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Dinner Menu

枝 豆 £4.30
お母ちゃんのポテトサラダ £4.30
Potato salsad
銀杏素揚げ £4.30
Ginnan Deep fried Ginko Nuts
レンコンチップス・黒胡椒チーズ £4.30
Renkon Lotus chips with black pepper & cheese
ほねせんべい £4.90
Tsukemono 正直者の漬け物盛り合わせ Hone senbei Deep fried fish bone
Hiyashi Tomato ★バルサミコ酢香る・冷やしトマトとアンチョビオニオン £5.30
冷やしトマトとアンチョビオニオン Hiyashi Tomato Chilled and sliced tomato with anchovies & onion, balsamic vinegar
うずらのおつまみ煮玉子 £4.30
Uzura Nitamago Lightly simmered quail eggs in sweet soy sauce
Renkon Lotus Chips
★正直者の漬け物盛り合わせ £6.40
Tsukemono Several kinds of veg pickled in salted rice-bran paste
ほうれん草胡麻和え £4.80
"Horenso Goma" Boiled spinach with sesame paste

Cold Dishes MUGEN Bakudan

Tuna Tataki
ムゲン(夢源)バクダン(漬けマグロ、納豆、とろろ、オクラ、たくあん) £8.90 胡麻の黄金・鮪タタキ・にんにくポン酢
MUGEN Bakudan Tuna, natto, yam, okra, pickled radish mixed in a bowl
自家製タコわさび £6.90
Tako Wasabi Homemade octopus mixed wasabi leaves
お寿司屋さんの酢の物 £7.90
Sunomono Marinated octopus & mackerel with sweet vinegar Beef Tataki
★胡麻の黄金・鮪タタキ・にんにくポン酢 £16.80 バルサミコソース
Tuna Tataki Tuna tataki with golden sesame seeds, garlic ponzu sauce & olive oil
★牛タタキとアボカドのカルパッチョ・バルサミコソース £16.80
Beef Tataki Beef tataki & avocado carpaccio with balsamic vinegar & olive oil
★和風タコカルパッチョ・ゆずポン酢 £8.90
Octopus carpaccio with ponzu sauce & olive oil
サーモンとアボカドのカルパッチョ £10.80
Salmon & avocado carpaccio with balsamic vinegar & olive oil
★中華風・黒鯛のカルパッチョ・香り胡麻油がけ £11.50
Sea bream carpaccio, chinese style, sesame oil
半身で提供!炙りシメ鯖 2∼3人前 £9.80 Salmon & Avocado Carpaccio
Seared vinegared mackerel サーモンとアボカドの

Tuna & Avocado Salad

相性抜群 鮪とアボカドのサラダ Sea Bream Carpaccio
山葵ドレッシング 中華風・黒鯛のカルパッチョ・香り胡麻油がけ

★相性抜群 鮪とアボカドのサラダ・山葵ドレッシング £10.80
Tuna & avocado salad, wasabi dressing
海藻サラダ 胡麻ドレッシング £8.80
Kaiso salad Mixed seaweed salad, sesame dressing
Ceaser Salad
さくさくお揚げと厚切りベーコンの 豆腐とアボカドの中華風サラダ・ラー油がけ £7.80
和風シーザーサラダ・とろ∼り玉子のせ Tofu & avocado salad, spicy chili sauce
とろ∼り玉子のせ no bacon £9.80
Ceaser Salad Romain lettuce, crispy bean curd, thick bacon, parmigiano cheese, poached egg
Daikon Salad
★シャキシャキ大根と帆立のサラダ・明太子ドレッシング £7.30
明太子ドレッシング Daikon Salad Thinly cut mooli and scallop salad, cod roe & mayo dressing

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

Izakaya Menu Natto Aburaage

ネギまみれ こんがり油揚げの納豆乗せ Hot Dishes ニラたっぷり自家製スタミナ餃子
Gyoza Pan-fried home-made dumplings stuffed with pork & veg

★若鶏の竜田揚げ £6.90
Chicken Tatsuta Japanese style deep fried chicken
粗びき肉厚ハムカツ £4.90 Kani Cream Croquette カニクリームコロッケ

Ham Katsu Deep fried breaded ham katsu ★本格!まん丸カニクリームコロッケ £7.90

Kani Cream Croquette Creamy crab meat croquettes
砂肝のにんにく炒め £5.90
Sunagimo Garlic Stir-fried chicken gizzard with sliced garlic 洋食屋さんのメンチカツ £6.90
Menchi katsu Beef & pork katsu
ネギまみれ こんがり油揚げの納豆乗せ  £5.90
Natto Aburaage Natto and spring onion on grilled Bean curd ★ねぎたっぷりのチキン南蛮 £7.90
Chicken Namban Deep fried chicken marinated with
屋台風 イカゲソバタポン炒め £5.90 Nasu Dengaku ナス田楽 sweet sour sauce accompanied with tartar sauce & spring onion
Sauteed Ikageso squid tentacles with butter & ponzu sauce
★ヒレカツのおろしポン酢 £7.90
タコのから揚げ £7.90 Hire katsu Pork fillet katsu accompanied with grated mooli (oroshi) & ponzu
Tako Kara Deep fried Octopus Karaage
★ナス田楽 £7.30
★有頭シュリンプフライ・七味マヨネーズ £5.90 Nasu Dengaku Deep fried aubergine coated with miso dressing
Shrimp Fry Deep fried small shrimp with spicy mayo
★最強!豚の角煮 £8.90
子持ちシシャモ 3pcs £4.80 Buta Kakuni Slow cooked pork
Shrimp Fry
Shishamo Grilled smelt with roe
有頭シュリンプフライ 定番 揚げ出し豆腐 £6.90
親父のイカゲソ磯部揚げ £5.90 七味マヨネーズ
Agedashi Tofu Deep fried tofu in Japanese stock
Deep fried squid tentacles Ikageso tempura
人気です。モッツァレラチーズの揚げ出し £7.30
★陶板 プリプリ荒挽きソーセージとフライドポテト Agedashi Mozza Deep fried mozzarella cheese in Japanese stock
ケチャップ・マスタード £5.90 ★タコガーリックバター炒め £7.90
Sausage & Potato grilled sausage & fried potato, ketchup & mustard Tako Garlic Stir-fried octopus & garlic with butter and bread crumb
軟骨唐揚げ £4.90
Nankotsu Kara Deep fried chicken gristles Agedashi Mozza モッツァレラチーズの揚げ出し

手作りふわふわ出汁巻き玉子 £5.90
Dashimaki Tamago Japanese egg omlet

Sausage & Potato

陶板 プリプリ荒挽きソーセージとフライドポテト
Takoyaki たこ焼き ケチャップ・マスタード Chicken Namban ねぎたっぷりのチキン南蛮 Buta Kakuni 最強!豚の角煮

★トロふわ明太子チーズだし巻き玉子 £6.90 ソフトシェルクラブの唐揚げ £15.80

Mentai Cheese Tamago Japanese egg omlet with cod roe & cheese Deep fried soft shell crab
たこ焼き 5pcs £4.90 ★ジュウジュウ帆立の海賊焼き £9.30 Kushikatsu
Takoyaki Octopus ball Hotate Kaizoku Grilled scallops with soy stock in shell 関西風串カツ盛り合わせ
Tofu Mentai
豆腐の明太マヨネーズ&チーズ焼き 手羽先の唐揚げ 甘辛ソース絡め £5.30 ナスと豚肉の旨味噌炒め £7.90
Teba Kara Deep fried chicken wing with sweet soy sauce Nasu Buta Stir-fried aubergine & sliced pork with miso paste
里芋ホクホク揚げ £4.90 みんな大好き 豚キムチ £7.90
Satoimo Kushi Deep fried small yam potato on skewer Buta Kimchi Stir-fried thinly sliced pork & kimchi
★チーズ入りポテトもち・明太子ソース £5.90 ★陶板 ゴーヤチャンプル £7.90
Deep fried potato ball with cheese inside accompanied by cod roe & mayo sauce Goya Champru Stir-fried bitter melon, tofu, egg, sliced pork
こりこり砂肝ポン酢・柚子胡椒 £5.90 海老トマ玉子のふわふわ炒め £7.30
Sunagimo Ponzu Stir-fried chicken gizzard with ponzu sauce Ebi Toma Tamago Stir-fried prawn, tomato, egg Ebi Toma Tamago
★ハネ付き!あつあつ!陶板焼き餃子 10pcs 3∼4人前 £11.30 小海老の天ぷら £6.30
Toban Gyoza Sizzling gyoza dumpling cooked in a hot iron plate Small Prawn Tempura Seafood Gratin
当店一押し 具たっぷり海鮮グラタン
Toban Gyoza ハネ付き!あつあつ!陶板焼き餃子
具たくさん ふわふわ お好み焼き £7.90 ★あつあつジューシーカキフライ £8.90
Okonomiyaki Japanese savory pancake Kaki Fry Deep fried breaded oysters
★当店自慢 豆腐の明太マヨネーズ&チーズ焼き £7.90 ★関西風串カツ盛り合わせ £8.90
Tofu Mentai Grilled tofu accompanied by cod roe mayo & cheese topping Kushikatu Deep fried breaded pork, Japanese fish cake & cheese, sausage, Lotus root, Asparagus
相性抜群 茄子とトマトとアボカドのチーズ焼き  £6.90 鰯の梅しそ揚げ £6.30
Grilled aubergine, tomato and avocado with cheese Sardine Tempura with Japanese herb & plum paste

★ネギまみれ 当店一押し
 豆腐のコロコロガーリックステーキ £7.30 具たっぷり海鮮グラタン 2pcs £9.30
Tofu Steak with garlic & spring onion Seafood Gratin Crab meat with creamy white sauce baked in shell
Tofu Steak ネギまみれ 豆腐のコロコロガーリックステーキ

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

Kushiyaki Main dishes

お造り Sashimi
刺身三種盛り 1-2 人前 £17.80
鮪、サーモン、スズキ / Tuna, salmon, sea bass
砂 肝 £2.30 刺身五種盛り 2-3 人前 £23.50
Chicken Gizzard
Grilled Lamb Chop ラムの西京焼き
Tuna, salmon, sea bass, yellowtail, today's fish
Sashimi a la carte(5pcs)
刺身八種盛り 4-5 人前 £36.50 大トロ O-Toro (Fatty tuna) £26.80
鮪、サーモン、スズキ、ハマチ、鯖、本日のおすすめ2種 中トロ Chu-Toro (Fatty tuna) £23.00
ねぎま £2.60
Chicken and Spring Onion Tuna, salmon, sea bass, yellowtail, mackerel, 2 today's fish
赤 身  Tuna £19.80
ハマチ  Yellowtail £18.80
鱸 Sea Bass £14.50
鶏レバー £2.50 Yellowtail Teriyaki ブリの照り焼き サーモン Salmon £9.80
Chicken Liver
寿司 Sushi 〆 鯖 Mackerel £7.80
チキン・サーモン照り焼き £9.80
Chicken Teriyaki / Salmon Teriyaki
つくね焼き £2.80 ブリの照り焼き £12.80
Minced Chicken Ball Yellowtail Teriyaki
★銀鱈の西京焼き £24.90
但馬亭 一番人気・特製松前寿司   £15.80
Grilled Black Cod with yuzu miso paste さば寿司 / バッテラ
豚シソ焼き £2.60 ★サクサク厚切りロースカツ(トンカツ) £12.80 No.1 popular sushi, marinated mackerel and
Thinly Sliced Pork Rolled with Shiso Deep fried breaded pork kombu seaweed on top of sushi rice
天ぷら盛り合わせ £12.80
Assorted Tempura

ささみ梅 £2.60 海老天ぷら盛り合わせ £15.80

Prawn Tempura
Chicken Breast with Plum Paste 特上寿司・握り 10 貫 £24.80
Assorted Vegetable Tempura
★当店人気のお寿司 Special Assorted Sushi (Nigiri 10pcs)

ささみ山葵 £2.60
Chicken Breast with Wasabi Paste
★ラムの西京焼き 1pc
Grilled Lamb chop with yuzu miso paste
Signatue Sushi トロ、まぐろ、サーモン、鮭トロ、ハマチ、
鰻の蒲焼 £19.80 Fatty tuna, tuna, salmon, salmon belly, yellowtail, sea bass,
Grilled Eel Kabayaki
sea bream, sweet prawn, scallop, salmon roe
特製 鰻の棒寿司 £19.80
ささみ明太子 £2.80
Grilled Eel on top of sushi rice
Chicken Breast with Cod Roe Paste 上寿司・握り 7 貫、巻き 6 貫 £19.80
夢源 特製太巻き £16.80 Assorted Sushi (Nigiri 7pcs, Roll 6pcs)
★柳川風 うなぎの陶板鍋    £10.80
Mugen Special Futomaki まぐろ、サーモン、ハマチ、スズキ、鯛、エビ、 〆鯖、鉄火巻き
しいたけ or エリンギ  £2.40 Grilled Eel & Ppinach cooked with egg in Japanese stock Tuna, salmon, yellowtail, sea bass, sea bream, prawn,
Tuna, salmon, crab sticks, omelette, asparagus,
Japanese shiitake Mushroom or
kanpyo, cucumbe, flying fish roe mackerel, tuna roll
Oyster Mushroom

Quail Eggs
巻き物 Roll Sushi サーモン巻き
Salmon roll

鉄火巻き £5.80 納豆巻き £4.20

Tuna roll Natto roll
プチトマトベーコン £2.60 うなキュウ巻き £7.20 ネギトロ巻き £6.80
Mini Tomato with Bacon Grilled Eel & Cucumber roll Toro and Spring Onion roll
カッパ巻き £3.60 涙鉄火(刻みワサビ乗せ) £6.80
Cucumber roll Tuna & Wasabi Leaves
しし唐 日本産  £2.80 たくあん巻き £3.80 涙巻き £3.80
Padron Peppers Yellow Pickled Radish roll Wasabi Leaves
かんぴょう巻き £3.80 とろたく £6.80
*Minimum order is from 3 skewers
Kanpyo (Seasoned Gourd) roll Fatty Tuna & Yellow Pickled Radish roll
with any choice.
*Bite-size pieces of veg or meat on 梅しそ巻き £3.80 マグロ山芋 £6.20
a skewer. Plum & Shiso roll Tuna & Yam roll

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians *Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

Original Roll
Sushi roll a la carte
Tuna roll £5.80
Grilled Eel & Cucumber roll £7.20
★London Bridge Roll
Cucumber roll £3.60
ロンドンブリッジロール £17.80 Yellow Pickled Radish roll £3.80
Salmon, Shiso, Melted Cheese, Kanpyo (Seasoned Gourd) roll £3.80 Spicy Grilled Salmon Skin roll £5.80
Crispy lotus root chips Plum and shiso roll £3.80 Spicy Tuna roll £6.20
Salmon roll £5.20 Spicy Salmon roll £5.80
Natto roll £4.20 Prawn Tempura roll £6.50
Toro and Spring Onion roll £6.80 Salmon & Avocado roll £5.60
Tuna & Wasabi Leaves £6.80 Tuna & Avocado roll £6.00
Tower Bridge Roll タワーブリッジロール £17.80 Wasabi Leaves £3.80 Grilled Eel & Avocado roll £7.20
Salmon, Crab sticks, Tuna, Avocado, Asparagus, Fatty Tuna & Yellow Pickled Radish roll £6.80 California roll £5.80
Tobikko Flying fish roe, Soy paper Avocado roll £3.80
Asparagus roll £4.20
Asparagus Tempura roll £5.40
Rainbow Caterpillar Roll レインボーキャタピラーロール

Nigiri Sushi
Spider Roll スパイダーロール
Deep fried soft shell crab, Flying fish roe,
£14.80 Roll a la carte
Asparagus, Avocado, Cucumber, Spring onion ト ロ Toro (Fatty tuna) £6.30
★Rainbow Roll レインボーロール £17.80 炙りトロ Seared Toro £6.30
Tuna, Salmon, Sea bream, Crab sticks, Prawn, マグロ赤身 Tuna (Red meat) £4.80
Asparagus, Avocado, Flying fish roe 鯛  Sea Bream £2.90
★Rainbow Caterpillar Roll レインボーキャタピラーロール £19.80 スズキ Sea Bass £2.90
Salmon, Avocado, Eel, Flying fish roe, Cucumber,
Kabayaki sauce, Mayo
Hand 帆 立 Fresh Scallop
甘エビ Sweet Prawn
★Crazy Salmon Roll クレイジーサーモンロール
Salmon, Salmon tartar, Avocado, Frying fish roe,
£15.80 Roll a la carte ハマチ Yellowtail
サーモン Salmon
Black & white sesame, Spicy chili sauce Crazy Salmon Roll クレージサーモンロール Spider (Soft Shell Crab) hand-roll £6.40 炙りサーモン Seared Salmon £2.90
★Viper Roll ヴァイパーロール £22.80 Salmon, Avocado & Salmon Roe hand-roll £6.40 玉 子 Egg £2.30
Eel, Asparagus, Cream cheese, Crab stick, Salmon & Avocado hand-roll £4.80 海 老 Prawn £3.20
Black & white sesame, Kabayaki sauce Tuna & Avocado hand-roll £5.20 うなぎ Grilled Eel £3.60
★Dragon roll ドラゴンロール £19.80 Eel & Avocado hand-roll £5.40 イ カ Squid £2.90
Deep fried breaded prawn, Flying fish roe, Avocado, Cucumber Prawn Tempura hand-roll £5.70 タ コ Octopus £2.90
★Matsumae Sushi (Mackerel Sushi) £15.80 California hand-roll £5.20 ウ ニ Sea Urchin £6.80
Marinated mackerel & kombu seaweed on top of sushi rice Eel & Cucumber hand-roll £5.80 イクラ Salmon Roe £4.50
Grilled Eel on top of sushi rice £19.80 Toro & Spring Onion hand-roll £6.00 〆 鯖 Marinated Mackerel £2.50
★Mugen Special Futomaki £16.80 Spicy Tuna hand-roll £5.40
Tuna, Salmon, Crab sticks, Omelette, Asparagus, Spicy Salmon hand-roll £5.00
Viper Roll ヴァイパーロール
Kanpyo, Cucumbe, Flying fish roe Salmon Roe hand-roll £7.20

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians *Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

和牛 Wagyu Beef 弁当ボックス Japanese Bento box

Mugen Bento Box Yume £25.80


2 kinds of Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ二種)
Salmon Saikyo Yaki(鮭の西京焼き)
(Grilled Salmon marinated with miso paste)
Chicken Teriyaki(チキン照り焼き)
Adedashi Tofu(揚げ出し豆腐)
Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ)
★和牛の陶板すき煮 卵黄ソース £35.80
Wagyu Beef Sukiyaki Style egg york sauce Salmon & Avocado Roll, California Roll 3pcs each
Miso Soup(味噌椀)

★和牛の陶板鉄板焼き ゆずポン酢 £33.80

Wagyu Beef Yakiniku BBQ Style ponzu sauce

★和牛の蒸ししゃぶ 胡麻だれソース £33.80

Wagyu Beef Steam Shabu-shabu sesame sauce

Mugen Bento Box Minamoto £29.80

3 kinds of Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ三種)
Gindara Saikyo Yaki(銀鱈の西京焼き)
しゃぶしゃぶセット £46.00* (Grilled Black Cod marinated with miso paste)
本日の小鉢、焼き鳥、和牛しゃぶしゃぶ肉、うどん Beef Steak(和風ビーフステーキ)
Beef Shabu-shabu set (small starter, Yakitori and Wagyu Beef with Udon noodle) Adedashi Tofu(揚げ出し豆腐)
*Above price is per person, Minimum order from 2 portions
Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ)
Salmon & Avocado Roll, California Roll 3pcs each
Miso Soup(味噌椀)
Wagyu Beef Shabu-shabu
Very thinly sliced wagyu beef and bite-size vegetables in a pot of boiling
broth on your table. Swish a piece of beef forwards and backwards in the
broth several times. Served with Ponzu (Citrus based sauce) and Goma

(Sesame Seed) dipping sauce.

Sushi Gozen £34.80 Unagi (Eel) Gozen £36.80

Edamame(枝豆) Edamame(枝豆)
Gindara Saikyo Yaki(銀鱈の西京焼き) 3 kinds of Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ三種)
(Grilled Black cod marinated with miso paste) Unagi Kabayaki(鰻のかば焼き)(Grilled Eel)
Beef Steak(和風ビーフステーキ) Egg Omlet(だし巻き玉子)
Adedashi Tofu Adedashi Tofu
(揚げ出し豆腐) (揚げ出し豆腐)
Assorted Tempura Assorted Tempura
魚介類たっぷりぐつぐつ北海鍋 £15.80
Hokkai Nabe Seafood and veg hot paper pot with miso flavour (天ぷら盛り合わせ) (天ぷら盛り合わせ)
★具だくさん栄養満点寄せ鍋 £15.80 Assorted Sushi Mini Chirashi Sushi
Yose Nabe Assorted meat, fish and veg hot paper pot in Japanese stock soup (特上寿司) (ミニちらし寿司)
韓国風チゲ鍋 £13.80 Miso Soup(味噌椀) Miso Soup(味噌椀)
Jjigae Nabe Thinly sliced pork, kimchi & tofu hot paper pot in Korean stock soup

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians *Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

ディナーセット Dinner Set Menu

£32.20 £58.80

Sushi/Tokujyo Chirashi Wagyu Toban Dinner Set

£32.80 Dinner Set
Small Starter(本日の小鉢)
Kamameshi Dinner Set Small Starter(本日の小鉢)
2 kinds of Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ二種)
Gindara Saikyo Yaki(銀鱈の西京焼き)
Yakitori(焼き鳥)(Grilled bite-size chicken on skewers) (Grilled Black Cod marinated with miso paste)
Edamame(枝豆) Nasu Dengaku Deep Fried Aubergine Coated with Wagyu Beef Sukiyaki Style(和牛すき煮)
Small Starter(本日の小鉢) Miso Dressing or Adedashi Tofu Salmon & Avocado Roll 6pcs(サーモンアボカド巻)
Nasu Dengaku Deep Fried Aubergine Coated with (茄子田楽 or 揚げ出し豆腐)
Miso Soup(味噌椀)
Miso Dressing or Adedashi Tofu Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ) Dessert(アイスクリーム天ぷら)(Ice cream tempura)
(茄子田楽 or 揚げ出し豆腐)
Assorted Sushi or Special Chirashi
Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ) (寿司盛り合わせ、または特上ちらし)
Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ) Miso Soup(味噌椀)
Kamameshi Special Cooked Rice, Dessert(アイスクリーム天ぷら)(Ice cream tempura)
Chicken & Veg or Sea Bream (+£3)
(釜飯、鶏五目、または鯛 (+£3))
Miso Soup & Pickles(味噌汁、香の物)
Dessert(アイスクリーム天ぷら)(Ice cream tempura)


£24.80 £28.80
Nidan Bento
Nidan (Two-storey) Bento Box
Teriyaki Dinner Set Sashimi Dinner Set
Edamame(枝豆) Edamame(枝豆) <First-storey>
Small Starter(本日の小鉢) Small Starter(本日の小鉢) Chicken Teriyaki Jyu(チキン照焼き重) £19.80
Nasu Dengaku Deep Fried Aubergine Coated with Yakitori(焼き鳥)(Grilled bite-size chicken on skewers) Special Chirashi Jyu(特上ちらし重) £25.80
Miso Dressing or Adedashi Tofu Nasu Dengaku Deep Fried Aubergine Coated with Eel Jyu(うな重) £25.80
(茄子田楽 or 揚げ出し豆腐) Miso Dressing or Adedashi Tofu
Chicken Teriyaki or Salmon Teriyaki (茄子田楽 or 揚げ出し豆腐) <Second-storey>
(チキン照り焼き、またはサーモン照り焼き) Assorted Sashimi(刺身盛り合わせ) Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ)
Assorted Tempura(天ぷら盛り合わせ) Boiled Rice, Miso Soup & Pickles(ご飯、味噌汁、香の物) Deep Fried Aubergine Coated with Miso Dressing(茄子田楽)
Boiled Rice, Miso Soup & Pickles(ご飯、味噌汁、香の物) Dessert(アイスクリーム天ぷら)(Ice cream tempura) Salmon Saikyo Yaki(鮭の西京焼き)
Dessert(アイスクリーム天ぷら)(Ice cream tempura) (Grilled Salmon marinated with miso paste)
Japanese Style Deep Fried Chicken(鶏の唐揚げ)
Miso Soup(味噌椀)

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians *Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians
Dinner Menu

Donburi & Curry サーモン親子重

Salmon Oyako jyu Salmon sashimi and salmon roe on rice

特上ちらし重 £19.80
Chirashi jyu Assorted sashimi on rice
カツ重 £12.80
Katsu jyu Deep fried breaded pork with egg on rice
うな重 £19.80
Una jyu Grilled eel on rice
天 重 Ten jyu Assorted tempura on rice £12.80
チキンカツカレー Chicken katsu curry & rice £12.30
ポークカツカレー Pork katsu curry & rice £12.30
海老フライカレー Fried prawn curry & rice £12.30
グリルド・チキンカレー(ささみ) £12.30
Grilled chicken breast curry & rice
半カレー各種 £6.80
白 飯 Boiled rice £2.20
味噌汁 Miso soup £2.00

Grated Yam and okra topping on boiled udon
ねぎまみれ関西風肉うどん・そば 天かす入り £9.80
Niku Udon/soba Udon/Soba noodle soup with beef
たぬきうどん・そば £7.80
Tanuki Udon Plain Udon/Soba noodle soup
牛肉入り カレーうどん £9.80
Curry Udon Udon noodle with curry based soup with beef
海老が大きい天ぷらうどん・そば £10.80
Tempura Udon / Soba noodle soup
鍋焼きうどん £14.20
Nabe-yaki Udon cooked in a hot pot

海苔が山盛り ざるそば / うどん £7.30

Zaru Soba/Udon Chilled Soba/Udon with dipping sauce
天ざるそば・うどん £11.80
Tem zaru soba Chilled Soba/Udon and assorted tempura
with dipping sauce

青のりたっぷり 屋台風焼きそば £8.30

Yakisoba Stir-fried egg noodle with veg & pork

*Service Charge (12.5%) will be added to the bill. Suitable For Vegetarians

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