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Family has a role to play in the spiritual growth of an adolescent Christian.

In the home,
parents introduce and teach Christian beliefs, virtues, principles, and practices. The bible
and prayer life are part of their life as early as childhood. It does not mean that the family
is the only community that contributes to one's spiritual formation, but has an important
part concerning one’s progress. However, as we observe in our churches and campus
ministries, not all Christian youth belong to a Christian family. Many young people came
to know Christ because of their classmates or in our evangelistic efforts. Many in our
discipleship groups were not raised in a Christian home, and therefore without a Christian
family, not only that can support them in their Christian life and help them grow in their
faith, but also a family that can understand them in their struggles. To a youth leader or
pastor, the spiritual growth of every youth is our best interest, both in their knowledge of
our Lord and practical life and to that end, we want to help them through God’s grace.
As a youth leader or pastor, how can we help every adolescent Christian who is not from
a Christian family to grow in their spiritual life? What are the right approaches to an
effective discipleship according to their context? How can we help them in their spiritual
progress and support them in their unique struggles?
These approaches can help youth leaders and pastors to minister to the adolescent
Christians effectively, that is according to their context, and will add to many effective
ways of Christian discipleship. However, this study is significant not only to pastors or
leaders to be more effective in discipleship, or the spiritual growth of every Christian
youth per se, but also for the growth of the church. Furthermore, this can be an opening
for evangelism, as they become more effective witnesses for Christ in their home.

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