Crime and Social Problems

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The topic of the video “CRIME AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS” is quite interesting because it gives us a
clear example and with a very interesting animation of each one of the crimes that appear in our
daily lives.
So, the first social problems is a BULLYNG this topic is complex because in this country (Colombia)
it’s a typical to live this, the solution to this problem is the dialogue is an essential factor to create
a climate of trust in which the causes of aggressive behavior can be established or if this is the
case, the ideal way to react and put an end to the abuser's harassment without this attempt
against self-esteem.Now for a possible solution on a subject that unfortunately is closely related to
Colombia, which is a DRUG TRAFFICKER, is to create a comprehensive strategy to dismantle and
prosecute, in a targeted manner, drug trafficking networks in the territory.

For the case of FARE DODGING being a very frequent social problem would be to establish and
review the prices and rates of goods and services and apply a special discount especially for low

My impression about PICK POCKET I think the first thing that should be done to avoid this is to
place a lot of security on all sides, avenues, roads, in the parks at the bus stations so as to be able
to do a security check.

From my perspective about the HACKERS and PIRACY is a topic very difficult because in this
environment people with a high knowledge of networks and computers move, I think that for
these two topics that cover almost everyone, it would develop a very powerful security to control
and make good use of these smart software.

In general, it is accepted that Bogota is one of the cities where the most frequent SHOPLIFTING,
especially for these the secretary of motorist safety released an alarming percentage of thefts of
vehicles such as motorcycles and vans as I have always said a good security group in the whole city
and roads to watch and control these delinquent gangs, on the other hand also apply a fairly
regular conduit where the police are also monitored since many of them are part of these bands.

I personally think that this crime called JOYRIDING in crimes is too low because to attack the life of
a person simply for a material good is too risky my solution for this is to have or create an
application that allows us in case of kidnapping express activate itself alone and in addition to that
as I have said previously to improve the safety in roads inside and outside the city.

I feel that for the social problem especially in the issue of SPEEDING it is very difficult to handle
the situation since there is no single solution to the problem of speeding. A combination of better
road layout, speed limits and driver awareness is required. The speed limits should be clearly
indicated and given by the function of the road, the composition of the traffic and the layout.
Systems such as speed bumps and narrowing can be effective in controlling speed.

for VANDALISM in general, notify the local police department and make a report for any
vandalism that occurs either in the house in the park in a shopping center etc . Making the report
will help to document each incident and the damage it causes. that the police increase their
patrols in the area if there is recurrent vandalism. Increasing the police presence will dissuade the
vandals also the lighting of the cameras.

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