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 What do you think you can improve upon from your first speech?

I need to slow down and not mix words.

I believe I could be surer of my words and my image while talking. I also found myself
trembling uncontrollably or the first few minutes of talking, so I must calm my nerves
when talking.
“Ah…” count was also high.

 What do you think went well during your first speech?

I was told I have great stage presence.
I delivered a lot of information during my speech and was logical about its progression.
I wrote my speech exactly in my own words as I would say them off the top of my head.

 If you were nervous, try to explain why you think you were nervous. If you did not feel
nervous how were you able to overcome that feeling?
I believe I was nervous due to not feeling prepared for the speech despite having it
memorized, and not being used to talking from the spotlight about something I don’t
believe in.
When I talk about something I care about in the spur of the moment, I am much calmer
and clearer.

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