HealingHabit18-Take Modern Medicines For Emergencies Only

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Volume 1, Number 18 • July 2011

Habit #18:
Take Modern Medicines
for Emergencies Only
For many years now, I’ve not taken synthetic medicines.
No antibiotics. No paracetamol. No pain relievers. No headache pills. No
antihistamines (anti-allergies). No stomachache pills. No diarrhea pills.
Here’s Healing Habit #18: I only take modern medicine for grave
emergencies. (And so far, I’ve had no emergencies!)
By the way, if you’re taking medication now, don’t give up on them
yet. I suggest you work with a doctor that appreciates natural healing. Yes,
there are doctors out there who believe in alternative ways of healing. Your
goal is to gradually decrease your medication until you don’t need them
Here are the reasons why modern medicine should only be used for

1. Modern Medicine Weakens Your Healing Power

When I take modern medicines, I weaken my health, not strengthen it.

Because it’s the pills that cure me—not me healing me.
Let me give you an analogy.
Imagine your son is taking a big exam in school. The exam is very
difficult. So difficult, in fact, he raises his hand and asks the teacher to help
him. Miss Dely, his very kind teacher, walks over to him, and starts explaining
the difficult questions to your son.
Your little boy shakes his head and says, “Teacher, it’s still very
confusing.” He then hands over the exam paper to the teacher and says, “Miss
Dely, why don’t you just answer this exam for me. When you’re through, just
give it back to me.”
Preposterous? You bet.
If his teacher does that, your son will never learn.
In the same way, synthetic medicine cures you—but it bypasses the
natural healing system of your body. Thus, your ability to heal yourself isn’t
“practised” and it becomes weaker.

Neither the author, the publisher nor any of their respective affiliates make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using this Report.
No reader should make any health decision without first consulting his or her own personal physician and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. To the
maximum extent permitted by law, the author, the publisher and their respective affiliates disclaim any and all liability in the event that any information, commentary,
analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendation in this book proves to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable or result in any detrimental health condition.

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Volume 1, Number 18 • July 2011

I want my body to heal itself. If I let synthetic medicine cure me, I actually weaken my body’s healing

2. Modern Medicine Covers Up the Disease

Imagine there’s a huge termite infestation in your house.

So you ask a friend, “Gee, I’ve got termites at home. I actually see termite holes in my floor and walls. I’m
afraid the whole thing will just cave in. What should I do with these termites?”
Your friend says, “Cover the holes! For your floor, I suggest putting
carpets. For the walls, I suggest putting wallpaper.”
Do you think that’s a wise suggestion?
But that’s exactly what many modern medicines do. They cover the
symptoms of the termite called sickness.
When someone has hypertension, he takes a pill to lower his blood
pressure. Without asking, “Why is my blood pressure rising?”
When someone has heart disease, he takes pills to make his blood
thinner so that it can flow through narrow arteries—without asking, “Why
are my arteries clogged? How can I make them wide again?”
When someone feels pain, he takes pills to remove the pain. Without
asking, “How can I remove the cause of the pain?”
When someone is depressed, he takes pills to give him a temporary
lift. Without asking, “How can I nourish myself naturally to balance my brain chemicals? How can I face my
problems with more control and peace and joy?”
Pharmaceutical companies claim that medicines can do wonders for people. It can lower cholesterol, take
away arthritic pain, eliminate allergies and other similar wonders.
But if these prescription medicines are so good, where are all the healthy medicine takers? And what do
you think will happen if they stop taking all their medicines?
My observation: The more prescription medicines a person takes, the worse his health is.
Because most of them just cover up the disease.
Here’s another reason why you should avoid them…

3. Modern Medicine Has Side Effects

Remember my termite example above?

You didn’t like your friend’s carpet and wallpaper suggestion. So you go to an uncle and ask him, “I’ve got
termites in my house. My crazy friend suggested I place a carpet and wallpaper. But you are wise. What should
I do?”
Your uncle says, “If you have termites, you don’t cover them up. That’s nuts. You go to the source of the
problems. You kill those vermins…”
You nod your head. You like his answer.
He continues, “Here’s what you do. Pour gasoline all over your house. Drench it. Then stand five feet
away, strike a match, and flick it... And burn your house down! And you’ll obliterate those insects from the face
of the earth.”
Burning your house will kill the termites. It just has some not so pleasant side effects.
It’s common knowledge that the number one cause of death is heart disease, and the number two cause of
death is cancer.
But some actually believe that the real number one cause of death is Iatrogenic death. That’s a fancy

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term for, “Death from modern medical care gone wrong.” In April 1998, the Journal of the American Medical
Association stated that modern medical procedures are themselves one of the major causes of death in the US
today. Over 7000 scientific articles published in medical literature report the harmful effects of drugs and other
modern medical interventions.
Modern medicine may be very effective accomplishing “A”, but it may also damage “B” if taken repeatedly
over time.
Here’s the problem: Doctors will give another drug to counter the side effects of a previous drug you’re
taking. So in due time, you’ll be a walking medicine cabinet.
My father-in-law takes five pills in the morning and another five pills in the evening. That’s nothing
compared to my aunt who takes 23 pills every day.
I compare this to burning the house down. The only difference is that you don’t do it quickly but do it over
There’s another way…

Strengthen Your Body to Heal Itself

Because of the way I eat and live, I rarely get sick.

But whenever I do, I use natural healing to heal myself.
Disadvantage: Healing takes a little bit more time. But not too long, if you do it the right way.
When I have fever, I don’t take paracetamol. I welcome fever as a sign that my body is fighting a germ or
infection in my body.
First, I stop eating solid food for 24 hours. (Don’t you
notice how you lose your appetite when you’ve got fever? That’s
your body telling you, “Don’t feed me. Digestion takes a lot of
energy. Let me use all my energy to fight the invaders.”
Instead, I drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices the entire
day. I especially like fresh coconut juice. This gives my body
strength and ammunition to fight the disease.
I also stay at home, lie down, sleep, and rest.
This has been my experience 100 percent of the time: In 24
hours, the fever is gone and I’m back on my feet.
I’ve applied this simple method to my kids, my 85-year-
old mother, and taught it to my friends—and it has worked every
time. (Doctors say that if your fever goes on for three days, that’s
the time to consult.)
I don’t take antibiotics too. Yes, it kills bacteria, but it also
kills all the good bacteria in our digestive tract. But you need that
good bacteria! It’s crucial for digesting and absorbing the nutrients
of our food.
Antibiotics cause other huge problems such as yeast infection and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
I’ll use antibiotics only for emergencies. And as I told you, I haven’t had any. So I’ve been antibiotic free
for ages now.
Last month, my 11-year-old son was circumcised.
As a protocol, his doctor prescribed antibiotics.
I wondered if it was really needed. So I asked my health mentor—and he said, “Your son doesn’t have
to take them. My son was circumcised and he didn’t need them. Just clean the wound every day. And give him
vegetable and fruit juices—all fresh.”

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I must be honest with you: I was a bit scared. What if an infection happens? After all, this is a huge wound!
But I prayed and didn’t give my son any antibiotics. We cleaned his wound twice a day. And we fed him
the most nutritious food around—vegetable and fruit juices—every single day.
Result? No infection took place—and he was running around quicker than expected.
It’s amazing how we’re so used to modern medicines, we don’t think about popping them into our mouth.
My message? Don’t take pills if you can solve it naturally.

Go for the Root of the Problem

Let me explain this point with a story.

My friend Jill swallows a pain reliever every time she feels pains in her
lower back.
But pain relievers have side effects—such as constipation,
drowsiness, and nausea. And taken in large amounts and over
a long period of time, it can cause liver damage. (I always tell
people that the liver is central to health. It’s the body’s garbage
recycling plant. The moment your liver malfunctions, that’s it. Poison
builds up in your body and you’re dead.)
Instead of taking pills, I told Jill to go to the root of her back pain. She
can check out five possible “roots”…

1. Could it be weak and inflexible back muscles?

Instead of “covering up” the pain, why not address the source of the pain so that it won’t come back
ever again? She could do some pilates or yoga. (I’ve been doing some Bikram Yoga lately and I don’t
only tune up my muscles, I actually feel great after each session.)

2. Could it be too much weight?

Eating the right foods like the ones we recommend here in 52 Healing Habits Program—and you’ll
lose weight. Lesser weight, lesser burden on the back.

3. Could it be a bad mattress?

Beds that are too soft cause back pains. Instead of taking pills, she could have just bought a tougher
mattress. Or even tried lying down on a thin mat on a wooden floor.

4. Could it be bad posture?

She could have tried correcting her hunched position when she works at her desk eight hours a day.
Again, pilates, yoga and other similar exercises can help.

5. Could it be past emotional traumas?

Some backpains are rooted in the emotions. Dr. John Sarno specialized in back pains, neck pains, and
shoulder pains. But instead of using surgery and pills, his tools of healing are two lectures. Basically,
he tells them how their unacknowledged and unfelt childhood emotions cause their pains. He explains
that their subconscious mind was giving them real physical pains to distract them from discovering—
and feeling—these very painful emotions buried in their past. For the past 30 years, Dr. Sarno has
treated 10,000 patients with a 95 percent cure rate. An amazing record that no other doctor can beat.

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Here’s our problem: We live in a culture that hates pain. But pain is just a messenger from our body telling
us there’s something we need to address. But instead of listening to the messenger, we kill the messenger. Bad
move. Because the messenger was bringing a very important, very critical message for us!
So we drug ourselves, our grandmothers and grandfathers, our spouse and our kids with medicine on a
daily basis!

Maintenance Medicines

Today, doctors say it’s now normal (essential) that you take cholesterol-
lowering drugs and hypertension-lowering drugs. Not even asking, “What’s the cause
of the high cholesterol? What’s the cause of my hypertension? How can we remove
the cause all together?”
Obviously, drug companies love these lifelong maintenance medicines.
Because they sell once and you have customers for life.
But test results are coming out now: Some of these drugs not only have side
effects (sometimes kidney failure), they actually don’t work.
There’s another way: Eating the right food—like the way I teach it here in 52
Healing Habits.
I know of people who’ve changed their eating lifestyle and have already
given up their maintenance drugs (but always doing so under the supervision of a
health mentor or an alternative doctor).

Heal Yourself

I believe doctors are God’s gift to us and should be kept by our side (Sirach 38:12-14).
We need doctors for emergencies.
Imagine it’s New Year’s Eve and I get hit with a stray bullet. Please rush me to the hospital, slice me up
and pull out the metal slug. Don’t tell me, “Bo, drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices. And by the way, what are
the emotional roots of this bullet in your leg?”
Modern medicine has an important place in our lives.
During emergencies, they’re crucial.
But when it’s not an emergency, search for the natural way of healing.
When you’re sick, don’t make your doctor your god.
Go to him, yes.
But don’t just take the pill he asks you to take. Question him. Do your own research. Ask, “Is there a
natural alternative?” Ask for the second, third, and fourth opinion. Look around for a doctor that knows about
natural medicine.
You are your best doctor.
Heal yourself.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

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