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Join the sentences with relative pronouns.

1. I like people. I have something in common with them.

I like people who I have something in common with.
2. I like people. They aren’t temperamental or egotistical.
3. I’d prefer friends. I can talk to them easily.
4. I’d prefer a boss. She is supportive and easygoing.
5. I like a partner. He has a sense of humor.
6. I like people. They are sociable, fun, and modest!

A Complete the chart with qualities you like and don’t like in a partner.

Qualities you like Qualities you don’t like

supportive unreliable

B Practice with your teacher. Compare your ideas.

A: What’s your ideal partner like? useful expressions

B: Well, I like a partner who’s supportive. I can’t stand it when I can’t stand it when . . .
people aren’t helpful and encouraging. How about you? I like it when . . .
It bothers me when . . .
C: I like a partner who’s easygoing . . .
It makes me happy when . . .
It really upsets me when . . .
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A Classify the words in your vocabulary log. Write + for positive words or
– for negative words.

B Choose four famous people and complete the chart. Use words from your
vocabulary log and your own words.

Famous person Why famous Personality

Beyoncé singer creative, kind

C Practice with your teacher. Share your opinions about the people in your chart.
A: I really like Beyoncé.
B: Beyoncé? Why do you like her?
Read these people’s descriptions of their unusual jobs. Then complete the
sentences with the phrases in the box.

better paid than (2x) more tiring than

less money than not as well paid as

more hours than

1. Laura Gomez earns less money than Sarah Wilkins.

2. Laura Gomez is ________________________ Manuel Desillas.
3. Uri Park makes ________________________ Manuel Desillas.
4. Being a dog walker is probably ________________________ being an excuse maker.
5. Ken Stokes is ________________________ Sarah Wilkins.
6. Uri Park works ________________________ Sarah Wilkins.
7. Being a plant entertainer is ________________________ being a greeting-card writer.

Practice with your teacher. Give your opinions about the jobs above.
A: I wouldn’t like being a professional organizer. It’s probably not much fun.
B: I’d like it. The pay is pretty good.
C: And I think organizing closets would be fascinating!
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.


A Classify the jobs in your vocabulary log. Write I for interesting or B for boring.
B Practice with your teacher. Compare opinions about these jobs.
A: Designing clothes is probably more interesting than being a carpenter.
B: Yes, and you probably earn more, too.


Rewrite the requests in a more formal way.

1. Can you look after my house while I’m away on vacation?

Would you mind _looking after my house while I’m away on vacation ?
2. Could I leave my pet snake with you?
Is it OK if ?
3. Could you water my plants once a week?
I was wondering if .
4. Can you pay my bills for me?
I wonder if .
5. Could I borrow your car for my trip?
Do you mind if ?

A Write a list of unusual requests for different people.

B Practice with your teacher. Ask your partner to deliver the messages to these people.
Accept or decline the requests.

A: Could you ask the teacher to do my homework?

B: Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. He might get upset.
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.


A How often do you do these things? Classify the words in your vocabulary log.
Write A for always, U for usually, S for sometimes, or N for never.

B Choose four collocations from your vocabulary log. What do you usually say? Complete the

Collocations What you usually say

receive a compliment Thanks!

C Practice with your teacher. Talk to your teacher using the information from your chart.
Then read your conversations to the class.
Complete the email with the past continuous or simple past forms of the verbs in parentheses.

A Practice with your class. Make up a funny story. One student starts and another
student continues. Continue until you end the story. Use the past continuous,
simple past, and past perfect as needed.
A: One night, I was walking in the park when I saw my cousin.
B: She looked really strange. She was talking to a dog, and she didn’t see me.
C: I had never seen the dog before. I decided to follow her . . .
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B Complete the chart with words from your vocabulary log.
Headline Event
1. Famous athlete still missing mystery
2. Student finds $250,000 in restroom
3. Thousands welcome victorious soccer team home
4. Robber and police officer have same name
5. Family sails around the world
6. Huge earthquake destroys 5,000 homes

C Complete the chart with recent events. Then discuss the events with a partner.

Headline Event

A: Did you hear about the missing athlete?

B: Yes. They still don’t know where he is. What a mystery!


How should you behave at work? Check () the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. □ You’re expected to . . . 2. □ You’re expected to . . . 3. □ It’s the custom to . .

□ You aren’t supposed to . . . □ You aren’t supposed to . . . □ It’s not the custom
to . . .
. . . be punctual. . . . write personal email. . . . kiss your

4. □ It’s acceptable to . . . 5. □ You’re expected to . . . 6. □ You’re supposed to

□ It’s not acceptable to . . . □ You’re not expected to . . . □ You’re not
supposed to . . .
. . . wear shorts. . . . wash your dishes. . . . listen to music.

A Practice with your teacher. Imagine you are invited to dinner with the president. Talk
about things you are supposed to do and not supposed to do.
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A How often do you have these feelings? Classify the words in your vocabulary log.
Write A for always, U for usually, S for sometimes, or N for never.

B Complete the chart with feelings from your vocabulary log and situations when
you have these feelings.

Feeling Situation
anxious I’m waiting for my final grades.
Write each complaint a different way.

1. This coat is stained.

This coat has a stain on it .
2. This air conditioner has a leak.
This air conditioner .
3. These sunglasses are cracked.
These sunglasses .
4. This lamp shade has stains on it.
This lamp shade .
5. This mirror has scratches on it.
This mirror .
6. This T-shirt is torn.
This T-shirt .

Practice with your teacher. Role-play the situations from the exercise above. One student
is a salesperson. The other student is a customer. Use the verbs in the box.

clean fix repair replace

A: Excuse me. I’d like to return this air conditioner. It has a leak.
B: Oh, that’s not a problem. It just needs to be fixed.
A: I know it needs fixing! But I want a new one! I just bought it yesterday!
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A Classify the electronics in your vocabulary log. How often do you use these things?
Write O for often, S for sometimes, and N for never.

B What electronics have the following problems? Write words from your vocabulary log in the

Problem Items
freezes computer, camera, DVD player

drops call
the screen flickers
the buttons stick

C Practice with your teacher. What common problems do you have or have you had
with electronics? Discuss with your group.


Rewrite these sentences from the active to the passive. Use the prepositions in
parentheses to indicate the cause.
1. The disposal of dangerous chemicals into the water is polluting rivers and lakes. (through)
Rivers and lakes are being polluted through the disposal of dangerous chemicals into
the water.

2. The Greenhouse Effect is affecting the earth’s temperature. (by)

3. Harmful gases are damaging the ozone layer. (because of)

4. The cutting down of rain forests is destroying rare plants. (due to)

5. Pollution from factories is contaminating the air in urban areas. (as a result of)

A What environmental problems exist in your city or town? How can they be solved?
Complete the chart.

Problem Solution
too much garbage recycle

B Practice with your class. Talk about the chart.

A: One problem is too much garbage is being produced.
B: What can be done about it?
A: Well, one way to change things is to recycle more.
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A Classify the words in your vocabulary log. Write W for world problem
if they don’t exist in your country, N for national problem if they exist in your
country, but not in your community, or C for community problem if they exist
in your community.

B How serious are the problems in your country? Write the problems from
your vocabulary log in order from 1 (most serious) to 14 (least serious).

World problems

1. 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.

4. 11.

5. 12.

6. 13.

7. 14.

C Practice with your class. Compare your opinions about the problems above.
A: I think unemployment is our most serious problem.
A Complete the sentences. Use by + gerund and the phrases in the box.

□ keep a vocabulary notebook. □ take every chance to speak it

□ look them up in the dictionary □ use a grammar reference book
□ read articles online □ watch movies in English
1. A good way to become fluent in a language is by taking every chance to speak it .
2. You can find out the meaning of new words .
3. You can check your grammar .
4. You can improve your listening .
5. You can become a better reader .
6. A good way to expand your vocabulary is .

B Choose three sentence beginnings from part A. Complete them with

your own ideas.


A What choices do you prefer? Complete the You column in the chart.

Choices You Your teacher

A sport you would snowboarding or surfing
like to try
A country you would like South Africa or
to visit New Zealand
A person you would like Jennifer Lopez or
to meet Brad Pitt
A skill you would cooking or
like to learn car repair
An instrument you would violin or
like to play piano

B Practice with your teacher. Ask about your teacher’s preferences. Write the answers in
the Your teacher column.
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A What personal qualities should people with these jobs have? Complete the word
webs with words from your vocabulary log.

B Practice with your teacher. Compare your opinions about people with these jobs.


Write two sentences about the people in the pictures. Use the words in parentheses.

1. He needs to have a mechanic repair his car . 3.

(have / mechanic / repair / car) (have / dentist / take out / tooth)

2. He needs to get his car repaired. 4.

(get / car / repair) (have / tooth / take out)

5. 7.
(have / hairstylist / cut / hair) (get / computer technician / fix / problem)

6. 8.
(get / hair / cut) (have / problem / fix)
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B Choose four services from your vocabulary log. Then complete the chart.

Service People who might use it

party planning people who are very busy

A Complete the quiz with the correct words in parentheses.

1. When did (did / was) the Russian Revolution take place (take place / taken place)?
a. In (In / For) 1925. b. About 100 years ago (ago
/ since).

2. How long (have / were) computers (were / been) in existence?

a. (For / During) over 50 years. b. (From / Since) 1920.

3. How long (have / was) John F. Kennedy president of the United States?
a. (During / From) 1961 to 1963. b. (For / Since) four

4. When (was / did) the first astronaut from China (go / gone) into
a. (From / In) the 1980s. b. (In / For) 2003.

5. How long (was / did) World War II last?

a. (From / To) 1938 to 1945. b. (Since / For) about six

6. How long (has / was) the euro (was / been) in existence?

a. (Since / From) 2002. b. (Since / For) over 50

B Take the quiz. Circle a or b.

Check your answers:

A What will our lives be like in 25 years? Complete the chart with your predictions.

Work More people will be working at home.





B Practice with your teacher. Compare predictions.

A: How will work have changed 25 years from now?

Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.


A Classify the words in your vocabulary log. Write + for positive words,
– for negative words, or 0 for neutral words.

B List ten important historic events. Use words from your

vocabulary log and your own words.

C Practice with your teacher. Compare your lists. Did everyone write the same events?


Complete the paragraph with the correct words in parentheses.

My name is Andrei. My brother Ivan has always done everything in a hurry.

__________________ (By the time / Until) he was 16, he was already working.
__________________ (Then / Once) he had his first job, he rented an apartment.
__________________ (As soon as / Later) he moved into his apartment, he wanted to get
married. __________________ (The moment / Before) he met Lisa, he asked her to
marry him. Then, two days __________________ (before / during) the wedding, he changed
his mind. He was a bit depressed __________________ (when / after) canceling the
wedding, so he bought an expensive sports car. __________________ (While / Once) he was
driving home one day, he saw Lisa. He raised his hands to get her attention and
crashed into a tree! The car was completely destroyed, and Ivan broke his leg.
__________________ (The moment / Until) he had the accident, Ivan was always in a hurry.
__________________ (After / Before) the accident, he became the most patient person I know.

Practice with your teacher. Imagine you are Andrei and Ivan. Role-play a conversation.
Andrei: Ivan, you shouldn’t have taken your hands off the wheel.
If you’d been more careful, you wouldn’t have had an accident.
Ivan: But if I hadn’t had the accident, I wouldn’t have become more patient!
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A Classify the words in your vocabulary log. Write + for positive words or
– for negative words.

B How would you describe yourself as a child? How would you describe yourself now?
Complete the chart with words from your vocabulary log and your own words.

As a child Now

C Practice with your teacher. Compare your charts. What surprises you about your
Complete the sentences with the correct words in parentheses.

1. In order to (In order to / In order for) be a good parent, you must be patient.
2. (For / To) researchers to become experts, they have to study
something in detail.
3. (For / To) become a concert pianist, you have to practice every
4. (In order for / In order to) children to be responsible, they must
be taught responsibility.
5. (In order to / In order for) a company to sell its products, it’s
important to advertise.
6. (For / To) athletes to compete in the Olympics, they have to
train very hard.
7. (In order to / In order for) have loyal customers, a store must
have a good sales staff.

A What are your city or town’s main businesses? Why should people visit them?
Complete the chart.

Business Reason to visit

art gallery free admission

B Practice with your teacher. Compare the businesses and reasons in your chart.
A: I think people should visit the new art gallery. It’s very popular.
B: Really? Why?
A: I think it’s popular because you don’t have to pay admission!
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

A Classify the words in your vocabulary log. Write P for words that describe people,
T for words that describe things, or B for words that describe both people and things.

B Complete the chart with antonyms from your vocabulary log.

Quality Antonym Quality Antonym

boring entertaining persuasive
expensive poorly written
overweight stupid
indecisive unattractive
lazy weak


Complete the sentences. Use the modals in the box and the correct form of the
verbs in parentheses. You may use some modals more than once.

could have couldn’t have must have must not have

may have may not have should have shouldn’t have
might have might not have would have wouldn’t have

1. A: I should have listened (listen) to my father’s advice about going to college.

B: You’re right. You ________________________ (get) a degree.
Then you ________________________ (find) a good job.

2. A: I failed my test!
B: Well, you ________________________ (surf) the Internet all evening.
You ________________________ (study).

3. A: I was really worried when you didn’t come home.

You ________________________ (call) me!
B: I’m sorry. I ________________________ (call) you, but my cell phone wasn’t working.

4. A: Helen’s not here. She ________________________ (go) home.

B: No, she ________________________ (go) home. Her purse is still here.

5. A: Last night the waiter spilled coffee on me. I said it was OK.
B: Really? I ________________________ (do) that.
I ________________________ (complain) to the manager!

6. A: Petra walked by, and she didn’t say hello.

B: Well, she ________________________ (see) you.

Practice with your teacher. Read the situations. Give opinions or advice.
1. I didn’t finish high school. Now I can’t find a job.
2. I overslept and missed my final exam. My teacher says I will fail the course.
3. I missed the last train. My cell phone wasn’t working, so I couldn’t call my parents.
4. My boss didn’t come into work today. No one knows where she is.
5. The waitress brought me the wrong order. Then she disappeared!
6. I saw my best friend on the bus, and she ignored me!

A: I didn’t finish high school. Now I can’t find a job.

Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B Make collocations. Check () the verbs that are usually paired with the
words in your vocabulary log.

1. □ do □
 make an assumption 9. □ give □ reach an instruction

2. □ give □ reach a command 10. □ make □ do a judgment

3. □ do □ make a complaint 11. □ make □ do a prediction

4. □ pay □ buy a compliment 12. □ make □ do a promise

5. □ give □ reach a compromise 13. □ make □ reach a proposal

6. □ make □ do a criticism 14. □ make □ do a suggestion

7. □ give □ make a demand 15. □ have □ reach a suspicion

8. □ give □ reach an excuse 16. □ give □ reach a warning

C Practice with your teacher. Write four sentences that give examples of the collocations
in part B.

A: Someone who’s unreliable is also dishonest.

B: You’re making an assumption!
Rewrite the sentences using the passive.

1. An author sends a proposal to a publishing company.

The proposal is sent to a publishing company .
2. An editor reads the proposal.
The proposal .
3. The editor might accept the proposal.
The proposal .
4. The author writes the manuscript for the book.
The manuscript .
5. Editors have to revise the manuscript.
The manuscript .
6. The author may have to rewrite part of the manuscript.
Part of the manuscript .
7. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript.
The manuscript .
8. The author and editors may revise the manuscript.
The manuscript .

A Complete the chart with unusual jobs and responsibilities.

Jobs Responsibilities
professional organizer organize people’s closets

B Practice with your class. Ask your classmates about the responsibilities for each job.
A: What does a professional organizer do?
B: I think it’s someone who plans parties.
C: No, it’s someone that organizes people’s closets.
Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B Choose a job from your vocabulary log. Write an ad for the job.
Include qualifications, but do not write the name of the job.

C Practice with your teacher. Read the ad and guess the job.


How do you feel about these issues? Complete the sentences with a
passive modal to show how you feel.

1. Pets ___________________ 2. Pets ___________________ 3. Pets ___________________

to eat at the table. (allow) to ride in cars. (permit) to wear clothes. (require)

4. People _________________ 5. People _________________ 6. People _________________

to keep unusual pets in their to put their pets in cages. to clean up after their pets.

apartments. (allow) (permit) (require)

Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B How serious are the problems in your area? Write the issues from your vocabulary
log in order from 1 (most serious) to 14 (least serious).

Social issues

1. 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.

4. 11.

5. 12.

6. 13.

7. 14.

C Practice with your teacher. Compare opinions about these issues.

A: I think street crime is our most serious issue.
B: Really? I think unemployment is a bigger problem. It can lead
to other problems, too, like homelessness.
Complete these sentences with your own ideas.
1. The most challenging thing about being a judge is being fair
2. One of the most rewarding things about exercising regularly is .
3. The most difficult aspect of using a computer is .
4. One of the worst things about having a large family is .
5. The most frustrating part of being unemployed is .
6. One of the best aspects of learning another language is .
7. The most rewarding thing about having children is .
8. The most interesting thing about traveling abroad is .


A What have you accomplished in the last five years? What do you hope to
accomplish in the next five years? Complete the You column in the chart.

You Your partner


Future goals

B PAIR WORK Ask about your partner’s accomplishments.

Write the answers in the Your partner column.
A: What have you accomplished in the last five years?
B: Well, I managed to buy a motorcycle.
A: What do you hope you’ll have accomplished in the next five years?
B: I hope I’ll have . . .

C CLASS ACTIVITY Tell the class about your partner’s accomplishments

Your Vocabulary Log
Make a vocabulary log. Write words or draw pictures to help you remember.

B Complete the crossword puzzle with antonyms from your vocabulary log.
Across 3. insensitive Down 1. timid

4. selfish 2. unimaginative

5. rigid 3. upbeat cynical

6. dependent

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