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MUHAMMAD HASNAIN Reg no.2015-GCUF-056948

AMIR SHAHZAD Reg no.2015-GCUF-056963

Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science

Government College University Faisalabad

Faculty of Engineering

October 2019


All praise to Allah Almighty alone, the most compassionate and Merciful. His Prophet
“Muhammad Mustafa (SAW)” the most perfect and exalted person in the world and
who is the torch of knowledge and guide for humanity. It is great honor and pleasure
for us that we are expressing our heartiest gratitude to our honorable Teacher
Muhammad Asif (Head of Department Computer Science Information Technology) for
kind behavior and valuable suggestions. We thank our supervisor Sir Muhammad Asif
for worth supervision, sympathetic attitude and continuous support to complete the
thesis. His guidance and motivation helped us a lot in all the time to complete the

Beside our Supervisor, we would like to thank the rest committee for our project Sir
Muhammad Asif for their helpful suggestions, encouragement and insightful
comments. We also express our heartiest and sincere thanks to all faculty member of
Computer Science Department of Govt College University Faisalabad. Finally we
thanks our parents to supports throughout all our study at University. At the end we
pray for health, happiness, prosperity and long life for all the participants.


We dedicate this project to our parents because of their support and struggle we are
able to be here.


This is to certify that the project titled “E-Complain Management System for Jhang
City” submitted by Muhammad Hasnain and Amir Shahzad is approved for the award
of degree.

Signature of Supervisor……...………………..



Member of supervisory committee




Member of supervisory committee






Dean / Academic Coordinator



Our project Complain Management System is being introduced to automate the

manual system. Our project Complain Management System include user registration
and the admin manage the user record about the streetlight Road damage, Sewerage
system, etc. user can send their complain through Online Filling the form and admin
manage these complains and try to resolve the public problem.The system will keep
all record in database. Our system provide the facility to the public that they can
resolve their hurdles in easy way. This system is accessible by the administrator.
Admin can update delete record from the user. The system is very user friendly. The
significance and scope of the project is to deliver a cost effective and time efficient
computerized E-Complain Management System.

Table of Contents

Chapter No 1........................................................................................................................................... 1


1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Problem of the Present System.................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Present System................................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.1 Component of Present System................................................................................................2

1.2.2 Services Allocation for the Public.............................................................................................2

1.3 Services Request Form.................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1 Services Management by the Admin......................................................................................4

1.3.2 Send Online complains............................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Purpose of Application.................................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Scope................................................................................................................................................. 4

1.6 Definitions, and Abbreviations....................................................................................................... 5

1.7 Project Functionality........................................................................................................................ 5

1.8 Product Perspective......................................................................................................................... 5

1.9 Product Perspective......................................................................................................................... 5

1.10 Dependencies................................................................................................................................. 5

1.11 Drawbacks of Existing system...................................................................................................... 5

1.11.1 Problem of Updating............................................................................................................... 6

1.11.2 Time and Retrieval problem................................................................................................... 6

1.11.3 Storage Problem...................................................................................................................... 6

1.11.4 Error Prone Manual Calculation............................................................................................. 6

1.11.5 Preparation of Accurate Place................................................................................................ 6

1.11.6 Not Portable............................................................................................................................. 6

Chapter 2................................................................................................................................................. 7

System Architecture............................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 System Architecture......................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Functional Requirement.................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Nonfunctional Requirement........................................................................................................... 7

2.3.1 Security....................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3.2 Performance............................................................................................................................... 7

2.3.3 Throughput................................................................................................................................ 7

2.3.4 Accuracy..................................................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Architectural Diagram...................................................................................................................... 8

2.5 Admin.................................................................................................................................................8

2.6 Public..................................................................................................................................................8

2.7 Road Damage................................................................................................................................... 9

2.8 Waste Water Treatment.................................................................................................................. 9

2.9 Street Light Problem........................................................................................................................ 9

Chapter No 3......................................................................................................................................... 10

General Description..............................................................................................................................10

3. General Description......................................................................................................................... 10

3.1. Modules.......................................................................................................................................... 10

3.2. Proposed System...........................................................................................................................10

3.3 System Overview............................................................................................................................ 11

3.3.1 Street Light Problem............................................................................................................... 12

3.3.2 Traffic Signal............................................................................................................................ 12

3.3.3 Led Traffic Signa:..................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.4 Signal Generator..................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.5 Traffic Lights.............................................................................................................................12

3.3.6 Road Damag:........................................................................................................................... 12

3.3.7 Narrow Road............................................................................................................................ 13

3.3.8 Jump breaker........................................................................................................................... 13

3.3.9 Road Safety Instruction.......................................................................................................... 13

3.3.10 Sewerage Problem................................................................................................................ 13

3.3.11 Waste Water Treatmen:....................................................................................................... 13

3.3.13 24hour Water Remova:........................................................................................................ 13

3.3.13 Emergency Sewerage........................................................................................................... 14

3.4 Add, Update, and Delete the Record.......................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4............................................................................................................................................... 15

Goals of Proposed System.................................................................................................................. 15

4.1 Planned Towards Working............................................................................................................ 15

4.2 Accuracy.......................................................................................................................................... 15

4.3 Reliability......................................................................................................................................... 15

4.4 No Redundancy.............................................................................................................................. 15

4.5 Immediate Retrieval of Information............................................................................................ 15

4.6 Immediate Storage of Information.............................................................................................. 15

4.7 Easy to operate............................................................................................................................... 15

4.8 DFD Level 0..................................................................................................................................... 16

4.8.1 DFD Level 1 for Admin........................................................................................................... 16

4.9 Activity Diagram............................................................................................................................. 17

4.9.1 Use cases of User........................................................................................................................ 18

4.9.2 Use Case of Admin...................................................................................................................... 19

4.9.3 Use Case of Admin and User..................................................................................................... 20

4.9.4 Use cases No 1 Signup............................................................................................................... 21

4.9.5 Use cases No 2 Login Admin..................................................................................................... 22

4.9.6 Use cases No 3 Login User........................................................................................................ 23

4.9.7 Use cases No 4 Complaints....................................................................................................... 24

4.10 Entity Relation Diagram:............................................................................................................. 25

Chapter 5............................................................................................................................................... 26

5.1 User Interface Design.................................................................................................................... 26

5.2 Admin Login for Interaction of Website..................................................................................... 27

5.3 Registration of user........................................................................................................................28

5.4 User Login....................................................................................................................................... 29

5.5 Feedback of User............................................................................................................................30

5.6 Contact Us....................................................................................................................................... 31

5.7 Complain Form............................................................................................................................... 32

5.8 Data Base Of Complain................................................................................................................. 33

5.9 Database of Admin........................................................................................................................ 34

5.10 Database of User.......................................................................................................................... 35

5.11 Database of Category.................................................................................................................. 36

5.12 Database of Registration............................................................................................................ 37

Chapter 6............................................................................................................................................... 38

6.1 Testing............................................................................................................................................. 38

6.1.1 Testing Techniques................................................................................................................. 38

6.1.2 Black Box Testing.................................................................................................................... 38

6.1.3 White Box Testing................................................................................................................... 38

6.1.4 Grey Box Testing..................................................................................................................... 39

6.1.5 Unit Testing.............................................................................................................................. 39

6.1.6 Integration testing.................................................................................................................. 39

6.1.7 Verification Testing................................................................................................................. 39

6.1.8 Validation Testing................................................................................................................... 39

6.1.9 Acceptance testing..................................................................................................................40

Chapter7................................................................................................................................................ 41

Conclusion and Recommendation..................................................................................................... 41

7.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 41

References............................................................................................................................................. 42

Chapter No 1

1 Introduction
The Computer’s widespread use in developed and developing countries has invented a new
revolution in information and communication technology. This revolution is known as the
digital revolution. The digital revolution has improved daily lifestyle for people all around the
world, especially those who live in developing countries. This government was originally
produced as an online government toolkit for Inter news and was peer reviewed. Complain
services refer to initial services that resident of a city except the city government to provide in
exchanging for these taxes which citizen pay. Basic city services may include road damage,
sewerage system, streetlight issues. It can automate, Change, and provide new
can deal with process, with information, and with people.

E-government is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve

the activities of the public area organization. E-Government as a tool for enabling,
enhancing and accelerating interaction with citizens, increasing effectiveness and
efficiency in the delivery of government services, and improving transparency and
Complain Management System provides the basic services related to road problems of the
public. If citizen is worries about any road problems then they can complain through
different websites of the provides the native business satisfaction and
confidence with public services. Government can be described as a refined system that
connects the government with business, citizens, and other stakeholders using computers
and the internet to accomplish desired objectives and benefits. This website presents
guidelines for preparing maintenance plans for open storm water drainage, street lights,
road damage etc.

1.1 Problem of the present system

 The present system has the lot of problem:
 The entire database is maintained manually which is error prone.
 It cannot provide online facilities.
 Lot of money spend on dues of travel.

 Public face many problem for the access of government for basic facilities.
 The online web based system facilitate the public that they can send their complain
through online filling the form.
 In this way they save their time and money.

1.2 Present System

In the present system of Complain Management System no any struggle for the advancement
of system. All jobs are done manually. A whole record is stored in the paper based system.
The current system perform the following task:

 Services Allocation

Services Allocation for the public

 Services Availability

Services request form

 Services management

Admin manage the record of services

 Public Complains

Public can send their complains through filling the forms

1.2.1 Component of Present System:

Complain Management System provide the basic services for the public.

1.2.2 Services allocation for the public

In Complain Management System government provide the basic Services for the every
citizen in Jhang.These services according to the road problem in these road problem include
the road damage, streetlight issue, and sewerage problem etc. Public can interact with this
website through filling the form and for filling the form user is necessary to registered in
website. This form contain following information

 First Name

 Second Name
 Email
 Password
 Phone
 City Council
 City
 Address

For the public is necessary to login when user is registered then system assign the unique
password of every user.

The login form contain the following information

 User Name
 Password

1.3 Services request Form

For the services availability government hire the Admin which manage the services admin
check the public problem. User send their Complains through filling the form these form store
in database admin receive these form and try take action against these form.

In this form following information is include

 Select Category
 Select Sub Category
 Title
 Description
 Complain Priority
 Image

1.3.1 Services Management by the Admin
Admin manage all the services, those complain which arise by the user they send their request
through filling the form and these form send to the Admin. Admin check these forms and then
try to fulfill these complains. Admin can add, update, and delete the user record and try to
facilitate the users.

1.3.2 Send Online Complains

If any problem arise then user can send their Complains through filling online form and then
assign the Complains no by the user.And time duration is define in which try to solve the

1.4 Purpose of Application

The main object of this application is to make the performance of certain tasks much faster
than human. This also means that these tasks can be done specially by the system release up
those involved to perform more important tasks:

Following are the objectives of the proposed system:

 To create online form submitting system.
 To store the information of the public and manage them.
 To retrieve the information when required.
 To manage and give information regarding road problem.
 To help user to send their Complains in quick way.
 The proposed system will also provide security.
 To develop a web application.
 Our authorized user can access the system.

1.5 Scope
This application can only be used by the user and admin of Complain Management System.
The database can be used by the admin in order to add, update, and delete the information of
road problem. However, the admin can do changes and can only view their record. This
application can be used by multiple user at a time.

This project is design only one city. And this city can facilitate these services through online
form filling.

1.6 Definitions, and Abbreviations

 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): it is used to create static web page.
 PHP (Personal Home Page) Hypertext Preprocessor, which is a recursive acronym.
 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): it is a transaction oriented client/server
protocol between a web browser and a web server.
1.7 Project Functionality
 Admin must be able to maintain all the record related the website.
 Admin must be able to add edit and delete the record of user.
 Enable the public to know any online information about its services.
 Enable the user to register themselves directly through the website.

1.8 Product Perspective

 Admin Interface
 Student interface
1.9 Product Perspective
 Admin Interface
 User Interface
1.10 Dependencies
 All necessary hardware and software are available for implementing and use of the
 End user should have basic knowledge of computer are we also assure that the user
will be given software training documentation and reference material.
 The proposed system would be designed, developed and implemented based on the
software requirements specifications document.

1.11 Drawbacks of Existing System

The present system of Complain Management System is completely manual. Many problems
were identified during the interaction between government and public. Current system contain
following drawbacks:

1.11.1 Problem of Updating:
In the existing system since everything is stored in the paper based form. Various changes in
information like user complain about any service is difficult to make because paper work is

1.11.2 Time and Retrieval Problem:

The information is very difficult to retrieve and find particular information like to find out
about the road problem the user has to go through various register. That is too much time

1.11.3 Storage Problem:

The information generated by various transaction in different registers take more place to
store it.

1.11.4 Error Prone Manual Calculation:

Manual calculation are error prone this may result incorrect information.

1.11.5 Preparation of Accurate place:

This becomes a difficult task as correct information is difficult to collect from various

1.11.6 Not Portable:

It is difficult to carry information from one place to another place.

Chapter 2

System Architecture
2.1 System Architecture
The system architecture must fulfill the user requirement. The architecture of the system
design in this way in which the user can easily use and understand all the actions in easy way.
If the interface of the system is complex then user feel hesitation to use the system and
understand the different functionality of system.

2.2 Functional Requirement

 Specifying the client /user apply online complains.
 Contain information about the Complains where problem location.
 The system should include entering, modifying and managing user contact detail.
 Information about received detail are maintained properly and continuously.
 Overall the system is be reliable efficient and safe.
 All information regarding the performance analysis/reporting can be accessed and show
on the screen with in 2 or 3 second after submitting the input data.
 When the user enters the wrong data the system will display a message and would not
allow the control.

2.3 Nonfunctional Requirement

2.3.1 Security
User cannot interact with website whenever it’s not give the correct password

2.3.2 Performance
Its response time is efficient so its performance is good

2.3.3 Throughput
Different user can user this website at the same time

2.3.4 Accuracy
Not unauthorized user can interact so the data of this website is always accurate and every
person can believe of the information of this data

2.4 Architectural Diagram

2.5 Admin
Admin manage All the Complain of Complain Management System. Admin receive the
Complains of public manage these complains and those complains which is necessary to take
quick action. Admin can check the performance of employ and higher the new employ.
Admin can update, Add, or delete the user record.

2.6 Public
Public send their Complains through online form-filling. It is essay and quick way to send
their Complain to E-government. In this way government and public can interact with each
other. In this website all the reactions perform by the admin. All the complains which send by

the user admin check it and assign the number of these complains and perform actions on this
complains according to these number

2.7 Road Damage

The road structure of Pakistan cities is not very well. In small cities the condition of roads is
so bad. Public face many problem due to this problem. No any direct way in which the user
and government can interact each other and user define its problem, so for this we design a
website through this website user can send their problem according to road problem. Admin
mange this website. This website is design for only Jhang and the public of Jhang can use this
website and send their Complains. .We want to make safe, comfortable, and active
conveyance for the public. Those systems which we design it provides online services of
public and prevent of different hurdles. By putting government online services reduce the
administration problem and enhance the quality of services.

2.8 Waste Water Treatment

In waste water treatment module mange the record of waste water. Waste water spread
everywhere on the road so its treatment is necessary. The user can send their Complain about
the waste water treatment through filling the form.

2.9 Street Light problem

Street light is also the biggest problem of our city. Due to the absence of road lights the ratio
of accident increase day by day, so to overcome of this problem is necessary. Before this
system nor any committee which tries to resolve this problem. In this website the form of
street light is also properly manage user can send their problem according to streetlight
through filling the form.

Chapter No 3

General Description
3 General Description
The online Complain Management System facilitate the public to send their Complain
relevant to road problem to the government. This project is design for only one city the people
of this city send their Complains through online form filling. Every service have a separate
form relevant to their service user fill the form according to their problem. Admin check these
complains and response the user that take action in few days of his request.

 Admin can easily check the request.
 User and admin check the all record according to services.

3.1 Modules
 Admin
 User

3.2 Proposed System

The Complain Management System is designed for Jhang to replace their existing manual,
paper based system. The new system design to control road problems like streetlight, road
damage, Sewerage system etc. These services are to be provided in an efficient, cost effective
manner, with the goal of reducing time and resources currently required to perform these jobs.

Our project Complain Management System is developed for the automation of public record
and the admin record etc. This system well be very helpful where the management of the
services is difficult how to manage the system of transport especially where the team is
working manually.

The purpose system will be easy to use. High security features, accuracy, efficiency, and
minimizing the work load are the main goal of the proposed system. The data is easily

retrieved and used any time because all data is resided at one place. The proposed system
eliminate the drawback of the existing of the existing manual system. The proposed system
provide the facilities to keeping record of transport department in computerized form to
eliminate the paper work and saving time by making urgent report on time. All of the
information of services is managed an efficiently and reduce the work cost. It aims at
standardizing data, ensuring data integrity and reducing inconsistency of data.

3.3 System Overview

Due to the all drawback of the current manual system and the facilities or advantage of using a
computerized system we analyze the requirement of public we want create a computerized
system using high level language

Overview of the proposed system shows the functionality of system. The proposed system
using the following modules that will provide complete description of the system.

1) Streetlight

 Traffic signal
 Led traffic signal
 Signal generator
 Traffic lights
2) Road damage
 Narrow roads
 Jump breaker
 Road safety instruction
 Zebra crossing
3) Sewerage Problem
 Waste water removal
 24hour water removal
 Emergency Sewerage
4) Admin manage all these records
 Update, Add, Delete the record

3.3.1 Street Light Problem
In streetlight module mange record of all the streets of the city. Absence of the street lights on
the roads or the streets cause an accident and due to this problem public face many problem.
So in this website manage the form related to streetlight user fill the form according to their
problem and send the form to the admin. Admin check this complain and take and immediate

3.3.2 Traffic Signal

In this module try to manage the traffic signal. All the traffic arrange appropriate signals.
Sometime these signal prevent a dangerous incident. Strictly, inform all the drivers to manage
the traffic signal of their vehicle.

3.3.3 Led Traffic Signal

In this module functionality of led traffic signal are also include because it is also the
necessary part of vehicle and provide the safety journey.

3.3.4 Signal Generator

Signal generator is another module of this project. Signals are generate on each road of city.
Strictly order for every person that follow of these signal. It’s the biggest problem of our city
that public no any attention of signal generator. That way people face many problem. All the
biggest city are enjoy these facilities but our city are deprived of this facility so, public can
send their Complain for signal generator through online form filling.

3.3.5 Traffic Lights

Traffic light module maintain the traffic light record. Proper traffic lights is also necessary to
prevent the accident. All the drivers who drive their vehicle on the roads they maintain their
traffic lights. Those systems which we design it provides online services of public and prevent
of different hurdles.

3.3.6 Road Damage

Road damage module save the information about the damage roads. Unfortunately, the
condition of our roads is not a very well. The ratio of accident increase day by day due to the

bad condition of roads, we want to make safe, comfortable, and active conveyance for the
public. Those systems which we design it provides online services of public and prevent of
different hurdles. It provide the public safe journey.

3.3.7 Narrow Roads

Another module is narrow roads which save the information about the narrow roads. Narrow
roads is another problem of our city. People can send their problem through online form
filling and send the request of government take immediate action on this problem.

3.3.8 Jump breaker

Jump breaker module save the information about the jump breaker. Some people rashly drive
and cause the accident. So the people can send their request to build the jump breaker on the
roads. In this way we can provide safe, comfortable, and active conveyance of the public.

3.3.9 Road Safety Instruction

Road safety instruction is another module. In this module provide the instruction for the
public. If people follow these instruction they can improve their lifestyle and. it can deal with
process, with information, and with people.

3.3.10 Sewerage Problem

Sewerage problem is another module. Dirty water is spread everywhere on the roads and the
roads is damage of many spots due to this water. Passenger face many problem. The ratio of
accident increase day by day due to the bad condition of Sewerage system, so we design a
website in which user can send their problem and government take action on this problem.

3.3.11 Waste Water Treatment

In waste water treatment module mange the record of waste water. Waste water spread
everywhere on the road so its treatment is necessary. So, the user can send the Complain
about the waste water treatment through filling the form.

3.3.12 24 Hour Water Removal

24hour water removal module have the information about the road water removal. Quick
services is immediately available for a water removal, if public face any problem then it can

send their Complains through online form filling. The data is save in database according to

3.3.13 Emergency Sewerage

Emergency Sewerage is also module of this project. Emergency Sewerage is also available for
emergency problem.

3.4 Add, Update, and Delete the Record

It’s the module of this project. Admin can Add, Update, or Delete the record of user. Admin
can check all the record of user and take quickly reaction against the Complains. All the
record of add, update, and delete record save in database, Admin can retrieve the data
according to own will.

Chapter 4

Goals of Proposed System

4.1 Planned towards working
The working in the organization will be well planned and organized. The data will be stored properly
in data stores, which will help in retrieval of information as well as its storage.

4.2 Accuracy
The level of accuracy of in proposed system will be higher. All operation would be done correctly and
it ensures whatever information is coming from center is accurate.

4.3 Reliability
The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to above stated reasons. The reason for the
inversed reliability of the system is that now there would be proper storage of information.

4.4 No Redundancy
In the purposed system utmost care would be that no information is repeated in anywhere in storage or
otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage space and consistency in data store.

4.5 immediate retrieval of information

The main objective of proposed system is to provide immediate and efficient retrieval of information.
Any type of information would be available whenever user requires.

4.6 immediate storage of information

In manual system there are many problem to store the largest amount of information. The main
objective of proposed system is to provide large storage space for largest amount of information.

4.7 Easy to operate

The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be developed in short period of
time and fit in a limited budget of the user.

4.8 DFD Level 0

4.8.1 DFD Level 1 for Admin

4.9 Activity Diagram:

4.9.1 Use Cases of User

4.9.2 Use Case of Admin

4.9.3 Use Case of Admin and User

4.9.4 Use cases No 1 Sign up

Use case Name Sign up User

Actor Public

Scope Complain Management System

Trigger Must click in sign up Button

Pre-condition User must Sign up

post condition After sign up user can interact with website

Basic path Open system->then open the website of Complain Management System
->then sign up

Alternative path N/A

Sequence Diagram

4.9.5 Use Cases No 2 Login Admin
Use case Name Login Admin

Actor Admin

Scope Complain Management System

Trigger Must click in Login Button

Pre-condition Admin must Login

post condition Admin login and user id and password must store in database

Basic path Open system->then open the website of complain management system
->then login

Alternative path N/A

Sequence Diagram

4.9.6 Use Cases No 3 Login User
Use case Name Login User

Actor User

Scope Complain Management System

Trigger Must click in Login Button

Pre-condition User must Login

post condition User login and user id and password must store in database

Basic path Open system->then open the website of complain management system
->then login

Alternative path N/A

Sequence Diagram

4.9.7 Use Cases No 4 Complaints

Use case Name Complaints

Actor User

Scope Complain Management System

Trigger Must click in create Complain Button

Pre-condition create Complain Form must in website

post condition User can store the complains in database through the form

Basic path Open system->then open the website of complain management system
->then open the create Complain Form ->then form fill and connect
with database

Alternative path N/A

Sequence Diagram

4.10 Entity Relation Diagram

Chapter 5
User Interface Design
5.1 User Interface Design

Figure 1


Its interface of website which provide the interaction between user and system. Home page
consist all the information related to website. User send their Complain through this website
after login. Admin can check update, and delete, and insert the user record.

5.2 Admin Login for Interaction of Website


Admin can interact with the website and perform different functionality of Update, delete, and
check the user after login.

5.3 Registration of User


User registered through the website he can send their Complains through the form-filling.
Admin check these complains and perform immediate action.

5.4 User Login


User after Login the website he can send their Complains through the form-filling. Admin
check these complains and perform immediate action.

5.5 Feedback of User


User give the feedback according to their Complain. If Admin perform any action according
to their Complain then user identity the action of government.

5.6 Contact Us


User can contact with the admin through the contact us form. User can identify the current
condition of problem send all description related to problem.

5.7 Complain Form


If user face the Complain Form then user fill the form of road damage and etc.

5.8 Data Base Of Complain


After user do the complain. The Complain are store in the Database.

5.9 Database of Admin


Admin email and password save in the admin database.

5.10 Database of User


All user Information is save in the users database user name, password etc.

5.11 Database of Category


Category of database save the category of complain.

5.12 Database of Registration


User Registration information is save in user table.

Chapter 6
6.1 Testing
Software Testing is like an investigation conducted to check the quality and efficiency of the
product under test. Software test can help to understand the risks and can also provide and
independent view of the business to appreciate the implementation of the software. Testing is
being done by executing the program to find the error, bugs and other defects in the program.
Testing can also be called the process of validation and verification of the product that either
the product meets the customer’s requirements or not and either it work as expected and
satisfy the stockholders or not. Mostly testing is applied when all the requirements are
specified and define and the coding phase of the program is completed. Different testing
techniques are applied.

6.1.1 Testing Techniques:

As we are using prototype model. So we will apply regression testing and here are some other
techniques testing technique of testing that are as follow

6.1.2 Black Box Testing

The technique of testing without having knowledge of the interior working of the application
is Black box testing. The tester is oblivious to the system architecture and does not have
access to the source code. Typically, when performing a black box test, a tester will interact
with the system user interface by providing input and examining output without knowing how
and where the input are worked upon.

6.1.3 White Box Testing

White box testing is the detailed investigation of internal logic and structure of the code.
White box testing is also called glass testing and open box testing. In order to perform white
box testing on an application, the tester needs to possess knowledge of the internal working of
the code. The tester needs to have a look inside the source code and find out which unit/chunk
of the code is behaving inappropriately.

6.1.4 Grey Box Testing
Grey box testing is a technique to test the application with limited knowledge of the internal
working of an application. In software testing, the term the more you know the better carries a
lot of weight when testing an application.

Mastering the domain of a system always gives the tester an edge over someone with limited
domain knowledge. Unlike black box testing ,where the tester only test the applications user
interface, in grey box testing, the tester has access to design documents and database. Having
this knowledge, the tester is able to better prepare test data and test scenarios when making the
test plan.

6.1.5 Unit Testing

This testing is applied on individual modules or component of the software. Typically, this
testing is not done by the tester, this is done by the programmer because this testing requires
the detailed knowledge about the internal design and code of the program.

6.1.6 Integration testing

Testing of integrated modules to verity combined functionality after integrating. Modules are
typically code modules, individual application, client and server application on a network, etc.
This type of testing is especially relevant to client/server and distributed systems.

6.1.7Verification Testing
Verification testing is applied to check that either the intended goals is achieving correctly or
not. For example if the user wants to submit button and some data is missing in textboxes in
login form then system will show a message of warning “Please enter password” for alert the

6.1.8 Validation Testing

To check the functionality and correct input of the program, validation testing can also be
applied. Different validation check are used for this purpose. If some wrong input is given and
the program generates some error relevant to this input, then Validation Testing is Successful.
Validation checks are used on individual modules.

6.1.9 Acceptance testing
In acceptance testing, it is checked that whether the software is complete or not. It is checked that
it is able to be accepted or not or it is ready to be exported or not.

Chapter 7

Conclusion and Recommendation

7.1 Conclusion
We started our project to give the solution. There are exist in Jhang and resident of Jhang a lot.
So that reason we design and develop online web based Complain Management System Title
As “Complain Management System for Jhang City”.

According to Scope of Our Project Currently this system has two models. One for Admin and
One for User. It is dynamic and user friendly website. In future different modules can be


 Tasleem Mustafa “Data Base Management System” IT series.

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