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ORACLE E-Business Suite (EBS) 12.1

Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG)
Invoking an External Web Service
Using the Service Invocation Framework (SIF)

Prepared by: Gary Grant

Author: Gary Grant
Creation Date: Thursday, November 05, 2009
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This is an example of how to obtain information from an external source using a published web
service using ISG in EBS.


The web service will be invoked (launched) from a workflow process. Oracle Workflow is a
mature product with a large number of experienced Developers. This allows ISG to be easily
understood if it is presented in the context of being integrated into a workflow process. The
Service Invocation Framework (SIF) is an enhancement to the Business Event System (BES)
with the introduction of seeded web service subscriptions and additional User Interfaces (UI) for
specifying the location of the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) that has been deployed
by companies that for others to subscribe and use.

Proxy Setup:

In order to point to an external URL containing a WSDL, you need to be able to connect through
Oracle’s proxy. Update the autoconfig Applications Tier $CONTEXT_FILE with the proxyhost
and proxyport.

• Login to E-Business as a user assigned the System Administrator responsibility and navigate:
System Administrator > Oracle Applications Manager > AutoConfig

In Applications click Edit Parameters

oacore and oafm

Query OA_VAR = proxy

s_proxyport= 80

Concurrent Manager Node running Workflow Services adovars.env

Query OA_VAR = s_appsjreopts

s_appsjreopts= -Dhttp.proxyPort=80

• Run autoconfig:


• Shutdown and restart the Web Server components:


Business Event (SIF) Setup:

The Business Event System menu UI has been enhanced to enable a web service to be defined
and invoked from the UI. A seeded Invoke Web Service Action Type has been created for a
Local Java Subscription that will invoke the web service. A new WFERROR Process
Subscription DEFAULT_EVENT_ERROR2 has been created and must be added to the event
defined to invoke the web service.

The Local Java Subscription with the seeded Invoke Web Service Action Type will include the
following parameters to invoke the web service:

• SERVICE_WSDL_URL - The URL where the Web Services Description Language

(WSDL) description for the Web service is located. If the Web service is a BPEL
process, you can specify the path of the WSDL description on the BPEL server.
• SERVICE_NAME - The name of the Web service.
• SERVICE_PORTTYPE - The port type, or set of abstract operations, that includes the
operation to invoke.
• SERVICE_OPERATION - The operation to invoke.
• SERVICE_PORT - A single communication endpoint defined by a combination of a
network address and a binding. The binding specifies concrete protocol and data format
specifications for the operations and messages defined by the port type.

SIF Demo:

Business Event SIF UI:

This demonstration will show how to a workflow can be used to invoke a web service and
retrieve information from an external Internet site. This is a demo created by Vijay Workflow
Development Product Manager.

Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Business Events

Create event.

Add Subscriptions to the event.

Create Local Java Subscription to use seeded Invoke Web Service Action Type.
Click Next to add the WSDL URL to be invoked.

NOTE: The following are all contained in the WSDL and can be obtained by using the WSDL
URL in a web browser to see the definition.
Click Next to add the WSDL Service Name.
Click Next to add WSDL Service Port.
Click Next to add WSDL Operation, Port Type and Operation Response.
Click Next to add Java Rule Function
and the Optional Callback Parameters so the result of the web service invocation will be returned

WFBES_CALLBACK_EVENT – receive event

WFBES_CALLBACK_AGENT – WF_WS_JMS_IN or any other Inbound Queue
Create a Workflow Error Subscription to capture web service invocation failures.
The workflow error subscription will call item_type = WFERROR and workflow process =
The SIF invocation demo now contains 2 subscriptions.
Create WFBES_CALLBACK_EVENT receive event.
Create the event subscription. The subscription will continue the
workflow process that has stopped at the RECEIVE_SERVICE (Receive Service) receive event
activity. The phase is set to 100 so it is deferred to the WF_JAVA_DEFERRED queue after
being processed from the WF_WS_JMS_IN queue by the Web Services IN Agent. This is a
demo of asynchronous processing and is not required.
The RECEIVE_SERVICE (Receive Service) receive event activity within the JBES_INVOKER
(JBES Web Service Invoker) workflow process will accept the response data from the external
web service so it can be accessed and sent in a notification.

Workflow Type/Name: WFINVDEM

Workflow Process: JBES_INVOKER

The event subscription.
Workflow Process:

A workflow process is used to invoke the web service using SIF.

Graphical Design Model:
The wokflow can be launched using Developer Studio inside EBS Release 12.1.

Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Developer Studio

Type Internal Name: WFINVDEM

Launch Parameters Example:

Item Key: garyinvoke1

Notification Recipient: SYSADMIN

Web Service Callback Event:
Invoker Event:
Invoker Key: garyinvoke1
Web Service Callback Agent: WF_WS_JMS_IN
Zip Code: 32822
Radius around the Zip in miles: 10
Status Monitor Status Diagram View:

The launched workflow process is waiting for the callback.

Notification in the Worklist showing a listing of the all Cinemas in a 10-mile area of zip code
32822 and the show times of their movies.
Completion of the process after the callback response is received.


• This document of the SIF component of ISG is based on the sample demo written by
Vijay and is published in his blog entry:

“Invoking Web Service from Oracle Workflow process”
• Note 736404.1 How To Troubleshoot Service Invocation Framework(SIF) In 12.1.1
Integrated SOA Gateway

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