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Grade 6

What is a Bibliography?
A bibliography is a list of all the
different sources that you
used for support of your
When do you use a Bibliography?
1. In a report with statistics to show
where you found those facts.
2. In a paper/report that uses a main
idea from an author.
3. In a research paper to show ALL the
different sources required by the
What are some “sources” your
teacher might ask you to use?
1. Textbooks
2. Reference books
3. Books on the topic
4. Encyclopedias
5. Reliable websites
6. Magazine articles
What does it mean to “cite” a
If you “borrow” ideas from a source,
you must give the source credit, or it
is plagiarism.

You “cite” the source by writing it

down in the Bibliography
(or sometimes referred to as
Works Cited).
How many sources should
you use?
This often depends upon your

Usually a teacher will give you a

limit such as, “You must use at
least 5 sources.”
What types of sources should be
Once again this will probably
depend upon your teacher,
who will give requirement:
Use at least 1 encyclopedia
Use at least 2 books
Use at least 2 reliable websites
What information do you need
for a book?

Author’s last name, first name. Title of Book.

City of publication: Publishing company,
copyright date.

Preston, George. Fun with Helium. New York:

Watts Publishing Company, 2007.
Always check punctuation!

Double check that you have used correct

punctuation marks.

There is ALWAYS a period at the end of every


Be sure to indent the second line (if there is one)

of each entry.
What about a reliable website?

“Title of the topic.” Complete website

address. Date accessed. (when you
looked it up)

com. April 28, 2010.
What information is needed for
an encyclopedia?

“Topic Title.” Name of Entire

Encyclopedia. Year of
publication. volume, page(s).

“Helium.” The World Book Encyclopedia.

2008. 6, 98-107.
Other types of entries:

You may find that a book has no author.

Look back at the example for a book. You
would skip the author’s name and simply
begin with the title of the book. Then
continue the rest of the entry with the
information needed for a book.

The many uses of Helium. Boston:

Bradford Publishers, Inc., 2007.
Next Step!

After all resources have been

written down, they must be
alphabetized with the first
letter of the entry.
Alphabetize the following:

“Carbon.” January 28,

Barthel, Anne. Common Carbon. New York: Dell
Publishers, 2009.
Olson, Joseph. Carbon-dating in Science.
Mankato: Harcourt/Brace Publishing,
“Carbon.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 2005.
3, 78-91.
3. “Carbon.” www.sciencejournal. January 28, 2010.
1. Barthel, Anne. Common Carbon.
New York: Dell Publishers, 2009.
4. Olson, Joseph. Carbon-dating in
Science. Mankato: Harcourt/Brace
Publishing, 2008.
2.“Carbon.” The World Book
Encyclopedia. 2005. 3, 78-91.
Add correct punctuation:

Encyclopedia entry:

Silicon The Encyclopedia

Britannica 2007 20
“Silicon.” The Encyclopedia
Britannica . 2007. 20, 118-
Reliable internet source:

university of
March 6 2010
university of
March 6, 2010.
Book with one author:

Setterberg John The Many

Uses of Silicon Chicago
Braxton Publishers , Inc.
Setterberg, John. The Many
Uses of Silicon .Chicago:
Braxton Publishers , Inc.,

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