Yourplanter Will Do 4 Types of Services: Who We Are?

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YourPlanter is focused on gardening, we give emphasis to build up orJganic matter in the soil,
thereby activating biological activity. We treat the soil as a living organism that results us to keep a
favourable soil structure and development and use of crop rotation that improves soil fertility.

We believe, agricultural advancements are possible only by coupling ancient cultivation process
with modern methodologies and technologies.

YourPlanter will do 4 types of services


Roof Gardening

Kitchen Gardening

Vertical Gardening

We grow plant using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown
with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution.

Roof Gardening
Practice of cultivating food on rooftop of buildings is referred as rooftop gardening.We focus on
vegetables, fruits and edible flowers. We use only organic means in cultivation.

Kitchen Gardening
We grow herbs in little space available in your kitchen where sunlight is minimal. Plants like mint,
spinach, coriander, ginger and strawberry can be grown.

Vertical Gardening
Vertical garden are self-sufficient gardens that are attached to the exterior or interior of a building.
The plants receive nutrients from within the vertical support instead.

Uses of urban gardening

Roof Gardening can reduce indoor temperature by 5 to 9 deg c

Gardening can increase the amount of oxygen

Urban gardening increase food security

Makes efficient use of land

Enables to enjoy fresh produce all year around

Organic vegetables may prevent all disease

Organic food has nutritional superiority than non organic food

Organic food is GMO free

Organic food taste delicious

Organic produce contains fewer or no pesticides.

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