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Requirements for Logging into the NEC V4 DMW.

1. USB to RS232 (9 pin)cable.

2. 9 pin to 15 pin cable
3. USB to RS232 driver
(USB-SERIAL CH340 driver – This driver works for both Win XP & Win 10)
4. Hyperterminal software
(this is available by default in Win-XP, for other OS, Hyperterm or Teraterm may be downloded)
5. after connecting the cable (Even though without connecting ODU) this has to be detected by PC
and comes in device manager - under ports(COM&LPT) . Note down the COM port number.

The cable is to be connected to LA port(for local login) and NMS/RA port for remote login.

6. with above com port number, create a connection in Hyperterminal with following parameters.
7. If the COM port in the Hyperterminal connection is to be changed or Configuration is to be
changed, first disconnect the connection, apply the changes(File->Properties) and again connect
the connection.

8. Press Ctrl+D and password can be changed by selecting 1 first time. If password is already
known, enter the password. After logging in menu will appear.

1. Settings
2. Maintenance
3. Monitoring
99. Exit

9. For viewing the parameter settings of Lingamparthy end, refer captured text file.

10. 3 modules will be there in Hot standby mode. Center will be control module, up & down will be
two IDUs. Power supply connections will be connected to IDUs. A toggle switch will be there in
control module to select one of the two IDUs and hence ODUs.
11. Following is the light indiacation of healthy link:
ODU lamp is OFF and In Control module ALM-> RX is to be in OFF condition.: Link is UP.
ODU and IDU lamps are blinking: ODU is not detectable.
ODU is RED: ODU detectable but Link is not UP.
IDU is RED: may be due to breaks in unused E1s.

12. General information: Values in the bracket will be present settings.

Knowing the ODU info: 3(Monitoring) -> 4 (Inventory) ...Press enter thrice..... ODU info ( RF
Band , high or low , Sub band, Strart frequency etc ) will be displayed.

Tx Power: 1(Setting) - > 5 (TX Power Ctrl) = eg -6dB for YLS-LMP Link.

TX/RX Frequency: 1 -> 4 = channel number will be displayed here. eg. 99

RX Level: 3 -> 1

E1 Config: 1 -> 6 (16 E1s status will be displayed, U-Used, N-Not used)

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