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Computer applications play a vital role on our society in a variety of

aspects: Business, education, recreation, communication and many others. As

computers widely emerges as an important tool for a better way of life. Almost all

businesses aim to have a useful computer application that will provide them more

quality services and easier way of addressing the client’s needs and


As a new printing services business, A computer application that

specializes for scheduling and data tracking will be a good addition to have a

more manageable schedules and productions that will not only benefit the owner

of the business but also the employees and clients.


“Siapo Printing Services” is a new business owned by Mr. Dhon S Siapo

located at the province of Bulacan. The said business was established on the

year 2017 with a starting employee of just two (the owner and an assistant). The

business slowly became popular and recognized because of its low-cost and

quality printing works (t-shirt, mug, tarpaulin leaflets and likes). As of now the

printing business is continuing to grow and already has a total 5 employees

including the owner itself.


But as the business continues to grow and expand, the number of clients

and orders are also beginning to inflate in terms of quantity. And as a small

growing business without an existing computer system, the business has started

to have frequent confusion in terms of scheduling and producing the orders made

by the clients in time.

With this matter, the owner wishes to have even a simple computer

system that can help them address the problems resulted by the sudden grow of

clients and orders (scheduling and order details).


The general objective of the study is to design and develop a computer

application / program for “Siapo Printing Services”

Specifically, it has the following objectives:

1. To create an application that will help address the scheduling of projects;

2. To provide a an easy-to-operate system for the employees;

3. To Develop a data tracking for past, current and future transactions;


In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the development of a

computer program for Siapo Printing Services. The study is largely dependent on

the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents. In this proposed system, it

has a secure log in for admin and employees. The said application is only

accessed by the owner and it’s employees.

Users of the program all have specific roles (e.g. Admin, and Employees)

and can perform appropriate actions depending upon their roles. With respect to

that membership, the admin has appropriate permissions to update data

regarding schedules and project details.

The system comes with a file storage system that organizes and serves all

data about the business. These can include all the transactions (past, current

and future) and schedules. The employees need to login an account provided by

the admin (Owner) in order to access the said interface.


The study focused on developing a suitable computer program/application

for the Siapo Printing Services.

Socio - economic significance. In this study, the proposed system will

lift up the morale of the owner and employees.

Employees:. The proposed system will make it easier for the employees

to check and track the projects to be made.

Owner. The proposed system will help a lot to his company and to his


Future Researchers. This will benefit other researchers who wish to have

a similar studies as they can get background information from the result of this

study which still serve as template to modify their research.

Clients. The services offered to the clients will have more quality.


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies

underlying the framework of the study. It includes the conceptual model of the

study and the operational definition of terminologies as used in the field of

information technology and in the context of this study.



Over the past decade, we have witnessed an ongoing information

revolution brought about by the Internet. We have learned to harness the Internet

for more efficient communication and ubiquitous information. These benefits

have enabled us to bring many aspects of our lives online. Granted, people have

developed services that host classes online or supplement the traditional

classroom experience, and many courses have their own homepages to

distribute class material and announcements. But we are missing a centralized,

integrated system for online education that is extensible and customizable

enough to be adopted by students taught both at institutions and by individuals.


Online Processes

In computing, online analytical processing, or OLAP, is an approach to

answering multi-dimensional analytical(MDA) queries swiftly. OLAP is part of the

broader category of business intelligence, which also encompasses relational

database, report writing and mining. Typical applications of OLAP

include business reporting for sales, marketing, management reporting, business

process management (BPM),budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting and

similar areas, with new applications coming up, such as agriculture. The

term OLAP was created as a slight modification of the traditional database

term online transaction processing (OLTP).

OLAP tools enable users to analyze multidimensional data interactively

from multiple perspectives. OLAP consists of three basic analytical operations:

consolidation (roll-up), drill-down, and slicing and dicing. Consolidation involves

the aggregation of data that can be accumulated and computed in one or more

dimensions. For example, all sales offices are rolled up to the sales department

or sales division to anticipate sales trends. By contrast, the drill-down is a

technique that allows users to navigate through the details. For instance, users

can view the sales by individual products that make up a region’s sales. Slicing

and dicing is a feature whereby users can take out (slicing) a specific set of data

of the cube and view (dicing) the slices from different viewpoints. These

viewpoints are sometimes called dimensions (such as looking at the same sales

by salesman or by date or by customer or by product or by region, etc.)


Online Application

Applicants must have a valid email address in order to apply online. All

communication with regard to your application will be sent via email/sms. If you

do not have a valid email address you can create an email account

using Gmail; Yahoo Mail or any other email provider you may prefer.

Online Payment

Before using this online service, please ensure that you have: completed

the appropriate application(s) for the service(s) you will be paying a valid email

address for delivery of the official Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)

receipt, a valid credit card, Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer

(this is required to view and print the official CIC receipt), access to a printer and

JavaScript enabled on your browser.

Online Registration

This online registration form aims to reduce registration time by having

most of the applicant's information ready upon arrival at the registration area.

Pre-registered applicants should only need to have their biometrics captured

upon arrival at the reception area.


Online Buying

Online buying is also known as collective buying, offers products and

services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number

of buyers would make the purchase. Origins of group buying can be traced

to Chinaware or team buying was executed to get discount prices from retailer

when a large group of people was willing to buy the same item. In recent times,

group buying websites have emerged as a major player in online shopping

business. Typically, these websites feature a "deal of the day", with the deal

kicking in once a set number of people agree to buy the product or service.

Buyers then print off a voucher to claim their discount at the retailer. Many of the

group-buying sites work by negotiating deals with local merchants and promising

to deliver a higher foot count in exchange for better prices.

Online Business

Is also referred to as e-business - is any kind of business activity that

happens online (over the internet). A business owner who does any, or all, of

their business using the internet, is running an online business. Running an

online business can include buying and selling online, and providing an online

service. A wide variety of businesses can be found online, in many different

industries. Anyone can start an online business. If you have a unique product or

idea, you can find a way to sell or trade it online. It's just like a traditional 'bricks-

and-mortar' business, except your office or shop is online, so you have to decide

how it will look and appeal to customers.

Online Banking

is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a financial

institution to conduct financial transactions on a website operated by the

institution, such as a retail bank, virtual bank, credit union or building society.

Online banking is also referred as internet banking, e-banking, virtual

banking and by other terms.

To access a financial institution's online banking facility, a customer with

Internet access would need to register with the institution for the service, and set

up a password and other credentials for customer verification. The credentials for

online banking is normally not the same as for telephone banking. Financial

institutions now routinely allocate customers numbers, whether or not customers

have indicated an intention to access their online banking facility. Customers'

numbers are normally not the same as account numbers, because a number of

customer accounts can be linked to the one customer number. The customer

number can be linked to any account that the customer controls, such as cheque,

savings, loan, credit card and other accounts.


Online Store

This online store stocks music, computer game, computer and software

and movies in both VHS and DVD format that it can send you wherever you are.

When it began, the site came under one of the best and quickest sites to buy

from, helped by the easy, and fun navigation. It also provides an email services

that you can call on any phone and have your message red to by a computer.

Price includes VAT and delivery is free.

Online Dictionary of computing

This site enables you to search for the meaning of the immense number of

often baffling computing terms there are out there. Links to other sites are

included in the relevant place. Making this an ideal resource for learning about

computing if you find yourself returning frequently. Which let’s face it is quite

likely as it is so useful, consider downloading the text version of the site to your

PC to save your phone bill.


BOWER and Hilgard (1981) defined leaning as “a change in a behavioural

disposition that is caused by experience and is not explained on the basis of

reflexes, maturation or temporary stages.” It has also been defined as a more or

less permanent change in behaviour as a result of experiences. The definitions


suggests that learning involves change in behaviour. The term behaviour may be

interpreted as limited to observed and quantifiable responses, or it may be limited

to behaviours that are immediately observable as contended by the behavioural

theorists. But to cognitive theorists, learning includes what one has earned even

though the person never demonstrated his knowledge in observable behaviour

(Hoffman, 1987). This means that a farmer may have learned that the use of

organic fertilizer has advantages over inorganic fertilizer in terms of soil fertility.

And yet that same farmer never used organic fertilizer. This does not mean that

the farmer has not learned the advantages of using organic fertilizer. In this case,

learning is an internal thinking process which is central in cognitive theory.

Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world

to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to

become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant

chief, and yes, even beggar-man thief, regardless of his talents, penchants,

tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors (J.B. Watson, 1925).

Types of Learning

According to Richard E. Mayer, learning is a relatively permanent change

in behaviour that is the result of experience. During the first half of the twentieth

century, the school of thought known as behaviourism rose to dominate

psychology and sought to explain the learning process. The two major types of

learning described by behavioural psychology are non-associative and

associative learning.

Non - Associative Learning

Non-associative learning is a relatively permanent change in the strength

of response to a single stimulus due to repeated exposure to that stimulus.

Changes due to such factors as sensory adaptation, fatigue, or injury do not

qualify as non-associative learning. (Mayer, 2011)

Associative Learning

A learning principle that states that ideas and experiences reinforce each

other and can be mentally linked to one another. In a nutshell, it means our

brains were not designed to recall information in isolation; instead, we group

information together into one associative memory. This is a "learning" or

"conditioning" term that refers to learning that two different events occur or

happen together. This is really a fundamental component of conditioning since a

response to a stimulus won't really be learned if the organism doesn't get the

point that the stimulus and response are supposed to occur together. This

doesn't have to be a conscious learning (remember, there is a big difference

between classical and operant conditioning) but the association must be made

for the learning to occur. For example, will a rat learn to press a lever if it never

makes the association between pressing the lever and getting the reward? Or

why would a dog salivate to a bell if it never makes the connection between the

bell and getting food? (Moore, 1978)


A computer is an electronic hardware device. It operates and functions

under the control of its functions in its memory called programs. People use

computers as a means to do certain tasks and attain target objectives.

Computers will not work on their own, people need to work and operate on them,

people design and build computers, and people use the computers to produce

useful information.

A computer works like a human brain. The brain stores the information

from our senses that are used to guide our actions. So does the computer, it

needs information that enters the computer are called data. The physical devices

that help the data are called hardware.

The computer can receive and accept data using input devices, then

process it by using the program set by the user. Data entered into the computer

are in the form of text, numbers, images or pictures, sounds and videos. The

computer processes these data and then produces output information for use by

the people. Processed information are stored in the computer’s storage.

Computers today have bigger storage capacities to save information. As

technology advances, this capacity increases. Information helps people make

valuable decisions in business and also helps gain answers to questions,

research and explorations that were once not possible without the computer as a

tool. Information has become valuable and the one who has it at the right time

has the advantage of getting ahead. It ids said, we are now in the Age of



a broad term for one of the fastest computers currently available.

Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized

applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations (number

crunching). For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other

uses of supercomputers scientific simulations, (animated) graphics, fluid dynamic

calculations, nuclear energy research, electronic design, and analysis of

geological data (e.g. in petrochemical prospecting). Perhaps the best known

supercomputer manufacturer is Cray Research.


It is a midsize computer. In the past decade, the distinction between large

minicomputers and small mainframes has blurred, however, as has the

distinction between small minicomputers and workstations. But in general, a

minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from up to 200

users simultaneously.


It is a type of computer used for engineering applications (CAD/CAM),

desktop publishing, software development, and other types of applications that

require a moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality

graphics capabilities. Workstations generally come with a large, high-resolution

graphics screen, at large amount of RAM, built-in network support, and a

graphical user interface. Most workstations also have a mass storage device

such as a disk drive, but a special type of workstation, called a diskless

workstation, comes without a disk drive. The most common operating systems

for workstations are UNIX and Windows NT. Like personal computers, most

workstations are single-user computers. However, workstations are typically

linked together to form a local-area network, although they can also be used as

stand-alone systems.

Personal Computer

A personal computer is a general-purpose computer whose size,

capabilities and original sale price make it useful for individuals, and is intended

to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator.

This contrasts with the batch processing or time-sharing models that allowed

larger, more expensive minicomputer and mainframe systems to be used by

many people, usually at the same time. A related term is "PC" that was initially an

acronym for "personal computer", but later became used primarily to refer to the

ubiquitous Wintel platform.

Mobile Computer

Mobile computing is human–computer interaction by which a computer is

expected to be transported during normal usage. Mobile computing

involves mobile communication, mobile hardware, and mobile software.

Communication issues include ad hoc and infrastructure networks as well as

communication properties, protocols, data formats and concrete technologies.

Hardware includes mobile devices or device components. Mobile software deals

with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.


Computer software or simply software is any set of machine-readable

instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations.

Computer software is non-tangible, contrasted with computer hardware, which is


the physical component of computers. Computer hardware and software require

each other and neither can be realistically used without the other.

Computer software includes computer programs, libraries and their associated

documentation. The word software is also sometimes used in a more narrow

sense, meaning application software only.

At the lowest level, executable code consists of machine language

instructions specific to an individual processor – typically a central processing

unit (CPU). A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying

processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding

state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular

storage location inside the computer – an effect that is not directly observable to

the user. An instruction may also (indirectly) cause something to appear on a

display of the computer system – a state change which should be visible to the

user. The processor carries out the instructions in the order they are provided,

unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction, or interrupted.

Operating System

The operating system provides the actual environment wherein user

programs can be executed. The operating system also provides the I/O services

that are needed by a user processes and how these user processes are kept

from each other are introduced and discussed.


An operating system is implemented in either firmware or software. It

enables the user to communicate with the machine in his own terms. That is, it

frees the user from the burden of having to know how to control each particular

device (e.g. printer, monitor) and how to load and run each process in memory.


A Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system (OS)

assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and

distribution. The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating

system kernel first released on 5 October 1991 by Torvalds. The Free Software

Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which

has led to some controversy. Linux was originally developed as a free operating

system for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since

been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating

system. Thanks to its dominance on smart phones, Android, which is built on top

of the Linux kernel, has the largest installed base of all general-purpose

operating systems. Linux, in its original form, is also the leading operating system

on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and

supercomputers, but is used on only around 1.5% of desktop computers with

Linux-based Chrome OS taking about 5% of the overall and nearly 20% of the

sub-$300 notebook sales. Linux also runs on embedded systems, which are

devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly

tailored to the system; this includes smart phones and tablet computers running

Android and other Linux derivatives, TiVo and similar DVR devices,

network routers, facility automation controls, televisions, video game consoles,

and smart watches.

The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free

and open-source software collaboration. The underlying source code may be

used, modified and distributed—commercially or non-commercially—by anyone

under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public

License. Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution, for

both desktop and server use. Some of the popular mainstream Linux distributions

are Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, open SUSE, Arch Linux and Gentoo,

together with commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise

Server distributions. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel,

supporting utilities and libraries, and usually a large amount of application

software to fulfill the distribution's intended use.


Initially intended for use inside the Bell System, AT&T licensed UNIX to

outside parties from the late 1970s, leading to a variety of both academic and

commercial variants of UNIX from vendors such as the University of California,

Berkeley (BSD), Microsoft (Xenix), IBM (AIX) and Sun Microsystems (Solaris).

AT&T finally sold its rights in UNIX to Novell in the early 1990s, which then sold

its Unix business to the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) in 1995, but the UNIX

trademark passed to the industry standards consortium The Open Group, which

allows the use of the mark for certified operating systems compliant with

the Single UNIX Specification (SUS). Among these is Apple's OS X, which is the

Unix version with the largest installed base as of 2014.

From the power user's or programmer's perspective, Unix systems are

characterized by a modular design that is sometimes called the "Unix

philosophy", meaning that the operating system provides a set of simple tools

that each perform a limited, well-defined function, with a unified file system as the

main means of communication and a shell scripting and command language to

combine the tools to perform complex workflows. Aside from the modular design,

Unix also distinguishes itself from its predecessors as the first portable operating

system: almost the entire operating system is written in the C programming

language that allowed Unix to reach numerous platforms.

Many clones of UNIX have arisen over the years, of which Linux is the most

popular, having overtaken the popularity of SUS-certified Unices on server

platforms since its inception in the early 1990s.

Mac OS

A series of graphical user interface–based operating systems developed

by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems.There have been two

operating systems popularly known as "Mac OS". Up to major revision 9, from

1984 to 2000, it is historically known as Classic Mac OS. Major revision 10, from

2001 to present, is branded OS X (originally referred to as Mac OS X). Major

revisions to the Macintosh OS are now issued as point revisions, such that, for

example, 10.2 is substantially different from 10.5. Both operating systems share

a general interface design, and there has been some overlap of application

frameworks for compatibility; but the two systems have different origins and use

deeply different architectures.

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a meta family

of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It

consists of several families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain

sector of the computing industry. Active Windows families include Windows

NT, Windows Embedded and Windows Phone; these may encompass

subfamilies, e.g. Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE) or Windows

Server. Defunct Windows families include Windows 9x and Windows Mobile.

Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on

November 20, 1985, as a graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS in

response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Microsoft


Windows came to dominate the world's personal computer market with over 90%

market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. However,

since 2012, thanks to massive grow of smart phones, it sells less than Android,

which became the most popular operating system in 2014, when counting all of

the computing platforms Windows runs on (same as Android); in 2014, the

number of Windows devices sold were less than 25% of Android devices sold.

But comparison across different markets is not fully relevant, and for personal

computer is Windows still number one platform.

As of July 2015, the most recent version of Windows for personal

computers, tablets and smart phones is Windows 10. The most recent versions

for server computers and embedded devices are respectively Windows Server

2012 R2 and Windows Embedded 8. A specialized version of Windows runs on

the Xbox One game console.

Programming Language

Computers don’t understand English. They can’t even understand BASIC

(Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), the computer language upon

which Visual Basic is based. A computer understands only one thing machine

language, which is entirely composed of numbers. Programming languages like

BASIC allow people to write programs in an English-like language, which a

BASIC interpreter then changes into machine language so the computer can


Visual Basic programs are a dialect of the BASIC computer language,

which was developed not to help computers, but to help people make sense out

of the numerical nonsense machines delight in. Visual Basic replaces many of

the numbers used by the machine language with words and symbols we lowly

humans can more easily understand and remember.

Some computer languages, such as some types of BASIC, convert a program to

machine language one line at a time as the program runs using an interpreter.

Other languages, such as Pascal and Visual Basic , use a compiler to convert

the entire program all at once before any of the program runs in any case, all

programming languages must be converted to machine language in order for the

computer to understand the program.

A compiler changes your program into an executable file (for example,

WORD.EXE or SIMCTY.EXE) that can be run directly without a compiler or

interpreter. An executable program is actually a machine language program that

is ready for your computer to read and understand.


PHP (recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Pre-processor”)PHP started

out as a small open-source project that evolved as more and more people found

out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way

back in 1994. Now it has a version 4.0.3 with the numerous improvements and

refinements over the original release.

Side scripting language that is embedded in HTML It is used to manage

dynamic content, databases, session tracking, even build entire e-commerce

sites. It is integrated with a number of popular databases including MySQL,

Oracle, Sybase, Informix and Microsoft SQL Server.


JavaScript is the name of the Netscape Communications Corporations

implementation of ECMA Script, a scripting programming language based on the

concept of prototypes.

JavaScript was originally developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape

Communications Corporations under the name Mocha, then Live script, and

finally renamed to JavaScript. The change of name from live script to JavaScript

roughly coincided with Netscape adding support for Java technology in its

Netscape Navigator Web browser was first December of 1995.

Visual Basic

The Visual Basic programming language was developed by Alan Cooper,

an American computer scientist in the late 1980’s. This programming language

was created with the purpose of teaching programmers and developers how to

design and developed graphical-user interface (GUI) programs easily. The

reason behind the GUI name is that we work more with graphics, forms and

icons, than typing text to accomplish a particular task. In GUI approach, rather

than trying to remember commands and its corresponding parameter, we can

remember easier by using pictures and images.

With Visual Basic, we can develop computer games and utilities,

information system, computer aided instruction (CAI), multimedia powered

application, and as a front-end business application for back-end database

server such as SQL or ORACLE database server. Not only that, we can even

develop an Internet-enabled or Wed-based application system using Visual Basic

6. With these reasons. I don’t think that we would have a second thought if we

really wanted to learn Visual Basic programming. So let us start learning it now!

Microsoft Access

A relational database running under Microsoft Windows. Data is stored as

a number of "tables", e.g. "Stock". Each table consists of a number of "records"

(e.g. for different items) and each record contains a number of "fields", e.g.

"Product code", "Supplier", "Quantity in stock".

Access allows the user to create "forms" and "reports". A form shows one record

in a user-designed format and allows the user to step through records one at a

time. A report shows selected records in a user-designed format, possibly

grouped into sections with different kinds of total


MySQL, pronounced either "My S-Q-L" or "My Sequel," is an open source

relational database management system. It is based on the structure query

language (SQL), which is used for adding, removing, and modifying information

in the database. Standard SQL commands, such as ADD, DROP, INSERT, and

UPDATE can be used with MySQL.

MySQL can be used for a variety of applications, but is most commonly

found on Web servers. A website that uses MySQL may include Web pages that

access information from a database. These pages are often referred to as

"dynamic," meaning the content of each page is generated from a database as

the page loads. Websites that use dynamic Web pages are often referred to as

database-driven websites.


The C++ Programming Language was the first book to describe

the C++ programming language, written by the language’s creator, Bjarne Stroutsup

, and first published in October 1985. In the absence of an official standard, the

book served for several years as the de facto documentation for the evolving

C++ language until the release of the ISO/IEC 14882:1998: Programming

Language C++standard on 1 September 1998. As the standard further evolved

with the standardization of language and library extensions and with the

publication of technical corrigenda, later editions of the book were updated to

incorporate the new changes.


Some databases have minimal feature sets and only store data, while

others include programming languages, facilities and utilities to support

enterprise-level applications like ERP and data warehousing. Oracle is the #1

database and has the most advanced feature set. Oracle is made up of a set of

processes running in your operating system. These processes manage how data

is stored and how it is accessed. I will cover these processes in detail in the

future; but for now we just need to understand that Oracle is a program that is

running in the background, maintaining your data for you and figuring out where it

should go on your hard drive.

Visual Basic. Net

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, high level programming

language, implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft launched VB.NET in

2002 as the successor to its original Visual Basic language. Although the ".NET"

portion was dropped in 2005, this article uses "Visual Basic .NET" to refer to all

Visual Basic languages releases since 2002, in order to distinguish between

them and the classic Visual Basic. Along with Visual C#, it is one of the two main

languages targeting the .NET framework.

Microsoft's integrated development environment (IDE) for developing in

Visual Basic .NET language is Visual Studio. Most of Visual Studio editions

are commercial; the only exceptions are Visual Studio Express and Visual Studio

Community which are freeware. In addition, .NET Framework SDK includes a

freeware command-line compiler called vbc.exe. Mono also includes a

command-line VB.NET compiler.


WAMP provides Unified Application Routing in an open Web

Socket protocol that works with different languages. Using WAMP you can build

distributed systems out of application components which are loosely coupled and

communicate in (soft) real-time. At its core, WAMP offers two communication

patterns for application components to talk to each other:Publish &

Subscribe (Pub Sub) and Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)We think applications

often have a natural need for both forms of communication and shouldn't be

required to use different protocols/means for those. Which is why WAMP

provides both. WAMP is easy to use, simple to implement and based on modern

Web standards: Web Socket, JSON and URIs.


A free and open source cross-platform web Server solution stack package

developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP

Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the

PHP and Perl programming languages.


HTML means Hypertext Mark-up Language.HTML is not a true

programming language. In other words, it is not a language used to write Web

programs. An example of a Web programming Language is Java.HTML is used

to create electronic documents that can be read on many different systems using

software called a browser.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for

describing the presentation of a document written in a mark-up language,

Although most often used to set the visual style of web pages and user interfaces

written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be applied to any XML

document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to rendering

in speech, or on other media. Along with HTML and JavaScript, CSS is a

cornerstone technology used by most websites to create visually engaging

Webpages, user interfaces for web applications, and user interfaces for many

mobile applications.CSS is designed primarily to enable the separation of

document content from document presentation, including aspects such as


the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility,

provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation

characteristics, enable multiple HTML pages to share formatting by specifying

the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in

the structural content, such as semantically insignificant tables that were widely

used to format pages before consistent CSS rendering was available in all major

browsers. CSS makes it possible to separate presentation instructions from the

HTML content in a separate file or style section of the HTML file. For each

matching HTML element, it provides a list of formatting instructions. For example,

a CSS rule might specify that "all heading 1 elements should be bold", leaving

pure semantic HTML mark-up that asserts "this text is a level 1 heading" without

formatting code such as a <bold> tag indicating how such text should be


Application Software

An application program (or application for short) is a computer

program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities

for the benefit of the user. Examples of an application include a word processor,

a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a media player, an aeronautical flight

simulator, a console game or a photo editor. The collective noun application

software refers to all applications collectively.[1] This contrasts with system

software, which is mainly involved with running the computer.


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is an example of graphics software application. It

belongs to the Illustration or Design Programs and Image Editor Program. It

belongs to the Illustration or Design Program because it allows you to draw your

own images. It has more advanced features that a point program because it

allows you to put a styles of effects on your drawing. Using its tools, you can

make your own drawings, save them as a specific graphic file format supported

by Adobe Photoshop. When drawing or image is saved as psd, for example “my

drawing.psd”, it means that your file can be edited using Adobe Photoshop.


Antivirus or anti-virus software (often abbreviated as AV), sometimes

known as anti-malware software, is computer software used to prevent, detect

and remove software. Antivirus software was originally developed to detect and

remove computer viruses, hence the name. However, with the proliferation of

other kinds of malware, antivirus software started to provide protection from other

computer threats. In particular, modern antivirus software can protect from:

malicious Browser Helper Objects (BHOs), browser hijackers,ransomware, key

loggers, backdoors, rootkits, trojanhorses, worms, malicious LSPs, dialers,

fraudtools, adware andspyware. Some products also include protection from

other computer threats, such as infected and malicious URLs, spam, scam and

phishing attacks, online identity (privacy), online banking attacks, social

engineering techniques, Advanced Persistent Strength (APT), botnets DDoS attacks.


Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is an office suite of applications, servers and services. It

was first announced by Bill Gates of Microsoft on 1 August 1988 at COMDEX in

Las Vegas. Initially a marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first

version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft

PowerPoint. Over the years, Office applications have grown substantially closer

with shared features such as a common spell checker, OLE data integration

and Visual Basic for Applications scripting language. Microsoft also positions

Office as a development platform for line-of-business software under the Office

Business Applications brand.


According to Maria Theresa M. Semana, Internet or net is commonly

defined as the network of all networks. It is not owned or controlled by any

particular company or individual. It was developed by U.S. military twenty years

ago as an experiment on how to maintain communication in the event of a major

attack [AUSTRIA 1997]. No one can say how exactly big Internet is, however, it

is viewed as a worldwide collection of computer systems connected to and

communicating with each other using a communication protocol such as

Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). In its early years, the

internet had only a text-based interface and only the technologically adept were

able to use it. In the early 1990’s a software internet called World Wide Web

(WWW) or simply Web was developed. This afford it’s users to avail of the

Internet with the application of the User Graphical Interface (GUI).

The major Internet applications that the HEIs, HERO-III and CHEDCO can

use in this study are the electronic communication is the most widely used

application of the Internet where the users can exchange electronic mails (e-

mails) all over the world. E-mail can be received in the destination in a matter of

seconds, if not in minutes. The e-mail can keep the received mails in the

electronic mail boxes at the server where the user can get it anytime he wants

which means that the user may not keep his computer log-on to the Internet

twenty-four hours. This is done using the store-and-forward communications. The

file transfer applications on the other hand use file transfer protocol (FTP) to

enable a user to get or send files from a connected Internet computer anywhere

to the user’s computer.

Internet Connections

As technology grows, so does our need for bigger, better and faster Internet

connections. Over the years the way content is presented via the Web has also

changed drastically. Ten years ago being able to center, bold, and produce text

in different colors on a webpage was something to admire. Today, Flash,

animations, online gaming, streaming video, database-driven websites,


E-commerce and mobile applications (to name but a few) are standards. The

need for speed has changed the options available to consumers and businesses

alike in terms of how and how fast we can connect to the Internet. The

connection speeds listed below represent a snapshot of general average to

maximum speeds at the time of publication. This is no doubt will change over

time and Internet connection speeds also vary between Internet Service

Providers (ISP).

Local Area Network (LAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects

computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, or office

building. A local area network is contrasted in principle to a wide area

network (WAN), which covers a larger geographic distance and may

involve leased telecommunication circuits, while the media for LANs are locally

managed. Ethernet over twisted pair cabling and Wi-Fi are the two most common

transmission technologies in use for local area networks. Historical technologies

include ARCNET, Token Ring, and AppleTalk. According to the book of James

Martin, the need to communicate…to send messages…to share data…to access

computing resources…to share peripheral devices…these basic communication

needs a fuelling the development and spread of local area networks. While

individual local area networks that serve the needs of individual workgroups are

extremely valuable, the challenge facing LANs in the 1990s is to interconnect the

isolated workgroup networks into an enterprise network that serves the

computing needs of the entire organization – and to do so at a reasonable cost.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network larger than

a local area network, covering an area of a few city blocks to the area of an entire

city, possibly also including the surrounding areas.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

A wide area network (WAN) is a telecommunications network or computer

network that extends over a large geographical distance. Wide area networks

often are established with circuits. Business, education and government entities

use wide area networks to relay data among staff, students, clients, buyers, and

suppliers from various geographical locations. In essence, this mode of

telecommunication allows a business to effectively carry out its daily function

regardless of location. The Internet may be considered a WAN.


A website, also written as web site, or simply site, is a set of related web

pages typically served from a single web domain. A website is hosted on at least

one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local

area network through an Internet address known as a uniform resource

locator (URL). All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World

Wide Web. Webpages, which are the building blocks of websites, are documents,

typically written in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of Hypertext

Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). They may incorporate elements from other

websites with suitable markup anchors. Webpages’ are accessed and

transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally

employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the

user of the webpage content. The user's application, often a web, renders the

page content according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.

The pages of a website can usually be accessed from a simple Uniform

Resource Locator (URL) called the web address. The URLs of the pages

organize them into a hierarchy, although hyper linking between them conveys the

reader's perceived site structure and guides the reader's navigation of the site

which generally includes a home page with most of the links to the site's web

content, and a supplementary about, contact and link page.

Some websites require a subscription to access some or all of their content.

Examples of subscription websites include many business sites, parts of news

websites, academic journal websites, gaming websites, file-sharing

websites, message boards, web-based email, social websites, websites

providing real-time stock market data, and websites providing various other

services (e.g., websites offering storing and/or sharing of images, files and so




On the basis of the foregoing concepts, theories, and findings of related

literature, studies presented, and insights taken from them, a conceptual model is

developed as shown below.

Input Process Output

a. Learning Process
b. Web development
b. Database System
a. WAMP Server 2.2
Design Development E-learning System
b. MySQL Integration
c. PHPMyAdmin Debugging Texting
Teach Review Specialist
d. Operating System
a. Computer System
b. Laptop

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

The conceptual model, as illustrated in Figure 1, shows the different

stages of the process involved in order to achieve the objectives of this study.

Inputs. This stage consists of the different requirements needed for the complete

facilitation of the proposed system. The knowledge requirements are pre-

requisites that should be known to the researcher to serve as guide in the making

of the study: Learning process, Web development, Database system.

Process. This stage is requirements needed for the design and development of

the program. Debugging will be conducted shortly after by the researcher prior to

the final evaluation of the project to ensure the continuity and comprehensibility

of the program in reference to its original and intended features.

Output. This will be presented to the Teach review Specialists the E-learning


Definition of Terms


An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides

services for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet. Internet service

providers may be organized in various forms, such as commercial, community-

owned, non-profit, or otherwise privately owned. Internet services typically

provided by ISPs include Internet access, Internet transit, domain

name registration, web hosting, Usenet service, and colocation.


Domain name

is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy,

authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules

and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS).

Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names are

used in various networking contexts and application-specific naming and

addressing purposes. In general, a domain name represents an Internet

Protocol (IP) resource, such as a personal computer used to access the Internet,

a server computer hosting a web site, or the web site itself or any other service

communicated via the Internet. In 2014, the number of active domains reached

271 million.

Secure Site

If a site is secure then it is encrypted. Meaning that any details that you

submit should be safe. The URL often begin with https://


A server is both a running instance of some software that is capable

of accepting requests from clients, and the computer that executes such


Search Engine

A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for

information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented

in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The

information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. Some

search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories.

Unlike web directories, which are maintained only by human editors, search

engines also maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web



is a type of proprietary software which is provided (initially) free of charge

to users, who are allowed and encouraged to make and share copies of the

program, which helps to distribute it. Shareware is often offered as a

download from an Internet website or as a compact disc included with a

magazine. There are many types of shareware, and while they may not require

an initial up-front payment, all are intended to generate revenue in one way or

another. Some limit use to personal non-commercial purposes only, with

purchase of a license required for use in a business enterprise. The software

itself may be limited in functionality or be time-limited. Or it may remind you that

payment would be appreciated.


In computing, a plug-in (or add-in / add in, plugin, extension or

add-on / add on) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an

existing software application. When an application supports plug-ins, it enables

customization. The common examples are the plug-ins used inweb browsers to

add new features such as search-engines, virus scanners, or the ability to use a

new file type such as a new video format. Well-known browser plug-ins include

the Adobe Flash Player, the QuickTime Player, and the Java plug-in, which can

launch a user-activated Java applet on a web page to its execution on a

local Java virtual machine.


A personal computer is a general-purpose computer whose size,

capabilities and original sale price make it useful for individuals, and is intended

to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator.

This contrasts with the batch processing or time-sharing models that allowed

larger, more expensive minicomputer and mainframe systems to be used by many

people, usually at the same time. A related term is "PC" that was initially an

acronym for "personal computer", but later became used primarily to refer to the

ubiquitous Wintel platform.



This chapter presents the project design, project development, as well

as the evaluation procedure.


The figure shows the system architecture of the proposed E-learning


Figure 2: System Architecture of E-learning System


In figure 2. It shows the boundary of E-learning System. The system and

files can access the web developer to create a new concept to the system. The

admin can update a new course review to the student, and every student of

teach review specialists can access the E-learning System to review while on

home or anywhere they are.

The figure below shows the context diagram of the proposed E-learning


Figure 3. Context Diagram of E-learning System

The E-learning accessing the student of Teach review specialists thru

internet by visiting the webpage of Teach review specialist and choosing an

course review to start learning on home, thru Log-In the student detail need to

came up from database for security purposes. The following are the major

features of proposed system.

1. The E-learning is online course review by Teach Review Specialist

2. The Website visiting is have an announcement, news, and company


3. for security of the system only the admin allows for the changed and

development of the system.

4. The system will generate the username and password of the students

5. The proposed system is database based using MySQL.


The E-learning System consists of certain procedures for the

transactions of E-learning System and Evaluation.


System Design



Of system


Figure 4. Waterfall Model of E-learning System


Requirements Gathering and Analysis. The stage researcher conduct

an interview to the I.T students, professors and to any professionals who have

deep knowledge about the development of E-learning to get all possible

requirements of the system to be develop. These requirements gathered are

design, functionality, reliability of data, process of products and data stored.

System Design. This system required Photoshop and programming

tools to create a website for development of E-learning system. Adobe

Photoshop is for editing for the image product of the company that publish

trough web. Wamp server, Notepad++, MySQL, PHP designer is for creating

and designing a website.

Implementation. This stage required to implement the system before

the company uses it. A good example is running the system with the people

who have deep knowledge about the development of E-learning System.

Testing. In this stage, the user will access the website and log in to

access the e-learning and choose review outline. So it will be checked if the

system was performing well.

Development of the system. This stage is the process where system is

passed to the company when all the procedures and testing works the


Maintenance. This stage the maintaining Development of E-learning for

functionally and the reliability of data of data stored and update a news to the




E-learning System shares relevant information and provides

comprehensive documentation to make the review easy. E-Learning Module will

include a course description page and a course outline and must include at least

4 self-contained tests. Test results of every module are explicitly rationalized for

the better understanding of the reviewers. The reviewer can monitor their

performance in the end of the test. Before accessing the system the reviewer

needs to Log-In their username and password that provide the review center.

The reviewer also can manage and edit their personal setting.


The following are the system features and components of E Learning System:

Internet. The reviewer needs to have internet connection to access the


Website. Is where the reviewer can visit the company website and its

background view.

Log-in Module. Where the reviewer inputs the username and password

to access e-learning provided by the review center.

Subject Module. Where the reviewer chooses his desired course.


Question and Answer Module. Every subject have their different

question and show the answer after taking the course.

View rationale. Before exam result the system show the rationale of

every question to understand the reviewer

Exam result. This stage show the result of exam result of the reviewer

Edit Profile Module. The reviewer can manage their personal information

in a field of Last name, First name, email, number and change password. Every

edited information can change and update in the database of the system.





This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the status of

teaching process in the review center. The descriptive method of research was

utilized and the normative survey technique was used for gathering data.

The questionnaire served as the instrument for collecting data. The

entire lecturer in review center handling a subject and a 20percent representative

sample of the students were the respondents. The inquiry was conducted

during the review season September 2015- January 2016. The Teach Review

Specialists are taking a pride of 83.74% passing rate last August 2014, 87.20%

passing rate last March 2015 and 90.18% passing rate last September 2015 and

92.84% last March 2016 Licensure examination for Teacher (LET).


Based on the findings, the researchers come up with the following


1. The proposed E-learning system will be a big improvement over the

existing review system of the company.


2. The Website of the system for the company that can help them for the

marketing and introduce the staff of the company and can easily be

guided the students to address them properly regarding the review.

3. We proved to them that developed E-learning system was much better

than manual process of studying for the reviewers and give them

advantage technology than manual process.

4. The ease of being able to access the system anywhere as long as there is

an internet access serve as freedom for the students to study and review

wherever they want.

5. As a whole, the proposed system and the existing system have a

tremendous distinction. The difference from the traditional to the proposed

system is truly beneficial to the company ,managers, staff and student


Based on the results of the findings and conclusions gathered, the

researchers would like to recommend the following:

1. The proponents recommend the proposed system be implemented by the

managers and staffs because it is more productive and more capable of

delivering quality performance in the review.

2. The proponents recommend that the company consider the proposed E-

learning system to increase the number of list of students enrolled who

want take a review.

3. The proponents recommend that they are encouraged to conduct similar


studies for the other company using manual review system so that they

can help them to create advantage online learning system.




1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


System Analysis

Preparations of needed

System design and coding


System Testing
System implementation

System evaluation



TITLE: “Development of E-Learning for TEACH REVIEW SPECIALISTS”


1.1 Online process

1.1.1. Online Application

1.1.2. Online Payment

1.1.3. Online Registration

1.1.4. Online Games

1.1.5. Online Buying

1.1.6. Online Business

1.1.7. Online Banking

1.1.8. Online Voting

1.1.9. Online Enrolment

1.1.10. Online Books

1.1.11. Online Dictionary

1.1.12. Online Ticketing

1.1.13. Online Travel information

1.1.14. Online Radio Station

1.1.15. Online MTV

1.1.16. Online Women’s Magazine

1.1.17. Online Kite Magazine

1.1.18. Online Games Review


1.1.19. Online TV Guides

1.1.20. Online Store

1.1.21. Online Dictionary of Computing

1.1.21. Online Text to Download

2 Offline

2.1 Offline process

2.1.1 Offline Email

2.1.2 Offline Media Playing

2.1.3 Offline Browsing

2.1.4 Offline Storage

2.1.5 Offline Messages

3 Learning

3.1 Types of Learning

3.1.1 Non-Associative Habituation Sensitization

3.1.2 Associative Learning Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning Imprinting

3.1.3 Play

3.1.4 Enculturation

3.1.5 Episodic Learning

3.1.6 E-Learning and Augmented Learning

3.1.7 Rote Learning

3.1.8 Meaningful Learning

3.1.9 Informal Learning

3.1.10 Formal Learning

3.1.11 Non-Formal Learning

3.1.12 Non-Formal learning and Combine Approaches

3.1.13 Tangential Learning

3.1.14 Dialogic Learning

3.1.15 Incidental Learning

3.2 Domains

3.3 Transfer

3.4 Active Learning

3.5 Evolution

3.6 Machine Learning


4 Computer

4.1 Kinds of Computer

4.1.1 Personal Computer

4.1.2 Mobile Computer

4.2 Software

4.2.1 Operating System Linux Unix Mac OS Microsoft Windows

4.2.2 Programming Language PHP JAVA Visual Basic Microsoft Access MySQL C++ Oracle Visual Basic. Net WAMPP XAMPP HTML CSS

4.2.3 Application Software Adobe Photoshop Antivirus Microsoft office

5 Internet

5.1 Internet Connection

5.1.1 LAN

5.1.2 MAN

5.1.3 WAN

5.2 IP Address

5.2.1 IPv4

5.2.2 IPv6

5.3 Website

5.3.1. Static

5.3.2. Dynamic


1. What is the name of the company and its field?

The company is named Teach Review Specialist. The company is a


2. When was the company established?

The company was established on April 2014 and still serves up to the


3. Who were the clients of the said company? How it was promoted?

The company is offer LET review. The company clients is student who

took LET Exam

4. What kind of system the company is using? How did they transact with the


The company uses old/traditional (papers) system. They transact and talk

to the clients through telephone. Once a client calls, they use Facebook Page to

promote his new Promo about their review

5. What is the accomplishment of the system in the years it has been used?

Teach Review Specialists is taking a pride of 83.74% passing rate last

March 2014 licensure examination for teachers and they are aiming higher for

September 2015 LET.


6. What was the possible efficiency of the company which is needed for


The company said it was lack of promotion. The company needs a new

way of promoting so it will thrive.

7. What was the company needs and seeks for its development?

The company needs a portal so it will be possible to transact not just

inside the country but also abroad, local and international. It needs an online

website and online review.

8. What was the contribution the company could give to the researchers so they

could fulfil its needs?

The company agrees to give all the information the researchers would

need so they could fill the efficiency the company seeks for.

9. How many employees does the company have?

The company has (15) fifteen employees. (1) One employee at the physical

desk, (2) two employee at the maintenance (2) Two flyers and (10) Ten lecturer.

10. What is the name of the person who has been interviewed? What is his/her

position in the company? How many years he/she had served in the company?

The name of the interviewee Is Mr HanzelMelano. He is the President of

the company.



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