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‘Theory and History of Literature [Edited by Wiad Godrich and Jochen Schlte-Sanse Volume 1 Volume? Volume 3. Volume Volumes. Vohume Volume7, Volume Volume, Tevetan Todor Intraduction to Pots, Hans Robert Juss Tower an Aesth of Reception Hans Robert aus ‘Aesthetic Experion and Literary Hermeneutics Peter Barger Theory the Ast Garde ‘VadiiePropp Theory and History of Fale Edited by Jonathan Arac, Wiad God, snd Wale Martin ‘The Yale Cites; Dronstracion in Amerie Paul de Man Blinds and insight says the Ror of Contemporary Critic ‘Mikhail Bakhtin Problems of Destress Esch Auerbach ‘Stems fom the Doma of Exrapen Literature Scenes from the Drama__ of European Literature Erich Auerbach Foreword by Paolo Valesio ‘Theory and History of Literature, Volume 9 | | ‘University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis “FIGURA” 1. From Terence to Quintilon Originally fara, from the same sem a fngere, fe es fet, and fig, meant "plas form Tt ea ceca iin Tren, wo in Bumache 7) Spy data young pil hn a nove fire ons Cumac ‘Gutomed fom of face”). The following fragment of Fecaviss (701, im Ridbec, Seaen. Homan. Poet Propo, i110) probably dats trom about the exe Berboricom fst bins nose opel ‘ows fig ecm» 3 (Zo ose spear she presented an cand plagne Fadioned in saccutomed shape) of like ending, from the wupine (Ernout Meillet, Dictionnaire dymologique de le langue ltine, 46) ‘An attempt has ‘been made (StoleSchmals, Lat Gramm, 5h edition, 219) to explain this as an ae similation to effigies: in any case this peculiar forma ton express something living and dynamic, incom plete and playfol, and ft equally certain that the ‘word had graceful sound ‘which faicinated. many poets Perhaps it no more than am acident that i ‘ur two oldest examples figura occurs in combination ith ove; but even if setdentn il sgn, for te nn ofthe new manfitation the ning et ofthe permanent rns through the whole hiory “Figwe” 18 when he says that ip buying slaves one should con Tider not only the figura but also the qualities—in emepees es a eae Salt een ol ee ene ere pe see ees erent ee ainte er QU thn oe stot ce = eae re are ee pointed, and for the take of which he ‘athlytempration; the Christan Virtue Maxton pertcalary bios hs dantem tare Cotoner. (len ‘ighteous in a place apart, with Cato thelr ‘coming ast did fom poet ofthe Eenpre, feat great impede om Hs di {Cato may be judged. fom several paages Gonoivio, and in bis De Monarchia"@ 9) quotation from Cicero! saying that Cao's voluntary ‘death sould be judged ina special ight and connec ing withthe cpl of Roan pola vi 1 which Dante atached to much Importance in th Fay Bene i to thew tat Reman ul at 2 il at ax F Figure” 61 tains this sentence: Romanum imperium de fonte trctur pictatis ube Roman Empire eprings from he fount of justice”) ‘Dante believed in a between the Christian sory Thc hight got the fedom ofthe immortal ees demonstration in a some- ‘sts diet ce Vg bw ern hen Tint al commentators ar aloo for tenon ‘Berman natural enon which Hea tothe Tight ‘monarchy. The older commentators bad no objection to purely allegorical interpretation, for they did ‘ot a8 we’ do today, feel that allegory wat incon- patible with authentic poetry. Many sodern cries have argued against thir Hea, strening, the ‘human, penonal qoalty of Dam ‘meaning and the human reality. Recently (and not iy in connection wit Vig) mame of mers {€Va and Mandonnet, for exatople) have gone ‘ack to the purely allegorical or embolic arpect and ‘tigmpled wo reject the itor realty “Pst oF “romantic” But actualy there is no choice be- {ween historical and iden meaning, bth ae pros ent. The figural structure preervs_ the Moe Erte temporal world withoat, to be sure, suspecting the ib this om wed, ut nevee 8 och sway that posterity sight derive inspiration from his light Vig the poet was a guide because he had described the realm of the dead—thus he Knew the way thither, But alo as 2 Roman and a man, he twas destined 10 be a guide, fr not only was he = ‘Renens and Rome i general: fwstitia nd iets. For Dante the historical Virgil embodied this follnes of fearthiy perfection and sas terefore capable of guid Thi to the very threshold of fasght into we d- ine and eterpal perfection; the histori Virgil was for him a figure of the, cquide, now fulfilled in the other word. ‘The torical Virgil i “ulled” ‘by the dweller in limbo, the companion of the great poets of antiquty, who atthe wish of Beatrice under. ‘Eites to guide Dante, Ara Roman and poet Virgil had tent Acheas down to the underworld in vearch of Sivine counsel to Tear’ the destiny of the Roman ‘world; snd now Virgil is uzamoned bythe heavenly fdances for I i THe elf i the prefguration of the waniendent reality and must ecu fully in i For what has Been sid here of Cato and Vigil applies tothe Comedy at a whole. I is wholly bused ura figural conception, In my ay of Dante at 8 Proper place by Force ie an world already judged « ing, be dos not deo or weaken the erty this caracers, bot capture the fll intensity chet indideal early historia being and ident fea it withthe late rate of ting (p 108 At tht te Ila yold tore! greunding fr ths ‘iw, which ie aeny tobe found in Hegel and which Bike bss of my interpretation ofthe Divine Com- fayrit s soggeed ther tan formalated in the {Roductory chap ofthe book believe that 1 Have now found ti Mworial grounding, Hb pre- a living being, Beatrice—and here as so often Srvctre and’ Neopintnin are netic a ‘tie se hd ough ey fe hn ik Saas oan aie ‘way.@ When he strays from the right ‘te, ted Bete, who or him we ren ae fo make the Vite Noos & Lind of sentimental novel ‘Since then reacton has et in; the new tendency ito fo away with her entirely, to disolve her in an as Sertment of increasingly rable thealogeal concepts. Bor etually there ix no reality in wach a choice. For Dante the literal meaning oF historia reality of a [gure stands in no contradiction to its profounder ‘meaning, but precisely “igure it the historical real fy isnot annaled, bus confemed and fuled by the {Ueper meaning. The Beatrice of the Vita Nova is an fearily persony she really appeared to Dante, she ‘ally elated him, really withheld ber salutation later fon, mocked him, mourned for a dead friend and for 7 exc sumac her father, and realy die. OF coune cniy be the ry of Danict experience lor pon ‘Gee an wefan te en a ie hs en seesen dre an ae nxt oly fw ie sonication an ot othe star rei Shrub be orem mind ht rm he it ay ot er appearance te carly Bete wa for Dane 4 mirage tent rom Hceven, incnation of dine ih Ts ayo rly po {in te cn of Vil or Cato, derived om tee shite Ss Dames orn expen - ‘the ery Bence at irae Botan incraton, smile rere ape ng lacs happen on cry ed ncn Sete urngecn ofthe metic vow of rey 2 prevented moder schol rom dnguting 6 ‘ets fatton and ag sa Ie an fo he Patt perce only heater eno utes Shee nots feo ad gibt irs ert ri fee ee ig amet or Cee ‘heayen which has the smallest circles"); (Purg.s 6, 45): ieee demmit ae ES Sipe iretenr rte Com Kae ihe nr) re Ci 2 eo a Me ESA es Seige oy eae ae er st ie ee Pon fe oa i aos ot Pai ae ied ia slo Sg te send roe feces mae ie ce bal ee eat sip cae Sere cote bane ee Sere ct nae ferree: Pag, Bh, 126) aod tus ae isnot exhausted Shey a won a mene imi bi ee 76 mon soem remarks are intended only to show that theologi intereation, wile away onto and eyen ei Penmle, des not compel us to abandon the histor 21 reality of Beatice—on the contrary. [Wich thi we clove for the present our say of {igura. Our parpne was to show how ot the basa 48 semantic development word may grow info 2 Istria iwation ad give acto strucars that wil ‘be effective for many centric, ‘The historia sta. tion that drove St.Paul to preach among the Gentiles developed figural interpreetion and. prepared it for te inoence twas to exert im late atiguty and the Middle Ages. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI IN DANTE'S “COMMEDIA” “acon an ty of Ute Sa Scenes from the Drama ee Tee Baer Read Ps sens Eero {elie 2 Hane Re ous on or st Retin ‘heme 3 Hae Robern of European Literature ae trey Hes ————s— Votan Ferre Ty ten Gr XetieVin opp Try ot ay of ioe 3 lume Ee Juan Arc, Wd Goch, Erich Auerbach $e a Cott Destin in Amer Foreword by Paolo Valesio velo nen Ee ier Cannon Fi mel Hina of irae, Vola 3 ‘Volume 8, Mal Baldn Proton of Doty Porte Volume’. Bch Auerbach ‘Sees rom he Drama of European ite University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 280 som {inure crt Jormam primordia erm “slicer se quadam olore Bre. @3780) ‘Like the format serene gram of 4 2 thi ety expres {Be welitoown sno Bewera merPR# and acme, which {roout Me oe cs ogg ih configuration de mow {C. Glere, De nature deoram, 1,9. ‘Toe ln thre words (a Monro ha pointed ot reflect the Si pe a a cen, AAT Ea seo te saat fp ot acrylic jet ln ny ey to In Seem ite rereim cota ohao 8, garetts Exes "ifcine fermen mem “pore ne teria On ewer bn. Glin sm Sistin foaet fes ho re tEa EAE fp oc ate betes ie eee arcane uals of "ater oe teers Tr pep ant sh io Ov, gee Ctra) tee Nos 231 ‘means “Md manne” a oppoed to “dau” "irs thie (he me evltion a specer ae. "in connection with psy, cl alo Maria, 14, 2%, 1; Pan, 128, ta quardam ex farina in hominam fir ("ings ade of doogs fn te shapes of men’) nod Fetoning 18, 6) one eeeereerrerees ‘Ss washed oor face In the Lowdt pewon) e Serscam ess ore ee aor oa i Notes 238 ‘MCL, Hilary of Poitien, Tracttus mysterio, 1 (Corp. ind, Vo. @, p. 8) quoted in Labrie, Hitry an Liter {are of Christianity (Londen aod New York, 189, p48. ‘SCE Hiran, De ewrntemporum, Petrolia Lan, 1, cl 13,2 saat ecerl imagine ffir tenet bbe tome fovls "(be temporal saath str tage td gue of the Sera bbe ‘How deeply igratned the habit of interpretation nd be- ‘ame inthe word ay be sen fom the bal oting Sater {ation ofits io the cormpontene of Su. Jerome (Later #4, Selected Leto of 1. Jerome, M.A. Wight [London tod New York, 155. pp. 17, ‘tion ofthe Asana, pricey Origen, t Oral atin, ck'A Freer von Unger Srery De Padi elle icsoment Sebrifbewcie ae), Pp 154. 1h p10 he sy of Origen “He dnt lve Ine iil an of scp prot SG. ho Deen, BY, 29,21 (Ad Le, 8 17. A. Rtnow cal my stent to the flowing Ceca a2 Sore pny by Mam Por out 120: ‘er Judo merk dir andveee ‘Dax tle Genet do aie Be ‘nd eller Popheten Red poeta in Figo der neuen Be i tn. (Bsr, Jen tate ote tnd ude’ tnt the wie his tory ofthe ol coven td all he syns of he Prophets {te only «gure forthe new eoverant) ‘corp, ind. Vo 1c Lable,op. cp er ry es ean encom T. BE and Re B Cat s er ‘iy Pee Lambard,Commenarion iPr, 1a 6 vlogs 264 ons “Latina, Vol. 91 col, 127: clan De what God ta concealed by obey of expresion” and fre. cu "cCootd scording to Patologia Latina, 5, cl. 360. Ch Du Gangs sod Dante, Pury, 1,7, and 12, 22 Ani de Lie, De plac nature, Petologi ating, 210, 4; any pa tage might be found. Amgot sae in Thm 52: La free de homme’ reuemble jroprment & whe tapinee ierde ot (herds (the speech tun tay roemble 8 figured and waxed ATES of eet opt, ot nny gf Bee carte cea ue Sooeete tense ae ee eres petenrinas aes a eee) SS ae cee Sane nati meer ent Ee ea ee eras ery et ee ers at cates ec es ere Sens oko eee Reece eeeaa ay ieee eee eeepc aria eae tape ae pean neces pee eee ee ns vent Ro ‘mas, the Book De sacra ‘(owrth cen: Notes 235 ‘ay ba the follwing tet Fee nobis haneeblatonem esr ams ratam rationale, acelin, quod figure et erpors ‘tongue Chr. Ql pride» Make for w thls feng ‘Gmerted, approve ona, aod scepable, whch 8 gare of the Body td blood of Crt, Who onthe day before ‘emt « "See Dom F. Cabral a Lita: Beeld fepulae det comeisoneslieriqus, oR Aigrin Pat 190, p. 48. sn 2 mach Inter tex, the Rhythm od Sone tam Buchartlam. (iether): Quaesitor ais (Erumbiy 1 adore thee, hidden Dey ‘leh Donen tho gues at eon from me) snd her Je quem weet mane adi ‘Or hat td quod tm sl, (re reel cerens aie Vn sim bats fe florian (Jers wow thas vel Tmt se below, ‘When sal that be given whch 1 Tong fr 1, ‘That at Int beboling thy wcorered fee ‘Thou ta ety me with thy fll grace?) (rns. J. Me Nel, Colleed Hy {Hoaden, 01) p68) “ntany tins may be found fa Cleon, Lt dé ot let late. pp. GB and E61 nh rl “Le moyen dpe 1 Thisore” a bx de la pilphie dale, Pai, {s)he ree tothe Sgr clement ite meter pie. ‘hy of hor, but wine great empha slr hls man om rn was to uocver the meee root of modern conception {Gt aho, for the German velour drama. Weber, Die roe ‘qwtlonn in giichen Doma Dewuhlends, Marborg Di ‘toe 1000 and. Walt, "De Vechmelzang des Dergetell on mit der Gegenoarorchat i devahen eichen rama det Mites” Dewche iertajahrachi fr Liter ‘ereizenschaft und Geltegrehihe, 7, 267 On Spurl 296 vores ‘eens in the portal of Carenagae the Chanon de Solos dA Props welkwn aie tn Rome LK, cope ie 2 tne te novi mip te me of Spare, but toy do nt beg ot what the me 22 ie i mara tnt edo elegy, ie i nctydiereattng te vou form o gery fg Peas ‘Cancer in te poo ie oie wSolte)eeed Sebo no Seinen importance, but on 8 Mod of hr "HCE J. Balogh in Denaces Donte Jrbuc, 10 198, p 02. ‘= Accndingy Date, Purg, $2 18, dents quelle Rome ‘onde Grito Romana (hat Rome whereat Grit a Roman") {nthe "Quest del Sant Cran” Go, Eat Ee leet, Ba eee Sy Eom Slee es = ee Francs of Asti in Dantes “Commedia” Modem edition by P.Eduardos Alenconiems ta the Ana luce Ord Min Cop. 190

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