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Name: __________________________________

Section: _______________

General Biology 1
Laboratory Report No. 1

Introduction: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the blueprint of life for organisms.

Molecular biology has revolutionized the technology on DNA extraction
for the purpose of studying its identity and other features. In this
activity, the class will learn how to extract DNA from banana (Musa
sp.). Ripe banana will be used since it is readily available in the locality
and it has soft tissues which are easy to break using physical ways as

Objectives: To extract DNA from banana using household chemicals.

To describe the extracted DNA.
To identify the role of the lysis buffer, detergent solution, and ice-cold
ethanol in DNA extraction.

Materials: Banana fruit Funnel with cheesecloth

Dishwashing liquid, 3 tsp 2 100 mL beaker
Distilled water, 1/3 cup Resealable sandwich bag
Sodium chloride, 1 tsp Stirring rod or barbeque stick
Crushed ice in a styro-box Knife
Cold 70% ethanol Marker

1. Place 70% ethanol on crushed ice.
2. Prepare DNA extraction buffer. In a 100 mL beaker, mix the following:
3 tsp dishwashing liquid
1 tsp salt
3. Add 1/3 cup distilled water. Mix well while avoiding bubbles.
4. Peel skin off ripe banana and cut fruit into 1-inch squares.
5. Place 10 squares of banana in a resealable sandwich bag. Softly mash the fruit
for 2 minutes or until the fruit is well mashed.
6. Add 7 tsp of the extraction buffer into the mashed fruit in the bag. Mix thoroughly
while avoiding bubbles for 1 minute. Set aside for 10 minutes.
7. Filter out the fluid using cheesecloth and collect the filtrate in a 100 mL beaker.
8. Using a spoon, remove any bubbles that formed.
9. Slowly add an equal volume of cold ethanol. Do not mix.
10. Observe immediately.
Data: Present your data here.

Interpretation, Analysis, and Discussion:

Provide a discussion using the following guide questions:

1. Did banana have DNA? How do you know? If so, what is the reason behind the
extracted DNA’s appearance?

2. What is the purpose of each step in the extraction of DNA?


3. Are you seeing individual strands of DNA?


4. Do you think the DNA in different plants is mostly alike or different?


5. If DNA is so small that it fits in one cell, how are we able to see it with our eyes
after extraction?
Conclusion: Provide a conclusion for the objectives.

Application: When you eat fruits or plants, do their DNA become part of your DNA?

References: Cite your references using the APA Format.


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