Hass Reflection

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My design brief links to sustainability goal seven, Affordable and Clean energy.

This goal focuses on

providing accessible and clean energy for everyone, instead of fossil fuels that produce harmful
chemicals. This links into my design brief and lesson as we are exploring solar panels and creating
solar powered fan hats. It also links with the sustainability cross-curriculum link of O.I.9, “Sustainable
futures result from actions designed to preserve and/or restore the quality and uniqueness of
environments” (ACARA). This relates to solar power as through using solar panels we are creating a
better future by using a clean energy source. Solar power is both clean energy and is accessible for
everyone as it comes from the sun. In my lesson, the students are designing their own solar powered
hats, they must choose where the solar panel goes on top. Meaning that they need to think logically
and must ensure that they work. At the beginning of the unit, I would hold a class discussion on how
everyone can be more sustainable with their energy consumption, such as turning off the lights or
committing to having one earth hour every week at home. Then would lead this into a discussion on
solar energy and how it is helping to save our planet. Overall, my design brief is a great way for
students to learn about how using solar panels can lead to a better and more sustainable future as it
is a clean energy source that does not create any harmful gasses.

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