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A simple starter project that will let you get the measure of most capacitors.
Five switched ranges: 1nF to 10uF.
A typical multimeter can testing the vast majority of under test.
measure voltage, current and capacitors used in everyday The duration of the output
resistance over a wide range of electronics. pulse is proportional to the
values, and usually has a few values of both components in

“tricks up its sleeve” such as SYSTEM OPERATION the CR network. If a 1nF
continuity tester and transistor capacitor produces an output
checker facilities. Some The block diagram for the pulse of one millisecond in
multimeters have capacitance Low-Cost Capacitance Meter is duration, components having

measuring ranges, but this shown in Fig.1. Like most values of 2××2nF and 4××7nF would
feature remains something of a simple capacitance meter respectively produce pulse
designs, this unit is based on a
rarity. This is a pity, because
anyone undertaking electronic
monostable circuit. When
lengths of 2××2ms and 4××7ms.

faultfinding will soon need to triggered by an input pulse a Each output pulse must be
check suspect capacitors and a monostable produces an output converted into a voltage that is
ready-made capacitance meter is pulse having a duration that is proportional to the pulse
an expensive item of equipment. controlled by a CR network. In duration. A moving coil panel

this case the monostable is meter can then read this

The unit featured here offers voltage, and with everything set
triggered manually using a
a low-cost solution to the problem up correctly it will provide
pushbutton switch each time a
of testing capacitors. It is an accurate capacitance readings.

reading is required.
analog capacitance meter that
has five switched ranges with full- The resistor in the timing If we extend the example
given previously, with a

scale values of 1nF; 10nF; network is one of five resistors

selected via a switch, and these potential of one volt per
100nF; 1uF; and 10uF. It cannot
millisecond being produced, a

measure very high or low value resistors provide the unit with its
five ranges. The capacitor in the meter having a full-scale value
components, but it is suitable for
CR network is the capacitor of 10V would actually read 0 to

10nF. This time-to-voltage

conversion is actually quite
simple to achieve, and is
provided by a constant current
generator and a charge storage





Fig.1. Schematic block diagram for the

Low-Cost Capacitance Meter.
Copyright © 2000 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, May 2000 - - 349
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Constructional Project
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 D1 ON/OFF
10M 1M 100k 10k 1k 1N4148 5k6
1% 1% 1% 1% 1% k
100n 1m D2 TR2
4 8 1N4148 BC559
10n 10m
k e IC2
b 7 CA3140E
1n IC1 2 B1
TS555CN R11 6 9V
POLE S1 3 c 10k
R9 3 +
R6 6 4 R13
4k7 39k
2 15k
TR1 10W
R7 C2 GND BC549
SK1 c VR1
10M 150p ME1
1 b 47k
C1 CAP. e C3
100n 220n

Fig.2. Complete circuit diagram for the Low-Cost Capacitance Meter.

capacitor. the standard monostable

When charged via a resistor CIRCUIT OPERATION configuration.

the potential across the The complete circuit Apart from the fact it gives
capacitor does not rise in a diagram for the Low-Cost
ag much longer battery life, a low-
linear fashion. As the charge power 555 is a better choice for
Capacitance Meter project
potential increases, the voltage this type of circuit due its lower
appears in Fig.2. The
across the resistor falls, giving a self-capacitance. This produces
monostable is based on a low-
steadily reducing charge much better accuracy on the 1nF
power 555 timer (IC1) used in
current. The voltage therefore range, and a standard 555 is
increases at an ever-decreasing

rate (inverse exponentially).

A current regulator avoids
this problem by ensuring that Resistors Semiconductors

R1 10M 1% metal film D1, D2 1N4148 signal diode (2 off)

the charge current does not
R2 1M 1% metal film TR1 BC549 npn transistor
vary with time, giving a linear R3 100k 1% metal film TR2 BC559 pnp transistor

rise in the charge voltage. The R4 10k 1% metal film IC1 TS555CN low power timer
circuit therefore provides the R5 1k 1% metal film IC2 CA3140E PMOS opamp

required conversion from R6, R9 4k7 (2 off)

R7 10M
capacitance to voltage, but it is ME1 100uA moving coil panel meter
R8 15k

important that loading on the R10 5k6

SK1 2mm socket, red
storage capacitor is kept to a SK2 2mm socket, black
R11 10k
S1 12-way single-pole rotary switch
minimum. R12 10 ohms
(set for 5-way operation) (see text)
R13 39k
Tapping off a significant S2, S3 pushbutton switch,
All 0.25W 5% carbon film, except push-to-make (2 off)
current could adversely affect where otherwise specified S4 s.p.s.t. miniature toggle switch
the linearity of the circuit and
Potentiometer B1 battery (PP3 size), with
would also result in readings VR1 47k miniature enclosed or connector leads
rapidly decaying to zero. The skeleton preset, horizontal
meter is, therefore, driven via a Capacitors
Metal insrument case (or type to
buffer amplifier that has a very choice), size 150mm x 100mm x 75mm;
C1 100n ceramic
stripboard 0.1-inch matrix, size 34 holes
high input impedance. Once a C2 150p ceramic plate
by 21 copper strips; 8-pin DIL socket
reading has been taken and C3 220n polyester
(2 off); control knob; calibration capacitor
noted, operating the Reset See also the (see text); test leads (see text); solder
switch discharges the storage SHOP TALK Page!
pins; multistrand connecting wire;
capacitor and returns the solder, etc.
reading to zero so that a new Approx. Cost
reading can be taken. Guidance Only
(Excluding batteries, case, & meter) $19
Copyright © 2000 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, May 2000 - - 350
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Constructional Project
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 34
a +
D1 k
R 2 R a R
3 1 H RED
R4 I D2 TR2
J e TO B1
P k R
K b
R5 L
S1 c
P IC1 1
9 R IC2 13
R C 8
7 2 ME1
S c
T b

TR1 e


SK1 SK2 S2 S3


1 5 10 15 20 25 30 34

M ag


Fig.3. Stripboard component layout, interwiring, and details of


breaks required in underside copper tracks.

Mount the Range resistors
therefore not recommended for used to ensure that IC1 will directly on the switch tags

use in this circuit. always receive a very short before the switch is fitted in
trigger pulse, regardless of how

Switch S1 sets the Range the case.

and R1 to R5 are the five timing long Measure switch S2 is
resistors. Resistors R1 to R5 pressed.

triggering would occur

respectively provide the 1nF, Resistor R6 holds the trigger practically every time S2 was
10nF, 100nF, 1uF, and 10uF input of IC1 (pin 2) high under released.
ranges. standby conditions, but it is briefly
Under standby conditions
One slight flaw in the 555 pulsed low when S2 is operated
the output at pin 3 of IC1 is low,
for this application is that it will and capacitor C2 charges via R6.
and both transistor TR1 and
only act as a pulse stretcher and When S2 is released, resistor R7
TR2 are switched off.
not as a pulse shortener. In discharges C2 so that the unit is
Consequently, only insignificant
other words, the output pulse ready to trigger again the next
leakage currents flow into the
will not end at the appropriate time S2 is operated. Resistor R7
charge storage capacitor C3. An
time if the input pulse is still has been given a very high value
output pulse from IC1 switches
present. so that the discharge time of C2
on TR1, which in turn activates
is long enough to prevent
If it were used to directly TR2.
spurious triggering if S2 does not
trigger IC1, the input pulse from operate “cleanly”. Most Transistor TR2 is connected
pushbutton switch S2 would mechanical switches suffer from as a conventional constant
invariably be far too long. A contact bounce, and without this current generator, and the value
simple CR circuit is therefore debouncing it is likely that re- of resistor R10 controls the
Copyright © 2000 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, May 2000 - - 351
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Constructional Project
output current. This is around protection circuit for the meter, It should be left in its anti-static
115uA with the specified value. but this protection is effectively packing until then. Try to handle
Transistors TR1 and TR2 switch built into the design. The circuit the device as little as possible
off again at the end of the pulse driving the meter is only when fitting it in its IC socket,
from IC1, and the charge capable of producing minor and keep well away from any
voltage on C3 is then read by overloads, and is incapable of likely sources of static electricity
the voltmeter circuit based on inflicting any damage. The such as televisions sets and
panel meter ME1. current consumption of the computer monitors.
circuit is only about 3mA, and a Although the TS555CN
PP3 size battery is adequate to timer used for IC1 is not static-
METER CIRCUIT power the unit. sensitive it is still a good idea to
Operational amplifier fit it in an IC socket. Be careful
(opamp) IC2 is used as the to fit IC1 the right way around
buffer amplifier, and the PMOS CONSTRUCTION
because it has the opposite
input stage of this device The Low-Cost Capacitance orientation to normal, with pin
ensures that there is no Meter is built up on a small one at the bottom. This chip
significant loading on the piece of stripboard having 34

could easily be destroyed if it is
“charge” capacitor C3. The input holes by 21 copper strips. The fitted the wrong way around.
resistance of IC2 is actually topside component layout,
over one million megohms. In all other respects
underside details and interwiring
construction of the board is
to off-board components is

However, the voltage on C3 fairly straightforward. The link
will gradually leak away through shown in Fig.3.
wires can be made from the
various paths, including C3’s As this board is not of a
own leakage resistance. The
standard size, a piece will have
trimmings from resistor leadouts
or 22 s.w.g. tinned copper wire.
reading should remain accurate to be cut from a large board In order to fit into this layout
for at least a minute or two, and using a small hacksaw. Cut
properly capacitor C3 should be
in most cases it will not change along rows of holes rather than a printed circuit mounting
noticeably for several minutes. between them, and smooth any component having 7××5mm (0××3-

There will certainly be plenty of rough edges produced using a inch) lead spacing. Be careful to
time for a reading to be taken file. Then drill the two 3mm fit the diodes and transistors
before any significant drift diameter mounting holes in the with the correct orientation.

occurs. board and make the 17 breaks Note that transistors TR1 and
Briefly operating Reset in the copper strips. There is a TR2 have opposite orientations.
special tool for making the

switch S3 discharges C3 and

zeros the meter so that another breaks in the copper strips, but
a handheld twist drill bit of RANGE RESISTORS

reading can be taken. Resistor

R12 limits the discharge current around 5mm diameter does the The five range resistors (R1
to a level that ensures the job very well.

to R5) are mounted directly on

contacts of S3 have a long The circuit board is now the Range rotary switch S1,
operating life. The rate of ready for the components, link which helps to minimize stray
discharge is still so high that it wires, and solder pins to be capacitance and pick up of
appears to be instant. added. The CA3140E used for electrical noise. This aids good
Preset VR1 enables the IC2 has a PMOS input stage accuracy, especially on the 1nF
sensitivity of the voltmeter ME1 that is vulnerable to damage range. It is best to mount the
to be adjusted, and in practice from static charges, and the resistors on S1 before this
this is adjusted so that the appropriate handling switch is fitted in the case.
required full-scale values are precautions must therefore be Fitting the resistors is made
obtained. In order to ensure taken when dealing with this IC. much easier if the switch is
good accuracy on all five It should be fitted to the stuck to the workbench using
ranges it is essential for range board via a holder, but it should Plasticine, or Bostik Blu-Tack.
resistors R1 to R5 to be close not be plugged into place until Provided the tags and the ends
tolerance (one or two percent) the unit is otherwise finished, of the leadouts are tinned with
components. and the board and wiring solder it should then be quite
There is no overload double-checked for any errors. easy to build this sub-assembly.

Copyright © 2000 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, May 2000 - - 352
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Constructional Project

Layout of components inside the metal case of the completed Low-Cost Capacitance Meter.
The circuit board is mounted to one side to leave space for the battery

Try to complete the 100mm long. Each lead is fitted 32mm sides, and the same

soldered joints reasonably with a 2mm plug at one end and center as the main cutout. Once
swiftly so that the resistors do a small crocodile clip at the again though, it would be
not overheat. It takes quite a lot other. prudent to check this by making

of heat to destroy resistors, but Fitting the meter on the measurements on the meter
relatively small amounts can prior to drilling the holes.

front panel is potentially

impair their accuracy. awkward because a large round The circuit board is

cutout is required. For most mounted on the base panel of

CASING UP meters a cutout of 38mm the case towards the left-hand
diameter is required, but it is side of the unit, leaving
A medium size metal advisable to check this point by sufficient space for the battery
instrument case is probably the actually measuring the diameter to the right of the board. The
best choice for a project of this of the meter’s rear section. DIY component panel is mounted
type, but a plastic box is also superstores sell adjustable hole using either 6BA or metric M2××5
suitable. The exact layout is not cutters that will do the job bolts, and spacers or nuts are
critical, but mount SK1 and SK2 quickly and easily, or the cutout used to ensure that the
close together. can be made using a coping underside of the board is held
Many capacitors will then saw, Abrafile, etc. well clear of the case bottom.
connect directly into the sockets Four 3mm diameter holes To complete the unit the hard
without too much difficulty, but are required for the meter’s wiring is added. This offers
a set of test leads will also be threaded mounting rods. nothing out of the ordinary, but
needed to accommodate some Marking the positions of these is be careful to connect the battery
capacitors. All that is required quite easy as they are usually at clip and meter ME1 with the
are two insulated leads about the corners of a square having correct polarity.

Copyright © 2000 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, May 2000 - - 353
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Constructional Project
significant on this range, deflection of the meter, and
although this factor seems to VR1 is then adjusted for
CALIBRATION have very little affect on precisely full-scale reading on
Preset potentiometer (wired accuracy. Probably the best meter ME1. The unit should
as a “variable resistor”) VR1 option is to calibrate the unit on then provide accurate readings
must be given the correct the 10nF range using a 10nF on all five ranges.
setting in order to obtain good polystyrene capacitor having a
accuracy from the unit, and a tolerance of one percent.
close tolerance capacitor is
It is possible that a large
needed for calibration. For The Meter is suitable for
reading will be produced on the
optimum accuracy this capacitor use with polarized capacitors
meter when the unit is first
should have a value equal to such as electrolytic and
switched on, but pressing Reset
the full-scale value of the range tantalum types. However, it is
switch S3 should reset the
used during calibration. essential that they are
meter to zero. If it is not
In theory it does not matter possible to zero the meter connected to SK1 and SK2 with
which range is used when properly, switch off at once and the correct polarity. The positive
calibrating the unit, but in recheck the entire wiring, etc. (+) lead connects to SK1 and

practice either the 1nF or 10nF the negative lead connects to
If all is well, set preset VR1
range has to be used. Suitable SK2.
at maximum resistance
capacitors for the other ranges Especially when using the
(adjusted full clockwise). Then
are either unavailable or

with the unit set to the correct 1nF and 10nF ranges, avoid
extremely expensive. touching the lead that connects
range and the calibration
The 10nF range is the to SK1 when a reading is being
better choice as the small self-
capacitor connected to SK1 and
SK2, operate pushswitch S2. taken. Otherwise electrical
capacitance of IC1 is less This should produce a strong noise might be introduced into
the system producing
inaccurate results.
Avoid connecting a charged

capacitor to this or any other

capacitance meter, since doing
so could result in damage to the

semiconductors in the meter

circuit. If in doubt always

discharge a capacitor before

testing it.

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