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Appendix 1


Year Level: 6 Time: 11:20- 12:20pm Date: 25/10/2019 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Design and Technologies  Food safety and hygiene practices
 Work independently, or collaboratively when
required, to plan, safely develop and
communicate ideas and information for
 How people address competing
considerations, including sustainability when
designing products, services and
environments for current and future use
 How to use Popplet on the iPads

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum


Past performance, and current and future needs are

considered when designing sustainable food and fibre
systems for products (ACTDEK021)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 List food safety risks and sustainability issues that could arise when implementing the breakfast club, as a
class on the board.
 Brainstorm solutions for food safety risks or sustainability issues within the breakfast club in groups of four on
 Create a fruit kebab using correct food safety and hygiene procedures.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:
- Lesson objectives on the board
- Vaseline - Students with learning difficulties only need to
- Glitter put 2 ideas and solutions on their Popplet
- Whiteboard markers - Students who require extension can put more
- iPads with Popplet downloaded detail in their solutions and add images to their
- Video about food safety Popplet that support their ideas e.g. picture of a veggie garden
- Fruit cut up ready for kebabs - Students at educational risk will be put in a
- Kebab sticks group with an EA for the Popplet and Fruit
- Soapy water in a bucket Kebab activity to help them with ideas and
- Wash cloth assessing
- Tea towels
- Reusable plates
- Food safety peer assessment (Checklist)
- Sticky notes
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment where they
11:20 1. Before students enter classroom put Vaseline on your will be introduced.
hands and stick some glitter on them. - Lesson objectives on the
2. When reviewing the last lesson touch things so that the board
students will notice the glitter from your hands spreading. - Vaseline
3. When students notice the glitter spreading and tell you to - Glitter
stop explain to them that the glitter on your hands is
representing germs and if we don’t wash our hands
properly, when we prepare food and do other things our
germs will spread to others.
4. Introduce today’s lesson:
“ There are many food safety and sustainability issues that come
with starting a breakfast club that we need to help prevent so our
breakfast club is as safe as possible. Today we will be talking out
these issues and finding solutions for them. And then you will
have a chance to use food safety procedures when making your
own food,”
5. Outline and explain lesson objectives on the board:

 List food safety risks and sustainability issues that could
arise when implementing the breakfast club, as a class
on the board.
 Brainstorm solutions for food safety risks or sustainability
issues within the breakfast club in groups of four on
 Create a fruit kebab using correct food safety and
hygiene procedures.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key


6. Ask students to think, pair, share some food safety and
hygiene risks related to the breakfast club. - Whiteboard markers
7. Write students suggestions on the board.
8. Add any others that haven’t been listed.
9. Talk to students about how there are also lots of
sustainability issues surrounding breakfast clubs. Ask
students to suggest some issues
10. If students are struggling, use prompts like “what does
food come with when you buy it?” Or “is there any way of
knowing exact how much food to prepare?”
11. List the sustainability issues on the board such as excess
packaging, extra food, cooking oil, electricity…
12. Introduce brainstorming activity and show an example of
what it should look like on the interactive whiteboard
“ In groups of four you will be making a Popplet for either
sustainability issues and solutions OR food safety issues and
solutions. You will have 20 minutes to do this.”

11:35 13. Get students into groups of four

14. Students make Popplet on the iPads in their groups
15. Once finished, students upload the Popplet to the class - iPads with Popplet
Seesaw. downloaded
16. Students come and sit back on the mat - Video about food safety
17. Look at a couple of Popplets the students have made as
a class and discuss the solutions they suggested.
18. Tell students that some of the solutions they came up
with will be used in the breakfast club to make it more
sustainable and food safe.
19. Show students the food safety video.
20. Discuss the 4 solutions in the video (Clean hands, food
and surfaces, separate raw meats, Cook food all the way
through, Chill perishables) and how these are the most
essential food safe practices that need to be
implemented in the breakfast club to prevent diseases.
21. Introduce the last activity:
“ Now that we have talked about the safe practices of food
handling it’s your turn to give it a go! This is something you
should practice not only for when you help out in the breakfast
club but also for when you cook in general so you and others stay
safe. In groups you will be assessing each other with a checklist
on how safely you prepare a fruit kebab! You will be assessed on
hand washing and cleaning surfaces as well as making sure you
don’t cough or sneeze on the food.”

22. Go through the checklist in a bit more detail and explain
how long each student will have to make their kebab etc.
23. Students go back to their desks in their groups with 3
checklists each, a pencil each, fruit, 4 plates, 3 kebab
sticks, a washcloth, bucket of soapy water and a tea - Fruit cut up ready for kebabs
towel for drying. - Kebab sticks
24. Students have 3 minutes each to make a kebab stick - Soapy water in a bucket
while the other 3 assess. - Wash cloth
25. You will let students know with a timer when it is the next - Tea towels
persons turn to make their kebab. - Reusable plates
26. Once all students have made their kebab, one student - Food safety peer assessment
hands all the checklists to the teacher while the other (Checklist)
student pack up the materials.
27. All students come down to the mat with a pencil.

12:15 Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

1. Review how the lesson went as a whole and reward good
2. Hand out sticky notes and ask student to write one thing
they learned, one thing they enjoyed about the lesson
and one thing they would like to have done more of.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Students stick notes on the board before they leave for


- Sticky notes

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these

be judged?)
Lesson objective 1: observation and solutions students came up
with over all
Lesson objective 2: checklist
Lesson objective 3: peer assessment checklist and observation


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