is a great way to avoid
some major pit falls in the business
2. Exchanging tips of the trade:

Any business when starting up will also face many difficulties. However, having other people in
entrepreneurs group that have had some experience be there to give you tips and secrets that you
can use helps tremendously. You will be able to start off smoothly and keep going strong when
the times are tougher.
3. Making connections:

In your network of entrepreneurs you will find that, in time, you will know each other well . You
can do favors for each other and help your entire community grow their businesses and get ahead.
Willingly displaying positive actions for each other raises your whole group to a place of success
and accomplishment.

4. Learning new business skills:

A great action that can yield some forward thinking achievement in your community group is to
learn new business skills together.

5. Passing on knowledge:
One of the biggest functions of a community of entrepreneurs is to pass on the knowledge that has
been gathered from experienced professionals to the less experienced entrepreneurs. But this is
also a place where you can find a mentor, and/or become a mentor for someone else.

Newlands, M. (2014). 5 Benefits of Community for Entrepreneurs. Retrieved from website

Inc.com https://www.inc.com/murray-newlands/5-benefits-of-community-for-entrepreneurs.html

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