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School : SMAN 1 TB. TENGAH

Subject : English
Aspect / Skill : Speaking
Grade/Semester : XI / 1
Material : Expressing Asking and Giving Opinion
Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes (1 meeting)
Meeting to :6

A. Aim
Expressing the idea in a transactional, interpersonal, and sustained
conversation accurately, fluently, and communicatively in daily life
context involving the expression of asking and giving opinion.

B. Learning Objective
Students are able
 Use formal and informal of asking and giving opinion.
 Makes and practice conversation based on the picture.

C. Learning Material (See Attachment 1)

D. Method, Technique and Strategy

 Method : Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
 Technique and Strategy : Pair work and discussion through “Practice
Me with Your Style”, Making conversation practice through “Make Me

E. Learning Activities
 Pre-Activity / Opening (10’)
- Teacher greets the students
- Teacher leads pray then checks the attendance list.
- Teachershowsthepictureandleadsinquestionrelatedtothetheme.
- Teachers explains about the learning objective
- Teachers explains about topic will be discusses
 Main Activity (70’)
- Teachers shows a picture about the interaction to asking and giving
- Teachers explains expressions that used to asking and giving opinion.
- Teachers provides a variety of different expressions to guess the
students with any questions.
- Teachers invites students to ask about the differences between the
various expressions ask and express opinions and responses in
different contexts.
- Teachers gives some example expressions that used to asking and
giving opinion
- Teachers asks the students to recite the conversation
- Teachers interacts with student to practice this conversation.
- Teachers gives mini-game for this practice through “ Practice Me with
your style”
- Teachers explains the rules of the mini-game “Practice Me with your
- Teachers gives a printed text about conversation asking and giving
opinion for each pair work
- Teachers gives the different topic or conversation for each pair work
- Teachers randoms student to perform in front of class
- Teachers explains the next materials
- Teachers explains the rules of the game "Make Me Conversation”
- Teachers prepares as many cards as the number of students, for
example, teachers prepares 8 cards
Note: (each student gets one card), the card 8 has 4 different images
and four images of the same. Students should look for other students
who have the same image to join their partner.
- Teachers starts the game and the students start looking for other
students who have the same image
Note: (in any existing card which they will discuss the theme to make
conversation asking and giving opinion)
- Teachers asks students if they find their partner to make conversation
based on their cards.
- Teachers asks students to presents their discussion or their
- Teacher gives comment about their performance which
are presented by the students.
 Post-Activity / Closing (10’)
- Teacher gives a chance to the students to raise a question about the
- Teacher concludes and summarizes the material in brief.
- Teacher closes the class.

F. Learning Sources
 Interlanguage English for Senior High School Students XI by Joko P
riyana, Zayin Adib Muhammad and Eka Denis Machfutra
 Developing English Competencies for Senior High School (SMA/MA)
Grade XI of Language Programme
 http://www.kursusmudahbahasainggris.com/2015/06/penjelasan-asking-
 http://iinindrihastuti.blogspot.co.id/2013/05/materiexpression-kelas-
 https://englishclas.com/10-contoh-dialog-asking-and-giving-opinion-
G. Media and Tools
 Media : Images, Printed text
 Tools : Board marker, and whiteboard

H. Evaluation (See Attachment II)

I. Indicators, Technique, Form, and Example.

No. Indicator Technique Form Example

1. Spoken test Doing a Makes a

Students are
conversation dialogue based
given pictures on the pictures

and make given and

practice it in
front of the
based on the class.
pictures given

and practice it

in front of the


II. Criteria of Assessment (Attached)

Panaragan Jaya, 11th October 2019

Approved by
Headmaster, English Teacher,
Attachment I

Social Function
Maintain interpersonal relationships with teachers, friends, and others.
ExpressionsAsking & Giving Opinions
 Asking Opinion
Informal Formal
What do you think of…….? Have you got any comments
What do you think about………? on …..
What is your opinion? Do you have any idea?
Why do they behave like that? Do you have any opinion
Do you think it’s going? on............
How do you like? Would you give me your
How was the trip? opinion on……….?
How do you think of Rina’s idea ? What is your reaction to ….
What is your opinion
What are you feeling
What are your views
Please give me your opinion?

 Giving Opinion
Informal Formal
I think I like it. From my point of view ….
I don’t think I care for it. I think that……..
I think it’s good/nice/terrific…….. What I’m more concerned
I think that awful/not nice/terrible.. with.....
I don’t think much of it. What I have in my mind is…
In my opinion, I would rather…..

 In general Expressing Asking and Giving Opinion

Asking Giving
What do you think...? Well, I think
What’s your opinion about....? In my opinion I think..........
How do you feel about...? I feel that we should...........
What’s your reaction to that? My reaction is that we
Any comments, John? should......
May I make a comment on

The example of dialogues that used expressing asking and giving opinion
1. Syarifah : Hey Yati! Do you know the hot news in our school?
Yati : Yes, I know. It is about the minimum score, isn’t it?
Syarifah : Yes, exactly. What do you think?
Yati : I think it so high. I believe that is bad idea.
Syarifah : I don’t think so. Precisely with the 70 score, we can go
into the University easily with PMDK program.
Yati : Yes, I know it. But, for everyday it so hard.
Syarifah :Maybe, it can be the pole for us to be better than yesterday.
I hope we can do it. Although it so hard.
Yati : Oke. Aamiin.

2. Situation: Maggie and Tina are discussing about global warming

Maggie :Tina, what do you think is the best action to reduce

global warming?

Tina :I think everyone should start changing their life styles.

Maggie :What do you mean?

Tina :Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help reduce
global warming.

Maggie :What do you suggest that we should do?

Tina :Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should
start saving electricity, recycling things, using public
transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need
only. Basically, just save anything that we can.

Maggie : Wow! You know a lot of things about reducing global

warming. Where did you learn all of that from?
Tina : Well, I read newspapers, magazines, and also search for
information in the internet. Actually, I want to inform what
I’ve learned to everyone so that everybody can start helping
tosave our mother nature.
Maggie :You’re so awesome. How about if you write it in our
school magazine next month?
Tina : That’s a great idea. I’ll do that.
Maggie : OK, I’ve got to go now.
Tina : Bye.

3. Situation: Trevor and Matt are discussing issues of banning

smartphone in the school.

Trevor :Have you heard about our school’s plan to ban

smartphones in the school?

Matt : Yeah

Trevor : What do you think about it?

Matt : Well, I think that’s fair enough.
Trevor : Why do you think so?
Matt : You see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in
our class. Remember yesterday’s history class? Our teacher
got very angry because was interrupt by smartphone ringing
many times. This may happen again and again.
Trevor : Eh… Yea…
Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of
stupid competition.
Trevor : What do you mean?
Matt : You know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest
Trevor : Yes, I feel that too.
Matt : So it’s a good idea if the school doesn’t allow students to
use their smartphone in the school.

Attachment II


 Technique : Assessment
 Form of Instrument : Spoken Test
Makes a dialogue based on the pictures given and practice it in front of the class

Name: Date: Assignment:

1-2 4 5
Does Not Approach Expectations Meets Exceed
Approaching Expectations
Expectations Expectationsss
Task minimally complete. Partially completes task; lacks Completes task appropriately. Completes task by elaborating
Provides little or no important information or on theme, with high level of
information. response is too basic. detail and/or creativity.

Most parts of the response Some parts of the response are Response comprehensible; Response readily
not comprehensible to the comprehensible; others require requires minimal interpretation comprehensible; requires no
COMPREHENSIBILITY listener. interpretation on the part of the on the part of the listener. interpretation on the part of
listener. the listener.

Speech halting and uneven Speech choppy and/or slow Some hesitation but manages to Thoughts expressed completely
FLUENCY with long pauses or with frequent pauses, most continue and complete thoughts. with few pauses or hesitation.
incomplete thoughts. thoughts are complete.

Multiple problems with Some problems with Sounds somewhat natural. Sounds natural
PRONUNCIATION pronunciation/intonation that pronunciation/intonation that
may interfere with may interfere with
communication. communication.
Vocabulary does not Vocabulary does not convey Vocabulary conveys appropriate Rich and varied use of
convey meaning most of the meaning some of the time; too meaning most of the time; vocabulary.
VOCABULARY time; too basic for level. basic for level. appropriate for the level.

Grammar is rarely accurate Grammar is sometimes Grammar is mostly accurate and Grammar is consistently
GRAMMAR or appropriate for the level. accurate and/or not appropriate for appropriate for the level. accurate and appropriate for
the level. the level.

Overall Grade:
After the writer gets the data from rubric scoring of the students’ speaking,
then the writer calculates the score of students’. The maximum score from scoring
is 30. Then writer uses the formula, as follow:
Score= x 100

The students’ achievement and failure in doing the activities planned assessed by
referring the minimum passing criterion (KKM) of the eleventh grade students in
SMAN 1 TB. TENGAH. The KKM score is 80.
After the researcher assesses the result of the students’ speaking in each
cycle, she will find the mean of it. In knowing the mean of the students’ score, the
researcher uses the following formula:
Mean of thestudents’score =

Table: The Criteria of Mean of the Student’s Score

After calculating the mean score of the students, the score will be categorized
into five criteria:

Scores Criteria
85-100 Excellent
70-84 Good
55-69 Sufficient
40-54 Low
>40 Poor

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