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RO Armstrong Artist Staff Legal ​© 2019 


10 Music Square
Nashville Tennessee 37203

Office: 615-401-2000

** 00662942915 **
[____________________]. ​™

Friday Afternoon October 25th

10/25 5:30 pm Establish time
Place :
1 Possibility of Execution
United States of America Communications System
Satellite Link Communications by the human body electromagnetic system
Design by the creator of uranium and plutonium dating back before the second world war televised by
military science development 1994 - 2018 dating from the development of the communications system
from before the first world war and unidentified Object Sighting

One other possibility of an Australian Region Conflict regarding a United States of America Law of Share
Exchange Trade and Financial transactions,
Trade of ;
Stock, Shares, Gold ,Silver ,Bronze Diamonds, Bonds

Materials Trade for Share Ownership claim

Work laws​ of the United States of America when appointed a position in a corporation within the United
States of America your positions are determined in the United States of America by Internal Corporation
Listing a mandatory Requirement of Administrations when appointed an administrative position and listed
as an employee of the United States of America only Chief Administration in broadcast licensing
communication mandatory Requirement of
Federal Communication Commissions
New York, NY non Requirement of payment for the obligation of the United States of America debt of
membership and not one of a crime also the mandatory Requirement of
Washington DC Copyright Claims Courts
and non Requirement of a payment for the reasons of an obligation of the United States of America
Membership even in the event of Employment with the United States of America issued Employment
Identifications by United States of America Identifications Social Security Administration's
Act of
Your Honorable Presidential Broad ;

Request for the attempt of the act of being in a higher executive position then the United States of
America President for the attempt of signature Requirement for impeachment in the United States of

​Chief Administration Officer


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