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Joshua Mihai

Ms Terry

Senior Seminar

15 October 2019

Senior Project Progress Presentation

I feel that my progress presentation addresses communication skills, especially since the

first phase of my project required a lot of communication in order to get it rolling.

I’m very happy with the product that I was able to present, since I got the most important

steps done. The important steps came down to the following: getting permission and clearing out

the electrical closet.

I improved my communication skills by communicating with the KCS staff. It was

important to keep good contact with Federoff, Stubs, Nico, Phil, and James, since we all had to

cooperate together on the organization of the electrical closet.

The most difficult part of completing this task was the electrical closet. When we first

started clearing out the closet, it was a mess. Junk was stored in every corner, and hazardous

materials were right next to the server rack. While we were moving out all of the large

equipment, Ms Federoff was angered by our actions, because we were moving out her equipment

from the room as well. We got everything sorted out midway through, and the closet ended up

looking a lot more organized.

If I could improve this project, I’d try to get more of Phil’s room done. We cleaned up his

room before the break, but we didn’t add in any furniture.


This relates to my Junior Project, since I had to communicate with the KCS staff for my


I can apply this project to future learning in the same way I applied my Junior Project to

future learning; by learning from my mistakes.

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