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NRC ee Fly Angola’s general manager, Belarnicio Muangala, tells Martin Rivers why the start-up airline is betting on one of Africa’s most r ricted aviation markets ANGOLA’ A= ‘aviation sector tookasymbole step forward in Api when theEuropcan Uniceifed ll stictions on TAG. Angola operatingin tsarspace ‘Thestae-ownedflagcarierhad been tinge shakeolT ts EU ban formorethana decade fst _iningan exemption for Portuguese lights then Scouring the right toserveckewherein Europe with speciicairera: and finally being given unfettered acess to theentinent By removing TAAG irom blacklist, Brusels signaled thatthemismanagement and corruption asociated with the ail nolonge posesa danger tothe safety fight ‘Ona broder commercial evel however there remains ite postveto sy about vilaviatin in Angola “Theguvemmentsill keeps foreign airinesona tight leash by restricting trafficrghts at Luandals Quatio de Fevereiro international Airport the ‘ounty/smain hub. Is grip onthe domestic market iseven firmer: theclosest thing TAG has to ‘ompettorisanetherstae-awned entity Sond, which sasubsiiay of nana ili, Sonangol Tewasin this stagnant business climate that GGestomobi an Angolan invesiment fim, lastyear launched itso scheduled airline Fly Angols, “Since 2017 we have been forecasting he market foxoverallinsestment inthe conan of Angela, nd weidentfied biz opportunityn aviation,” explained general manager Belamicio Mangala “TAAG and Son ie wore te only operators ‘on ome routes, and all the markets were underserved. We had non-regular operators ike Abrokt. which s ourair operators certificate (AOC) holder Wehad Gaicango. Bull hese ‘operators mainly operated charter lights. And, ‘obviously because Angolahasa big read and ralvay network problem, we dented this “opportunity for aviation.” Thy Angolacurrnty sells tickets rom capitality Luanda to Sarin snd Dancin theeast the ‘ounty and Benguelaand Lubungoin the south Tsroute network a mixture of dit rounds and tangle lights operated with fully owned. Embraer ER}-145 registration D2-FDF) GOAL that has been plaed onthe regs of Aero, a localeharter carte ‘Sub-conracing echnical providers an ‘expensive way of launching ahaifne but Mangala described thesetupasa temporary measure “ltmadenosensetogothrouph cetificaton and to investbeforewe weresure the market confirmod our basins pln andallurforeeasts, heard, "Now ‘weareacquiringan AOC ourselves togain ‘operational contol and we think fnancalvimakes more sense toad acaft under our own AOC.” As wel shifting D2-FDF wits oon rest Fly Angela plans to acquiteasecond ERJ-145“assoon asswecan get the oriication prosessconchuded” ‘That unit willprimariybea back-up” reali keep fghtsrunning smocshly during scheduled ‘maintenance workand aicraf-on-ground (AQG) inidens, Bore then, however management ‘expectiosigna dr lease fora smaller EMB-120 that ‘san grow thenetwork while Aeoltisstill handing ‘operations. gagaa ‘Muangala sid the 50-seat aireraft would spend four clayso the work based at Benguca's Catumbela Aimpor, which he envisages becoming “mini-hub™ for Angola south-westem provinces “Thisis semething. think, inthe ks iveyears no operator has dene” heneted. “But, because of the aie we have cared from Luan to Bengucla and vce vers wehsve been able survey the passengersand seethat nota them have Benguclaas ther} end destination. So, weare now lookingat options of feeding Benguca fem Nani, Lubango and Ondiva.” The EMB. 120 wil spend therestof the weokin [Laznda, running triangle igh to Soyoand the northern exclave of Cabinda-the beatingheartol Angola's petro-economy thankstoitsastolfshore cli Fly Angola conductod test fights from Luandato CCabindain February and hs ready opened asales “office the province. But, desptecalingithe ‘county “biggest roatein terms of demand” Mangala braved for tough market conditions ‘TAAG curently deploys midsize Boving 737- Toostoboth coastal cts, dramatically undercutting the seat costthat Fly Angola can ‘achieve with its regional leet Sonn’ Beechoraft 1900Dsakomake reba appearancesat the t80 ‘northemapors, Though smaller dan the EMB. 120. theirpresene eats up demand from contractors working with Sonangol ‘Asked about opportunities for route development ine castofthocountry, Muang noted that Luenais arn served on charter basis prmarilycatering for financial companies ~ but thereareno planstomake the link chedule Thepersptive for Lena sdiferent."he explained, “Luenaisin the provine of Maxico: bordered by Zambia and tothe south you have [ihe province of] Kuando-Kulbango. which borders "Namibia, Soin terms of trade and the sei perspective, the populations of these provinces find Htesser to goto Zambinor evento Namibia. Pasengers dont aly sek to come to Luanda.” Demand for ai reg inthe town alo finite ducto the presence ofthe Banguela Rata in the angst ofits Kndin Angola which runs castvard from the coast through Lvenaand intothe Democratic Republica the Congo (DRC). “So, wethink [scheduled lngin Luena would [involve] makinga new hubgai ike Benguola ard fying tothe ether poinsin the eas ike Saurimoor undo, ortothe south to Menangue. Tismakes sense... ut ¢Sworth experimenting withthe Bergcla hub ist” ‘Whenitcomestointematinal markers, Fly Angolais pragmatic abcur the resvctonsimposed ‘on domestic eariers bythe government. ‘Thecampany husidentifid several destinations cofinterest across Angola's northern borders with the DRCand CongoBrazzaville Without naming speci ctes Muangla sid histamis“onestep ‘head! ofthe competition and wuld be wd to launch fights “tomerrow” ifgven the green ight ‘That permission, however, wll almost cerzinly ‘not befrtheominginthecurrentclimate. “Management son realistic chance fers border fying thushingeson string upa partnership witha Fervignaitine that lead astral rights at START-UPS It made no sense to go through certification and to invest before we were sure the market confirmed our business plan and all our forecasts. Now we are acquiring an AOC ourselves to gain operational control, and we think financially it makes more sense to add aircraft under our own AOC. BELARNICIO MUANGALA ‘Workhorse: The route network -a mixture of ‘rect ound an ranao g witha uly owned 50-seat Embraer ERU-16, Luanda, Though notanimpossibiiy, Fly Angol’s simall sia arin operational experience makes tHisan unlikely neertenn prospect. Evens, Mosingala believes planningfrall ‘eventualisispradent~ especially given strong support forapen skies dkewherein Aca “Wedan' want to takeanystepsbefore we see that there isapoltical willingness forth, Bute thinkitSsamatterof ime,” hesaid “The goverment will eventually hae to think about internal companies being able ofl [oversea] because when they open up totheregonal markets ‘wewill obviously sev companies rem Ethiopia, Kenya etcetera coming Angola gauaa Changing fortunesat the ag carer could also speed up the pace ofliberalsaton Present boo Lourenco has made prisons ‘mainstay of his policy agenda since taking over rom Jose Eahuado dos Santos in 2017, with TAAG front and centre the sweeping efor “Aneatlierattem to eur loses tthe Mgr saw his predecesor award amanagement contact far TAAG toDubais Emirates Aine But the partnershipquicki collapsed when th government eng from how energy prices blocked Emirates ‘ander canes frm repatiatingunds Adamant that TAAG need privatoownersas wells Lourencohasupped he ante by reincorporating the flag carers public ited ‘company and plein to selits equity. Fleas also

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