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Things that you will need:

3ds Max 2012

3ds Max 2012 NifPlugin https://www.mediafir...xe71cjr8osmh5be
Creation Kit

For adding worlds, maps, or stages:

Nif convert https://www.mediafir...kkb37kweva1knav
ChunkMerge https://www.mediafir...okn48m1l9kdcjh6

Adding worlds, maps, or stages:

Difficulty: Easy but Time consuming

Run 3ds max and import the obj.

Look at pic the object that you imported has to be above what I circuled in red. The size of the object does not matter.
In doing this skyrim will know that everything above will have proper collision {so you can walk on} Don't really understanded my
self but it works
Warning: Make sure its not to high up or when you get to the end and try to go into that worldspace with what you added skyrim
will crash everytime you run the game and go there
After that export it in the save as type: save it as Nif and in the file name: put what ever name you want Example: outsetisland 1

Use this settings when exporting

Close 3ds max and go to were you exported it and Copy the nif file to your desktop the one you are going to use will have a 1 at the
end and the other will have Collision at the end
You should have two files
Now download NifConvert and run the NifConvert.exe
Now in the "In-File (Morrowind):" find the nif file you copyed mine would be outset island 1
In the "Out-File (Skyrim):" find the same nif file you copyed mine would be outset island 1 and replace it or you could save it as
something else
In the "Template (Skyrim):" Download http://www.mediafire...h/barrel01.nif this and use it here it will be "barrel01.nif"
Now you need to go to were your skyrim is and then go to Data/textures Create a file here and send all the textures for the object
you extracted from 3ds max the textures have to be in .dds or .tga

In the "Texture path:" browes to were your skyrim is and find TESV.exe and open. Now select the foulder that you created for your

It should look like this and convert

Now for the part that's time consuming:
Open Nif file that's done mine would be outset island 1 and open barrel01
In barrel01 Find BSLightingShaderProperty and right click it and go to Block than Copy Branch
Now go to your nif file that was done and go to the first NiTriShapeData open it than click on BSLightingShaderProperty hold Ctrl
and press Delete than click on NiTriShapeData and hold Ctrl and press V
it will past what you coped from the barrel01
Now go to BSLightingShaderProperty open it than click on BSShaderTextureSet and at the bottom click Textures and delete the
textures thats on there
click on the first one and find the texture for that part

Now you have to do that for all of the NiTriShapeData

Once you are done save it. Now open ChunkMerge.exe

Find the nif.XML file which is located C:\Program Files (x86)\NifTools\NifSkope NifSkope has to be installed
In the "Nif-File (Skyrim):" you need to browes the nif file that you worked on the one that has a 1 at the end
In the "Cillision-File:" you need to browes the Collision nif file the one that has a Collision name at the end
In the "Template (Skyrim):" Select barrel01.nif
In the Collision Material: were it says Single: select the sound that it makes when you walk or hit that object Example: If the object
has a green floor then use grass it depends on what your object is.
When done click convert

Now Copy the the nif file thats done the one that has a 1 at the end and go to Skyrim/Data/Meshes and create a new foulder here
and name it what ever you want and paste the nif file here rename the nif file if you want

Run the Creation Kit. At the top left you will see a foulder icon click it. In the data window double-click on Skyrim.esm and
Updata.esm and click ok. If you don't have Update.esm its cool.
If you see a wanrning window click "Yes to all" or "Ignore"

In the "Object window" click "WorldObjects" than Static. Right click on one of those and click edit.
In the static window that pops up were it says ID rename it to what ever you want and at the end type 01
Were it says Model click edit. In the Model Data window that pops up were it says Model File Name click edit and find the nif file
that you have been working on. If a warning window pops up click yes to all.
Than click ok. In the static window click ok. A window will pop up that says Create a new form click yes
Now at the top go to world than world spaces. WorldSpace: window pops up. On the left side right click and click new. Name the
world space Id to what ever you want.
On the right side were it says Name put the name of your world space and at the bottom click ok
Now go to the Cell View window were it says World Space click it and find the world space you created. At the bottom double click
Than on the window that shows your world space Zoom out until your out of the water. Than go to the object window and find the
object that you created before and drag and drop it in the world space.

Wach this tutorial on Worldspaces by Mihkel Rand:

Once you are done on the top left side click file than save.
For Interior stages or caves:
In the creation kit once you have loaded everything go to the Cell View window and right click on aaaMarkers in the list and than
click on Dupilcate Cell.
Than this aaaMarkerDUPLICATE001 will show up. When you click on aaaMarkerDUPLICATE001 on the right side you will see whats
in that interior delete everything exsept NavMesh
Click on aaaMarkerDUPLICATE001 and rename it than double click it and add the object in there.

For LODs to work:

If the object you placed in your world space disapears when you move away from it than go
and download lodFileGenerator-v002 open the foulder and run LodFileGenerator_v0.02.exe. Now put the name of your world
space and than -29 than -29 than 32.
Than it will create a .lod file copy or move the .lod file to yor skyrim/Data foulder and create a LODSettings foulder and in that
foulder place the .lod file and go in game and see if it works
Make sure when you are in the creation kit that you select your object and right click it and put a check next to
is Full
For Lod
Check on youtube

Tutorial on adding Full Body characters mesh:

Things that you will need:
EDI Playermodel or any of my full body mods it will be used as a template http://www.mediafire...Playermodel.rar
Creation Kit

Follow this tutorial by R0R0N0

Than at the part about editing your nif file In the EDI.nif file Find BSLightingShaderProperty and right click it and go to Block than
Copy Branch
Now go to your nif file that was done and go to the first NiTriShapeData open it than click on BSLightingShaderProperty hold Ctrl
and preas Delete than click on NiTriShapeData and hold Ctrl and preas V
it will past what you coped from the EDI.nif file
Now go to BSLightingShaderProperty open it than click on BSShaderTextureSet and at the bottom click Textures and delete the
textures thats on there
click on the first one and find the texture for that part
Now you have to do that for all of the NiTriShapeData

Open up the creation kit. At the top left you will see a foulder icon click it. In the data window double-click on Skyrim.esm and
Updata.esm and EDIPlayermodel.esp click ok do not set any of them as active. If you don't have Update.esm its cool.
If you see a wanrning window click "Yes to all" or "Ignore"
In the object window click all than were it says filter type edi. Find EDI than right click on the one that has an icon that has a plus on
it and click edit
In the ArmorAddon window were it says ID rename it to what ever you want. Than at the bottom were it says Female and
underneth that Biped Model click select
Than the Model Data window pops up click edit and find the nif file that you worked on if you see a wanrning window click "Yes to
all" or "Ignore" than click ok
Do the same with the First Person in the female section
Than click ok. A window will pop up that says Create a new form click yes
Now right click on EDIcreatedbyLordVandheer and click edit.
Armor window pops up in the ID put what you want than go to Name and put the name that will show up in game
Than go to the Female section and underneth that World Model click edit and add the nif file you have been working on and click
than underneth the female section ther will be a box that has the name EDI. In that box right click the EDI and click delete than right
click the box an click new.
Than filter the ID that you created before and double click it. If every thing is good click ok. A window will pop up that says Create a
new form click yes
Once you are done on the top left side click file than save.
When your in game and loaded press "~" and type help the name of what you created and once you find it type player.additem the
number that you see and the amout you want

Tutorial on adding just the Head mesh:

Things that you will need:
FF 13 Lightning head or any of my Head mods it will be used as a template http://www.mediafire...htning head.rar
Creation Kit

In 3ds max load the custom head mesh you want than load the llm_1.nif which can be found in the FF 13 Lightning file and
try aligning it than do the same in R0R0N0's tutorial
Than at the part about editing your nif file In the llm_1.nif file Find BSLightingShaderProperty and right click it and go to Block than
Copy Branch
Now go to your nif file that was done and go to the first NiTriShapeData open it than click on BSLightingShaderProperty hold Ctrl
and preas Delete than click on NiTriShapeData and hold Ctrl and preas V
it will past what you coped from the llm_1.nif file
Now go to BSLightingShaderProperty open it than click on BSShaderTextureSet and at the bottom click Textures and delete the
textures thats on there
click on the first one and find the texture for that part
Now you have to do that for all of the NiTriShapeData

Open up the creation kit. At the top left you will see a foulder icon click it. In the data window double-click on Skyrim.esm and
Updata.esm and Lightning's Latex Mask.esp click ok do not set any of them as active. If you don't have Update.esm its cool.
If you see a wanrning window click "Yes to all" or "Ignore"
In the object window click all than were it says filter type llm. Find LLMA than right click on the one that has an icon that has a plus
on it and click edit
In the ArmorAddon window were it says ID rename it to what ever you want. Than at the bottom were it says Female and
underneth that Biped Model click select
Than the Model Data window pops up click edit and find the nif file that you worked on if you see a wanrning window click "Yes to
all" or "Ignore" than click ok
Do the same with the First Person in the female section
Than click ok. A window will pop up that says Create a new form click yes
Now right click on LLM and click edit.
Armor window pops up in the ID put what you want than go to Name and put the name that will show up in game
Than go to the Female section and underneth that World Model click edit and add the nif file you have been working on and click
than underneth the female section ther will be a box that has the name LLMAA. In that box right click the LLMAA and click delete
than right click the box an click new.
Than filter the ID that you created before and double click it. If every thing is good click ok. A window will pop up that says Create a
new form click yes
Once you are done on the top left side click file than save.
When your in game and loaded press "~" and type help the name of what you created and once you find it type player.additem the
number that you see and the amout you want

What I created by using this tutorial:

The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker HD Worlds http://www.loverslab...waker-hd-world/

If you do use this tutorial than share what you have made here

Remember sharing is caring

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