Gantt Chart: (Your Own Project)

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Fundamentals of Project Management 1

Module 2:
Gantt Chart
(Your Own Project)
On the next page, you will prepare a Gantt chart for your project. A Gantt chart shows when important portions of the p roject work will be

To complete this assignment, you will need to follow the five steps of scheduling that we discussed in this module. Here are the five steps:
1. Identify activities: Re-read the WBS structure that you created in the last module. Choose 15 work packages to schedule.
2. Sequence activities: Which activity should be done first? Are there any dependencies between your activities?
3. Estimate activity resources: What resources will each activity require? Will resource requirements affect when activities can happen or
how long they will take?
4. Estimate activity duration: How long will each activity take?
5. Calendar activities: Create your Gantt chart on the next page.

Filling in the Gantt chart worksheet:

Gantt charts are usually created in spreadsheets or documents. In this assignment, you will use an unusual format: a digital worksheet. Follow
these instructions to complete the worksheet:
1. Label the time periods: Divide your project into twelve equal time periods. These might be days, weeks, months, or years. Label the
top row with your time periods. For example, the project below runs from January 20th – April 12th:

2. List your 15 work packages in the order that they will be done in the first column.

3. Click on the time periods when each activity will happen. In the example below, the activity lasts from January 20 - February 2.
Fundamentals of Project Management 2

Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
period 1: period 2: period 3: period 4: period 5: period 6: period 7: period 8: period 9: period 10: period 11: period 12:
Work Package

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