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Antenatal Betamethasone Compared With

Dexamethasone (Betacode Trial)

A Randomized Controlled Trial
Andrew Elimian, MD, David Garry, DO, Reinaldo Figueroa, MD Alan Spitzer, MD,
Vandy Wiencek, RN, and J. Gerald Quirk, MD, PhD

OBJECTIVE: To compare betamethasone with dexa- orrhage was 11.3 % ( 95% CI 2.7–11.9%), and the number
methasone in terms of effectiveness in reducing perinatal needed to treat was 9 (95% CI 5–37) in favor of dexa-
morbidities and mortality among preterm infants. methasone.
METHODS: We enrolled 299 women at risk for preterm CONCLUSION: Betamethasone and dexamethasone are
delivery in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, random- comparable in reducing the rate of most major neonatal
ized trial of antenatal betamethasone compared with morbidities and mortality in preterm neonates. However,
dexamethasone at Stony Brook University Hospital from dexamethasone seems to be more effective in reducing
August 2002 through July 2004. We excluded women the rate of intraventricular hemorrhage compared with
with clinical chorioamnionitis, fetal structural and chro- betamethasone.
mosomal abnormalities, prior antenatal steroid exposure, CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION:,
and steroid use for other indications. Statistical analysis, NCT00418353
was performed in accordance of the intention-to-treat (Obstet Gynecol 2007;110:26–30)
RESULTS: There were no significant differences between
the groups with regard to baseline characteristics. The
rate of respiratory distress syndrome, need for vasopres-
sor therapy, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of pre-
maturity, patent ductus arteriosus, neonatal sepsis, and
A dministration of a single course of antenatal steroids
results in decrease in neonatal morbidity and mor-
tality as well as substantial savings in health care costs by
neonatal mortality were not significant different between specifically reducing the risk of respiratory distress syn-
the groups. However, the rates of intraventricular hem- drome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and neonatal
orrhage (6 of 105 [5.7%] compared with 17 of 100 [17.0%], death among premature infants.1–3 The preferred corti-
relative risk [RR] 2.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.22– costeroids for antenatal therapy are betamethasone ad-
7.24, Pⴝ.02) and any brain lesion (7 of 105 [6.7%] com-
ministered intramuscularly as two doses of 12 mg each
pared with 18 of 100 [18.0%], RR 2.7, 95% CI 1.18 – 6.19,
24 hours apart or dexamethasone four doses of 6 mg
Pⴝ.02 ) were significantly lower in neonates exposed to
dexamethasone compared with betamethasone. The ab- given intramuscularly every 12 hours. These agents are
solute risk reduction in the rate of intraventricular hem- favored over other forms of steroids because they are the
most widely studied, seem to have identical biologic
activity, and readily cross the placenta. In addition, they
See related editorial on page 7.
are devoid of mineralocorticoid activity, have relatively
weak immunosuppressive actions, and have longer
From the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine and
Department of Pediatrics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York. duration of action in comparison with cortisol and
Corresponding author: Andrew Elimian, MD, Section of Maternal Fetal methylprednisolone.4
Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Oklahoma, However, there continue to be reports from uncon-
Health Sciences Center, WP 2450, Oklahoma City, OK 73190; e-mail: trolled studies of differences in effectiveness between
betamethasone and dexamethasone. A meta-
Financial Disclosure
The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
analysis3showed that although the two agents reduce the
risks of respiratory distress syndrome and intraventricu-
© 2007 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. lar hemorrhage to a comparable extent, betamethasone
ISSN: 0029-7844/07 was more consistently associated with reduction in neo-


natal death than dexamethasone. Furthermore a retro- the study. Those who elected to participate in the study
spective study5 found that betamethasone but not dexa- signed a formal consent form approved by our institu-
methasone was associated with a decreased risk of tion’s Committee on Research on Human Subjects.
periventricular leukomalacia, a major precursor of cere- Consenting women were randomly allocated to one
bral palsy. On the other hand, dexamethasone is sub- of two groups. The random allocation sequence was
stantially cheaper, more readily available and less likely carried out by the Pharmacy using computer-generated
to decrease fetal breathing movements and fetal heart random numbers, and each participant was assigned to
rate variability. In addition a recent retrospective one of two groups, ie, betamethasone or dexametha-
study6did not find any differences in effectiveness in the sone. One group received 12 mg of betamethasone
reduction of neonatal mortality and morbidity, includ- (Celestone Soluspan, Schering, Kenilworth, NJ) intra-
ing intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular muscularly at 0 and 24 hours and similar-appearing
leukomalacia. placebo at 12 and 36 hours. The second group received
The choice of which of these agents to use is 6 mg of dexamethasone (dexamethasone sodium phos-
currently based on ease of administration, cost, availabil- phate, Baxter Healthcare Corporation Anesthesia and
ity, and results from conflicting observational studies. Critical Care, New Providence, NJ) intramuscularly at 0,
Our hypothesis was that there are no differences 12, 24, and 36 hours. Concealment was achieved by
between betamethasone and dexamethasone with re- delivering all doses in identical-looking syringes covered
gards to effectiveness when used in the clinical setting by opaque material. Both subjects and health care
of anticipated preterm delivery. Our objective was to providers were blinded as to the group to which partic-
compare betamethasone with dexamethasone in ipants belonged.
terms of effectiveness in reducing perinatal morbidi- After delivery, study personnel blinded to group
ties and mortality among preterm infants. assignment reviewed the prenatal, delivery, neonatal,
and postpartum records and documented maternal
MATERIALS AND METHODS and neonatal independent outcome variables. The
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo- primary outcome variables were respiratory distress
controlled trial involving pregnant women at risk for syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, and neonatal
delivering preterm at Stony Brook University Hospital death. Secondary outcome variables included the
from August 1, 2002, through July 31, 2004. These need for exogenous surfactant, oxygen dependency at
included all women in preterm labor with intact mem- 28 days after birth or oxygen dependency at equiva-
branes, those with preterm premature rupture of mem- lent of 36 completed weeks gestational age, retinopa-
branes, and those anticipated to deliver for fetal and thy of prematurity, inotropic support for hypotension
maternal indications between 24 and 33 weeks 6 days initiated during the first 24 hours of life, treatment for
gestation. patent ductus arteriosus, necrotizing enterocolitis,
Preterm labor with intact membranes was diag- neonatal sepsis, and histologic chorioamnionitis.
nosed in the presence of six to eight contractions per Other variables recorded were maternal age, clinical
hour or four contractions in 20 minutes, associated diagnosis, gestational age at randomization and at
with cervical changes but with no prelabor rupture of delivery, gender, and birth weight.
membranes. Preterm PROM included cases in which Respiratory distress syndrome was diagnosed
delivery followed prelabor rupture of membranes, clinically, by the need for mechanical ventilation and
documented by pooling of fluid on sterile speculum oxygen for at least 48 hours, and the presence of
examination, ferning, and alkaline pH of fluid col- radiologic chest findings. Each neonate had transfon-
lected from the posterior vaginal fornix. Fetal and tanelle head ultrasound scans on days 3 and 7 of life.
maternal indications included mainly intrauterine Neurosonograms were evaluated by an experienced
growth restriction, preeclampsia, and chronic hyper- radiologist blinded to the antenatal steroid exposure
tension with superimposed preeclampsia. We ex- status of the parturient. Intraventricular hemorrhage
cluded women with clinical chorioamnionitis, known was graded as described by Papile et al7 Periventricu-
major fetal structural anomalies, known fetal chromo- lar leukomalacia was diagnosed by the presence of
somal abnormalities, prior antenatal steroid exposure, echolucent areas or persistent echogenicity in the
steroid use for other indications, and quadruplets, as periventricular areas on coronal and sagittal views.
well as women who declined enrollment. For study purposes, “any brain lesion” was defined as
Subjects meeting inclusion criteria were ap- any grade of intraventricular hemorrhage or periven-
proached by a resident or attending physician who tricular leukomalacia present exclusively or in com-
explained the study and sought consent to participate in bination.⬙ Necrotizing enterocolitis was diagnosed

VOL. 110, NO. 1, JULY 2007 Elimian et al The Betacode Trial 27

clinically and radiologically and confirmed at surgery
or autopsy. Proven neonatal sepsis included positive
blood, cerebrospinal fluid, or urine cultures.
Data analysis was performed in accordance of the
intention-to-treat principle. Sample size computations
for an equivalence study were performed according to
the work of Blackwelder.8 We assumed that approxi-
mately 80% of neonates exposed to either betametha-
sone or dexamethasone will not develop respiratory
distress syndrome. We also defined a deviation in
effectiveness of 10% or less as been essentially equiva-
lent. A sample size of 354 neonates (177 exposed to
betamethasone compared with 177 exposed to dexa-
methasone) would provide more than 80% power to
detect differences of more than 10% for a two-tailed test
of significance at a critical level of 0.05. The distribu-
tional characteristics of the variables were examined.
Continuous data were normally distributed. As such,
differences between groups defined by exposure to
antenatal steroids were examined using Student t test for
continuous variables and ␹2 for categorical variables.
Fisher exact test was used when expected cell frequency
was equal to or less than five. A P value of ⬍.05 was Fig. 1. Betacode trial profile.
considered statistically significant. Elimian. The Betacode Trial. Obstet Gynecol 2007.

Five hundred forty-three women were screened for respiratory distress syndrome (73 of 181 [40.5%]
eligibility. One hundred sixty (29.5%) received compared with 79 of 178 [44.4%], P⫽.53), necrotizing
antenatal steroids before their transport and subse- enterocolitis (0 of 181 [0%] compared with 2 of 178
quently had completion of their course based on [1.1%], P⫽.25), retinopathy of prematurity (28 of 181
what was initiated in the transferring hospital. [15.5%] compared with 26 of 178 [14.6%], P⫽.92),
Fifty-five (10.1%) women declined participation patent ductus arteriosus (12 of 181 [6.7%] compared
and were given antenatal steroids based on the with 14 of 178 [7.9%], P⫽.81), neonatal sepsis (16 of
discretion of the treating physician and availability, 181 [8.9%] compared with 18 of 178 [10.1%], P⫽.83),
whereas 29 (5.3%) women could not be approached bronchopulmonary dysplasia (27 of 181 [15.0%] com-
because of immediate or imminent delivery. Thus, pared with 18 of 178 [10.1%], P⫽.22), need for
the study cohort consisted of 299 (55.1%) women vasopressor (14 of 181 [7.8%] compared with 6 of 178
and their 359 neonates. The profile of the study [3.4%], P⫽.07), and neonatal mortality (5 of 181
participants is shown in Figure 1. There were no [2.8%] compared with 6 of 178 [3.4%], P⫽.98) (Table
statistically significant differences between the 3). However, the rates of intraventricular hemorrhage
groups in terms of maternal age, race, body mass (6 of 105 [5.7%] compared with 17 of 100 [17.0%],
index, smoking status, gestational age at random- relative risk 2.97, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.22–
ization, and diagnoses between women who partic- 7.24, P⫽.02) and any brain lesion (7 of 105 [6.7%]
ipated in the trial and those who did not participate. compared with 18 of 100 [18.0%], relative risk 2.7,
Similarly, the baseline characteristics of the women 95% CI 1.18 – 6.19, P⫽.02 ) were significantly lower in
and neonates randomly assigned to betamethasone neonates exposed to dexamethasone compared with
were not different from those that assigned to betamethasone (Table 3).
dexamethasone, as depicted in Tables 1 and 2. No The rate of grades III and IV intraventricular
adverse effect or side effects were reported in either hemorrhage was 7% (7 of 100) in neonates exposed to
group. betamethasone compared with 1.9% (2 of 105) in
There were no significant differences between neonates exposed to dexamethasone, P⫽.09 (Table
neonates exposed to betamethasone and those ex- 3). Furthermore, the rate of periventricular leukoma-
posed to dexamethasone with regard to the rates of lacia was 4.0% (4 of 100) in neonates exposed to

28 Elimian et al The Betacode Trial OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Mothers in the Betamethasone and Dexamethasone Groups
Maternal Characteristics Betamethasone (nⴝ150) Dexamethasone (nⴝ149) P
Maternal age (y) 30.6⫾6.1 29.9⫾6.2 .37
White 105 (70.0) 105 (70.5) .97
African American 21 (14.0) 14 (9.4) .29
Hispanic 12 (8.0) 19 (12.7) .25
Other 12 (8.0) 11 (7.4) .99
GA presentation 29.3⫾2.9 29.5⫾2.9 .82
BMI 30.0⫾6.7 29.4⫾5.0 .41
Singleton gestation 124 (82.7) 125 (83.9) .90
Smoking 26 (17.3) 32 (21.5) .45
PTL 80 (53.3) 76 (51.0) .77
Preterm PROM 21 (14.0) 29 (19.5) .27
Medically indicated 49 (32.7) 44 (29.5) .64
HCA 27 (18.0) 30 (20.1) .75
GA, gestational age; BMI, body mass index; PTL, preterm labor; PROM, premature rupture of membranes; HCA, histologic chorioamnionitis.
Data are mean⫾standard deviation or n (%).

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of Neonates in the Betamethasone and Dexamethasone Groups

Neonatal Characteristics Betamethasone (nⴝ181) Dexamethasone (nⴝ178) P
Mode of delivery .64
Vaginal 80 (44.2) 84 (47.2)
Cesarean 101 (55.8) 94 (52.8)
Sex .96
Male 90 (49.7) 89 (50)
Female 91 (50.3) 89 (50)
Birth weight 1983⫾814 2036⫾825 .56
Surfactant use 52 (28.7) 53 (29.8) .92
Data are mean⫾standard deviation or n (%).

Table 3. Neonatal Outcomes in the Betamethasone and Dexamethasone Groups

Outcome Betamethasone (nⴝ181) Dexamethasone (nⴝ178) RR 95% CI P
RDS 73 (40.5) 79 (44.4) 0.91 0.72–1.16 .53
Any grade 17/100 (17.0) 6/105 (5.7) 2.97 1.22–7.24 .02
Grade III/IV 7/100 (7.0) 2/105 (1.9) 3.67 0.78–17.27 .09
PVL 4/100 (4.0) 2/105 (1.9) 2.10 0.39–11.21 .44
Any brain lesion 18/100 (18) 7/105 (6.7) 2.7 1.18–6.19 .02
Neonatal death 5 (2.8) 6 (3.4) 0.82 0.26–2.65 .98
NEC 0 (0) 2 (1.1) 0.00 0.00–4.0 .25
ROP 28 (15.5) 26 (14.6) 1.06 0.65–1.74 .92
PDA 12 (6.7) 14 (7.9) 0.85 0.40–1.78 .81
Sepsis 16 (8.9) 18 (10.1) 0.88 0.46–1.67 .83
BPD 27 (15.0) 18 (10.1) 1.48 0.85–2.59 .22
Vasopressor use 14 (7.8) 6 (3.4) 2.31 0.91–5.87 .07
RR, relative risk; CI, confidence interval; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; PVL, periventricular leukomalacia;
NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
Data are n (%) or n/N (%) unless otherwise specified.

betamethasone compared with 1.9% (2 of 105) in DISCUSSION

neonates exposed to dexamethasone, P⫽.44 (Table A single course of antenatal steroids before preterm
3). The absolute risk reduction in the rate of intraven- delivery results in a significant decrease in neonatal
tricular hemorrhage was 11.3% (95% CI 2.7–11.9%), morbidity and mortality as well as substantial savings in
and the number needed to treat was 9 (95% CI 5–37) health care costs. Betamethasone and dexamethasone
in favor of dexamethasone. continue to be the preferred steroids because of their

VOL. 110, NO. 1, JULY 2007 Elimian et al The Betacode Trial 29

unique biologic properties, ability to readily cross the we found dexamethasone to be superior to betametha-
placenta, and because of their weak immunosuppressive sone in reducing the rate of intraventricular hemor-
and mineralocorticoid activities. The choice between rhage. Other potential advantages of dexamethasone
betamethasone and dexamethasone is currently based include lower cost, widespread availability, and less
on ease of administration, cost, availability, and results effect on fetal biophysical variables that might lead to
from conflicting observational studies. premature intervention or delivery. On the other hand,
Our study found that both betamethasone and betamethasone requires two injections as opposed to the
dexamethasone are largely comparable in reducing four injections of dexamethasone.
most morbidities and mortality among preterm neo-
nates. This finding is consistent with the reports of Baud
et al5 and Bar-lev and colleaques,6 who did not demon-
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30 Elimian et al The Betacode Trial OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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