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Designation: E 2214 – 02

Standard Practice for

Specifying and Verifying the Performance of Color-
Measuring Instruments1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2214; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


Recent advances in optics, electronics and documentary standard have resulted in a proliferation of
instruments for the measurement of color and appearance of materials and objects. These instruments
possess very good performance but there has been little progress toward standardizing the terminology
and procedures to quantify that performance. Therefore, the commercial literature and even some
documentary standards are a mass of confusing terms, numbers and specifications that are impossible
to compare or interpret.
Two recent papers in the literature, have proposed terms and procedures to standardize the
specification, comparison and verification of the level of performance of a color-measuring
instrument.2,3 Following those procedures, those specifications can be compared to product tolerances.
This becomes important so that instrument users and instrument makers can agree on how to compare
or verify, or both, that their instruments are performing in the field as they were designed and tested
in the factory.

1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This practice provides standard terms and procedures bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
for describing and characterizing the performance of spectral 2. Referenced Documents
and filter based instruments designed to measure and compute
the colorimetric properties of materials and objects. It does not 2.1 ASTM Standards:
set the specifications but rather gives the format and process by D 2244 Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances and
which specifications can be determined, communicated and Color Differences from Instrumentally Measured Color
verified. Coordinates4
1.2 This practice does not describe methods that are gener- E 284 Terminology of Appearance4
ally applicable to visible-range spectroscopic instruments used E 1164 Practice for Obtaining Spectrophotometric Data for
for analytical chemistry (UV-VIS spectrophotometers). ASTM Object-Color Evaluation4
Committee E13 on Molecular Spectroscopy and Chromatog- 2.2 Other Documents:
raphy includes such procedures in standards under their juris- ISO International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in
diction. Metrology (VIM)5
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the NIST Technical Note 1297 Guidelines for Evaluating and
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Re-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- sults6
DIN 55600 Bestimmung der Signifikanz von Farbabständen
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 on Color and
Appearance and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.04 on Color and 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
Appearance Analysis. 5
ISO/IDE/OIML/BIPM, International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms
Current edition approved June 10, 2002. Published August 2002. in Metrology, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland,
Ladson, J., “Colorimetric Data Comparison of Bench-Top and Portable 1984.
Instruments,” AIC Interim Meeting, Colorimetry, Berlin, 1995. 6
Taylor, Barry N., and Kuyatt, Chris E., Guidelines for Evaluating and
Rich, D., “Standardized Terminology and Procedures for Specifying and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results, NIST Technical Note
Verifying the Performance of Spectrocolorimeters,” AIC Color 97 Kyoto, Kyoto 1297, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1984.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 2214 – 02
bei Körperfarben nach der CIELAB-Formel7 4. Summary of Practice
4.1 This practice defines standardized terms for the most
3. Terminology
common instrument measurement performance parameters
3.1 Definitions of appearance terms in Terminology E 284 (repeatability, reproducibility, inter-instrument agreement,
are applicable to this pracitce. inter-model instrument agreement, accuracy) and describes a
3.2 Definitions of metrology terms in ISO, International set of measurements and artifacts, with which both the produc-
Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM) ers and users of color-measuring instruments verify or certify
are applicable to this practice. the specification and performance of color-measuring instru-
3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: ments. Following this practice can improve communications
3.3.1 colorimetric spectrometer, n—spectrometer, one com- between instrument manufacturers and instrument users and
ponent of which is a dispersive element (such as a prism, between suppliers and purchasers of colored materials.
grating or interference filter or wedge or tunable or discrete
series of monochromatic sources), that is normally capable of 5. Significance and Use
producing as output colorimetric data (such as tristimulus 5.1 In today’s commerce, instrument makers and instrument
values and derived color coordinates or indices of appearance users must deal with a large array of bench-top and portable
attributes) as well as the underlying spectral data from which color-measuring instruments, many with different geometric
the colorimetric data are derived. and spectral characteristics. At the same time, manufacturers of Discussion—At one time, UV-VIS analytical spec- colored goods are adopting quality management systems that
trophotometers were used for colorimetric measurements. To- require periodic verification of the performance of the instru-
day, while instruments intended for use in color measurements ments that are critical to the quality of the final product. The
share many common components with UV-VIS analytical technology involved in optics and electro-optics has progressed
spectrometers, there are two distinct classes of instruments. greatly over the last decade. The result has been a generation of
UV-VIS analytical spectrometers are designed to optimize their instruments that are both more affordable and higher in
use in chemometric quantitative analysis, which requires very performance. What had been a tool for the research laboratory
precise spectral position and very narrow spectral windows and is now available to the retail point of sale, to manufacturing, to
moderate baseline stability. Colorimetric spectrometers are design and to corporate communications. New documentary
designed to optimize their use as simulations of the visual standards have been published that encourage the use of
colorimeter or as the source of spectral and colorimetric colorimeters, spectrocolorimeters, and colorimetric spetrom-
information for computer-assisted color matching systems. eters in applications previously dominated by visual expertise
They allow more tolerance on the spectral scale and spectral or by filter densitometers.8 Therefore, it is necessary to
window width but demand much more stability in the radio- determine if an instrument is suitable to the application and to
metric scale. verify that an instrument or instruments are working within the
3.3.2 inter-instrument agreement, n—a form of reproduc- required operating parameters.
ibility in which two or more instruments from the same 5.2 This practice provides descriptions of some common
manufacturer and model are compared. instrumental parameters that relate to the way an instrument
3.3.3 inter-model agreement, n—a form of reproducibility will contribute to the quality and consistency of the production
in which the measurements of two or more instruments from of colored goods. It also describes some of the material
different manufacturers or of different but equivalent design are standards required to assess the performance of a color-
compared. measuring instrument and suggests some tests and test reports Discussion—Modern instruments have such high to aid in verifying the performance of the instrument relative to
precision that small differences in geometric and spectral its intended application.
design can result in significant differences in the performance
of two instruments. This can occur even though both instru- 6. Instrument Performance Parameters
ments exhibit design and performance bias which are well 6.1 Repeatability is generally the most important specifica-
within the expected combined uncertainty of the instrument tion in a color-measuring instrument. Colorimetry is primarily
and within the requirements of any international standard. a relative or differential measurement, not an absolute mea-
3.3.4 mean color difference from the mean, MCDM, n—a surement. In colorimetry, there is always a standard and a trial
measure of expectation value of the performance of a color- specimen. The standard may be a real physical specimen or it
measuring instrument. may be a set of theoretical target values. The trial is usually Discussion—MCDM calculates the average color similar to the standard in both appearance and spectral nature.
difference between a set of readings and the average of that set Thus, industrial colorimetry is generally a test of how well the
of readings. MCDM = average(DEi(average(Lab) − Labi)), for instrument repeats its readings of the same or nearly the same
i = 1 to N readings. Any standard color difference or color specimen over a period of minutes, hours, days, and weeks.
tolerance equation can be used as long as the report clearly 6.1.1 The ISO VIM defines repeatability as a measure of the
identifies the equation being used (see Practice D 2244). random error of a reading and assumes that the sample standard

7 8
DIN, Deutsches Institut für Normung,-Taschenbuch 49, Farbmittel 1, Pgimente, ISO 13655 Spectral Measurement and Colorimetric Computation for Graphic
Füllstoffe, Farbstoffe, DIN 5033 Teil 1 bis DIN 55929, Beuth Verlag GmbH, Berlin. Arts Images, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.

E 2214 – 02
deviation is an estimate of repeatability. Repeatability is further repeatability is the most common and important type of
defined as the standard deviation of a set of measurements reproducibility. Repeatability and reproducibility have tradi-
taken over a specified time period by a single operator, on a tionally been evaluated in colorimetry by comparing the color
single instrument with a single specimen. This definition is differences of a set of readings to a single reading or to the
similar to that in Terminology E 284, except that the ISO average of the set of readings.
explicitly defines the metric of “closeness of agreement” as the 6.3 Inter-Instrument Agreement, as defined in 3.3.2, de-
sample standard deviation. Since color is a multidimensional scribes the reproducibility between two or more instruments, of
property of a material, repeatability should be reported in terms identical design. The ISO has no definition or description of
of the multidimensional standard deviations, derived from the such a concept. This is because in most test results, a method
square root of the absolute value of the variance–covariance or instrument dependent bias can be assessed. In this situation,
matrix. such a test measures the consistency of the design and
6.1.2 The time period over which the readings are collected manufacturing process. Within the technical description of the
must be specified and is often qualitatively described as standard geometric and spectral parameters for the measure-
“short,” “medium,” or “long.” The definitions of these time ment of diffuse reflectance factor and color, a significant
frames do not overlap. This is intentional, providing clearly amount of latitude exists. This latitude results in a random
defined milestones in the temporal stability of test results. amount of bias. For a given design, a manufacturer may reduce For the purposes of colorimetry, “short” is normally the random bias, often to a level less than the stability of
the time required to collect a set of 30 readings, taken as fast reference materials. The most common form of test for
as the instrument will allow. The actual time will vary as a inter-model instrument agreement is pairwise color difference
function of lamp and power supply characteristics but should assessment of a series of specimens. Various parameters are
be less than one hour. reported in the literature including the average color difference, “Medium” term is normally defined as, at least the the maximum color difference, the typical color difference, the
period of one work shift (8 h) but less than three work shifts RMS color difference or the MCDM mean color difference
(one day). from the mean, taking the average of all instruments as the “Long” term is open ended but is often described as standard and the other as the test instrument. Using pairs of
any set readings taken over a period of at least 4 to 8 weeks. instruments and materials one can derive a multivariate confi-
The longest known reported study described readings taken dence interval against the value 0.0 difference and then test
over a period of 31⁄4 years.9 individual components to determine which attribute (lightness,
6.2 Reproducibility is the second most important specifica- chroma, hue) are the significant contributors to the differences
tion in a color-measuring instrument. According to Terminol- between instruments. If a group of instruments are being tested
ogy E 284, reproducibility is a form of repeatability in which then a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) can be
one or more of the measurement parameters have been
performed to test the agreement of the means of the instrument.
systematically changed. Thus the sample is different, the
procedures or instrument are different, or the time frame is very 6.4 Inter-Model Agreement, as defined in 3.3.3, describes
long. The increase of disorder over a very long time changes the reproducibility between two or more instruments of differ-
the instrument systematically and the set of readings really ing design. The latitude within the standard geometric and
compares a “young” instrument with an “old” instrument. spectral parameters described in the preceding paragraph is at
6.2.1 The ISO VIM defines reproducibility as a type of a maximum when the designs differ. The systematic bias may
repeatability in which either the time frame is very long, in increase by factors of from 5 to 10 because of the increased
which the operator changes, the instrument changes, or the latitude. Standardizing laboratories will report either the alge-
measurement conditions change. ISO again recommends esti- braic differences between measurement results or the ratio of
mating this with a standard deviation. Reproducibility is the measurement values between two labs. The former will be
further defined as the standard deviation of a set of measure- a Normal statistical variable if the measurement values are
ments taken over a specified period of time by a single Normally distributed, and the latter will be distributed as a
operator, on a single instrument with a single specimen. This non-central F distribution with the expected value equal to the
definition is similar to that in Terminology E 284, except that bias. This non-central distribution can be estimated from the
the ISO again, explicitly defines the metric of “closeness of multivariate variance–covariance matrix. Using pairs of instru-
agreement” as the sample standard deviation. Again, since ments and materials one can derive a multivariate confidence
color is a multidimensional property of a material, reproduc- interval against the value 0.0 difference and then test individual
ibility should be reported in terms of the multidimensional components to determine which attribute (lightness, chroma,
standard deviations, derived from the square root of the hue) are the significant contributors to the differences between
absolute value of the variance–covariance matrix. instruments. If a group of instruments are being tested then a
6.2.2 The time period over which the readings are collected multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) can be per-
must be specified. For the purposes of colorimetry, “long” term formed to test the agreement of the means of the instrument.
6.5 Accuracy, while occasionally critical, is generally the
least significant parameter in characterizing the performance of
Rich, D. C., Battle, D., Malkin, F., Williamson, C., Ingleson, A., “Evaluation of
a color-measuring instrument. ISO defines accuracy as the
the Long-Term Repeatability of Reflectance Spectrophotometers,” Spectrophotom-
etry, Luminescence and Colour: Science and Compliance, C. Burgess and D. G. conformance of a series of readings to the accepted or true
Jones, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995. value. In modern colorimetry, the volume of the total combined

E 2214 – 02
uncertainty around the accepted value is often many times spectrometer that can be adjusted to cover the radiometric
larger than volume of visual acceptability of the products range of the spectrometer. Since commercial colorimeters are
whose color is being quantified. Therefore, an “accurate” color not easily configured with such devices, the use of neutral
measurement may result in an unacceptable product color. plaques or neutral filters is the best compromise.
There are two scales in a spectrocolorimeter that can be
assigned nominal values and tested against standard values. 7. Procedures
They are the radiometric scale and the wavelength scale.
6.5.1 The wavelength scale includes the sampling position 7.1 Repeatability shall be measured by placing a white
(centroid wavelength) and the sampling window width (spec- plaque at the measurement port of a recently standardized
tral bandwidth). These parameters are normally tested against instrument and making replicate readings of the plaque without
physical standards of wavelength based on fundamental phe- moving the plaque. For short-term repeatability, at least 30
nomena, such as discharge lamps or laser lines. In very readings shall be collected as fast as the instrument allows. The
abridged instruments it may not be possible to test directly quantity of reading (30 or more) depends upon the desired level
against such a physical standard, so either material standards of confidence in the results and the time required to acquire that
are used, such as holmium oxide or didymium oxide glasses or number of readings. For very slow instruments, the costs of
pairs of sharp-cutting filter glasses, or a scanning monochro- performing even 30 measurements may be very high, in those
mator are characterized against physical standards. In the case cases a lower number of readings may be adequate if the
of the monochromator, the output intensity is equalized and variance-covariance is adequately characterized. For medium
scanned across the input to the abridged spectrometer to term repeatability, at least 60 readings shall be collected,
resolve the location of the wavelength centroid at each sam- uniformly spread out over an 8-h period, with at least 60 s
pling point in the abridged spectrum. between readings. Use of a white plaque is recommended
6.5.2 Radiometric scale accuracy is more difficult to evalu- because the radiometric random noise is generally highest near
ate since it involves three aspects: the zero level, white level, the upper end of the scale of diffuse reflectance. A noise level
and the linearity between the two levels. White level can be of a few hundredths of a percent is expected at a 90 %
tested by direct comparison to a primary standard of reflectance reflectance while the noise level may be a few thousandths of
or transmittance and the result reported as 6 the expanded
a percent at 4 % reflectance. Spectrally selective (colored)
uncertainty at a stated confidence level, as described in NIST
standards are not recommended as they tend to confound the
Technical Note 1297. The expanded uncertainty is the com-
radiometric noise with temperature and mechanical sensitivity
bined uncertainty of the white plaque and the instrument under
test combined in quadrature at the 95 % confidence level and in a way that is not representative of the general performance
multiplied by the appropriate coverage factor. The exact of the instrument. Often, a light gray plaque may be substituted
methods for propagating the uncertainty in a reflectance factor for the white plaque when an instrument is never used to
measurement into the color coordinates is still a matter of some measure very light or white specimens as the gray level may
dispute. Methods have been proposed in the literature but are result in values for repeatability that are more representative of
not widely accepted and used.10 typical materials. Measurements of medium, dark or black
6.5.3 The black level only needs to be tested to show that specimens will not generally add any useful information since
the optical zero is less than some minimum value, since it is the radiometric noise level tends to be proportional to the
impossible to define the optical zero except in terms of the signal and the noise will be lost inside the resolution limit of
noise floor of the spectrometer or colorimeter. The results of the spectrometer.
measurements of near black materials (black glass of known 7.1.1 The basic measurement values of a colorimetric spec-
refractive index or a suitably designed black trap) shall show trometer are the set of reflectance factors and those of a filter
results that are less than some upper limit. For example, the colorimeter are the tristimulus values. Those variables are the
zero level # 0.025 %. most closely related to a Normal statistical random variable.
6.5.4 Finally, linearity must be specified in a testable way. If The reported repeatability shall be either twice the univariate
the spectrometer is linear then at any wavelength, plots of the standard deviation of at least three, widely separated reflec-
measured values versus the standard values of a set of neutral tance factors, DRl(2s), (l = 440 nm, 560 nm, 660 nm) that are
samples should lie on a line passing through the origin with a
returned from the instrument, or if the reflectance factors are
slope of 1.0. Unfortunately, it is possible to fit a line by least
not available, then twice the univariate standard deviation of
squares to a higher order function (having some errors positive
the individual tristimulus values {DX (2s),D Y (2s), DZ (2s)}.
and some negative) and obtain a slope of 1.0. Estimating the
slope of the line passing through all points will not identify that Since the variance (standard deviation) of closely spaced
kind of non-linearity. To avoid this, standardizing laboratories spectral reflectance factors or tristimulus values are generally,
and some analytical instruments use the addition-of-radiance not independent, it will be necessary to report the multivariate
method, either with two sources or with a double aperture variance-covariance matrix instead of the square root of the
apparatus to generate a signal and a 23 signal into the variance for each measurement point. If the set of univariate
standard deviations (multiple reflectance factors or multiple
tristimulus values) must be reduced to a single dimension, then
Fairchild, M. D., and Reniff, L., “Propagation of Random Errors in Spectro- it is recommended that a weighted standard deviation be
photometric Colorimetry,” Color Research& Application, 16, 1991, p. 360. reported, the weight being proportional to the sum of the

E 2214 – 02

standard observer functions [weight = (x–, + –y, + –z )] or the wavelength such as a discharge lamp or laser line. In very
variances of the tristimulus values themselves (s2X + s2Y + abridged instruments it may not be possible to test directly
s2Z). against a physical standard, so one of two options may be If an estimate of expected color difference is desired exercised. In option 1, a material standard is used, such as
then it can be reported either as the average difference from the holmium oxide or didymium oxide glasses. In option 2, a
first readings or as the multivariate confidence volume which modern, digital, direct scanning monochromator is character-
will be a three dimensional ellipsoid for tristimulus data and an ized against physical sources and the output intensity is
N dimensional hyper-ellipsoid for N spectral values. Annex A1 equalized and scanned across the input to the abridged spec-
shows the steps required to compute the multidimensional trometer.
confidence interval. This method is documented in DIN 55600 7.3.2 It is recommended that for sampling frequencies of
(in German only) and in two publications in English.11,12 fewer than 16 points across the visible region (400 nm to 700
Reports in the literature have shown that high precision nm) the wavelength accuracy and bandwidth or filter fit, be
reflectance factor and tristimulus value measurements are tested and reported at each sampling point. Small numbers of
seldom distributed as a univariate Normal random variable but spectral samples are usually more independent and have wider
are not so far from being distributed as a multivariate Normal spectral windows making each sample point more critical. For
random variable.13 Thus, parameters like variance, standard sampling frequencies of 16 or more points it is recommended
deviation, root mean square deviations are not appropriate to report the wavelength scale conformance and bandwidth at
when computed for color difference values. three specific wavelengths (450 nm 6 0.x nm, 550 nm 6 0.x It is also acceptable to report the repeatability in nm, 650 nm 6 0.x nm) with bandwidths of (bw 6 0.x nm).
ranges. For example, one value for wavelengths less than 460 Here the tolerances are twice the sample standard deviation for
nm, a second value for wavelengths between 460 nm and 640 at least 10 replicate determinations of the wavelength scale. If
nm and a third value for wavelengths greater than 640 nm, there is a significant bias in the scale position, then that shall be
using the appropriate number of wavelengths in the computa- reported as well.
tion of the multivariate confidence volume. As indicated in 6.5.2, the radiometric scale accuracy
7.2 Reproducibility shall be measured by collecting read- is more difficult to assess. White level must be tested by direct
ings on a set of at least 10 material standards, including both comparison to a primary standard of reflectance or transmit-
neutral and chromatic samples. It is important to standardize tance obtained from a suitable standardizing laboratory. The
the instrument before each measurement series. Long term result shall be reported along with the expanded uncertainty, as
repeatability involves daily measurement of the standard for a described in 6.5.2.
period of at least 30 days. The results of the measurements of the white level
can be reported as 100 % 6 U %. Using white ceramic plaques
NOTE 1—This shall be 30 measurement days, not 30 calendar days. with luminous reflectance factors (Y) of 85 or greater, the
7.2.1 Reproducibility shall be reported as either two times 100 % level expanded uncertainty will be in the range of 6
the univariate standard deviation of the 30 readings of the 0.3 % or the uncertainty of the primary standard, whichever is
reflectance factor DRl(2s) at the same three wavelengths or as larger. NPL currently cites uncertainties of 6 0.5 % (2s) and
twice the univariate standard deviation of the tristimulus values NIST cites uncertainties of 6 0.3 % (2s) on white primary
{DX (2s), DY(2s), DZ (2s)}. However, keep in mind that DX, standards of reflectance.
DY andD Z are generally correlated and not independently As indicated in 6.5.3, the black level needs only to
distributed. Again, to compensate for correlation between be tested to the extent to show that the optical zero is less than
tristimulus values or to provide statistics based on uniform some value. The results of measurements of a near black
color spaces then the multivariate confidence interval shall be material or a black trap shall be less than 0.0005.
computed and reported as described in Annex A1. As indicated in 6.5.4, the linearity must be evaluated
7.3 Accuracy has to be independently tested on each of the using neutral standards. The five neutral BCRA tiles, the three
two scales, wavelength and radiometric. The wavelength scale grays (Pale, Mid, Deep) and the White and Black are recom-
has the advantage that there are physical standards of wave- mended for this.14 The plaques must have standard values
length that can be utilized by some colorimetric spectrometers. assigned to them. Lines are to be passed through each
Procedures for verifying the wavelength scale, bandwidth and sequential pair of the measured points. The slopes of each line
radiometric scale are described in Practice E 1164. Specific segment shall be compared to the expected value of 1.0. Fig. 1
additional procedures are given here. illustrates that the readings from the five BCRA neutral tiles
7.3.1 The wavelength scale includes the sampling position create four intermediate linear regions. If lines are passed
(centroid wavelength) and the sampling window width (band- through each of these and the slopes of each compared then
width). These are normally tested against physical standards of differential non-linearities will be seen. Plot or tabulate the
results for each line segment: the accepted values for the slope
(always 1.0); the measured values for the slopes; and the
Jackson, J. E., “Some Multivariate Statistical Techiques Used in Color percent difference between the two. The report shall include the
Matching Data,” J. Opt. Soc. Am, 49, 1959, pp. 585-592.
Völz, H. G., Industrial Color Testing Fundamental and Techniques, VCH
VmbH, Weinheim, 1995.
13 14
Billmeyer, Jr., F. W., and Alessi, P. J., “Assessment of Color-Measuring BCRA tiles are produced by CERAM Research, Queens road, Penkhull,
Instruments,” Color Research & Application, 6, 1981, p. 195. Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7LQ, England.

E 2214 – 02

FIG. 1 Comparison of a Large Number of Color Differences Showing Positive Skew Distribution

maximum absolute difference 6 combined uncertainty in the conditions—the maximum will be large for difficult to measure
slope due to uncertainty in the accepted values and the specimens and small for easily characterized specimens.
measured values. 7.4.2 Spectral ratios or spectral differences can be used to
7.4 Between Instrument Agreement must report whether the quantify the spectral and radiometric differences between
test is for inter-model instrument agreement or inter-instrument instruments, but geometric differences are confounded with the
agreement. The two types of reproducibility are tested in a radiometric differences and thus provide additional information
similar manner but the results are evaluated quite differently. only for inter-model instrument agreement or for comparison
The difference between these two parameters can be as large as of spectrally non-selective specimens.17
an order of magnitude. 7.4.3 The most appropriate and conservative estimate of the
7.4.1 To estimate this reproducibility calculate the mean expected difference between the two instruments is the 3D
CIELAB component differences between the readings of a set ellipsoidal confidence interval on the joint distribution of
of at least 10 BCRA tiles plus white and black plaques. The measurements from the two instruments. If an estimate of the
measurement conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) shall be dispersion of the color differences is required, then compute
specified and corrected to standard conditions via the NPL the variance-covariance matrix and report this or the individual
table, reproduced in Annex A2.15 As observed in Fig. 2, the component contributions are described in Annex A1. Replicate
mode, median and mean of a set of color difference (DE) readings at different times will mingle the repeatability with the
determinations do not follow a bell curve but a curve related to reproducibility and can provide an even better estimate of the
the Chi-squared or F statistical distributions, as described by expected performance of the instruments under test. The test
Hotelling.16 can be extended to multiple instruments with complete gener- For this positively skewed distribution, if the ality, creating a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
univariate MODE is reported, then the estimate is highly problem. The solution of that comparison is beyond the scope
optimistic, influenced by the easily characterized neutral of this standard but can be found in most elementary textbooks
samples. On the other hand, if the univariate MEDIAN is used on multivariate analysis and in any good statistical software
then fully half of the readings are above and half below the package.
modal color difference. Finally, the mean (arithmetic average)
is highly influenced by the largest color differences in the tail 8. Keywords
of the distribution. The maximum of the readings is highly 8.1 color; instrumental measurement-color/light; inter-
dependent on the sample character and the measurement instrument; inter-model; light-transmission and reflection; re-
flectance; reflectance and reflectivity; spectrocolorimetry;
Verrill, J. F., Compton, J. A., and Malkin, F., Applied Optics, 25, 1986, p.
16 17
Hotelling, H., “The Generalization of the Student’s Ratio,” Annals of Robertson, A. R., Advances in Standards and Methodology in Spectrophotom-
Mathematical Statistics, 2, 1931, pp. 360-378. etry, Burgess, C., and Mielenz, K. D., eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, pp. 277-286.

E 2214 – 02

NOTE 1—Solid line is ideal, dotted line show zero and a scale error, and points show nonlinear scale.
FIG. 2 Nonlinear Photometric Scale


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Estimates of the Mean Vector µ and Variance

Matrix V
A1.1.1 Given a set of n color readings, either repeatability
V5 F var~a*! cov ar~a*, b*! cov ar~L*, a*!
cov ar~a*,b*! var~b*! cov ar~L*, b*!
cov ar~L*, a*! cov ar~L*, b*! var~L*!
G (A1.5)

or reproducibility readings of a single specimen expressed in A1.1.4 The variance–covariance matrix must be inverted to
terms of CIELAB color coordinates (L*,a*,b*), compute the form the metric of the state space defined by the measurement
following: variables. That matrix is given the symbol G and has elements
1 1 1 gi,j, which are similar to the coefficients derived by MacAdam
L* 5 n(Li*, a* 5 n(ai*, b* 5 n(bi* (A1.1) for his ellipses and ellispoids.
var~L*! 5 n 2 1 (~Li* 2 L*!2 G 5 V21 5 F g1,1 g1,2 g1,3
g2,1 g2,2 g2,3
g3,1 g3,2 g3,3
G (A1.6)

var~a*! 5 n 2 1 (~ai* 2 a*!2 (A1.2) A1.2 Application of Multivariate Analysis to Colorimetry
1 A1.2.1 Critical values for test statistics and for confidence
var~b*! 5 n 2 1 (~bi* 2 b*!2 (A1.2)
intervals can be derived from the mean vector (µ) and the
1 inverse of the variance-covariance matrix G. The mean vector
cov ar~L*, a*! 5 n 2 1 (~Li* 2 L*! · ~ai* 2 a*! (A1.2) and variance matrix can be derived for a set individual
1 readings, as shown above, or for a set of color difference
cov ar~L*, b*! 5 n 2 1 (~Li* 2 L*! · ~bi* 2 b*! (A1.3) readings (Batch–Standard) and critical tests applied. For ex-
ample, one might want to state that the medium term repeat-
cov ar~a*, b*! 5 n 2 1 (~ai* 2 a*! · ~bi* 2 b*! (A1.3) ability is less than 0.05 CIELAB DE* units. Then a series of 30
readings would be subtracted from the initial reading and
A1.1.2 The mean vector µ is given by: submitted to this analysis. The mean vector would then be:
3 4a*
3 4

A1.1.3 The variance–covariance matrix is given by:

E 2214 – 02
A1.2.2 The critical values are related to the Chi-Squared A1.3 Example Calculations
distribution (x2, where critical values for that distribution are – – –
for 1−a probability are (70 % = 3.665; 95 % = 7.81; A1.3.1 Raw data table, L*Std = 98.04, a*Std = −0.02, b*Std =
99 %=11.34). For the color coordinates, the following tables 1.78:
give the formulas for one-sided tests of the absolute values of Sample Da* Db* DL*
the color difference components. The critical values for testing 1 -0.02 0.36 -0.82
is to compare the average values of Da*, Db*, DL*, DC*, 2 -0.01 0.37 -0.89
3 -0.04 0.36 -0.73
DE*ab to the values in the third column of Table A1.1.

TABLE A1.1 Critical Values for Testing Significance of Color Differences

Color Coordinate Critical Value Equations

Da* tDa
n · g1,1

Db* tDb
n · g2,2

n · g3,3

DH*ab tDH 1
f 5 ~hTrial 2 hStandard!

gH 5 g1,1 sin2 f 2 2g12 sinf cosf 1 g22 cos2f

n · gH

Dh*ab tDh
arctan 2 ·
· tan
2 D
DC*ab tDC gTrial 5 g1,1 cos2hTrial 1 2g1,2 sinhTrial coshTrial 1 g2,2 sin2hTrial

gStd 5 g1,1 cos2hStd 1 2g1,2 sinhStd coshStd 1 g2,2 sin2hStd

ΠS x2 1
2 · n gTrial gStd D
DE*ab tDE Da*



gE 5 g1,1a2 1 g2,2b2 1 g3,3g2 1 2g1,2ab 1 2g2,3bg 1 2g1,3ag

n · gE

E 2214 – 02
Sample Da* Db* DL* 1
5 20 2 1 (~Dbi* 2 Db*! · ~DLi* 2 DL*!
4 -0.08 0.35 -0.91 5 0.001979 (A1.20)
5 -0.16 0.36 -0.91
V5 F 0.002198 20.000848 0.000254
20.000848 0.001620 0.001978
0.000254 0.001979 0.013689
9 -0.08 0.45 -0.60
10 -0.01 0.38 -0.68
The MINVERSE function of EXCEL applied to the above
11 0.00 0.38 -0.61 matrix yields:

12 -0.007 0.40 -0.71
622.4854 412.8951 271.2118
13 0.03 0.33 -0.93
G5 412.8951 1023.602 2155.567
14 0.02 0.27 -0.99
271.2118 2155.567 96.86054
15 -0.09 0.41 -0.70
16 -0.01 0.34 -0.87 A1.3.3 Using the formulas in Table A1.1 we compute the
17 -0.01 0.38 -0.79
18 -0.09 0.39 -0.78
critical values for each of the color difference components to
19 -0.05 0.43 -0.87 identify the level of difference that is statistically significant.
20 -0.04 0.38 -0.74 A1.3.4 In oral reports to the Inter-Society Color Council and
Aver- -0.03 0.37 -0.78
to the Society of Plastics Engineers, it has been reported that
statistical acceptance volumes based on the multivariate analy-
A1.3.2 sis of production batches using Hotelling’s T2 statistic show
DL*Trial 5 98.04 1 ~20.78! 5 97.26 (A1.8) very good agreement with the predictions of modern color
tolerance equations such as the CMC or CIE94 equations after
Da*Trial 5 20.02 1 ~20.03! 5 20.05 (A1.9)
adjustment for the “commercial factor.” Taking a series of
Db*Trial 5 1.78 1 ~0.37! 5 2.15 (A1.10) readings of a set of material standards using a test instrument
DE* 5 =~20.78!2 1 ~20.03!2 1 ~0.37!2 5 0.86 (A1.11) and comparing those measures to known values obtained from
a standardizing laboratory will provide both a statistical
DC* 5 =~20.05! 1 ~2.15! 2 =~20.02! 1 ~1.78! 5 0.37
2 2 2 2
estimate of the confidence volume and an equivalent “color
(A1.12) difference” for that probability.
2.15 1.78 A1.3.4.1 Begin by taking the series of measurements and
Dhab 5 Arc tan20.05 2 Arc tan20.02 5 0.95° (A1.13)
computing the differences between the measured values and
DH* 5 =~0.86!2 2 ~20.78!2 2 ~0.37!2 5 0.10 (A1.14) the reference values in terms of DL*, DC* and DH*. Compute
the variance-covariance matrix and then the Hotelling’s T2 as
var ~Da*! 5 v11 5 20 2 1 (~Dai* 2 Da*!2 5 0.002198 follows:
(A1.15) T2 5 n~DLCH!8 S21 ~DLCH!
1 where the bold letters indicate vectors or matrices. Then
var ~Db*! 5 v22 5 20 2 1 (~Dbi* 2 Db*!2 5 0.001620
Hotelling’s T2 can be related to a noncentral F distribution as:
~n 2 3! T2
1 F3,n23 5
var ~DL*! 5 v33 5 20 2 1 (~DLi* 2 DL*!2 5 0.013689 3~n 2 1!
(A1.17) A1.3.4.2 If we let G be the inverse of the variance-
covar ~Da*, Db*! 5 v12
covariance matrix (S-1), then the elements of the matrix G will
5 v21 be gij and the properties of the ellipsoid are given as:
1 DE2 5 g11 DL2 1 2g12DCDL 1 g22DC2 1 2g13DLDH 1 2g13DLDH
5 20 2 1 (~Dai* 2 Da*! · ~Dbi* 2 Db*!
1 2g23DCDH 1 g33DH2
5 20.000848 (A1.18)
5 ~n21!T2
covar ~Da*, DL*! 5 v13
5 v31 A1.3.4.3 If CIE94 or CMC is correct, then all cross product
1 terms should be equal to or very near to 0.0 and can be
5 20 2 1 (~Dai* 2 Da*!· ~DLi* 2 DL*! neglected. Then all that needs to be done is to compute the
5 0.000254 (A1.19) value of cf that scales the ratios of @g11 / ~l SL2!# 5 [g22 /
covar ~Db*, DL*! 5 v23 ~c SC2!# 5 [g33 / ~h SH2!# 5 1.0 to determine the correct
5 v32 tolerance size.

E 2214 – 02
TABLE A1.2 Critical Values for 1−a = 95 %, x2 = 7.81
Color Coordinate Critical Value Equations

Da* tDa= 0.023

n · g1,1
5 Π7.81
20 · 622.2261

Db* tDb= 0.016

n · g2,2
5 Π7.81
20 · 1023.3601

DL* tDL= 0.055

n · g3,3
5 Π7.81
20 · 96.8606

DH*ab tDH= 0.022

2 Trial
2 hStandard 5 ~90.78°2 91.61°! 5 91.20°

gH 5 g1,1 sin2f 2 2g12 sinf cosf 1 g22 cos2f

gH 5 622.2261 · 0.99982 2 2 · 412.5825· 0.9998 · ~ 2 0.02094! 1

1023.3601 · ~ 2 0.02094!2 5 639.7

n · gH
5 Π7.81
20 · 639.7

Dh*ab tDh= 0.21°

Arc tan 2 ·
* · tan 2 D S
5 Arc tan 2 ·
· tan
2 D
DC*ab tDC= 0.016 gTrial 5 g1,1 cos2hTrial 1 2g1,2 sinhTrial coshTrial 1 g2,2 sin2hTrial

gTrial 5 622.2261 · ~ 2 0.01361!2 1 2 · 412.5825 · 0.9999 · ~ 2

0.01361! 1 1023.3601 · ~0.9999!2 5 1012.0

gStd 5 g1,1 cos2hStd 1 2g1,2 sinhStd coshStd 1 g2,2 sin2hStd

gStd 5 622.2261 · ~ 2 0.0280961!2 1 2 · 412.5825 · ~ 2

0.0280961! · 0.9996 1 1023.3601 · ~0.9996!2 5 999.8

ΠS x2 1
2 · n gTrial gStd
5 D Π7.81
S 1
2 · 20 1012.0 999.8 D
DE*ab tDE= 0.0258 Da* 20.04
a5 5 5 20.0465
DE*ab 0.86

Db* 0.37
b5 5 5 0.430
DE*ab 0.86

DL* 20.77
g5 5 5 20.895
DE*ab 0.86

gE 5 g1,1a2 1 g2,2b2 1 g3,3g2 1 2g1,2ab 1 2g2,3bg 1 2g1,3ag

gE 5 622261 · ~ 2 0.0465!2 1 1023.3601 · ~0.430!2 1 96.8606 ·

~ 2 0.895!2 1 2 · 4125825 · ~ 2 0.0465! · ~0.430! 1 2 · ~ 2
155.5824!· ~0.430! · ~ 2 0.895! 1 2 · ~ 2 71.1867! · ~ 2 0.0465! ·
~ 2 0.895! 5 376.4

n · gE
5 Π7.81
20 · 376.4
5 0.0258

E 2214 – 02


A2.1 The NPL and CERAM have studied the temperature TABLE A2.2 Changes for 10°C Rise in Temperature for Illuminant
sensitivity of the Ceramic Colour Standards, Series II and have D65 and the 1964 Standard Observer when Measured with 0°/d
(Specular Component Excluded) Geometry
published the following tables of changes in the CIELAB
Tile Color DL* Da* Db* DE*
coordinates for a 10°C rise in ambient temperature or the
temperature at the surface of the tile. Pale Grey -0.03 -0.02 0.03 0.04
Mid Grey -0.03 -0.03 0.04 0.06
Difference Grey -0.04 0.04 0.03 0.07
A2.2 To correct a color measurement to a specific tempera- Deep Grey 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
ture use the following equation: Deep Pink -0.13 -0.48 -0.23 0.55
Red -0.55 -0.54 -0.83 1.13
10 D (A2.1) Orange
Green -0.20 0.75 -0.03 0.77
Where CCORRECTED is the corrected color coordinates (L*, Difference Green -0.20 0.77 -0.03 0.80
a , b*), CMEASURED is the measured color coordinate, DTC is the
Cyan -0.12 0.34 0.00 0.36
thermochromic coefficient from either Table A2.1 or Table Deep Blue 0.01 -0.09 0.08 0.12
A2.2, TM is the temperature at which the measurement was

TABLE A2.1 Changes for 10°C Rise in Temperature for Illuminant made, and TC is the temperature to which the color measure-
D65 and the 1964 Standard Observer when Measured with 8°/t
(Specular Component Included) Geometry
ment is to be corrected.
Example: Suppose the Yellow tile had been measured at
Tile Color DL* Da* Db* DE*
22.5° C using (8°/t) geometry and resulted in the following
Pale Grey -0.03 -0.02 0.02 0.04
Mid Grey -0.03 -0.02 0.04 0.05
CIELAB values (D65/1964) L* = 83.50, a* = 1.73, b* = 77.17.
Difference Grey -0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 Correct the readings to a standard temperature of 25°C. The
Deep Grey 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 calculations are thus:
Deep Pink -0.10 -0.44 -0.19 0.48
L* 5 83.50 1 20.27 3
~25 2 22.5!
10 D
5 83.43

Difference Green
a* 5 1.73 1 0.70 3
~25 2 22.5!
10 D
5 1.91

Deep Blue 0.00 -0.04 0.05 0.06

b* 5 77.17 1 20.11 3
~25 2 22.5!
10 D
5 77.14

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