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I grew up in a bad state in New Jersey I seen things that people wouldn’t be

comfortable doing in their life or doing for a reason. Grow up in the city where I
lived at you always have to watch your back for anybody walking behind you or in
front of you. I had to be though and i learned from my cousins at a young age they
are older than me and i like hanging with older people or people my age. It's a
tough place to live in or hang with friends but something happens almost everyday
such as in school and outside of school. Police officers are always at all different
schools in the city to watch out for the students of the school.

In school you have to prove who you are to people and people who you hang out
with everyday. There are cool group, popular group, and nerd group but there are
some unknown people in school. During my freshman year in high school
everyone got along with each other, when sophomore year everyone didn’t get
along with each other. Everybody in school like to play sports or do hair class
something to keep students out of trouble then be on the streets. The school isn't
that great because the school is one of the worst high school in New Jersey that the
school could do fun events.

I am a great student with straight a’s and b’s i'm not all that great in school but
good at math because I like to count numbers. I grew up around violence, police
sirens and other things that i seen before at a young age. I i been around to place
and worked in the area and learn my way around as I grew older. I hung out with
friends in school and outside of school I hang with the big group and people that I
grew up I know very while. While I hang with my friends i smell smoke, taste a
drink and see a lot of red colors. The neighborhood isn’t that great the streets are
dirty and have a lot of trash on the ground and people on drugs walking around.
During the night you hear sirens and blue and red lights in your room. I wasn’t my
desigen to live the life I didn't it just happen and became my life.

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