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Day 10

Lesson Plan #6 Saving a Document

Objective 6:   Eighth graders, without guidance, will save all their documents to the

computer’s memory in the form of a document file in one out of one attempt.

Resources or Materials Needed: Desktop computer for each student

Time: 10 minutes

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:

1. Ask students to power on their computers

2. Have students locate the start menu and click on the word processing software

3. Once the software loads, have students open a new document and type a paragraph.

Step 2: Content Presentation:

Using this video, (“All® content is available for free at”)

4. Teach students how to use the save button icon to save a document.

5. Teach students how to click the file button, click save as, and then name their document.

6. After naming their document, teach students to choose the correct format and file to save

the document in.

7. Teach students how to locate the folders button using the start menu and how to find

documents to open. Have students open the document that they saved.

Step 3: Learner Participation: Students will use the tools taught today to save and

retrieve the paragraph they typed.

Step 4: Assessment: Instructor will move around the room informally assessing that

each student is saving their documents correctly and then retrieving them.
Step 5: Follow-Through Activities: Students will save and retrieve documents in

future classes.

Lesson Plan Summary: The learning theory that most aligns with this lesson plan is

behaviorism. The strategies of instruction associated with behaviorism are most appropriate for

teaching objective six. Students learn the process and repeat it each time they save or retrieve a


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