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Joshua Mihai

Ms Terry

Senior Seminar

15 October 2019

Economics Timed Writing

I feel that my argumentative essay addresses economic literacy, as the topic was based

around economics, international banking, and war industries. It tackled some elements of global

awareness, but economics was the main talking point in the essay.

I am most proud of the work I was able to do under a 2 hour time constraint. It usually

takes me a few more hours to write a 2 page essay while I’m at home, so I was shocked when I

made a 2-page essay while I was under a 2 hour time constraint.

I improved my economic literacy by reading articles about economics, which I cited in

the essay. The articles that I read gave me a better understanding about the history of war

industry and banking during the 20th century, along with how that affects us in the 21st century

and onwards.

The most difficult part about completing the project was the essay length. Usually, I try

to keep my essays short as possible, mainly because I’m not a fan of writing essays. Oddly

enough, I had a hard time staying under the 2 page mark for once.

I could improve this project by staying more on topic in the 2nd paragraph.I feel that I

veered a little too far from my thesis statement, but not by a large degree.

This essay relates to a lot of essays that I procrastinated on. I felt the same adrenaline

rush that I had during my previous essays, which is probably why I was able to focus on

completing this essay under the time constraint.

I can apply this project to future learning by being more focused on my essay, rather than

get distracted and forget about it until the last minute.

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