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Name:Samson,Gerson James B.

Cluster 3

The Moose and The Hunter

One day, a hunter named Budra with his Bubble gummed

bullet gun in his back went to the forest to hunt a moose or a
raindeer. While walking deep inside the forest, he saw a crazy
moose with a colorful sticky skin.He try to calculate on how he
will catch the moose with his gun then he shoot the gun to the
moose and the crazy thing happen, the moose with unbelievable
speed eat the bullet, chew it and shoot it to Budra but it missed.
Budra shocked on what happen and try to shoot again and the
fight continuous. Budra is lack of ammo so, he make a huge trap
for the moose. The moose fell in the trap and Budra run on it.
He saw the moose crying like it didn’t want to be killed so Budra
decide to tame it and be his partner in hunting but unfortunately
that’s not happen because after Budra unleash the moose it eat his
ammos. The moose shoot Budra until he cannot move.The moose
run away while smiling on him. The fight among the two continue
everyday the hunter went in the forest.The hunter declare his loose
and the forest is now safe from hunters and they live happily ever

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